my problem with TV isn't the format. It's me. I hate getting emotionally invested and seeing a show cancelled. I hate waiting months to see what happens to the character. I hate having such a huge backlog of shows and having to invest a lot of time to really find out if it's worth watching in the long run.
Movies is much more my thing. Sure sequels might never get made but most movies stand perfectly well on their own. If it sucks, it was only 2 hours. Not weeks or months that i spent invested in it. Keeping up with my backlog of movies is much easier. There's much less shit to really wade through to find the good stuff anyways. There is so much TV that I get overwhelmed and I don't even know about most of it til it's done or near it. I feel the same way about music too.
Plus, my short ass attention span is bad. I have to do shows in a marathon. I can't watch an episode here or there. I need to watch a fucking season in a day or two. And then as shows go into their 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th season I find myself caring less and less. The only shows i've been invested in start to finish that I watched while they were airing, week to week are The Sopranos and Lost. I also currently watch The Office, Dexter, Grey's Anatomy, The Walking Dead and Boardwalk Empire. But for the last 3 years I've watched The Office, Dexter and Grey's Anatomy marathon style when the dvd's come out. The Walking Dead and Boardwalk Empire are going down this Christmas break while after I download everything (no cable, but I have a huge dvd collection and I WILL buy it if I like it. I'm a whore like that).
I guess I'm just too picky for most tv.
Edit: oh yeah, and most shows are terrible for being rewatchable. I can really only rewatch AD, Seinfeld, Six Feet Under, The Simpsons and The Sopranos. Every other show I've seen I've never gone through twice. Although, I've seen the first few seasons of Lost probably half a dozen times.