Author Topic: Pallando will return in "Never Say Never Again"  (Read 1255394 times)

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  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
  • Senior Member
In my experience assholes rise to the top. Personally I don't care enough about most people to hold grudges, but I'm starting to get my jimmies rustled by some work stuff; people getting rewarded for being assholes. And when I talk to friends who are working for firms it sounds like the same thing is going on.

That's a good attitude, you don't want to be someone like me.

And while assholes might get ahead, you're not going to get ahead holding a grudge against your occupation itself like I am atm.

On an unrelated note, I wrote a bunch of emo shit that I then deleted before hitting post. I'm like a day removed from starting a LiveJournal.  :'(

Shadow Mod

  • It was Tuesday
  • Senior Member
Why the hell would someone not date another person you had your own exclusive drama with? Who are you to them?

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
  • Senior Member
What moral code? She wasn't your girlfriend. If this was a case of your buddy dating a chick you had been with for awhile sure - that's a man code violation. But this girl wasn't in a relationship with you.


  • Senior Member
God, Sunny's title cards are so good.

Oh nice, found a GIF

(Image removed from quote.)

Ironically enough, my gf and I were watching this episode on Netflix last nite, she loves the show...
the first time my now wife and I hung out we stayed up at a friend's house until 5am watching south park and making out :lol

she wouldn't give me the p tho  >:(

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
  • Senior Member
Discussing this further requires details I'd rather not get into. I'll just take the L on this one.

This better not include a written letter.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
  • Senior Member
It's a Chekhov's gun situation, or in this case Shinobi's rabbit: you can't introduce it and not cook it. This L is going to be explained or we will theorycraft.



  • Senior Member
one day his porridge will be just right


  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
  • Senior Member
It's a Chekhov's gun situation, or in this case Shinobi's rabbit: you can't introduce it and not cook it. This L is going to be explained or we will theorycraft.

I think it might the one from a post he wrote awhile back and then deleted (for reasons I completely understand, this isn't that private a forum).

And if I'm being wrong about it feel free to blast me with some patented G***n S*****i vitriol.


  • relapsed dev
  • Senior Member
Awesom-O seems like the type to create fake Facebook accounts and send angry messages to women on his shit list.

I would never do that.

I would also never date a girl who treated one of my classmates the way this girl treated me, but maybe I'm just more honorable than most.

Getting into that way of thinking is a trap for yourself. Please be wary.

Olivia Wilde Homo

  • Proud Kinkshamer
  • Senior Member
Good luck with the CPA breh.

How did folks at work find out?

Thank you, but I don't think I'll accept the sponsorship. Accounting (which I'm already in, just without credentials because those aren't required for a lot of business entity accounting needs) is a terrible field for someone like me. There's always work to be done and I always give of myself to do it, even when it becomes unhealthy. (I don't think civvies can ever really understand that sometimes we can't just abandon our responsibilities because of our personal lives, even if we aren't EMTs, or coppers, or w/e other professions sometimes get a pass to do this.) And as I said, I've been doing OK while away from my work but while I'm at it all I do is hate it and (most of all) myself for what I let it do to me. It might just be a phase, but I know that I can hold grudges until the cows come home, and hating myself is my national pastime. That hardly sounds like a recipe for sustained career success.

This particular client found out because they have been looking to shake up their firm (right now it's just the CPA, me, and whoever we bring on to do clerical work (they often leave quickly, a guy this year didn't even last 2 weeks  :lol )) and I told them 3-4 months ago that I couldn't commit to a future there because of my relationship and the fact that I'd be moving because of it. On Monday they let me know that they had finalized their plans for the company (keeping me, getting 2 clerical workers, and bringing on another CPA with the hope of selling some of their clients to) and that I would always be welcome to stay with the company even though I couldn't commit to that vision. (We go way back and have been through a lot together professionally.) They also said that if I was interested, they wanted to sponsor me for my CPA and I could be that CPA they sold some of their clients to. Unfortunately I had to let the cat out of the bag at that point because there's no way I was in a state of mind to make a decision like that on Monday morning.

Got a new car last night, it's probably not the best deal but it's the end of the hooptie I held onto for too long because it made no sense to buy a new car when you were in my previous situation. Apparently even though I'm a total shitbird I have pretty damn good credit. (800 across all 3 credit reporting firms.)   :omg :dizzy :pimp

Ah I see. I definitely agree, I'd stay away from the CPA tests in this case too, any distractions could waste time and money.

In my experience assholes rise to the top. Personally I don't care enough about most people to hold grudges, but I'm starting to get my jimmies rustled by some work stuff; people getting rewarded for being assholes. And when I talk to friends who are working for firms it sounds like the same thing is going on.

Yeah, that's how it goes generally.  Where I work, upper management consists of these types:

- Sociopaths who don't even bother pretending exhibiting the slightest formalities of social interaction.
- Work 16-20 hours a day six days a week, taking a half day on Sunday
- Reflexively tries to find someone nearby to throw under the bus if something goes wrong
- Keeps quiet and hidden if they fucked up but is leading the witch hunt if they know for sure they didn't fuck something up

That is the key to corporate success: always be on a rampage, work insane hours, and try to make sure that nothing ever sticks to you


  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
  • Senior Member
That is the key to corporate success: always be on a rampage, work insane hours, and try to make sure that nothing ever sticks to you

Agree 100%.


I contacted my ex last Friday with a long note, mainly thanking her for giving me a respectful breakup I didn't deserve, and also for everything she'd done for me in our relationship. I also explained what happened to me last year that started the long, slow descent into our relationship ending. (I'd kept it all hidden from her as it was going on and wanted to let her know why I'd hurt her so much now that things are over. It was selfish of me, but I know that it hurts when people do bad things to you and you don't know why. And just for closure, I did something that I should have done months ago but didn't because I'm a perpetual fuck up.)

I got a nice response back from her today and the gist of it (after the pleasantries) was, "I wish I could say I was surprised by the truth now that I know it, but in a way I'm not."

It's not going to be easy, but I have to make a lot of fundamental changes in my life now, and about who I am as a person. I'll never be with a partner of her caliber again, but maybe someday I'll find one I don't eventually destroy with the weight of my emotional being.

« Last Edit: May 25, 2014, 07:18:13 PM by Karakand »


  • kill me
  • Icon
sounds like me in 6-12 months

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
  • Senior Member
sounds like me in 6-12 months

Be strong. I believe in you.

Barry Egan

  • The neurotic is nailed to the cross of his fiction.
  • Senior Member
wait were you guys even friends though?  I thought he was just a classmate.

Human Snorenado

  • Stay out of Malibu, Lebowski
  • Icon
Confirmed what I had suspected earlier. Welp, that's just one friend who's dead to me.

At various points in life before this I thought I knew what salt was. Boy was I wrong.

Somebody needs to watch Frozen until they figure it out.


  • 8 diagram pole rider
  • Senior Member

Olivia Wilde Homo

  • Proud Kinkshamer
  • Senior Member
Will not happen.

I may see this dude at a graduation in a few weeks. Trying to think of absolutely the most cutting series of words possible. Nothing is really off limits here. Hopefully it doesn't end up in a jerk store situation, but this dude isn't that quick.

Idgaf how I come I off. Logic not at all.

Get a hold of yourself and get help for your obvious anger issues.

Barry Egan

  • The neurotic is nailed to the cross of his fiction.
  • Senior Member
Will not happen.

I may see this dude at a graduation in a few weeks. Trying to think of absolutely the most cutting series of words possible. Nothing is really off limits here. Hopefully it doesn't end up in a jerk store situation, but this dude isn't that quick.

Idgaf how I come I off. Logic not at all.

Just curious, have you considered throwing coffee at them while they are out having a good time?


  • Icon
You're seeing someone else now, right?  Things are going well and you like her?

Does she know you're still so hung up on another young woman that you're still stewing over it, and plotting a devastating zinger weeks in advance, aimed at the guy who's dating her now?  How do you expect that'd make her feel?  How would you feel if the situation were reversed?  C'mon man.


  • 🧘‍♂️
  • Senior Member
Sage advice: masturbate 10 times before you do anything.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2014, 03:21:24 PM by Atramental »

Shadow Mod

  • It was Tuesday
  • Senior Member
Entitlement brehs.


Human Snorenado

  • Stay out of Malibu, Lebowski
  • Icon
I'm going to be completely honest here: you need therapy.


  • Senior Member
If you're not willing to take advise than get the fuck out of this thread. We had one happy story, we don't need to see this shit.

Olivia Wilde Homo

  • Proud Kinkshamer
  • Senior Member
The instances where you are losing your shit are happening more and more often.

Get help.  I'm sure UCLA has someone they can connect you to for a discounted rate or for free.

Shadow Mod

  • It was Tuesday
  • Senior Member
I'll post it here instead of the other thread..

Awesom-o, you come off really angry, entitled and a fucking jerk about how you handle rejection. You want to pretend like you just vent here and play up the anger but it's come to a point where it's pretty obvious you think these things on the regular and it needs to be dealt with. You post then try to laugh it off as just fleeting thoughts you've put in text, we're just not buying it simply because, those are thoughts we just don't even entertain period. They are the thoughts born of someone who thinks just because he has an interest in someone they need to cater to his whims on everything, even how they decline his attentions. That's not how reality works. That's not how it should work. You're dealing with people with their own thoughts and desires. Yes some people will be rather callous or not upfront about their rejection or string you along, but are you really getting self-righteous about that fact when you clearly post about how people have "betrayed" you who have the most tenuous link to yourself? I read other things you have to say and you're not stupid, you can dissect and analyze politics, but when it comes to yourself and your obviously entitled and toxic mindset towards what you expect of people just because you were "nice" or "attracted" to them, I fucking cringe so hard.


  • Senior Member
1. I don't know how much of Shinobi to take seriously. This is a problem with the internet and post-irony.
2. Most of you view others as cartoon characters instead of real people. This makes any sort of discussion like this hard.

Continue on with being pieces of shit now.


  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
  • Senior Member
It's OK to get mad AO, but what we do with that anger is what makes us either unhealthy or healthy. If you use these incidents of rage to reflect on yourself and where it's really coming from and how you can stop the cycle for yourself in the future, then being mad wasn't such a bad thing after all. If you just keep feeling mad all the time and venting online things you wouldn't want people irl to see, or displacing your anger onto others, you're not being healthy and locking yourself into a vicious emotional cycle long-term where you will be nothing but sad and alone.

In a way I wish that there were heavier (in the way Zygmunt Bauman described them) social structures for all of us to lean on (without the horrible things they had in their historical manifestations), but this is the era of liquid modernity and you aren't going to change that. No one owes you loyalty unless there's a signed contract, and even those can be broken. Your friends have to think about the rest of their lives and their own happiness, and you should be thinking about yours too instead of looking for reasons to feel betrayed by them. And shit, even the fucking Baratheons couldn't stay loyal to each other, how the hell are the rest of us going to do any better.

sounds like me in 6-12 months

Son, just never shut her out, never think you can do it alone, and never stop trying to be your best. You've got a tough relationship like your pops had, but that doesn't mean you have to repeat his mistakes.

I understand being sad, buddy. But you'll be on your feet and going strong pretty soon. I wish you the best of luck with all that.

Thanks for the well wishes, but it's not just being sad, it's facing myself and that's the hardest part of all of it, especially since I need to face things from half a decade or more ago.


  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
  • Senior Member
 :whew So much real talk.

Glad it comes after an etoilet post about post-irony or whatever shit he harps about. Give that sucker a flush y'all!

Human Snorenado

  • Stay out of Malibu, Lebowski
  • Icon
1. I don't know how much of Shinobi to take seriously. This is a problem with the internet and post-irony.
2. Most of you view others as cartoon characters instead of real people. This makes any sort of discussion like this hard.

Continue on with being pieces of shit now.

This is sage advice from someone who spends so much of his life as some sort of cartoon rabbit.


  • Nylonhilist
  • Senior Member
Was this the girl that you "hung out" with and then when you properly  asked her out, she said yes but then ignored you?

What she did was because of fear/confusion, and clearly the best thing to do is reach inside of yourself and forgive her. Even getting to the point of sending a message saying  "It's okay I understand why you did that and don't blame you, good luck on graduation and the new relationship." Getting angry won't solve a damn thing. 
« Last Edit: May 26, 2014, 06:44:29 PM by am nintenho »

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
  • Senior Member
There's nothing wrong with feeling bad about being rejected. I still remember back when I was a freshman and sent a face pic to a 38 year old bbw on Craigslist, and she never contacted me back. She wasn't even good looking, which made it sting even more. But you're supposed to dust yourself off and move on to the next one.

Human Snorenado

  • Stay out of Malibu, Lebowski
  • Icon
Your mistake was sending a face pic. A 38 year old bbw is after one thing- should have led with the dick pic. AMATEUR HOUR UP IN HERE, BREHS.


  • relapsed dev
  • Senior Member
Will not happen.

I may see this dude at a graduation in a few weeks. Trying to think of absolutely the most cutting series of words possible. Nothing is really off limits here. Hopefully it doesn't end up in a jerk store situation, but this dude isn't that quick.

Idgaf how I come I off. Logic not at all.

Awesom-O, I also think you need counseling, and if you're on any kind of psychiatric medication you are not helping yourself with further chemical imbalance from alcohol.

I fear that you have obsessive tendencies and considerable anger management problems stemming from an inability to empathize with people who don't see the world identically to you. Ask yourself if you're happy with the way you see the world, and if you'd be happy if everyone in the world was suffering like you do, inside your own head, every day. Is that what you want? Wouldn't it be better if there were a worldview which allowed for people to be happy and satisfied?

1. I don't know how much of Shinobi to take seriously. This is a problem with the internet and post-irony.
2. Most of you view others as cartoon characters instead of real people. This makes any sort of discussion like this hard.

Continue on with being pieces of shit now.
I'm unclear on how much actual accusatory poo-flinging you're intending here, or if it's defensive sarcasm of your own. So far pretty much has shown legitimate concern for Awesom-O / GlenShinobi / Puddles despite their usual tendency to try and troll and goad him into apoplectic fits.

On the heels of an angry white dude going to school in SoCal, feeling like he's entitled to the world accommodating his needs, dealing poorly with rejection, and finally going on killing spree, I suspect The Bore of being UNUSUALLY SENSITIVE to his situation, and SINCERE in their desire for him to seek and receive help.


  • kill me
  • Icon

Son, just never shut her out, never think you can do it alone, and never stop trying to be your best. You've got a tough relationship like your pops had, but that doesn't mean you have to repeat his mistakes.

Thanks, Dad.  Really. :-[

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
  • Senior Member
surely you understand we're befuddled because this girl wasn't your girlfriend, you weren't in a relationship with her, etc yet you're acting like he broke a man code by picking up your ex. He didn't do anything wrong. You struck out with the chick and he picked her up, how is that illegal?


  • Icon
surely you understand we're befuddled because this girl wasn't your girlfriend, you weren't in a relationship with her, etc yet you're acting like he broke a man code by picking up your ex. He didn't do anything wrong. You struck out with the chick and he picked her up, how is that illegal?

Having not kept up too much with the details or knowing what AWESOM-O has shared, he seems to have three main problems with his classmate/friend's behavior:

1) He is tricksy

2) He stole precious

3) We hates him

Barry Egan

  • The neurotic is nailed to the cross of his fiction.
  • Senior Member
if one of your classmates had ended a relationship with another girl in the class, and you found the girl attractive and there was chemistry, would you not ask her out for the sake of your classmate?


  • 🧘‍♂️
  • Senior Member
There have been many times when I've acted out in anger and it only ended up burning me in the end.

One example I'm willing to share (because the others are too embarrassing): On the bus ride back from my high school senior trip I told some chick to shut the fuck up because she was making a lot of annoying sounds and then I ended up looking like the bad guy because of it. Especially when she came up to me, hugged me, and told me she was sorry... Felt like such a piece of shit. :-\

After that and many other events I've been trying to mellow down as much as possible.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2014, 10:46:51 PM by Atramental »


  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
  • Senior Member
You may think this is a different person. I was dating this girl for a few months.

Was this the one who broke things off because of something's name? (I'm trying to be ambiguous for your privacy.)

Van Cruncheon

  • live mas or die trying
  • Banned
surely you understand we're befuddled because this girl wasn't your girlfriend, you weren't in a relationship with her, etc yet you're acting like he broke a man code by picking up your ex. He didn't do anything wrong. You struck out with the chick and he picked her up, how is that illegal?

Having not kept up too much with the details or knowing what AWESOM-O has shared, he seems to have three main problems with his classmate/friend's behavior:

1) He is tricksy

2) He stole precious

3) We hates him

omg :lol

Van Cruncheon

  • live mas or die trying
  • Banned
Y'all ARE being overly sensitive. I'm going to use harsh language on a dude who started dating an ex. You can argue about how much entitlement it takes to justify such an action to yourself, but I'd be fairly comfortable betting that most of you have had a similar urge at some point in your lives, and also that you or someone you would call a good friend has actually done this.

never thought about it once, and i've had more break-ups than andrex has pubes.

Van Cruncheon

  • live mas or die trying
  • Banned
Y'all ARE being overly sensitive. I'm going to use harsh language on a dude who started dating an ex. You can argue about how much entitlement it takes to justify such an action to yourself, but I'd be fairly comfortable betting that most of you have had a similar urge at some point in your lives, and also that you or someone you would call a good friend has actually done this.

never thought about it once, and i've had more break-ups than andrex has pubes.

Married the first one you dated, then?


(probably the 20th or so, but point conceded)

Van Cruncheon

  • live mas or die trying
  • Banned


  • Senior Member
Y'all ARE being overly sensitive. I'm going to use harsh language on a dude who started dating an ex. You can argue about how much entitlement it takes to justify such an action to yourself, but I'd be fairly comfortable betting that most of you have had a similar urge at some point in your lives, and also that you or someone you would call a good friend has actually done this.

never thought about it once, and i've had more break-ups than andrex has pubes.

Married the first one you dated, then?

Van Cruncheon

  • live mas or die trying
  • Banned

I saw before the edit (Image removed from quote.)

it was a response to a post bebpo made about how he loves being adorbs, and it wasn't chronologically in order. :-(

Human Snorenado

  • Stay out of Malibu, Lebowski
  • Icon
My best group of friends in the world, the dudes I went to college with and lived together with for several years, several of us have dated other's exes before. Sometimes, we were THE NEXT GUY. In one instance, a girl (who we're all still friends with today) was in a relationship with my best friend, got drunk and fucked another one of our friends one night.

Even back then in the drug addled haze of our early 20's, no one got up in anyone's face. Everyone either handled shit like adults, or just shrugged and said, "that's life, man."

So, that's who you're more emotionally immature than. A bunch of idiot, constantly fucked up on whatever substance they could get their hands on early 20 somethings.

Reassess your life.


  • 🤷‍♀️
  • Senior Member
Oh yeah, hiding that you're bipolar from her would have fixed everything...

C'mon, man. She wasnt the one, move on. Hiding things like that ain't how relationships work.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
  • Senior Member
I bet the real problem is that the guy is a Liberal Arts major.


  • Icon
I bet the real problem is that the guy is a Liberal Arts major.
good news is that only 2% of firms are looking to hire him.


  • 🤷‍♀️
  • Senior Member
You'll get it figured out dude, take care of yo head


  • Senior Member
I bet the real problem is that the guy is a Liberal Arts major.
we're all about #stealyogirl


  • Icon
Awesome-O, it doesn't matter in the end.  You can play what if's all day but all they're doing it basically keeping you stuck in mud.  Put that shit in first and move forward

Shadow Mod

  • It was Tuesday
  • Senior Member
You need to get the fuck over her before you date someone else. All the other bullshit aside it's not fair to your current interest.


  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
  • Senior Member
Still, I wonder about how things might have gone if I'd told her like six months after we started dating, instead of like a month after. If she'd had enough time to see that I'm basically extremely stable and high-functioning IRL.

I know it's useless to think about this, but I do. Something else to talk about on Thursday.

Thank you for talking with us about this, I know the last time you did you later edited your post because it was a risk you weren't ready to take. Mental health awareness is light years away from what it once was, but society is still so ableist, especially with mental health.

If you had told her 6 months later it wouldn't have mattered. People already covered the deception thing, so I'm not going to rehash that with you other than to say you can't deceive the people you love, it destroys both you during the process and them as it's going on, and when they finally learn the truth. I can talk to you about where she was coming from when she left you at a personal level, though.

I don't know if bipolarity ran in your family or not (I believe they think it is partly genetic?), and please don't feel the need to tell me if it does, but it does in mine and the bipolarity of one of my parents absolutely destroyed my family growing up. I love that parent and am so grateful for everything they gave me--even if my behaviors and actions have often indicated otherwise--but they were also never as committed to treating their disease as you are with yours, AO, (times were different for mental health care then, and I have no right to judge them even if things weren't, I merely state this as a matter of fact) and it ruined us all so terribly. My sibling sees multiple shrinks and support groups and my other parent is basically a recluse waiting to die.

If you've gone through that with someone you love it's such a hard thing to face doing again because love is unconditional. I know I'm at ground zero with my romantic life now and this is just pipe dream talk (more like "winning the lottery" wishful thinking, if I'm being frank), but when I had my life on track for a wife and a possible family of my own, I was always utterly terrified that I'd have a bipolar child myself someday because I'm not sure I could handle loving another bipolar person, no matter how well it was treated, or how great a person they ended up being. There's just too much pain and memories it would dredge up and I knew as a parent I'd have to eat all those awful feelings inside me to love. I know that you had a different formation of the disease than her parent did, but you can't know how triggering just the word bipolar is if you've experienced it bad and inescapably, or at least I really hope you don't know.

I know that you feel like you've been wronged by all this, and I won't dispute that the cards in life you've been dealt aren't the fairest, but I'm going to give you some real talk: even if you think you might have been growing to love this girl, you didn't love her. If you did love her, letting her go so that should could be happy and not constantly triggered or anxious by her past by being romantically involved with you would have been a difficult choice for you to make, but you would have done it in the end, and you wouldn't be so angry that she's on the track to being happy now (hopefully). Like I said, love's unconditional, even if it's unreciprocated by those we love.

People have been beating you up a lot itt and elsewhere at The Bore lately but you're a stand up fella for telling her about your own medical history so early in your relationship when you learned about her childhood. She didn't have the right to know your medical history that early on in your relationship, and it didn't matter enough to her to ask about it up front, but you could sense that she needed to know and you let her know. In the end that decision put you through a lot of pain and memories you regret, but at least you weren't a coward or a liar, and those are character traits you can always build from to be the best person you can be, no matter what else you've got working against you. One of the things I dread the most about dating again is having to do the same thing because unlike you I am a coward and a liar.

Real Talk Express now departing Karakand Station. All aboard. :whew
« Last Edit: May 27, 2014, 05:14:01 PM by Karakand »

Shaka Khan

  • Leather Jihadist
  • Senior Member

Van Cruncheon

  • live mas or die trying
  • Banned
now that, ladies and gents, is a proper mensch.

:bow karakand :bow2


  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
  • Senior Member
That is the best thing anyone could have said to me. I'm almost about to start crying here in the campus library, but I needed to read that. Thank you so much.

You're welcome. I really am glad it helped, you've been in such a dark place. What I talked about was a hard thing to talk about, and I'm so sorry you couldn't hear the things I said from her instead of me, but at least you finally did hear them. (And were able to listen to them, that's not easy either.)

now that, ladies and gents, is a proper mensch.

:bow karakand :bow2

There are things I put in that post to a bunch of semi-strangers on the internet (I've known some of y'all like 7+ years via GAF, but I don't think I will exactly cause any offense when I say we ain't exactly bffs) that I'd never told my ex in the 5 years of our relationship, even though she'd been with me to some of the darkest places I've ever been in my life and stayed by my side, because I didn't trust her enough to think that she'd want to be with me knowing that I'm not just a funny, shameless flirt who can seemingly shrug off anything, but a person with an emotional past that I can't quite let go of and hopes, dreams, and fears of my own.

I'm no mensch, just a fucking putz who's finally realizing that I don't have to be one for the rest of my life, even if it's only alone in the dark.
« Last Edit: May 28, 2014, 04:18:08 PM by Karakand »


  • Senior Member
this thread :tocry


  • relapsed dev
  • Senior Member
Still, I wonder about how things might have gone if I'd told her like six months after we started dating, instead of like a month after. If she'd had enough time to see that I'm basically extremely stable and high-functioning IRL.

I know it's useless to think about this, but I do. Something else to talk about on Thursday.

Thank you for talking with us about this, I know the last time you did you later edited your post because it was a risk you weren't ready to take. Mental health awareness is light years away from what it once was, but society is still so ableist, especially with mental health.

If you had told her 6 months later it wouldn't have mattered. People already covered the deception thing, so I'm not going to rehash that with you other than to say you can't deceive the people you love, it destroys both you during the process and them as it's going on, and when they finally learn the truth. I can talk to you about where she was coming from when she left you at a personal level, though.

I don't know if bipolarity ran in your family or not (I believe they think it is partly genetic?), and please don't feel the need to tell me if it does, but it does in mine and the bipolarity of one of my parents absolutely destroyed my family growing up. I love that parent and am so grateful for everything they gave me--even if my behaviors and actions have often indicated otherwise--but they were also never as committed to treating their disease as you are with yours, AO, (times were different for mental health care then, and I have no right to judge them even if things weren't, I merely state this as a matter of fact) and it ruined us all so terribly. My sibling sees multiple shrinks and support groups and my other parent is basically a recluse waiting to die.

If you've gone through that with someone you love it's such a hard thing to face doing again because love is unconditional. I know I'm at ground zero with my romantic life now and this is just pipe dream talk (more like "winning the lottery" wishful thinking, if I'm being frank), but when I had my life on track for a wife and a possible family of my own, I was always utterly terrified that I'd have a bipolar child myself someday because I'm not sure I could handle loving another bipolar person, no matter how well it was treated, or how great a person they ended up being. There's just too much pain and memories it would dredge up and I knew as a parent I'd have to eat all those awful feelings inside me to love. I know that you had a different formation of the disease than her parent did, but you can't know how triggering just the word bipolar is if you've experienced it bad and inescapably, or at least I really hope you don't know.

I know that you feel like you've been wronged by all this, and I won't dispute that the cards in life you've been dealt aren't the fairest, but I'm going to give you some real talk: even if you think you might have been growing to love this girl, you didn't love her. If you did love her, letting her go so that should could be happy and not constantly triggered or anxious by her past by being romantically involved with you would have been a difficult choice for you to make, but you would have done it in the end, and you wouldn't be so angry that she's on the track to being happy now (hopefully). Like I said, love's unconditional, even if it's unreciprocated by those we love.

People have been beating you up a lot itt and elsewhere at The Bore lately but you're a stand up fella for telling her about your own medical history so early in your relationship when you learned about her childhood. She didn't have the right to know your medical history that early on in your relationship, and it didn't matter enough to her to ask about it up front, but you could sense that she needed to know and you let her know. In the end that decision put you through a lot of pain and memories you regret, but at least you weren't a coward or a liar, and those are character traits you can always build from to be the best person you can be, no matter what else you've got working against you. One of the things I dread the most about dating again is having to do the same thing because unlike you I am a coward and a liar.

Real Talk Express now departing Karakand Station. All aboard. :whew

:bow KARAKAND :bow2

So much REALTALK in that post. Spot-on.

Jesus, the posts bashing me on the last page got more likes than a George Takei status.

Fuck you fucks  :lol

I think if you re-read, even the bashing ones are legitimately concerned for you.


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Jesus, the posts bashing me on the last page got more likes than a George Takei status.

Fuck you fucks  :lol

Flipping out so the rest of us can collect Likes.   :rejoice

Don't let anyone call you selfish.