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Cerveza mas fina

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He's like, look at GAF, lots of people are complaining about it.

So I gave him the real talk, that nothing ruins games more then whiny ho's on forums and that I haven't been in the GAF D3 thread since the game launched cause I'd rather not get my game ruined.

Human Snorenado

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Honestly, the AH is what MAKES the game possible on higher difficulties from what I'm hearing.  You just gotta keep funneling the shit you don't need off, then taking the proceeds from that to buy what you need.  Is that what he's complaining about?  That instead of playing for 300 hours to get all the gear he needs just to play on Inferno, he'll only have to farm and turn shit around for 40?  Cry me a fucking river, dipshit.


  • Senior Member
Yeah, people on forums really have a big hard on for bitching about this game. At SA, in certain threads, certain people are all IT'S NOT DIABLO 2, TOO MUCH STORY;etc and I"m all :wtf


  • Nebuchadnezzar
  • Senior Member
People are forgetting that in order to even use the AH properly you need to have sold enough/made enough money to buy the wares on offer. It's hardly a win button.


  • Senior Member
Actually, while we're talking about AH....

After playing through Act III all night on Nightmare with Viz and PD and facing the perfect challenge and just barely scrapping by all the wins in a satisfying way, I had like 100k sitting around with nothing to do so I figured, "why not check out the AH for buying and see what it's like".

So I sorted by the stats I wanted, for each piece of gear, then ordered them from min buyout price and while most people want crazy 30-100k buyouts, if you browse around you'll find great items that are much better than your own for 3k-15k a piece.  I bought like 5 pieces of gear for about 40k total and my DPS went from ~2400DPS to 5000DPS.

Then I jumped back into the last level I had just played with everyone, the final quest in Act III, and yeaaaaaah with 5000DPS barbarian with HP leech, it's exactly like Normal mode again....only even easier!  Enemies go down in 2-3 hits, elites in 5-10 seconds, bosses in 30 seconds.

I can see how using the AH can screw up your enjoyment because it's easy to get really overpowered and you lose out on the gradually power increase that matches the gradual difficulty increase built into the main game.  It also takes away the LOOT, because for 95% certainty, nothing you find in the next 10-20 hours will beat the stuff you just bought from the AH.  So you can't look forward to each new piece of loot with hopes it'll be better than what you've got.

Now on the higher difficulties like Hell and Inferno, I think it's less of an issue because you need everything you've got; especially for Inferno.  But for Nightmare, AH is really overkill.

People are forgetting that in order to even use the AH properly you need to have sold enough/made enough money to buy the wares on offer. It's hardly a win button.

I bought a really kickass bracer for 2500 :P
And even my weapons, which are best the absolute best DPS possible for my level range were only like 15k (some people wanted 200k for the same weapon).  Prices aren't that high if you look enough.
« Last Edit: May 21, 2012, 06:30:03 AM by Bebpo »


  • Nebuchadnezzar
  • Senior Member
Yeah im sorting by lowest buyout to get bargains :lol


  • I love you just the way I am
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Finally finished Act 2. I'm so far behind...


  • レーダーマン
  • Senior Member
Speaking of the AH, they should really let you cancel auctions. I put a bunch of crap on there that nobody wanted, so I had to wait 2 days for them to stop clogging up my slots. So dumb.


  • Poster of the Forever
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I have a feeling that no-one will ever buy my shit, ever. Like the Forza auction house :(

Still, I dipped my toes in the water and got a bunch of Flawless Topaz gems...I resisted the temptation to dump a ton of cash in there and totally over-level myself. Act 1 nightmare is totally doable for me at the moment, don't want to make it too easy.

Question about your ally- If I equip my ally with a ring that says +8 experience per kill, Is that for my ally or for me or both?

Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
  • Administrator
I have a feeling that no-one will ever buy my shit, ever. Like the Forza auction house :(

Still, I dipped my toes in the water and got a bunch of Flawless Topaz gems...I resisted the temptation to dump a ton of cash in there and totally over-level myself. Act 1 nightmare is totally doable for me at the moment, don't want to make it too easy.

I haven't touched the AH yet, but Act II Nightmare is starting to pimp slap me. I dropped my one unique a couple of rares into the AH, and I'm hoping to get some cash from that to trick out Wizardia.


  • someday you feed on a tree frog
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LVL 31 Monk and I still haven't finished Act IV, spent the evening rushing some friends with money and mf gear. 500 dps, 1050 AR and 3.5k health, I should be in nightmare but I didn't get round to it tonight. Need to add more bros to play with. I love the AH, my main gripe with it is auctions are too long and you can't order by certain categories, though I can see the reasoning behind the decisions, and I want to see what's closing soon and get in bidding wars dammit! Everything else is fairly well designed, not being able to cancel auctions+a limit of ten items+long auctions will hopefully mean people will tire of putting up crap at stupid prices.
« Last Edit: May 21, 2012, 11:17:04 AM by quietID »


  • stronger ties you have, more power you gain
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Think I'm going to switch over to my wiz character for my main.

Did a little reading online, and it sounds like the Monk has difficulties in the higher levels unless skewed towards high armor, defense, healing and less on attack and DPS. I don't really want to play like this


  • kill me
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I probably won't use the AH to buy shit until I hit a wall (obviously somewhere in Nightmare). Until then I'll just sell stuff on there and use the proceeds to keep upgrading the blacksmith and jeweler (which I can't do until I get to nightmare) and add tabs to my stash. Didn't really get to play much this weekend, unfortunately.


  • Senior Member
i used the auction house to by gems since gems drop so infrequently.


  • Nebuchadnezzar
  • Senior Member
Speaking of the AH, they should really let you cancel auctions. I put a bunch of crap on there that nobody wanted, so I had to wait 2 days for them to stop clogging up my slots. So dumb.
That would really dick over buyers sniping at the last minute


  • Senior Member
i used the auction house to by gems since gems drop so infrequently.

they get better in nightmare. getting lots of flawless gem drops.

Howard Alan Treesong

  • キング・メタル・ドラゴン
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Think I'm going to switch over to my wiz character for my main.

Did a little reading online, and it sounds like the Monk has difficulties in the higher levels unless skewed towards high armor, defense, healing and less on attack and DPS. I don't really want to play like this

Yeah, my Monk is getting CREAMED in Hell right now and I'm not sure what skills to use or how to gear up to fix it. :(

Do you have a link to this article?


  • stronger ties you have, more power you gain
  • Senior Member
Think I'm going to switch over to my wiz character for my main.

Did a little reading online, and it sounds like the Monk has difficulties in the higher levels unless skewed towards high armor, defense, healing and less on attack and DPS. I don't really want to play like this

Yeah, my Monk is getting CREAMED in Hell right now and I'm not sure what skills to use or how to gear up to fix it. :(

Do you have a link to this article?

I read this first, then I started going on the other Monk threads.

Apparently no one has managed to beat Act 2 Inferno as a Solo Monk and theres a lot of bitching going on. I don't know if I'll actually play much of Hell/Inferno, but just in case, it doesn't seem that fun of a way to play

cool breeze

  • Senior Member
If you start a new character, do you have to do everything over again? unlocking difficulties and that whole business?

I'm playing monk right now.  You guys are making me regret it.


  • stronger ties you have, more power you gain
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I don't mean to shit on the monk, and I'm sure that it's do able to beat all the difficulties with it and the right gear despite all the crying on the bliz forums.

I just don't want to play the way you apparently need to play.


  • kill me
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I'm a Monk, but I was going to probably play through Normal/Nightmare with other classes before moving on up anyway.



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Great Rumbler

  • Dab on the sinners
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I'm playing monk right now.  You guys are making me regret it.

Monk's awesome, Linkzg, it's a great front-line support character. Put just about everything you can into armor and healing [there's plenty of monk skills for that] and let the ranged characters handle the actual damage dealing. It's a bit trickier if you're playing alone, but you should be able to trick out one of your companions enough to help out a little.


  • Senior Member
Think I'm going to switch over to my wiz character for my main.

Did a little reading online, and it sounds like the Monk has difficulties in the higher levels unless skewed towards high armor, defense, healing and less on attack and DPS. I don't really want to play like this

Yeah, my Monk is getting CREAMED in Hell right now and I'm not sure what skills to use or how to gear up to fix it. :(

Do you have a link to this article?

The boresquad will join you soon enough.  I think most of us are on Act II/III/IV Nightmare right now.  Give a few days and we'll join you in helllllllll


  • cooler than willco
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Just wait until Blizz buffs/nerfs some skills. Then Hell mode will be fine.


  • Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside.
  • Senior Member
Think I'm going to switch over to my wiz character for my main.

Did a little reading online, and it sounds like the Monk has difficulties in the higher levels unless skewed towards high armor, defense, healing and less on attack and DPS. I don't really want to play like this

Yeah, my Monk is getting CREAMED in Hell right now and I'm not sure what skills to use or how to gear up to fix it. :(

Do you have a link to this article?

I'm interested as well. I'm almost to the end of Act III and mobs can get the best of me if I'm not looking at my health globe. In the dungeon leading up to fight
spoiler (click to show/hide)
I died 4 times and had to walk back all the way up to the door. I thought that was a little ridiculous to spend 2 minutes just walking to get back up to where you died and then multiply that times 4. Almost rage quit.

edit: I see it now.
« Last Edit: May 21, 2012, 01:38:31 PM by Zero Hero »


  • stronger ties you have, more power you gain
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I'm playing monk right now.  You guys are making me regret it.

Monk's awesome, Linkzg, it's a great front-line support character. Put just about everything you can into armor and healing [there's plenty of monk skills for that] and let the ranged characters handle the actual damage dealing. It's a bit trickier if you're playing alone, but you should be able to trick out one of your companions enough to help out a little.

Yeah, most of the stuff I linked to is while playing Solo. Having a wiz and/or DH with you is probably key on inferno/hell

Howard Alan Treesong

  • キング・メタル・ドラゴン
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Yeah, while I love my Monk I am starting to resign myself to the fact that on Hell+ they are MP-only. I'll roll a WD or DH for endless solo-fun.

cool breeze

  • Senior Member
I'm playing monk right now.  You guys are making me regret it.

Monk's awesome, Linkzg, it's a great front-line support character. Put just about everything you can into armor and healing [there's plenty of monk skills for that] and let the ranged characters handle the actual damage dealing. It's a bit trickier if you're playing alone, but you should be able to trick out one of your companions enough to help out a little.

but I like dealing damage :(

I'm only playing solo now because everyone is so far ahead.  At a point I want to be able to join with the rest of you.


  • Senior Member
Solo isn't as fun as MP though :(

I tried going back to solo after MP, but it just seems kind of eh.  It feels like there's fewer elites, less loot, not as good loot in SP.  Then again, having 3-4 people all get different loot drops and then trade/give the stuff they can't use does make more loot at the end of the day.

Because of this I...tried playing with Randoms yesterday rather than solo  :(

Man, playing with Randoms on higher difficulties  :lol

I thought that if you got to Act III Nightmare, you had to know how to play somewhat.  But these people.  THESE PEOPLE.  Everyone runs off in different ways, gets murdered, no one revives anyone else, half the people don't even know what the objective is at any current time and are lost, a quarter of the people are AFK and do nothing.  No one shares loot.  ughh...

I am resigning myself to only playing if I go online and there are fellow bore members around my char level.


  • Senior Member
Someone make a good write up on how to successfully sell stuff on the AH? :(


  • Nebuchadnezzar
  • Senior Member
Someone make a good write up on how to successfully sell stuff on the AH? :(
Search for the item you are trying to sell on the AH, check what the lowest buy out is, try and go somewhere reasonably above that.

Someone make a good write up on how to successfully sell stuff on the AH? :(

Have a reasonable buyout price. Think about how much you would buy it for and sell it for that.

If you dont sell it on the AH then it just takes up space or sold to in game merchants for pennies. Right now I'm listing level 20-30ish stuff for around 1000 with a buyout of 5000-8000.


  • Senior Member
Playing with 2 barbarians got me thinking that 4 barbarians would be pretty much unstoppable.  The ground stomp STUN ALL ENEMIES lasts for like 4 seconds and takes 15 to cooldown.  If you had 4 barbarians who would alternate ground stomping one after another, you should be able to ground stomp infinitely and have the enemies always in a stun state while you smash on them.  Outside of bosses and enemies who are immune to stun, seems workable.

Also, multiple barbarians are sooo fun.  Me and PD were just exploding everything.  It's also interesting how PD and I are like mirror opposites of barbarians.  At the time he had 5k armor and 14k HP, while I had 2k armor and 8k HP; so he survived everything while I died real quick.  Meanwhile he had 300dps and I had 1200dps, so he couldn't do much damage to anything and I could destroy stuff.  Together with him tanking and me running in and out smashing, we made a good team.


  • Senior Member
Someone make a good write up on how to successfully sell stuff on the AH? :(

Look if you're not going to use loot you're going to do 4 things with it:

-Give it to a friend (give me +80 STR, +50 VIT, 1-2% life leech stuff if you find it :P)
-Keep it in your stash where the room is limited
-Salvage it for stuff you don't need because you salvage so much anyhow
-Sell it for like 300gold to a merchant

With that in mind, it seems like the #1 most important thing is to GET RID OF THE ITEM since it takes up space and your space is limited.  Since there are 100s of auctions going on with similar items, if you don't want your item to sit and sit and sit and take up your 10 slots at the AH you need to make it stand out from the others.  So in my mind that means being the lowest price on the block so when people search by buyout price from lowest to high you are #1 placement.

This typically means selling rare lvl.30-40 stuff for 3-5k.  Which might seem underpriced, but it's more than you'd get from any of the above and because it sells fast you can quickly drop another piece of loot in for another 3-5k over and over.  To me that seems better than selling something for 15-20k and possibly having it sit for 2 days taking up AH slot so you can't sell anything else.  But hey, maybe put a few items at 15-30k and then use the other slots for cheap and quick sales.

Though what I've learned is that none of it really matters because once you get towards the latter half of Nightmare you'll be making like 100k in a 2-3 hour Act run through, and I'm sure the amount will just go up and up until you're getting 1 million gold per Act run on Inferno or something.


  • レーダーマン
  • Senior Member
The Monk is great all the way through Hell mode, but he starts to get less useful in Inferno. Enemies do tons of damage and they have a ton of health, which sucks because the Monk's DPS does not scale well. He also sucks at kiting (no way to damage enemies from a distance), which you'll need to do lots of unless you can put together a good dodge build.

But now that I've hit level 60, I'm starting to farm Act 4 on Hell with a full magic finding set. You get a buff from each elite group that you kill that gives you 20% MF, which can stack up to 5 times. Combine that with a MF set and you'll start getting lots of decent loot - my last Diablo kill got me 4 rares and like 6 purples, and I only had about 130-40% MF (I have 190+ now). Gonna gear up a bit before heading back into Inferno.


  • stronger ties you have, more power you gain
  • Senior Member
Apparently accounts are being hacked (per gaf) so watch yourself.

Great Rumbler

  • Dab on the sinners
  • Global Moderator
The Butcher was a punk on Nightmare, I beat him like a rented mule with my Monk-Tank.


  • Senior Member
The Monk is great all the way through Hell mode, but he starts to get less useful in Inferno. Enemies do tons of damage and they have a ton of health, which sucks because the Monk's DPS does not scale well. He also sucks at kiting (no way to damage enemies from a distance), which you'll need to do lots of unless you can put together a good dodge build.

Barbarian has this issue too.  Though he can tank up DEF/HP if needed and just grind out w/low damage enemies forever.


  • Senior Member
bebpo if i find anything for your barb i'll keep it

Apparently accounts are being hacked (per gaf) so watch yourself.

How are they hacking accounts?


  • レーダーマン
  • Senior Member
The Monk is great all the way through Hell mode, but he starts to get less useful in Inferno. Enemies do tons of damage and they have a ton of health, which sucks because the Monk's DPS does not scale well. He also sucks at kiting (no way to damage enemies from a distance), which you'll need to do lots of unless you can put together a good dodge build.

Barbarian has this issue too.  Though he can tank up DEF/HP if needed and just grind out w/low damage enemies forever.

Yeah, melee characters seem to be pretty gimped. Some enemies can kill me in two or three shots, and there's absolutely no way I can out-heal it like I can on Hell. So I have to go in, use my invincibility which lasts for like 3 seconds, burn all of my cooldowns to do as much damage as I can, then run around until I can do it again. Meanwhile, ranged characters can kite all day and do insane damage without ever getting touched.


  • stronger ties you have, more power you gain
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  • Senior Member
If my account got hacked, I'd probably start a new character.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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So far, Nightmare doesn't seem particularly hard overall. You do get some random mob groups that are quite hard, like when you get multiple elites and a champion. But overall the trash mobs feel the same as normal mode for the most part, and the bosses feel the same but with more health. I don't get a sense that you get punished for doing bad stuff against bosses. Standing in fire against The Butcher should kill you, but even without my heavy health/armor build I didn't have a problem with it.


  • Senior Member
I don't like the bosses in Nightmare.  They already have too much HP.  I imagine by the time it gets to Hell mode they'll start getting zzz and taking forever.  I'm all for enemies hitting harder and making you learn their patterns, but giving them tons of HP/DEF so you have to whittle them down is just boring in rpgs.

The best fights are definitely the elite mobs and champions.  Those are really exciting and fun.


  • Senior Member
According to SA, I'm way way way too weak in equipment. They've got people in the 40's with 4000-6000 dps and thousands of health. I've got 1000 health and 600 dps. Time to farm so I can go all out in the AH.

Great Rumbler

  • Dab on the sinners
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Got lucky with some items, now my armor is up to 2100 [2420 with my Monk manta] and 755 DPS. I'm at level 37.
« Last Edit: May 21, 2012, 03:28:05 PM by Great Rumbler »

Howard Alan Treesong

  • キング・メタル・ドラゴン
  • Icon
Bebpo has the AH pegged, btw. Your biggest problem is auctions that don't move. Sell smart, sell low, sell often. You want to be turning over in minutes, not hours, let alone days. There's an infinite amount of Gold and an infinite number of items. What's valuable are slots and time.
« Last Edit: May 21, 2012, 03:29:56 PM by Howard Alan Treesong »


  • Senior Member
I put up teeth on the AH yesterday and they all sold the very second i put them on there :lol

cool breeze

  • Senior Member
how should you what price to set? I dumped some shit rare item I got on normal.  Only 150 gold if sold.  I put it up for 160, no buy out.   Do people even want that stuff or is it better to salvage and sell teeth?


  • Senior Member
Don't put stuff at no buy out.  I don't know why they leave that as the default option.  My first item I did that on accident too.  No one wants to actually auction fight for stuff and it means you have to wait 2 days for the item to sell while it takes up one of your AH selling slots.

I put up teeth on the AH yesterday and they all sold the very second i put them on there :lol

How much do teeth go for?  I have like a 100 of them and I never use them.


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Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Bebpo has the AH pegged, btw. Your biggest problem is auctions that don't move. Sell smart, sell low, sell often. You want to be turning over in minutes, not hours, let alone days. There's an infinite amount of Gold and an infinite number of items. What's valuable are slots and time.

I'm beating myself up for salvaging so much good stuff I couldn't use. I'd be a rich man by now  :'(

I've played around with it for the last couple days and have already made a lot of gold, and I bought a nice weapon that upp'd my dps

Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
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Beat Act II NM with Great Rumbler, Himu, and Huff.

You guys need to learn how to dodge Belial's green crap. :teehee

Human Snorenado

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I just use diamond skin and laugh at Belial, lulz

Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
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Finally got on board with the AH. The first few times I looked at it, it was overwhelming, there was like a million things being sold for 1,000,000 gold buyouts and the and I couldn't figure out how to search for what I wanted it. Now I got it down though, just search for max buyout of how ever much you want to spend (like say 4000 on some new boots) and then search for boots and bam, you only get what you need. Then you can further tweak it if you want boots that give you +int or vit or whatever. Bought some stuff for a couple of Ks, and pumped my armor, hp, and dps up a few hundred each. Then I dumped all my old stuff back onto the AH, put a few thousand buyouts on each and sold several of them in a few seconds.


  • Senior Member
Beat Act II NM with Great Rumbler, Himu, and Huff.

You guys need to learn how to dodge Belial's green crap. :teehee

Yeah, when I played with ransoms it told me the recommended quest for my level was fight belial.  So I did that with 2 randoms who died right away and then I had to solo him and I figured out a strat for dodging the green explosions (head to his arm) and was able to do it 1 on 1.