Author Topic: Pallando will return in "Never Say Never Again"  (Read 1249629 times)

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  • The Panty-Peeler
  • Senior Member
Maybe I should reboot my okcupid account...


  • Senior Member


  • I have the most sensible car on The Bore
  • Senior Member
From the facebook updates it looks like you had a good time for what it was- sucks she did what she did but at least you ran around partying and having sex.

Cerveza mas fina

  • I don't care for Islam tbqh
  • filler
Me and my girl got our first place together. Its tiny, but there  is a fireplace  and the location is amazing.

I have a dilemma.

I've been seeing this really great cute art teacher from Michigan over the past few months. Our relationship is pretty awesome I feel. However, I just got accepted into UT which is about 2 hours away. She knew I was applying and what my plans were when we met so there is no secret there.

I'm gonna talk to her about what she is looking for, even though I'm not really sure. I'm not sure I can deal with another long distance relationship.


  • ルカルカ★ナイトフィーバー
  • Senior Member
I have a dilemma.

I've been seeing this really great cute art teacher from Michigan over the past few months. Our relationship is pretty awesome I feel. However, I just got accepted into UT which is about 2 hours away. She knew I was applying and what my plans were when we met so there is no secret there.

I'm gonna talk to her about what she is looking for, even though I'm not really sure. I'm not sure I can deal with another long distance relationship.

Seems like there's no real confusion what to do... just talk to her and see what she's looking for, and play it by ear.

Yeah thats what I'm gonna do. I' just talking it in my mind first. Any idea how she will react?


  • cooler than willco
  • Administrator
Who fucking cares? You got in a super good school. Fuck what a dumb female thinks. Go get yourself some paper, you can buy 200 of her when you're done.


  • Senior Member
Sounds like the life!



Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
  • Senior Member
Man it's been awesome since my wife quit her job! Slightly less money is completely worth it for a perpetually clean house and dinner on the table when I get home. :rock She's even got a few side projects starting that could bring in significant extra money!


The michigan girl talked with me about our plans. She came to the conclusion to end it it now before getting more attached. It sucks because we were both into each other and today we were gonna take a road trip to SXSW to see Fiona Apple.

However, at the end of the conversation she got mad at me because I mentioned that I never changed my Facebook relationship status (even though she doesn't have a Facebook account and we've only been seeing each other for about 2 months).


  • cooler than willco
  • Administrator
Clearly she had issues from the start. Fuck her.

Damn you guys are brutal.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
  • Senior Member
She got mad about Facebook? Yea man you're better off without her. You'll find a nice country girl soon


  • ルカルカ★ナイトフィーバー
  • Senior Member
Yeah, don't let people on here get ya down, I'm sure UT (Texas or Tennessee?) has a lot to offer as far as women goes... sigh I miss my college days. If I only wasn't so shy back then :gloomy

Cerveza mas fina

  • I don't care for Islam tbqh
  • filler
Thats how it goes Tiesto. Thats why old people say IF I ONLY KNEW BACK THEN WHAT I KNOW NOW.

Inspector Thatcher

  • Junior Member
She got mad about Facebook? Yea man you're better off without her. You'll find a nice country girl soon

Well, sure, it sounds trivial, but sometimes it feels good to have someone be proud enough of the fact they're in a relationship with you that they're willing to broadcast it to their friends.

Other times trivial crap becomes the focus of the argument because the real stuff (and that includes with one or the other partner, or the relationship itself) isn't working.


  • relapsed dev
  • Senior Member
She's trashy anyway. Remember when you found her online and on your first or second date she was arrested for DUI and said you weren't a real man because you didn't take the blame for her? Wasn't she also living with some other dude and not paying rent? You need to take those rose-colored glasses off, buddy.

Yeah, BM, you'll be doing better soon.

If you want to feel really good, ignore her if you ever get a booty call from her. She handled things badly when she got pulled over drunk, when she wasn't into the relationship anymore, and when she finally decided to move on. If she calls you to get back in any way, just give the old Heismann Trophy pose with a polite "No, thank you."

If you let her back into your life, she'll respect you even less, and she will bail again. Establish some return of self respect by asserting yourself, and acknowledging that she's bad for you.


  • The Muffin Man
  • Senior Member
You shoulda' came back with "Shoulda' put a ring on it"


  • Icon
So at my buddies party two days ago I hooked up with this latina chick, got a booty call from her yesterday which went awesomely. We both decided it was just casual and moved on. Drama free right? No. My new found ex found out about it and came to me crying last night. Asking me why I would do that? Jesus fucking christ I'm sorry that I'm not going through the 5 stages of grief openly weeping about you all night long, life's too fucking short.
oh god.  oh god.  How old is she?  YOu guys didn't even date that long.  I get that you two are close anyways, but still.  Jesus.  Fuck dating.

If I ever get divorced I'm relying on hookers to get laid and companionship will come from inanimate objects. 


  • Senior Member
Wait. The same chick who turned you away like you're just a piece of meat came to you CRYING because you got a little piece of action?


  • ルカルカ★ナイトフィーバー
  • Senior Member
Went out with a Jewish girl last nite, had a nice time at a small coffeehouse near Jones Beach... unfortunately, she was pretty hardcore about religion (taught Hebrew school and everything) so I told her I was a former Catholic turned Agnostic, and we both decided it wasn't gonna work out. Oh well.

Tonite I got a 3rd date with the Harvard lawyer. She is nice but always so busy, so I don't get much of a chance to see her (plus she lives far away).

And have been talking to a girl who went to the same HS as me. She seems really cool and has a kickin' body and a good job. So we'll see, that one I have the best hope for so far.


  • Icon
Dating for a purpose as opposed to for fun seems dreadful.
This sums up online dating for me in general.  Different strokes I guess.  But the best part of dating was the unexpected part.  I loved going out somewhere and randomly meeting a girl and even when it didn't work out those first few weeks of getting to know someone was really fun.  But there's nothing quite like ending up in some strange girl's room when you assumed you'd just be JO'ing and watching movies that night.  Online dating seems more like car shopping to me.  Most profiles I've seen on those sites make me cringe.

My experience with online dating was a little different. I treated it pretty casual and didn't really go in expecting anything. I had fun.


  • kill me
  • Icon
Dating for a purpose as opposed to for fun seems dreadful.
This sums up online dating for me in general.  Different strokes I guess.  But the best part of dating was the unexpected part.  I loved going out somewhere and randomly meeting a girl and even when it didn't work out those first few weeks of getting to know someone was really fun.  But there's nothing quite like ending up in some strange girl's room when you assumed you'd just be JO'ing and watching movies that night.  Online dating seems more like car shopping to me.  Most profiles I've seen on those sites make me cringe.

like one with 5 cats and a dog in her apartment who forces you to read the pages in her astrology book that correspond to your zodiac signs after she got changed into a onesie?


  • Senior Member
Is this coming from experience?  Because that sounds amazing.  Did her onesie have a hole in the butt?


  • Icon
Dating for a purpose as opposed to for fun seems dreadful.
This sums up online dating for me in general.  Different strokes I guess.  But the best part of dating was the unexpected part.  I loved going out somewhere and randomly meeting a girl and even when it didn't work out those first few weeks of getting to know someone was really fun.  But there's nothing quite like ending up in some strange girl's room when you assumed you'd just be JO'ing and watching movies that night.  Online dating seems more like car shopping to me.  Most profiles I've seen on those sites make me cringe.

like one with 5 cats and a dog in her apartment who forces you to read the pages in her astrology book that correspond to your zodiac signs after she got changed into a onesie?
Jesus, Cajole.  What kind of freaky shit are you into?


  • kill me
  • Icon
Dating for a purpose as opposed to for fun seems dreadful.
This sums up online dating for me in general.  Different strokes I guess.  But the best part of dating was the unexpected part.  I loved going out somewhere and randomly meeting a girl and even when it didn't work out those first few weeks of getting to know someone was really fun.  But there's nothing quite like ending up in some strange girl's room when you assumed you'd just be JO'ing and watching movies that night.  Online dating seems more like car shopping to me.  Most profiles I've seen on those sites make me cringe.

like one with 5 cats and a dog in her apartment who forces you to read the pages in her astrology book that correspond to your zodiac signs after she got changed into a onesie?
Jesus, Cajole.  What kind of freaky shit are you into?

Nothing you wouldn't do, Mupepe. That's how I try to live.

edit: Wow, ended up on the first page of the thread thinking it was new. Whoops.


  • Icon
Dating for a purpose as opposed to for fun seems dreadful.
This sums up online dating for me in general.  Different strokes I guess.  But the best part of dating was the unexpected part.  I loved going out somewhere and randomly meeting a girl and even when it didn't work out those first few weeks of getting to know someone was really fun.  But there's nothing quite like ending up in some strange girl's room when you assumed you'd just be JO'ing and watching movies that night.  Online dating seems more like car shopping to me.  Most profiles I've seen on those sites make me cringe.

like one with 5 cats and a dog in her apartment who forces you to read the pages in her astrology book that correspond to your zodiac signs after she got changed into a onesie?
Jesus, Cajole.  What kind of freaky shit are you into?

Nothing you wouldn't do, Mupepe. That's how I try to live.
It's certainly served me well!

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
  • Senior Member
I'm imagining Cajole saying "come onnnn" in his NY accent as cat girl waltzes out the bathroom in her Yankees onesie  :-\
« Last Edit: March 16, 2012, 02:49:59 PM by Phoenix Dark »


  • Senior MILF
  • Senior Member
She's trashy anyway. Remember when you found her online and on your first or second date she was arrested for DUI and said you weren't a real man because you didn't take the blame for her? Wasn't she also living with some other dude and not paying rent? You need to take those rose-colored glasses off, buddy.

Yeah, BM, you'll be doing better soon.

If you want to feel really good, ignore her if you ever get a booty call from her. She handled things badly when she got pulled over drunk, when she wasn't into the relationship anymore, and when she finally decided to move on. If she calls you to get back in any way, just give the old Heismann Trophy pose with a polite "No, thank you."

If you let her back into your life, she'll respect you even less, and she will bail again. Establish some return of self respect by asserting yourself, and acknowledging that she's bad for you.

I'm sure he'll read this advice when she dumps him again a few weeks from now, because I think he already went crawling back.


Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
  • Senior Member
Yea BM, no disrespect to your former woman but you were clearly the most fuckable/attractive member of that relationship, no homo. You're tall, attractive, normal etc - and you live in California. You'll find another girl no worries.


  • Senior Member
I wish I were tall. :(


  • Senior Member
How tall are you himuro?

Barry Egan

  • The neurotic is nailed to the cross of his fiction.
  • Senior Member
Being tall rules so hard omg.


  • Senior Member
I think for a long time one of my problems with the relationship and dating world was not knowing how attractive I was and at what level that equated to in girl attractiveness. I thought most every girl was too attractive for me and pursued nothing that didn't show initial interest. At some point, like late 20s, I stopped caring and just felt free to attempt any girl that interested me.


  • kill me
  • Icon
Being tall rules so hard omg.

as i was making out with some girl last night, she asked, "how tall are you?" and when i tried to add an inch, she was all over it


Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
  • Senior Member


  • Senior Member

Positive Touch

  • Woo Papa
  • Senior Member

I think for a long time one of my problems with the relationship and dating world was not knowing how attractive I was and at what level that equated to in girl attractiveness. I thought most every girl was too attractive for me and pursued nothing that didn't show initial interest. At some point, like late 20s, I stopped caring and just felt free to attempt any girl that interested me.

Dude. Are you me? This exactly has happened to me.


  • ルカルカ★ナイトフィーバー
  • Senior Member
I think for a long time one of my problems with the relationship and dating world was not knowing how attractive I was and at what level that equated to in girl attractiveness. I thought most every girl was too attractive for me and pursued nothing that didn't show initial interest. At some point, like late 20s, I stopped caring and just felt free to attempt any girl that interested me.

Yeah this is how things are going with me now... My friends now compliment me because I manage to approach some "really hot girls". Of course I bomb out with all of em hot or not, but oh well!

So anyways I went out with the Harvard girl... and yeah, this definitely isn't gonna work. She was asking me all about my future ambitions and stuff, like the whole date... asking if I'm planning on going into management, if I'm planning on getting an MBA (I have a Masters in systems engineering already and don't want to go back to school), if I've been working on updating my resume... and then she's like "engineers make 100k right?" (I don't :P) Then she asks if I have a tux and says I should get one (wtf would I do with a tux for??)...

So, I think this is what I get. It's Karma biting me in the ass for how I acted toward my ex.


  • Icon
You guys should have discovered that shit earlier.  Late teens/early 20's with a good job and asking out every hot girl I wanted to bang was a fucking gold mine.  A woman's definition of what's attractive is so varied and usually so different then what men think that you'd be surprised at what you can get. 


  • kill me
  • Icon
I know this is true because Mupepe once told me how he picked up a hot girl working in the McDonald's drive-thru. Legend.


  • Icon
I know this is true because Mupepe once told me how he picked up a hot girl working in the McDonald's drive-thru. Legend.
I won.  She has a kid now and is working at a local pizza joint.  Now she's one of those people who only talks about their kids because their life isn't going anywhere

Cerveza mas fina

  • I don't care for Islam tbqh
  • filler
:bow Mupepe :bow2


  • Senior Member
Is it strange that I hardly talk to my gf?  We'll text for 5 mins at night like "hey, how'd your day go?", but otherwise we never talk outside the one or two nights we see each other on the weekend.  I didn't really think much of it until I read some gaf thread about a guy in a long distance relationship who would talk for hours on the phone with his gf nightly. 

I dunno, it's like talking with my brother who I see at work everyday.  There's not a whole lot new to say on a daily basis, so I'd rather watch a movie or browse here at night than sit and talk for an hour.  We talk on the weekend, but it's mainly an eye contact, physical communication relationship, so we're not all that conversation-y.  I would say it's because I'm not really a talker, but that's not true; with certain people (like 1% of the population) I jive and am very back/forth conversation quipping.  My gf isn't really one of them and I'm ok with that.


  • Senior Member
Also as a random aside, having to explain what tentacle porn is to a person oblivious to Japanese things when tentacle porn is the winner in a board game of Cards Against Humanity for the round is...  :cookiem

Especially since myself, being the known Japanese connoisseur of everyone at the table, gets blamed for everything wrong with Japan like I created and support everything Japan.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
  • Senior Member

Inspector Thatcher

  • Junior Member
Is it strange that I hardly talk to my gf? 

Every relationship is different.  If the two of you have found a groove that works, good on ya.

Just check in every now and then in an effort to keep things working - sometimes adjustments and a new thing once in awhile help to renew the "freshness" of a relationship.


  • Senior Member
I know this is true because Mupepe once told me how he picked up a hot girl working in the McDonald's drive-thru. Legend.
I won.  She has a kid now and is working at a local pizza joint.  Now she's one of those people who only talks about their kids because their life isn't going anywhere

that sounds like half of my facebook

Shadow Mod

  • It was Tuesday
  • Senior Member
Is it strange that I hardly talk to my gf?  We'll text for 5 mins at night like "hey, how'd your day go?", but otherwise we never talk outside the one or two nights we see each other on the weekend.  I didn't really think much of it until I read some gaf thread about a guy in a long distance relationship who would talk for hours on the phone with his gf nightly. 

I dunno, it's like talking with my brother who I see at work everyday.  There's not a whole lot new to say on a daily basis, so I'd rather watch a movie or browse here at night than sit and talk for an hour.  We talk on the weekend, but it's mainly an eye contact, physical communication relationship, so we're not all that conversation-y.  I would say it's because I'm not really a talker, but that's not true; with certain people (like 1% of the population) I jive and am very back/forth conversation quipping.  My gf isn't really one of them and I'm ok with that.

Honestly? Sounds like you guys are going to be bored of each other if and when you live together.


  • relapsed dev
  • Senior Member
So at my buddies party two days ago I hooked up with this latina chick, got a booty call from her yesterday which went awesomely. We both decided it was just casual and moved on. Drama free right? No. My new found ex found out about it and came to me crying last night. Asking me why I would do that? Jesus fucking christ I'm sorry that I'm not going through the 5 stages of grief openly weeping about you all night long, life's too fucking short.

Dude. Even if she apologizes, you get one giant get-out-of-jail-free card for not just going la bomba on her. Wow.


  • Senior Member
Is it strange that I hardly talk to my gf?

Every relationship is different.  Don't base yours off of what other people have experienced - there are plenty of couples who talk all the time and it still doesn't work out.  Communication isn't based solely on verbal dialogue and relationships need more than just communication to make it work.


  • ルカルカ★ナイトフィーバー
  • Senior Member
Interesting... I'm fucking around on OKCupid and all of a sudden I get an IM from a girl. She's going to school to be a PA, and is Ukrainian... seems very into me too so far. Got her # and I'm gonna try and set something up soon... also talking to some other chicks that show promise, one of them is a fan of the Zeruda games and is a redhead, and some other real outdoorsy type emailed me.


  • Icon
Is it strange that I hardly talk to my gf?

Every relationship is different.  Don't base yours off of what other people have experienced - there are plenty of couples who talk all the time and it still doesn't work out.  Communication isn't based solely on verbal dialogue and relationships need more than just communication to make it work.
This.  Some people don't want an SO that never shuts the fuck up or always wants to chit chat.  Go by whatever works for you.  My wife and I talk nonsense and like to spend almost every waking moment together.  People have been telling us that we'll get tired of each other and it'll make us resent one another but fuck them, they've been saying that for over 6 years.  There's only been two days in the last 6 years where we haven't spoken to each other. 

So I have been seeing this Mich. girl since early January. Things have been going really well and I really like her, but last night something came up.

Earlier in the day I realized that I always drive when we go out, and not only do I always drive, but I have ever even been inside her car. She's pointed it out to me, so I know she drives, but I'm always the one driving on our dates. No biggie really, but I asked her if she wanted to drive last night and she say no. Which was enough for me to ask her about it. So we talked for a bit. It just never occurred to her, to ofer to drive, and apparently in her past relationships, her boyfriends always drove.

It was a little odd to me, but I don't have much to go by. Am I out of line, in thinking it was weird?

She ended up driving that night, but I couldn't tell if I had accidentally guilted her or not.

Barry Egan

  • The neurotic is nailed to the cross of his fiction.
  • Senior Member
I would adopt a laissez-fare approach to the issue.  Sometimes potential problems simply work themselves out when they are left alone.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
  • Senior Member
I read that post anticipating a "turns out she's a felon on work release" twist and it never came