Author Topic: Pallando will return in "Never Say Never Again"  (Read 1255776 times)

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  • Senior Member
left turn you mean?

cool breeze

  • Senior Member
First time I rode a motorcycle I crashed into a stack of tires.  So, I can attest that guidance could help in the not dying.


  • Senior Member
So the girl I was talking about on the last page crashed a party unexpectedly tonight that I was at.  First time contact in like a week and week & 1/2 since our date.  Was totally ignored by her and found it really uncomfortable tbh. 

It was weird because the time gap (and the awkward date and lack of communication followup) let me objectively see all her dealbreakers and faults and there's really nothing there that interests me.  She's not even physically that attractive to me (doesn't have much of a body and has pretty bad acne scarring).  Yet despite my mind objectively understanding all this, when I stand next to her and she's smiling and laughing I just feel depressed from being rejected by her.  I don't think I can hang out around her right now, it'll just bring me down :\

I guess I've never been in a situation where I developed feelings for and went on a date with someone I see semi-regularly in a friend circle.  Usually I'll go on a date with someone I don't really know and if there's no followup, we say our goodbyes and never see each other again.  I think I just need some space.  Everything's happened really fast and emotions are in a tumble dryer mess right now.
« Last Edit: August 04, 2012, 03:41:22 AM by Bebpo »


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Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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So let me get this straight. She isn't that attractive, has a bunch of deal breaking flaws, completely dissed you on two separate occasions (no followup after the first date, ignoring you at a party)....and you would still give her a piggyback ride if she told you she didn't feel like walking somewhere. Dunno what to say breh...

You have a lot going for you - young, professional, articulate, great job, even better beard. At this point if someone isn't into you, there's no point in beating yourself up over it; it's their loss not yours. And given all the pluses you possess, I see no reason to be upset some average chick you thought you had a chance with doesn't like or respect you.



  • It's a joke, not a dick, so don't take it so hard!
  • Senior Member
I've got an amazing ass chick. Nisha is fucking great, this girl is just 100% on it.

My baby sporting her custom Menophobia shirt!

Yup, all is well in majiville.  :lol


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Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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  • Junior Member
╔══════════════ ೋღ☃ღೋ ══════════════╗
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Repost this if ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~ you are a beautiful strong black woman ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ who don’t need no man ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
╚══════════════ ೋღ☃ღೋ ══════════════╝

black bitches be the ones that totally needs  a man

Positive Touch

  • Woo Papa
  • Senior Member
bebpo, pd is 100% right.  you should be telling yrself "fuck her, wtf is wrong with her" because she couldn't see the good in you. stop beating yourself up.

maji congrats! great to see things are working out much better for you. glad you happy.

blastiose, SHUT THE FUCK UP


  • I have the most sensible car on The Bore
  • Senior Member
I broke it off with the woman I had been dating past few months, lived too far apart, we were both too busy with our own shit to deal with the time requirement. One discussion, ended fine.


  • The Panty-Peeler
  • Senior Member
I broke it off with the woman I had been dating past few months, lived too far apart, we were both too busy with our own shit to deal with the time requirement. One discussion, ended fine.

Come here, bro.. *hug* there there

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
  • Senior Member
I broke it off with the woman I had been dating past few months, lived too far apart, we were both too busy with our own shit to deal with the time requirement. One discussion, ended fine.

Did it go over well, like enough so that you guys can still be friends?


  • Junior Member
I broke it off with the woman I had been dating past few months, lived too far apart, we were both too busy with our own shit to deal with the time requirement. One discussion, ended fine.

get out there in the fucking race right now man
thats teh best way to move on


  • I have the most sensible car on The Bore
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not gonna bother againt ill work settles down. not bummed out- just is what it is.

Human Snorenado

  • Stay out of Malibu, Lebowski
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So let me get this straight. She isn't that attractive, has a bunch of deal breaking flaws, completely dissed you on two separate occasions (no followup after the first date, ignoring you at a party)....and you would still give her a piggyback ride if she told you she didn't feel like walking somewhere. Dunno what to say breh...

You have a lot going for you - young, professional, articulate, great job, even better beard. At this point if someone isn't into you, there's no point in beating yourself up over it; it's their loss not yours. And given all the pluses you possess, I see no reason to be upset some average chick you thought you had a chance with doesn't like or respect you.

(Image removed from quote.)

Bebpo's problem is that all that pussy ass anime has given him too much feels

Human Snorenado

  • Stay out of Malibu, Lebowski
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On the real though Bebpo, what you're experiencing is perfectly natural.  You're probably not used to being the one rejected, so that's confusing; doubly so is that you don't find her "that attractive" or whatever, so her rejection is even more confusing.  Add in the social mix of friends and yeah, there you go. 

My suggestion is just do what she's doing- don't stop hanging out with mutual friends because you're afraid you might see her or whatever.  Just pretend like your weird dates/communications never happened.  Don't initiate contact with her though- if she wants to talk, be cordial or whatever but don't go out of your way to personally interact with her.  But letting this weirdness screw up a potential social circle for you isn't cool, so don't let that happen.  In college, I had all sorts of weird experiences with either bad dates with girls that were in my large circle of friends, or a couple times I'd get drunk and end up hooking up with or fucking girls that were friends with me.  The first time the latter happened I was all weird about it and tried to keep seeing her and that didn't work out; as time wore on and I got older I figured out that shit like this happens, so just roll with the punches and try to keep your cool.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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One thing I'd disagree with is that I don't think this is necessarily  due to being rejected - I think Bepbo has been rejected before. You basically decided to settle for this girl, at least that's what it seems like. So you lowered your standards to make this work, almost like a compromise or something - yet she was still unwilling to move towards you. Thus making the rejection feel worse

I do agree with avoiding her now. It's very important you don't let yourself be her rebound now. She clearly thinks you're still crazy about her, and she just might want to use that to her advantage at some point. Pllleassse don't fall for it bro!


  • Senior Member
Good advice all around.  Yeah, it's really just bummed about being rejected since I don't get rejected enough (maybe once or twice a year these days?) so I forget the feel.  I really should date more so I get used to it and get past it.  I'd been putting off dating around for the last month (even though I'm in the mood to start seeing someone again) because I thought there might be some possibilities with this girl, and a lot of things lined up right initially. so I was going to see how it went first before giving other girls a chance.  Not the best way to approach it since it puts all the eggs in one basket, but I make that mistake about once a year.  Then do it the right way. 

And no piggyback rides coming from me on this one.  I'm not letting people walk all over me; I got some self-respect at least.  She missed her chance, I'm moving on.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
  • Senior Member
my nicca :rock :bow


  • Senior Member
Oh my god, I embarrassed myself today. Went to Wal-mart to pick up some medicine, flirted with the cashier girl who was cute as hell and exactly my type physically. Then she smiled and said something I COULD NOT UNDERSTAND despite asking her to repeat it. She was patient and kept on laughing and smiling. I just nodded because I couldn't understand her and ended the conversation. Now I she asked me on a date and I wouldn't know. WHEN DO MY HEARING AIDS GET IN?! I cannot wait for them because of shit like this.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
  • Senior Member
She probably told you that she was a lesbian

Human Snorenado

  • Stay out of Malibu, Lebowski
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Oh my god, I embarrassed myself today. Went to Wal-mart to pick up some medicine, flirted with the cashier girl who was cute as hell and exactly my type physically. Then she smiled and said something I COULD NOT UNDERSTAND despite asking her to repeat it. She was patient and kept on laughing and smiling. I just nodded because I couldn't understand her and ended the conversation. Now I she asked me on a date and I wouldn't know. WHEN DO MY HEARING AIDS GET IN?! I cannot wait for them because of shit like this.

She was telling you to meet her in a supply closet in 15 minutes for some casual sex, she wanted the bbc


  • Senior Member
I know plenty of people with college degrees who work at Wal-Mart. :(


  • It's a joke, not a dick, so don't take it so hard!
  • Senior Member
She was telling you she was into s&m and furies.


  • ルカルカ★ナイトフィーバー
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So, anybody try the OKCupid cellphone app? They have a thing where you can post a beacon (like, "hey, I'm meeting at Bar X in NY tonite, let's meet up!") and people can respond to you, or vice versa. So my friend and I went to Barcade last nite to meet up with some college friends of mine and decided to give the OKC thing a try. I suggest to one girl with her beacon on to meet up, and my friend sets a beacon and gets a girl interested in meeting up.

So, the 4 of us (plus 2 college friends) were all hanging out at Barcade, and the girl I met got really shitfaced and was all over me all night, we were making out in the bar and stuff. Not at all my type, (she is a smoker, among other dealbreakers) but very cute nevertheless. So that was pretty fun. Afterwards, we went to another bar, but she was freaking exhausted by the time we got there and she just wanted to go home, so she hailed a taxi, then my friend and I left... not sure if I'll ever see her or even bother to email her but was still a good nite.


  • Member
I finally cut off contact with the ex. He is an asshole anyways. I was only being nice by letting him call me.


  • Senior Member

Time to make my move.

*rubs hands*


  • Senior Member
I finally cut off contact with the ex. He is an asshole anyways. I was only being nice by letting him call me.

How you doin?

Human Snorenado

  • Stay out of Malibu, Lebowski
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So, anybody try the OKCupid cellphone app? They have a thing where you can post a beacon (like, "hey, I'm meeting at Bar X in NY tonite, let's meet up!") and people can respond to you, or vice versa. So my friend and I went to Barcade last nite to meet up with some college friends of mine and decided to give the OKC thing a try. I suggest to one girl with her beacon on to meet up, and my friend sets a beacon and gets a girl interested in meeting up.

So, the 4 of us (plus 2 college friends) were all hanging out at Barcade, and the girl I met got really shitfaced and was all over me all night, we were making out in the bar and stuff. Not at all my type, (she is a smoker, among other dealbreakers) but very cute nevertheless. So that was pretty fun. Afterwards, we went to another bar, but she was freaking exhausted by the time we got there and she just wanted to go home, so she hailed a taxi, then my friend and I left... not sure if I'll ever see her or even bother to email her but was still a good nite.

Iiiiinteresting.  Maybe I'll throw out a beacon for the Doug Stanhope show I'm going to on Thursday.


  • Senior Member
Set the beacon for your place. 


  • Member
I finally cut off contact with the ex. He is an asshole anyways. I was only being nice by letting him call me.

How you doin?

not so well  :-\

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
  • Senior Member
I finally cut off contact with the ex. He is an asshole anyways. I was only being nice by letting him call me.

How you doin?

not so well  :-\

I hope it's not due to him tho. Dude sounds like a passive aggressive, controlling asshole


  • Member
I finally cut off contact with the ex. He is an asshole anyways. I was only being nice by letting him call me.

How you doin?

not so well  :-\

I hope it's not due to him tho. Dude sounds like a passive aggressive, controlling asshole

I'm just wondering why I allowed someone so shitty to even get close to me. I did everything I thought was right, but still ended up in a terrible situation. I thought I was better than this.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
  • Senior Member
Everyone makes mistakes. Lots of folks can be quite intoxicating, flaws and all. Eventually you see who they really are


  • Member

I'm just wondering why I allowed someone so shitty to even get close to me. I did everything I thought was right, but still ended up in a terrible situation. I thought I was better than this.
You are not the first or the last to have that happen Londa. Chin up, it gets better and you'll find better.

I think you was one of the gaf members who hated me before I got perma banned. So I know you really mean what you say. thanks.
« Last Edit: August 06, 2012, 11:38:52 PM by Lan »


  • Senior Member
Ok, there are SERIOUS PROBLEMS with having a brother near your age, living in the same city as you, who MAY OR MAY NOT ALSO USE ONLINE DATING.

I messaged someone to get a reply:

"Hi other Karlin"

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
  • Senior Member


  • The Panty-Peeler
  • Senior Member
I finally cut off contact with the ex. He is an asshole anyways. I was only being nice by letting him call me.

How you doin?

not so well  :-\

I hope it's not due to him tho. Dude sounds like a passive aggressive, controlling asshole

I'm just wondering why I allowed someone so shitty to even get close to me. I did everything I thought was right, but still ended up in a terrible situation. I thought I was better than this.

Don't worry, I did the same shit.  :-\


  • stronger ties you have, more power you gain
  • Senior Member
So I got the girl's, that my grandmother is trying to get me to meet, information and sees actually pretty cute. She just graduated and moved down here to search for a job and is staying with her uncle and grandparents.

Should I invite her out one day/night when there is a group of my friends or 1v1 it?


  • Nylonhilist
  • Senior Member
So I got the girl's, that my grandmother is trying to get me to meet, information and sees actually pretty cute. She just graduated and moved down here to search for a job and is staying with her uncle and grandparents.

Should I invite her out one day/night when there is a group of my friends or 1v1 it?

One on one sounds better. Tell her if she's new to the area, you can show her some of the interesting places to go (parks, beach, etc).

Have you talked to her?


  • stronger ties you have, more power you gain
  • Senior Member
Not yet, just got her name/number today. Thing is she's not unfamiliar with the area, just doesn't know anyone her age, which is why our grandmas set this up.


  • Nylonhilist
  • Senior Member
If you're horny enough and suave enough, I still say one on one. Make sure you mention the types of friends you have in the area and the shenanigans you get into so you don't make it seem like you're trying to "hide the competition" so to speak.

I also wouldn't make any really solid itinerary for the day, just go where ever you want to go.


  • Icon
... Jesus Christ.  Please don't listen to am nintenho.

If you're horny enough and suave enough, I still say one on one. Make sure you mention the types of friends you have in the area and the shenanigans you get into so you don't make it seem like you're trying to "hide the competition" so to speak.

I had to actually check and see if I was on GAF.  Fucking shit.


  • Senior Member
don't forget to tell her to wear a burqa!


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Anyways, if you want it to be a date then do one on one.  If you just want to be friendly, try to do a group thing. 


  • 🧘‍♂️
  • Senior Member
Tomorrow is when I go into that deli/diner and ask that girl out.

Hopefully I don't fuck this up or I won't be able to eat there anymore.  :lol

Actually, if I do fuck up I'll still go there because they make sandwiches that are like crack.


  • Icon

"Well, I have been eating more!"


  • Nylonhilist
  • Senior Member
... Jesus Christ.  Please don't listen to am nintenho.

If you're horny enough and suave enough, I still say one on one. Make sure you mention the types of friends you have in the area and the shenanigans you get into so you don't make it seem like you're trying to "hide the competition" so to speak.

I had to actually check and see if I was on GAF.  Fucking shit.

I was being sarcastic (at least the part that you quoted), I thought the first seven words made it sound pretty obvious.


  • Icon
My bad.  My sarcasm detector must be broken. 


  • 🧘‍♂️
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Tomorrow is when I go into that deli/diner and ask that girl out.

Hopefully I don't fuck this up or I won't be able to eat there anymore.  :lol

Actually, if I do fuck up I'll still go there because they make sandwiches that are like crack.
So... she wasn't there today but I was kinda glad because I was freaking the fuck out when I was driving there.

Fuck my nerves.  :-\

Maybe I'll try again this Friday.


  • 🧘‍♂️
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There's this girl who may (or may not) be into me who works at this deli/diner that I go to every once in a while and I wanted to ask her out today but she wasn't there today.

That's pretty much it.

Oh. And she doesn't look or act like your typical southern gal either. (I think that's why I'm attracted to her. haha...)
Judging from her body type and the way she dresses she looks like she's into yoga and eastern mysticism. She might be vegetarian as well because these yoga types usually are and I don't know how I feel about that. I guess it's fine so long as I'm not judged for liking meat. (yeah, vegetarian working at a deli. Ironic, eh?)

And yes, I'm over analyzing but I always do that when I'm in this type of scenario...


  • 🧘‍♂️
  • Senior Member
What have past exchanges been like?
In the past, our exchanges have been pretty mundane.

But last week I went into the deli with my brother to have lunch. When we went up to counter she came up and said, "Oh hey! I haven't seen you in a while." in a flowery/happy tone. I, being the social distinguished mentally-challenged fellow that I am, responded with, "Oh yeah... I've been really busy." and out of the corner of my eye I could see my brother flinch a bit because he saw (judging from her body language) that she was really into me and I wasn't picking up on it. I should've been more open and light hearted.

Anyways, after we left the deli my brother suggested that I ask her out the next time I'm there. In response: "Uh, why? What's your justification that she's attracted to me?" and he told me that he read "The Definitive Guide to Body Language" by Allan Pease and that she was giving off certain signs that she was attracted to me.

I didn't really believe my brother (and I still don't to a certain degree) but then I thought, "Well fuck... why not? She's attractive, physically fit, and probably a lot more open minded than others girls in the south. I'll go ahead and ask her out next week"

And here I am today. Scared that I'm going to make a fool out of myself if I do ask her out.


  • Icon
Tell her you hate sandwiches and what you've really been craving is a taste of her hot pocket.  Gold.


  • 🧘‍♂️
  • Senior Member
Yeah, go for it man.

Just you know what?

Before you do, just walk up to any pretty girl and introduce yourself and if it goes well, tell her you'd love to take her to dinner.

Get those nerves out on non-consequential girls before you try with this girl.

Remember, you'll get rejected 90% of the time in any scenario.

Might need a little bit of liquid courage as well. heh..

Fuck. I hate being neurotic.

Tell her you hate sandwiches and what you've really been craving is a taste of her hot pocket.  Gold.
« Last Edit: August 08, 2012, 05:13:01 PM by Atramental »


  • Senior Member
Tell her she could use a little extra salami in her panini, namsayin.


  • 🧘‍♂️
  • Senior Member
Ok. ok.


God, I hate this shit.


  • Icon
Imagine her riding your hog and calling you big daddy.  All the motivation you need.


  • Nylonhilist
  • Senior Member
What have past exchanges been like?
In the past, our exchanges have been pretty mundane.

But last week I went into the deli with my brother to have lunch. When we went up to counter she came up and said, "Oh hey! I haven't seen you in a while." in a flowery/happy tone. I, being the social distinguished mentally-challenged fellow that I am, responded with, "Oh yeah... I've been really busy." and out of the corner of my eye I could see my brother flinch a bit because he saw (judging from her body language) that she was really into me and I wasn't picking up on it. I should've been more open and light hearted.

Anyways, after we left the deli my brother suggested that I ask her out the next time I'm there. In response: "Uh, why? What's your justification that she's attracted to me?" and he told me that he read "The Definitive Guide to Body Language" by Allan Pease and that she was giving off certain signs that she was attracted to me.

I didn't really believe my brother (and I still don't to a certain degree) but then I thought, "Well fuck... why not? She's attractive, physically fit, and probably a lot more open minded than others girls in the south. I'll go ahead and ask her out next week"

And here I am today. Scared that I'm going to make a fool out of myself if I do ask her out.

awww. This reminds me of that episode of Louie where he asks out Parker Posey.


Around 1:50. Can't find a clip of the scene by itself.


  • 🧘‍♂️
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« Last Edit: August 08, 2012, 07:30:19 PM by Atramental »