Author Topic: Pallando will return in "Never Say Never Again"  (Read 1256174 times)

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Olivia Wilde Homo

  • Proud Kinkshamer
  • Senior Member
Lots of chicks date law students though, Malek. It's like investing in a good start-up company with a bright future. You get in early, grab some shares, rub a few dicks, and before you know it you're spending allowance money on Madison Ave.

Given the employment rates of law school grads in the US, that's more like a bubble economy than a sound investment.

What's the outlook up in Canada, though?

Even though law school has been a bum deal for the past five years, a lot of people still think it means instabux once you graduate.  A guy I know is going to some fourth tier hole and everyone is all "Wow, law school!"

This should be Malek's target: people who are just wowed that he is going to law school at all.

Flannel Boy

  • classic millennial sex pickle
  • Icon
Lots of chicks date law students though, Malek.

I'm no longer a student (though, because of deferred papers, I won't get a JD until October).

Given the employment rates of law school grads in the US, that's more like a bubble economy than a sound investment.

What's the outlook up in Canada, though?

It's decent; there are far fewer schools and far fewer students per school. There is no Thomas M. Cooley Law Schools here, so there's less of a bimodal split in income for lawyers (ignoring regional discrepancies). Thomas M. Cooley has like 3,500 students and the average LSAT score is 145 (compared to 170 for Yale). The U of M, one of Canada's less prestigious schools, has 300 students and the average LSAT score is 162 (compared to 167 for Toronto).  In other words, there isn't as significant a gap between Canada best and worst schools, and the worst schools are usually rather small.

edit: Also almost no one fails bar exams in Canada.

That said, a woman would be unwise counting on me to have a stable anything.

« Last Edit: July 05, 2013, 10:08:41 PM by Flannel Boy »

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
  • Senior Member
Lots of chicks date law students though, Malek. It's like investing in a good start-up company with a bright future. You get in early, grab some shares, rub a few dicks, and before you know it you're spending allowance money on Madison Ave.

Given the employment rates of law school grads in the US, that's more like a bubble economy than a sound investment.

What's the outlook up in Canada, though?

Even though law school has been a bum deal for the past five years, a lot of people still think it means instabux once you graduate.  A guy I know is going to some fourth tier hole and everyone is all "Wow, law school!"

This should be Malek's target: people who are just wowed that he is going to law school at all.

Yup. Lawyers will probably always be seen with $$$ signs, regardless of the economy. Same with doctors.

Flannel Boy

  • classic millennial sex pickle
  • Icon
Well, she's still talking to me, so that's a good sign.

Her favorite videogame is Ocarina of Time.  :-\ She even named her cat Zelda.

And no, I did not initiate a chat about videogames.
« Last Edit: July 06, 2013, 12:52:51 AM by Flannel Boy »


  • Senior Member
So it's been about two weeks now since all my drama and it's weird, I'm at the point where I need to remember how to make myself happy  (that doesn't consist of eating tasty fattening foods).  When I'm working, I'm content, when I'm out socializing I'm having a good time with my friends and even strangers.  But when I'm at home, alone, it's sort of of empty.  Haven't really game'd much, or read, or watched any movies, or written, or painted, or shopped, or done anything really during times alone.  Which is why I've been keeping myself active and busy, with plans out almost every day.  Because at home with nothing to do, I'm just missing the drive to do anything.  It's not really a depression as I've made peace with everything that went down and where people are at; have empathy and understanding for all involved.  It's more that it's been so long that I was always being there for someone or they were being there for me during any free time, that I've just forgotten how to feel 100% satisfied and happy on my own.  I have friends still, but now that I don't have have any "close & best" friends that I can text/call whenever during these free & empty periods of's like I've got to find other things to do to fill the time gaps when I'm home alone on a Friday night or something, things that make me feel like I'm not "missing out" by being couped in while people are out having a nice weekend night out. 

I guess this is what it normally feels like coming out of a long term relationship made up of two co-dependent people.  What sucks is I didn't even know I was in a relationship! 

Things ain't bad.  Not in the least.  Just kind of weird, slowly finding my groove again after a long extended break of not having to look for it.   
« Last Edit: July 06, 2013, 03:45:45 AM by Bebpo »


  • relapsed dev
  • Senior Member
Fucking chronovore liked Wrath's bullshit post... fuck that shit. I will not be made out to be some monster because I don't think mentally challenged people should pass on their genes.

You have to go pretty deep into libertarian territory to even justify the counterargument.

Why do you care what I think about you? I've got nothing to do with you.

I'll just sit over here and be glad you're not in charge of government policies.

Go hang out at a sanitarium for a bit, come back and tell me how these people should have their bodies violated to prevent any chance of offspring, even though there's no assurance that, in the rare chance they're able to breed, that the child would have the same illnesses their parent had.

Tell me how, with your recently diagnosed illness, you should be allowed to breed. Or do you not see what a slippery slope you're proposing?


  • ルカルカ★ナイトフィーバー
  • Senior Member
Lots of chicks date law students though, Malek. It's like investing in a good start-up company with a bright future. You get in early, grab some shares, rub a few dicks, and before you know it you're spending allowance money on Madison Ave.

Given the employment rates of law school grads in the US, that's more like a bubble economy than a sound investment.

What's the outlook up in Canada, though?

Even though law school has been a bum deal for the past five years, a lot of people still think it means instabux once you graduate.  A guy I know is going to some fourth tier hole and everyone is all "Wow, law school!"

This should be Malek's target: people who are just wowed that he is going to law school at all.

Yeah, my friend passed the bar 5 years ago and still has been unable to find any kind of work... he lives on Staten Island and has looked all over the tri-state area but nothing.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
  • Senior Member
Fucking chronovore liked Wrath's bullshit post... fuck that shit. I will not be made out to be some monster because I don't think mentally challenged people should pass on their genes.

You have to go pretty deep into libertarian territory to even justify the counterargument.

my argument would simply be that it would be psychologically disastrous if I knew the government had taken such action against me, so I wouldn't want the government to be doing it to anyone else.

We routinely treat people differently based on their limitations. The profoundly distinguished mentally-challenged can be institutionalized. Insane people can be forced into treatment. Pedos aren't allowed near playgrounds.  In much the same vein, the mentally handicapped sure as shit shouldn't be allowed to breed. The reasons are so obvious that I can't believe this is a serious discussion. I'm just going to assume you guys are trolling.

Also, people need to gtfo with the reducto ad hitlorums.

Aren't you mentally handicapped since you're severely no polar, among other things? Why should you be allowed to breed under these restrictions?


  • Nylonhilist
  • Senior Member
I'm guessing that awesom-o is just suggesting that it's okay for a geneticist to advise a couple to adopt if it looks like their child will have a good chance of being mentally handicapped. Not the whole forcible sterilization/abortion thing.

Positive Touch

  • Woo Papa
  • Senior Member
« Last Edit: July 06, 2013, 05:33:10 PM by Positive Touch »

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
  • Senior Member
I can understand being advised against having children if both parents carry sickle cell for instance; in fact doctors already do that. But there's no way of saying "oh well the mother is dyslexic and the father is bi polar, if you have a kid there's a 73.5% chance he could be the king of distinguished mentally-challenged fellows. Adopt, for the love of god."

Flannel Boy

  • classic millennial sex pickle
  • Icon
This shit is unreal.

Let's recap my last seven dates:
Heart broken and six fucking cancellations.

Flannel Boy

  • classic millennial sex pickle
  • Icon
Anyway, I think it's 50/50 my date cancels for tomorrow. She was actually under the impression that I have a law career.

Good thing no one took those odds.

Flannel Boy

  • classic millennial sex pickle
  • Icon
It's a good thing I didn't have any self-confidence to begin with.

Flannel Boy

  • classic millennial sex pickle
  • Icon
I'm taking a break from the Internet.


  • Icon
I'm taking a break from the Internet.

This is about the Mavericks, isn't it?

Positive Touch

  • Woo Papa
  • Senior Member
I'm taking a break from the Internet.

too busy with other stuff going on?

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
  • Senior Member
time to move to the D-League bro: Plenty of Fish. Less girlfriend material, more girlfriend experiences.


  • relapsed dev
  • Senior Member
This shit is unreal.

(Image removed from quote.)

Let's recap my last seven dates:
Heart broken and six fucking cancellations.

This sounds legit. Hang in there.

Shadow Mod

  • It was Tuesday
  • Senior Member
 Eugenics talk is a real turn off. Makes you sound like a control freak for sure. I'd definitely stray the fuck away from the conversation. Also the first thing in my mind would be "would this dude pressure me to abort if his child wasn't perfect?" That's not something I really want to deal with.

Olivia Wilde Homo

  • Proud Kinkshamer
  • Senior Member
This shit is unreal.

(Image removed from quote.)

Let's recap my last seven dates:
Heart broken and six fucking cancellations.

This sounds legit. Hang in there.

It's legit if and only if she proposes another time since the onus is now on her to provide an alternative time.  If she doesn't then I guess she lost interest.

Who the hell would put most of that shit on their profile?  I don't do online dating but most of that shit would read "psychotic" to me.

Some of those things are part of the OKC compatibility questions.

Oh, ok.  Thanks because I was surprised that people would just willingly put that information up.


  • relapsed dev
  • Senior Member
This shit is unreal.

(Image removed from quote.)

Let's recap my last seven dates:
Heart broken and six fucking cancellations.

This sounds legit. Hang in there.

It's legit if and only if she proposes another time since the onus is now on her to provide an alternative time.  If she doesn't then I guess she lost interest.

Yes, and the only caveat I'd add there is that Flannel Boy just let her know that: "Hey, I understand about the parents. Just let me know if and when you are able to reschedule."


  • Senior Member
Man, fuck this shit.

So this douche guy who manipulated the shit out of everything and turned my best friend against me and took off with her; at first they just bailed out from our mutual friends.  I didn't go around bad mouthing him cause I cut my friend off (and he'd already cut me off weeks before when he decided I was his enemy and did everything to get me out of the) and moved on and figured that was the end of it.  I try not to be petty. 

Well being the clever, charismatic, asshole motherfucker that he is, he decided just having his girl wasn't good enough and decided in the last week or two to start taking all our mutual friends as well.  He started with the one's who weren't close to me first and started telling them stories to make him and her look like the victims and that I was this bad person who'd been fooling everyone.  Then he went to the people I was close with and tried to put doubt in their minds about everything.

One of my friends in the middle straight up told me that "it's fucked up but he's winning at taking everyone over to his side" and that he straight up told him he "had the girl, he had the friends, he doesn't need the rest of us anymore"; he's been making people choose sides and unfortunately he's a really, really slick talker with a fun personality.  It's all superficial and surface bullshit, he doesn't let anyone really know him, but it works.  Meanwhile I'm kind of shy and people only really know me when they get to know me under the surface. 

And one of the main things he's using in ammo to try to fuck up all my friendships is that thing I posted about back in December where I made a move and kissed a girl (after first asking if she wanted me to and she gave the ok) who was high while I was drunk at a party and she wasn't interested so I left and that was it.  Except in his twisting version he's telling people he's making it seem like I tried to date rape her.  This was resolved back when between me & the girl and my two best friends after we all realized it was a misunderstanding and not a big deal.  In fact the asshole guy in question wasn't even around back then so the only reason he even knows about this and is using it to turn people against me is because my best friend was one of the people who was involved and knew and she also knew that it had been a misunderstanding and that everyone was cool now.  But apparently after going over to this asshole she lied and twisted it to give to him as ammo to try to kill my friendships and steal all my friends. 

It's just ridiculous at this point.  Almost like something out of a movie where there's an evil villain and apparently now his evil empress queen.  They've done everything immoral, nasty, wrong, and inhuman and they've gotten each other, the bulk of my friends, and screwed up my remaining friendships.  I'd like to sit back and take the higher ground and figure at some point this will all come down on them and bite them in the ass, but I've lived long enough in this world to know that a lot of the times, people who do fucking evil disgusting shit get away with it and the people who try to take the high ground end up fucked over and losing everything.

At this point it looks like I'm going to have to start over completely, not just with myself, but find a new group of friends and everything while only keeping a couple from my current set who have my back.  Is there anything I can even do at this point?  Wtf kind of war can I run against this guy whose smooth and has all the cards and if not do I just walk away and lose everything and let him take it all.

Fucking soap opera here (excuse the cursing).


  • Senior Member
How do you graduate?

Positive Touch

  • Woo Papa
  • Senior Member
this is the part where youre supposed to get drunk and fight him


  • Senior Member
He's an ex-MMA fighter who works out at the gym everyday.

How old are these "friends" of yours? My mind really can't comprehend people in their 30's still acting like tha... wait I can.


  • Senior Member
Mid 20s-early 30s.

I kind of don't get it though.  When you have a large enough group of friends, drama will usually end up happening between people.  How does getting older and more mature change this.  I mean I'd imagine a group of friend couples in their 40s, when one married couple who are both friends with everyone in the group gets divorced in a really nasty angry divorce, that both spouses fight for "who keeps their friends".  It's just sort of human nature that if their both friends with all these people, and especially if these people are their only friends, than neither wants to give up their friends just because they are splitting with each other and what are the friends supposed to do when they're being forced to pick sides?

I think if you have a smaller group of closely knit friends, maybe things are more mature and civilized.  But these are basically a bunch of strangers who all came together through a club and became a group of friends outside of the club.  Originally everyone was single, then everyone ended up in relationships and at some point when there's relationship drama it's going to affect everyone.  My fight with this guy and my best friend isn't the only major drama going down right now dividing up the group of friends.  There's other stuff too with other couples.

I think it's also different because when you're in your 30s and it's a bunch of married or long-term relationship couples hanging around drinking beers on the weekend it's a lot different than 20-30 mixed group of single guys & girls hanging out all the time with each other because they have no SOs to spend time with.  Everyone's hooking up with everyone and in that way it is a lot like high school. 

I tried the "hang around with friend couples around your age" thing for a decade.  It's true the drama was minimal, but friends also weren't very available because everyone was in committed relationships and I was the one left single and with no friends to hang out with.  I also didn't meet very many new people because it was always the same group of friends.  So I went out and found friends near my age (a little younger) who were also single and looking for people to hang out with and I actually had friends to do things with all the time and was meeting new people everyday.
« Last Edit: July 08, 2013, 03:35:38 AM by Bebpo »

These people seem like they're pretty shitty individuals. I can't see why you'd want to be friends with them, honestly. Seems like some seriously stunted social/emotional development going on with these upstanding citizens.

I've had friends break up in the past, and they didn't act like this. Not even back in college.
« Last Edit: July 08, 2013, 03:37:52 AM by Mr. Gundam »


  • Senior Member
Eh, there are good people in here.  Some really good people.  The wiser ones say the same thing as you guys.  Drop all this shit and walk away.  Be the bigger man, and be happy with the friends you've got and not the friends you've lost.

I agree.  And I'm glad to have friends like them.

Just still very sucky to see how all this is going down.


  • relapsed dev
  • Senior Member
Oscar and Señor Gundam have it right, and Wrath nailed the puppy on its wet little nose: Anyone who's buying this from them, without going back to you at some point, you don't need them. Not just that, but you don't WANT them in your life. The smarter and caring ones will eventually get back in touch, but just stay clear of that group and let the few good ones come back to you, if there are any actually in there.

It's a lot of stupid drama, you can do better, and they all deserve each other if this is how they act.


  • Senior Member
Thanks.  I'd already been going down the path of reason and maturity for a while on all this, but thanks to some great advice here and from a few of my wiser friends, I got this figured out.

Done with this.  I got my good friends, my own life, and I'll keep what's positive and let the crap drop down the drain where it belongs.


  • Nylonhilist
  • Senior Member
I would just tell them that rather than feeling they have to take one side  in a love triangle they should just ask that original "high girl" wtf happened and you should also tell all your supposed friends to go FUCK themselves for being so emotionally undeveloped that they can cut you out based on another person's hearsay of a situation.

Human Snorenado

  • Stay out of Malibu, Lebowski
  • Icon
Is there any way you can call this guy out in a public setting?

Not worth it, man.  If you play that game, you're losing.  Don't play.


  • stronger ties you have, more power you gain
  • Senior Member
But if you can seduce the dudes mom, go for that.


  • stronger ties you have, more power you gain
  • Senior Member
Just make sure to start carrying a gun around if you succeed

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
  • Senior Member
wtf is this shit, Bar of Thrones?

Bepbo, just go to different bars. Find new friends. I have had drama amongst friends, and some hostility...but I've never experienced anything like this. If these "friends" are willing to believe the word of this bastard over your own, perhaps they aren't real friends after all. You have sworn them no vows, nor are they your liege lords. It's time to create your own house. And if this "best friend" comes riding back to you, tell her winter may be coming, but the chance to be your friend already passed.


Positive Touch

  • Woo Papa
  • Senior Member
i had something sorta similar happen to me a few years back and cutting and running was the best thing i ever did. when stupid people started believing a little shit-talker without even trying to hear my side i knew they werent worth my time at all. i had to cut loose some good friends that id known for a LONG time, but most of the people in the group were just there as backdrop to my partying and were no big loss at all. plus the way i saw it was, if the good friends of mine were still willing to hang out with an asshole that was talking shit nonstop about me, then they werent good enough friends to keep around any longer. no use struggling for someone that doesnt even have your back.

Howard Alan Treesong

  • キング・メタル・ドラゴン
  • Icon
everyone else has already said everything that needs saying

it's tough, but you need new friends.


  • cooler than willco
  • Administrator
Just so happens I have a slot open to be someone's friend!

I like JRPGs and I won't ever bother you with my own relationship issues because women are pieces of shit!


Shaka Khan

  • Leather Jihadist
  • Senior Member
Just so happens I have a slot open to be someone's friend!

I like JRPGs and I won't ever bother you with my own relationship issues because women are pieces of shit!


Also: You give good head.


  • cooler than willco
  • Administrator
Flip em over do the tounge trick and treat em with a big dick


  • ルカルカ★ナイトフィーバー
  • Senior Member
My former best friend (from like senior year of high school up till about 2010) was really big into creating drama - going after friend's exes as soon as the relationship ended, talking shit behind others' backs (he had serious jealousy issues even though he would never admit it), and was a bit of a control freak that had to have everything perfectly his way (when meanwhile, he was horrible at organization). After some sad events happened in his life, he really went off the deep end with the drama, and eventually my friends completely dropped him and things have been much better for it. I mean, he was great fun to hang out with when he wasn't bringing the drama but after a point it just got to be too much. It's always much better to cut your losses.

There was also a friend of mine who set me up with my ex (it was his now-wife's sister's best friend). I think I related the story on here a few years ago, but anyways - I broke up with my ex because she had no drive to better herself, we had nothing in common, and she flat out refused when I offered her help (ie helping her with her resume, helping with finding and applying for jobs, helping to give her a little bit more style beyond baggy t-shirt and mom jeans). My "friend" then said that I didn't try hard enough (meanwhile I went above and beyond for this girl with very little reciprocation) and wanted me to apologize to him, his wife, and her because of the way I treated her (I told her I wanted to "take a break" and then didn't talk to her and got rid of my FB relationship status). I realized that, even though we share many of the same friends (we knew each other from my former job of 9 years), no real friend would pull shit like that.

Now I've met you in person, Bebs, and you seemed like a very outgoing and easygoing person, so I don't think you'll have any trouble at all finding a new group that brings much less drama.

Cerveza mas fina

  • I don't care for Islam tbqh
  • filler
I dunno I can hardly feel the tounge trick most of times #realtalk

Seriously bebpo, if youre looking youll never find a girl for life. Have fun and one day youll meet a girl and be all like "hell Im not ready for this" and that's the jackpot.

Olivia Wilde Homo

  • Proud Kinkshamer
  • Senior Member
No big loss.  If they're taking this guy's side, some dude they barely just met, over yours, then they didn't think much of you to begin with and can be safely discarded.

Is there any way you can call this guy out in a public setting?

Do NOT do this, unless you want to look like a joke.


  • Senior Member
He's an ex-MMA fighter who works out at the gym everyday.

fight him, get your ass whupped, some Asian guy will show up and save you and teach you his ways.  then you'll face off at the big martial arts tournament where even though you're the underdog, you'll win thanks to your determination.  impressed by your skill, his girlfriend/your ex-friend will try to get with you, but you're smarter than that, you tell her off, and shortly after realize asian dude's shy plainly dressed daughter was there for you the whole time and is actually quite a looker when she takes her glasses off.

I am fucking DYING.


  • Senior Member
Yeah, that was an awesome post by Oscar :rock

Well everything is all good!  Drama dropped, dramatic people cut off, and I talked with my friends who matter and none of them were even phased by the bs.  Anxiety is gone, and can finally move on with my life and my friends and replace the section of my life occupied by negative drama with more positive things like making new friends, getting back to the gym, and actually getting some gaming/reading/movie watching time in again.  GOOD TIMES BE HERE  :D

Seriously bebpo, if youre looking youll never find a girl for life. Have fun and one day youll meet a girl and be all like "hell Im not ready for this" and that's the jackpot.

I have no idea where this came from, since this isn't really about my dating life and more just drama :P  But I haven't been looking in a long time.  Haven't messaged anyone on OKC since like February.  Just been having fun the past year and have met lots of girls!  Even found out girls had crushes on me!  Just haven't met the right person, right timing yet.  I know it'll happen so I'm not too worried about it.  This was all just shitty drama.
« Last Edit: July 09, 2013, 02:16:57 AM by Bebpo »

Good for you, man.

7-year wedding anniversary today. :rock


  • Senior Member
Now I've met you in person, Bebs, and you seemed like a very outgoing and easygoing person, so I don't think you'll have any trouble at all finding a new group that brings much less drama.

Thanks man!  I really dug hanging out with you too :)

Yeah I know I'm a good dude, I just still have anxiety issues approaching people and starting conversation.  I'm way better now than I was a year ago, but I still need a lot of practice.  Once I do talk to people I get along with them fairly easily.  I'm fairly hang loose.

Good for you, man.

7-year wedding anniversary today. :rock

That's awesome!  Congratulations

« Last Edit: July 09, 2013, 02:20:12 AM by Bebpo »

Shadow Mod

  • It was Tuesday
  • Senior Member
Those people are secretly doing you a favor. They and anyone who takes their side is someone you should just cut out of your life ASAP. Drama whores aren't worth keeping around.

Cerveza mas fina

  • I don't care for Islam tbqh
  • filler
I have no idea where this came from, since this isn't really about my dating life and more just drama :P  But I haven't been looking in a long time.  Haven't messaged anyone on OKC since like February.  Just been having fun the past year and have met lots of girls!  Even found out girls had crushes on me!  Just haven't met the right person, right timing yet.  I know it'll happen so I'm not too worried about it.  This was all just shitty drama.

I was a bit tipsy and my lady is out of town  :-[

Flannel Boy

  • classic millennial sex pickle
  • Icon
Coffee today. . . .


Is someone from this forum playing a practical joke on me.
« Last Edit: July 09, 2013, 05:48:22 PM by Flannel Boy »

Positive Touch

  • Woo Papa
  • Senior Member
are you sending them paul mccartney videos after setting up the dates

Flannel Boy

  • classic millennial sex pickle
  • Icon
Silly Love Songs is a classic.

Flannel Boy

  • classic millennial sex pickle
  • Icon
It's 4:52 and the fridge repairmen haven't showed up with my replacement fridge. Really, no one can keep their dates with me.


  • Senior Member
Those people are secretly doing you a favor. They and anyone who takes their side is someone you should just cut out of your life ASAP. Drama whores aren't worth keeping around.
seriously. I somehow managed to avoid these types through 80% of my college life, and then in my senior year a couple friends got mixed into a crowd that did nothing but constantly backstab and gossip about each other. So fucking annoying to be around, I don't know how people put up with it or do it themselves. I don't have time for that shit. Even worse when you see grown-ass adults with kids/family doing it too.

Shadow Mod

  • It was Tuesday
  • Senior Member
Those people are secretly doing you a favor. They and anyone who takes their side is someone you should just cut out of your life ASAP. Drama whores aren't worth keeping around.
seriously. I somehow managed to avoid these types through 80% of my college life, and then in my senior year a couple friends got mixed into a crowd that did nothing but constantly backstab and gossip about each other. So fucking annoying to be around, I don't know how people put up with it or do it themselves. I don't have time for that shit. Even worse when you see grown-ass adults with kids/family doing it too.

Family is harder to take out of the equation for sure. My group from highschool and on has always been "there's better shit to do than gossip" so that's what we do.

Coffee today. . . .
(Image removed from quote.)

Is someone from this forum playing a practical joke on me.

That's OK? THAT'S OK?

You need to be a little more active in this conversation. Something like "Thanks for letting me know. How about later in the week?" You gotta follow it up with something other than just "THAT'S OK."

That, or you just need to cut and run.

Flannel Boy

  • classic millennial sex pickle
  • Icon
LOL, there was a second paragraph.

And, unsurprisingly, she's busy for the next two weeks.


  • Nylonhilist
  • Senior Member
Try talking to the girls a lot more online before meeting up? I'm assuming if they're asking you out it was probably just a few messages. I mean I would be all sorts of pissed if I had that many cancellations as you do but I'm guessing they would be more likely to try meeting if they knew at least a little something about your personality.