Author Topic: The Bore Mecha Gaming Thread: Gundam, Super Robot Wars, Armored Core and More!  (Read 216905 times)

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I saw there's a complete translation released for the PS2 SRW OGs game.

It reminded me that it's mid-December and absolutely nothing announced again for new SRW. It makes me wonder if the mainline SRW teams aren't dead and have been re-assigned to other more profitable namco/bandai games while the smaller handheld team that X//V/T is now handling mainline SRW and taking their time since T to make another one.

Because normally SRW announces their March/April game in December. And for a decade+ they had announcements every year in December. 2020 was the first year in forever where there was no SRW announced/released, and now if there's no announcement, 2021 is iffy as well.

Meanwhile the mainline SRW licensed team hasn't released a game since Z3-2 in 2015.
The OGs team hasn't released a game since Moon Dwellers in 2016.

That's....yeah, not good.

SRW as a franchise has been selling fewer and fewer although Asia sales have helped make up some of the loss. But we still went from selling 300k+ in Japan to <100k per entry.

In the modern game sales economy and with a big company like Bandai Namco, they don't care about their franchises, they care about the bottom line $$$. When they can put the same staff on mobile game development that makes 100 million+ or assist on some HD anime game that will sell well, or have them make a fancy 2d SRW game that will sell <100k copies and only in Japan and Asia because just doesn't make business sense for Bamco to invest a lot of money into mainline SRW games anymore.

Definitely a bit concerned that SRW is essentially dead.

And we never even got our Gundam Iron-Blooded Orphans entry :(

The SRW Twitter accounts I follow have been saying that 2021 is the 30th anniversary of the series, so that's when something will be announced.


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Just finished the FF7 Weapons storyline in FF14. That went full on mecha. You start out with a sword swinging mech to pilot G-Warrior and then it becomes Dendrobium G-Savior launching Itano Circus at the Diamond Weapon. Stellar art direction too. Was a really good story.

Oh and there's even an Eva ep24 reference with the head pop. This whole questline is a mecha fanservice one.
« Last Edit: May 05, 2021, 03:09:27 AM by Bebpo »



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Glad someone is still making SRW games.

The reviews for their last tactics game God Wars weren't terrible, so this may end up being solid.


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so new SRW game finally, on switch, but they announce it and only show like five series and not a single one is a new entry? Sprites seem all new maybe?

This is weird.

GGG Final
Mazinger Infinity

so far

No IBO, no sale.


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Given the new sprites and a small roster, it seems like it could be the start of a new series. But normally you do that with classics and a bunch of new exciting entries...

I'm hoping this was the classics reveal and the next trailer will be the new entries...

Also Mazinger Infinity sucks.

It was just a teaser, there's a big presentation coming on July 11th. Wait until then before you freak out, and then you're allowed to do so.

I prefer this stuff over OG, so I'm psyched.

Olivia Wilde Homo

  • Proud Kinkshamer
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As the third Borean who plays SRW, I liked what I saw from the trailer and I know I’m going to buy this game.

As the third Borean who plays SRW, I liked what I saw from the trailer and I know I’m going to buy this game.

I will happily buy it day one. Just please no more Mightgaine. Ugh.


  • Senior Member
As the third Borean who plays SRW, I liked what I saw from the trailer and I know I’m going to buy this game.

I will happily buy it day one. Just please no more Mightgaine. Ugh.

That's what I say about Zeta at this point.

Plus they're never going to beat the Zeta animations we had in Z3 -> X/V/T. Might as well just give up on Zeta inclusions for a while instead of downgrading to new sprites/animations.

I love Zeta, and it never feels heavily forced into the plot like Mightgaine has over the X/V/T games.


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Ok, it's a legit new SRW, but IBO is still missing (too many unit sprites needed?):

New sprite series:

-First Gundam
-Zeta (probably downgrade tho)
-CCA (probably downgrade tho)
-V Gundam
-Gundam NT
-El Gaim
-GGG Final
-GGG v Betterman
-Majestic Prince
-Knights and Magic
-Mazinkaiser Infinitism
-Jedekka (The police) something (idk what the English name is)

not sure if Geass sprites are new or just the same ones from Z3 touched up. If new, add those.

If this had IBO it'd be great. But it's enough that I'll play it, especially for First Gundam & V Gundam.

Also Terada confirmed there is no secret OG3 project that's been in development for 5-6 years since Moon Dwellers. He has ideas for a new OG game, but won't even start it until after this and DD (which is the mobile game?). RIP OG series and gorgeous animation OG team  :'(
« Last Edit: July 11, 2021, 01:33:21 PM by Bebpo »


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I saw the mobile game had IBO, Aldnoah Zero, Valvrave and was looking into how to get that outside Japan because I’d play it even with the crappy animations and gatcha pulls.

But then I saw even that only covered the first few eps of IBO and the starting units. What a joke. IBO’s full story and unit set never getting into SRW at this rate.


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Look at the (Units Only) series.

New sprites for First Gundam/0079...but no actual plot from OYW even though it hasn't been in SRW in forever.

Gaogaigar Final has no story. Which sucks I love playing through GGG Final's epic story. Instead it's units only and story will be GGG v Betterman which is cool, but I want both?

I'm psyched. It's been long enough since the last SRW game that I'm ready for a new one.


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There is a season pass for 2 DLC expansions coming.
Both include 9 new suits, 7 anime / 2 OG

Given everything we have seen from SRW in the last decade and how expensive it is for them to animate a single unit, I'm guessing these are all going to be units from X/V/T copy & pasted. I'd be surprised if there is any new animation/new sprites units, maybe 1 per pack or something.

There is a season pass for 2 DLC expansions coming.
Both include 9 new suits, 7 anime / 2 OG

Given everything we have seen from SRW in the last decade and how expensive it is for them to animate a single unit, I'm guessing these are all going to be units from X/V/T copy & pasted. I'd be surprised if there is any new animation/new sprites units, maybe 1 per pack or something.

Yeah, I'm guessing we'll see DLC using existing assets.

Just in case you all missed it, this is the first Licensed SRW to ever make it to the US.  ESRB rating pending and everything.

I know the last few have been in english in SEA regions, but this one finally requires no hoop jumping.  Here's hoping they unlock the last few later if this does ok.


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SRW 30 is out. SRW in English official US release!

Switching between Japanese and English text, translation is less Engrish than I expected. It's not too bad. Outside having to re-learn all the spirit commands in English naming, will probably just play it in English.

I'm going to wait for both DLC packs to be out in December to actually play through this, but I'll probably play the first 10 maps or so and just assemble the initial team before that. Playing on hard and without SR points/challenges will see how the balance is. You can change difficulties between maps in Intermission so might even try expert if hard is too easy.

Never gone premium vocal song pack before in SRW since I like chiptune SRW but grabbed it this time since Steam release was cheaper. Not sure which I'll end up using, probably switch back and forth. I like that there is a quick option in the settings called "retro BGM mode on/off" to change between original tracks and vocal tracks.

Re: The Bore Mecha Gaming Thread: Gundam, Super Robot Wars, Armored Core and More!
« Reply #1400 on: November 03, 2021, 08:11:18 PM »
I just got to the introduction of rayearth and i'm liking it a lot so far.  Playing on expert, it's tough but not impossible.  Starting to get the tools and the hang of this iteration though so it's getting easier.  Still can't do relics though.

This is the first one I've played since......some of Z and alpha 3?

I really hope releasing these worldwide is a thing moving forward, and they consider going back to some of the bigger -ologies like Alpha and Z for a remaster at some point.  I'll settle for the more recent games coming off SEA lock though, maybe with an extra translation pass.


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Re: The Bore Mecha Gaming Thread: Gundam, Super Robot Wars, Armored Core and More!
« Reply #1401 on: November 03, 2021, 08:36:18 PM »
I'm playing on hard and it's fine except for maps that introduce new shitty units and you have to use them for a few rounds and not die.

The V Gundam introduction map on the earth route is pretty brutal. Those units are terrible without upgrades/parts. I imagine on expert you basically need to run like fuck until your team shows up.

Re: The Bore Mecha Gaming Thread: Gundam, Super Robot Wars, Armored Core and More!
« Reply #1402 on: November 03, 2021, 08:46:14 PM »
I'm playing on hard and it's fine except for maps that introduce new shitty units and you have to use them for a few rounds and not die.

The V Gundam introduction map on the earth route is pretty brutal. Those units are terrible without upgrades/parts. I imagine on expert you basically need to run like fuck until your team shows up.

Clever use of spirits and actually using evade / defend commands.  And a little bit of luck.  It's much easier now that I have a Methus and it looks like Fuu can repair too.  You can also upgrade the dreis to heal but I put all my points elsewhere.


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Re: The Bore Mecha Gaming Thread: Gundam, Super Robot Wars, Armored Core and More!
« Reply #1403 on: November 07, 2021, 01:23:05 AM »
So yeah, not having any type of squads or route splits is a pretty terrible decision and probably the worst part of this game.

You get so many lead units, especially including the pre-order Cybuster/SRX, that 10 unit deploy counts are a fucking joke. Add in the 18 new DLC units coming in the next two months and basically the majority of units you'll use for one map and see all their animations and then never touch them again.

Pretty sure this is the worst major units vs deploy count SRW game yet. Don't understand why they didn't at least put 2-person squads in this.

Otherwise I like it.

Still, going by the new animations in this and the amount of series/units covered. If I was choosing how to develop this SRW game I would have cut half the series/units and doubled the animation on the remaining units. The start of a new mainline licensed series always cuts the roster done so they can focus on the new series animations.

Then again I feel like this was meant to not be a V/X/T standalone Z3 asset flip, but also not a new major mainline licensed game, but rather a 30th anniversary "throw a ton of shit in" title. Just needed squads....and more dynamic kills.

Maybe the next licensed console SRW will be a reboot and the start of a new trilogy with a smaller roster count and squads.

Re: The Bore Mecha Gaming Thread: Gundam, Super Robot Wars, Armored Core and More!
« Reply #1404 on: November 08, 2021, 12:29:39 AM »
So, after you start upgrading units even expert becomes pretty easy.  That's ok though, it's still fun.  I need to unlock valor on some units so I can have a chance at these relic missions, some of them are rough.

I just got Great Mazinger, so I'm still early.


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A Gundam arena shooter


  • Senior Member
Ehhh, doesn't look bad but not my kind of game.


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Fwiw, I heard that arena shooter game is a lot of fun and good. Still not my kind of game, but good for those that like it.

SRW 30 getting an expansion pack in a week on 4/20. 20 new stages and 10 new units. All new Dancouga Ultimate design and Getter Devolution first time representing. $25 and will be the final DLC.

I'm still playing SRW30 a few missions a week so will play it along with the rest of the game that's left.

Olivia Wilde Homo

  • Proud Kinkshamer
  • Senior Member
I’m finally cracking into SRW OG Moon Dwellers after all this time. So far so good!

How well did SRW 30 hold up? I’ll probably play that next.


  • Senior Member
I’m finally cracking into SRW OG Moon Dwellers after all this time. So far so good!

How well did SRW 30 hold up? I’ll probably play that next.

Moon Dwellers is honestly the last "great" SRW game.

There's been good ones since but they have a lot of filler and fat. SRW 30 is good but it's also the first GAAS SRW and so it's like 3x as long as a normal mainline SRW game but also 90% of the missions are optional.

I'd still recommend SRW 30, but maybe there's a balance in there between doing enough content that the story makes sense but not so much that the pace is glacial and the game takes you 1.5 years to get through like it did for me.

I'm hoping the next SRW is more traditional structure and not GAAS.

Olivia Wilde Homo

  • Proud Kinkshamer
  • Senior Member
Thanks. I remembered hearing at first that SRW 30 was underwhelming, I hoped maybe it got better over time  :-\ I’ll still play it after Moon Dwellers. On deck is Relayer for the PS5.

Olivia Wilde Homo

  • Proud Kinkshamer
  • Senior Member
Just finished scenario 16 of Moon Dwellers. I got every SR point so far. I like it quite a bit. Due to schedules, I have time for one scenario a night. I’m glad I got this game. My only gripe was the initial few scenarios would result in a game over if I shot a mech down. Now it’s destroying a few dozen grunts per scenario, the way I want my SRW games to be :salute

Olivia Wilde Homo

  • Proud Kinkshamer
  • Senior Member
Missed a couple of SR points. You get 20,000 extra funds for each SR point which is why I strive to get them. This game continues to be a lot of fun. I think some of these SR points seem better geared towards NG+ playthroughs. I noticed there’s a gold trophy to play through any of the modes three times. I’m not a trophy collector but clearly it seems like it’s designed for three or more playthroughs to experience the game in full.

Olivia Wilde Homo

  • Proud Kinkshamer
  • Senior Member
I finished Scenario 28. There was a requirement to get 15 ace pilots at this point. I only had six. The only way I could get it is to just play stages over and over again or get it through new game plus. No wonder there is a trophy for beating the game on the same difficulty three times.


  • Senior Member
AC6 looks great.

Olivia Wilde Homo

  • Proud Kinkshamer
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I’m at Scenario 34 and the enemies kept picking off certain mechs and got a game over screen. So I decided to lean into it and spent the last couple days just grinding away at this one stage that has about 50-60 grunts. Each time I get a game over, I get about 350,000 in funds. So thanks to the few hours of grinding, almost all my pilots are aced and I maxed out several mechs. I’m just going to assemble my favorite team of pilots and mechs and knock the rest of the game out. I might do a quick new game plus where I get to assemble my dream team and wreak all kinds of havoc.

I like Moon Dwellers quite a bit more than V, X, and T. I’m not done yet but it’s a much more solid game.


  • Senior Member
I like Moon Dwellers quite a bit more than V, X, and T. I’m not done yet but it’s a much more solid game.

Yeah, it's a shorter, tighter game.

A bit more emphasis on the srpg part too.