Author Topic: "A black sheriff?!": The Official Topic of Obama and New Era American Politics  (Read 1880985 times)

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Barry Egan

  • The neurotic is nailed to the cross of his fiction.
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Re: "A black sheriff?!": The Official Topic of Obama and New Era American Politi
« Reply #5460 on: October 07, 2009, 10:15:45 AM »
He's like the member of SS you feel sorry for killing.


  • Easy Victor
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Time piece on palin's new (400 page!) book.

money shot:

The last potential time sink is steeping the ghostwriter in the author's voice well enough that he or she can channel it convincingly. Palin's singular rhetorical style is a boon on that score as well. "The fun part is when you get to the point that they don't even notice it wasn't something they actually said," says Jenkins. "Sarah Palin, in her own odd vernacular, is incredibly sort of quotable and eloquent, in her own Palinesque way."


  • Hail Hydra
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You would have to be a masochist of the highest order to want to read that book.  :yuck

Human Snorenado

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So, the CBO score of the amended finance committee health care bill is out.

Now, keep in mind that I think the bill kind of sucks, but it does have this going for it- according to the CBO it will actually DECREASE the budget deficit by 81 billion over 10 years and will increase the insured population from 83% to 94%.  So... why are pretty much no Republicans gonna vote for it again?


  • Senior Member
So, the CBO score of the amended finance committee health care bill is out.

Now, keep in mind that I think the bill kind of sucks, but it does have this going for it- according to the CBO it will actually DECREASE the budget deficit by 81 billion over 10 years and will increase the insured population from 83% to 94%.  So... why are pretty much no Republicans gonna vote for it again?

Probably for the same reason they didn't vote for prosecuting against gang-rape in the work place.


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Some choice polemics:

Michael Gerson, Your Shtetl Pass Is Revoked

Quote from: Spencer Ackerman
What the hell, it's almost Yom Kippur, so I can always atone for my tone. But seriously: Michael Gerson needs to shut his fucking mouth before he ever even thinks accusing a Jew of insufficient vigilance against antisemitism. I don't know what lack of self-awareness convinces right-wing evangelicals that they're the true guardians of the Jews, but that condescending and parochial nonsense is its own form of antisemitism. We Tribesmen do not need some wire-rimmed enabler of one of the most destructive and inept presidents in American history to protect us from the perfidies of the world. It's us and not him who will pay the price for antisemitism, so if Gerson wants to actually act like a righteous gentile, he can start by not accusing Jews of apathy to their own people's wellbeing for the sin of not sharing his politics.

So to conclude: Gerson downplays the worst excesses of right-wing hatred, which displays itself through a more prominent and influential platform than does online hatred of any political coloration; and then he hijacks someone else's religion on a laughably flimsy pretext to defend his blind spots. Good to see, at least, that a Bush administration veteran is at least nondenominational in that approach.

Slate book club

Quote from: Sam Tanenhaus
Dear Reihan,

Actually, what you call a polemic means to be an interpretive history that makes the opposite case from the one described in your account. Revanchist conservatism did not originate as a form of populist protest. Rather, it was the brainchild of the very elites you say have no influence on our politics. It was conservative intellectuals who argued that the "managerial elite" (James Burnham), the "liberal establishment" (William Buckley), or the "new class" (Irving Kristol) had seized control of American politics and later our society. This argument, in its inverted Marxism, gave theoretical shape to the unarticulated anxieties and suspicions—anti-government, anti-institutional, antinomian—of the "small but intense and vocal minority," many of them "white evangelical Christians," who today populate the eroding island of movement conservatism. Even today the right insists it is driven by ideas, even if the leading thinkers are now Limbaugh and Beck, and the shock troops are tea-partiers and anti-tax demonstrators.

In other words, the movement has thrived not as a top-down operation, nor as a bottom-up one, but as a convergence of shared prejudices and cultural enmities. Thus, the right's first great modern tribune was Joe McCarthy, whose theatrical "investigations" of "enemies within" were either endorsed or indulged by each of the intellectuals mentioned above.

People who think I'm going to hell telling me what the interests of my tribe are.  :yuck

Conservative wannabe intellectuals who feign discomfort with ugly, dumb identity politics only when it becomes a PR liability.  :yuck


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Anyone know of any live streams for this gay speech?

Phoenix Dark

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The Fake Shemp

  • Ebola Carrier
Re: "A black sheriff?!": The Official Topic of Obama and New Era American Politi
« Reply #5469 on: October 11, 2009, 09:25:51 AM »

The Fake Shemp

  • Ebola Carrier
Re: "A black sheriff?!": The Official Topic of Obama and New Era American Politi
« Reply #5470 on: October 11, 2009, 09:32:06 AM »
Gay people are apparently upset that he gave no timeline, as if they expect with Afghanistan, Iran and health care, that he's ready to fight over gay rights yet.

Human Snorenado

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If I were gay, I'd honestly be kind of annoyed with him over some of this stuff.  How hard is it to end DADT?  Even some Republicans support it... or at least they say they do now, but will flip out if he brings it up.  Ugh.


  • Senior Member
I agree DADT needs to be stopped now.

The Fake Shemp

  • Ebola Carrier
Re: "A black sheriff?!": The Official Topic of Obama and New Era American Politi
« Reply #5473 on: October 11, 2009, 01:43:30 PM »
If I were gay, I'd honestly be kind of annoyed with him over some of this stuff.  How hard is it to end DADT?  Even some Republicans support it... or at least they say they do now, but will flip out if he brings it up.  Ugh.

Really? Himuro, you too?

Look, if Obama thought he could end it right now, he'd end it. There is no doubt in my mind that he would be met with huge resistance if he executed a change in policy from conservatives, and all it would do is muddle the health care discussion.

Look at Afghanistan! The Republicans are trying to deflect attention from health care reform and muddle the domestic discussion by putting the heat on the administration for more troops.

We, as a country, can really only hand one or two big policy initiatives at a time. Going full steam on Don't Ask, Don't Tell would undermine everything else he's trying to accomplish right now.

It totally sucks, but I'd rather everyone get health care - gay people included - before we can get them to enlist.

Human Snorenado

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The thing is, there ARE gay people enlisted.  And they're being FIRED from their chosen profession for no good reason.  That's worse than gay people not being able to enlist openly imo.  Obama could stop those firings with an executive order, I'm pretty sure while DADT is "under review" or some gobbledy gook.

And I guess I just see ending DADT as not that big a deal- public opinion polls pretty overwhelmingly support ending it.  Then again, 60+% want a public option and we've seen how that's gone.  Basically, this all goes back to needing to get rid of the Senate.


  • Senior Member
Re: "A black sheriff?!": The Official Topic of Obama and New Era American Politi
« Reply #5475 on: October 11, 2009, 01:50:37 PM »
If I were gay, I'd honestly be kind of annoyed with him over some of this stuff.  How hard is it to end DADT?  Even some Republicans support it... or at least they say they do now, but will flip out if he brings it up.  Ugh.

Really? Himuro, you too?

Of course. He made plans to close down Gitmo soon after taking office, why can't he end DADT? I find DADT to be a morally corrupt policy for the reasons Triumph described above. You might as well enforce a "NO HOMOS ALLOWED" policy.

The Fake Shemp

  • Ebola Carrier
Re: "A black sheriff?!": The Official Topic of Obama and New Era American Politi
« Reply #5476 on: October 11, 2009, 01:55:54 PM »
Did you see the resistance from the right on closing Gitmo, Himuro? Terrorists will be in your own back yard - your own back yard!

And Triumph, I recognize that (need we forget that I'm friends with rodi, a lesbian Army enlistee?) argument, but if you think there won't be a huge blowback from such a move, you're mistaken.

There's only so much political muscle he can flex at one time, and no offense, I agree that health care and national security take precedent over those issues. The guy isn't even a year into his term - give him a break.

If he were to attempt to close Gitmo, repeal DADT, execute climate change initiatives and more progressive agenda items all at once, none would ever come to fruition. The right is vehemently opposed to all of those things, and he needs as much assistance as he can get. Pushing all those line items at once just weakens his ability to get them done.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Once health care passes he'll probably be ready to do it. Unless he wants to jump immediately into another long slog (climate change, immigration, etc) immediately. DADT won't be pretty but I think it'll happen

Will be fun hearing conservatives pull out the same playbook some used against blacks when the army was integrated. bubububu social experiments on the battlefield!

The Fake Shemp

  • Ebola Carrier
Re: "A black sheriff?!": The Official Topic of Obama and New Era American Politi
« Reply #5478 on: October 11, 2009, 02:45:40 PM »
Yeah, once health care reform passes, he'll try and get a bunch of smaller items like DADT taken care of. I doubt climate change will be pushed until next summer. This health care debate has been drawn out for so long and the end result will be so negligible that he'll need as many short item victories as possible to build momentum for climate change or immigration legislation.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Agreed. I seriously doubt the WH will be like "sweet we spent months on health care, grats guys. Now lets fix immigration!"

Although I wonder how the 2010 elections could effect their priority list


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Holy shit, Hannity needs to work on his propaganda.

Olivia Wilde Homo

  • Proud Kinkshamer
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I could see the Democrats and Obama only focusing on easy solutions until the midterm elections once health care reform gets passed, preferring to tackle the harder issues after the elections.  If a public option was part of the bill, Obama and Co. are going to have to spend some time working on the transition to that option.  At the same time, they will need to show that they have done more than just health care and that is where the quick, easy issues will come in.

Stoney Mason

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Interesting read on Biden


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Holy shit, Hannity needs to work on his propaganda.

Yeah, that looked like an abandoned building or something. A hospital usually has things to help people, not empty beds in an abandoned prison.

The Fake Shemp

  • Ebola Carrier
Re: "A black sheriff?!": The Official Topic of Obama and New Era American Politi
« Reply #5484 on: October 12, 2009, 03:44:11 PM »
I like how there was one shot of patients in a room that didn't look like anything like the rest of the footage. :lol

Barry Egan

  • The neurotic is nailed to the cross of his fiction.
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too fucking funny.  Couldn't help but laugh along with Moore.

Stoney Mason

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Time for action!

Pour Rock Salt on Snowe

Posted by Erick Erickson (Profile)

Tuesday, October 13th at 4:09PM EDT

Olympia Snowe has sold out the country. Having been banished to our world after Aslan chased her out of Narnia, Snowe is intent on corrupting this place too.

So we should melt her.

What melts snow? Rock salt.

I’m going to ship this 5 pound bag of rock salt to her office in Maine. It’s only $3.00. You should join me.

It is a visible demonstration of our contempt for her. First she votes for the stimulus. Now this.

It’s time to melt Snowe. ORDER YOUR BAG HERE.

The mailing address is:

3 Canal Plaza
Suite 601
Portland, ME 04101
Main: (207) 874-0883

Dickie Dee

  • It's not the band I hate, it's their fans.
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Time for action!

Pour Rock Salt on Snowe

Posted by Erick Erickson (Profile)

Tuesday, October 13th at 4:09PM EDT

Olympia Snowe has sold out the country. Having been banished to our world after Aslan chased her out of Narnia, Snowe is intent on corrupting this place too.

So we should melt her.

What melts snow? Rock salt.

I’m going to ship this 5 pound bag of rock salt to her office in Maine. It’s only $3.00. You should join me.

It is a visible demonstration of our contempt for her. First she votes for the stimulus. Now this.

It’s time to melt Snowe. ORDER YOUR BAG HERE.

The mailing address is:

3 Canal Plaza
Suite 601
Portland, ME 04101
Main: (207) 874-0883


The Fake Shemp

  • Ebola Carrier
Re: "A black sheriff?!": The Official Topic of Obama and New Era American Politi
« Reply #5488 on: October 13, 2009, 06:48:38 PM »
There really are no words.


Stoney Mason

  • So Long and thanks for all the fish
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The hot air comments section is also always good for a few chuckles.

Quote from: Crazy person
I sent this email to Steele earlier today.

Dear Chairman Steele,

Until the Republican Party leadership vows non-support of RINO’s such as Olympia Snowe, Lindsey Graham and John McCain they will not see another dollar in donation from me. I will only donate to individual candidates that reflect my conservative values. It is a shame that Ms. Snowe is giving the Democrat party bipartisan cover as they push forward their socialist agenda.

Republicans must stand firm in defiance of the socialist destruction that Obama and his party are attempting.

farright on October 13, 2009 at 4:32 PM


  • Senior Member
Time for action!

Pour Rock Salt on Snowe

Posted by Erick Erickson (Profile)

Tuesday, October 13th at 4:09PM EDT

Olympia Snowe has sold out the country. Having been banished to our world after Aslan chased her out of Narnia, Snowe is intent on corrupting this place too.

So we should melt her.

What melts snow? Rock salt.

I’m going to ship this 5 pound bag of rock salt to her office in Maine. It’s only $3.00. You should join me.

It is a visible demonstration of our contempt for her. First she votes for the stimulus. Now this.

It’s time to melt Snowe. ORDER YOUR BAG HERE.

The mailing address is:

3 Canal Plaza
Suite 601
Portland, ME 04101
Main: (207) 874-0883

Holy shit, I honestly thought that was a real joke. :/

Human Snorenado

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Erick Erickson is srs bznz, ok?

If they keep slaughtering her over every single big thing, eventually she's gonna become an independent and start caucusing with the dems.  It's not her fault that the rest of the party would rather cry like girls instead of trying to govern.

edit- You know, Maine gets pretty cold and winter is coming up.  That rock salt will come in handy in her home state- keep it up, wingnuts!

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Time for action!

Pour Rock Salt on Snowe

Posted by Erick Erickson (Profile)

Tuesday, October 13th at 4:09PM EDT

Olympia Snowe has sold out the country. Having been banished to our world after Aslan chased her out of Narnia, Snowe is intent on corrupting this place too.

So we should melt her.

What melts snow? Rock salt.

I’m going to ship this 5 pound bag of rock salt to her office in Maine. It’s only $3.00. You should join me.

It is a visible demonstration of our contempt for her. First she votes for the stimulus. Now this.

It’s time to melt Snowe. ORDER YOUR BAG HERE.

The mailing address is:

3 Canal Plaza
Suite 601
Portland, ME 04101
Main: (207) 874-0883

I read that sentence about 5 times before realizing "holy shit, he's really talking a :lolbout Narnia"

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Re: "A black sheriff?!": The Official Topic of Obama and New Era American Politi
« Reply #5493 on: October 13, 2009, 07:46:21 PM »
There really are no words.


More Obama=Hitler talk - this time from the GOP

They apparently took down the tweet but the evidence remains. Wow


  • Senior Member
Glenn Beck :rofl


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Re: "A black sheriff?!": The Official Topic of Obama and New Era American Politi
« Reply #5495 on: October 13, 2009, 08:04:50 PM »

The Fake Shemp

  • Ebola Carrier
Re: "A black sheriff?!": The Official Topic of Obama and New Era American Politi
« Reply #5496 on: October 13, 2009, 08:51:51 PM »

I am kind of surprised to not see a lot of outrage for those comments. Jews usually get up in arms about comparisons to the Holocaust, and Beck is no friend of the tribe, so I kind of am waiting for some bombs to drop.
« Last Edit: October 13, 2009, 08:53:59 PM by Willco »


  • relapsed dev
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Re: "A black sheriff?!": The Official Topic of Obama and New Era American Politi
« Reply #5497 on: October 13, 2009, 09:09:06 PM »

I was dying in laughter by the end of the post. Brilliant video. Man, US news coverage is bought-and-sold.  :maf

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Remember when republicans demanded apologies from democrats whenever MoveOn or some lefty said something ridiculous? Seems like the dems don't follow the same playbook now

I just wish I had stock in Nazi Comparisons Inc


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Re: "A black sheriff?!": The Official Topic of Obama and New Era American Politi
« Reply #5499 on: October 13, 2009, 09:22:05 PM »

I was dying in laughter by the end of the post. Brilliant video. Man, US news coverage is bought-and-sold.  :maf



  • Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside.
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Re: "A black sheriff?!": The Official Topic of Obama and New Era American Politi
« Reply #5500 on: October 13, 2009, 11:02:55 PM »

I was dying in laughter by the end of the post. Brilliant video. Man, US news coverage is bought-and-sold.  :maf

Thank you for that!



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Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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The new GOP homepage!  :o

"Facebook, Twitter....or Myspace"

good to see Steel reaching out to blacks :bow


  • i am terrified by skellybones
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The new GOP homepage!  :o

"Facebook, Twitter....or Myspace"

good to see Steel reaching out to blacks :bow

in his first "blog" post of the NEW GOP DOT COM, Steele titled it "what up?" and asked people:

The Internet has been around a while, now. But, I still find it an amazing platform for innovation, not just in technology, but in life. Beyond admiring the way it powers so many inventions and businesses, it has become a personal thing for me. I love the fact that, wherever I might be, I can use technology to see my family and chat with them, and Social Media to tap into what my friends are doing.

Today, I want to begin to better connect with Republicans everywhere.

My first blog entry, therefore, is really a couple of questions for you; use the comment button to send me replies. We will run as many questions as we can, which I will answer.

Why are you are Republican? Think about that for a minute.

they then changed the title to "Change the Game" :lol

be sure to reload the page a bunch to see all the  :o BLACK REPUBLICANS :o from a century ago who replace the O


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That is all sorts of shameless.

The Fake Shemp

  • Ebola Carrier
Re: "A black sheriff?!": The Official Topic of Obama and New Era American Politi
« Reply #5506 on: October 14, 2009, 04:24:55 PM »
Why, Mandark? Why can you not celebrate the party that freed the slaves, you jerk?

Black people voting for Democrats are like Jews voting for Nazis!

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Octavius Catto was an African-American Republican civil rights activist.  Born to a freed slave in Charleston, he moved to Philadelphia as a child.  After the Civil War, Catto joined the Pennsylvania state militia, with the rank of major.

Catto co-founded the National Equal Rights League and was instrumental in Pennsylvania's ratification of the 15th Amendment, which extended voting rights to African-Americans.  Many Democrats resented him for it, and on Election Day in 1871, a crony of the city's Democratic Party boss gunned down Octavius Catto as he walked home from voting.

Democrats :usacry

Stoney Mason

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Re: "A black sheriff?!": The Official Topic of Obama and New Era American Politi
« Reply #5508 on: October 14, 2009, 04:29:50 PM »

That is all sorts of shameless.

Party of Lincoln bitches!

Suck it liberals!!

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Our country has to decide, said Ronaldus Magnus, “whether we believe in our capacity for self-government or whether to abandon the American Revolution and confess that a little intellectual elite in a far-distant capital can plan our lives better than we can plan them ourselves.”



  • Banana Grabber
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Re: "A black sheriff?!": The Official Topic of Obama and New Era American Politi
« Reply #5510 on: October 14, 2009, 04:36:00 PM »
Because, you know, there's absolutely no middle ground.


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One take on history:

Quote from:
In 1947, Jackie Robinson became the first African-American to play major league baseball in the United States, as a first baseman for the Brooklyn Dodgers.  Not only was he a great athlete, Jackie Robinson was also a great Republican.  He campaigned for Richard Nixon's presidential campaign in 1960 and then supported Nelson Rockefeller (R-NY) for the Republican nomination in 1964.  Robinson worked as a special assistant in Governor Rockefeller’s administration.

The general manager of the Brooklyn Dodgers, Branch Rickey, who hired Jackie Robinson, was also a Republican.  The Missouri Republican Party later offered Rickey the nomination for Governor and Senator, but he preferred baseball to politics.

Another take:

Quote from: Jackie Robinson, from his autobiography
Early in 1964 I wrote a Speaking Out piece for The Saturday Evening Post.  A Barry Goldwater victory would insure that the GOP would be completely the white man's party.  What happened at San Francisco when Senator Goldwater became the Republican standard-bearer confirmed my prediction.

I wasn’t altogether caught of guard by the victory of the reactionary forces in the Republican party, but I was appalled by the tactics they used to stifle their liberal opposition.  I was a special delegate to the convention through an arrangement made by the Rockefeller office. That convention was one of the most unforgettable and frightening experiences of my life. The hatred I saw was unique to me because it was hatred directed against a white man.  It embodied a revulsion for all he stood for, including his enlightened attitude toward black people.

A new breed of Republicans had taken over the GOP.  As I watched this steamroller operation in San Francisco, I had a better understanding of how it must have felt to be a Jew in Hitler’s Germany.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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From same chapter

It was a terrible hour for the relatively few black delegates who were present.  Distinguished in their communities, identified with the cause of Republicanism, an extremely unpopular cause among blacks, they had been served notice that the party they had fought for considered them just another bunch of “distinguished black fellows”.  They had no real standing in the convention, no clout.  They were unimportant and ignored.  One bigot from one of the Deep South states actually threw acid on a black delegate’s suit jacket and burned it.  Another one, from the Alabama delegation where I was standing at the time of the Rockefeller speech, turned on me menacingly while I was shouting “C’mon Rocky” as the governor stood his ground.  He started up in his seat as if to come after me.  His wife grabbed his arm and pulled him back.

“Turn him loose, lady, turn him loose,” I shouted.

I was ready for him.  I wanted him badly, but luckily for him he obeyed his wife.

I wonder what 2012 will look like

Also while still a republican, he supported LBJ in 64

Stoney Mason

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Re: "A black sheriff?!": The Official Topic of Obama and New Era American Politi
« Reply #5513 on: October 14, 2009, 04:58:09 PM »
One take on history:

Quote from:
In 1947, Jackie Robinson became the first African-American to play major league baseball in the United States, as a first baseman for the Brooklyn Dodgers.  Not only was he a great athlete, Jackie Robinson was also a great Republican.  He campaigned for Richard Nixon's presidential campaign in 1960 and then supported Nelson Rockefeller (R-NY) for the Republican nomination in 1964.  Robinson worked as a special assistant in Governor Rockefeller’s administration.

The general manager of the Brooklyn Dodgers, Branch Rickey, who hired Jackie Robinson, was also a Republican.  The Missouri Republican Party later offered Rickey the nomination for Governor and Senator, but he preferred baseball to politics.

Another take:

Quote from: Jackie Robinson, from his autobiography
Early in 1964 I wrote a Speaking Out piece for The Saturday Evening Post.  A Barry Goldwater victory would insure that the GOP would be completely the white man's party.  What happened at San Francisco when Senator Goldwater became the Republican standard-bearer confirmed my prediction.

I wasn’t altogether caught of guard by the victory of the reactionary forces in the Republican party, but I was appalled by the tactics they used to stifle their liberal opposition.  I was a special delegate to the convention through an arrangement made by the Rockefeller office. That convention was one of the most unforgettable and frightening experiences of my life. The hatred I saw was unique to me because it was hatred directed against a white man.  It embodied a revulsion for all he stood for, including his enlightened attitude toward black people.

A new breed of Republicans had taken over the GOP.  As I watched this steamroller operation in San Francisco, I had a better understanding of how it must have felt to be a Jew in Hitler’s Germany.

So what!  :punch

I guess your going to use these quotes to say MLK wasn't a real Republican either!

MLK on Reagan

"When a Hollywood performer, lacking distinction even as an actor, can become a leading war hawk candidate for the presidency, only the irrationalities induced by war psychosis can explain such a turn of events."

MLK on Goldwater

King accused Barry Goldwater of "Hitlerism." He believed that Goldwater advocated a "narrow nationalism, a crippling isolationism, and a trigger-happy attitude." On domestic issues he felt that "Mr. Goldwater represented an unrealistic conservatism that was totally out of touch with the realities of the twentieth century." King said that Goldwater’s positions on civil rights were "morally indefensible and socially suicidal."

Everybody knows MLK and Jackie Robinson were radical militants!!


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Appearing on Fox this morning to talk health care reform, Republican National Committee chairman Michael Steele offered two contradictory -- and somewhat baffling -- metaphors for bipartisanship.

"I'm not trying to be an obstructionist here. To the contrary, I'm saying, Can we all get in the room and have a Rodney King moment?" he said. He was referring to King's famous "Can we all get along?" line following the 1992 Los Angeles race riots sparked by the acquittal of the police officers who beat King.

Olivia Wilde Homo

  • Proud Kinkshamer
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I bet a lot of GOP members would like to Rodney King Steele right now.


  • i am terrified by skellybones
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this is way funnier than it should be

Dickie Dee

  • It's not the band I hate, it's their fans.
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this is way funnier than it should be

I love how at the pause at the end you can hear someone off camera

Human Snorenado

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Meghan McCain likes to read:


The Fake Shemp

  • Ebola Carrier
Re: "A black sheriff?!": The Official Topic of Obama and New Era American Politi
« Reply #5519 on: October 15, 2009, 05:53:45 PM »

Makes me glad to be a registered Republican. Is she still single?!