Author Topic: FitnessBore - 2018 edition  (Read 816927 times)

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cool breeze

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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2640 on: June 21, 2011, 10:54:39 PM »
Just heard from Willco, btw - he's now down 115lbs after 2yrs. Make fun of him for being a disgusting fattie if you like but that's one hell of a sustained effort :bow

Wilco now + Brandnew - a dog = Wilco from 2 years ago

math finally comes in handy

Smooth Groove

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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2641 on: June 22, 2011, 03:45:00 AM »
I train mostly for explosiveness and speed. 

Here's what I did yesterday:

Play ball for 30 mins.  Jobbers left because I was too dominant.  I then went to the baseball field, circled the bases 10 times at full speed, 5 clockwise, 5 counterclockwise.  (1 min rest in between)

10 chin-ups
25 push-ups
10 pull-ups

then plyometrics such as box jumps, one legged hops, step-ups, side hopping, depth jumps, etc. for one hour

After that, I went to the gym and alternated between the deep back squat and the front squat for 8 total sets.  Each set was from 4 to 6 reps.  250lb for the back and 185lb for the front.  after that, it was 3 circuits of leg curls 8x, leg extensions 8x, calf raises 20x.   Bicycle to cool down for 5 minutes and that was it.

Damn, son!  That is some major output.  You must be fueling the beast a ton to keep up with that level of output.

I kinda went overboard with that one.  I've always thought that CNS fatigue is an overrated concern for wimps but I finally found out what it meant.  After that workout, I could barely sleep for the next two days.  My spine and deep muscles were sore and the sacrum felt like it had been bruised even though it wasn't.  I'm sure that what Da Bizness did for his test was more grueling when it happened since I took 2-3 min breaks between sets but I bet mine hurts a lot more in the hours that followed. 

It's all good though.  Workouts like this have sent my metabolic rate into hyperdrive.  I can't eat like how Cormac tells me to eat because I'd lose 5 lbs in 2 days and not have enough energy for my workouts.  I still have followed his advice in cutting down on the processed carbs most of the time but I go nuts once or twice during the weekends.  It's because 1) I love to eat 2) I want to get enough energy for the beginning of the week when I usually have my highest intensity workouts.  For example, last Sunday, I had a relatively Paleo breakfast with 4 eggs, 5 bacons, and half a polish sausage but for the rest of the day, Paleo went out the window.  For lunch, I had a monstrous pizza, buffalo wings and beef ribs.  For desert, I ate half a gallon of Ice Cream.  Then dinner, I went to a BBQ restaurant with my family and ate by myself a whole 1/3 lb cheeseburger, 14oz rib eye steak, two baby back ribs and a bunch of sides like sweet potatoe fries, regular fries and mac & cheese.  To top it off, I shared a cookie ice cream sundae.  That should have been it but I had to send my uncle to to the airport at night.  I noticed that they had open a new Pink's (famous LA hotdog joint) and couldn't resist getting a foot long hot dog with cheese, bacon, pastrami and an order of chilli's fries for my late night snack.  Total calories that day had to be at least 10,000 but they were all burned off by the end of the next workout.

Seriously, for biggies like Mupepe and andrwfields, driving up their metabolic rates might be even more important than eating right.  I've gained 5 to 7 lbs of weight in the last two weeks even though my waist has gotten smaller by another inch.  If you're trying to get into shape fast, bodybuilding or powerlifting workouts just aren't intensive enough to deliver.  Crossfit is also more for maintenance than quick improvements in performance.  Personally, I feel like the whole bulking/cutting crap is highly overrated for people who don't plan to live like bodybuilders for the rest of their lives.  Old school sprinters and basketball players still had magnificient bodies even tough they never went through such cycles.  The improvements in their body shapes correlated directly with improvements in their athletic performances.  Training like those explosive athletes would generate the fastest and most dramatic results.  Every fitness expert knows that it's much harder to improve speed and leaping abilities than any other aspect of athletic performance.  If you can improve your vertical by 10", that would be several times more impressive than improving a bench press by 100lbs. 

TLDR version: train like sprinters or athletes in explosive sports if you want to get a great body fast.  Athletic performance = positive aesthetic results

Smooth Groove

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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2642 on: June 22, 2011, 03:49:24 AM »

This guy is a beast if he's not lying about how heavy the medicine ball is.  I bought a 12 lb ball after watching this video and couldn't even come close to what he does.  I can almost dunk and military bench at least 150, yet I can't come closer than 6 inches away from the rim on my layups.  A 6'5 guy at the gym, who's built like a nba player, gave it a try and couldn't even put the ball above the rim with one hand. 


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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2643 on: June 22, 2011, 03:49:51 AM »
Having a superfast metabolism is NOT the endgame, dude. Your body is literally aging that much faster.

Smooth Groove

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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2644 on: June 22, 2011, 04:03:12 AM »
Most retired NBA players look pretty damn good though.

A superfast metabolism isn't what I'm going for, it's just a side result.  All I care about at this point is improving my functional athletic performance.  Also, there might be another positive side effect from my high intensity workouts.  I hadn't bench press in two months but decided to do so once a week just so that I can improve my neural ability to handle heavy loads.  I noticed that after just two sessions, my chest got noticeably bigger and had grown significantly faster than in the past.  I'm guessing that it's due to increased GH and testosterone production. 

I should also probably warn that plyometrics should be started very carefully since they are probably even more damaging to joints than long endurance runs. 
« Last Edit: June 22, 2011, 04:06:25 AM by Smooth Groove »

Smooth Groove

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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2645 on: June 22, 2011, 04:05:45 AM »
Cormac,  what do you think about the medicine ball jumping exercises?  I've also read somewhere that jumping with weights doesn't do much for vertical leap. 


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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2646 on: June 22, 2011, 04:09:06 AM »
They're elite athletes blessed with amazing genes. We're not. Even then, you get bizarrely early deaths all over the place. If Michael Phelps lives to be 80, I will be shocked. The oxidative damage he's doing to his organs is off the charts.

Like many things fitness and health-related, there is a curve. At the far end you can get great performance (and looks) but diminished long-term health. I think Crossfit errs on the side of 'performance uber alles'. If you're not actually in competition for anything (and prepared to pay the price), it's really hard to recommend 3 hr workouts to anyone. By all means go for it, but it isn't something I'd recommend to Andrew or Mups. Nor would I recommend attempting to artificially goose the metabolism via supplements etc either.

Smooth Groove

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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2647 on: June 22, 2011, 04:13:15 AM »
Well, my goal isn't to win Olympic goal.  It's just to be able dunk in a game.  My level of performance is already pretty high.  On most days, I'm the best athlete on the court.  It's just that improving vertical leap is such a bitch if you're already at a decent level of 30" or above.  Every inch after that is grueling work and I just want to get there as soon as possible. 


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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2648 on: June 22, 2011, 04:14:30 AM »
Cormac,  what do you think about the medicine ball jumping exercises?  I've also read somewhere that jumping with weights doesn't do much for vertical leap. 

I may have mentioned this elsewhere, but the more I read about exercises to improve jumping, the more it seems to come down to 'have good technique' (i.e. make sure your hamstrings are active and firing at once) rather than any need for strength. You can teach technique and get improvements but there doesn't seem to be any wonder exercise out there that directly correlates to higher jumping. In theory, the heavier a weight I can power clean, the more explosive my jumping should be, right? Well, I'm damned if I noticed any improvement in my jumping when I basically doubled my power clean. Most people on the Crossfit boards etc seem to say the same.

Jumping with weights seems like it SHOULD make you jump higher, in the same way that training in water or in higher gravity would intuitively do the same...but in practice, does it? If it REALLY worked, I think I'd know about it by now.

Smooth Groove

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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2649 on: June 22, 2011, 04:16:11 AM »
So the last two times I've been at the gym (Saturday and Monday), I've had a problem pop up when I do my squats.

I think it started Saturday during those squats.  I must have had my feet planted wrong or my spine was poorly aligned.  Either way, any time I do squats with weights I get a sharp, headache-like pain in the back of my neck into my head.  I think it's possible that I've strained a muscle, but either way it hurts like a bitch and I couldn't even finish my strength training yesterday for the headache.

I took 800mg of Motrin to ease the pain, which seems to help it for a few hours, but now the pain is coming back.  I woke up this morning with the same headache.

That's not natural.  You probably shouldn't barbell squat again until the headache goes away.

Try this and see if you feel better.



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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2650 on: June 22, 2011, 04:20:49 AM »
(should add the caveat: I've never actually measured my vertical leap. It isn't very impressive, whatever it is! It's possible I did make an improvement like say 25% but that wasn't enough for me to notice)


  • Poster of the Forever
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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2651 on: June 22, 2011, 04:26:35 AM »
btw, there was an interesting chapter on learning to jump higher in Tim Ferriss' 4 Hr Body book. He went to the NFL combine and got some coaching on how to get the best test results. Generally, he operates off the assumption that there is one part of the body that typically holds people back, and tests methodically to find it. It often isn't what people expect either: the famous Crossfit story is of a retired Olympic skier who added pull-ups to their workout and almost immediately got faster ski times. Why? No-one really knows. The assumption is that fixing one weak point can have a far greater effect than continuing to work on your strengths. Possibly your vertical leap is a similar situation. You may be hammering your legs, but more work on the core might be what you need. Or you might need to learn to use your upper body more while jumping. Just spitballing here obviously.

Smooth Groove

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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2652 on: June 22, 2011, 04:27:57 AM »
Cormac,  what do you think about the medicine ball jumping exercises?  I've also read somewhere that jumping with weights doesn't do much for vertical leap. 

I may have mentioned this elsewhere, but the more I read about exercises to improve jumping, the more it seems to come down to 'have good technique' (i.e. make sure your hamstrings are active and firing at once) rather than any need for strength. You can teach technique and get improvements but there doesn't seem to be any wonder exercise out there that directly correlates to higher jumping. In theory, the heavier a weight I can power clean, the more explosive my jumping should be, right? Well, I'm damned if I noticed any improvement in my jumping when I basically doubled my power clean. Most people on the Crossfit boards etc seem to say the same.

Jumping with weights seems like it SHOULD make you jump higher, in the same way that training in water or in higher gravity would intuitively do the same...but in practice, does it? If it REALLY worked, I think I'd know about it by now.

Technique definitely has a big impact but also has less room for improvement than improving power.  It's much harder to jump higher or run faster than to lift more because how fast your fibers fire affect speed/hops as much as total strength.

The current school of thought is that in terms of building strength, a combination of squats and deadlifts have the biggest impact on vertical leap.  But the correlation of squat max to vertical is kinda ridiculous.  Most people say that if you don't already have a 35 to 40 inch vertical, then you'll need to squat 3x body weight to get to that level.  Plyometrics also help, with both technique and training your neuromuscular system to react more quickly but they are also more limited by genetics.  Also, as mentioned above,  plyos is potentially more dangerous than squatting a heavy load.

(should add the caveat: I've never actually measured my vertical leap. It isn't very impressive, whatever it is! It's possible I did make an improvement like say 25% but that wasn't enough for me to notice)

Can you touch rim?  I kinda feel like any "very good" athlete 5' 6" and over should be able to at least touch rim.  I could tap rim even when I was an 230lb overweight 5'9 HS sophomore with alligator arms that give me a lower vertical reach than most 5'7 dudes.  

Smooth Groove

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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2653 on: June 22, 2011, 04:32:46 AM »
btw, there was an interesting chapter on learning to jump higher in Tim Ferriss' 4 Hr Body book. He went to the NFL combine and got some coaching on how to get the best test results. Generally, he operates off the assumption that there is one part of the body that typically holds people back, and tests methodically to find it. It often isn't what people expect either: the famous Crossfit story is of a retired Olympic skier who added pull-ups to their workout and almost immediately got faster ski times. Why? No-one really knows. The assumption is that fixing one weak point can have a far greater effect than continuing to work on your strengths. Possibly your vertical leap is a similar situation. You may be hammering your legs, but more work on the core might be what you need. Or you might need to learn to use your upper body more while jumping. Just spitballing here obviously.

My vertical has definitely improved, especially for average jumps.  I'm getting much quicker off the ground and the average leap is considerably higher than before.  Max jump is only about 2-3 inches more but could be even more.  I've been balling way too much to get enough R&R for an accurate measurement of my max vertical leap. 

So yeah, there's definitely been improvement.  I've just been really impatient to get the last couple of inches where I can finally dunk in a game.  Another problem is that since I can't palm a regulation ball no matter how hard I grip it, I'm gonna have to do it two-handed which means that I'd need an additional 3-4 inches compared to a one-handed dunk. 


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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2654 on: June 22, 2011, 04:39:10 AM »
I don't have access to a basketball hoop here but I doubt it! I'm 39 and I do not consider myself a very good athlete. I think you guys would be amazed at how LITTLE I workout these days. In the last week I've spent under 5 mins working out :lol And I feel better than when I was working out 4-5x a week, thanks to far better diet, sleep and lifestyle (working from home :rock)

I can squat 2x bodyweight but getting to 3x is just...why. I'd have to get so much heavier to get there.
« Last Edit: June 22, 2011, 04:40:43 AM by Cormacaroni »

Smooth Groove

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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2655 on: June 22, 2011, 07:00:09 AM »
I've no doubt that your lifestyle is great for maintaining or even improving your shape slowly but like I said, I'm more concerned with improving my athletic performance right now.  I'll start following in your footsteps when my joints are too old for hurdling over a 46" obstacle and I'll have to switch over to golf and tennis. 

Ugh.  Barely passed the run today during the Army Physical Fitness Test.  I guess I can't smoke and run fast through sheer willpower after all.  :(

I still managed a 261, which isn't terrible.  I did 75 pushups, 85 situps, and ran the 2 mile in 16:26.  If you're curious about the test here are the details:

The fuck? I can't be reading that right. As a 26 year old, in order to pass with the minimal amount of pushups I only need to be able to do 40? I can do friggen 60 without much trouble. And this shit is for the U.S. of Amurrica military?

Historically low standards ftl.

:usacry :piss2

Are you guys kidding?  The most pushups I've ever done is 45.  At 75, the whole chest and arms must be burning from all that lactic acid.  Granted I'm not an endurance type but I'm pretty sure that 75 is no walk in the park for most people. 


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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2656 on: June 22, 2011, 08:55:55 AM »
The Biz can correct me if I'm wrong but from various discussions on the Crossfit boards about how to take the AFT, I think the push-ups is your max in 2 mins or something like that, rather than the max consecutive reps you can do. 75 is still going to be way better than most people though, for sure. Also, most people cheat so much on push-ups, they probably have no idea how many they could do with a drill sergeant standing over you (or an 8th dan karate sensei, like the guy who taught me to do 'em...on my knuckles yet)


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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2657 on: June 22, 2011, 09:13:13 AM »
I should throw this out there that I haven't been using a bar to do my squats.  I've been using dumbells for a while now.  I think Cormac is probably still right about me looking up or down too much.

I did the same number of reps today but with half the weight.  It seemed to help out a bit.  I was going to try and do more reps, but I could feel the tension starting to build on that muscle and I wanted to play it safe.

[Addendum] It is my right side trapezius.
« Last Edit: June 22, 2011, 09:15:38 AM by andrwfields »

Smooth Groove

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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2658 on: June 22, 2011, 04:53:47 PM »

I got destroyed by the superhero routine above this morning.  I did the combination of overhead press and squat complexes.  I went through 4 cycles of each but couldn't even come close to finishing my reps on the fourth cycle of both.  Also, it was probably a dumb idea to play full court ball for an hour before going through that workout.  Anyone else wanna give it a try?  It'd be interesting to see if the program can really deliver on its promises after six weeks. 


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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2659 on: June 22, 2011, 04:57:11 PM »
Are you doing anything other than working out and playing basketball this summer?


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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2660 on: June 22, 2011, 05:25:59 PM »
he's fuckin bitches too


  • Poster of the Forever
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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2661 on: June 22, 2011, 07:49:30 PM »

I got destroyed by the superhero routine above this morning.  I did the combination of overhead press and squat complexes.  I went through 4 cycles of each but couldn't even come close to finishing my reps on the fourth cycle of both.  Also, it was probably a dumb idea to play full court ball for an hour before going through that workout.  Anyone else wanna give it a try?  It'd be interesting to see if the program can really deliver on its promises after six weeks. 

Amazing how often these people who have implemented their programs on hundreds of clients and had amazing success stories up the ass never manage to actually fucking document it...How hard would it be to put some fattie through the process for 6 weeks and stick up a before and after video?

It looks like a great program though, lots of good stuff, no obvious bullshit from skimming through...


  • Unofficial Bore Prude
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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2662 on: June 22, 2011, 11:51:30 PM »

I got destroyed by the superhero routine above this morning.  I did the combination of overhead press and squat complexes.  I went through 4 cycles of each but couldn't even come close to finishing my reps on the fourth cycle of both.  Also, it was probably a dumb idea to play full court ball for an hour before going through that workout.  Anyone else wanna give it a try?  It'd be interesting to see if the program can really deliver on its promises after six weeks. 

The name reminded me of this:

Smooth Groove

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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2663 on: June 23, 2011, 02:38:02 AM »
Are you doing anything other than working out and playing basketball this summer?

Not much.  The high intensity workouts make me exhausted.  Unless my CNS is completely messed up like in my last session, I'm sleepy almost immediately after my post-workout meal.  That's the main reason why I haven't been posting as much lately.

I've become what I used to hate: a gym rat.  :fbm

How about you?  Are you really to show your Puerto Rippedcan bod?

he's fuckin bitches too

I'm usually too tired to be horny.  I don't get excited unless it's a major IR debut of a long time dodger. 

Funny thing is that my basketball game isn't the only game that's been improved by my workouts.  This girl who flaked on me a few months ago, has suddenly dressed nicer around me all the time and last week she asked me out for dinner.  She even said that she'd like it to be somewhere special in Santa Monica.  I told her there's too much traffic that way on the weekeneds and I'll call her some other time.   :kylielaff

Another casual blonde friend has also been superfriendly lately.  We used to just say hi but she's been intiating physical contact the last few weeks and tonight she asked if I wanted to go for a drink.  I told her I was too tired from my earlier workouts and that I don't drink alcohol anyway. 

The truth is just that dunking like Derrick Rose is more important to me right now than getting laid like Wilt Chamberlain.  Only opening I want to stuff right now is a 10 ft iron hole. 

Smooth Groove

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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2664 on: June 23, 2011, 02:48:13 AM »
My vertical has definitely improved, especially for average jumps.

there's a fair amount of training stuff out there for short footballers to increase their vertical jump, let me see if i can find it.

If i recall correctly one major exercise was dropping off a box then jumping. It's fairly important for a short footballer to have a good jump if you are playing in any defensive slot.

I do remember reading some long article on Duncan "Drunk-an" Ferguson's training - will find.

I would love to see those programs if you could find them.  I've always been impressed by how high footballers can jump even when their arm swings are limited by the fear of handball violations. 

The exercise you mentioned is probably a depth jump, which as usual, was created by the crazy Russians.  It's been a core plyometric exercise that has been extremely popular with volleyball and basketball players.

I got destroyed by the superhero routine above this morning.  I did the combination of overhead press and squat complexes.  I went through 4 cycles of each but couldn't even come close to finishing my reps on the fourth cycle of both.  Also, it was probably a dumb idea to play full court ball for an hour before going through that workout.  Anyone else wanna give it a try?  It'd be interesting to see if the program can really deliver on its promises after six weeks. 

Amazing how often these people who have implemented their programs on hundreds of clients and had amazing success stories up the ass never manage to actually fucking document it...How hard would it be to put some fattie through the process for 6 weeks and stick up a before and after video?

It looks like a great program though, lots of good stuff, no obvious bullshit from skimming through...

ha ha, good point.  The kid in his videos already looks like Colossus.  It would have been more impressive if there were evidence that he was just a scrawny kid before starting the program. 

Btw, why are there no B-ball courts around your home?  Didn't the manga Slam Dunk make basketballl extremely popular in Japan? 


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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2665 on: June 23, 2011, 03:01:26 AM »
Are you doing anything other than working out and playing basketball this summer?

Not much.  The high intensity workouts make me exhausted.  Unless my CNS is completely messed up like in my last session, I'm sleepy almost immediately after my post-workout meal.  That's the main reason why I haven't been posting as much lately.

I've become what I used to hate: a gym rat.  :fbm

How about you?  Are you really to show your Puerto Rippedcan bod?

I've gotten soft lately, probably because I've already graduated to middle age by playing way too much golf. But I recently broke 90, so it's been worth it. Meanwhile, the friend I usually play with hasn't gotten any better this year and he definitely wants to murder me.


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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2666 on: June 23, 2011, 03:06:55 AM »
basketball is not popular here, no. There is a premium on space generally and baseball and soccer pitches take up most of it. In fact, most people can't really play sports once they graduate 'cause they don't really exist. I live nearby a sports ground that has a track, pull-up bars and a soccer pitch and I count myself fairly lucky.

The depth jump is fairly common plyometrics but you don't need anything special to do them - Dirk does them from a standing start, I learned during the Finals. You just need to commit to landing in a deep squat, which the added height helps you do.

This quest for the in-game dunk is quite exciting. Hope you have someone around to shoot video when all this pent-up rimlust is finally unleashed.


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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2667 on: June 23, 2011, 03:57:01 AM »
The courts!


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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2668 on: June 23, 2011, 09:22:17 AM »

he's fuckin bitches too

I'm usually too tired to be horny.  I don't get excited unless it's a major IR debut of a long time dodger. 

Funny thing is that my basketball game isn't the only game that's been improved by my workouts.  This girl who flaked on me a few months ago, has suddenly dressed nicer around me all the time and last week she asked me out for dinner.  She even said that she'd like it to be somewhere special in Santa Monica.  I told her there's too much traffic that way on the weekeneds and I'll call her some other time.   :kylielaff

Another casual blonde friend has also been superfriendly lately.  We used to just say hi but she's been intiating physical contact the last few weeks and tonight she asked if I wanted to go for a drink.  I told her I was too tired from my earlier workouts and that I don't drink alcohol anyway. 

The truth is just that dunking like Derrick Rose is more important to me right now than getting laid like Wilt Chamberlain.  Only opening I want to stuff right now is a 10 ft iron hole. 
:lol :lol Understandable.  That's one of the things I don't miss about HIIT though.  My sex drive plummeted when I was running.  LISS and weightlifting make it skyrocket though.  For some reason though the heavy bag and speed bag don't impact me the way running did.  But I guess because the intervals are a bit longer and not quite as intense.  Imagine how that girl is going to feel when she sees you dunk in the game!  She'll get so wet that court will become a slip n slide contest.


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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2669 on: June 23, 2011, 05:22:53 PM »
Got a wicked bike, and discovered some brutal hill climb areas around here. The downhill insanity make for nice rewards for the ridiculous climbs. Now I just need to get at the weights before I become one of those spindly bike types with balloon thighs and calves. Sandbags are great, but I miss the clear sense of direction with the numbered weights.


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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2670 on: June 23, 2011, 10:32:03 PM »
I lost 10 lbs!

Ate a huge bowl of delicious chocolate pudding after dinner, so we'll just go ahead and call it 5 lbs.


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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2671 on: June 24, 2011, 05:26:20 AM »
I lost 10 lbs!

Ate a huge bowl of delicious chocolate pudding after dinner, so we'll just go ahead and call it 5 lbs.



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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2672 on: June 24, 2011, 07:58:18 AM »
Ran sprints in an interesting way today.  Played a game called Pacman: two teams assemble in a line on opposite corners of a square and run around it in a relay with the goal of catching up to the opposite team, ending the game.  I doubt any of you will ever get enough people to agree to this, but it was a fun way to do something not so fun.

That actually does sound fun. 

Went to the gym this morning for my normal workout.  I'm starting to slowly increase the weight I use with my squats back to where I had it before I pulled that muscle in my neck.  I put a lot of focus into keeping my neck neutral during the exercise. 

This was also my first workout without creatine.  I'm in the washout stage for the next month and then I'm going to go back to it.  It's odd at how much of a difference there is between a workout with and without it.  And the crazy thing was that I was only ever taking 5g of the monohydrate on the days I worked out.  I never did a loading phase or anything.  I think I might actually do a proper loading phase and daily supplementation this next round though, just to see what the difference is.


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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2673 on: June 24, 2011, 08:33:57 AM »
For the past few months, any time I go to the gym I do the same series of compound exercises.  Sometimes I change it up, but it's usually bench presses, lateral pulls and rows, shoulder presses, planks, and squats.  I go every two to three days.


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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2674 on: June 24, 2011, 09:45:03 AM »
no loading phase senor.  it's a waste of money. You'll reach saturation faster, but only by a couple of days and it won't make a difference in the long run.


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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2675 on: June 24, 2011, 06:13:46 PM »
I’ve started going to the gym recently for the first time in a long while in an effort to actually get in shape this summer and I’d appreciate any help to improve what I’m doing. Typically my workouts will either be lifting weights focused on either upper body or lower body with ten to thirty minutes of cardio added in. Usually I’m going to the gym now anywhere from one to five days a week. My main goals right now are to get rid of my gut that’s been slowly growing larger year by year and to hopefully put on a bit of muscle.


Is there any specific diet stuff I absolutely should be taking into account? I haven’t made any large diet changes aside from generally trying to eat healthier and avoid fast foods and stuff like that. Also how important are supplements (including stuff like certain vitamins/minerals or protein powder, etc.)?

What kind of results are realistic to expect after a few weeks/months of going to the gym after a long period of little to no exercise? I had a similar routine a couple of years ago and I did start to see a bit more muscle definition in myself but really no huge changes. I’d like to do better this time so I’m looking at seeing what exactly I can start doing better.

Any other obvious issues with my workout plan or tips or anything? I figure if I’m going to do this I may as well try to do it efficiently.


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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2676 on: June 24, 2011, 11:52:58 PM »
If you post in this thread and don't switch to a strictly Paleo diet, prepare to be bullied.

Only by Cormac!   :lol


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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2677 on: June 25, 2011, 06:16:55 AM »
Are you guys kidding?  The most pushups I've ever done is 45.  At 75, the whole chest and arms must be burning from all that lactic acid.  Granted I'm not an endurance type but I'm pretty sure that 75 is no walk in the park for most people. 

I dunno, I'm the least athletic, non-morbidly obese person I know, and doing 50+ is a relative cakewalk. (goal is trying to get to 100)

Maybe it's easy for me cause I'm really, really skinny?


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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2678 on: June 25, 2011, 06:19:29 AM »
Fun workout today with a friend at a sports ground near where I live - pull-ups, bear crawls and kettlebells. Did a little sprinting as well. Brought my workout time for this week up to a whopping 19 mins (over 2 sessions, today and yesterday).


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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2679 on: June 25, 2011, 06:21:14 AM »
Are you guys kidding?  The most pushups I've ever done is 45.  At 75, the whole chest and arms must be burning from all that lactic acid.  Granted I'm not an endurance type but I'm pretty sure that 75 is no walk in the park for most people. 

I dunno, I'm the least athletic, non-morbidly obese person I know, and doing 50+ is a relative cakewalk. (goal is trying to get to 100)

Maybe it's easy for me cause I'm really, really skinny?

I saw a guy today doing 'push-ups'. He had his feet up on a concrete block and was dipping his arms maybe 2-3 inches on each 'rep'. His midsection was bowing back and forth like he was trying to fuck the ground. It was completely :lol but I have no doubt he told his buddies he did a gazillion push-ups today. Not saying YOU aren't doing them right, but seriously, standards differ wildly...


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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2680 on: June 25, 2011, 07:19:56 AM »
Are you guys kidding?  The most pushups I've ever done is 45.  At 75, the whole chest and arms must be burning from all that lactic acid.  Granted I'm not an endurance type but I'm pretty sure that 75 is no walk in the park for most people. 

I dunno, I'm the least athletic, non-morbidly obese person I know, and doing 50+ is a relative cakewalk. (goal is trying to get to 100)

Maybe it's easy for me cause I'm really, really skinny?

I saw a guy today doing 'push-ups'. He had his feet up on a concrete block and was dipping his arms maybe 2-3 inches on each 'rep'. His midsection was bowing back and forth like he was trying to fuck the ground. It was completely :lol but I have no doubt he told his buddies he did a gazillion push-ups today. Not saying YOU aren't doing them right, but seriously, standards differ wildly...

My ex-roommate was a sergeant in the military and when we worked out, he didn't seem to think I was doing it wrong.


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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2681 on: June 25, 2011, 11:53:58 AM »
I saw a guy today doing 'push-ups'. He had his feet up on a concrete block and was dipping his arms maybe 2-3 inches on each 'rep'. His midsection was bowing back and forth like he was trying to fuck the ground. It was completely :lol but I have no doubt he told his buddies he did a gazillion push-ups today. Not saying YOU aren't doing them right, but seriously, standards differ wildly...
I hate seeing this so much. How hard can it be to do a pushup? I had to correct my cousin a few weeks ago because he was doing basically the same thing.

I guess I should thank my brother for showing me how to do pushups when I was a little kid.


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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2682 on: June 25, 2011, 01:25:18 PM »
Fun workout today with a friend at a sports ground near where I live - pull-ups, bear crawls and kettlebells. Did a little sprinting as well. Brought my workout time for this week up to a whopping 19 mins (over 2 sessions, today and yesterday).

I really wish I had somebody to workout with here.  Even boring ones.  I've got one friend that goes to the gym, and we've been together a couple of times.  All he wants to do is work his arms and chest and he brings along his "mistress" so it's always really awkward when we're there.


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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2683 on: June 25, 2011, 03:58:27 PM »
It's great for me in Tokyo, DCharlie and ch1nchilla and jonnyram are over at my place working out all the time. Afterward we shave and blow each other too, which is a plus.


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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2684 on: June 25, 2011, 06:01:49 PM »
It's great for me in Tokyo, DCharlie and ch1nchilla and jonnyram are over at my place working out all the time. Afterward we shave and blow each other too, which is a plus.

Just bought a plane ticket to Tokyo.


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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2685 on: June 26, 2011, 02:44:30 AM »


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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2686 on: June 26, 2011, 09:26:24 AM »
It's maybe a bit early to say 'Well, that wraps it up for Type II Diabetes!' but it is VERY intriguing and without doubt a story to watch. Even if debunked, it at least shows that the research is moving in an interesting direction (treating with diet rather than try to modify hormone levels by supplementation). Even better, anyone who wants to can try it for themselves. Know someone with diabetes? Know what a carrot looks like? Know how to mix a protein shake? That's literally all you need in order to try something that at least for some people, seemingly cured them of one of the nastiest diseases out there (premature death is pretty much guaranteed, insulin comas are possible at any time, blindness and amputation of major limbs is common...).

As Jarosh was saying on Twitter, it would have been nice if they had done this with meat and fat instead. If this worked, I'm pretty sure meat and fat would have done the trick as well. I would assume it scales to a degree as well. I'm betting that the most efficacious treatment would turn out to be a ketogenic rapid fat-loss style diet like Lyle McDonald uses.

And it would be highly surprising to me if some resistance training didn't speed things along.

Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2687 on: June 26, 2011, 12:44:38 PM »
I ran the Seattle Rock and Roll 1/2 marathon yesterday morning with a fucked up knee. Finished 1 minute faster than last year...

Hopefully next year my knee is fine, I'd love to see how much better I can do at full health.

Herr Mafflard

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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2688 on: June 26, 2011, 04:30:57 PM »
It's maybe a bit early to say 'Well, that wraps it up for Type II Diabetes!' but it is VERY intriguing and without doubt a story to watch. Even if debunked, it at least shows that the research is moving in an interesting direction (treating with diet rather than try to modify hormone levels by supplementation). Even better, anyone who wants to can try it for themselves. Know someone with diabetes? Know what a carrot looks like? Know how to mix a protein shake? That's literally all you need in order to try something that at least for some people, seemingly cured them of one of the nastiest diseases out there (premature death is pretty much guaranteed, insulin comas are possible at any time, blindness and amputation of major limbs is common...).

Thanks for that. My dad suffers from diabetes. I'll be sure to relay him this information.

Van Cruncheon

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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2689 on: June 26, 2011, 09:20:06 PM »
It's maybe a bit early to say 'Well, that wraps it up for Type II Diabetes!' but it is VERY intriguing and without doubt a story to watch. Even if debunked, it at least shows that the research is moving in an interesting direction (treating with diet rather than try to modify hormone levels by supplementation). Even better, anyone who wants to can try it for themselves. Know someone with diabetes? Know what a carrot looks like? Know how to mix a protein shake? That's literally all you need in order to try something that at least for some people, seemingly cured them of one of the nastiest diseases out there (premature death is pretty much guaranteed, insulin comas are possible at any time, blindness and amputation of major limbs is common...).

As Jarosh was saying on Twitter, it would have been nice if they had done this with meat and fat instead. If this worked, I'm pretty sure meat and fat would have done the trick as well. I would assume it scales to a degree as well. I'm betting that the most efficacious treatment would turn out to be a ketogenic rapid fat-loss style diet like Lyle McDonald uses.

And it would be highly surprising to me if some resistance training didn't speed things along.

book: ordered

Smooth Groove

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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2690 on: June 26, 2011, 11:01:05 PM »
Is there any way to train muscles to be smaller? 

I feel like I'd be faster if I lose some weight in my elephant legs (I blame them on swimming  :-\) and then retrain them to have better strength to weight ratios. 

That's an official sized football to give some idea of how big my legs are. 


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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2691 on: June 26, 2011, 11:02:31 PM »
and the Humblebrag of the Day is brought to you by Smooth Groove

Smooth Groove

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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2692 on: June 26, 2011, 11:05:22 PM »
WTF, seriously, I don't like the way they look.  What NBA superstar has legs like those?  MJ/VC/Lebron is the type of body I want.  Too bad I ain't black. 


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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2693 on: June 26, 2011, 11:12:05 PM »
you should switch to rugby

I have no idea how you would lose muscle there specifically, without getting totally detrained and starving yourself. I have a big neck and shoulders and skinny matter how much weight I lose the neck stays big. I can GAIN weight on the legs but I think i'd have to basically starve myself to lose the neck.

Smooth Groove

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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2694 on: June 26, 2011, 11:16:54 PM »
I don't know about rugby but I've always been told I look more like a football running back than a basketball player, especially for my height.   :fbm

It's probably why most people assume that I'm not much of a leaper until they see me play. 

Having a big neck is pretty awesome because it's so hard to train.  Someone specifically asked UFC figher Matt Hughes how he has such a big neck.  He said he was just born with it and that he wouldn't recommend training specifically to gain a big neck because it's dangerous. 

Smooth Groove

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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2695 on: June 26, 2011, 11:34:16 PM »
Train like this dude?  He's easily the most athletic fat guy I've ever seen.


Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2696 on: June 26, 2011, 11:34:24 PM »
Anyway to stay at my level of fitness but have my abs less pronounced?  People are staring at the pool and it's making me uncomfortable. 
Got a similar problem, anyway to take a few inches of my dick, length and circumference? The amount of gratuitous pleasure it brings the dozens of women I sleep with is making me feel insecure and as if my other traits aren't of similar value.
« Last Edit: June 26, 2011, 11:58:36 PM by BamYouHaveAids »

Smooth Groove

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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2697 on: June 26, 2011, 11:40:05 PM »
LOL  A friend in college actually complained about her BF's BBC being too big and she hated sex because he was always hitting bottom. 


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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2698 on: June 26, 2011, 11:47:35 PM »
I've seen people do ridiculous things to train for bigger necks...I've always been ???

For rugby, it is important in the scrum (where you have your head stuck between the heads or arses of other strapping lads, so gay), and for boxers, it helps take a punch. Other than that, I really have no idea what it's good for.


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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2699 on: June 26, 2011, 11:48:04 PM »
Anyway to stay at my level of fitness but have my abs less pronounced?  People are staring at the pool and it's making me uncomfortable. 
