Author Topic: Meme Machine Memorial Thread of Things You Saw on Reddit  (Read 1812719 times)

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Dickie Dee

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Hitler Stole My Potato

  • The Pelé of Anal
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She needs to borrow Kevin Smith's pants.


  • Canadian Legal Expert and Hillballer
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 :lol @ hitler


  • I have the cutest car on The Bore
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Regarding Street Fighter IV for the iPod Touch/iPhone:
Capcom just trolled the Wii harder than Drinky Crow ever could.

:bow Prole :bow2

:piss Ninthings :piss2


  • The Muffin Man
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  • The baby...
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Regarding Street Fighter IV for the iPod Touch/iPhone:
Capcom just trolled the Wii harder than Drinky Crow ever could.

:bow Prole :bow2

:piss Ninthings :piss2




:rofl :rofl :rofl
Why the fuck are people saying they want it on PSP/DS? That would be terrible.


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Re: The Outside Link Thread (All Your GAF, OA, SA, YouTube, etc. Links Go In Her
« Reply #3607 on: February 15, 2010, 04:59:24 PM »
Star Wars isn't all that great. You'll get it when you become older.


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:yuck :yuck :yuck :yuck :yuck :yuck



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They're about on the same level to me.  The only difference is that Star Wars has charm.  Avatar just has visual candy.


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Wtf am I suppose to do with that?

Great Rumbler

  • Dab on the sinners
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Avatar's the Star Wars of this generation, I think, though it's still too early to tell what it's long term cultural impact is. But Star Wars, like Rob Thomas said, had more charm to it and the acting was a bit better.

However, I bet kids that see Avatar today 8-12 will look back on it with a similar nostalgia that older people look back at Star Wars.

Van Cruncheon

  • live mas or die trying
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lol @ "the acting in star wars was better"

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Avatar's the Star Wars of this generation, I think, though it's still too early to tell what it's long term cultural impact is. But Star Wars, like Rob Thomas said, had more charm to it and the acting was a bit better.

However, I bet kids that see Avatar today 8-12 will look back on it with a similar nostalgia that older people look back at Star Wars.

lol i doubt it

Van Cruncheon

  • live mas or die trying
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avatar > star wars

but let me remind folks that i think star wars is wretched


  • kill me
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why don't you enter the REAL AVATAR THREAD, prole

green shinobi needs backup!

Madrun Badrun

  • twin-anused mascot
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I think children are far more likely to look back on Harry Potter like that then Avatar.

ya.  This generations starwars doesn't necessarily need to be scifi.

Great Rumbler

  • Dab on the sinners
  • Global Moderator
avatar > star wars

Green Shinobi vindicated.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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The Fake Shemp

  • Ebola Carrier
wtf :lol

Van Cruncheon

  • live mas or die trying
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why don't you enter the REAL AVATAR THREAD, prole

green shinobi needs backup!

i thought avatar was good fun. i don't think it is the second coming of cellulo-christ.

Olivia Wilde Homo

  • Proud Kinkshamer
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avatar > star wars

but let me remind folks that i think star wars is wretched



  • Casted Flamebait lvl. 3
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The Fake Shemp

  • Ebola Carrier
I'm not into the whole 4 wives thing we got here, I don't know anybody who pulled it off either.


The Fake Shemp

  • Ebola Carrier
How many of them hate America?

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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are the daughters hot?  :-*

The Fake Shemp

  • Ebola Carrier
Yeah, I think Maurice's question is the most important one. I'm willing to overlook their blatant anti-American ideology and the many cultural differences if they're hot.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Yeah, I think Maurice's question is the most important one. I'm willing to overlook their blatant anti-American ideology and the many cultural differences if they're hot.




  • Humble motherfucker with a big-ass dick
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avatar > star wars

but let me remind folks that i think star wars is wretched

:bow 160+ IQs never fail.

Arbys Roast Beef Sandwich

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one of my high school classmates linked to this vid on fb:


the worst part is he was serious :-\ :-\ :-\

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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the urban/hip hop christian movement needs to die in a fire. It's beyond pathetic, and I see it everyday thanks to my roommate.

btw the guy in the video is the same guy who has that Jay-Z diss video lol


  • Senior Member
the urban/hip hop christian movement needs to die in a fire. It's beyond pathetic, and I see it everyday thanks to my roommate.

btw the guy in the video is the same guy who has that Jay-Z diss video lol

Yeah, he's the same guy who freaks when Jay Z wrote that song. "JAY-Z DISSED JESUS" without listening to the song at all. What a tool.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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People will remember it, but moreso due to the visuals. And a few years down the line even that won't look as stunning; it'll be seen as the beginning of the 3D stuff.

Film wise it's not memorable, and doesn't feature any memorable characters outside of the bad guy, and some folks found him generic as fuck (I thought he was badass, sue me). The Avatar universe is in no way as interesting or filled with as many note-worthy characters as Star Wars (or Star Trek or just able any other staple of sci-fi). In fact there is no Avatar "universe" as far as I'm concerned.


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People don't think people will remember Avatar when folks talk about Independence Day and Jurassic Park years after their release? Remember the FoC crowd here, people.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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It grossed $2bil, everyone saw it, and there will be sequels. Of course people will remember it, but not due to an interesting story or exciting characters. Everyone knows who Han Solo/Luke Skywalker/etc are and can describe them (great point from that Star Wars 70min review). Who the fuck is Jake Sully? Or the blue chick, or her generic parents or the various doctors etc zzzz


  • Senior Member
The kids will remember. Avatar is totally going to get a cartoon, just you watch.


  • Senior Member
Sony and MS fans in GAF make huge OP threads about games, while Nintendo fans make big threads about...

...Nintendo concept art.  :lol


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End yourself, distinguished black fellow. That hat ain't ballin.


  • Senior Member
Someone needs to punch him in the mouth.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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End yourself, distinguished black fellow. That hat ain't ballin.

And they honestly think this corny ass behavior is going to appeal to the lost, urban masses. Some people embrace it of course, like my roommate; I'll come home and hear the most mainstream sounding music blasting from his room, and only realize it's praise music due to the lyrics.

God damn Kidz Bop coon ass muthafuckas


  • Senior Member
I haven't watched more than a minute of either vid, but is this dude not physically capable of bringing his lips together? WTF


  • Senior Member
One of my childhood friends is heavy into Christian Rap. Shit is disgusting and I laugh at him because of it. It's obvious they're selling "God" and manipulating people into thinking their music is so much more "holy" than non-Christian rap when it's obviously just a ruse.

People love taking advantage of other's love for the supernatural.

Have you seen these Muslim rappers? These kids aren't allowed to listen to any other music because music is "haram". So they create their own groups and make a bunch of music "praising God".



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 :-[ :-[ :-[

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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One of my friends used to be big on Christian hip hop, and wouldn't listen to other music because it was "of satan." So I sent him some shit that had no cursing and was filled with conscious rhymes (Y Society's album) and even after "researching" the (totally harmless) lyrics he still wouldn't listen.

That was a couple years ago. Now he's a dropout and got one of my old classmate's pregnant lol. I see that all the time with kids who were raised in hyper religious homes. Once they gain some freedom they go crazy.


  • Senior Member
Was he black?

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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nah, white.


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Despite the fact blacks tend to be more religious, as polls have told us, I've noticed that whites tend to be more hyper fundamentalist than blacks. We black people like to feign religiosity, and it's a big part of our culture but I've never met a black person that is so into religion like the Christian white kids I knew growing up.


The Fake Shemp

  • Ebola Carrier
You haven't been around enough black people.


  • Senior Member
One of my friends used to be big on Christian hip hop, and wouldn't listen to other music because it was "of satan." So I sent him some shit that had no cursing and was filled with conscious rhymes (Y Society's album) and even after "researching" the (totally harmless) lyrics he still wouldn't listen.

he must've been afraid of the rebellious feelings he got from badass hiphop :smug


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I've been around tons of black people and while most of them are religious, most of them are the "Sunday only" religious. Not "fundamentalist" religious.

That said, the black church is approaching fundamentalist beliefs more and more, if they haven't already (ie. homophobia).

The Fake Shemp

  • Ebola Carrier
I'm sure that the ratio of fundamentalist black Christians is equal to that of white people, your anecdotal evidence aside. But - hey! - if you want to use your experience to form a definitive conclusion, let me blow your mind with the fact that I have met fundamentalist black Christians! Probably more fundamentalist black Christians than fundamentalist white Christians!

I think it's safe to say, based on my anecdotal evidence, that you are wrong and the entire black race is prone to hyper fundamentalism.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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My roommate is one of the few "young" black christians I know who is hyper religious. Overall I've met way too many who's religion seemed more like something passed down parent to child, sort of like a foundation to stand on during hard times. And while the parents are religious, the kids rarely are.

This was on full effect when I played basketball at a Baptist church. There were maybe 6 black kids at the school and all of us were more "worldly" than the other students. One time one of my best friends on the team brought a Source magazine onto the bus; a half naked Trina was on the cover. We were in the back of the bus looking at it, and some of the white kids were looking too lmao. Then a teacher got on the bus and slowly started walking towards the back of the bus. All the white kids moved back to their seats, as did another black kid and me lmao. My friend sat there with his head in the magazine, totally obvious as the teacher walked right up to him.

"Richard what is that. Is that pornography?"
"no sir..."
"Where did you get this filth?"
"I found it on the bus..."
"Yea, right. That'll be 100 demerits"

One of the funniest things I've ever seen in my life :rofl

They'd constantly get in trouble for talking about movies they had seen, or music they listened to off school grounds.


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  • Senior Member
My roommate is one of the few "young" black christians I know who is hyper religious. Overall I've met way too many who's religion seemed more like something passed down parent to child, sort of like a foundation to stand on during hard times. And while the parents are religious, the kids rarely are.

About every young black adult I know is "religious" in the sense that they go to church. That's about it. But they'll still have five kids, all of which from different fathers or sell drugs.

I've never really met a hyper religious "I'm all about God!" black person in our age group. There's always the person who puts "God" as their only interest on facebook, but they'll go to a club and get drunk and pick up dudes along the way just a few hours before the choir sings "Going to See the King" early on Sunday.

The Fake Shemp

  • Ebola Carrier
Again, what you're not describing is not specific to the black experience, but what is commonly referred to across the world as a generational gap.

News flash: older people more conservative, less open to new ideas than young people.


  • Senior Member
My roommate is one of the few "young" black christians I know who is hyper religious. Overall I've met way too many who's religion seemed more like something passed down parent to child, sort of like a foundation to stand on during hard times. And while the parents are religious, the kids rarely are.

This was on full effect when I played basketball at a Baptist church. There were maybe 6 black kids at the school and all of us were more "worldly" than the other students. One time one of my best friends on the team brought a Source magazine onto the bus; a half naked Trina was on the cover. We were in the back of the bus looking at it, and some of the white kids were looking too lmao. Then a teacher got on the bus and slowly started walking towards the back of the bus. All the white kids moved back to their seats, as did another black kid and me lmao. My friend sat there with his head in the magazine, totally obvious as the teacher walked right up to him.

"Richard what is that. Is that pornography?"
"no sir..."
"Where did you get this filth?"
"I found it on the bus..."
"Yea, right. That'll be 100 demerits"

One of the funniest things I've ever seen in my life :rofl

They'd constantly get in trouble for talking about movies they had seen, or music they listened to off school grounds.

Wait. This makes no sense. Why would anyone get demerits when it's obviously not a school event?


  • Senior Member
Again, what you're not describing is not specific to the black experience, but what is commonly referred to across the world as a generational gap.

News flash: older people more conservative, less open to new ideas than young people.

I've been mostly pinpointing the people of our age group. Not the older people. My own mom is a fundamentalist in some ways.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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My roommate is one of the few "young" black christians I know who is hyper religious. Overall I've met way too many who's religion seemed more like something passed down parent to child, sort of like a foundation to stand on during hard times. And while the parents are religious, the kids rarely are.

About every young black adult I know is "religious" in the sense that they go to church. That's about it. But they'll still have five kids, all of which from different fathers or sell drugs.

I've never really met a hyper religious "I'm all about God!" black person in our age group. There's always the person who puts "God" as their only interest on facebook, but they'll go to a club and get drunk and pick up dudes along the way just a few hours before the choir sings "Going to See the King" early on Sunday.

In short, black christians are like white catholics :smug

My parents are rather religious, and I wasn't allowed to do or see many things growing up. But I can't say it was an extremely hyper religious environment; they didn't care about Harry Potter or Pokemon or whatever "worldly fad" was taking  over at the time, they were more concerned about us acting respectful/proper/etc (open the door for ladies, never call an adult by his/her first name, etc) and going to church.

On the flip side, I know people who's mothers would hide magazine covers featuring scantily clad women before allowing them to walk down the isle. I know people who got kicked out their homes and utterly ex-communicated after either coming out the closet or being caught in the act. I know some very religious black folk, but they're usually around my mom's age and their kids are a total trainwreck, and have been for some time. Whereas the majority of the white religious families I know featured kids who started off religious, then became trainwrecks the second they graduated high school.

That's just my personal experience though.

The Fake Shemp

  • Ebola Carrier
But you just said:

Quote from: Himuro
I've never really met a hyper religious "I'm all about God!" black person in our age group. There's always the person who puts "God" as their only interest on facebook, but they'll go to a club and get drunk and pick up dudes along the way just a few hours before the choir sings "Going to See the King" early on Sunday.

You're confusing me with your sweeping sociological conclusions based on anecdotal evidence. So are you saying that, by and large, there are no fundamentalist black Christians under 30 years of age? And that most older black people are not as fundamentalist as white people?

Did you ever think about the fact, I don't know, that there are more white people than black people and it is easier to manipulate the media as a vocal white minority versus being a vocal minority of a minority?