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Van Cruncheon

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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2400 on: May 18, 2011, 07:12:41 PM »
i prefer the math. i have almost ZERO body awareness, courtesy of WHOA HEY AUTISM. my brat's the same way -- she can't even tell when she's hungry.


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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2401 on: May 18, 2011, 07:28:17 PM »
You sure it's just not cause of a deranged metabolism?


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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2402 on: May 18, 2011, 07:30:05 PM »
This is all so complicated! :'(

You guys serious about the eggs and bacon? I'd be the happiest person alive if I could eat bacon everyday.

Doesn't have to be complicated. Read my suggested days' worth of meals and exercise for Smooth Groove. If you can do something similar to that, you'll be in great shape.

I've eaten bacon and eggs every day for the past year at least, I think. Somedays I eat it twice! :lol

cool breeze

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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2403 on: May 18, 2011, 08:08:26 PM »
I had to look up net calories to see if it is a thing

I still don't get it

edit: to be clear, it's not that I don't understand the concept.  And to put this in perspective, on sunday I watched a guy shave another guy's body hair off, then suck his dick; the other day I watched 40 minutes of Eat Love Pray.  Net calories manages to out homo both.
« Last Edit: May 18, 2011, 08:12:14 PM by Linkzg »


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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2404 on: May 18, 2011, 08:51:12 PM »
This is all so complicated! :'(

You guys serious about the eggs and bacon? I'd be the happiest person alive if I could eat bacon everyday.

Doesn't have to be complicated. Read my suggested days' worth of meals and exercise for Smooth Groove. If you can do something similar to that, you'll be in great shape.

I've eaten bacon and eggs every day for the past year at least, I think. Somedays I eat it twice! :lol
I can do breakfast, easy. Not sure about lunch or dinner. I guess I can attempt to make my own salad. Shouldn't be too hard. My parents only eat chicken and fish though, so steak for dinner is a no. (I need to move out...)

I had to look up net calories to see if it is a thing

I still don't get it

edit: to be clear, it's not that I don't understand the concept.  And to put this in perspective, on sunday I watched a guy shave another guy's body hair off, then suck his dick; the other day I watched 40 minutes of Eat Love Pray.  Net calories manages to out homo both.


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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2405 on: May 18, 2011, 09:13:54 PM »
well, there are a million other food options, Beezy. I just tried to pick the most common ones. What I mostly do for lunch is make big pots of stew or curry, put them in tupperware and reheat as necessary. Chicken or fish is fine, just eat vegetables on the side instead of bread or rice. Some rice or potatoes is ok if you aren't looking to lose weight, even. The most important things, IMHO are -

- cutting out processed food
- cutting out gluten (mostly from wheat and other cereal grains. Most commonly found in bread and pasta)
- getting plenty of protein

If you can do that, you'll be in great shape. Even 80% compliance should put you way ahead of most people.

Olivia Wilde Homo

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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2406 on: May 18, 2011, 09:39:55 PM »
LOL at running.

That said, I miss the days of the treadmill.  There were all kinds of number displays there and I liked to figure out patterns with the numbers and various number sequences that I anticipated reaching.  60 minutes of high incline low impact cardio would breeze by.  Towards the end, the treadmill would indicate I lost 1200-1300 calories.  I know those numbers are inaccurate but I handled them like a score.

I'm in the opposite boat of Beezy.  I'm racking my brain thinking of a good breakfast item.  In the mornings, I do the three S's, get dressed, and leave.  I have no time (and don't want to get up at 3:30 AM to cook and eat eggs) to prepare a breakfast.  In the past, I used to rely on greek yogurt.  However, despite their growing popularity, the store I go to for them no longer carries it.  So I have a temporary substitute in kefir.  Problem is that they all are fruit flavored (read: organic cane sugar-flavored) and almost all of my carbohydrates come from 40 grams of milk sugars and cane sugar.  I've got to find a better option, something like in a lunch format where I can refrigerate or re-heat for the mornings.  Any help/suggestions?


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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2407 on: May 18, 2011, 09:44:18 PM »
You should be able to make your own kefir - you can probably buy a starter online, then just add milk. I did this for a while, but i prefer greek yoghurt.

Bacon and eggs takes a while to make in the mornings, yeah. My routine is highly streamlined but I have the advantage of working from home so i can make it whenever. You could just reverse your eating pattern - eat your tupperware chicken jalapeno for breakfast and eat bacon and eggs for dinner.


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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2408 on: May 18, 2011, 09:46:27 PM »
probably the fastest protein-heavy fresh cooked breakfast is a sausage omelette. Chop up sausage, fry lightly, pour in eggs, boom.

Olivia Wilde Homo

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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2409 on: May 18, 2011, 09:53:32 PM »
You should be able to make your own kefir - you can probably buy a starter online, then just add milk. I did this for a while, but i prefer greek yoghurt.

Bacon and eggs takes a while to make in the mornings, yeah. My routine is highly streamlined but I have the advantage of working from home so i can make it whenever. You could just reverse your eating pattern - eat your tupperware chicken jalapeno for breakfast and eat bacon and eggs for dinner.


I already do eat eggs for my dinner mixed with bacon bits and if they are around, tomatoes.  I probably will end up having to switch things around.  That or cook two week long meals: one for the crock pot and one in the oven.  I'll have to do a little experimentation because the sugar laden kefir has got to go.


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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2410 on: May 18, 2011, 09:55:10 PM »
Yep. There are a gazillion paleo /primal /evo recipe sites out there. The key thing is losing your preconceptions of what 'breakfast' is. I've had steak and eggs for breakfast. Chicken curry. Anything that's in the fridge is game!

Smooth Groove

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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2411 on: May 19, 2011, 01:37:58 AM »
here's an idea: stop discussing hypotheticals and TRY IT.


breakfast - bacon and eggs
lunch - chicken salad
dinner - steak and any non-starchy veggies you fancy

Actually, that's not too different from most of my meals.  I never eat bacon though unless it's outside food or when I'm eating at my mom's.  Cooking bacon just takes too much time.  I do eat quite a bit of fake Canadian bacon though or lean deli ham.  With eggs, I usually use three ggs but only eat 1 yolk. 

My lunch varies but I have tried to eat more protein instead of carbs.  For dinner, 80% of the time is processed-carbs free and just beef/chicken/fish + veggies.

I do cheat quite a bit though and when I do, it's usually a gargatuan 2000 calorie meal.  Sometimes, I'd cheat all 3 meals in a day and end up with at least 6000 bad calories.   It seems to make no difference though when I'm working out.  If anything, I usually have an energy boost the next day.  OTOH, eating healthy for 10 days in a row also does nothing at all for my body. 

7 rounds of 5 deadlifts at roughly 200lbs (scale up or down depending on your current max...), then 25 squats (no weight)

Simple enough, right? What have you got to lose by trying it for a day?

Is there an alternative to the deadlift?  My back is already very wide and it responds very quickly to the deadlift. 

My core strength is just naturally strong.  It only took me a month before I was deadlifting for reps 1.5 my bodyweight. 
However, the strength growth comes along with a lot of additional mass.  My back just thickens like crazy if I'm deadlifting intensely.  I don't want to have a barrel top, not just for aesthetic reasons but because it really slows me down and my game is all about driving. 

Right now, I'm still doing deadlifts but I keep to low-reps sets with 240 to 280 lbs and plenty of rest in between.  I want to keep going up in strenght while gaining as little mass in the back area as possible.

I would like to have bigger shoulders though.  I have wides shoulder but not the round caps like Lebron.  Is there any routine that can burn fat and make my delts grow quick? 

btw I have a 30" waist for the first time since I was like 12 years old :D

Are you naturally predisposed to be thin (hard gainer)? 


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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2412 on: May 19, 2011, 02:27:03 AM »
One of the key concepts of Crossfit is 'constantly varied movements', so if you deadlift one day, you might not deadlift again for a week or two. Then again, it might come up again the next day and the day after. So over time your exposure to any one exercise is limited, which tends to push Crossfitters towards a similar body type. Look at any of the videos on and you'll soon get an idea of what that is. Ripped and athletic, not overly bulky.

I actually picked a workout with deadlifts 'cause i remember that you do them :lol But you can of course substitute with a gazillion other things. Try pull-ups, or weighted pull-ups if 5 reps is too easy. That'll help the upper body...

Or you could try power cleans, maybe. Somewhere around 70-80% of your max, so you can do the first 2-3 rounds of the workout without stopping between reps, but maybe need some rest in the last couple of rounds. Almost anything will work, so long as it is designed around being easy enough to go through relatively quickly, but hard enough that the last round at least is really tough to finish. 25 kettlebell swings, 10 push-ups, 20 sit-ups...

re: eating healthy for 10 days - As everyone else said, that is not enough for a change in your diet to have any real effect. You have to commit. The body wants very badly to stay the same.


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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2413 on: May 19, 2011, 02:36:09 AM »
and...I'm certainly not naturally predisposed to be thin. I've been pudgy most of my adult life 'til I finally had enough about 4 yrs ago. Lost over 30lbs since then.

Smooth Groove

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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2414 on: May 19, 2011, 02:39:37 AM »
I would like to do power cleans or hang cleans but it's really hard to get the forms right.   Maybe I'd go to the gym early and just practice with the bar.  It's kinda embarassing for people to see this seemingly big guy training with no weights on the bar.  I bet my rebounding would improve if I get better at those lifts.  

and...I'm certainly not naturally predisposed to be thin. I've been pudgy most of my adult life 'til I finally had enough about 4 yrs ago. Lost over 30lbs since then.

What was your waist size at the fattest?


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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2415 on: May 19, 2011, 02:49:23 AM »
Yeah, practising in public can be embarrassing. That's why I bought my own bar. Kettlebell swings are a lot easier to do with decent form, and are just as effective for hip extension. You can do those with dumbbells as well - you probably could start with 24kg easy.

I've posted vids several times previously - just search for kettlebell and Jeff Martone on youtube and you will get all the free instruction you could want. But trust me, it is so simple that if you have seen even one video, you will just know how to do it once you pick the DB up.


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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2416 on: May 19, 2011, 02:50:01 AM »
Waist size - 36''

Smooth Groove

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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2417 on: May 19, 2011, 02:58:13 AM »
Wow, 36 to 30 is really awesome.  How long did that take? 

I think I'd dig kettle bells.  There used to be this exercise that I do to increse my power with a dumbbell.  I would put a heavy dumbell between my legs, squeeze it with both hands and swing it overhead as fast as possible.  It was painful the first couple of days but the gains in explosiveness were definitely worth it.  I bet stuff like that would work really well with KBs.  I just need to find a place for them.   

Some mo' nutritional questions-

Is Oatmeal cooked in water with eggs an OK breakfast?  I read in a bodybuilding mag that it's go to have some slow digesting carbs in the morning.  Also, I have IBS and oatmeals seem to help with that.  

I have also tried grinding raw oats into my protein shakes but for some reason, I get really bloated after drinking that.  I wonder if it's because the oats were raw because I don't have that problem when eating them cooked.  

Finally, how many yolks a day is safe?  So far I've been sticking with 1 and 2 at most because of cholesterol concerns.  


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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2418 on: May 19, 2011, 03:34:09 AM »
That sounds like basically a kettlebell swing. Arms and back straight, push it up to eye level, then let it drop back down between your legs (narrowly avoiding your junk for style points), then push it back up again with the hips. It's not a shoulder exercise, be warned. You shouldn't be pulling on it, only pushing.

I've never eaten oatmeal but it's not something I would recommend because of digestive issues rather than carbs. I guess there are worse things but I find no need whatsoever for carbs in the morning. Or any time, really. Slow-digesting carbs are slow-digesting because they are HARD TO DIGEST. Hard to digest is not good, inherently.

Robb Wolf gets hyper-technical on it on this podcast btw (highly recommended listening)


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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2419 on: May 19, 2011, 03:36:10 AM »
Yolks - I don't believe there is any danger whatsoever, since I think the lipid hypothesis has been pretty convincingly debunked at this stage. Read Gary Taubes' 'Good Calories, Bad Calories' for an overview of ALLL the studies and data available to date. I feed eggs to my daughter with relish - one of the happiest days of my life was when she pushed away her toast and just ate the omelette...ahhh

Smooth Groove

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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2420 on: May 19, 2011, 03:45:42 AM »
Cholesterol levels are more important as you get older though.  Have you checked your cholesterol levels since eating multiple yolks a day? 


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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2421 on: May 19, 2011, 03:50:59 AM »
Yep, i am tip-top according to the yearly medicals. I could have told them that for free though.

Smooth Groove

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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2422 on: May 19, 2011, 03:52:13 AM »
Nice, so you've been eating about 6 whole eggs a day?


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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2423 on: May 19, 2011, 04:00:42 AM »
hell no. Usually only 2 or 3. But there are plenty of days when I'd have 4-6.

Smooth Groove

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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2424 on: May 19, 2011, 04:05:24 AM »
I think I'll stick to 1 yolk out of my 3-4 eggs until I get some lab tests done.  Since I haven't completely stopped eating greasy high cholesterol foods, 1 yolk/day might be my limit. 


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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2425 on: May 19, 2011, 04:09:14 AM »
Fine but don't blame any bad results on the eggs!



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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2426 on: May 19, 2011, 10:03:13 AM »
When I was eating between 6 and 12 eggs a day, my cholesterol was better than it had been in years. 


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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2427 on: May 19, 2011, 10:22:58 AM »
When I was eating between 6 and 12 eggs a day, my cholesterol was better than it had been in years. 

Ditto.  I still do at least 2-3 a day if not more. 


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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2428 on: May 19, 2011, 10:32:39 AM »
I got off my Dave Palumbo diet for a strictly low carb, high protein and fat diet and I haven't touched eggs in like 2 weeks :lol

I lost 42 lbs on the Dave Palumbo diet so I won't talk shit about it.  It worked fantastic and it didn't hurt my strength at all.  But 9 weeks was as long as I could go on a chicken, tuna and egg diet.  Bleh. 

Cormac: By the way, as far as counting calories, for those of us who have seriously fucked up metabolisms, it's hard to know how much you're eating.  Calorie counting tells you when you should be full.  When I'm in front of food I constantly want more.  I have to give it a few minutes before i realize I'm not even hungry.  And it's a good reminder of keeping things in check like andrwfields found out.  It's easy to continually add things or up portions and not realize how far out of the realm of healthy we've gotten.  I get that it's a lot of what you eat and not just calories in vs calories out, but eating 4000 calories of good food will still cause you to gain weight.  And trust me, I can easily do that if I'm left to my own judgment.

Smooth Groove

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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2429 on: May 19, 2011, 07:09:47 PM »
I would be leery of eating too much tuna because of mercury contamination.  Also, tuna only tastes good when it is raw.  But too much raw fish increases the odds of ingesting parasites. 

Do you really not realize that you are already full or is it only because you want to keep eating?  For me, it's only because I like to eat so much.  Like, I always have to eat at least 3 large plates whenever I go to an Indian buffet.  I could tell when I'm full but I just keep eating anyway. 

Luckily when I'm exercising regularly, the gouging has little impact but Cormac is probably right that it's what's keeping me from getting a six pack.   I think that my body believes that my equilibrium is around a 33" waist and 12-14 % bodyfat.  It's why there's not much change regardless of how I eat on a short term basis.  I probably have to keep on a good diet long enough to trick it into thinking that my bodyfat should be lower.     

Van Cruncheon

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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2430 on: May 19, 2011, 07:44:24 PM »
i got no idea when i'm hungry or full outside of extremis. it sounds weird, but i also can't tell left from right -- i hafta do a little ritual to remind myself. like mups said, calorie counting keeps me in the ballpark, although it is exacerbated by my numeric obsession.

Smooth Groove

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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2431 on: May 19, 2011, 07:58:49 PM »
I wish all restaurants would list their calories like Red Robin's.  It makes a difference.  For example, I ordered a small cup of french onion soup to go with my burger, instead of a large as usual. 

Olivia Wilde Homo

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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2432 on: May 19, 2011, 08:00:28 PM »
Indian buffets?  wtf.

I'm jealous.  In the buttfuck of nowhere, our options are pretty much limited to fast food chains and mom and pop burger/chicken joints that are often bars.  Even in the more upscale/hipsterish districts, there's no Indian or Ethiopian restaurants to be found.  Fortunately my college, due to a higher than normal Indian population due to being a science and engineering school, we had an Indian restaurant that served fucking awesome food for almost nothing.


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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2433 on: May 19, 2011, 08:09:48 PM »
Smooth -
Mercury is an issue with tuna, yeah. It's only an occasional thing with me. Smaller fish are better.

Eating too much is a universal disorder, sure. DCharlie etc can tell you that I used to put away those 3 full plates at Indian buffets too, and it would immediately go onto my waistline. Now if I do go somewhere like that, I concentrate on the tandoori chicken and curry, ignore the nan and rice and spicey potatoes, eat a couple of medium-sized plates and I'm done. If it is REALLY good, I might go for some more. And I feel great, and don't gain weight.

The good thing about the equilibrium phenomenon is that it will work in your favor once you get the weight down. I may be completely high but I've noticed 3 of these plateaus myself, where my weight loss seemed to stall, but on the other hand, i didn't start gaining again either (at 78kg, 74kg, 70kg). At each step I thought I was done losing weight. There are a lot of non-physiological factors in play here as well.

- you need to lose 3-5kg or 5-10lbs to really notice it. People around you will not notice a couple of lbs, unless you are a high school girl trying out for the cheerleading team
- similarly, you won't be buying new clothes every time you lose a couple of pounds, because of pant sizes etc. Once you lose enough to buy a whole new wardrobe and toss all your old clothes, you suddenly have a really strong incentive to stay at that weight.
- people just get tired of any kind of discipline and periodically go off the wagon, whether consciously or not. I'm sure i've done this...I design and schedule my own workouts and cook my own meals, so my unconscious desire to work harder/less hard or eat more or less of good or bad foods definitely has an effect. (I think this is a net positive, don't get me wrong - just saying that it periodically helps creates these plateaus...). People tend to be happy once they lose a noticeable amount of weight, and slack off. Takes a while for the buzz to wear off before they can make another serious push at losing more (since that will invariably involve taking diet or exercise to another level)

T - EXP: I got another menu option for you last night: frittatas.

I actually made one last night for the family. I used 10 eggs, bacon, garlic sausage, bell pepper, red onion, spinach, potatoes, garlic, oregano, salt, pepper. But almost any combo of eggs, meat and veggies that would work on a pizza will work with this. I cook all the ingredients other than the eggs separately, then beat the eggs, pour in and cover. It's done when you can slice it with a spatula etc. The great thing about it is that it is great cold as well. We have half of it leftover today after feeding 3 of us last night. You could do this for breakfast very easily, and take it to work for lunch as well. Think of it as a big trashcan for all the stuff in your fridge that you need to cook or toss :lol

Olivia Wilde Homo

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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2434 on: May 19, 2011, 08:43:06 PM »
I'll make it this weekend and see how it goes.  It sounds great and does sound like something you can mess around with to find the flavor you'd like.

Thank you for the suggestion!


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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2435 on: May 19, 2011, 08:48:28 PM »
Pro tip - if you can get some feta cheese in oil and herbs, just pour the whole lot in the pan OMG


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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2436 on: May 20, 2011, 01:43:34 AM »
Mmmmm  :drool

All this talk about frittatas is starting to make me crave one.  It's been forever since I made a frittata!  And it's the perfect time for me too.  The nurse that I buy my eggs from at the hospital (also fucking delicious), just sold me a half gallon of fresh milk (gawd dang it's good) and threw in a frozen sample pack of a pound of bacon, a pound of sausage, and a pound of ground beef, all from her farm and all killed within the last few months.  :hyper  :hyper  :hyper

She's trying to convince me to start saving my money and split a beef with her an somebody else.  I think she's practically got me convinced!

In other news, I'm going to try and kick a bad habit that is keeping my weight-loss progress down.  I'm doing a 30-day No Sweets Challenge.  I'm going to cut out all of the yogurt, fruit, juice, occasional candy, and any other food or drink that may be sweet for the next 30 days.  The only exceptions that I'll be making is for my protein shakes and my coffee (which I'll be gradually reducing the sweetness of until I don't use it at all, but I use Splenda in it, so it's not hurting a lot). 

I'm going to take the leap and hope Cormac was right about people not needing sugars, fructose, and glucose in their lives!   ;)


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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2437 on: May 20, 2011, 01:50:19 AM »
hope? I've done it for over a year and I'm the laziest Irish fucker on the planet. People don't need sugar. Period.


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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2438 on: May 20, 2011, 03:50:15 AM »
hope? I've done it for over a year and I'm the laziest Irish fucker on the planet. People don't need sugar. Period.

Haha,  I know you're right.  I was just poking fun.  Honestly though, it is harder for us fatties to give it up though.


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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2439 on: May 20, 2011, 03:54:48 AM »
Hard is deadlifting 3x your bodyweight. Not having an icecream? pssshhh


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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2440 on: May 20, 2011, 10:03:36 AM »
I would be leery of eating too much tuna because of mercury contamination.  Also, tuna only tastes good when it is raw.  But too much raw fish increases the odds of ingesting parasites. 

Do you really not realize that you are already full or is it only because you want to keep eating?  For me, it's only because I like to eat so much.  Like, I always have to eat at least 3 large plates whenever I go to an Indian buffet.  I could tell when I'm full but I just keep eating anyway. 

Luckily when I'm exercising regularly, the gouging has little impact but Cormac is probably right that it's what's keeping me from getting a six pack.   I think that my body believes that my equilibrium is around a 33" waist and 12-14 % bodyfat.  It's why there's not much change regardless of how I eat on a short term basis.  I probably have to keep on a good diet long enough to trick it into thinking that my bodyfat should be lower.     
I didn't worry too much about the mercury.  Meh.  I got that question from everyone.  I'm still eating a lot of tuna and I just eat it in water from the can.  I got used to it and it's hard to beat 52 grams of protein from two cans and no carbs and it doesn't taste bad (it tasted horrible at first).  I put a tbsp of olive oil over it for additional flavor and good fats.

And yeah, I can't tell when I'm full.  It takes a few minutes of sitting still and hard thinking before I realize I'm not hungry.  Otherwise I just continue eating because I don't feel satisfied.  I'm sure the psychology behind it is that yes, I love to eat but it inhibits my ability to gauge hunger.  I also don't realize I'm hungry until my stomach is growling and I realize I haven't eaten in over 12 hours or something. 

Now there are certain things that I do realize that don't have to do with hunger.  I know when I should eat because I'll start to feel sluggish.  I'll notice I'm tired or I'm not thinking clearly and I know I should eat more fats.  But I only know this from counting calories.  I began to see the correlation of days when I felt like shit and my fat intake was less than 80 grams a day. 


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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2441 on: May 20, 2011, 10:07:56 AM »
Whenever (if I ever...) get a job, a barbell is the first thing that I'm gonna buy. My school's gym seems to be packed no matter when I go and they only have two barbells there.

Smooth Groove

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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2442 on: May 20, 2011, 10:45:37 AM »
And yeah, I can't tell when I'm full.  It takes a few minutes of sitting still and hard thinking before I realize I'm not hungry.  Otherwise I just continue eating because I don't feel satisfied.  I'm sure the psychology behind it is that yes, I love to eat but it inhibits my ability to gauge hunger.  I also don't realize I'm hungry until my stomach is growling and I realize I haven't eaten in over 12 hours or something. 

Now there are certain things that I do realize that don't have to do with hunger.  I know when I should eat because I'll start to feel sluggish.  I'll notice I'm tired or I'm not thinking clearly and I know I should eat more fats.  But I only know this from counting calories.  I began to see the correlation of days when I felt like shit and my fat intake was less than 80 grams a day. 

Weird.  Was it always like that or until you gained weight?  I've always been able to tell when I'm hungry.  If anything, I have to force myself to think "No, that's enough!" 

Are you getting any stretch marks from the weight loss?  Sorry if I'm being offensive but I'm guessing that even at 6'1, 300lbs and a 40-plus inch waist meant that your weight gain was more fat than muscle.

One problem with my quick ability to lose weight is that at least once every two years, I'll let myself go to the point of being 30lbs overweight before I head to the gym.  The rollercoaster weight changes have caused me to have stretch marks on part of my chest and abs.  I hate them even though they kinda blend in afterwhile.  I'll probably try to have them surgically remove once I've finally gotten into 8% bodyfat territory.

Whenever (if I ever...) get a job, a barbell is the first thing that I'm gonna buy. My school's gym seems to be packed no matter when I go and they only have two barbells there.

Get kettlebells.  They are more versatile and safer for someone working alone. 


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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2443 on: May 20, 2011, 10:52:51 AM »
It has always been like that.  But my general metabolism/activity level were higher a few years ago I guess because a couple of years ago I blew up to around 260-270 before dropping back down to 205 and then back up to 288 recently. 

I got stretch marks on my chest and abdomen when I gained weight.  But they've been disappearing.  They're pretty much gone from my chest.  They're disappearing a little more slowly from my abdomen.  I should really start using the cocoa butter shit or whatever.  What's good for it?  Removing them surgically probably won't be an option and I don't think they bother me that much anyways. 

Smooth Groove

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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2444 on: May 20, 2011, 11:02:48 AM »
Celluthin supposedly works at least a little for cellulite and minor spot reduction of fat. 

How did you go up 70, come back down, then go back up by 90 again?  I have known people like that but usually once they've come back down, it's permanent.  Considering your baseline was about 200, those gains are pretty crazy.  And once again, I'm still surprised that I couldn't tell you were almost 300lbs in any of your pics.  But then again, I couldn't tell that Wilco was 400 either until he said it. 


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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2445 on: May 20, 2011, 11:05:38 AM »
Whenever (if I ever...) get a job, a barbell is the first thing that I'm gonna buy. My school's gym seems to be packed no matter when I go and they only have two barbells there.

Get kettlebells.  They are more versatile and safer for someone working alone. 
About how heavy? I've never used one. Link me to one online and I'll get it if it isn't too much.


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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2446 on: May 20, 2011, 11:21:18 AM »
Celluthin supposedly works at least a little for cellulite and minor spot reduction of fat. 

How did you go up 70, come back down, then go back up by 90 again?  I have known people like that but usually once they've come back down, it's permanent.  Considering your baseline was about 200, those gains are pretty crazy.  And once again, I'm still surprised that I couldn't tell you were almost 300lbs in any of your pics.  But then again, I couldn't tell that Wilco was 400 either until he said it. 
Over 2007 and 2008 I gained weight slowly to around 260-270.  Then in July of 2008 I began to run and eat better.  By January/February of 2009 I was 205 (I didn't weigh myself really so I could have been there for a while).  I kept it down until I started to lift weights in November or December 2009.  I stopped cardio and stopped weighing myself.  And I also got into lifting pretty heavily (5 days a week) and so my appetite soared and I stopped caring about what I ate.  I weighed myself at 258 in May of 2010.  Then the next time I weighed myself was around February or March of 2011 and I was 288.  So I decided to get my diet in check and I've been dropping steadily and quickly since then. 

Edit: By the way, none of my friends IRL knew I was close to 300 either.  When I saw I was 288 I started asking them how much they thought I weighed and they all assumed around 250 at most.  It blew then away when i told them 288.  Everyone.  I didn't think I'd gotten that high either.


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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2447 on: May 20, 2011, 07:21:20 PM »
the line to smear cocoa butter over Mup's chest and thighs starts behind me :drool


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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2448 on: May 20, 2011, 07:33:05 PM »
I'll bring extra Vitamin E and jojoba oils.  :-*


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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2449 on: May 20, 2011, 07:39:48 PM »
I really need to move to a place where I can have some weight equipment up permanently. Can't stand the gym, luckily the outdoor season is here so I'll get enough of a work out from hauling random stuff (trees, sandbags, rocks) around.


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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2450 on: May 20, 2011, 08:06:06 PM »
I guess it shouldn't be so surprising that Mups can eat so out of control if he doesn't count calories: he's been in a calorie deficit now for MONTHS after years of eating whatever. It might take a while longer for his appetite to start regulating properly again. If it doesn't, it may be time to see a nutritionist (Prole too).

Van Cruncheon

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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2451 on: May 21, 2011, 03:20:59 PM »
i have a nutrionist! she says poor ghrelin response is common among people she sees from my employer, which explains my prior eating habits (only ate when i felt hungry which was intense every two nights, and i gorged on whatever i found and then went back to work/games/writing) -- getting a proper eating schedule has been a bear, but i've locked it in to specific times of day


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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2452 on: May 21, 2011, 05:24:55 PM »
I just bought some fish oil tablets, 120 tablets.

Ingredients per tablet:
Fish oil   ... 1000 mg
Omega 3 ..  540 mg
EPA/DHA ... 450 mg
Vitamin E ... 5 mg (41.6% of RDI)
The package says that the dosing is 1-3 a day for ages 12 and up, should I stick to it or double it?

Also, I have been taking creatine for the last two weeks, 5 grams a day. I try to drink as much water as I can. Is it too early to tell whether I am a responder or not?


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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2453 on: May 21, 2011, 07:38:59 PM »
fish oil dosing is an impossible question to answer without knowing what you are eating. If you are getting plenty of omega 3s in your diet, you don't need fish oil. If you eat nothing but McDonalds, sure you should take huge doses of fish oil (but far easier and wiser simply to stop eating McDonalds...)


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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2454 on: May 21, 2011, 07:57:13 PM »
Okay, so I absolutely love eggs, and wouldn't have a problem eating like 6 of em per day. However, will doing such a thing utterly destroy my heart?


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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2455 on: May 21, 2011, 08:00:03 PM »


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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2456 on: May 21, 2011, 08:42:51 PM »
Okay, so I absolutely love eggs, and wouldn't have a problem eating like 6 of em per day. However, will doing such a thing utterly destroy my heart?

Why would it? Eggs are pretty much the perfect food.


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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2457 on: May 21, 2011, 08:54:02 PM »
I think sticking to 3  a day will be enough:


Okay, so I absolutely love eggs, and wouldn't have a problem eating like 6 of em per day. However, will doing such a thing utterly destroy my heart?

Why would it? Eggs are pretty much the perfect food.

Cholesterol, mang! Or so I've been told...


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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2458 on: May 21, 2011, 08:54:46 PM »
I think sticking to 3  a day will be enough:


Okay, so I absolutely love eggs, and wouldn't have a problem eating like 6 of em per day. However, will doing such a thing utterly destroy my heart?

Why would it? Eggs are pretty much the perfect food.

Cholesterol, mang! Or so I've been told...


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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2459 on: May 21, 2011, 08:55:34 PM »
(it would be great if everyone would just read that and stop fucking worrying about cholesterol but I haven't got much hope. The imprinting is strong)