Author Topic: FitnessBore - 2018 edition  (Read 816976 times)

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  • Nylonhilist
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Re: FitnessBore - 2010 edition
« Reply #1440 on: May 06, 2010, 08:46:37 PM »
Not exactly.

Eating carbs raises your blood sugar which stimulates the release of insulin and that of course stores the excess blood glucose.  Now, first the glucose gets stored in your glycogen reserves in your liver, then the reserves in your muscles, and then finally if you still have excess glucose it goes into fat.  Your body first uses glycogen because it is much easier and faster to convert it to glucose for ATP production so first your glycogen reserves go and then your fat when exercising.  You have thousands of calories in glycogen so you wouldn't get to the fat unless you've been running a marathon or something (people usually drop around the 20 km mark).

What exactly is different/superior about the way your body uses fat?


  • Poster of the Forever
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Re: FitnessBore - 2010 edition
« Reply #1441 on: May 06, 2010, 09:20:57 PM »
Not exactly WHAT?

What is your point about the link I posted? What does your question mean? (superior to what?) How many times do you have to be told by everybody here that you don't fucking make sense before you start posting in some kind of manner that doesn't make everyone who reads it feel like they're trying to solve a jigsaw puzzle with the wrong pieces?


  • Nylonhilist
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Re: FitnessBore - 2010 edition
« Reply #1442 on: May 07, 2010, 01:08:37 AM »
My first comment was that there isn't a simple linear connection between eating carbs and storing it as fat, like you said.  In fact, the last way that insulin tells your body to store excess glucose is in the form of fat.

My question was how your body processes and stores the fat you eat which wouldn't make you store as much fat?


  • "Hero" isn't the right word, but its the first word that comes to mind
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Re: FitnessBore - 2010 edition
« Reply #1443 on: May 10, 2010, 07:57:28 PM »
Thanks for the injury advice Cormac. I lifted with my arm today after 5 days off and its as good as new. I actually think I injured it squatting (weak wrist with a low bar position) and then aggravated it by benching immediately afterwards. Felt fine doing shoulder press today  :)


  • Poster of the Forever
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Re: FitnessBore - 2010 edition
« Reply #1444 on: May 10, 2010, 08:03:07 PM »
Thanks for the injury advice Cormac. I lifted with my arm today after 5 days off and its as good as new. I actually think I injured it squatting (weak wrist with a low bar position) and then aggravated it by benching immediately afterwards. Felt fine doing shoulder press today  :)

I've tweaked my shoulder a few times the same way - the way to avoid it seems to be to take a very wide grip. I always warm up with shoulder dislocates and some light pressing (just the bar) before squats now, even though it doesn't really engage the shoulders. You are pushing hard against the bar with your whole body, so if your grip is awkward, you can potentially hurt the shoulder.

Should I respond to am nintenho or not? Gah. It requires about a 1,000 word post and he probably won't understand it anyway. Does anyone else care?


  • The Smooth Canadian
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Re: FitnessBore - 2010 edition
« Reply #1445 on: May 10, 2010, 08:41:00 PM »

Should I respond to am nintenho or not? Gah. It requires about a 1,000 word post and he probably won't understand it anyway. Does anyone else care?

Remember that he advocated spot reduction of fat early in the thread.  I wouldn't bother.

Anyway, a few random thoughts:  Injuries suck.  I have a permanently gimped shoulder.  Gone to doctors and physio, and they've basically given me medical-speak for "deal with it, it's never going to heal."  on top of that, I tweaked my knee twice eight months ago in my martial arts training.  It still hasn't fully healed.  :-\

On the topic of diet, you have blown my mind about carbs, dude.  Would you really advocate cutting out brown rice, even?  My current average diet:
Breakfast: three eggs, a quarter of a bowl of cereal, orange juice
lunch: sliced chicken breast sandwich (whole wheat bread), fat-free yogurt, water
Dinner: chicken breast, veggies, brown rice, milk

thoughts?  (ya, ya, cut out the OJ.  You can take my OJ when you pry it from my cold, dead hands ;) )


  • Let your soul glow
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Re: FitnessBore - 2010 edition
« Reply #1446 on: May 10, 2010, 08:58:29 PM »
Fuck carbs. Done with them bitches

Thanks a lot Cormac


  • The Smooth Canadian
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Re: FitnessBore - 2010 edition
« Reply #1447 on: May 10, 2010, 09:03:24 PM »
Fuck carbs. Done with them bitches

Thanks a lot Cormac

bu-bu-bu pasta tases so good  :drool


  • Let your soul glow
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Re: FitnessBore - 2010 edition
« Reply #1448 on: May 10, 2010, 09:09:44 PM »
Used to be a big fan. But when a guy is living in Italy and he's mostly eating rice, you know Pasta ain't got no pull anymore.


  • Nylonhilist
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Re: FitnessBore - 2010 edition
« Reply #1449 on: May 10, 2010, 09:16:41 PM »

Should I respond to am nintenho or not? Gah. It requires about a 1,000 word post and he probably won't understand it anyway. Does anyone else care?
Based on anecdotal evidence which I eventually admitted I was wrong about.

If Cormac finally found some evidence that supports what he says than yea, he should post it.  A few weeks ago I posted an article from the WHO supporting a carb-centric diet and then he posted something about their being profound forces from the corn lobby or whatever discouraging research that supports a low-carb diet.  A few days ago, I saw that he didn't summarize the role of insulin well and so I asked him to clarify why he believes that fats are a healthier source of calories.

To be clear, I couldn't care what he himself eats.  But if you're giving health advice to other people, then you should have that advice backed up by strong, direct evidence.


  • Poster of the Forever
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Re: FitnessBore - 2010 edition
« Reply #1450 on: May 10, 2010, 09:44:13 PM »
The WHO report you posted was over 100 pages! There was a ton of nuanced info in there that supports everything I'm saying, but it's obvious they're not going to change their bottom-line recommendations anytime soon, even though they know they're wrong.

I'm posting this from work, btw, I don't always have time to rattle off 1,000 word replies to people who show no signs of taking anything on board anyway. I mean, preventing fucking cancer is seemingly not enough of a reason for you to prefer fats to carbs, what else can I possibly offer?

Yes, Boogie: ditch the oatmeal etc. My breakfast this morning: 3 beef sausages, 2 fried eggs with cream cheese, one glass of whole cream mixed with milk. Your body works better if it burns fat, not blood sugar. Constantly refilling on blood sugar causes all manner of crash and burn problems that are very easily avoided by shifting to a fat-burning metabolism.


  • The Smooth Canadian
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Re: FitnessBore - 2010 edition
« Reply #1451 on: May 10, 2010, 09:47:43 PM »

Yes, Boogie: ditch the oatmeal etc. My breakfast this morning: 3 beef sausages, 2 fried eggs with cream cheese, one glass of whole cream mixed with milk. Your body works better if it burns fat, not blood sugar. Constantly refilling on blood sugar causes all manner of crash and burn problems that are very easily avoided by shifting to a fat-burning metabolism.

Noted, though more interested in the dinner.  Keep the brown rice, or ditch?


  • Poster of the Forever
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Re: FitnessBore - 2010 edition
« Reply #1452 on: May 10, 2010, 09:54:22 PM »
ditch it, as with whole wheat bread. The fiber offsets the carbs to some extent but really, it's not enough to justify it. It's still grain-based simple carbs, nothing worse for you.

here's what i had for dinner last night - wish i'd taken a pic:

huge slab of kuroge wagyu steak
blue cheese & walnuts

salad 1: baby spinach, tomato & walnuts w/home-made olive oil/vinegar/dijon mustard dressing
salad 2: avocado, cucumber and pine nuts w/sesame oil and lemon juice dressing

strawberries and cream for dessert

Now, I'm a pretty damn good pasta chef, as anyone who's seen my flickr page will probably testify. But I just can't justify eating that stuff on a regular basis anymore for health reasons, and for taste reasons, I don't see any real reason to do it either. Note that all of the above is done without waiting for 3 liters of water to boil for the pasta. Nothing took any significant time to prepare - the steak was done in 30 secs each side.
« Last Edit: May 10, 2010, 09:55:59 PM by Cormacaroni »


  • Nylonhilist
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Re: FitnessBore - 2010 edition
« Reply #1453 on: May 10, 2010, 09:57:48 PM »
The WHO report you posted was over 100 pages! There was a ton of nuanced info in there that supports everything I'm saying, but it's obvious they're not going to change their bottom-line recommendations anytime soon, even though they know they're wrong.

I'm posting this from work, btw, I don't always have time to rattle off 1,000 word replies to people who show no signs of taking anything on board anyway. I mean, preventing fucking cancer is seemingly not enough of a reason for you to prefer fats to carbs, what else can I possibly offer?
If there is such nuanced info then the only logical thing is to point it out rather than claim the entire World Health Organization is biased.  Even 3 weeks late, I would appreciate any evidence in that report that supports what you believe.

You can't expect anyone to doubt the conclusions of the majority of scientists without giving any evidence that supports what you are saying.


  • Poster of the Forever
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Re: FitnessBore - 2010 edition
« Reply #1454 on: May 10, 2010, 10:14:02 PM »
Their recommendations haven't changed meaningfully in decades, while the advance of lifestyle diseases like diabetes, obesity and cancer has continued to the point where Americans now will die younger than their parents did, despite much more advanced medical care.

The problem with quoting studies at each other is that there is an opposing set of studies to almost every nutritional viewpoint at this stage - nuts are good for you! nuts are bad for you! coffee gives you cancer! coffee cures cancer!  Most of those studies have very complicated conditions (done on rats, say or done without proper controls) that mean they don't result in useful information for most people. Yes, brown rice will give some health benefits compared to the Standard American Diet (SAD) but it would NOT give any health benefits to ME; quite the contrary. So quoting a study that recommends brown rice over white toast to me doesn't sway me in the least. I don't eat either.
« Last Edit: May 10, 2010, 10:16:32 PM by Cormacaroni »


  • Poster of the Forever
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Re: FitnessBore - 2010 edition
« Reply #1455 on: May 10, 2010, 10:15:45 PM »
Alright then: I'll type this stuff up on why fats are healthier than simple carbs for you tonight if I have time but you have to read it and think about it for yourself, not just spout crap back at me that you've googled randomly alright?


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Re: FitnessBore - 2010 edition
« Reply #1456 on: May 11, 2010, 10:31:50 AM »
I've lost about 10 pounds over the last couple of weeks.

Been watching what I eat and running.

Breakfast (usually): 2 pieces of bacon, 2 or 3 eggs, a piece of sausage and some milk
Lunch: Some kind of chicken with either a small amount of beans or rice on the side
Dinner: Either chicken or beef and a side veggie

I've been working on portion controls which is a huge issue with me.  i love to eat a lot.  I also haven't been buying anything pre prepared or from restaurants/fast food.  Everything is what I've cooked.


  • Poster of the Forever
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Re: FitnessBore - 2010 edition
« Reply #1457 on: May 11, 2010, 07:52:16 PM »
The bad news is that most of that is likely all the (creatine?) water weight / good news is that moderate, healthy & sustainable weight loss should continue if you keep that up.

The easiest way to 'control' portions if you like a lot of food (i do) is just to make big salads. Eat a bunch of salad, drink a bunch of water, don't start eating your meat until you've eaten say half of the salad. You can eat your fill of stuff like broccoli, spinach, lettuce, cabbage, asparagus etc without ever worrying about calories. The only veggies you need to exercise control over are potatoes (the worst), squash, carrots and other starchy stuff. Try to wean yourself off the rice and beans and the flab should continue to come off.


  • Let your soul glow
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Re: FitnessBore - 2010 edition
« Reply #1458 on: May 11, 2010, 08:21:36 PM »
Creatine doesn't make you lose weight at all.

Btw, i think never in my life, i've eaten as much real food per day. And i'm heavier then i was months ago but i don't look heavier at all. Love it!
« Last Edit: May 11, 2010, 08:24:36 PM by WrikaWrek »


  • Poster of the Forever
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Re: FitnessBore - 2010 edition
« Reply #1459 on: May 11, 2010, 08:27:19 PM »
I think he's coming off creatine, which as far as I can gather makes you retain water like a girly-girl. So the combo of dieting and coming off creating seems likely to result in a sudden decrease in weight. And inches coming off those lovely Mexican biceps :gloomy


  • Nylonhilist
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Re: FitnessBore - 2010 edition
« Reply #1460 on: May 12, 2010, 02:38:51 AM »
Alright then: I'll type this stuff up on why fats are healthier than simple carbs for you tonight if I have time but you have to read it and think about it for yourself, not just spout crap back at me that you've googled randomly alright?
yeah I'd have no problem at least doing that.

Hitler Stole My Potato

  • The Pelé of Anal
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Re: FitnessBore - 2010 edition
« Reply #1461 on: May 12, 2010, 08:05:46 AM »
I went running last night and my left knee's the size of a softball now.  Looks like I'll be taking it easy for a while now.

The Fake Shemp

  • Ebola Carrier
Re: FitnessBore - 2010 edition
« Reply #1462 on: May 12, 2010, 08:58:35 AM »
I've only lost a couple of pounds the past ten days, but I've been sidelined for much of that with illness. I'm also moving towards eating small meals throughout the day in an effort to raise my metabolism. Hoping to start lifting again this week. I'm less than a month away from goal and I only have seven pounds to go.


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Re: FitnessBore - 2010 edition
« Reply #1463 on: May 12, 2010, 10:36:38 AM »
I think he's coming off creatine, which as far as I can gather makes you retain water like a girly-girl. So the combo of dieting and coming off creating seems likely to result in a sudden decrease in weight. And inches coming off those lovely Mexican biceps :gloomy

Yeah, holding all the water made my stomach do this bulge at the top and then steep drop thing.  It looked like I was holding a soccer ball in my upper abdomen.  Like 5 days after I cycled off it was gone.  I've got about 20 lbs more lbs to lose to make me happy and I'll start strength training again.

Man, eating like a beast while I was lifting 5 times a week has put my eating habits all to hell.  Not to mention I'm always fucking hungry when I know I shouldn't be.  It's not as bad as it used to be, but I still see myself craving a big fat fucking steak or a nice hamburger :'(


  • Let your soul glow
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Re: FitnessBore - 2010 edition
« Reply #1464 on: May 12, 2010, 01:09:34 PM »
The creatine i took (Purple K) didn't have that effect at all. There was no water retention.


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Re: FitnessBore - 2010 edition
« Reply #1465 on: May 12, 2010, 01:15:58 PM »
you're taking pills aren't you?  pills don't cause it.  the powder does.


  • Let your soul glow
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Re: FitnessBore - 2010 edition
« Reply #1466 on: May 12, 2010, 01:29:01 PM »
I was taking pills yeah.

Shit worked too.


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Re: FitnessBore - 2010 edition
« Reply #1467 on: May 12, 2010, 01:30:25 PM »
When I started losing my water weight I noticed how much it worked.  I increased in size like a motherfucker and shit that used to be a struggle was just a breeze.  I'd recommend it.

Olivia Wilde Homo

  • Proud Kinkshamer
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Re: FitnessBore - 2010 edition
« Reply #1468 on: May 15, 2010, 09:33:22 AM »
Last week, I took Cormacaroni's advice (not to me but what he gave out) and cut my carbohydrate consumption down.  Well, I've read about it for years but stuck to the 20/40/40 for 5 years.  It worked for me cutting 115 lbs and if it isn't broke, why fix it was what I was thinking.  I was willing to change it up since now that I'm 25, I needed to start looking at how to stave off strength and testosterone loss the best way I can.  Even better, find another way to keep gaining strength and lower body fat without obsessing over calorie counting.

I feel a lot more energetic and lost four pounds, despite not really cutting calories down.  I presume it is water weight fluctuation but I was impressed.  Didn't really lose any strength but I'll have to wait for the long term to see if there is a general trend downward or not.

I'm going to continue doing a lot more research, reducing carbohydrate intake to (full fat) greek yogurt, fruits (sparingly), and vegetables while increasing my fat consumption (my protein consumption is high already).


  • Poster of the Forever
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Re: FitnessBore - 2010 edition
« Reply #1469 on: May 17, 2010, 04:43:09 AM »
Good job, T EXP.

Trust me, I have a lot to say on the subject but I'm on holiday right now which means I'm a full-time babyminder/chef/indentured servant and won't have much time to spend on the forum for a while. I'm eating a fairly strict Paleo-style diet right now (no bread/pasta/rice/beer/potatoes but with dairy - lots of cream, butter, yoghurt etc). I feel so much better than when I was pigging out on pizza and beer while doing Starting Strength, it's quite ridiculous. The flab is coming off nicely too. Now that it's warm out, it feels great to eat lots of salads and deli-style foods rather than stodgy carbs. My Achilles heel of course is the booze. But if that's my only failing, i'll probably be fine if i keep it to social drinking, since i don't get out that much now anyway.

The Fake Shemp

  • Ebola Carrier
Re: FitnessBore - 2010 edition
« Reply #1470 on: May 26, 2010, 12:45:11 PM »
Only two weeks from goal (under the 300 mark!) and I'm so close:



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Re: FitnessBore - 2010 edition
« Reply #1471 on: May 26, 2010, 12:53:08 PM »
Who's the blonde?? :drool

The Fake Shemp

  • Ebola Carrier
Re: FitnessBore - 2010 edition
« Reply #1472 on: May 26, 2010, 01:18:28 PM »
My friend Angie :D

Re: FitnessBore - 2010 edition
« Reply #1473 on: May 27, 2010, 11:01:05 AM »
I ran 10 miles on Sunday. Felt great when I was done, should have no problem doing the half marathon next month.


  • Senior Member
Re: FitnessBore - 2010 edition
« Reply #1474 on: May 27, 2010, 12:30:40 PM »
Good job, T EXP.

Trust me, I have a lot to say on the subject but I'm on holiday right now which means I'm a full-time babyminder/chef/indentured servant and won't have much time to spend on the forum for a while. I'm eating a fairly strict Paleo-style diet right now (no bread/pasta/rice/beer/potatoes but with dairy - lots of cream, butter, yoghurt etc). I feel so much better than when I was pigging out on pizza and beer while doing Starting Strength, it's quite ridiculous. The flab is coming off nicely too. Now that it's warm out, it feels great to eat lots of salads and deli-style foods rather than stodgy carbs. My Achilles heel of course is the booze. But if that's my only failing, i'll probably be fine if i keep it to social drinking, since i don't get out that much now anyway.

I usually cycle on paleo-I'm on the week, and off the weekend.  I'm too much a foodie to give up pasta, rice, alcohol and stuff permanently, but I do notice how terrible I feel when I eat gluten based foods coming off the week.  Most of my pasta consumption is more in line with traditional Italian dining serving sizes, instead of huge plates of the stuff.


  • Poster of the Forever
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Re: FitnessBore - 2010 edition
« Reply #1475 on: May 27, 2010, 12:46:33 PM »
I know what you mean about feeling terrible on those foods, no matter how great they may taste. Every time I eat bread etc recently, I get hit by a huge wave of drowsiness afterward, that lasts a couple of hours. I used to chalk this up to a vague notion of "the digestive process" but since this doesn't happen when I eat a huge dose of Paleo-type foods, I'm increasingly convinced of the impact of the simple carbs. I had a big Indian meal for lunch recently (with jonnyram, dcharlie and Sho Nuff actually) but it seriously wiped me out for a couple of hrs afterward. Obviously, insulin sensitivity is a continuum, and the more sensitive you become, the more you notice these effects. It seems like some sort of negative side-effect when put in those terms, but it's analogous to drinking less alcohol and getting drunk more easily, I believe.

I'm having more luck getting my family to eat this way now. The secret is making soup and salad for dinner! By the time the main course rolls around, they're already getting full of good stuff and not so interested in the rice/pasta/bread junk (which I'll still cook for them if they want it).

Sure, it's tough to be a foodie and give up ANYTHING. I totally sympathize. But if you want to be healthy, you're going to have to curb your appetites to some extent, whether it's skipping dessert, or booze, or counting calories. Paleo eating is the least stressful way of eating I've found yet, especially if you follow Sisson's "80% Rule" ;) Your weekend only plan seems right in line with that. My social life is much less predictable so I'll probably just try to stick to a vague 80% compliance, 20% guilt-free indulgence guideline going forward. But for now, I'm enjoying being relatively strict. I feel so great all day need for coffee as an energy crutch, sleeping great, lots of energy.

Van Cruncheon

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Re: FitnessBore - 2010 edition
« Reply #1476 on: May 27, 2010, 12:55:47 PM »
man, you are spot on w/ regards to the insulin sensitivity -- i've been paleo-dieting, as you put it, since the start of february, and ANY serious carbs that aren't whole wheat/grain make me feel ill (which is great, imho). greek yogurt ftw

i've given up my massive caffeine addiction as well, which was freakin' rough, but i do sleep loads better -- i had terrible insomnia up until the time i started this diet, and now i sleep 7 hours straight at a shot.

on the other hand, my aspartame consumption has gone through the roof, but it hasn't seem to have an effect -- yet. apparently it CAN trigger ghrelin responses that encourage cravings in some folks, but i haven't seen it.
« Last Edit: May 27, 2010, 12:57:30 PM by Professor Prole »

The Fake Shemp

  • Ebola Carrier
Re: FitnessBore - 2010 edition
« Reply #1477 on: May 27, 2010, 01:21:47 PM »
I don't really have a diet, but I keep things to whole wheat/grain except for things like fruit and the occasional portions of veggie chips and stuff. But I will say that I generally don't have a hankerin' for processed carbs anymore and when I do eat a bunch (Mother's Day weekend), it tends to upset my entire digestive system. I can't even drink like I used to anymore.

My weakness are nuts. So good. So fatty/high in calories. And I don't lift enough to eat a bunch. Maybe that will be my incentive to finally get a gym membership, so I can eat handfuls of nuts. :lol


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Re: FitnessBore - 2010 edition
« Reply #1478 on: May 27, 2010, 01:23:50 PM »
my sleep's not getting better. I want to work more vegetables in my diet. I'm having no problems waning myself off of carbs though.

Still dropped about 15 or so pounds the last month and a half. Don't want to be a fat slob for my friend's wedding -- it's in November and I'm the best man -- so I'm hoping to drop about 20 or 30 more.
« Last Edit: May 27, 2010, 01:25:58 PM by pollo »

cool breeze

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Re: FitnessBore - 2010 edition
« Reply #1479 on: May 27, 2010, 01:24:33 PM »
yeah, nuts are like crack, especially cashew and macadamia.

for me it is chocolate with high percentage of cacao.  I don't know what the consensus of how good they are to have, but of most foods I eat (I don't have a strict diet or anything) it seems like the worst.  well, best tasting at least.
« Last Edit: May 27, 2010, 01:27:12 PM by Linkzg »

The Fake Shemp

  • Ebola Carrier
Re: FitnessBore - 2010 edition
« Reply #1480 on: May 27, 2010, 01:27:57 PM »
You can take carbs from my cold, bloated, dead hands :punch

What I would do for your BMI.

Re: FitnessBore - 2010 edition
« Reply #1481 on: May 27, 2010, 01:31:13 PM »
I lost 15 pounds (went from 167 to 152) by just running, didn't change my diet at all.

:bow CARBS :bow2

In fact, I think I'll get myself a tasty Bahn Mi for lunch.


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Re: FitnessBore - 2010 edition
« Reply #1482 on: May 27, 2010, 01:35:29 PM »
I've lost 15 lbs eating the same amount of calories but <30 gms of carbs daily by just sitting on my ass and laying on my bed.

 :smug carbs :smug


  • Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside.
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Re: FitnessBore - 2010 edition
« Reply #1483 on: May 27, 2010, 01:35:53 PM »
I've gained all of 4 pounds in 15 years.

Same  :(


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Re: FitnessBore - 2010 edition
« Reply #1484 on: May 27, 2010, 02:10:27 PM »
I want to gain some muscle mass, I am skinny as fuck. Is there anybody else who has similar plans?
Also, I am very ignorant when it comes to counting calories, diets, x90, BMI and all that new age shit. I just try to eat as much meat and lift weights as much as I can but I haven't done so in more than a year and have pucked up smoking too which I am trying to quit. I don't plan on taking steroids and dealing with gynos doesn't interest me.

Van Cruncheon

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Re: FitnessBore - 2010 edition
« Reply #1485 on: May 27, 2010, 02:19:49 PM »
yeah, despite the moderately healthy fats, nuts aren't good for straight dieting unless you're gonna supplement it with some serious workouts. i stick to chicken/turkey/fish in large quantities for my protein, some soy for variety, and fattier items on the big workout days. if i have any carbs, they are whole grains in the morning -- i try to avoid them in the afternoon/evenings altogether.

really, though, it's about calibrating your diet to YOUR needs -- understand that carbs in particular (and some artificial sweeteners) cause the stomach to release ghrelin, a hormone that tells your brain to FEED -- and that alone can cause you to overconsume. the more ghrelin gets released, the more your body insists on carbs, and your insulin response gets nutso. knowing what YOU can eat at what times is part of the personal rule for carbs is: if i'm not gonna immediately burn 'em, i won't eat 'em.


  • Nylonhilist
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Re: FitnessBore - 2010 edition
« Reply #1486 on: May 27, 2010, 04:32:52 PM »
I can understand the drowsy feeling due to insulin sensitivity varying by diet but the appetite argument is a real stretch.  Processing fat is a very slow, irregular process versus glycogen.

My weakness are nuts. So good. So fatty/high in calories. And I don't lift enough to eat a bunch. Maybe that will be my incentive to finally get a gym membership, so I can eat handfuls of nuts. :lol
They're a better source of unsaturated fats than animal fats though.  I would never be concerned with protein intake even if you're body-building, it's very easy to get more than enough protein in a normal diet.


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Re: FitnessBore - 2010 edition
« Reply #1487 on: May 27, 2010, 04:48:12 PM »
I can understand the drowsy feeling due to insulin sensitivity varying by diet but the appetite argument is a real stretch.  Processing fat is a very slow, irregular process versus glycogen.

My weakness are nuts. So good. So fatty/high in calories. And I don't lift enough to eat a bunch. Maybe that will be my incentive to finally get a gym membership, so I can eat handfuls of nuts. :lol
They're a better source of unsaturated fats than animal fats though.  I would never be concerned with protein intake even if you're body-building, it's very easy to get more than enough protein in a normal diet.
I dunno.  For some people it's pretty hard.  Even for me, someone who loves to eat, I found myself being stuffed and not reaching my recommended protein intake.  I was cutting out carbs too.  I had to turn to shakes because i just couldn't eat enough.


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Re: FitnessBore - 2010 edition
« Reply #1488 on: May 27, 2010, 04:51:05 PM »
That ends up on my face!  Not necessarily consumed :teehee


  • Nylonhilist
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Re: FitnessBore - 2010 edition
« Reply #1489 on: May 27, 2010, 04:51:49 PM »
I dunno.  For some people it's pretty hard.  Even for me, someone who loves to eat, I found myself being stuffed and not reaching my recommended protein intake.  I was cutting out carbs too.  I had to turn to shakes because i just couldn't eat enough.
How do you know you're not getting enough though?


  • "Hero" isn't the right word, but its the first word that comes to mind
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Re: FitnessBore - 2010 edition
« Reply #1490 on: May 27, 2010, 09:21:58 PM »
Nice with the sticky.

Trying my hand at Crossfit. I did the Fran workout yesterday (I am lagging wod's). It sounded really easy, but it kicked my ass. I couldn't do all of the pullups, but I was able to do 10 for all three sets.


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Re: FitnessBore - 2010 edition
« Reply #1491 on: May 28, 2010, 10:17:44 AM »
I dunno.  For some people it's pretty hard.  Even for me, someone who loves to eat, I found myself being stuffed and not reaching my recommended protein intake.  I was cutting out carbs too.  I had to turn to shakes because i just couldn't eat enough.
How do you know you're not getting enough though?
when you're strength training you're supposed to get about 1 to 1.5 grams of protein for every lb of body weight.  Not to mention, you can tell by your recovery.  If your recovery is stunted or you're not getting good gains then it's a pretty good sign you need more protein.  Even more telling is when the symptoms disappear after upping your protein intake.

Phoenix Dark

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Re: FitnessBore - 2010 edition
« Reply #1492 on: May 28, 2010, 07:54:07 PM »
Usually my diet consists of

breakfast (when I have it): eggs or oatmeal
lunch: chicken breast and veggie
dinner: chicken breast and veggie

with nuts thrown in as a snack.


Olivia Wilde Homo

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Re: FitnessBore - 2010 edition
« Reply #1493 on: May 29, 2010, 03:20:32 PM »
Three weeks into my carbohydrate reduction and I've dropped 11 lbs.  I haven't seen more cuts and striations on my body since I was 21 and calorie counting like a motherfucker.  I've seen strength gains but not enough to swear by it as a way to see results.  I definitely have more energy.

The best part is that I don't have to choke down steel cut oats or canned tuna to make my macronutrient goals for the day.

One day a week I'll eat carbohydrates for my cheat day.

I've read a bunch of the science behind it and I don't care to discuss it but I'll keep researching.  My nutrient information is from around 2004 when I lost 115 lbs.  Although this information was around then but that was the peak of Atkins and seeing people gorge on bacon and fail at the diet even then kept me away from looking at low carbohydrate alternatives.


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Re: FitnessBore - 2010 edition
« Reply #1494 on: May 29, 2010, 07:19:27 PM »
Yea I was horribly misinformed about this low-carb thing till now. I just assumed the majority of the people on it were eating steaks and bacon daily -- which didn't seem like a great diet plan. The introduction of paleo it's brought a lot of light to low-carbing in my eyes. Essentially taught me that meat is not the only thing eaten in a low-carb plan.

I just had lobster, pork and some 90% chocolate. Might grab a side salad if I get hungry later tonight. I just don't see how I can eat stuff that I was eating before - rice, bread, processed junk food just don't appeal to me anymore knowing how detrimental they are on the human body.

Only downside is I'm noticing some muscle loss..but I guess that's to be accounted for when losing weight. I do think I eat too much red meats and I want to cut back. Probably just switch to more chicken breast/fish/cream.
« Last Edit: May 29, 2010, 07:23:14 PM by pollo »


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Re: FitnessBore - 2010 edition
« Reply #1495 on: May 29, 2010, 08:23:37 PM »
Found a new way to do small meals. Use the mixing machine!

Put tuna, almounds, vegeteables, cottage cheese and just press the button. It's like baby food.


  • Nylonhilist
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Re: FitnessBore - 2010 edition
« Reply #1496 on: May 29, 2010, 08:29:05 PM »
It does make sense strictly as a weight-loss diet if it really helps you cut back on caloric intake.

But you'd need to take multivitamins, especially calcium which was very hard to get on a paleo diet.  It also screws your glycogen reserves but I guess you could get used to that to that if you don't do too much cardio.

I mean I eat all the grains I want but I do lots of cardio.
« Last Edit: May 29, 2010, 09:13:46 PM by am nintenho »


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Re: FitnessBore - 2010 edition
« Reply #1497 on: May 30, 2010, 10:09:18 PM »
am nintenho the only person not getting it. Oh well, I've been lazy in posting so I can't bitch too much.

You get all the glycogen you need eating paleo - Mark Sisson came 4th in the Hawaii Iron Man on a Paleo diet. Simple carbs are not the only food group that creates glycogen! Protein stimulates insulin too, as anyone who's been in a 'meat coma' after a big BBQ can testify. If you want calcium, just drink some milk or eat yoghurt. Relatively few people get as far into Paleo eating as to give up dairy entirely. Most people don't even give up the grains completely, and there are plenty of Paleo gurus who swear by dairy (one guy - an MD - lives almost entirely off whole cream and butter).

Don't think you're ok eating all the crap you want just because you're skinny or doing lots of cardio. The visceral fat accumulated by skinny folks is more dangerous from a health standpoint that belly or thigh fat, it's just not so (visibly) ugly. Go take an MRI and tell me how skinny you are. And you also likely lack on muscle and organ reserve, both of which will stand you in very good stead in later life or when you get sick.


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Re: FitnessBore - 2010 edition
« Reply #1498 on: May 30, 2010, 10:16:05 PM »
Yea I was horribly misinformed about this low-carb thing till now. I just assumed the majority of the people on it were eating steaks and bacon daily -- which didn't seem like a great diet plan. The introduction of paleo it's brought a lot of light to low-carbing in my eyes. Essentially taught me that meat is not the only thing eaten in a low-carb plan.

I just had lobster, pork and some 90% chocolate. Might grab a side salad if I get hungry later tonight. I just don't see how I can eat stuff that I was eating before - rice, bread, processed junk food just don't appeal to me anymore knowing how detrimental they are on the human body.

Only downside is I'm noticing some muscle loss..but I guess that's to be accounted for when losing weight. I do think I eat too much red meats and I want to cut back. Probably just switch to more chicken breast/fish/cream.

How are you're noticing muscle loss? Are you getting measurably weaker or do you just feel or look smaller? Getting weaker is a consequence of inadequate resistance training (or just plain 'work') or not eating enough. Neither are an intrinsic problem with Paleo; you can eat as much as you want and train as hard as you like if you eat accordingly.

Yes, Paleo >>>> traditional low-carb approaches. Many Atkins-style eaters eat way more protein than they need, and often of a really bad quality (shitty meat from cancerous factory-produced animals), rather than getting their energy from healthy fats. I did Atkins for a year and my experience varied hugely depending on what I ate, even keeping within the specificied daily carb allotments. Eating good quality food is the key to it all.


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Re: FitnessBore - 2010 edition
« Reply #1499 on: May 30, 2010, 10:20:48 PM »
Nice with the sticky.

Trying my hand at Crossfit. I did the Fran workout yesterday (I am lagging wod's). It sounded really easy, but it kicked my ass. I couldn't do all of the pullups, but I was able to do 10 for all three sets.

LEOP! (looks easy on paper)

Fran is an absolute bitch but do all the pull-ups next time! Don't be afraid (or embarrassed) to switch to jumping pull-ups or otherwise-assisted PUs when you just can't do anymore deadhangs or kips, even after resting. Also, I wouldn't follow the workouts religiously or anything; some of them are just ridiculous. Have a look at the hundreds of Crossfit affiliate gyms who post workouts online and try different ones that look manageable.