Author Topic: Pallando will return in "Never Say Never Again"  (Read 1255433 times)

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Human Snorenado

  • Stay out of Malibu, Lebowski
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guys.  Guys.  GUYS.

First contact has been made.  Apparently I'm grabbing drinks with a cute lady before seeing Doug Stanhope tomorrow.  Fuck am I not ready for this, should be hilarious.


  • kill me
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guys.  Guys.  GUYS.

First contact has been made.  Apparently I'm grabbing drinks with a cute lady before seeing Doug Stanhope tomorrow.  Fuck am I not ready for this, should be hilarious.

wait, are you going with her to doug stanhope? she's pretty cool if that's the case.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
  • Senior Member
grats my nicca :rock

hmmm that beacon thing sounds pretty cool. Gonna turn mine on at Taco Bell and watch the sparks fly


  • ルカルカ★ナイトフィーバー
  • Senior Member
Nice, good luck Triumph! This an OKC girl?

Atramental, I've always wanted a chick into yoga and eastern mysticism and hippie stuff, you can bet they go all natural down there :drool

Oh yeah, I am going for coffee with this cute girl going for her clinical psych PhD, she is German and was a professional figure skater in Germany as a kid, talked to her on the phone last nite and she seemed kinda quiet but she started opening up a bit more after we got around to talking.


  • 🧘‍♂️
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Okay.... I lied. She was there today.  :'(

I pussied out and just ordered a sandwich like I usually do. :gloomy

FUCK! I'm probably missing out on some mind blowing yoga sex.


  • kill me
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you're not

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
  • Senior Member
Okay.... I lied. She was there today.  :'(

I pussied out and just ordered a sandwich like I usually do. :gloomy

FUCK! I'm probably missing out on some mind blowing yoga sex.



  • 🧘‍♂️
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Lupe's right. I just gotta be confident and take a chance.


  • Senior Member
There is a girl that I'm somewhat attracted to on OKC because ...she seems like a female version of Professor Prole.

I don't know what that means about me and Prole  :'(


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  • 🧘‍♂️
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Wish me luck.

I'm going into that deli tomorrow and I'm going to man-the-fuck-up this time.  :punch


  • 🧘‍♂️
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Argh. She said no.  :-\

Welp, onto the next one.


  • ルカルカ★ナイトフィーバー
  • Senior Member
Kudos for doing it though... rejection gets easier the more it happens.

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no it doesn't  :'(


  • 🧘‍♂️
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To be honest, I'm kinda glad she said no because I think she would've been too mature (or too experienced) for me.

And I think she could tell that as well, just from judging from my disposition and my voice, that I'm not experienced in courting, dating, asking girls out, etc.


  • Icon
In that case keep putting yourself out there so that your insecurities aren't so obvious.  It's all in your attitude when you ask them.  If you look nervous or unsure she will most likely say no.  You gotta work on your "Cool.  Whatevs" 'tude.


  • 🧘‍♂️
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Yeah, the problem with me having the "Cool.  Whatevs" attitude is that I need to have about 3 or 4 beers in me before that personality comes out from the recesses of my mind. Haha.

When I don't have alcohol in my system to mellow me out I'm very reserved and boring.

And I know it's not good to rely on alcohol for my poor social skills but man it makes things a lot easier.


  • Nylonhilist
  • Senior Member
No you don't need alcohol, it'll make you more nervous since you'll be wondering when the "cool guy" switch is flipped. Just be honest and open, and girls will respond to that. If you're able to just talk and talk and talk about anything with a girl, then she definitely will be willing to go out with you since there's really nothing to lose.

But yeah, no matter what you do or how much experience you have, it will be scary to ask out a girl that you like and your hands will be sweaty and your butthole will feel like it's going to explode.

Human Snorenado

  • Stay out of Malibu, Lebowski
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guys.  Guys.  GUYS.

First contact has been made.  Apparently I'm grabbing drinks with a cute lady before seeing Doug Stanhope tomorrow.  Fuck am I not ready for this, should be hilarious.

wait, are you going with her to doug stanhope? she's pretty cool if that's the case.

Whoops, just noticed this.  Nope, we just met up before hand for drinks at a bar down the street from the club.  She was pretty cool and we'll probably hang out again, but ultimately she's not reallllly my type- there were a few things about her that were kind of annoying- smoker, likes really bad (metal and shitty local punk) music, etc.  Very cute and nice girl though, so who knows.


  • Senior Member
metal and punk music are great ??? depends on what type of metal and punk

Human Snorenado

  • Stay out of Malibu, Lebowski
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metal and punk music are great ??? depends on what type of metal and punk

I find them to be boring genres of music.  Punk can be great but it's very, very rare- it's largely a genre that becomes a refuge for people who don't have actual musical talent.  Good metal to me is even more rare... I just don't like the genre.  I'm old and like chill music.


  • Senior Member
With my last gf, our first date was meeting up and going to a show.  It went well, and by the end of the night we were at the beach, driving through mountains, raiding liquor stores, and then crashing at my place.

Shows are good dates.


  • stronger ties you have, more power you gain
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RELATIONSHIPS: The thread of your life tied into a neat knot with the 'other'
« Reply #2601 on: August 10, 2012, 06:29:36 PM »
Raiding liquor stores? Like robbing them?


  • Senior Member
Haha, no; not that bad.  Like buying lots of liquor from them :P

Eric P

  • I DESERVE the gold. I will GET the gold!
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metal and punk music are great ??? depends on what type of metal and punk

I find them to be boring genres of music.  Punk can be great but it's very, very rare- it's largely a genre that becomes a refuge for people who don't have actual musical talent.  Good metal to me is even more rare... I just don't like the genre.  I'm old and like chill music.

I can not disagree with this position especially lately. Punk and especially Metal have become genres where you have to go in deep to find the good stuff.

i can really only trust like 2 people to turn me onto metal i'll like

i didn't even really like the new Baroness album which came as quite a surprise to me

Olivia Wilde Homo

  • Proud Kinkshamer
  • Senior Member
So its over with me and 23 year old.

She's not over her ex who cheated on her.

Nice guys finish last, once again.

Hey, that's what happened with me and the latest girl I was seeing.

I had sex with her a couple of times and then she asked me for $300 to help her get settled in at her new place.  Which is funny because on her Facebook, she took a bunch of pictures of herself recently going on a clothes shopping spree.  I told this to our mutual friend and she told me that secretly, this girl was trying to get back with her unemployed alcoholic ex who lives about an hour away.  I was just kind of the fill in guy until she makes this thing happen.

Since I wasn't going to be taken advantage of financially, the next time she called, I told her "You know, I don't think this is going to work out."

I'm just going to keep on keeping on.
« Last Edit: August 12, 2012, 09:42:19 AM by The Experiment »

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
  • Senior Member
So its over with me and 23 year old.

She's not over her ex who cheated on her.

Nice guys finish last, once again.

Hey, that's what happened with me and the latest girl I was seeing.

I had sex with her a couple of times and then she asked me for $300 to help her get settled in at her new place.  Which is funny because on her Facebook, she took a bunch of pictures of herself recently going on a clothes shopping spree.  I told this to our mutual friend and she told me that secretly, this girl was trying to get back with her unemployed alcoholic ex who lives about an hour away.  I was just kind of the fill in guy until she makes this thing happen.

Since I wasn't going to be taken advantage of financially, the next time she called, I told her "You know, I don't think this is going to work out."

I'm just going to keep on keeping on.

I gotta know your immediate reaction and what you said when she asked for that money. I'm imagining her asking that after a bj and you falling out the bed in shock


  • relapsed dev
  • Senior Member
Argh. She said no.  :-\

Welp, onto the next one.

Protip: Don't ask women out when they're at their place of employment. It's a really hard place to put them in, as they have to be professional to you as a customer, even as you're trying to get personal with them.

Make chit-chat and such, see where that goes. It sounds like she noticed you, and noticed that you hadn't been around; that's good. But did you speak with her much, or just ask her out, outright?

Anyway, unless she made a face of unmasked disgust, you may still have a chance. Just talk with her, and realize that because she's already said "no," there's no pressure to be charming or anything. Just be yourself and talk naturally.


  • 🧘‍♂️
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Protip: Don't ask women out when they're at their place of employment. It's a really hard place to put them in, as they have to be professional to you as a customer, even as you're trying to get personal with them.
I know but that's the only place I ever see her.

Also, I asked her out before the lunch hour rush so it's not like I was being a big hindrance to her job or anything.

Make chit-chat and such, see where that goes. It sounds like she noticed you, and noticed that you hadn't been around; that's good. But did you speak with her much, or just ask her out, outright?
Here's how it went down:

I ordered my food (a salad to go), I asked her how her day was going and after she made her response I followed up with a: "Good to hear your day is going well. Also.. hey, whenever you're free, you want to get together sometime?"

And her response back was essentially: "Oh, that sounds nice but no thank you."

Me: "Oh okay. Well I hope you have a nice weekend."

Her: "Thanks."

And then I sat down and waited for someone to bring me out my food. And then once I got my salad I got up and left.

Anyway, unless she made a face of unmasked disgust, you may still have a chance. Just talk with her, and realize that because she's already said "no," there's no pressure to be charming or anything. Just be yourself and talk naturally.
I didn't sense any disgust from her but at the same time I didn't sense any interest from her either.

And at this point I don't really care if I have a chance or not because I'm already thinking about other girls that I could ask out at my university when I get back there for my fall semester.

I can't afford to stay hung up on one girl this year because of that stupid bet I made in GAF's drunk thread. haha...


  • Icon
Honestly, actually asking is almost always bound to fail in those types of situations.  The only way I've ever had it work was by having a conversation for more than a few seconds.  Such as "What are you doing this weekend?" and then follow up with a few more questions about whatever her response is.  After the conversation has gone from just pleasantries to somewhat personal you've already broken the barrier.  Your problem is that you rammed through the barrier with "hey wanna go out??"  My lines usually consisted of me saying she should let me take her out or we should go out together.  Never asked in the form of a question. Do not ask because if she can say no she probably will.  Even if she likes you.  It's easier that way.  And I always said it in a joking manner.  Like it was fun asking her out.  Like I was having fun.  How you act when you're asking her out is probably how you'll act on the actual date so make a good impression.  Even if she says no it makes the awkwardness less awkward.  But after doing it a few dozen times you won't feel awkward anyways.  I used to ask out every hot girl I encountered and the times it worked more than made up for all the times I failed.  Hell, I met my wife that way.


  • 🧘‍♂️
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Okay. I'll use your method, Mupepe, and I'll see where it gets me.

I just hope I get something started with a girl before my fall break because time is running out.

And I know you can't really schedule things like this but goddammit I'm not going into 2013 with my virginity intact and me being short of $150 dollars. That's no way to start a new year.

Olivia Wilde Homo

  • Proud Kinkshamer
  • Senior Member
So its over with me and 23 year old.

She's not over her ex who cheated on her.

Nice guys finish last, once again.

Hey, that's what happened with me and the latest girl I was seeing.

I had sex with her a couple of times and then she asked me for $300 to help her get settled in at her new place.  Which is funny because on her Facebook, she took a bunch of pictures of herself recently going on a clothes shopping spree.  I told this to our mutual friend and she told me that secretly, this girl was trying to get back with her unemployed alcoholic ex who lives about an hour away.  I was just kind of the fill in guy until she makes this thing happen.

Since I wasn't going to be taken advantage of financially, the next time she called, I told her "You know, I don't think this is going to work out."

I'm just going to keep on keeping on.

(Image removed from quote.)

I gotta know your immediate reaction and what you said when she asked for that money. I'm imagining her asking that after a bj and you falling out the bed in shock

Well, she asked for the money and I asked what for.  After all, it costs a lot of money to move and settle in.  She said it was to settle in her apartment, cookware, towels, etc.  However, I've been to her place and it seemed fine to me.  I told her I'd think about it and get back to her.  She said, "Um...why?" in a bitchy tone, which pissed me off.  I told her that I needed to think about it and the discussion about the money ended there.  A few hours later, I was noodling around Facebook and saw that she went all out buying some clothes with her friend who stopped to visit her at her new place.

So I called my mutual friend about other things and I brought this up.  She told me not to give her any money and that is when she brought up that she is trying to get back with her broke, unemployed alcoholic ex who lived an hour away  :o  I wasn't planning on giving her the money but after that, my answer turned from "no" to "hell no."  I figured that this might be a good time to end it.

Oh well, it wasn't going to be a long term thing anyway.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
  • Senior Member
Letting someone borrow 3k is a big fucking deal, too. It's not something you earn after a couple nights in bed. Hell, I can't imagine the balls of someone who would viably get upset if they asked for 3k and were told "I'll think about it."


  • Legend in his own mind
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Lol relationships.


  • The Panty-Peeler
  • Senior Member
WOMEN!  :maf

Shadow Mod

  • It was Tuesday
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  • Senior MILF
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He will be soon with that av  :-*


  • ルカルカ★ナイトフィーバー
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Fuuuu... got the runaround with that cute German chick. Called her, left a message... she txts me back saying she's in the middle of driving and will call me back later. OK, no call, she txts the next day apologizing. So I asked her if she was free that night, and she is just like "no, not tonight, sorry". Then nothing after that... shit should I even bother txting her at this point? We had a very nice time IMO, great conversation and the date didn't end prematurely.


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i don't see why not

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
  • Senior Member
DO NOT text or call  her. Let her text or call you. If a girl is giving you the runaround after a date, no matter how good you thought the date was, it means she either wasn't into you, is preparing to friendzone you, or just needs some time to decide how to proceed. Let her make that decision

Basic rule: if you're the one constantly making contact, something is wrong. Nothing is worse than looking desperate or needy


  • kill me
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need a :shrug emoticon

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
  • Senior Member
That's Manny Ramirez btw


  • kill me
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hahahahahahahaha thanks PD


  • ルカルカ★ナイトフィーバー
  • Senior Member
Yeah, I'm just gonna chalk that one up as another loss...

Damn, just went on OKC and saw this girl whose intro paragraph is this:

I'm heavily into video games. I'm in love with most JRPGs, including, but not limited to the Persona series, the Final Fantasy series, The World Ends With You, and the Kingdom Hearts series. JRPG's give me a good story to read as well as cute characters to fall in love with, while letting me customize and fool around with the characters

Total waifu material for sure!! :uguu But she is seeing someone  :-\


  • cooler than willco
  • Administrator
She's got issues, for sure.

Olivia Wilde Homo

  • Proud Kinkshamer
  • Senior Member
Letting someone borrow 3k is a big fucking deal, too. It's not something you earn after a couple nights in bed. Hell, I can't imagine the balls of someone who would viably get upset if they asked for 3k and were told "I'll think about it."

It was $300 but you're exactly right.

DO NOT text or call  her. Let her text or call you. If a girl is giving you the runaround after a date, no matter how good you thought the date was, it means she either wasn't into you, is preparing to friendzone you, or just needs some time to decide how to proceed. Let her make that decision

Basic rule: if you're the one constantly making contact, something is wrong. Nothing is worse than looking desperate or needy

Yep.  If a woman is interested, she will make the effort.  Nobody (who is interested) is that busy that they can't take a few seconds to send a text or make a quick call.


  • kill me
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I've been seeing some girl recently who's godawful at communication, so maybe that's why I'm pretty about it at the moment. I usually subscribe to what PD said, and I guess this girl *did* text me after we hadn't talked for a couple of weeks after meeting initially. I do think tiesto needs to start looking at more normal girls, but he seems to be doing that. He just can't help getting a stiffy when he sees an OKC profile like that. It's like if I saw a chick writing about loving baseball.
« Last Edit: August 15, 2012, 10:46:45 PM by CajoleJuice »

Inspector Thatcher

  • Junior Member
Fuuuu... got the runaround with that cute German chick. Called her, left a message... she txts me back saying she's in the middle of driving and will call me back later. OK, no call, she txts the next day apologizing. So I asked her if she was free that night, and she is just like "no, not tonight, sorry". Then nothing after that... shit should I even bother txting her at this point? We had a very nice time IMO, great conversation and the date didn't end prematurely.

Ordinarily I'd agree with the "let her reach out" advice already given and leave it at that, but I would also add...

Possibility: Girl rule #45 is never agree to a same-day date, especially if it's in the early goings.  Could be she's just playing that game, in addition to being busy.

If you haven't already, I'd send a quick note to say you know she's busy so if she's interested she should propose the date and time of next meet.  And leave it at that.

And in the meantime, do as others have suggested and move on.  If she's interested, she'll reach out and you can decide if you want to keep playing the waiting-for-a-text game.


  • Senior Member
I have a lot of things going on in my life right now.  They're all pretty good though and a lot of interesting people.  I'm just going to say one thing about one of them, where maybe I could use some advice:

There's a girl that I'm trying hard not to become friends with because I am seriously afraid of becoming friendzone'd if I become her friend.  So I'm purposely keeping my distance while still keeping in touch with her, never really going into that buddy/buddy chatty/chatty even though we get along and have great chemistry.  However, she is probably the kind of girl that needs to be friends with someone before being in a relationship with them.  A take it slow kind of girl.  So keeping distance is actually going against there.  Seems like there's no safe approach with this one.  Gotta go full speed into friends and ollie the friendzone right into a relationship grind. 

spoiler (click to show/hide)
yes, I used a skateboard line as imagery, so sue me punks  :punch


  • Nylonhilist
  • Senior Member
Just stop being a pussy.

Human Snorenado

  • Stay out of Malibu, Lebowski
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I've been seeing some girl recently who's godawful at communication, so maybe that's why I'm pretty (Image removed from quote.) about it at the moment. I usually subscribe to what PD said, and I guess this girl *did* text me after we hadn't talked for a couple of weeks after meeting initially. I do think tiesto needs to start looking at more normal girls, but he seems to be doing that. He just can't help getting a stiffy when he sees an OKC profile like that. It's like if I saw a chick writing about loving baseball.

What if she was totally into baseball... but was a die hard Braves fan?  I take that back, grudge fucking is awesome.  I know what I would do if the roles were reversed, anyway.


  • ルカルカ★ナイトフィーバー
  • Senior Member
I've been seeing some girl recently who's godawful at communication, so maybe that's why I'm pretty (Image removed from quote.) about it at the moment. I usually subscribe to what PD said, and I guess this girl *did* text me after we hadn't talked for a couple of weeks after meeting initially. I do think tiesto needs to start looking at more normal girls, but he seems to be doing that. He just can't help getting a stiffy when he sees an OKC profile like that. It's like if I saw a chick writing about loving baseball.

Funny enough, a lot of the seemingly "normal" girls I date end up being the craziest of all! My ex was of course huge into baseball but she was a Yanks fan :P

Ordinarily I'd agree with the "let her reach out" advice already given and leave it at that, but I would also add...

Possibility: Girl rule #45 is never agree to a same-day date, especially if it's in the early goings.  Could be she's just playing that game, in addition to being busy.

If you haven't already, I'd send a quick note to say you know she's busy so if she's interested she should propose the date and time of next meet.  And leave it at that.

And in the meantime, do as others have suggested and move on.  If she's interested, she'll reach out and you can decide if you want to keep playing the waiting-for-a-text game.

Yeah, I never get hung up on a single girl... since there's always more out there. It's just after going out on date after date, and none of them are interested, it starts wearing you down.

I did what you said, so let's see if anything comes of it. Been getting some more emails off OKC anyways, including a chubby redhead aspiring art teacher who gave me her # and an Italian girl who went to Otakon this year. I just don't know why I'm not successful after the first date... I think once I finish moving into my new place, I'm gonna try my hand on Match for a little while.

I also heard from a friend of mine that you should start scheduling the second date towards the end of the first.


  • The Panty-Peeler
  • Senior Member
I actually started getting girls e-mailing me on OKC just because my status was "replies very selectively". It's like they saw me as a challenge. Naturally I didn't reply.  :smug


  • kill me
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I've been seeing some girl recently who's godawful at communication, so maybe that's why I'm pretty (Image removed from quote.) about it at the moment. I usually subscribe to what PD said, and I guess this girl *did* text me after we hadn't talked for a couple of weeks after meeting initially. I do think tiesto needs to start looking at more normal girls, but he seems to be doing that. He just can't help getting a stiffy when he sees an OKC profile like that. It's like if I saw a chick writing about loving baseball.

What if she was totally into baseball... but was a die hard Braves fan?  I take that back, grudge fucking is awesome.  I know what I would do if the roles were reversed, anyway.

I was totally ready to bang some Phillies fan one night but then she left extremely suddenly. I might have felt bad considering she was 19 and very drunk.

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No I wouldn't have.


  • stronger ties you have, more power you gain
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Finally got a hold of the girl my grandma is trying to set me up with. Going to grab dinner with her sometime this weekend. Still not sure if this is a date or just a opportunity for her to meet new people, but I'm not going to not pursue her if shes hot

Olivia Wilde Homo

  • Proud Kinkshamer
  • Senior Member
When it rains, it pours :gloomy

The girl who broke my dry streak this year is moving down to Florida.

This girl is very open, sexually.  She's the type of girl EviLore thought every European woman was going to be on his trip.  You could text "wanna fuck?" and she'd usually come over and vice versa.  I remember five years ago, she invited me to have a "classy dinner" with her mom and her sister at her place.  So I wore a nice dress shirt and slacks but their idea of classy was short skirts and knee high socks (all of them were looking good too).  She was great and a good conversationalist, which is an asset compared to divas and princesses and<3 types.  Which makes it all the more sad to see her go.  She finished her masters degree to be a dietitian and after a fruitless nationwide search to find a job, she decided to move to Florida with a cousin to live in nicer weather.

She is leaving behind her 20 year old sister who told this girl that she found me attractive so maybe I could just go to her but I don't feel comfortable doing so yet.  I might have to break down and get an OKC account set up or something in the meantime, I don't know...


  • stronger ties you have, more power you gain
  • Senior Member
went on a coffee date with grandma's girl. getting along great until 45 min in she drops the fact that she has a boyfriend (although he lives about 7 states north). i guess it wasn't a date after all  :(



  • The Panty-Peeler
  • Senior Member
went on a coffee date with grandma's girl. getting along great until 45 min in she drops the fact that she has a boyfriend (although he lives about 7 states north). i guess it wasn't a date after all  :(

ahh shit son.

Positive Touch

  • Woo Papa
  • Senior Member
still coulda hit that; you failed son