I got pretty far into Ghostbusters (PS3 version) before my rental period expired, and I rather liked it. The core ghostbusting mechanic is actually really well done and lots of fun to play, I wish that there were more acutal ghosts to capture, rather then the humdrum shooter sections that punctuate each such encounter.
Also, the cutscenes and the script deserve props, as does the MASSIVE bestiary and journal system. Many of the enemies you find might be functionally similar, but its just so damn cool to keep running into fresh faces throughout the game. It was a very nice touch and helped keep the game fun all the way through (up until the last levels that I topped out at, at least). Its on my "I'll finish it someday" list, as I liked it enough to want to play it again, but I didn't love it so much that I felt the immedatie urge to drop 60 bones on it, when the console version gets mega-cheap I'll probably pick it up again.