making me look at the gaf thread smh
anyway, it's strange how perceptions change on these things. third strike was this godly game that was unfairly shafted because it was 'too high level' or 'because they threw out fan favorite characters', then it's re-released and all that fizzles out because people just wanna remember it fondly rather than play it I suppose. reminds me how Ketsui was always hyped up as the lowkey best cave game, but then ps3 release came out and you didn't need a J360 to play it anymore and now you don't really hear that same fervor about it. Jockeying for prestige of being seen as in the know seems v exhausting.
This is my perspective on it as a frequent denizen/game shop employee/arcade player at the time- New Generation came out and basically "bombed." In my area, only one arcade had it for a brief amount of time. It didn't seem to get much praise on Usenet and felt kind of unfinished. 2nd Impact fixed a lot of issues, but the arcade release seemed very limited. Nobody in my area had it and players didn't seem to care...Tekken and the Vs. games had all the attention. In fact, the first time I played it was when a buddy and I went in together and bought a Supergun and CPS3 in the summer of '99.
Then 3rd Strike hit. More arcades had it, but it went largely ignored. I don't remember making much of a splash, but there certainly was interest in Double Impact and 3rd Strike when they came out on the Dreamcast.
But it still didn't seem to be a hug thing among the growing "FGC" until stuff like Evo moment #37 happened, years later. I mean, there was definitely interest in the game, but people didn't really seem to be going nutso for it until the around 2003 or so.
The game was then an instant-classic, super-deep, the best fighter EVAR, etc etc., especially when a lot of people saw what SF4 was going to be.
I was never that big on the game and hated that Chun/Ken/Yun were the clear top tiers and dominated the game, too. Never was able to find a main, either. I was way more into the Alpha games and was glad to have SFA3 when it came out, even though I didn't really warm up to that game until it hit home consoles. I was nutso for KOF '98 and Real Bout 2 at the time.
People just like to bitch and whine and say that the older games are better, even though they bitched and whined about those games, too.
Street Fighter V is far from perfect and deserves to be shit on for some of the design choices they made, but the fighting engine is solid and I like that certain things were toned down/simplified from 4 (and I sure as hell don't miss that vortex crap). The game feels a little more old school in that regard and it actually kind of makes me scratch my head that casual players, like Bebpo's buddies, wouldn't be all over that. It should be far easier to pick up and play...especially compared to KOF and GG.