Author Topic: Sales Bore | Media Create And Other Sale Numbers |OT|  (Read 1202760 times)

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Re: Next-Gen Sales Thread |OT| We already sold all the sales. Sorry.
« Reply #7200 on: August 06, 2015, 03:54:58 PM »
How about you just answer the simple question.

If PS4 and Xbone console sales were god awful. Would there be these Japanese console games?

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The answer is no.


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Re: Next-Gen Sales Thread |OT| We already sold all the sales. Sorry.
« Reply #7201 on: August 06, 2015, 04:08:07 PM »
Xbox 360 sold damn well and overtook Wii worldwide sales if I remember, could be wrong. Even Wii didn't make them jump on board last gen. PS3 was no slouch after 2009 too, and last gen we didn't have this kind of Japanese rpg console Renaissance, so clearly it's not just console sales fueling this. As said, things have changed. For one, Steam allows Japanese devs a piece of the pie and they need to easily port their games to that system and they can sell the same game way more people by doing so, while at the same time not being stuck in development hell because they went with making their own in house engine, wasting time. Ps4 allows this, but the middleware they're using also especially allows this. Dragon Quest releasing on ps4 is kinda a risk given the systems state in Japan, but keep fucking that chicken I guess.

Trent Dole

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Re: Next-Gen Sales Thread |OT| We already sold all the sales. Sorry.
« Reply #7202 on: August 06, 2015, 05:50:47 PM »
It's very telling that the next DQ isn't just PS4 IMO. Hedging their bets for sure.


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Re: Next-Gen Sales Thread |OT| We already sold all the sales. Sorry.
« Reply #7203 on: August 06, 2015, 06:05:13 PM »
If the PS4 were backwards compatible they would have made it for PS3.

Take My Breh Away

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Re: Next-Gen Sales Thread |OT| We already sold all the sales. Sorry.
« Reply #7204 on: August 06, 2015, 07:19:24 PM »
It's very telling that the next DQ isn't just PS4 IMO. Hedging their bets for sure.

The NX conformation made it even more interesting (And the hilarious backpedal. Nintendo must have been pissed the competition knows NX is Unreal 4 capable). Makes me wonder if the Timed exclusivity from Sony on FFVII Remake was less worrying about Xbone and PC Gaming but more that if the NX immediately gets DQXI and FFVIIR, then no one will buy a PS4 when they can get an NX with their pokeymans and maaareos instead of needing two consoles.


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Re: Next-Gen Sales Thread |OT| We already sold all the sales. Sorry.
« Reply #7205 on: August 08, 2015, 02:48:41 PM »
Xbox 360 sold damn well and overtook Wii worldwide sales if I remember, could be wrong.
These aren't completely good analogs. Japanese developers were on the Xbox 360 right from the beginning. They were on the PS3 right from the beginning. They jumped into next gen really quickly, as they had before thinking it would be like just before. Only when the 360 proved to not be a hit, next gen development tougher then before, and the PS3 being the PS3 did Japanese console development break.

This is the first generation were Japanese developers were'nt at the forefront out that gate and clearly the success of the PS4 has helped turn that around.
Even Wii didn't make them jump on board last gen.
Probably because the damage from the shock of next gen had already happen. They had already invested in next gen tech, so they had to scramble to get anything out on the Wii. When their scrambled projects didn't do what they wanted they just retreated from the Wii. The Wii is a strange outlier here.

PS3 was no slouch after 2009 too, and last gen we didn't have this kind of Japanese rpg console Renaissance, so clearly it's not just console sales fueling this.
But those situations are completely different and you're not taking in history and context here. Also, there has been a steady rise of PS3 console games from Japan.

As said, things have changed. For one, Steam allows Japanese devs a piece of the pie and they need to easily port their games to that system and they can sell the same game way more people by doing so, while at the same time not being stuck in development hell because they went with making their own in house engine, wasting time.
Why do you keep bringing up steam? It's a non issue. It's an afterthought. For some, it's the western company taking the initiative to put it on steam. I don't even think there's an unreal engine 4 powered Japanese game on steam anyway. Steam really has nothing to do with this. They aren't making Japanese console games with steam in mind, steam versions come later and sometimes just as an after effect of doing something else.

Ps4 allows this, but the middleware they're using also especially allows this. Dragon Quest releasing on ps4 is kinda a risk given the systems state in Japan
PS4 is the main thing that allow's this. Why do you think Namco is making PS4 versions of it's games? Because the PS4 is a success overseas and they reason if your going to bring  a game out make it for PS4. Why do you think companies like Square can rationalize PS4 development? Because PS4 is a huge success overseas and provides some safety net. Nowhere did I say the ease of development from engines like Unity and Unreal is'nt helping. I never said that. What I said is that it's stupid to not count PS4 as a part of that equation.

Great Rumbler

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Re: Next-Gen Sales Thread |OT| We already sold all the sales. Sorry.
« Reply #7206 on: August 08, 2015, 03:42:44 PM »
Xbox 360 sold damn well and overtook Wii worldwide sales if I remember, could be wrong.

Unless the 360 sold about 20 million units in the past year, it has not passed the Wii.


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Re: Next-Gen Sales Thread |OT| We already sold all the sales. Sorry.
« Reply #7207 on: August 08, 2015, 05:28:10 PM »
:rofl PS3 overtook the Wii, wat :lol


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Re: Next-Gen Sales Thread |OT| We already sold all the sales. Sorry.
« Reply #7208 on: August 08, 2015, 05:45:50 PM »
I don't understand why people keep bringing up Steam as a factor in Japanese game sales. Some games have done relatively decently on it but the average PC fanbase isn't really interested in the majority of Japanese titles, nor is PC gaming a factor at all in Japan. People who say that Steam is saving Japanese gaming are kinda silly... it's just since Japanese companies are finally moving to middleware and the architecture of the PS4/XB1 that it's easy enough to port games to PC as well that it's worth the few extra sales.

Apart from doujin/indie Japanese titles, there probably isn't gonna be any more PC exclusives out of the country, even Falcom has left PC gaming.


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Re: Next-Gen Sales Thread |OT| We already sold all the sales. Sorry.
« Reply #7209 on: August 08, 2015, 05:49:05 PM »
You say Steam is a non issue when Valkyria Chronicles sold 500k on the platform. :beli

Xbox 360 sold damn well and overtook Wii worldwide sales if I remember, could be wrong.

Unless the 360 sold about 20 million units in the past year, it has not passed the Wii.

Whoops. You're right. I was sleepy when I made that post.


  • <<SALVATION!>>
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Re: Next-Gen Sales Thread |OT| We already sold all the sales. Sorry.
« Reply #7210 on: August 08, 2015, 05:51:25 PM »
It's very telling that the next DQ isn't just PS4 IMO. Hedging their bets for sure.

The NX conformation made it even more interesting (And the hilarious backpedal. Nintendo must have been pissed the competition knows NX is Unreal 4 capable). Makes me wonder if the Timed exclusivity from Sony on FFVII Remake was less worrying about Xbone and PC Gaming but more that if the NX immediately gets DQXI and FFVIIR, then no one will buy a PS4 when they can get an NX with their pokeymans and maaareos instead of needing two consoles.

If anything it'd be more shocking to everyone except Nintendo if it wasn't U4 capable.


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Re: Next-Gen Sales Thread |OT| We already sold all the sales. Sorry.
« Reply #7211 on: August 08, 2015, 05:53:51 PM »
I don't understand why people keep bringing up Steam as a factor in Japanese game sales. Some games have done relatively decently on it but the average PC fanbase isn't really interested in the majority of Japanese titles, nor is PC gaming a factor at all in Japan. People who say that Steam is saving Japanese gaming are kinda silly... it's just since Japanese companies are finally moving to middleware and the architecture of the PS4/XB1 that it's easy enough to port games to PC as well that it's worth the few extra sales.

Apart from doujin/indie Japanese titles, there probably isn't gonna be any more PC exclusives out of the country, even Falcom has left PC gaming.

Because they sell better than they ever did on their original respective platforms. Why do you think we have gotten all of these Ys games? Where is your evidence Japanese games don't sell well on Steam? You think Konami and SE are going to put their latest games like MGSV and FF type 0 HD on the platform when they don't sell well? Admit it. Not only are you not knowledgeable about the amount of demand there is for Japanese games on Steam, you are also ignorant of the amount of Japanese games AVAILABLE on steam. Both you and Rah come off as ignorant console fanboys, personally. Again, Valkyria Chronicles did 500k on Steam in less than a year. I'd love for you to find the sales for VC on PS3.

No one said PC is saving Japanese games in this thread either. You reading too much into the situation. Who said anything about PC exclusives? No one. But few things are CONSOLE exclusive as well, which is the point.


  • Senior Member
Re: Next-Gen Sales Thread |OT| We already sold all the sales. Sorry.
« Reply #7212 on: August 08, 2015, 05:59:38 PM »
You say Steam is a non issue when Valkyria Chronicles sold 500k on the platform. :beli

I'm saying it's moot because it's an afterthought for Japanese developers. Like how many times do I have to say this? Thanks for posting the prime example. A years late port done not by Sega of Japan, but Europe. My point proven. We get it, you don't want to give consoles any credit. PC master race whatever.

Both you and Rah come off as ignorant console fanboys, personally.
And you come off as the PC version of some born again christian. OH let me tell you how great the PC is in everything while I try at every move to downplay consoles. For, being ignorant, at least I understand how the PC thing is working. The only game you listed coming the same time of the console version is MGS. Type 0 is late port. The XIII games mostly came out as a after product of porting them somewhere else. Deep Silver has actually done the porting of many of it's own Japanese releases. The other niche ones come out late. Falcom is'nt really porting it's console releases. Your Ys games are games that already had PC versions from before Falcom switched. Where's anything new by them? Hell Ys MoC PC version is by a chinese company.
« Last Edit: August 08, 2015, 06:04:48 PM by Rahxephon91 »


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Re: Next-Gen Sales Thread |OT| We already sold all the sales. Sorry.
« Reply #7213 on: August 08, 2015, 06:03:18 PM »
Jesus, so many hurt feelings. :lol And :rofl at it being an after thought. Shit is just catching up. Capcom has SFV only on ps4 and PC with cross play. Only an after thought. :rofl
« Last Edit: August 08, 2015, 06:12:39 PM by Queen of Ice »


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Re: Next-Gen Sales Thread |OT| We already sold all the sales. Sorry.
« Reply #7214 on: August 08, 2015, 06:07:28 PM »
tries to prove Japanese steam release aren't an afterthought.

Posts one's that are late ports.

Great logic.

Not a PC fanboy though.

Though the moment DQ or whatever shit would be announced for PC would make nothing but a million posts about how thier happy they don't have to buy a console and how great PC is.

Not a PC fanboy though.

Also didn't VC sell more then 500,000 copies on PS3 even before it got discounted to it's $20 price. Probably.

either way mustn't forget that it's PC version and  most Sega PC ports have little to do with Sega Japan. But Japan is all about Steam though.


  • GunOn™! Apply directly to forehead!
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Re: Next-Gen Sales Thread |OT| We already sold all the sales. Sorry.
« Reply #7215 on: August 08, 2015, 06:17:34 PM »
Maya and 3DS Max will never go free model though  :goty2

Neither has Photoshop in a sense. You get essentials, but it isn't a full-blown Photoshop. Neither is the Photoshop for the Metro app store/Windows 8, 10 IIRC. :goty2

They really should though. Get amateurs on board and the ones that stick with it would upgrade for more features or whatever depending on what's locked out.


  • Senior Member
Re: Next-Gen Sales Thread |OT| We already sold all the sales. Sorry.
« Reply #7216 on: August 08, 2015, 06:18:30 PM »
I only mentioned Steam once originally. Yet you have somehow managed to spiral this convo into things I never said. This convo originally had literally nothing to do with PC. It was about middleware vs ps4 and their importance in the current rise of Japanese console games. You said that Steam is an afterthought - it isn't - and I corrected you on that fact. That makes me a PC fangirl? Are you daft? :heh DQ11, which is on ps4, uses Unreal 4. I'm willing to bet Exist Archive does as well.

I'm not unwilling to give credit to consoles, because again - I am going to buy a ps4 - I just merely think you over estimate console influence, especially ps4. If you really think the current Japanese Renaissance is due wholly to ps4, as low as its sales in Japan are, and not to easier to manage, free middleware, that makes shipping the game in time an easier accomplishment then :rofl

I don't see why that's so hard for you to understand, especially within the context of SE. SE was brutally embarrassed all of last gen. FF13, 14, and 15 were long delayed, criticized, in the case of 13, more than half of its assets unused despite development costs, in the case of 15 not released even within ten years of its announcement. Releasing games on time and within budget is priority number one for them now. They cannot afford another loss in reputation. Yet you think being on ps4 is...more important than that. :heh

I'm really not sure how you managed to make this convo steer out of control like this, but this combined with your GAF thread shenanigans really show that you have a really, really, really weird inferiority complex that makes you want to be right on the most trivial of things.


  • GunOn™! Apply directly to forehead!
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Re: Next-Gen Sales Thread |OT| We already sold all the sales. Sorry.
« Reply #7217 on: August 08, 2015, 06:23:41 PM »
Lettuce beg the question: If Japan wasn't starting to take Steam/PC gaming seriously: Why is MGS5 coming to the system? Why is Final Fantasy? Why is King of Fighters? Why is Metal Slug? Why is Street Fighter? Devil May Cry? Etc.


That's nice, Rah dear. Most PC gamers don't really care (we had to wait what... two years for GTA5? Oh sure we were pissed but it came so that's all that matters. All's well that ends well.) You're missing the point: If PC was such an afterthought, why would they be doing ports-- no matter how shitty-- to the platform?

If PC gaming wasn't becoming a viable enough platform for Japan to take seriously, would you honestly think Kojima would be porting MGS5 to it? Or Swery? Or Suda51? Or that one dude that really wants to see the nude mods for his Tecmo game that isn't DoA?

Olivia Wilde Homo

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Re: Next-Gen Sales Thread |OT| We already sold all the sales. Sorry.
« Reply #7218 on: August 08, 2015, 06:32:48 PM »
The argument you could make though is that games are so expensive these days that they'll port it to anything that can take them without much effort.  Also it's probably much easier to port PS4/Bone games to the PC these days than during the days of the Emotion Engine©

I do agree with you though.


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Re: Next-Gen Sales Thread |OT| We already sold all the sales. Sorry.
« Reply #7219 on: August 08, 2015, 06:34:06 PM »
Japanese devs also port things much better now than before.

Compare MGSV/Ground Zeroes on PC to MGS2 on the PC  :heh

That actually proves how the market has changed and how Japanese devs are adapting to satisfying everyone on every platform. MGS2 sold extremely well. Then it was ported to Xbox and PC. Xbox version was great, the PC version was all sorts of fucked up. The PC version was clearly an afterthought, why worry about that platform when the PS2 version raked in tons of cash?

The PC used to be a platform that console devs would lazily throw a bone to for bonus scraps. Now its considered another main platform.


  • Senior Member
Re: Next-Gen Sales Thread |OT| We already sold all the sales. Sorry.
« Reply #7220 on: August 08, 2015, 06:34:20 PM »
You just sound delusional Rah.

Pretty much every JP console game released now is going to be available on PC. Stuff like DQ11 are outliers. Yet you think Japan doesn't take it seriously, that it's an after thought, and that making games easily portable TO the platform isn't important.

What world do you even live in? All the evidence is sitting right on your face. You really think that Japanese developers aren't using tools that makes it easier to port to more systems (more money!)? It's all about ps4? And you're excusing me of a fan thing? Uh. :lol


  • Senior Member
Re: Next-Gen Sales Thread |OT| We already sold all the sales. Sorry.
« Reply #7221 on: August 08, 2015, 06:35:31 PM »

I only mentioned Steam once originally.
Yes, as a big point as to how it's helping Japanese developers, which you have yet to actually back up.

Yet you have somehow managed to spiral this convo into things I never said. This convo originally had literally nothing to do with PC.
Until you brought it up as a use to further move the goalpost away from the PS4.

It was about middleware vs ps4 and their importance in the current rise of Japanese console games.
Which no one tried to downplay middleware, while you've tried nothing but downplay the PS4.
You said that Steam is an afterthought - it isn't - and I corrected you on that fact.
Um, you've corrected nothing. For whatever reason you seem to ignore that your points are wrong.

Sega's PC ports are not done by Japan, but by Europe.

Falcom's PC releases are from before they were a console developer and I don't think any of their recent console releases are getting PC ports. And if they are it's not by them.

Square's PC ports are late and in some cases years late and in even some cases an after product of porting them to mobile.

Ports of other niche Japanese things are years late or done by Euro publishers.

You're only point is Street Fighter 5, but that's not really enough to say "yeah Steam is sitting up there with the PS4 in focus".

That makes me a PC fangirl?
When you actually ignore whats being said in order to make your platform seem better? Yes and seeing as you do nothing on this forum but say how awesome PC is and how glad you switched to it then I don't think I'm off the mark.

I'm willing to bet Exist Archive does as well.
I doubt it since it's on Vita. You know, like one of those other Vita and PS4 games that are probably made on both systems with a western release in mind because you know the PS4 is super successful. Which is what we've been saying this whole time.

I just merely think you over estimate console influence, especially ps4. If you really think the current Japanese Renaissance is due wholly to ps4, as low as its sales in Japan are, and not to easier to manage, free middleware, that makes shipping the game in time an easier accomplishment then :rofl
It's like you've almost read nothing I've said.

Why use that middleware then?

Also if Steam is just as big, why not announce a PC version at the same time?

Oh because it is'nt.

I don't see why that's so hard for you to understand, especially within the context of SE. SE was brutally embarrassed all of last gen. FF13, 14, and 15 were long delayed, criticized, in the case of 13, more than half of its assets unused despite development costs, in the case of 15 not released even within ten years of its announcement. Releasing games on time and within budget is priority number one for them now. They cannot afford another loss in reputation. Yet you think being on ps4 is...more important than that. :heh
No I think easy middleware is helpful, but I also think there needs to be a market to sell those projects. The success of the PS4 has helped convince companies that it's worthwhile to have these projects. Not shit like Steam. Why you can't understand something I've said plenty of times I don't understand. Because if the PS4 wasn't I'm sure they'd be more then happy just going all in on mobile stuff.
I'm really not sure how you managed to make this convo steer out of control like this, but this combined with your GAF thread shenanigans really show that you have a really, really, really weird inferiority complex that makes you want to be right on the most trivial of things.
Sure whatever, better then trying to be the pretty unique snowflake crap you always bring to the table.


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Re: Next-Gen Sales Thread |OT| We already sold all the sales. Sorry.
« Reply #7222 on: August 08, 2015, 06:37:07 PM »
What surprises me the most are the lack of Persona 3 and Persona 4 ports on PC. Steam has dating sims and niche JRPG games, the cost of porting two PS2 era JRPGs clearly can't be more than what they would make through sales.



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Re: Next-Gen Sales Thread |OT| We already sold all the sales. Sorry.
« Reply #7223 on: August 08, 2015, 06:39:38 PM »
What surprises me the most are the lack of Persona 3 and Persona 4 ports on PC. Steam has dating sims and niche JRPG games, the cost of porting two PS2 era JRPGs clearly can't be more than what they would make through sales.

I'm shocked at the lack of Atlus presence on Steam in general.


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Re: Next-Gen Sales Thread |OT| We already sold all the sales. Sorry.
« Reply #7224 on: August 08, 2015, 06:41:08 PM »

That's nice, Rah dear. Most PC gamers don't really care (we had to wait what... two years for GTA5? Oh sure we were pissed but it came so that's all that matters. All's well that ends well.) You're missing the point: If PC was such an afterthought, why would they be doing ports-- no matter how shitty-- to the platform?

Because there's money to be made and these games are made on multi-platform engines.....I never said it was stupid or they should'nt come to PC. I don't really care if they do or dont, but they probably should.

But I'm not sure how you think late ports, shitty uncaring ports, and ports done by western branches shows Japan is seriously caring about pc. Seems to me like console comes first.


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Re: Next-Gen Sales Thread |OT| We already sold all the sales. Sorry.
« Reply #7225 on: August 08, 2015, 06:42:06 PM »
What surprises me the most are the lack of Persona 3 and Persona 4 ports on PC. Steam has dating sims and niche JRPG games, the cost of porting two PS2 era JRPGs clearly can't be more than what they would make through sales.
Could it be that Japan doesn't take PC that seriously.

Oh no, Sega Europe ported VC so that couldn't be it.


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Re: Next-Gen Sales Thread |OT| We already sold all the sales. Sorry.
« Reply #7226 on: August 08, 2015, 06:43:37 PM »
Western branches of Japanese companies are asking permission to port old games to prove to there's a market. Oh no! Shock and awe!


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Re: Next-Gen Sales Thread |OT| We already sold all the sales. Sorry.
« Reply #7227 on: August 08, 2015, 06:47:27 PM »
You just sound delusional Rah.
And you sound like someone who can't read.

Pretty much every JP console game released now is going to be available on PC. Stuff like DQ11 are outliers.
I'm not going through a list, but no. More then half aren't.
Yet you think Japan doesn't take it seriously, that it's an after thought, and that making games easily portable TO the platform isn't important.
If it was so important there would be day 1 releases so they could charge the full price. They wouldn't stumble a year before getting it out, and wouldn't have to have their western branch be the ones to decide to do it.

You really think that Japanese developers aren't using tools that makes it easier to port to more systems (more money!)?
Again, I've never downplayed any use of middleware. Please fucking read what I said.

It's all about ps4? And you're excusing me of a fan thing? Uh. :lol
Never said it was all about the PS4, but I find it funny that all these Japanese console games start being announced after the PS4 has been proven to be a success. Almost like something convinced them....


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Re: Next-Gen Sales Thread |OT| We already sold all the sales. Sorry.
« Reply #7228 on: August 08, 2015, 06:49:03 PM »
Western branches of Japanese companies are asking permission to port old games to prove to there's a market. Oh no! Shock and awe!
I know context is hard for you to fucking understand, but wow if PC was such a focus why would the western branch have to even ask permission years later? If Japan is taking PC so seriously, shouldn't they have taken the initiative? Not the western branch that knows how the PC market is?

Wow. It's almost like Sega of Japan dosen't give a fuck about it.


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Re: Next-Gen Sales Thread |OT| We already sold all the sales. Sorry.
« Reply #7229 on: August 08, 2015, 06:52:25 PM »
Could it be that Japan doesn't take PC that seriously.

Oh no, Sega Europe ported VC so that couldn't be it.

Doesn't take seriously would mean to me terrible ports that are released a year after console versions.

So far this year the DMC4 SE PC port is great, some people don't like how you can't turn off new effects, but otherwise its great. MGSV will be great on PC, if Ground Zeroes worked well, it would take some weird and fucked voodoo to screw the pooch there. So far this year the worst PC port came from Western studios, Batman Arkham Knight is more fucked up than any Japanese game that got ported in the last five years.

Stealing this from a Gaf thread, might've been posted already, sales of Japanese titles on steam in 2014

Dark Souls II: 964,266
Ultra Street Fighter IV: 451,366 (Likely includes Arcade Edition sales)
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance: 444,266
Metal Slug 3: 443,928
Final Fantasy XIII: 327,959
The Evil Within: 250,533
One Way Heroics: 213,342
Valkyria Chronicles: 210,299
Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes: 192,042
Resident Evil 4 HD: 170,403
Final Fantasy XIII-2: 159,922
Vanguard Princess: 135,241
Dynasty Warriors 8: Xtreme Legends: 131,183
Agarest: Generations of War: 138,622
The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky: 107,516
Mitsurugi Kamui Hikae: 105,488
Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm Revolution: 100,416
Go! Go! Nippon! ~My First Trip to Japan~- 95,007
Final Fantasy III: 91,964
100% Orange Juice: 87,906
Hatoful Boyfriend: 85,878
BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger: 85,540
Pro Evolution Soccer 2015: 83,849
Final Fantasy IV: 75,397
Killer is Dead - Nightmare Edition: 64,239
Astebreed: 59,844
The Legend of Korra: 57,139
Ikaruga: 52,406
Metal Slug X: 42,601
NEKOPARA Vol. 1: 39,896


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Re: Next-Gen Sales Thread |OT| We already sold all the sales. Sorry.
« Reply #7230 on: August 08, 2015, 06:54:22 PM »

Esa es suficiente para mi.


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Re: Next-Gen Sales Thread |OT| We already sold all the sales. Sorry.
« Reply #7231 on: August 08, 2015, 07:07:58 PM »

Great Rumbler

  • Dab on the sinners
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Re: Next-Gen Sales Thread |OT| We already sold all the sales. Sorry.
« Reply #7232 on: August 08, 2015, 07:12:11 PM »
Idea Factory is probably getting better sales numbers off the PC than they are Vita and PS3 combined, in terms of the English versions.

And then you've got the latest mainline Tales of... game having its English version be released simultaneously on PS3 and PC.
« Last Edit: August 08, 2015, 07:23:36 PM by Great Rumbler »


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Re: Next-Gen Sales Thread |OT| We already sold all the sales. Sorry.
« Reply #7233 on: August 08, 2015, 07:29:31 PM »

And then you've got the latest mainline Tales of... game having its English version be released simultaneously on PS3 and PC.
and PS4....

Great Rumbler

  • Dab on the sinners
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Re: Next-Gen Sales Thread |OT| We already sold all the sales. Sorry.
« Reply #7234 on: August 08, 2015, 07:30:41 PM »
And PC


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Re: Next-Gen Sales Thread |OT| We already sold all the sales. Sorry.
« Reply #7235 on: August 08, 2015, 07:32:03 PM »
With the next Tales game announced for PS4, but not PC.

Great Rumbler

  • Dab on the sinners
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Re: Next-Gen Sales Thread |OT| We already sold all the sales. Sorry.
« Reply #7236 on: August 08, 2015, 07:35:03 PM »
That's likely to change around the same time that they announce an English release.

Joe Molotov

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Re: Next-Gen Sales Thread |OT| We already sold all the sales. Sorry.
« Reply #7237 on: August 08, 2015, 07:38:40 PM »
With the next Tales game announced for PS4, but not PC.

They also haven't announced a NA release, guess it's not coming out here.


  • GunOn™! Apply directly to forehead!
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Re: Next-Gen Sales Thread |OT| We already sold all the sales. Sorry.
« Reply #7238 on: August 08, 2015, 07:42:26 PM »
But I'm not sure how you think late ports, shitty uncaring ports, and ports done by western branches shows Japan is seriously caring about pc. Seems to me like console comes first.


That's likely to change around the same time that they announce an English release.


"Gee, that PC platform sure is big in the west. Surely we should port to it/see if they're interested?"


You would make a terrible businessman, Rah. No offense.

Western branches of Japanese companies are asking permission to port old games to prove to there's a market. Oh no! Shock and awe!

Exactly. Sega America and Europe both KNOW there is a market there. Sega Japan (and by extension, Atlus) doesn't. Why? Because the Japanese market does not have the PC platform blowing up like the rest of the world. That's why years late ports happen a la Valk Chron to show "interest" in the platform. Once those blow up and Japanese publishers see there's demand for their supply? They start to take the platform "seriously"/consider porting and/or day-and-dating their shit.

This isn't rocket science, Rah. It's not even Pre-Algebra. PS4 + (PC + PS3) = X. Solve for fucking X, dear.


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Re: Next-Gen Sales Thread |OT| We already sold all the sales. Sorry.
« Reply #7239 on: August 08, 2015, 07:43:07 PM »
That's likely to change around the same time that they announce an English release.
Maybe, maybe not. Namco is random with PC versions. That's the point.

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Re: Next-Gen Sales Thread |OT| We already sold all the sales. Sorry.
« Reply #7240 on: August 08, 2015, 07:49:24 PM »
That's likely to change around the same time that they announce an English release.
Maybe, maybe not. Namco is random with PC versions. That's the point.

There's nothing random about Bandai/Namco releasing a PC version of their latest Tales game on Steam the same exact day as the console versions hit in North America. That's a pretty deliberate move, I'd say, and it was predicated on the same reasoning that's bringing an HD version of Tales of Symphonia to Steam next year.


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Re: Next-Gen Sales Thread |OT| We already sold all the sales. Sorry.
« Reply #7241 on: August 08, 2015, 08:00:21 PM »
Since you love GAF oh so much, Rah:

Now, :ufup , right?


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Re: Next-Gen Sales Thread |OT| We already sold all the sales. Sorry.
« Reply #7242 on: August 08, 2015, 08:06:25 PM »

"Gee, that PC platform sure is big in the west. Surely we should port to it/see if they're interested?"


You would make a terrible businessman, Rah. No offense.
Don't fucking talk down to me if you can't even fucking read my posts.

Never did I say anything like this. This was not the premise of what I was saying. I did'nt at all say they should ignore The PC platform. What I said is they clearly are not taking it seriously. I did'nt even present that as a postive. What you are fucking saying here has nothing to do with what I said.

Terrible businessman? At least I can fucking comprehend what I'm reading and saying. No, if I was producing a multi platform game that is no doubt easy to port to PC I would have that version out day one.

Exactly. Sega America and Europe both KNOW there is a market there. Sega Japan (and by extension, Atlus) doesn't. Why? Because the Japanese market does not have the PC platform blowing up like the rest of the world. That's why years late ports happen a la Valk Chron to show "interest" in the platform. Once those blow up and Japanese publishers see there's demand for their supply? They start to take the platform "seriously"/consider porting and/or day-and-dating their shit.
EXACTLY THE FUCKING POINT. THANK YOU. I'm sorry you can't get what I've been saying, but fuck I never said this can't, shouldn't, or wasn't happening. What I said is right now the shift back to console development is'nt exactly thanks to Steam which you no doubt have perfectly proven here. Yes ounce the demand for them is made clear to the Japanese then yes they'll take it super seriously, but according to you that's still in process and were only starting to see that. Which was my entire point. it's not really all thanks to steam because it still is'nt a focus. According to you, Japan still has to be convinced. Theys till have to test. If Steam was responsible for this shift back then we should be past fucking "tests" should we not?

This isn't rocket science, Rah. It's not even Pre-Algebra. PS4 + (PC + PS3) = X. Solve for fucking X, dear.
Well aparantley, understanding my point that Steam is'nt pushing this shift to console development was too fucking hard for you to understand even though you agree  it's not quite there, but hey talk down to me some more.

There's nothing random about Bandai/Namco releasing a PC version of their latest Tales game on Steam the same exact day as the console versions hit in North America. That's a pretty deliberate move, I'd say, and it was predicated on the same reasoning that's bringing an HD version of Tales of Symphonia to Steam next year.
Yes meanwhile Namco dosen't port a majority of it's other titles, including those from bigger series. Yes, Namco is fully behind steam.
Since you love GAF oh so much, Rah:

Now, :ufup , right?
No because it's been good because it actually exists. Which I never denied or said was a bad thing. What I said was it's still clearly not a focus and they clearly don't have thier full strength behind it,where as they seem to be more behind consoles at the moment. but hey be a douche even though you can't fucking understand the basic premise.

Trent Dole

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Re: Next-Gen Sales Thread |OT| We already sold all the sales. Sorry.
« Reply #7243 on: August 08, 2015, 08:15:30 PM »
Platform arguments...



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Re: Next-Gen Sales Thread |OT| We already sold all the sales. Sorry.
« Reply #7244 on: August 08, 2015, 08:15:56 PM »
PC saving Japanese gaming one game at a time.  :gaben

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Re: Next-Gen Sales Thread |OT| We already sold all the sales. Sorry.
« Reply #7245 on: August 08, 2015, 08:17:57 PM »
Even Shenmue 3 is coming out on PC.


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Re: Next-Gen Sales Thread |OT| We already sold all the sales. Sorry.
« Reply #7246 on: August 08, 2015, 08:19:04 PM »
Isn't that a requirement of Kickstarter?

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Re: Next-Gen Sales Thread |OT| We already sold all the sales. Sorry.
« Reply #7247 on: August 08, 2015, 08:20:36 PM »


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Re: Next-Gen Sales Thread |OT| We already sold all the sales. Sorry.
« Reply #7248 on: August 08, 2015, 09:03:04 PM »
Isn't that a requirement of Kickstarter?

No, it isn't. They can make it console only, but (and this is where you're failing to grasp): They lose a shit ton of money in the process. Why do you think they include it? Because PC is in huge demand.

How often do you hear a kickstarter going "oh no PS4? Pass."


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Re: Next-Gen Sales Thread |OT| We already sold all the sales. Sorry.
« Reply #7249 on: August 09, 2015, 03:14:57 AM »

No, it isn't. They can make it console only, but (and this is where you're failing to grasp): They lose a shit ton of money in the process. Why do you think they include it? Because PC is in huge demand.

How many times do I have to ask "where did I say pc isn't viable" until you understand I did'nt actually say that. You can't seem to grasp that that was never the premise.


  • The Bore's Like Bot
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Re: Next-Gen Sales Thread |OT| We already sold all the sales. Sorry.
« Reply #7250 on: August 09, 2015, 06:41:18 AM »
I don't understand why people keep bringing up Steam as a factor in Japanese game sales. Some games have done relatively decently on it but the average PC fanbase isn't really interested in the majority of Japanese titles, nor is PC gaming a factor at all in Japan. People who say that Steam is saving Japanese gaming are kinda silly... it's just since Japanese companies are finally moving to middleware and the architecture of the PS4/XB1 that it's easy enough to port games to PC as well that it's worth the few extra sales.

Apart from doujin/indie Japanese titles, there probably isn't gonna be any more PC exclusives out of the country, even Falcom has left PC gaming.


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Re: Next-Gen Sales Thread |OT| We already sold all the sales. Sorry.
« Reply #7251 on: August 09, 2015, 12:26:07 PM »
I don't understand why people keep bringing up Steam as a factor in Japanese game sales. Some games have done relatively decently on it but the average PC fanbase isn't really interested in the majority of Japanese titles, nor is PC gaming a factor at all in Japan. People who say that Steam is saving Japanese gaming are kinda silly... it's just since Japanese companies are finally moving to middleware and the architecture of the PS4/XB1 that it's easy enough to port games to PC as well that it's worth the few extra sales.

Apart from doujin/indie Japanese titles, there probably isn't gonna be any more PC exclusives out of the country, even Falcom has left PC gaming.

Because they sell better than they ever did on their original respective platforms. Why do you think we have gotten all of these Ys games? Where is your evidence Japanese games don't sell well on Steam? You think Konami and SE are going to put their latest games like MGSV and FF type 0 HD on the platform when they don't sell well? Admit it. Not only are you not knowledgeable about the amount of demand there is for Japanese games on Steam, you are also ignorant of the amount of Japanese games AVAILABLE on steam. Both you and Rah come off as ignorant console fanboys, personally. Again, Valkyria Chronicles did 500k on Steam in less than a year. I'd love for you to find the sales for VC on PS3.

No one said PC is saving Japanese games in this thread either. You reading too much into the situation. Who said anything about PC exclusives? No one. But few things are CONSOLE exclusive as well, which is the point.

Himu, you make it sound like I'm against games getting ported to PC, but like I said, I think it's a good thing that JP devs can get extra sales. I'm simply saying that there probably won't be any JP PC exclusives outside of the doujin/indie scene. If you want to play the majority of Japanese games this gen you'll still need a PS4, since there will be a good chunk of them that probably won't end up with PC releases (Exist Archive, SO5, DQ11).

And based on D3ranged post it looked like VC did 220,000 on PC. Which is good for a 5+ year old port of a PS3 game, yeah, but 1/2 of what you said it did. I couldn't find any sales numbers from the console versions aside from VGchartz which as we all know makes shit up.

Great Rumbler

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Re: Next-Gen Sales Thread |OT| We already sold all the sales. Sorry.
« Reply #7252 on: August 09, 2015, 12:31:05 PM »
And based on D3ranged post it looked like VC did 220,000 on PC. Which is good for a 5+ year old port of a PS3 game, yeah, but 1/2 of what you said it did. I couldn't find any sales numbers from the console versions aside from VGchartz which as we all know makes shit up.

It sold 220k in 2014 [the scope of the list in that GAF thread], with approximately another 220k so far this year.


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Re: Next-Gen Sales Thread |OT| We already sold all the sales. Sorry.
« Reply #7253 on: August 09, 2015, 12:36:27 PM »
The data Deranged posted is half a year old. According the Steam sale report data, it has sold 400k (+) aka nearly 500k. This was in June. It has undoubtedly hit 500k by now.

Also, you keep bringing up "there won't be any JP exclusives..." like it means anything. As if there will be many JP console exclusives as well. Do it, name the JP console exclusives, and you'll have a point. But you'll have to dig. You could start with Blloodborne and DQ11, but SO5 and Exist Archive have a high probability of being released on Steam. You'd have to be delusional to think otherwise. DQ11 doesn't. You say good chunk, but you really only mean three. Three is not a "good chunk." Prove us otherwise. Name more those three games that are not getting Steam releases. Adding to that, you have no proof Exist Archive and SO5 AREN'T getting Steam releases, especially as their western releases loom ever closer. FF15, Type 0, MGSV, most KT Musou games worth playing, SFV;etc etc are all on or are coming to Steam.


  • ルカルカ★ナイトフィーバー
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Re: Next-Gen Sales Thread |OT| We already sold all the sales. Sorry.
« Reply #7254 on: August 09, 2015, 01:17:48 PM »
List wars aren't really my thing but:

-Ys 8 (this may get on Steam but 7 and Celceta were never released on the platform)
-Omega Quintet
-Natural Doctrine
-J-Stars Victory vs
-Last Guardian

DQ Builders, DQ Heroes, Atelier Sophie, and Persona 5 are getting PS3 releases as well but no PC release.

I'm sure FF15 and KH3 will eventually come to the PC but it's weird how they haven't been announced yet for the platform. Which makes me think the ports will come late, a la Type-0.
« Last Edit: August 09, 2015, 01:22:58 PM by tiesto »


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Re: Next-Gen Sales Thread |OT| We already sold all the sales. Sorry.
« Reply #7255 on: August 09, 2015, 01:24:49 PM »
I don't understand why people keep bringing up Steam as a factor in Japanese game sales. Some games have done relatively decently on it but the average PC fanbase isn't really interested in the majority of Japanese titles, nor is PC gaming a factor at all in Japan. People who say that Steam is saving Japanese gaming are kinda silly... it's just since Japanese companies are finally moving to middleware and the architecture of the PS4/XB1 that it's easy enough to port games to PC as well that it's worth the few extra sales.

Apart from doujin/indie Japanese titles, there probably isn't gonna be any more PC exclusives out of the country, even Falcom has left PC gaming.

Because they sell better than they ever did on their original respective platforms. Why do you think we have gotten all of these Ys games? Where is your evidence Japanese games don't sell well on Steam? You think Konami and SE are going to put their latest games like MGSV and FF type 0 HD on the platform when they don't sell well? Admit it. Not only are you not knowledgeable about the amount of demand there is for Japanese games on Steam, you are also ignorant of the amount of Japanese games AVAILABLE on steam. Both you and Rah come off as ignorant console fanboys, personally. Again, Valkyria Chronicles did 500k on Steam in less than a year. I'd love for you to find the sales for VC on PS3.

No one said PC is saving Japanese games in this thread either. You reading too much into the situation. Who said anything about PC exclusives? No one. But few things are CONSOLE exclusive as well, which is the point.

Himu, you make it sound like I'm against games getting ported to PC, but like I said, I think it's a good thing that JP devs can get extra sales. I'm simply saying that there probably won't be any JP PC exclusives outside of the doujin/indie scene. If you want to play the majority of Japanese games this gen you'll still need a PS4, since there will be a good chunk of them that probably won't end up with PC releases (Exist Archive, SO5, DQ11).

And based on D3ranged post it looked like VC did 220,000 on PC. Which is good for a 5+ year old port of a PS3 game, yeah, but 1/2 of what you said it did. I couldn't find any sales numbers from the console versions aside from VGchartz which as we all know makes shit up.

At this point these games are pure profit for these Japanese companies to port these games, and are probably ported using unpaid interns.

That's a lot of sales for a platform with no thirst for Japanese games right?

« Last Edit: August 09, 2015, 01:29:12 PM by D3RANG3D »


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Re: Next-Gen Sales Thread |OT| We already sold all the sales. Sorry.
« Reply #7256 on: August 09, 2015, 01:30:38 PM »
And based on D3ranged post it looked like VC did 220,000 on PC. Which is good for a 5+ year old port of a PS3 game, yeah, but 1/2 of what you said it did. I couldn't find any sales numbers from the console versions aside from VGchartz which as we all know makes shit up.

(Take with a grain of salt, free weekends skew numbers and the numbers aren't 100% accurate but Steam developers have said they're "close to bang on the mark." Private Profiles [like mine] will not be counted, so you can throw +1 in on that if you want)

At this moment: Players total: 336,686

NOTE that's for... a six(?) or so year old title. Nearly 200,000 south of half a million for a late port isn't a bad thing. This is what Rah is not understanding, if there was no "serious consideration" from Japan, why is the demand for Japanese titles in the ballpark of 20,000-500,000 a pop for each title put on Steam?

Because there's a demand for it and that's why Japan is starting to "take PC seriously."


No1currs as to the quality of the ports. Dark Souls had a horrible port as far as PC features go and it sold over a million.
« Last Edit: August 09, 2015, 01:38:47 PM by thisismyusername »


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Re: Next-Gen Sales Thread |OT| We already sold all the sales. Sorry.
« Reply #7257 on: August 09, 2015, 01:36:20 PM »
List wars aren't really my thing but:

-Ys 8 (this may get on Steam but 7 and Celceta were never released on the platform)
-Omega Quintet
-Natural Doctrine
-J-Stars Victory vs
-Last Guardian

DQ Builders, DQ Heroes, Atelier Sophie, and Persona 5 are getting PS3 releases as well but no PC release.

I'm sure FF15 and KH3 will eventually come to the PC but it's weird how they haven't been announced yet for the platform. Which makes me think the ports will come late, a la Type-0.

- Ys 8 - likely
- Omega Quintet - compile heart? We're considering them now? OK. :yeshrug
- Natural Doctrine - :yeshrug
- J-Stars Victory vs :yeshrug
- Bloodborne - SCE published, not surprising
- Last Guardian - SCE published, not surprising
- DQ Builders -  zero reason to get excited for this yet
- DQ Heroes - is on ps3 in JP, not too much skin off my nose, will import
- Atelier Sophie - Gust can't ignore Steam sales for too long, and I am betting they will start porting soon
- Persona 5 - Same for Atlus

You really had to scrape the bottom of the barrel for the most part.

This leaves PS4 worth owning for the following:

- DQ11
- DQ11
- DQ11
- DQ11
- Any DQ spin off
- That rare SCE game that's worth playing
- The rare JP console only game that's worth playing
- Want a simplified gaming environment with one system for all things, and who can hate that? But be honest about it.

As for waiting for FF15 and KH3 :yeshrug We can wait, they will come.
« Last Edit: August 09, 2015, 01:42:14 PM by Queen of Ice »


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Re: Next-Gen Sales Thread |OT| We already sold all the sales. Sorry.
« Reply #7258 on: August 09, 2015, 01:40:51 PM »
And based on D3ranged post it looked like VC did 220,000 on PC. Which is good for a 5+ year old port of a PS3 game, yeah, but 1/2 of what you said it did. I couldn't find any sales numbers from the console versions aside from VGchartz which as we all know makes shit up.

(Take with a grain of salt, free weekends skew numbers and the numbers aren't 100% accurate but Steam developers have said they're "close to bang on the mark." Private Profiles [like mine] will not be counted, so you can throw +1 in on that if you want)

At this moment: Players total: 336,686

NOTE that's for... a six(?) or so year old title. Nearly 200,000 south of half a million for a late port isn't a bad thing. This is what Rah is not understanding, if there was no "serious consideration" from Japan, why is the demand for Japanese titles in the ballpark of 20,000-500,000 a pop for each title put on Steam?

Because there's a demand for it and that's why Japan is starting to "take PC seriously."


No1currs as to the quality of the ports. Dark Souls had a horrible port as far as PC features go and it sold over a million.

All you have to point at is the amount of owners (489,071). I doubt free weekends counts them as owners because they disappear once the weekend is over if you haven't bought it.

Human Snorenado

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Re: Next-Gen Sales Thread |OT| We already sold all the sales. Sorry.
« Reply #7259 on: August 09, 2015, 02:01:11 PM »
Talking to rah like his opinion matters
