Author Topic: Nintendo ds was a top 5 system  (Read 13987 times)

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Re: Nintendo ds was a top 5 system
« Reply #120 on: March 10, 2016, 05:00:27 PM »
What's the battery life on the DS4? I remember DS3's fine being from what I remember.

@Mods Help, I'll probably list my DS games eventually. I have maybe 40 games?

EDIT: 43 roughly


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
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Re: Nintendo ds was a top 5 system
« Reply #121 on: March 10, 2016, 09:54:14 PM »
But again, regarding DC, DC was limited by its own medium. dvd allowed ps2 and xbox to do things dc never could. There's nothing on dc bar Shenmue that looks as good FF10 or MGS2 and I doubt DC would ever reach the highs of FF12 or Okami either.

Well, let's be fair here- clearly the PS2 was the more powerful system (and doubly so for the Xbox), but it's not like it lasted long enough for us to see what could have really have been done with it, especially when Square never touched the console and MGS never saw release on it either.

Also, like I said. You're biased in this. It's pretty clear that you paid attention to fighting games, but other genres didn't improve THAT much considerably on DC.

 :lol I only started talking about fighting games for all these examples because you did.  Fighting games were the showcase genre for a while there, so they make for good examples.  I played/owned just about everything back then.  I worked at the only used/import game store in the entire city.  I saw and played literally everything that came out and heard the opinions and saw the perspectives of countless other people who came through there.

On the RPG thing, the company pumping out the visually-impressive titles was Square.  No question about it...and they went with Sony.

A lot of DC games looked like marginally better N64 games.


Resident Evil Code Veronica was the first full 3d RE.

(Image removed from quote.)

(Image removed from quote.)

It doesn't look considerably better than a ps1 RE at all.

Better character models, a higher resolution, AA (something the PS2 lacked), real-time lighting, and fully-3D backgrounds doesn't look "considerably better" to you?  If anything, compare Code Veronica to Dino Crisis 1, not to the REs that used pre-rendered backgrounds.

Compared to DMC it's not really that impressive.

I can certainly agree with you on this.  Or rather, that DMC1 was a much more visually impressive game at the time.

Dreamcast wasn't THAT much of a leap for most games. DC is a system with a whole lot of fighters, so those look great. But a lot of other games? PS2 knocked those out before it even got warmed up. It's not even close. I think a lot of people put Dreamcast on a pedestal, as great a system it was. With few exceptions, it wasn't particularly mind blowing. What DC is great at is fidelity in that it had HD capabilities other systems didn't have. So DC has aged better than those in that you can hook one up today with vga and it'd look great, but if you hook up a ps2 with component cables to an lcd you're going to have a bad time.

Once again, you keep going back to graphics and nothing but.  People weren't into Phantasy Star Online for the visuals-- it was being able to play it online with three other people that was the draw.  Sony didn't even have online capabilities in their console at the time.  They even improved it further with voice chat in games like Alien Front Online.  There were definitely a lot of fighters -it was a a big 'arcade' machine- but you also had amazing ports of games like Crazy Taxi, Outtrigger, Daytona, Virtua Tennis, and The House Of The Dead 2 among others-- and by "amazing," I mean the port quality...consistently-high framerates and resolutions.  And let's not forget about original mind-blowing titles like Jet Set Radio with that crazy cel-shading.  It's just too bad that the majority of consumers just didn't give a shit about any of this stuff.
« Last Edit: March 10, 2016, 09:58:43 PM by funky action »


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
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Re: Nintendo ds was a top 5 system
« Reply #122 on: March 10, 2016, 09:56:37 PM »
What's the battery life on the DS4? I remember DS3's fine being from what I remember.

The DS4 has the worst battery life of all the Sony controllers.  Noticeably worse than the DS3.  It helps to turn the controller light setting down, but you're not going to get anywhere near the amount of battery life out of it on a single charge compared to the DS3. 



  • relapsed dev
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Re: Nintendo ds was a top 5 system
« Reply #123 on: March 10, 2016, 09:59:23 PM »
Games on ps1 had second stick but ps1 games did not use the second stick how we use it now. It was pretty experimental. Most ps1 games didn't even use the stick. Ape escape was the first that truly used it in a meaningful way. Second stick use was so uncommon Dreamcast didn't even come with a second stick. In those days cameras were dictated by bumpers, mostly L1 and R1 or in DC's case, both triggers. That said the first game to use the analog stick for camera controls was a ps1 game: Alien Resurrection which came out in 2000. Halo and Timesplitters popularized it. The second stick was barely used in most ps1 games. And "requiring" second stick is a pretty big deal considering that's the entire point of the second sticks modern use: it's a required feature.

I'm confused; what second stick are you talking about? The original DualShock controller? Because NEITHER analog stick would be implemented well; no-one supported them because it's unwise to make nonstandard hardware (anything which doesn't ship in the console's box) central to gameplay.


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
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Re: Nintendo ds was a top 5 system
« Reply #124 on: March 10, 2016, 10:06:50 PM »
My small DS collection:

That Kanji dictionary on the top is probably my most-played "game."  Under that is a version of Puyo Puyo that had a bug, which IIRC would erase your scores.  I tried getting rid of it but no stores would accept it.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2016, 12:26:05 AM by funky action »


  • Hail Hydra
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Re: Nintendo ds was a top 5 system
« Reply #125 on: March 11, 2016, 12:20:02 AM »
I was trying to find the cable to my stereo and I stumbled across a shoebox that had most of my DS collection in it.

spoiler (click to show/hide)
I haven't even played a lot of these games  :doge I think I'll start up one of them tomorrow, any suggestions on what I should pick?

Choose from:

Drill Dozer
Drawn to Life
Puzzle Quest
Starfox Command (didn't even know there was a DS Starfox game, let alone that I owned it :doge)
Pokémon White
The World Ends With You
Meteos Disney Magic (Not Pictured)
Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon (Not Pictured)


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
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Re: Nintendo ds was a top 5 system
« Reply #126 on: March 11, 2016, 12:27:46 AM »
I didn't know there was another Meteos game.  Had a lot of fun with that one.

I wish I still had Drill Dozer for the GBA.  I don't have much drive to get old DS games but I'd like to own some GBA games I never had or no longer own again.


  • cooler than willco
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Re: Nintendo ds was a top 5 system
« Reply #127 on: March 11, 2016, 02:25:23 AM »
You tryna sell any of that yeti love?


  • Banana Grabber
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Re: Nintendo ds was a top 5 system
« Reply #128 on: March 11, 2016, 10:58:34 AM »
DSi :lawd

qq more

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Re: Nintendo ds was a top 5 system
« Reply #129 on: March 11, 2016, 12:11:37 PM »
I was trying to find the cable to my stereo and I stumbled across a shoebox that had most of my DS collection in it.

spoiler (click to show/hide)
I haven't even played a lot of these games  :doge I think I'll start up one of them tomorrow, any suggestions on what I should pick?

Choose from:

Drill Dozer
Drawn to Life
Puzzle Quest
Starfox Command (didn't even know there was a DS Starfox game, let alone that I owned it :doge)
Pokémon White
The World Ends With You
Meteos Disney Magic (Not Pictured)
Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon (Not Pictured)
Star Fox Command was trash after a while. It was somewhat fun at first but it got really repetitive and just very bothersome dealing with the damn missles.  :lol The endings were so bad too, it was fanfiction level, not even kidding.

Drill Dozer is a fantastic underrated game. Made by the same folks who did Pokemon.

I didn't know there was another Meteos game.  Had a lot of fun with that one.

I wish I still had Drill Dozer for the GBA.  I don't have much drive to get old DS games but I'd like to own some GBA games I never had or no longer own again.
It seems Drill Dozer is rising up a bit in price. It used to be 10ish dollars new and sealed a few years back, but now that's not even the price for used. (It's 15 bucks used according to amazon) Wonder what spiked it? Sudden awareness?

DSi :lawd
DSiXL and the screen quality on both  :lawd :lawd

Really wished the 3DS kept up with it instead of going backwards.  :-\ Not even the New 3DS XL has that great of a screen.


  • ルカルカ★ナイトフィーバー
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Re: Nintendo ds was a top 5 system
« Reply #130 on: March 11, 2016, 12:43:48 PM »
I was trying to find the cable to my stereo and I stumbled across a shoebox that had most of my DS collection in it.

spoiler (click to show/hide)
I haven't even played a lot of these games  :doge I think I'll start up one of them tomorrow, any suggestions on what I should pick?

Choose from:

Drill Dozer
Drawn to Life
Puzzle Quest
Starfox Command (didn't even know there was a DS Starfox game, let alone that I owned it :doge)
Pokémon White
The World Ends With You
Meteos Disney Magic (Not Pictured)
Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon (Not Pictured)

TWEWY is one of my favorite original DS games, great music and aesthetic. Lots of interesting and unique systems. I'ddefinitely recommend that... and also Radiant Historia if you haven't played it yet!