Author Topic: Meme Machine Memorial Thread of Things You Saw on Reddit  (Read 1805228 times)

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Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
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Look I'll be straight wit chu. :lol

Great Rumbler

  • Dab on the sinners
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Go, Boogie, go!

Also, Xelios just cracked one out of the park. WOW.  :lol

Amirox is a supervisor in an Army Surplus Depot type of place, he talked about firing some old army vet guy because he said he didnt like Obama because he was black

So his job isn't as glamorous as he made it out to be?


  • i am terrified by skellybones
  • Senior Member
amirox is a responsible individual with fantastic self-control

Ok, lots of you know I'm a big ex-druggie, pro-legalization kind of guy. I was severely addicted to Ecstasy over five years ago now, and because of that experience and the resulting revelation that it was time I moved forward and mature... I dropped most of all my drugs, except alcohol. Love the effects, but ultimately realized I simply could not control myself.

So anyway, flash forward to a few months ago. For some reason, I don't know, I started having strong urges to revisit that part of my life... and one day, like clockwork, my friend comes along and offers me some coke. Yeah, I know... helluva drug. Strongly overrated. Dangerous. But I didn't resist, I snorted a bunch of lines and I was suddenly back in that world. Smoking weed, doing coke, drinking every night. A quick spiral, but I managed to stay away from Ecstasy even though it was around.

Present Day. I had a party last night at my house, and it went great - I drank myself under the table, and everyone had a good time. It was fun. This morning I'm cleaning up, and I find this stashed under the table:

*5 ecstasy tablets*

...So I go to neoGAF... should I take them, or should I not?

one hour later

friend made it over... um, probably not the best idea in retrospect. urged me, did two. he did two. So I'll be out for a while, sorry guys thanks for the help anyway :(

I have taken so many aspirin at this point that I have actually burst a blood vessel in my eye. It is no longer helping.

I broke the aspirin pill and rubbed it on the tooth. Helped for a day, no longer helps.

I took over-the-counter Ibuprofen and killed an entire bottle of it over a few weeks, no longer helps.

I asked my friend for some of his Percocets. Took a bunch of them but now he's all out.

I brush my teeth and rinse my mouth with Listerine every goddamn hour it seems like. It kills the pain initially, maybe for thirty minutes. Then it comes back.

I held a coldpack up to it but it stopped working too.

I used the numbing gel all up.

I can't get any weed until Thursday.

I would get drunk, but swigging alcohol even stopped working well and I can't get shitfaced 'cause I gotta get up early for work each day.
It hurts so much. Anyway, just for an update, I called one of my other friends who has like twelve percs he is willing to part with as a favor. So that could tide me over until Friday...hopefully
Anyways, I loaded up on percocets that'll hold me over til Friday. I hope.

and while this isn't a drug-related quote, it's still the funniest thing amir0x has ever posted

It wasn't anything but a regular family argument UNTIL she hit me across the face with the purse. I'm sorry, but here, that is the modern equivalent of xerxes burning down his village

i still think mike work's amazing post in that thread is some kind of revelation from god
« Last Edit: January 02, 2010, 08:35:48 PM by Crushed »


  • kill me
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Mike Works is godlike when he tries.

I'm fucking dying here reading all this over again. :rofl

Don Flamenco

  • FootDiFootDiFootDive
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you have to really suck at life to get addicted to ecstasy


  • Murdered in the digital realm
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What are Boogie and Xelios doing? I only ever click the direct posts lol


  • Senior Member
i see we're having our bi-monthly whine about the state of this thread. get over it and accept the main purpose of this thread ffs.

I honestly don't care if we keep this thread or not. I just feel bad that everytime I wanna share a funny YouTube link I have to create a new thread for it. If I post it here no one sees it and it gets buried. I was just trying to think of how other people might feel and streamline some uses of the forum (That sounds weird. I just woke up. Bear with me.). But, whatever. Let us carry on.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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It wasn't anything but a regular family argument UNTIL she hit me across the face with the purse. I'm sorry, but here, that is the modern equivalent of xerxes burning down his village

Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
  • Administrator
I always forget about "Xerxes burning down a village". That part makes me laugh so hard. :lol


  • i am terrified by skellybones
  • Senior Member
with all the painkillers and alcohol, i'm seriously wondering if 15 years from now he's gonna be dead from liver failure

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
  • Senior Member
I wonder where "here" is. Because where I'm from, hitting your mom isn't an option, ever. Hell, when I gave my mom angry stares she'd tell me "don't end up like Marvin Gaye"


  • sy
  • Senior Member

its like adderall for babies :lol


  • i am terrified by skellybones
  • Senior Member
Amir0x escapes from the burning wreckage. It's alright, nobody saw, it was a friend's car. He runs into the snowy night, on the mean streets of Mt. Pocono, Pennsylvania.

An ancient Greek warrior comes home to find his cottage in flames, a car buried in the side.



  • The Muffin Man
  • Senior Member
Hitogake's response to Amirox's string of bad decisions (in the "I restrained my mother who has lupus" thread) is awesome

Quote from: Hitogake
You clearly demonstrated that if other people pass those boundaries, you will throw yourself in jail in response.




  • I have the cutest car on The Bore
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  • Murdered in the digital realm
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  • I have the cutest car on The Bore
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He couldn't backpedal fast enough. :rofl

Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
  • Administrator
Hey, he's still got 10 years, don't give up yet!

:bow Free Market :bow2

:piss Regulations :piss2

Great Rumbler

  • Dab on the sinners
  • Global Moderator
Hell, when I gave my mom angry stares she'd tell me "don't end up like Marvin Gaye"

Stone cold.


  • Humble motherfucker with a big-ass dick
  • Senior Member

Holy shit! :rofl


  • sy
  • Senior Member

japan has advanced too far

they must be nuked (again)
« Last Edit: January 02, 2010, 10:02:29 PM by drew »

Quote from: Amir0x
I have a similar true story from high school. When I was in Monroe County Vocational Technical School, I was in the Computer Programming class. Our teacher was an asshat, and so he was oblivious to what we did. So we mostly played Quake all day long over LAN. One day after I was beating the opponents pretty badly, one of them began making insults toward my mom (how ironic now, huh!).

I walked across the room and threatened him to say it again. He did. I punched him in his face. Then his brother and his brothers best friend jumped into the fight, and we got into a big braul. I was taken to the office. Do you know what happened then? I had people routinely stopping by the office and giving me props for holding myself against three people. I didn't win the fight, but I stood my ground and the entire school give me props for it. It was near the end of the year, so I got suspended until next year. But I returned, and I returned with that respect. Nobody said shit about my mother again, save perhaps behind my back, but what can you do about that?

It works both ways. You cannot always let people walk all over you. You have to know when it is time to show someone you cannot cross a line. This wasn't about TV: that was an annoyance. It was about a lie, and a use of violence to try to get her point across. And that is where I said it was time to show that there are boundaries.

And I guarantee you, it won't happen again. Because the boundaries are now set and clear.

What. The. Fuck.

I'm starting to wonder if Ami received special education support for behavior while he was in high school, or if he was just a troubled student who got expelled a lot.
« Last Edit: January 02, 2010, 09:56:29 PM by distantmantra »

Great Rumbler

  • Dab on the sinners
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  • Senior Member
image already died

Awww crap, I didn't save the image.


  • sy
  • Senior Member


I knew there was a reason I un-ignored you the other day! :rock


  • Senior Member

wiitards still can't accept the way things are for their sad excuse of a console.
« Last Edit: January 02, 2010, 10:08:38 PM by Jansen »


  • Senior Member
Guess I am the acception to the rule then EH EH EH

Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
  • Administrator
Jin, make Mr. Sleeping Bag Man into an animated icon, please.

Something along the lines of:
« Last Edit: January 02, 2010, 10:15:56 PM by Joe Molotov® EDGE™ »


  • i am terrified by skellybones
  • Senior Member
The women, children, and elderly of the village huddled together in fear. Their men, armed with crude weapons and farming tools, stood before the mighty army of the Achaemenid Empire. They were helots, the serfs and slaves who tended to the land of Laconia, so that their masters, the Spartans, could ignore such work and play at war like children.

How could they expect help from their king and laws in the face of invasion, when that king and those laws said any helot could be murdered without penalty by any free citizen of Sparta? They were even used as fodder for training, so that the young Spartan soldiers could come of age by taking lives.

So it was with a sense of astonishment that they beheld the chariot racing towards them. A large Spartan man held the reigns in one hand, a torch in the other, crashing towards the army. At least one of the "warriors" had the honor to die alongside them in defense of their home, they solemnly thought.

This feeling soon dissipated. The chariot suddenly began to swerve, and sharply turned towards the village. With a thunderous crash the chariot exploded into a hut, breaking the two apart. The torch fell out of the Spartan's hand, and flame began to spread through the village. The villagers stood stunned. The Persians, who at first prepared to take out the "warrior" before all else, realized the comedy and began to laugh.

The man stood up. He wobbled from side to side. His large belly rolled. His cheeks were flush. The man was clearly in worship of Dionysus. He looked annoyed as two more chariots appeared.

"Moooooooother!!!" He bellowed. "You promised me I could kill the helots today!"

A Spartan woman climbed out of the second chariot and gestured towards the third where a younger woman and a dark-skinned African prince looked on anxiously.

"Amiroxos. Your sister and her courter wish to kill helots. You may do it another day."

The Spartan man's face grew even more crimson, though it may have been either rage or the heat from the flames of the village he had destroyed without care.

"Womaaaaaan! You have liiiiiiiiied to meeeeeeeee!" his words sending spit flying into her face. The Persian army was unable to control their laughter. "Siiiiiiilence, Asians! This is between mmmyyy mmotheeeeeerrrrrr... and I!"

The mother, straining in anger from the impudence of her son, pulled out an satchel from the chariot and swung it into his face.

"MYYYYYY FFFFFFFFFFAAAAAAAAAACE!!!!!" he cried, his round hairy belly flopping up and down. "MOOOOOOOTHHHHEEEEEER!" He grabbed her by the wrists and began to shout. "IIII WILL NOT STAAAAAAAND FOOOOR THIIIIIIIIIS!" The bickering ensued while the helots wept and the Persians doubled over and rolled upon the ground.

Eventually, Spartan guards appeared. "Citizen and soldier! Have you done dishonor to this woman?"

"SHUT UP YOU PELOPONNESE PIGS!" the man cried. At some point during the argument his sandals have been unloosed, and he moved his feet to keep the rocks out of his toes. He climbed into his mother's chariot.

"You have imbibed too much wine!" The guards shouted.

"Nonnnnnnnnnnnsense! The physician gave me a potionnnnnn, a breeeeewed teeeeeea of the east, said to give the body lifeeeeeee!" he argued, obviously still under the influence of the vine. "And noooow, ooooofffff!" He nearly fell off as the horses started forward, and wobbled back and forth as they carried him on a crooked and curving path into the distance.

The army of Persians stood silent. It was too funny to even laugh. Their bellies had nearly split in pain. Suddenly, one of the soldiers cried out with a start.

"My hashish! Someone has taken it!"


  • sy
  • Senior Member
crushed i think you may have a bit too much time on your hands


  • Senior MILF
  • Senior Member
Is it seriously that hard to figure out I'm a girl? I have a puppy dog avatar and my username is lennedsay.

Oh GAF  ::)


  • Merry Christmas
  • Senior Member
Oh my God Crushed :rofl :rofl :rofl

Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
  • Administrator
Well now you've just taken it too far.


  • i am terrified by skellybones
  • Senior Member
crushed i think you may have a bit too much time on your hands

i'm okay with this

spoiler (click to show/hide)
at a certain point writing it became less about making fun of amir0x himself and more about, "the idea of someone like amir0x in ancient greece is hilarious"


  • Member

wiitards still can't accept the way things are for their sad excuse of a console.
Yeah, I was following that. Like anyone should be surprised. I mean, No More Heroes is on the way out. Dead Space failed. Modern Warfare is a laughable mess. And now Sega is done.

I love the Sour Grapes in that thread, though. Acting like Sega didn't do anything on the console up till now.

Quote from: AstroLad
So had a bummer of an experience with this over the holidays. The IR dongle broke on the plane over. I thought any IR dongle would work but I guess not as I tried to use one from the Nyko remote and it won't detect any of the Buzz controllers still. :/
He broke the RF dongle for the Buzz Buzzers and he thinks they are IR.  :-\
« Last Edit: January 02, 2010, 10:37:14 PM by M3wThr33 »

Howard Alan Treesong

  • キング・メタル・ドラゴン
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2009 Top 25 song remix


  • cooler than willco
  • Administrator
Is it seriously that hard to figure out I'm a girl? I have a puppy dog avatar and my username is lennedsay.

Oh GAF  ::)

I'm still not sure. Want to share cock pics?


  • Member
Insanely bad: Ten Apple duds of the decade

I love the comments from Apple fanboys actually defending the G4 Cube.


  • Senior Member
Developers should just stop making "mature" and "core" games for the wii. Outside of guaranteed sellers like a new Mario or Zelda, games of that nature just don't meet expectations. It's just not the kind of system for that and everyone that thinks it is should stop lying to themselves (This system wasn't built for you people, Nintendo doesn't care about you).

ntards have been lying to themselves for well over a decade. i don't think they'll stop anytime soon.


  • Member
Developers should just stop making "mature" and "core" games for the wii. Outside of guaranteed sellers like a new Mario or Zelda, games of that nature just don't meet expectations. It's just not the kind of system for that and everyone that thinks it is should stop lying to themselves (This system wasn't built for you people, Nintendo doesn't care about you).

ntards have been lying to themselves for well over a decade. i don't think they'll stop anytime soon.
It took a decade for me to learn I was fooling myself.


  • Senior Member
Actually you keep making those 'mature' games. You aren't changing the atmosphere with a few games.


  • Murdered in the digital realm
  • Senior Member

wiitards still can't accept the way things are for their sad excuse of a console.

I like the guy early on who refused to buy the Resident Evil game out of spite, even though he liked the first one, because he's "sick of games being tests."

As if there is any media product being put out by any corporation that isn't a test of one demographic or another.

edit - lmfao @ Crushed. I'm glad I went back to read that
« Last Edit: January 02, 2010, 11:05:29 PM by AdmiralViscen »


  • Senior Member
I want to post Malek's video in that thread. You don't mind, do you , Malek?

Flannel Boy

  • classic millennial sex pickle
  • Icon
Not at all.


  • Senior Member
Oh, and what's the name of the site where you can make those videos again?

edit: done and done.
« Last Edit: January 03, 2010, 12:37:21 AM by Oblivion »

Flannel Boy

  • classic millennial sex pickle
  • Icon

I think you bumped the wrong thread.  :lol

That's going to be a long ban.


  • kill me
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nice job oblivion :rofl


  • Banana Grabber
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 :lol :lol :lol


  • Senior Member


edit: meh, whatever.  8)
« Last Edit: January 03, 2010, 12:21:36 AM by Oblivion »

Flannel Boy

  • classic millennial sex pickle
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  • Senior Member
I totally knew he would post it in the wrong damned thread.

Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
  • Administrator
Oh, and what's the name of the site where you can make those videos again?

edit: done and done.

You dumbass. :lol


  • i am terrified by skellybones
  • Senior Member
Oh, and what's the name of the site where you can make those videos again?

edit: done and done.



  • Senior Member
Sigh...guess I should log out just in case.  :-\


  • Merry Christmas
  • Senior Member
Someone needs to post Crushed's Spartan story.  I'm still LOL'ing over it. :rofl


Flannel Boy

  • classic millennial sex pickle
  • Icon
Someone needs to post Crushed's Spartan story.  I'm still LOL'ing over it. :rofl


I'd say Oblivion should do it, but he'd post it in the MLB thread.