Author Topic: "A black sheriff?!": The Official Topic of Obama and New Era American Politics  (Read 1878196 times)

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Eric P

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finally!  some hypocrisy we can nail those right wingers with!


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O lawd, the wsj is on a roll

The myth that the stock-market collapse was due to a failure of Friedman's principles could hardly be more easily refuted. No one was more critical of the Bush spending and debt binge than Friedman. The massive run up in money and easy credit that facilitated the housing and credit bubbles was precisely the foolishness that Friedman spent a lifetime warning against. :teehee

Friedman was so opposed to Bush that he signed a letter slamming Kerry's policy positions during the 2004 campaign.  Way to go, Miltie!

Eh, waddya expect.  It's Stephen Moore from the Club For Growth.  The only thing he brings to the table is complete metaphysical certainty that taxes r bad.


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Newt Gingrich visits Auschwitz, makes snarky political jabs on Twitter.

Quote from: Gingrich
Auschwitz is a horrifying experience which reminded me of thee vil of kim jong I’ll and dangers of al qaeda hamas and hezbollah

Quote from: Gingrich
Auschwitz is also a reminder that evil men often do what they threaten. An iranian nuclear bomb could lead to a second holocaust

Quote from: Josh Daws
@newtgingrich Silly Newt. Don’t you know that by talking to them they’ll put down their weapons and participate in giant group hug.

Quote from: Gingrich
@JoshDaws I knew you would understand. Chamberlain tried the group hug with hitler and it didn’t work

Further evidence towards my theory that Newt Gingrich is inferior to Stephen Fry.

Phoenix Dark

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He's been going at it in overtime lately.


  • i am terrified by skellybones
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At least he sounds more intelligent than the Sotomayor twitter.


Phoenix Dark

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Gingrich warns that all of American civilization is at stake here. "If Civil War, suffrage, and Civil Rights are to mean anything, we cannot accept that conclusion," he writes. "It is simply un-American. There is no room on the bench of the United States Supreme Court for this worldview."


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At this point, the GOP is basically a party of white men demanding reparations.


  • you might think that; I couldn't possibly comment
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Quote from: WSJ
Maybe they'll bolt. Maybe the car culture will revert to where it began, when the whiskey runners in the South ran from the revenuers. This time the cars themselves will be bootlegged -- fat, fast and gas-powered -- racing through the night on off-map roads while the National Green Corps -- enacted by Congress in the second Obama term -- looks for them from ethanolic choppers overhead. Reborn to run.

omg that is awesome, does he have a movie deal yet


  • Nylonhilist
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I think the writer's actually sort of serious.


  • captain of my capsized ship
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Gingrich has went from born-again moderate to firebomb-throwing party whip again. I don't understand his angle.

Human Snorenado

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Gingrich has went from born-again moderate to firebomb-throwing party whip again. I don't understand his angle.

Trying to curry favor with the party's base for a primary run in 2012 so he can get the shit kicked out of him by Obama?  It's fairly obvious.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Who's to say he'll run. I dunno what the hell he's doing, nor can I imagine him thinking his line(s) of attack are working or effective.



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he seems to care about appearing on tv that is about it. it seems like he'll appear on ANYTHING. He seems to be one at least half a dozen cable news shows across all the channels every day.


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Gingrich is what we thought he was. You want to crown his ass, go ahead.
« Reply #4213 on: June 01, 2009, 12:07:33 AM »
Gingrich has went from born-again moderate to firebomb-throwing party whip again. I don't understand his angle.

When was this?  AFAIK he's always been a full-spectrum conservative.  Cultural, (gays, abortion, ceremonial deism), economic (tax cuts tax cuts tax cuts privatization tax cuts), and defense (World War III against Islam, no negotiations), the whole shebang.

He paid a little lip service to the idea of technocratic bipartisanship.  And he's always thought of himself as a solutions guy (laptops for students!  high-tech air traffic control!).  But he's always been pretty far to the right and has always been comfortable trying to bludgeon liberals with bog standard conservative wedge issues.

He's just a bit louder now than at certain other points in his career.

Damn, Gingrich is awesome. I need to follow his Twitter more closely.

I would add you to the list too but I'm sure your mom didn't have to sleep with too many red necks to get you through Alvin community barber college.

No, unlike you, parasite, I took out loans to go to college which I then paid back by doing WORK.  Now that I'm going back this fall I will be paying for it all with money that I saved up by doing WORK.  The only help either of my parents ever gave me other than a little bit of cash on birthdays or Christmas was a car my dad helped me buy about ten years ago... that I paid him back in full for.
What a crybaby.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Recruiting and managing a team of rivals would not be easy, and Clinton came with her own set of issues. Chief among them was her campaign debt, which she wanted eliminated before she took the job of secretary of state. Would the president-elect go out and help her to do so? "I'm not begging her to take this job," Obama told his senior aides. "If she wants it, I could help. But I'm not willing to go out in these difficult economic times to do a flashy fundraiser in California." As it happened, plenty of people in the Senate were begging Obama to offer Clinton the job. Obama's aides believed that many Senate Democrats thought Clinton had extended her presidential campaign far beyond the point where she had lost the election. Her negative advertising wasted Democratic money, threatened to undermine the party's nominee, and suggested that she was disloyal to the party. They were unwilling to offer the junior New York senator a position ahead of her lowly rank, and she stood little chance of becoming majority leader. "There was a lot of encouragement from inside the Senate to get her into this job," said one senior Obama aide. "They wanted her out of there." ...


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So I found out my atheist, pro choice, pro gay marriage, pro stem cell research, working class roomate voted for McCain during the election. Why? Cause Obama lied about his birth certificate, has a messiah complex and is going to lead the country down the path of communism.

It's like he was being blackmailed by Bill O'reily.  :'(
« Last Edit: June 01, 2009, 08:20:42 PM by Oblivion »

Eric P

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ask him why he let bill down by not killing tillman.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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What baby is able to lie on his/her birth certificate? That's definitely more impressive than saying your first word


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His mother obviously lied on his birth certificate. I mean she was a atheist don't forget.


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Pajamas TV trainwreck.  Includes the accusation that Sotomayor "litigates from the bench".

To steal from the blog that linked to this, it's like watching a tweaker trying to place an order at Sonic. .

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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I thought that site was fake initially. Hmm, actually I'm still not sure

edit: "conservative" has been a bad word? what? conservative movement spreading far and wide? what
« Last Edit: June 02, 2009, 04:03:15 AM by Phoenix Dark »


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Pajamas Media has been around for a few years.  It was founded by Roger L. Simon, a former screenwriter who turned insane after 9/11, and Charles Johnson who runs Little Green Footballs (one of the original big political blogs, which had a scary racist comments section).

They had a dumb business non-model straight out of the internet stock boom.  Originally it was a network of blogs (kinda sorta rightwing Huffpo) but Simon abruptly announced that they were bleeding money and would be switching to an online TV format.  Hilarious internal sniping and schadenfreude ensued.

I think the best part of that segment is their organization's name.  Smart Girl Politics indeed.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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They have that space ace attorney, Glenn Reynolds.  One of the many, "I'm a republican libertarian."  Bizarrely argued for the Bush-Cheney executive supremacy interpretation of the constitution.  Reynolds made a name for himself by attempting to develop space law.  No joke.  Laurence Tribe would laugh at his stupid ass if he even knew who the corpo-lolbertarian was. 

Phoenix Dark

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  • Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside.
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Short story:
Black men hate marriage
Take your wife to the local bar, not a Broadway show. It's too extravagant for for black people.



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I bet sd had a hard-on reading this. Chavez calling Obama a "comrade" and left-wing. lololoooool

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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linked article

Drudge has been going absolutely insane lately. And I love the new meme that Obama "hid" his Muslim roots during the election, but now is flaunting them as he woos Muslims in the middle east. Seems the right is more upset with Obama's alleged election dishonesty than the intolerance in this country that made it hard to even discuss the issue.


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Obama wooed hispanics, does that mean he is hiding a secret mexican background as well?

Human Snorenado

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He wooed and got a lot of Republicans to vote for him, too.  I guess he might have secret Republican roots we haven't heard about yet, which honestly might be more harmful to him these days.


  • The Walking Dead

linked article

Drudge has been going absolutely insane lately. And I love the new meme that Obama "hid" his Muslim roots during the election, but now is flaunting them as he woos Muslims in the middle east. Seems the right is more upset with Obama's alleged election dishonesty than the intolerance in this country that made it hard to even discuss the issue.

Remember when calling him Barack Hussien Obama made little liberals get their panties all wadded up?

Dickie Dee

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linked article

Drudge has been going absolutely insane lately. And I love the new meme that Obama "hid" his Muslim roots during the election, but now is flaunting them as he woos Muslims in the middle east. Seems the right is more upset with Obama's alleged election dishonesty than the intolerance in this country that made it hard to even discuss the issue.

Remember when calling him Barack Hussien Obama made little liberals get their panties all wadded up?

Because you fucks pronounced Hussein (spell it right, 'tard) with a sneer

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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linked article

Drudge has been going absolutely insane lately. And I love the new meme that Obama "hid" his Muslim roots during the election, but now is flaunting them as he woos Muslims in the middle east. Seems the right is more upset with Obama's alleged election dishonesty than the intolerance in this country that made it hard to even discuss the issue.

Remember when calling him Barack Hussien Obama made little liberals get their panties all wadded up?

Yeah because it was used as a sneer, to scare people. Which was pathetic and still is


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The spirit of Edward R. Murrow, indeed
« Reply #4235 on: June 03, 2009, 05:15:59 PM »
Shorter Tapper:  "During the campaign, Obama said he's Christian.  But now that he's won, he says he's met a lot of Muslim people.  Wotta hypocrite!"

Dickie Dee

  • It's not the band I hate, it's their fans.
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It reminds me of that AP (?) story from last week about Stoyomayor about how hypocritical her supporters were for focusing on her tough upbringing while not focusing on how she's now living large with a $200,000 salary and living in an NYC apartment within walking distance of people with million-dollar homes (no mention of what her apt. is like), and her brother hates poor people or something. The story was equal parts "wotta hyprocrite" and "wotta uppity bitch".

Eric P

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congrats to new homoshire

N.H. Legislature Approves Gay Marriage

Article Tools Sponsored By
Published: June 3, 2009

Filed at 4:45 p.m. ET

CONCORD, N.H. (AP) -- New Hampshire legislators approved a measure Wednesday that would make the state the sixth to allow gay marriage, and Gov. John Lynch said he would sign it later in the afternoon.

He had promised a veto if the law didn't clearly spell out that churches and religious groups would not be forced to officiate at gay marriages or provide other services.

The Senate passed the measure Wednesday, and the House -- where the outcome was more in doubt -- followed later in the day. The House gallery erupted in cheers after the 198-176 vote.

''If you have no choice as to your sex, male or female; if you have no choice as to your color; if you have no choice as to your sexual orientation; then you have to be protected and given the same opportunity for life, liberty and happiness,'' Rep. Anthony DiFruscia, R-Windham, said during the hourlong debate.

New Hampshire's law takes effect Jan. 1. Massachusetts, Connecticut, Maine, Vermont and Iowa already allow gay marriage, though Maine opponents hope to overturn that state's law with a public vote.

California briefly allowed gay marriage before a public vote banned it; a court ruling grandfathered in couples who were already married.

New Hampshire opponents, mainly Republicans, objected on grounds including the fragmented process that required three bills.

''It is no surprise that the Legislature finally passed the last piece to the gay marriage bill today. After all, when you take 12 votes on five iterations of the same issue, you're bound to get it passed sooner or later,'' said Kevin Smith, executive director of gay marriage opponent Cornerstone Policy Research.

Lynch, a Democrat, personally opposes gay marriage but decided to view the issue ''through a broader lens.''

Lynch said he would veto gay marriage if the law didn't address churches and religious groups.

The revised bill added a sentence specifying that all religious organizations, associations or societies have exclusive control over their religious doctrines, policies, teachings and beliefs on marriage.

It also clarified that church-related organizations that serve charitable or educational purposes are exempt from having to provide insurance and other benefits to same sex spouses of employees. The earlier version said ''charitable and educational'' instead of ''charitable or educational.''

The House rejected the language Lynch suggested two weeks ago by two votes. Wednesday's vote was on a revised bill negotiated with the Senate.

The vote was supporters' last chance this year in New Hampshire.

Eric P

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totally understandable though.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Oh definitely. But the image of Bush calling up Condi is funny; I wonder what she thought about the situation

Eric P

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Oh definitely. But the image of Bush calling up Condi is funny; I wonder what she thought about the situation

"fucking cracker ass motherfucker"

Dickie Dee

  • It's not the band I hate, it's their fans.
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That's my Bush!


  • "Hero" isn't the right word, but its the first word that comes to mind
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  • Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside.
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This was on the front page of my paper today.

Secret Muslin indeed
« Last Edit: June 04, 2009, 11:21:29 AM by Zero Hero »


  • "Hero" isn't the right word, but its the first word that comes to mind
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Henninger wackiness

Quote from: WSJ
In the spirit of the new age, General Motors, like Citigroup and AIG, will be kept alive in an industrial coma. One has to ask: Is this where the entire country is headed? Since January, it looks like it is.

So far Mr. Obama has used his personally exciting presidency for initiatives that are spending public money on a scale not seen since ancient Egypt. Besides Obama Motors ($60 billion to $100 billion), there is Obama-Care for health insurance ($1.2 trillion over 10 years), the stimulus ($800 billion), a global-warming offensive called cap and trade that hopes to siphon hundreds of billions of dollars from the economy, and a fiscal year 2010 budget of $3.59 trillion. Out of these mists of federal "investment" they promise five million "green collar jobs." Only public-sector lifers could believe, or assert, anything so fantastic.

All this is the Obama government's idea of innovation. It is all public sector because all any of them know is public sector.

Without exception, the Obama people with responsibility for the private economy come from a lifetime in politics, public administration or academia.

Besides Mr. Obama himself, the list includes Tim Geithner, Larry Summers, Peter Orszag, EPA's Lisa Jackson (16 years with EPA), Commerce's Gary Locke (zero private experience), or Transportation's Ray LaHood (14 years in the House). The bio for Agriculture's Tom Vilsack says he "has served in the public sector at nearly every level of government." How can the private sector -- especially the world of risk capital, sweat equity and start-ups -- be anything but an abstraction for this group?

ObamaCare. How will a build-out of Medicare (b. 1965) to cover everyone and costing $1.2 trillion over 10 years not kill innovation in medical and health technology by siphoning away growth capital and its potential financial rewards?

Congress is talking about a "bad behavior" tax on beer and soda pop to reduce obesity and fund mega-Medicare. How about a bad-behavior tax on government? Slim as the president looks, Uncle Sam is looking like quite the fat boy.

:piss academia
:piss public service
:piss Keynes

Eric P

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  • Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside.
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Phoenix Dark

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Eric P

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make sure you read the comments!

Barry Egan

  • The neurotic is nailed to the cross of his fiction.
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make sure you read the comments!

you are a heartless bastard

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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make sure you read the comments!

looks like the yuppies were out in full force today. I'll wait for an article about something that irks them!

Eric P

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Phoenix Dark

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Half way through the speech. Looking over the criticism on the right...pretty pathetic. I hear no apologies or Israel bashing here - he's lecturing all sides while defending the US' defense of itself. This isn't a limp wrist address


Speaking in Indonesia would be “almost like cheating."

Would've had “home ground” advantage but did not want that.
:drude :drudge :drudge
« Last Edit: June 04, 2009, 03:02:29 PM by Phoenix Dark »

Eric P

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grats on thirty-three thousand posts


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Bush :bow  :lol

king of the hill has taught me that texans make special note of other whites articulating their words when a good old howdy will do i tell you what


  • Banana Grabber
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grats on thirty-three thousand posts

Eric P

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Dickie Dee

  • It's not the band I hate, it's their fans.
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(Image removed from quote.)


Explain wtf you're talking about, and perhaps a hint about how you're wrong. k thanks