Author Topic: "A black sheriff?!": The Official Topic of Obama and New Era American Politics  (Read 1886486 times)

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Dickie Dee

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Stupid people exist all over the world. We shouldn't pretend that Isreal is somehow exempt from this condition.

I think the problem is that even though Jews are probably the most reliably liberal segment of society, even regarding Israel, this overwhelming majority of American-Jews and Israelis seemed cowed into being a silent majority, letting only the worst to have a voice.
« Last Edit: June 10, 2009, 08:37:49 PM by Mamacint »

Dickie Dee

  • It's not the band I hate, it's their fans.
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Contessa Brewer versus John Ziegler over David Letterman

rolls eyes

Thinking Letterman is part of a liberal conspiracy just shows an unhinged detachment from reality that I do hope continues.

He's pretty "small C" conservative, and just cranky with a high-level BS detector. Him setting Palin in his sites is unsurprising.

Stoney Mason

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Stupid people exist all over the world. We shouldn't pretend that Isreal is somehow exempt from this condition.

I think the problem is that even though Jews are probably the most reliably liberal segment of society, even regarding Israel, and the Israel are a minority, this overwhelming majority of American-Jews and Israelis seemed cowed into being a silent majority, letting only the worst to have a voice.

The problem is somewhat touched upon by this cartoon.

Israel enjoys a very close relationship with the United States for many reasons. Most of them quite good and benign. Unfortunately that relationship has been somewhat perverted for a number of reasons so that any actual criticism of our foreign policy related to the middle east or Israel that could be construed as the slightest bit critical of Israel in any way shape or form is verboten.
« Last Edit: June 10, 2009, 08:38:37 PM by Stoney Mason »


  • Nylonhilist
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Make Israel and Palestine into one country.

With the name as Israel and the Star of David still on the flag.

It'll actually be a Muslim majority in the country though and then EVERYBODY would be pissed off.  Perfect compromise.


  • i am terrified by skellybones
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Make Israel and Palestine into one country.

With the name as Israel and the Star of David still on the flag.

It'll actually be a Muslim majority in the country though and then EVERYBODY would be pissed off.  Perfect compromise.

Isn't that what Israel was a few years ago. That made Palestinians so upset.


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Someone make a list of all the conservatives who've complained about Letterman's Palin joke, cause those people are not allowed to bitch about political correctness anymore.


  • Nylonhilist
  • Senior Member
Isn't that what Israel was a few years ago. That made Palestinians so upset.
Actually I forgot the real population estimates, it still wouldn't be a Muslim majority but they would be a large minority to the point where politicians couldn't totally appeal to one religious demographic.  In the end, the government in that area couldn't be very "religious" and that probably would reduce the tension.

Stoney Mason

  • So Long and thanks for all the fish
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Someone make a list of all the conservatives who've complained about Letterman's Palin joke, cause those people are not allowed to bitch about political correctness anymore.

Palin has taught conservatives how disgusting and repellent sexism is so now they are crusaders against it!

Never mind two decades of femi-nazi, ugly lesbian, Janet Reno, Hillary Clinton, and Chelsea Clinton looks like a dog jokes.
« Last Edit: June 11, 2009, 02:12:44 AM by Stoney Mason »

Stoney Mason

  • So Long and thanks for all the fish
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Isn't that what Israel was a few years ago. That made Palestinians so upset.
Actually I forgot the real population estimates, it still wouldn't be a Muslim majority but they would be a large minority to the point where politicians couldn't totally appeal to one religious demographic.  In the end, the government in that area couldn't be very "religious" and that probably would reduce the tension.

It wouldn't work. It still won't work especially well when/if ever they get a two state solution but that is at least preferable to the current 60 year powder keg situation they've got going on now.

As far as population projections.

Flannel Boy

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Contessa Brewer versus John Ziegler over David Letterman

rolls eyes

He manages to hold the Hannity expression through the entire interview.


Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Did you guys see Palin's response?
Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin (R) put out a scathing statement blasting David Letterman who joked about her visit to Yankee stadium and said Palin's daughter got "knocked up" by Alex Rodriguez.

Said Palin: "Laughter incited by sexually-perverted comments made by a 62-year-old male celebrity aimed at a 14-year-old girl is not only disgusting, but it reminds us some Hollywood/NY entertainers have a long way to go in understanding what the rest of America understands -- that acceptance of inappropriate sexual comments about an underage girl, who could be anyone's daughter, contributes to the atrociously high rate of sexual exploitation of minors by older men who use and abuse others."

It's interesting that Palin's statement assumes Letterman was referring to the governor's 14-year-old and not her older unmarried daughter who recently gave birth to a son.



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I think this also ends Jonah Golberg's "South Park Republicans" campaign
« Reply #4331 on: June 11, 2009, 03:35:33 AM »
Going by anecdotal evidence, middle-aged Republican men are not opposed at all to sexual comments about teenage girls.

But seriously, folks.  This brand of manufactured outrage is goddamn ubiquitous in American politics, and I bet it's a big reason so many people decide to wash their hands of politics rather than slog through all the crap.

Obama won me over largely because he didn't insult my intelligence with this stuff.

Olivia Wilde Homo

  • Proud Kinkshamer
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Saying politically incorrect things are awesome as long as my side gets to say it.


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I'm not sure if this is pertinent to the conversation at large, but former pro wrestling manager Jim Cornette destroyed a current wrestling announcer who is a right wing nutjob.  It is insane. :nsfw for language

Stoney Mason

  • So Long and thanks for all the fish
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I'm not sure if this is pertinent to the conversation at large, but former pro wrestling manager Jim Cornette destroyed a current wrestling announcer who is a right wing nutjob.  It is insane. :nsfw for language

Just goes to show sometimes the outer wrapper can be surprising. Jim Cornette is an old school southern guy in the wrestling game from Kentucky who I would have guessed as being very conservative before this based on just social conditioning. Joey Styles is from Connecticut and basically was the voice of the ECW, the most extreme wrestling outfit from its heyday.

The background is that Stiles is employed by the WWE and runs a twitter site called WWEJoeyStyles where he twitters such awesome nuggets as

Our marxist president is in the Middle East apologizing for for the USA and snubbing Israel. The disgrace continues.

The (Catholic) University of Notre Dame should be ashamed of themselves for having pro-abortion President Obama speak at their graduation.
« Last Edit: June 11, 2009, 01:25:00 PM by Stoney Mason »


  • "Hero" isn't the right word, but its the first word that comes to mind
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For a rant that was 9+ minutes long, his arguments were actually pretty concise.

My God. The Supreme Court allowed a company to sell its assets to another company. This is one of the darkest days in American history, worse than Pearl Harbor, Antietam, the assassinations of JFK, MLK, and Lincoln, and 9/11. Obama.... why did you allow this to happen, you insidious Negro.

Yes, its all because Obama's black. Nevermind the fact that this deal has destroyed 150 years of established contract law by subjugating secured creditors to unsecured creditors through the use threats by the President of the United States. As an added bonus, he may have even violated the 5th amendment.

Kinda makes you want to go out tomorrow and load up on corporate bonds doesn't it?

lol, unless the DE Court of Chancery recently fell off the map ain't shit changed.  And a conservative mentioning the 5th Amendment... :wag.

:american:obama :american


  • Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside.
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Guy from Ayn rand institute basically saying Von Brunn was lefty liberal.
 :dizzy :usacry
« Last Edit: June 11, 2009, 05:45:17 PM by Zero Hero »


  • i am terrified by skellybones
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How is he leftist? I don't get this.

Does thinking Obama isn't an american citizen because of OMGZ BIRTH CERTIFICATE and hates blacks = leftist?


  • i am terrified by skellybones
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How is he leftist? I don't get this.

Does thinking Obama isn't an american citizen because of OMGZ BIRTH CERTIFICATE and hates blacks = leftist?

"everything bad is on the left"
-literally the current philosophy of today's conservatives

Olivia Wilde Homo

  • Proud Kinkshamer
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How is he leftist? I don't get this.

Does thinking Obama isn't an american citizen because of OMGZ BIRTH CERTIFICATE and hates blacks = leftist?

"everything bad is on the left"
-literally the current philosophy of today's conservatives

Hasn't that been their philosophy for decades?

Dickie Dee

  • It's not the band I hate, it's their fans.
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Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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racism is a form of collectivism


Stoney Mason

  • So Long and thanks for all the fish
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Gov. Sarah Palin told The Today Show this morning that she continues to be offended by David Letterman's joke "about the statutory rape of my 14 year-old daughter." Interviewed by Matt Lauer, Palin referred to Letterman as a "so-called comedian" and said his humor "erodes a young girl's self esteem."

Meawhile, last night on the Late Show, Letterman made one joke in his opening monologue about the ongoing controversy, saying, "I think everything's fine now: She called and offered to take me hunting."
Palin's remark to The Today Show suggests she still doesn't get the idea that Letterman's self-admittedly "cheap" joke -- that during a Yankees game, "her daughter was knocked up by Alex Rodriguez" -- had nothing to do with rape, nor was she buying Letterman's premise that he wasn't referring to 14 year-old Willow but to 18 year-old Bristol. Lauer cited a remark from Palin's spokesperson: "It would be wise to keep Willow away from David Letterman." "Are you suggesting David Letterman can't be trusted around a 14 year-old?" Lauer asked. "Take it the way you want to take it," said Palin. "It's from the heart." Lauer then asked, "But is that [comment] also not in bad taste?" "No, it's not," said Palin.


She's essentially handing the 2012 nomination to Pawlenty.  Her publicity whoring would be funny if not for how the media laps it up.  Thank god nothing of more importance is happening in the world.  >:(

Palin must get her playbook from old episodes of Springer.


  • "Hero" isn't the right word, but its the first word that comes to mind
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"It would be wise to keep Willow away from David Letterman." "Are you suggesting David Letterman can't be trusted around a 14 year-old?" Lauer asked. "Take it the way you want to take it," said Palin. "It's from the heart." Lauer then asked, "But is that [comment] also not in bad taste?" "No, it's not," said Palin.
goddam she is fucking dense. I like how she then goes off later in the interview about how "the candidate who must be obeyed" called family stuff off-limits, and proclaims a double-standard.

mmmmm, delicious hypocrisy



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She's essentially handing the 2012 nomination to Pawlenty.  Her publicity whoring would be funny if not for how the media laps it up.  Thank god nothing of more importance is happening in the world.  >:(

Palin must get her playbook from old episodes of Springer.
Pawlenty? hah he won't win. My money is on Romney.


  • "Hero" isn't the right word, but its the first word that comes to mind
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With populist, libertarian, conservative and Republican strands, the Tea Party effort evokes memories of the 1992 third-party movement sparked by Ross Perot. That, too, tapped fears about taxation, deficit spending and the national debt.

And on the subject of government, it reflected one emotion in ample supply among the tea partiers: Anger.

"I feel very strongly about this, more strongly than I ever felt about politics in my life," said Jim Chiodo, 64, of Holland. He plans to attend the convention as well.

"There is a silent majority that wants to make its voice be known," said Oom, 50.

Kind of echoes what this article observed
(referring to Coulter and Fox Newsites)As a group, they are the pop culture equivalent of necrotic carrion beetles, crawling with insectile determination from one infected open wound in the American psyche to another. The wounds include fear of race, fear of foreigners, fear of sexuality, fear of difference, hysterical religious fundamentalism, violent nationalism, and paranoia. They lay their eggs in the infected abrasion, then scuttle away. When the eggs hatch, disgorging rage and discontent, they start counting money.

At a town hall meeting, McCain was confronted by an elderly woman who told McCain that she was a supporter of his because Obama was "an Arab." McCain was clearly uncomfortable, and it was patently obvious why. It had nothing to do with McCain's feelings about Arabs. It had to do with an old-school Republican accidentally moving the rock, and coming face to face with what actually lived beneath it. He recognized that the woman was making an unambiguously racist statement about his opponent, and he was mortified to be asked to answer it. Even though McCain famously and horribly bungled his answer ("No ma'am, he isn't. He's a decent family man.") I knew when he meant. He was addressing the intended racial slur and disavowing it, however badly.

Sarah "Screw the Political Correctness" Palin, on the other hand, seemed right at home. She marched into those same crowds grinning and winking, and "Yoo betcha-ing" like she was onstage at the Miss Alaska pageant. While her supporters waved watermelon slices and stuffed monkeys, Palin talked about who the "real Americans" were, and who was "palling around with terrorists." She refused to address the blatant racism of her fans, or address the obvious exploitation of Obama's middle name, Hussein, and the implication she herself was making with her "terrorist" comments.

She was, after all, playing to the accurately-named Republican "base," the same crowd to whom George Bush had sold his second presidential term by pandering to their darkest and most cowardly aspect. This time out it was fear of gay marriage and adoption, carefully tended fear of another 9/11, fear of more fallout from a war they still didn't believe he'd lied about.

Olivia Wilde Homo

  • Proud Kinkshamer
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I'm pretty sure the manufactured outrage for Letterman has more to do with keeping Palin known more than anything.  All she really has is the MILF factor and the persecution complex but considering how every Republican these days is a victim of the liberal machine, Palin needs these little "controversies" to stay relevant.

Like that above article says, while McCain is uncomfortable with the darker side of the American public, Palin tends to embrace it.  Trust me, she isn't going away.


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She'll go away after 2011 when her presidential ambitions go nowhere.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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I hope to god she gets the nomination in 2012. Just so we can have a "true republican" get stomped to put that meme to least temporarily

Olivia Wilde Homo

  • Proud Kinkshamer
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I hope to god she gets the nomination in 2012. Just so we can have a "true republican" get stomped to put that meme to least temporarily

You mean until 2013?


  • i am terrified by skellybones
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Quote from: Pat Buchanan
Thus, Sotomayor got into Princeton, got her No. 1 ranking, was whisked into Yale Law School and made editor of the Yale Law Review -- all because she was a Hispanic woman. And those two Ivy League institutions cheated more deserving students of what they had worked a lifetime to achieve, for reasons of race, gender or ethnicity.

This is bigotry pure and simple. To salve their consciences for past societal sins, the Ivy League is deep into discrimination again, this time with white males as victims rather than as beneficiaries.

One prefers the old bigotry. At least it was honest, and not, as Abraham Lincoln observed, adulterated "with the base alloy of hypocrisy."

Yesirree, it makes you wanna return to them good ol' days, back when poor rich white males weren't discriminated against, and we could lynch all the distinguished black fellows we wanted.


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I hope to god she gets the nomination in 2012. Just so we can have a "true republican" get stomped to put that meme to least temporarily
The base can't be that stupid. And she isn't helping herself. All the stuff she has been doing has been that of a celebrity like a Paris Hilton or something, not a politician.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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She doesn't care. It's like she has surrounded herself with people who think she's the best thing ever, think the McCain campaign fucked up by having her on a leash, now they think it's best to let her run wild and give Real America hope.,_2012

So Iowa, NH, SC, and Nevada will be the first locations of primaries. The gay marriage debate makes social issues key in Iowa, and SC is...SC. So that's two states where a fundamentalist social values blowhard will probably take center stage.

But will the first person who wins multiple states become the de facto candidate, or will this thing drag out until the very end? Who knows.


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She doesn't care. It's like she has surrounded herself with people who think she's the best thing ever, think the McCain campaign fucked up by having her on a leash, now they think it's best to let her run wild and give Real America hope.,_2012

So Iowa, NH, SC, and Nevada will be the first locations of primaries. The gay marriage debate makes social issues key in Iowa, and SC is...SC. So that's two states where a fundamentalist social values blowhard will probably take center stage.

But will the first person who wins multiple states become the de facto candidate, or will this thing drag out until the very end? Who knows.

She won't be the nominee. I refuse to believe the base would be that stupid. No way. The base hates Obama too much to send someone out there who would be clearly a sacrificial lamb nominee. My money is on Romney.

Phoenix Dark

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Head of a Minuteman group defends America from 9yo Mexican girl.

So, how many people have been killed by right-wing shooters so far this year? 9?

Olivia Wilde Homo

  • Proud Kinkshamer
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Head of a Minuteman group defends America from 9yo Mexican girl.

So, how many people have been killed by right-wing shooters so far this year? 9?

We need a website to track the kill count of right wing terrorist acts in this country.


  • i am terrified by skellybones
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Remember when the DHS report came out and you saw people say, "HOW DARE YOU INSULT OUR VETERANS" and then within months veterans shot some people, including one who was 88 years old? Yeah.


  • Murdered in the digital realm
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I'd be interested in that too. I'm losing track and sometimes I see the headline but don't click because it's too depressing.


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And it was a report written during the Bush era of Homeland Security. Extreme right wingers are very angry and scared at the more liberal leaning direction of the county and government and they have lots of guns. DHS had every right to make this of note. And they have been clearly redeemed.

Olivia Wilde Homo

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This is anecdotal evidence but at a criminal justice club at the university I attended, we had a member of the DHS to give a presentation sometime in 2007.  He said that at that time, the department was more concerned with home grown right wing terrorism than they were with Islamic terrorism.  So if that wasn't coincidental, then the DHS has been aware of this growing problem for some time.


  • Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside.
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What is the difference between right wingers and Muslim extremists?

spoiler (click to show/hide)
muslim extremists have a better blast radius or right wingers are too much of a pussy to kill themselves in the act.


  • captain of my capsized ship
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The personal financial reports, due late last week from members of Congress, show that many lawmakers hold investments in insurance, pharmaceutical and prescription-benefit companies and in hospital interests, all of which would be affected by the administration’s overhaul of health care.


  • The Muffin Man
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Wow  :-\


  • Nylonhilist
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Remember when the DHS report came out and you saw people say, "HOW DARE YOU INSULT OUR VETERANS" and then within months veterans shot some people, including one who was 88 years old? Yeah.
But wasn't that report specifically talking about NEW veterans from Afghanistan and Iraq being recruited into hate groups?


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Remember when the DHS report came out and you saw people say, "HOW DARE YOU INSULT OUR VETERANS" and then within months veterans shot some people, including one who was 88 years old? Yeah.
But wasn't that report specifically talking about NEW veterans from Afghanistan and Iraq being recruited into hate groups?
Which is a valid point, as bad as it may be. Being at the front lines of a war fucks with your head, look at what happened to a lot of Vietnam vets.

Stoney Mason

  • So Long and thanks for all the fish
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Lots of these articles since the election but still.

The Take
For Republicans, the Forces Aren't With Them

By Dan Balz
Sunday, June 14, 2009

There has been much chatter about who now speaks for the Republican Party, and whether the GOP has a message or an agenda to combat President Obama's popularity. Those questions are important to the party's future, but the most serious problem remains the deeper demographic and political forces at work in the country.

For the past few months, political analysts and demographers have been poring over the results of the 2008 election and comparing them with presidential results from the past two decades. From whatever angle of their approach -- age, race, economic status, geography -- they have come to a remarkably similar conclusion. Almost all indicators are pressing the Republicans into minority status.

Republicans are still capable of winning individual elections, but until they find a way to reverse, or at least minimize, these broader changes in the country, their chances of returning to majority status will be severely reduced.

The American Enterprise Institute and the Brookings Institution convened a stellar cast on Friday to review what has been learned since November. The panel included Robert Lang of Virginia Tech; Ruy Teixeira of the Center for American Progress; William Frey of the Brookings Institution; Bill Bishop, a Texas writer and author of "The Big Sort"; Scott Keeter of the Pew Research Center; and Ronald Brownstein of Atlantic Media. They presented a wealth of data about what happened in 2008 and offered conclusions that would alarm any Republican hopeful of a quick turnaround in the party's fortunes.

Democrats have won the popular vote in four of the past five elections, though in one case (2000) they did not end up in the White House. In years in which they have also won the electoral vote, Democrats have racked up sizable margins. Obama bested  John McCain by 365 to 173, and Bill Clinton's two victories were in the same range. George W. Bush's two electoral-college victories were narrow; he won 271 votes in the disputed election of 2000 and 286 in his 2004 reelection.

What has brought this about? It's not just one thing -- it's everything. Start with the Democrats' success in the suburbs. Lang's formula is that demography and density have combined to help Democrats: They dominate not just the cities but also the urbanized suburbs that contain the largest share of the suburban population in America.

Democratic strength in the counties around Philadelphia, around Detroit and in Northern Virginia have squeezed Republicans dramatically. Increasingly, Republican strength outside the urban areas counts for less. "There's just not enough rural folks and small-city people left in America in the key states that determine the electoral college to offset that difference," Lang said. "You're out of people."

That's one geographical reality. The other, which became acute in 2008, is that outside the South, Republicans are in trouble. McCain won the South in November, but Obama swept the rest of the country by an even bigger margin. The same pattern holds now for House and Senate seats. Republicans may continue to win governorships in Democratic-leaning states, but in congressional and presidential elections the geographic divides are sizable.

Brownstein reeled off a list of statistics that all arrived at the same place: The South now accounts for a greater share of Republican strength than at virtually any time since the party's founding. That base is too narrow, as even Republicans know.

Demographically, the forces at work have chipped away at what was once a GOP-leaning majority in the country. The most important is minorities' rising share of the vote. Whites accounted for 76 percent of the overall electorate last November, down from 85 percent in 1988.

In the last election, there were more than 2 million additional African American voters, about 2 million more Hispanic voters and about a million more Asian American voters. All are groups in which Obama increased the Democratic share of the vote over 2004. Frey estimated that minority voters in nine states made the difference in Obama's victory margin.

Republicans can't reverse the demographic trends; their only solution is to increase their share of the minority vote. Opposing Judge Sonia Sotomayor, Obama's Supreme Court nominee, because of her pride in being a Latina won't help solve that problem.

There was much attention paid to Obama's trouble winning the votes of white working-class voters. The bad news for Republicans is that these voters represent a declining share of the electorate.

Since 1988, that group's proportion of the national electorate has dropped by 15 percentage points. In Pennsylvania, Teixeira reported, it has declined by 25 percentage points. Teixeira reported that Obama actually won the votes of working-class whites ages 25 to 29; at this point, they appear more culturally liberal than their elders.

As the working-class vote shrinks, the college-educated vote increases, and Democrats are gaining a greater share of these voters. Democrats lost white college graduates by 20 percentage points in 1988 but by four points last November. That is another big reason they have gained strength in the suburbs.

Obama's strength among young voters was a staple of coverage throughout his bid for the White House, although as Keeter pointed out, he could have won in November without the votes of anyone younger than 30. But his margin was the biggest in several decades and that alone should worry Republicans.

Obama may appeal to younger voters, but their shift toward the Democrats predates his candidacy. "This really is not Obama," Keeter said. "Young voters were  John Kerry's best age group. They were the Democratic candidates' best age group in the 2006 elections, and they were the best age group for other Democratic candidates in 2008."

Younger voters are more diverse demographically than older voters. In 2008, 62 percent were white, compared with 74 percent eight years earlier. Projections show young voters will become increasingly diverse. They are also less religious and more culturally liberal, two indicators of Democratic support.

GOP strategist Mike Murphy described this in Time magazine as a coming Republican ice age. Republicans will need a major shift to begin to reverse these trends. That could start if there is a backlash against Obama's governance -- and the president's agenda certainly will test the country's tolerance for a big dose of government. But Republicans will need to retool in other ways to make themselves more appealing to a changing population. That debate has barely begun.

Olivia Wilde Homo

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Once Republicans take another beating in 2010 (the teabagging gave the Dems enough material for to win a few seats alone) and probably in 2012, they'll begin to change their policies once they realize there are fewer and fewer bitter old white men to make up for the growing minority, atheist/non-religious, etc. populace.

Phoenix Dark

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the GOP has zero credibility on matters of deficit spending. Tax receipts are way down due the recession and at least the deficit spending that Obama has propsed at least DOES something, unlike the Bush-era spending where the money basically went into a black hole.

Olivia Wilde Homo

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Most people (except the teabagging set and they were never going to vote Democrat anyway) realize that some deficit spending is necessary to begin the steep climb out of the hole that has been dug for us the past 30 years.  Obama has done a good job of telling it how it is instead of painting a pretty picture.  As a result, even if there isn't a total 180 by 2010 (there won't), the public isn't going to be too concerned.  Most Americans are aware (and experiencing) the realities of the recession and someone who is trying to claim Obama is the cause of their financial ills will backfire.

The GOP has almost fuck all for any kind of attack.  I suppose they could keep suggesting Obama doesn't have a birth certificate, general persecution complexes, but I don't see that netting any kind of seats.  On the other hand, they will stand to lose quite a few.  I doubt Republicans in archconservative areas will have any problems getting re-elected but the ones in hostile waters...

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Don't dems have more house seats to defend in 2010 than republicans? for the senate,_2010


  • Excel 2008 GOTY
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Don't dems have more house seats to defend in 2010 than republicans? for the senate,_2010

Dems are playing defense in the House, and offense (again) in the Senate. Which intuitively makes sense, if you consider the first election that repudiated Republican rule was in 2006-the six-year Senate terms would give a big window in three consecutive elections ( in this case, 2006, 2008, 2010 ).



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Don't dems have more house seats to defend in 2010 than republicans? for the senate,_2010
There is nothing to worry about with the House. The house rarely changes power.

Phoenix Dark

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he compared a white supremist to a black studies major? lol

Chris Matthews said it best on Bill Maher on Friday when he said roughly:
"Of course he is a right winger. How could be left-wing? The left wing is winning, why would they be angry?"