Author Topic: Pallando will return in "Never Say Never Again"  (Read 1255748 times)

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  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
  • Senior Member
It's likely she'll reject my services because she can't judge pricing correctly (see note below), so really it's just the Karakand "rejected by everyone" meme in a new and exciting field. :leon

Note: a client of mine who is tired of sharing me has been funneling me solo work in what I assume is an attempt to buy me off. As these are low value clients (otherwise they wouldn't be pawned off) I price myself close to break even as a counter-troll with a large degree of plausible deniability. Unfortunately someone who should self-prepare but doesn't have the wherewithal to is unable to see they won't get a better deal because the hourly rate looks bad.

Update: she contacted me today to politely decline my services. :dead

Extrapolating from this data set, my ex should be contacting me in the next month to say she really can't be friends. (One year is coming up for those who haven't bought in to the death pool.)


  • Senior Member
Rahx, you might not have a good sense of humor which is necessary for the average man on online dating and I personally have doubts that you are a really a bon vivant sort of personality which is a very attractive thing to everyone (similar to Each's suggestion of swagger).
But I do have an incredible sense of humor. Maybe not on here, maybe not through text, but I am an incredibly funny person in real life. It's possibly my only real positive and probably the only reason I have actual friends. While I may not be the most social person. Once I become comfortable with a group I'm very talkative. Too talkative maybe. Either way this wouldn't matter on things like Tinder anyway. Maybe okcupid and I don't get any hits on there anyway.

The most important  thing to think about isn't what you lack but if there is a reason why you want to pursue a woman right now besides to put your penis in her and to feel more confident.
I mean I guess, but I'm almost 25 and at this point it's pathetic and aggravating with my failures. Barry Eggan's constant "go see a theapist" crap is'nt helpful as that's not the problem. Being a nerd as some of you joke is'nt the problem as I'm not obnoxious or very evident on the surface about my nerdy things. Though hell I don't even appeal to nerdy women anyway. It may not even be my body type. Yes, it's annoying that I'm not a burly dude that most women want, but it's not like skinny dudes don't get women. I don't know what people want, but I seem to be a pariah and things like tinder and what not only reinforce this feeling.

I'll never get how I hate the world less than you do, Rah. ???
But I don't hate anything. I'm not a very depressing or angsty person. I never went through a "ima listen to Lincoln Park" phase or anything. I'm pretty content with most things. Just very unsatisfied and fustrated with some aspects of life.
« Last Edit: April 15, 2015, 05:05:20 PM by Rahxephon91 »


  • Banana Grabber
  • Senior Member
Rahx, you might not have a good sense of humor which is necessary for the average man on online dating and I personally have doubts that you are a really a bon vivant sort of personality which is a very attractive thing to everyone (similar to Each's suggestion of swagger).
But I do have an incredible sense of humor.

stopped there

Olivia Wilde Homo

  • Proud Kinkshamer
  • Senior Member
Again, if Rahx wants to unfuck his situation, he will do it himself.  You're not going to get anywhere with him.

Human Snorenado

  • Stay out of Malibu, Lebowski
  • Icon
His problem is basically

F) visibly spergy


  • Senior Member
His problem is basically

F) visibly spergy
ill be very happy when you die.


  • Banana Grabber
  • Senior Member
Look at that sense of humor guys


  • Nylonhilist
  • Senior Member
You said you have a good sense of humor but that there isn't much else about you that is really appealing to other people. It's worth thinking about how those other qualities get judged in a first impression.

The reason I said you should think about why you're trying to date is that you have incredibly low self-esteem for no reason, and I think you should listen people like snorenado/old man make fun of you and your whiny attitude since that's not normal. Maybe you just don't have something about your general attitude about life that you love like most people but you're not going to start getting confidence just by having the privilege of getting your dick grabbed. You've cock-blocked yourself for half your life and that's why people say you should talk to a therapist since that is a complicated issue that will take some time and trust to break down. Now go figure out how to go about that process and stop venting/getting off on the shame or whatever you're doing with most of your posts in this thread.

Human Snorenado

  • Stay out of Malibu, Lebowski
  • Icon
Oooh, oooh, looks like I pushed someone's spergy buttons!


  • ルカルカ★ナイトフィーバー
  • Senior Member
So, what are the best dating websites and/or apps to use? OKCupid is pretty weak in bozeman, and have no idea about any of the apps and how to use them.

Any help is appreciated.

I used Match for a while and that was my go-to... the girls on there seem to be a bit more ready to settle down and they take dating a bit more seriously than the free ones, from what I've found. For myself and 3 of my close friends, we've all met our long-term gfs on OKC. (though for me it wasn't until after a lot of searching)

Look at that sense of humor guys

Sardonic, dark humor is a type of humor too :P

Barry Egan

  • The neurotic is nailed to the cross of his fiction.
  • Senior Member
Rahx's reaction to even the possibility of seeing a therapist makes me wonder who he thinks therapy is actually for.  Like do you need to be yelling at a blank television screen about the tracking device the IRS installed in your fillings before you seek help?  The majority of therapists help people with exactly the type of First World Problems he describes in his self-pitying solliloquys. 


  • Senior Member
Rahx's reaction to even the possibility of seeing a therapist makes me wonder who he thinks therapy is actually for.  Like do you need to be yelling at a blank television screen about the tracking device the IRS installed in your fillings before you seek help?  The majority of therapists help people with exactly the type of First World Problems he describes in his self-pitying solliloquys.

no YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND he's FINE. his bitter, poisonous, and hate-filled posts aren't really him. they're just for us. they don't actually reflect his state of mind and tone. he's just a fun loving happy go lucky dude and it's literally everyone else, including women, who are at fault. he's making no mistakes whatsoever.


  • 🙈🙉🙊
  • Senior Member
Many people seem to think therapists exclusively deal with serious mental issues, when a lot of the time it's just life-coaching for people who are, for whatever reason, socially maladapted.


  • Banana Grabber
  • Senior Member
The best thing I've done in a long time is go on Lexapro and start going to therapy since October of last year.  I couldn't take internalizing my problems anymore and trying to paint other people in negative lights because of my ineptitude in understanding other people's motives and behavior.  My problem now is that I'm entirely too hard on myself, but I know that because of my therapy.  It's coaching.  It's helpful.  And it's healthy.


  • Banana Grabber
  • Senior Member
It's funny you mention that, my therapist has come to the conclusion that I might have gone 20 years undiagnosed for ADHD.  Finding out my results to the tests tomorrow actually


  • stronger ties you have, more power you gain
  • Senior Member
What kind of tests did they have you do?


  • Senior Member
I already saw a therapist, way back when I tried to off myself. It was pointless and concluded nothing was wrong with me. I even made a GAF thread about it. So that wasn't very helpful. A waste of time. 

I just hate human snoreado and find him to be a pompous asshole who is a big douche for no reason beyond being a wanabee nihilistic try hard fuck. All I know about him is his own crybaby "my life is hard/life sucks" posts he made in this very thread. His assholishnes seems to steam from the same shit.

But I guess I should make more dick and jokes with homoerotic subtext for the bores level of humor. You people don't know me outside of this small fourm where you complain about another gay fourm with jokes stolen from another fourm. So it's not like anyone here is the patron saint humor. I have a good sense of humor when I'm not in a very antagonizing state which I am everytime a post on this fourm. Plus I just enjoy seeing what mean things people will say to me, which is actually something I should see a therapist about. Not my dislike of women.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
  • Senior Member
I already saw a therapist, way back when I tried to off myself. It was pointless and concluded nothing was wrong with me. I even made a GAF thread about it. So that wasn't very helpful. A waste of time. 

I just hate human snoreado and find him to be a pompous asshole who is a big douche for no reason beyond being a wanabee nihilistic try hard fuck. All I know about him is his own crybaby "my life is hard/life sucks" posts he made in this very thread. His assholishnes seems to steam from the same shit.

But I guess I should make more dick and jokes with homoerotic subtext for the bores level of humor. You people don't know me outside of this small fourm where you complain about another gay fourm with jokes stolen from another fourm. So it's not like anyone here is the patron saint humor. I have a good sense of humor when I'm not in a very antagonizing state which I am everytime a post on this fourm. Plus I just enjoy seeing what mean things people will say to me, which is actually something I should see a therapist about. Not my dislike of women.

must be exhausting.

ultimately bro...expecting women to flock to you is sucker shit. You have to better yourself. You've admitted you aren't social, you don't seem to have many social hobbies or interests, you're skinny and pasty. Summer is almost here, you have some time to try new things. Maybe start working out, even if you just buy some weights instead of going to a gym.


  • captain of my capsized ship
  • Senior Member
Ultimately, women want a man that promises them a better future. If you can't even muster the energy to fake it, they won't even give ya first look.


  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
  • Senior Member
When I make this argument about myself (offline, not here) it's consistently challenged / dismissed. Now someone lying to me is hardly breaking news, but I also gotta ask that you log out of your alt AiA. :larry


  • Senior Member

Human Snorenado

  • Stay out of Malibu, Lebowski
  • Icon
I already saw a therapist, way back when I tried to off myself. It was pointless and concluded nothing was wrong with me. I even made a GAF thread about it. So that wasn't very helpful. A waste of time. 

I just hate human snoreado and find him to be a pompous asshole who is a big douche for no reason beyond being a wanabee nihilistic try hard fuck. All I know about him is his own crybaby "my life is hard/life sucks" posts he made in this very thread. His assholishnes seems to steam from the same shit.

But I guess I should make more dick and jokes with homoerotic subtext for the bores level of humor. You people don't know me outside of this small fourm where you complain about another gay fourm with jokes stolen from another fourm. So it's not like anyone here is the patron saint humor. I have a good sense of humor when I'm not in a very antagonizing state which I am everytime a post on this fourm. Plus I just enjoy seeing what mean things people will say to me, which is actually something I should see a therapist about. Not my dislike of women.

I went on a date last night and made out with an actual woman, so, you know, I've got that going for me.

I guarantee you that you'd benefit from therapy. Sometimes you have to try to find the right therapist for you, though. The reason I give you shit is because you try to front like there's nothing wrong with you- for all of my faults (and they're many) that is not a claim I ever try to make. But anyway, whatever, you literally bring your problems on yourself and then DON'T RECOGNIZE THEM AS PROBLEMS. I, at least, recognize my faults as faults and problems as problems. Failure to do so is textbook special fellow behavior. Have fun with your shitty attitude in your shitty life.


  • Senior Member
So....don't want to interrupt this back and forth going on between Raxh and everyone else, but I just wanted to say I'm batting a thousand with my new lady friend.  :heartbeat


  • Senior Member
Rahx's reaction to even the possibility of seeing a therapist makes me wonder who he thinks therapy is actually for.  Like do you need to be yelling at a blank television screen about the tracking device the IRS installed in your fillings before you seek help?  The majority of therapists help people with exactly the type of First World Problems he describes in his self-pitying solliloquys.

no YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND he's FINE. his bitter, poisonous, and hate-filled posts aren't really him. they're just for us. they don't actually reflect his state of mind and tone. he's just a fun loving happy go lucky dude and it's literally everyone else, including women, who are at fault. he's making no mistakes whatsoever.
I know this is a parody, but it is the truth. No one in real life would describe me as a bitter and hate filled person because I'm not. The bore just brings that out. I'm not fine, but I certainly don't have any problems beyond the average person. Nothing worth talking to a therapist over and I certainly wouldn't want to tell someone I don't know anything. Plus I'm not sure having to go to a doctor and take drugs is going to really help the confidence. I already know what my problems are.

It really is women's fault. I don't know what I can possibly do to get them to notice me beyond apparently changing myself completely.

Apparently I can't be skinny even though I see men who are worse off do better. Yes it could do better to be a bit better build, but as I am now its app rant that I keep care of myself. Dirty and scummy guys do better, but I have to try harder why?

I'm also not pasty. I tan very well. So fuck whatever PD was saying there. I spend most of my summers outside.

Apparently I need better hobbies and interests. Yes, i guess I am too focused on nerdy hobbies. You know what I guess that makes me boring. Sucks for me, but that's too late. I can't help what I'm interested in. Besides you people act like all I do is love and breather video games. No, I'm not obnoxious about that stuff. I keep that to myself. Hell I don't even post that much about games here and none of my friends play games. Its not the sole thing I'm about. But apparently I have to fake being intersted in sports or some shit.

I also am more social. I'm a bit mean and stand offish, but I do talk to people and willing to go out. I dress ok, at least don't looklike a slob. I can't help  that it dosent do anything.

But no it is thier fault. Not mine. I've put myself out there. They don't want it. You can't blame me for being ticked off.

No I probably shouldn't be dating, because I'd do so for the wrong reasons. Selfish reasons such as just wanting to be wanted. Being accepted is a big issue for me as I've never felt accepted anywhere. By a "race", school, a friend group, women, whatever. I didn't need to see a therapist to understand that most issues stem from that, but for all your advice you people give it seems completly useless in the real world.

Pretty much ever guy Ive known has attracted women without doing anything you people tell me you have to do. Even my good friend who is not far removed from me and in some ways much worse. He's had three gas and they've all come after  him. But apparently I have to jump over hoops. It's not fair and only serves to be one further disillusioned with everything,

But that's ok. Everyone else gets to have an easy time, but I have to change everything about me to be liked. That's a great lesson. At the point it's not worth it. I'm not trying to become that Elliot kid who shoot up some women, but it becomes harder to not see them as antagonists.


  • Banana Grabber
  • Senior Member

I know this is a parody, but it is the truth. No one in real life would describe me as a bitter and hate filled person because I'm not. The bore just brings that out. I'm not fine, but I certainly don't have any problems beyond the average person. Nothing worth talking to a therapist over and I certainly wouldn't want to tell someone I don't know anything. Plus I'm not sure having to go to a doctor and take drugs is going to really help the confidence. I already know what my problems are.

It really is women's fault. I don't know what I can possibly do to get them to notice me beyond apparently changing myself completely.

Apparently I can't be skinny even though I see men who are worse off do better. Yes it could do better to be a bit better build, but as I am now its app rant that I keep care of myself. Dirty and scummy guys do better, but I have to try harder why?

I'm also not pasty. I tan very well. So fuck whatever PD was saying there. I spend most of my summers outside.

Apparently I need better hobbies and interests. Yes, i guess I am too focused on nerdy hobbies. You know what I guess that makes me boring. Sucks for me, but that's too late. I can't help what I'm interested in. Besides you people act like all I do is love and breather video games. No, I'm not obnoxious about that stuff. I keep that to myself. Hell I don't even post that much about games here and none of my friends play games. Its not the sole thing I'm about. But apparently I have to fake being intersted in sports or some shit.

I also am more social. I'm a bit mean and stand offish, but I do talk to people and willing to go out. I dress ok, at least don't looklike a slob. I can't help  that it dosent do anything.

But no it is thier fault. Not mine. I've put myself out there. They don't want it. You can't blame me for being ticked off.

No I probably shouldn't be dating, because I'd do so for the wrong reasons. Selfish reasons such as just wanting to be wanted. Being accepted is a big issue for me as I've never felt accepted anywhere. By a "race", school, a friend group, women, whatever. I didn't need to see a therapist to understand that most issues stem from that, but for all your advice you people give it seems completly useless in the real world.

Pretty much ever guy Ive known has attracted women without doing anything you people tell me you have to do. Even my good friend who is not far removed from me and in some ways much worse. He's had three gas and they've all come after  him. But apparently I have to jump over hoops. It's not fair and only serves to be one further disillusioned with everything,

But that's ok. Everyone else gets to have an easy time, but I have to change everything about me to be liked. That's a great lesson. At the point it's not worth it. I'm not trying to become that Elliot kid who shoot up some women, but it becomes harder to not see them as antagonists.

I'm sorry, but you do not present yourself as a well-adjusted individual. The way you talk, you've developed a self-fulfilling prophecy.

When I was in graduate school I had clients with similar issues, and I work with high school students dealing with these feelings. There is no weakness in seeking out someone to work through these issues. There is a difference between being aware of them and working through them.
« Last Edit: April 17, 2015, 01:17:34 PM by Mr. Gundam »


  • ルカルカ★ナイトフィーバー
  • Senior Member
IMO, the best way to find a suitable match is play the numbers game. Even if you don't meet people you click with, or you meet people you like and it doesn't work out, it'll help to relieve some of your anxieties around women.

I'm not very attractive, am pretty reserved (but not shy), awkward, and obviously a big weeaboo with a lot of esoteric interests (believe me, the average person doesn't care what the difference between deep house, progressive house, and tech house is). But I've always managed to find girls to go on dates with, regardless with how it worked out... and that really helped me improve overall with women. You never know who you will hit it off with.


  • Banana Grabber
  • Senior Member
Update for Esch – I was diagnosed with ADHD yesterday  :-\


  • Senior Member
these last few pages :goty

in... other news my wife kept elbowing me and shoving me in her sleep so i rolled her over on her side and basically sausaged her in blankets to restrict her movements. fast forward to this morning and i ask wtf her deal was and apparently she dreamed that i clogged the toilet and shitwater flooded our house  :lol

fucking women  :yuck


  • cooler than willco
  • Administrator
Update for Esch – I was diagnosed with ADHD yesterday  :-\

You paid for this? We have been saying this pro bono. Nintendo fan. Lel.


  • Senior MILF
  • Senior Member
these last few pages :goty

in... other news my wife kept elbowing me and shoving me in her sleep so i rolled her over on her side and basically sausaged her in blankets to restrict her movements. fast forward to this morning and i ask wtf her deal was and apparently she dreamed that i clogged the toilet and shitwater flooded our house  :lol

fucking women  :yuck

Women are the worst :yuck


  • Senior Member
there have been days she has been mad at me for something i did in her dreams. i can't win :brazilcry


  • Senior MILF
  • Senior Member
A crazy coworker does that to us. Gets pissed at us for shit she dreamed, and brings the dreams back up for weeks. It's a little unsettling because she's the type to slash tires and burn down houses.

Barry Egan

  • The neurotic is nailed to the cross of his fiction.
  • Senior Member
But apparently I have to jump over hoops. It's not fair and only serves to be one further disillusioned with everything,

But that's ok. Everyone else gets to have an easy time, but I have to change everything about me to be liked. That's a great lesson. At the point it's not worth it. I'm not trying to become that Elliot kid who shoot up some women, but it becomes harder to not see them as antagonists.

And in the same breathe you say "but no fatties lol".  You're a hypocrite.

Steve Contra

  • Bought a lemon tree straight cash
  • Senior Member
there have been days she has been mad at me for something i did in her dreams. i can't win :brazilcry
Yeah I've been there before :dead


  • Senior Member
But apparently I have to jump over hoops. It's not fair and only serves to be one further disillusioned with everything,

But that's ok. Everyone else gets to have an easy time, but I have to change everything about me to be liked. That's a great lesson. At the point it's not worth it. I'm not trying to become that Elliot kid who shoot up some women, but it becomes harder to not see them as antagonists.

And in the same breathe you say "but no fatties lol".  You're a hypocrite.

Most people are.

Positive Touch

  • Woo Papa
  • Senior Member
just promise us when the time comes you point the violence inwards and not outwards


  • Senior MILF
  • Senior Member
I don't pet cats, I don't offer anything of interest to cats, cats may find me attractive but I offer them nothing they are seeking. I don't try to get cats to like me because I want to find a cat who likes me for who I am, a person who is unwilling to offer anything of interest to cats although I easily could and still choose not to.

Fucking cats. :yuck


  • Senior Member
I would leave if I could go back to GAF, but I can't. So I stay here. Sorry you feel that way but I don't care. My annoyance entertains myself so I find it funny. I have thick skin and my feelings clearly don't break easily. If they did, I would have left this place already, but I never have.

I'm maybe casually misognist, but not really. I'm not rasist. How could I be? Not finding black women attractive on average dosent make it so. I doubt anyone here who's not black really dates black women.

I'm not desperate. If I was I'd pay women or just go for fatties.

I'm not mentally ill, if I was it would have been concluded by those theapists you all praise.

So nope.


  • Member
I would leave if I could go back to GAF, but I can't.
I remember being as saddened as you were at some point, but I no longer am; I actually prefer TB. Boreans don't get as offended as GAFfers, generally-speaking. The only thing that frustrates me is the banner. Still didn't figure out the private joke behind it to this day...

Human Snorenado

  • Stay out of Malibu, Lebowski
  • Icon
We should all just put rahx on ignore, that would be hilarious

Barry Egan

  • The neurotic is nailed to the cross of his fiction.
  • Senior Member
For those catching up, this is our new operational definition of mental health:

spoiler (click to show/hide)
I'm fine. It's everyone else who makes no sense. I can't explain or understand why girls have no intrest in me. It's honestly not my real life personality. Maybe it's my looks, well I can't help that. Nor can I help being "picky". Hey no wonder I'm bitter, itt's been like that my entire life. You'd be bitter too. Yes waste time with things you have no attraction to for some sort of level up. As if people actually want to to deal and associate with people they'd have no interest in.This game is very dumb.It really is women's fault.   I'm a little drunk now because lo and behold I actually go out and sociolise and am not the sociol special fellow these posts paint me as and so I shall reply to them one by one.This is complete horse shit. I don't have some xmas list that a girl needs to be in order for me to find her attarctive.  Oh noes I don't find black women attractive.  I simply dont find them sexually attractive, nor do I find thier ghetto personalities attractive. Sue me.  My problems have nothing to do with some sort of incredible standards of women looks. Why people keep throwing that at me I don't know. I can't help what I find attractive and it sure is'nt some sort of rigid checklist. Women simply don't apprach me and have no way to appraoch women.  It really is women's fault. I'm not trying to self isolate, but it just seems easier then playing this sutpid game, because at this point I can't figure out whats wrong with me. It's really not my personality. I'm not a douche, I can be funny irl, I'm not an overbearing obnoxious nerd. Is it my looks.  If this is what leads me to women I simply don't find attarctive, then what am I supposed to do, just settale and be unfullfiled and miserable? I can be those things on my own.  Looks are always important. Is my dick supposed to get hard staring at women I am disgusted by?  I don't fucking find Black women attractive. What is so fucking hard to understand about this. I don't like thier hair, the way thier faces look, just in general everything. it does nothing for me and is not my idea of hot. Why would I want to date them when i activley don't find them attractive. It is very madding knowing that my options are pretty much just black women which only find me atteactive for my ethnic meets white features anyway. I know what I can get and it sucks, so why even bother? Years have shown me nothing else why everyone else I know acheives with no work beyond simply being a person. It sucks.  It really is women's fault.  Please I'm not a virgin. I'm just fucking tired of women and thier bullshit. Everytime I've taken a supposed risk it's blown up in my face and I'm the one thats been hurt. Enough of that bullshit. I'm tierd of playing the bullshit game of "is a girl intersted in me" because 100% of the time they arent. Never in my life has a girl displayed intrest in me and it;s incredibly disheartning. I'm sorry if I'm boarding on mysgonsit terrotyoty but it's hard not to when you feel you've been fucked and ingorend by the oppoasite sex for whatever reason. Meanwhile you watch everyone else seemingly have no problems. Plenty of friends have found partners without doing any of the bullshit you people talk about in this thread. Plenty of girls easily displayed interst in them. I don't know what I do that is so off putting. It's bad enough I;m extrmley self consious about the way I look, but even then I've seen uglier and less well kept dudes score chicks and they have douche personalites. Nor do I play yhr nice guy bs card, so I have no understanfing of anything. Of course I;m becmoing angry at the sutuation. Dosen't help it when you fegs treat me like shit(which bastars like human sornedo do do beyond even this topic) and put me in those fedora special fellow catogiroes. I'm not accepted anyhwere much less by women and it's extremly madding to feel disowned by every sociol group of humanity with the oppaisote sex's ignoring of you being the ultimate one. I'm 24 soon to be 25, I should have at least kissed a female and just in genearl done this shit. No experinced women is going to want such a late start case. Being bitter and somewhat angry is not a mental illness. Lacking confidence is not a mental illness.  I don't have a mental illness. I'm not depressed. It's not like I have actual problems in normal human interaction or daily life.  Hey I'm drunk again and at steAk and shake. A referdum! I think I'm a mysigonsit and it's silly be case it makes no sense why I would be beyond the fact that I'm annoyed that no women has ever showed intrest in me. It's very saddling to know that no wome has ever thought of you in an sexy wa that's all I want. An qttrqrctive women to think I'm attractive. No fatsos or whatever though I like thick girls whatever back to self imposed exile.  I'm not a very depressing or angsty person. I never went through a "ima listen to Lincoln Park" phase or anything. I'm pretty content with most things. Just very unsatisfied and fustrated with some aspects of life.  I’m almost 25 and at this point it's pathetic and aggravating with my failures. The constant "go see a theapist" crap is'nt helpful as that's not the problem. Being a nerd as some of you joke is'nt the problem as I'm not obnoxious or very evident on the surface about my nerdy things. Though hell I don't even appeal to nerdy women anyway. It may not even be my body type. Yes, it's annoying that I'm not a burly dude that most women want, but it's not like skinny dudes don't get women. I don't know what people want, but I seem to be a pariah and things like tinder and what not only reinforce this feeling.  It really is women’s fault.  I have an incredible sense of humor. I am an incredibly funny person in real life.  It really is women's fault. No one in real life would describe me as a bitter and hate filled person because I'm not.  I'm not fine, but I certainly don't have any problems beyond the average person. Nothing worth talking to a therapist over and I certainly wouldn't want to tell someone I don't know anything. Plus I'm not sure having to go to a doctor and take drugs is going to really help the confidence. I already know what my problems are.  It really is women's fault. I don't know what I can possibly do to get them to notice me beyond apparently changing myself completely.  Apparently I can't be skinny even though I see men who are worse off do better. Yes it could do better to be a bit better build, but as I am now its app rant that I keep care of myself. Dirty and scummy guys do better, but I have to try harder why?  Apparently I need better hobbies and interests. Yes, i guess I am too focused on nerdy hobbies. You know what I guess that makes me boring. Sucks for me, but that's too late. I can't help what I'm interested in. Besides you people act like all I do is love and breather video games. No, I'm not obnoxious about that stuff. I keep that to myself. Hell I don't even post that much about games here and none of my friends play games. Its not the sole thing I'm about. But apparently I have to fake being intersted in sports or some shit. I also am more social. I'm a bit mean and stand offish, but I do talk to people and willing to go out. I dress ok, at least don't looklike a slob. I can't help  that it dosent do anything.  It really is women's fault, not mine. I've put myself out there. They don't want it. You can't blame me for being ticked off.  No I probably shouldn't be dating, because I'd do so for the wrong reasons. Selfish reasons such as just wanting to be wanted. Being accepted is a big issue for me as I've never felt accepted anywhere. By a "race", school, a friend group, women, whatever. I didn't need to see a therapist to understand that most issues stem from that, but for all your advice you people give it seems completly useless in the real world.  Pretty much ever guy Ive known has attracted women without doing anything you people tell me you have to do. Even my good friend who is not far removed from me and in some ways much worse. He's had three gas and they've all come after  him. But apparently I have to jump over hoops. It really is women's fault it's not fair and only serves to be one further disillusioned with everything,  But that's ok. Everyone else gets to have an easy time, but I have to change everything about me to be liked. That's a great lesson. At the point it's not worth it. I'm not trying to become that Elliot kid who shoot up some women, but it becomes harder to not see them as antagonists.  I'm maybe casually misognist, but not really. I'm not rasist. How could I be? Not finding black women attractive on average dosent make it so. I doubt anyone here who's not black really dates black women.  I'm not desperate. If I was I'd pay women or just go for fatties.  I'm not mentally ill, if I was it would have been concluded by those theapists you all praise.  So nope.  It really is women's fault.


  • Senior Member
We should all just put rahx on ignore, that would be hilarious
i actually told you to do that a while ago when you started being a big douche for no reason. I don't know why you didn't?

Barry Egan

  • The neurotic is nailed to the cross of his fiction.
  • Senior Member

Please I'm not a virgin.


I'm 24 soon to be 25, I should have at least kissed a female and just in genearl done this shit.
No experinced women is going to want such a late start case.



  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
  • Senior Member
I'm not mentally ill, if I was it would have been concluded by those theapists you all praise.

Mental health requires the patient to be honest and self-aware to be effective, it's why so many people stay in the system forever / quit because they don't get better.

Also practitioners lie / withhold the truth from patients, especially when there's concern about how they'll react to it.


  • Senior Member
I doubt anyone here who's not black really dates black women.

some people don't deserve their unhappiness, but you do
Why? Because I've stated I have a prefence and am sure everyone else does too? Please I've done nothing wrong and hurt no one. Whatever I guess I'm a monster. I don't need to see a theapist because I'm a terrible person somehow and don't deserve it.


  • Banana Grabber
  • Senior Member
It's one thing to say you're not particularly attracted to a certain set of women; it's not the most open-minded view but its honest, and thats fine.  But to make such a hateful, sweeping generalization that says that no one wants to date black women other than black men is just cruel.  It's not fair to people who are attracted to any person or soul, and its exponentially unfair to said women to begin with.  What right do you have to paint an entire group of people with such an uninformed, lazy stroke of hate?


  • cooler than willco
  • Administrator
Eric P's girlfriend is black afaik. He doesnt really post here much these days though.


  • Nylonhilist
  • Senior Member
In my experience, anybody I've seen with a preference for/against a particular race is either someone with shit self-image looking for a cultural trophy in a relationship or just afraid of their parents disapproving.

I don't think I've ever met a well-adjusted guy who isn't attracted to/tried dating a black person. I mean what he said about the ghetto attitude bullshit shows how juvenile his world view is and how far his social skills and principles are from the norm. He just can't figure out how to organically relate to other people at the most basic level and so there's no point in giving him advice on something like dating.

Eric P's girlfriend is black afaik. He doesnt really post here much these days though.

Yeah hopefully he doesn't have to see this.


  • Senior Member
No, because you've projected your prejudice against black women onto the rest of us.
I guess, but I'm not seeing much of counter point from you people. I don't have a prejudice against black women and most certainly not black people. On average I don't find black women attractive. Sure I find plenty of the black women you guys would post in the NSFW thread attractive. Sure, but I don't see those everyday.  On average I see far mor women of other races attrative than black women. I'm sorry thats the way it is. Stop crucifying me for telling the truth. Again, how many of you have actually dated or had sex with a black woman? How many of you actually pursue black women? I'm sure most of you maybe because of pure convenience, coincidence, or unconsciously have dated women of your race.

Spend the rest of your dating life fruitlessly chasing after your perfect ideal of a white woman you self hating
Well I'm not self hating because I'm not black. Black people didn't want me so thats the way it is. I also don't only like white women. I like pretty much all minority women and I guess ideally I'd like a brownish mixed women.

In my experience, anybody I've seen with a preference for/against a particular race is either someone with shit self-image looking for a cultural trophy in a relationship or just afraid of their parents disapproving.
Well I clearly do have a poor self image, but that can't be helped. At one point it was something of a trophy when my friend circle was mostly white guys, but I guess that's lessened since pretty much everyone I interact with on a friendly or consistent basis is a minority.

My father is dead and I don't really know how mother would think. I don't think she would care, but she wouldn't really expect a black woman.

I don't think I've ever met a well-adjusted guy who isn't attracted to/tried dating a black person.
And I've hardly meant any non-black person who actively has tried to date a black woman. That's why interracial relationships are still noteworthy. It is'nt the norm. Yes, most men will find an obvious attractive women attractive. I'd clearly find a black women who is clearly hot, hot. That's not an issue.
I mean what he said about the ghetto attitude bullshit shows how juvenile his world view is and how far his social skills and principles are from the norm.
Please, like this is'nt a normal stereotype. Yes I know not every black person is "ratchet" or whatever. I associate with plenty of them. Yet, I also interact because of where I live with plenty that fall into this stereotype.
He just can't figure out how to organically relate to other people at the most basic level and so there's no point in giving him advice on something like dating.
I don't know what this means, but clearly I'm not ready for anything and according to you people I never will be.


  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
  • Senior Member
If someone is willing to put up with my bullshit and doesn't continue the seemingly unending cycle of taking a huge fucking dump on me, I don't care if they're purple.

Positive Touch

  • Woo Papa
  • Senior Member


  • Senior Member
Well I guess your right wrath. Thanks for confirming what I already knew. I guess the only answer is to kill myself and not fail this time. So I will. It's what I got these sleeping pills for today. Thanks and goodbye.


  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
  • Senior Member
They won't work.


  • Senior Member
can we have a splinter relationship thread for normal people in normal people relationships? i feel odd dropping in little marriage anecdotes after... this.


  • 🧘‍♂️
  • Senior Member
Christ, Rahx. You dish out vitriol but you sure as fuck can't take it.  ::)


  • Nylonhilist
  • Senior Member
Your issue is with your own inferiority complex over something, I don't know what but it's something and it goes into poisoning the rest of your personality. You can't pretend like there's anything that wrath said that can let you pin a suicide attempt on him.
« Last Edit: April 19, 2015, 02:05:48 AM by am nintenho »


  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
  • Senior Member
...I prefer not to get too specific.

It's the most important decision of your life, at least hit up Hemlock Society or something.

Barry Egan

  • The neurotic is nailed to the cross of his fiction.
  • Senior Member
what would Zordon think about all this...?

Barry Egan

  • The neurotic is nailed to the cross of his fiction.
  • Senior Member