Author Topic: Nintendo Switch Thread  (Read 980931 times)

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Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1380 on: January 17, 2017, 04:14:18 PM »


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Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1381 on: January 17, 2017, 04:18:59 PM »

But with portable usage comes portable chauvinism, the widespread tendency for serious game enthusiasts to treat handheld systems and their games as lesser creations. Despite the portable DS and Game Boy ranking as two of the five top-selling systems ever, despite handhelds being the backbone of Nintendo's games business for the past 25 years through good times and bad, despite all the critically acclaimed and best-selling handheld games to have been produced and published over the years... to most people, they're ultimately "just" handhelds, and therefore not worth taking seriously. This is how you end up with curious situations like, say, people gushing about all the brilliant innovations in Metal Gear Solid V, all of which had appeared years earlier in Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker. As a PSP game, Peace Walker simply never registered on most gamers' radar.


also gamers on sites like neogaf DO NOT SEE the switch as a handheld. They see it as a console you can take on the go. One problem with the switch is that so far it's a goddamn rorschach test. What I see is the next generation of portable systems and an evolution on the concept. what console gamers see is an underpowered console you can take on the go. Switch can be WHATEVER YOU WANT IT TO BE, and that's a problem.

that said, get them Jeremy! Handhelds :heartbeat

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  • Woo Papa
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Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1382 on: January 17, 2017, 04:30:22 PM »
really would love a gaming site that covered all great games instead of acting like portable gaming is some bullshit that isn't worth talking about. there's a fucking reason why millions and millions of ppl play handhelds, after all.


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Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1383 on: January 17, 2017, 04:33:35 PM »
really would love a gaming site that covered all great games instead of acting like portable gaming is some bullshit that isn't worth talking about. there's a fucking reason why millions and millions of ppl play handhelds, after all.

Go to us gamer.

but yes, gamers for some reason HATE handhelds. I have no idea why.

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  • Woo Papa
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Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1384 on: January 17, 2017, 04:38:34 PM »
usgamer and touch arcade are the only sites I read regularly


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Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1385 on: January 17, 2017, 04:41:42 PM »
Same here. I read those and gematsu for news. The greatest gift of all would be if the Switch succeeds massively, and makes portability a standard feature in systems going forward. Then the console people will be forced into handheld domination :rejoice

Look at these comments from that first us gamer article. My people :rejoice

@ericspratling56 I completely agree-- I feel like the Switch was tailor made for 30+ year old gamers who have families and/or professional lives that make sitting down to play a home console game difficult. The young ones who have the ability to play games for 10 hours a day seem to hoover up the Playstations and XBoxes, but that's not me. My gaming habits lately have shifted towards much more simple, pick-up-and-play type games because I've played more on portable systems, so the Switch will actually give me the ability to get more into longer form games by letting me play them how I want to.

Jeremy, please write a weekly column of your take on the games industry. It's so refreshing to get a different perspective on everything. And I would be lying if I didn't admit that I partly like it because it largely aligns with my perspective, and I often feel like am alienated from the larger gaming community because of it, and that includes most of the people who write for the games press, where it seems like they all have the same opinions on everything.



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Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1386 on: January 17, 2017, 04:46:04 PM »
My dream is for video games to become acceptable enough in the west as they are in Japan. Where playing a system on a bus or with co-workers is standard practice and not seen as childish. Switch could help bridge that gap. All console plebes must be converted.

Joe Molotov

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Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1387 on: January 17, 2017, 04:50:55 PM »
The Switch ain't gonna change anyone's mind, when Nintendo is widely known as making baby games for babies. Maybe if you jabronies had bought a Vita, we could have nice things. :trumps


  • ルカルカ★ナイトフィーバー
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Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1388 on: January 17, 2017, 04:52:12 PM »
really would love a gaming site that covered all great games instead of acting like portable gaming is some bullshit that isn't worth talking about. there's a fucking reason why millions and millions of ppl play handhelds, after all.

Go to us gamer.

but yes, gamers for some reason HATE handhelds. I have no idea why.

Last gen a lot of games I was into made the jump from consoles to handhelds. DS and PSP both had a massive RPG library, but I had trouble getting through many of them. This is because:

-When I travel (train, plane), I will bring a portable with me to play. But I don't travel much at all, maybe one or two trips a year.
-I will play during lunch at work on occasion, if the weather is bad, but usually I'll be out walking with friends on my lunch break.
-I drive to work and let's see you play a handheld while stopped at a traffic light on Long Island.
-If I'm out with friends I'm not gonna break out a handheld (I also won't break out my phone either unless it's to check the time)

So this leaves the main time to play handhelds while at home, but why would I play when I have a big screen TV (and a CRT for retro games)?

-I have fairly large hands and slight carpal tunnel (maybe arthritis? I should get it checked), making them awkward to hold for a long period of time. My favorite genre of games tends to have a long playtime and I will usually play these games in 3-4 hour chunks of time.
-Staring at a small, low res screen for a long period of time is no fun, especially when I have a big screen TV.
-Concessions made to game design and graphical fidelity for handheld play sucks, luckily now that we're at 3DS/Vita (and soon Switch) this won't be a big deal anymore.

The only advantage is being able to play a handheld in bed under the covers, then close the lid and drift off to sleep. This is how I played the Zero Escape games (visual novels are one genre that are perfect for handheld, feels like reading a book!)

I'll mostly be playing Switch at home...

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  • Woo Papa
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Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1389 on: January 17, 2017, 04:53:44 PM »
games already ARE like that tho. I mean who didn't play candy crush? the shit that gets made fun of its the nerd power fantasies. which, i mean, i line those games, but I know that is some really nerdy shit. but there's lots of other stuff out there that appeals to everyone.


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Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1390 on: January 17, 2017, 04:54:49 PM »
games already ARE like that tho. I mean who didn't play candy crush? the shit that gets made fun of its the nerd power fantasies. which, i mean, i line those games, but I know that is some really nerdy shit. but there's lots of other stuff out there that appeals to everyone.

No, we still have more work to do.


  • Senior Member
Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1391 on: January 17, 2017, 04:57:27 PM »
really would love a gaming site that covered all great games instead of acting like portable gaming is some bullshit that isn't worth talking about. there's a fucking reason why millions and millions of ppl play handhelds, after all.

Go to us gamer.

but yes, gamers for some reason HATE handhelds. I have no idea why.

Last gen a lot of games I was into made the jump from consoles to handhelds. DS and PSP both had a massive RPG library, but I had trouble getting through many of them. This is because:

-When I travel (train, plane), I will bring a portable with me to play. But I don't travel much at all, maybe one or two trips a year.
-I will play during lunch at work on occasion, if the weather is bad, but usually I'll be out walking with friends on my lunch break.
-I drive to work and let's see you play a handheld while stopped at a traffic light on Long Island.
-If I'm out with friends I'm not gonna break out a handheld (I also won't break out my phone either unless it's to check the time)

So this leaves the main time to play handhelds while at home, but why would I play when I have a big screen TV (and a CRT for retro games)?

-I have fairly large hands and slight carpal tunnel (maybe arthritis? I should get it checked), making them awkward to hold for a long period of time. My favorite genre of games tends to have a long playtime and I will usually play these games in 3-4 hour chunks of time.
-Staring at a small, low res screen for a long period of time is no fun, especially when I have a big screen TV.
-Concessions made to game design and graphical fidelity for handheld play sucks, luckily now that we're at 3DS/Vita (and soon Switch) this won't be a big deal anymore.

The only advantage is being able to play a handheld in bed under the covers, then close the lid and drift off to sleep. This is how I played the Zero Escape games (visual novels are one genre that are perfect for handheld, feels like reading a book!)

I'll mostly be playing Switch at home...

:yeshrug, I don't find the 3ds screen to be small and find playing a handheld the most comfortable gaming experience there is. Laying in bed playing a game is the best. I've been playing Illustlogic and Colorful Logicregularly since I got it last summer and I tend to play it in bed and it's one of my favorite experiences. If anything, I found the 3ds XL to be too big. Playing in bed has been a tradition for me for years and I greatly prefer it to playing a game in seat like you would with a console. I can play my 3ds in bed, on the couch laying down, whatever. I find that I have more comfort options. Playing games like Phoenix Wright with the stylus in my hand are some of my most cherished gaming memories.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2017, 05:18:03 PM by Queen of Ice »


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Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1392 on: January 17, 2017, 05:27:25 PM »
I was playing Pokemon Moon on Sunday and it was actually kind of uncomfortable in my bed. I was on my stomach holding it in front of me.

I realized if I was playing on the Switch I could put it in front of me with the kickstand, take the Joycons off, and play with my hands at my sides - and it would've been much more comfortable. I can foresee discovering a lot of "oh wait, I can make this more comfortable" moments in the first couple weeks. That plane use-case is just the tip of the iceberg.


  • Senior Member
Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1393 on: January 17, 2017, 05:28:56 PM »
I like to play my handhelds on my belly while in bed, legs crossed and everything.

Cerveza mas fina

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Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1394 on: January 17, 2017, 05:52:22 PM »
Loving this fanfiction

Online- People are pleasant surprised with the "different" take on paid online. still not equal to XBL, but its getting close and most importantly its cheap enough that people don't mind. There is also some goofy/quirky thing about it which people like and think is "classic Nintendo".

Sales predictions- sells out as many as they produce, end the year with 11-13 million year one as despite what nintendo wants, many see it as extremely powerful handheld gaming system. and constantly either number 1 or number 2 in sales going into holidays. In Japan it takes the place of the 3DS/DS.


  • Senior Member
Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1396 on: January 17, 2017, 06:35:29 PM »
Apprantly Reggie also sees it as a home console you can take on the go.

Which he said amongst his other usual BS.


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Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1397 on: January 17, 2017, 06:36:12 PM »

also gamers on sites like neogaf DO NOT SEE the switch as a handheld. They see it as a console you can take on the go.

To be completely fair, that's basically what Nintendo has been saying word for word in their showing: it's a console you can take on the go.

Yeah, Reggie said it in the gamespot article I linked. Bad strategy, Reg. If you market it as a console you can take on the go, people will perceive it as an underpowered console. We'll see how it goes, though. When really, it's not that ideal for a console. But looking at it as a portable it's an amazing deal. Exercise emphasis on both and the fact that Switch can be whatever you want it to be. Turn that problem in to a positive.


  • Senior Member
Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1398 on: January 17, 2017, 06:37:40 PM »
Apprantly Reggie also sees it as a home console you can take on the go.

Which he said amongst his other usual BS.

Usual BS? Come on. Nintendo and Reggie have readily admitted Wii U's problems, and the fact that they managed to admit there was a problem with Wii U's messaging at all earns some respect from me, which is a lot better than how Sony handled the PS3 to my memory.


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Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1399 on: January 17, 2017, 06:42:57 PM »
They're marketing it as a home console first because that's important vis-a-vis the "handheld chauvinism." It's important that a system starts this way, perception wise IMO (especially to developers.) Will it work? Who knows, but it'd be a harder sell to get, say, Resident Evil 7 if Nintendo was positioning it strongly as a handheld I think.

I also don't think they can play the handheld aspect up too much this early because of the price. $300 for a new home console is standard, for handhelds it's unheard of. And to be fair, the Switch still is more powerful than the their last home console.

Finally, I still believe they're going to launch a smaller Switch aimed at the handheld audience to replace the 2DS and normal-size 3DS. That would also include a much lower price to match.

And the great thing is, both Switch and Switch Mini will have the same exact library and be exactly (nearly) as portable as each other. The larger one will be positioned at the console market, and the smaller at the handheld. Iwata said as much shortly before his death.

Unified platform does not mean a single form factor.


  • Senior Member
Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1400 on: January 17, 2017, 06:52:58 PM »
Yeah Sony really was shit with the PS3. They're handling of it by making cheaper redesigns, re branding, embracing digital gaming, and buckling down on 1st parties games and working with third parties like MS did was so much worse than what Nintendo did. Which was to drop the Wii U like a rock and throw out a few middling games. Yeah I guess Reggie saying BS PR comments like that really makes up for it though.

Reggie is the most Bullshit PR guy in the industry. How he still has a job amases me. He's not even good at at as it's obvious that he spins whatever he needs to without an ounce of being genuine about it.

"Well you have kind of a shitty launch lineup"

"Launch doesn't matter"

"Well the Wii U had a bad release schedule"

"The Switch won't be like that, after our unimportant launch, you can wait for another port and then 6-7 months later there will be a new Mario game. Meanwhile here are ports of games you probably already own on other systems".

Yes, I'm sure now in retrospect you can admit to the problems of the Wii U(I mean you have a new console right now so why not). Where where you doing the Wii U? Oh probably saying stuff like this:

"steady cadence of content."

"There will of course be third-party support as well in the form of games like Skyrim, NBA 2K18, a new FIFA title, Minecraft, and more."

Except only about the Wii U.

Yeah Sony really handled the PS3 poorly, admitting mistakes and course correcting during the systems life is so much worse than whatever the hell Nintendo did. Except it's ok, because Reggie admits it now.

Except for Sony I'd actually believe what they would say. With Nintendo, I know any comment about 3rd party support is bullshit and to expect the worse. I know to be worry of any promises of a steady release of games. Something they failed at in the later Wii life and with the Wii U.

Nintendo says a lot of things, but they sure don't actually act on a lot of those things.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2017, 07:06:02 PM by Rahxephon91 »


  • Senior Member
Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1401 on: January 17, 2017, 06:53:20 PM »
I completely agree that they'll likely release a smaller Switch in maybe two years. Kind of like the lite and specifically targeted towards Japan and world wide handheld gamers. It will be a smaller price (around 200), as well.


  • Senior Member
Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1402 on: January 17, 2017, 07:09:03 PM »
Yeah Sony really was shit with the PS3. They're handling of it by making cheaper redesigns, re branding, embracing digital gaming, and buckling down on 1st parties games and working with third parties like MS did was so much worse than what Nintendo did. Which was to drop the Wii U like a rock and throw out a few middling games. Yeah I guess Reggie saying BS PR comments like that really makes up for it though.

Reggie is the most Bullshit PR guy in the industry. How he still has a job amases me. He's not even good at at as it's obvious that he spins whatever he needs to without an ounce of being genuine about it.

Yes, I'm sure now in retrospect you can admit to the problems of the Wii U(I mean you have a new console right now so why not). Where where you doing the Wii U? Oh probably saying stuff like this:

"steady cadence of content."

"There will of course be third-party support as well in the form of games like Skyrim, NBA 2K18, a new FIFA title, Minecraft, and more."

Except only about the Wii U.

Yeah Sony really handled the PS3 poorly, admitting mistakes and course correcting during the systems life is so much worse than whatever the hell Nintendo did. Except it's ok, because Reggie admits it now.

Except for Sony I'd actually believe what they would say. With Nintendo, I know any comment about 3rd party support is bullshit and to expect the worse. I know to be worry of any promises of a steady release of games. Something they failed at in the later Wii life and with the Wii U.

Nintendo says a lot of things, but they sure don't actually act on a lot of those things.

Have no idea what Nintendo did to you and your family but I  hope you can heal one day.

Right now, the only reason ps4 is top console is because of how much microsoft fucked up. You mention all of those things Sony did to turn around ps3 but Nintendo turned around the 3ds in a radical way. I think Sony has more hubris though, despite the ps3 fuck ups. Stuff like Move, Home, it was fuck up after fuck up with Sony throwing any dart against the board to hopefully land some success. What I see with Switch is Nintendo admitting that they fucked up with Wii U and are very much trying to correct Wii U's mistakes. They're open about that. With PS4, Sony didn't really have that much quality going for them, especially in the software arena. They won people over not by admitting mistakes, but by being smug about the other team (nostably the used game video at the E3 conference with Boyes). Sony went from outright hubris with ps3 launch to "how do we get sales" with a lot of ps3's life to "well the other team fucked up let's party!" I am seeing much more effort in trying to make amends with the Switch from Nintendo than I ever have with PS4 from Sony. That said, Sony's got a good system and their "game list" idea is extremely great.

And let's be real. Nintendo didn't abandon the Wii U like Sony did with Vita.

How is anything Reggie said bullshit besides the thing about HS buddies? The Wii U had a robust launch and instead of padding the release schedule they were left with gaps. That is what Reggie said. Reggie is right in that launch doesn't mean much. Dreamcast launched with probably the best game launch of all time and it meant jack shit in the end. By spacing their releases steadily rather than putting all their eggs in a basket, they show they've learned a valuable lesson from Wii U. How is that hard to parse?

Nintendo TRIED to course correct the Wii U. Multiple times. Nothing stuck so they dropped it. I'm not sure what your problem is.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2017, 07:14:11 PM by Queen of Ice »


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Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1403 on: January 17, 2017, 07:18:34 PM »
people will perceive it as an underpowered console.

So people will perceive it for what it is?

Nope. Like I said, Switch is a rorschach test. I'm not seeing an underpowered console at all. People are talking about how it's an underpowered console, and are using proof of it from DQHII when it looks no different than DQHII on Vita. Cognitive dissonance at work.


  • Senior Member
Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1404 on: January 17, 2017, 07:19:12 PM »
people will perceive it as an underpowered console.

So people will perceive it for what it is?

Stronger than the Wii U.  :trumps


  • Senior Member
Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1405 on: January 17, 2017, 07:25:56 PM »
people will perceive it as an underpowered console.

So people will perceive it for what it is?

Nope. Like I said, Switch is a rorschach test. I'm not seeing an underpowered console at all. People are talking about how it's an underpowered console, and are using proof of it from DQHII when it looks no different than DQHII on Vita. Cognitive dissonance at work.

I don't know, girl. When this is supposed to be your next big thing that makes or breaks your company a rorschach test is probably the dumbest thing you can do. It seems like an underpowered console, especially considering both price and battery life when in handheld mode.

Battery life in handheld mode is literally the same as the 3ds. Do you play the 3ds? The price is expensive, but as said, Nintendo plays long term with stuff like this and will obviously release a smaller version in two years, which solves that argument. I also find the price to be extremely fair.

I'm not sure it being a Rorschach is necessarily bad. Again, look at the Switch reveal trailer. I think it's inherent to the system in that you can use it for what you want it to and I find that endearing.



  • Senior Member
Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1406 on: January 17, 2017, 07:26:15 PM »
Have no idea what Nintendo did to you and your family but I  hope you can heal one day.
Typical Nintendo fan logic. You can't simply just dislike and criticize GOD aka Nintendo.

Right now, the only reason ps4 is top console is because of how much microsoft fucked up.
Yeah I guess Sony should receive no credit for creating a gamer centric console, a clear direction for the system, and easy to develop for system, a pool of good 1st part developers, and great 3rd party relations. It's all because MS messed up. Talk about a dumbing down. Sony did'nt all of a sudden create the PS4 the way it did right there at E3 2013.
You mention all of those things Sony did to turn around ps3 but Nintendo turned around the 3ds in a radical way.
They lowed the price and kept it chugging a long with the same types of games as the DS. Oh boy!
With PS4, Sony didn't really have that much quality going for them, especially in the software arena. They won people over not by admitting mistakes, but by being smug about the other team (nostably the used game video at the E3 conference with Boyes). Sony went from outright hubris with ps3 launch to "how do we get sales" with a lot of ps3's life to "well the other team fucked up let's party!
Yeah you're right. It was all being smug.

Making the PS4 easy to develop for after the PS3's CELL disaster was not a course correction. It was them being Smug.

Making the PS4 affordable right out the gate was not  a course correction on the PS3's price issues. It was them being smug.

Doubling down on 1st party support was not course correction from the early days of the PS3 relying on 3rd party exclusives. It was the being smug.

Having a gamer targeted message was them being Smug.

Focusing on the PS4 as a game console wasn't a course correction to the PS3's multimedia focus. It was them being smug.

Having at least an open ear to more niche games isn't a change from the Sony who passed over Demon Souls. It's them being Smug.

Sony was being Smug and has been all because of one quickly made(probably right there that day at E3) video. Yeah makes so much sense.

I am seeing much more effort in trying to make amends with the Switch from Nintendo
Yeah I guess changing the entire corporate and system direction isn't making amends compared to Nintendo who had one guy say some obvious stuff and having a system that is basically attempting the same thing as the previous system but more refined.

And let's be real. Nintendo didn't abandon the Wii U like Sony did with Vita.
Yeah and I would'nt trust Sony with a handheld like I don't trust Nintendo with a home console unless I just brush off all criticisms like you are.

The Wii U had a robust launch and instead of padding the release schedule they were left with gaps. That is what Reggie said. Reggie is right in that launch doesn't mean much. Dreamcast launched with probably the best game launch of all time and it meant jack shit in the end. By spacing their releases steadily rather than putting all their eggs in a basket, they show they've learned a valuable lesson from Wii U. How is that hard to parse?
Robust in that it had lots of ports, thats it. It's launch conveyed a system that wasn't needed if you had a PS3 or Xbox. Here they are conveying the same thing basically. We don't have a lot and our best game is on the Wii U also. Launch's can easily send a message and it's questionable in the Switch's case.

Spacing their releases out is exactly why they did with the Wii U. Big gaps between big games. Doesn't look diffrent with the Switch.

« Last Edit: January 17, 2017, 07:32:56 PM by Rahxephon91 »


  • Senior Member
Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1407 on: January 17, 2017, 07:27:19 PM »
Fucking fisking.


  • Senior Member
Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1408 on: January 17, 2017, 07:48:59 PM »
I will not comment on all of your post because fisking is for the birds. Also your insults are petty af.

They lowed the price and kept it chugging a long with the same types of games as the DS. Oh boy!

I don't even own a Wii U and know this is bullshit. Xenoblade X is the same type of game as the DS? Splatoon? Mario Maker? Bayonetta 2? Nintendo definitely tried with the Wii U. It didn't stick so it was put to pasture, and even when it obvious the system was on death throes they still released games like Xenoblade X.

Yeah you're right. It was all being smug.

Making the PS4 easy to develop for after the PS3's CELL disaster was not a course correction. It was them being Smug.

Making the PS4 affordable right out the gate was not  a course correction on the PS3's price issues. It was them being smug.

Doubling down on 1st party support was not course correction from the early days of the PS3 relying on 3rd party exclusives. It was the being smug.

Having a gamer targeted message was them being Smug.

Focusing on the PS4 as a game console wasn't a course correction to the PS3's multimedia focus. It was them being smug.

Having at least an open ear to more niche games isn't a change from the Sony who passed over Demon Souls. It's them being Smug.

Sony was being Smug and has been all because of one quickly made(probably right there that day at E3) video. Yeah makes so much sense.

These are all good points, but I think most of it was just a result of how games are today. Games today are expensive and having a machine that's harder to develop for wouldn't make them any friends. And for every positive step Sony took, the more they showed their hubris.

Even now, they've got the PS Pro, and it doesn't even support full 4k. It doesn't support 4k blu ray all while Sony advertises the system as 4k compatible. Smug.

They openly allow games to be on PC as well as PS4 but NOT Xbox because they think - naively - that people will only ever stick with the PS4 rather than just getting a gaming pc. Smug.

Even when they delivered their ps4 reveal it does in this sort of smug manner. With all the developers talking about how easy it is to develop for Playstation.

That said, they've got my support because they have a great machine and great games. The great thing about not being a complete fantard like you are is that I can enjoy both Sony and Nintendo. :rejoce

Anyways, despite the blue talking puppet crap I highly suggest watching the Arlo video I posted last page. It summarizes how I feel about it much better than I can on why this doesn't remind me of Wii U at all.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2017, 08:04:45 PM by Queen of Ice »


  • Senior Member
Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1409 on: January 17, 2017, 08:12:39 PM »
I will not comment on all of your post because fisking is for the birds. Also your insults are petty af.
Please stop acting like you are above everyone else. You've thrown just as many insults and assumptions as these "gamers" you constantly attempt to be above. This is what all Nintendo fans do.

I don't even own a Wii U and know this is bullshit. Xenoblade X is the same type of game as the DS? Splatoon? Mario Maker? Bayonetta 2? Nintendo definitely tried with the Wii U. It didn't stick so it was put to pasture, and even when it obvious the system was on death throes they still released games like Xenoblade X.
I was talking about the 3DS. It's big course correction was simply lowering the price. What other big things did they do to it?

Xenoblade had been in development before the Wii U came out. I don't think that's an example of them changing directions with the Wii U. Just releasing a game they were committed to. Splatoon I guess was something, too bad it further highlighted how little Nintendo knows about online systems. Bayonetta is probably the best example and it was followed up with what?....
Even now, they've got the PS Pro, and it doesn't even support full 4k. It doesn't support 4k blu ray all while Sony advertises the system as 4k compatible. Smug.
? PS4 supports full 4k. What are you talking about? A few games even run in native 4k and those that don't, Sony developed a checkerboard solution. Too have a system that run would run every game in native 4k would not be affordable. This is a good stop gap. Not having 4k blu ray is a dumb choice, but I'm not sure how it's smug. The PS4 is really focused solely on gaming and they continue to buckle down on that. I don't honestly see how 4k Blu ray has even benefited the Xbox. Either way how is this smug?

They openly allow games to be on PC as well as PS4 but NOT Xbox because they think - naively - that people will only ever stick with the PS4 rather than just getting a gaming pc. Smug.
Um so basically what you're telling me is your smug arguments are all conjecture and you just pulling them out of your ass. Why would Sony allow personally funded 3rd party games also be on the Xbox? That doesn't make any sense and has nothing to do with being smug or thinking that people won't buy PC games. It has to do with the reality of the market. 3rd parties don't want to miss out on PC support, Sony sees the PC market not as direct condition, so it's not a problem to keep 3rd parties happy and allow them on PC.  How is this smug? MS has done the same thing with a few games, allowing them on Steam and releasing 3rd party PC retail releases.
Even when they delivered their ps4 reveal it does in this sort of smug manner. With all the developers talking about how easy it is to develop for Playstation.
You are gasping at straws and don't have an actual argument. Like everything you've said is so loose and frivlous, it's the definition of "perceived slights"

That said, they've got my support because they have a great machine and great games. The great thing about not being a complete fantard like you are is that I can enjoy both Sony and Nintendo. :rejoce

Also your insults are petty af.

So much for that right?

This has nothing to do with being a fantard, which I'm not and based on all you're fanboy ranting you're the last person who should even throw that out there. I own all home systems and will probably buy a Switch for Xenoblade, but unlike you I won't have to make up excuses for Nintendo. Being critical of Nintendo does not make you a fantard and the only reason I'm not bashing Sony is because there is no reason. They've created and handled a great console. If MS was like it was back in the early 360 era they'd also be having no problem. Nintendo just kind of sucks and people like you simply give them a pass.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2017, 08:16:53 PM by Rahxephon91 »


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Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1410 on: January 17, 2017, 08:17:12 PM »

Can we get a new thread or something plz

Great Rumbler

  • Dab on the sinners
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Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1411 on: January 17, 2017, 08:17:40 PM »
Nintendo rustling jimmies like it's 2006.  :aah

Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1412 on: January 17, 2017, 08:26:45 PM »
Food for thought, but if your argument for why something isn't bad revolves around saying "the competition is just as bad", when you've self-admitted you aren't familiar with the competition's history, you should probably stop while you're ahead.  :shaq2

Also, praising the system for being the next generation of handhelds when it has 1/4 of the features of its cheaper, much more portable relative ain't a good look. As well as blanket blaming "gamers" for labeling it as a home console when the company making the dang thing is also saying so.


  • Senior Member
Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1413 on: January 17, 2017, 10:52:56 PM »
Not familiar with the competition's history? Sunblade. I own over 100 ps2 games. Which is why the Nintendo fan accusations are so funny.

And my argument for why Switch isn't bad has never been "it's as bad as what the competition is doing." I have argued that, but limiting my entire argument to that is highly reductive.

Also, praising the system for being the next generation of handhelds when it has 1/4 of the features of its cheaper, much more portable relative ain't a good look. As well as blanket blaming "gamers" for labeling it as a home console when the company making the dang thing is also saying so.

Here's the problem. You are assuming that the features haven't been replaced with anything. Nintendo hasn't gone into detail about its online service or a replacement for Miiverse. Rather than declare the system a failure for "missing features" is silly. What are the missing features besides Miiverse and Spotpass? Do we know if they're replacing them? No. All they've said is that it will not have Miiverse and Spotpass. And I don't see what's wrong with blaming gamers. Certainly, Nintendo is saying it, but the critics of the Switch aren't taking the entire system for what it possibly could be worth and are only comparing it to Wii U. You are comparing it to both Wii U and 3ds, so that's fair and you have been far more impartial than other critics of the Switch. The US Gamer article makes the case that blaming gamers is apt. Gamers suck.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2017, 11:01:45 PM by Queen of Ice »


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Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1414 on: January 17, 2017, 11:02:39 PM »

Can we get a new thread or something plz

It's impossible. Any news we post will be met with not "I'm skeptical of this" but "fuck the Switch, I hope Nintendo die".


  • Senior Member
Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1415 on: January 17, 2017, 11:49:55 PM »

Can we get a new thread or something plz

It's impossible. Any news we post will be met with not "I'm skeptical of this" but "fuck the Switch, I hope Nintendo die".

Eh it's basically the Bore's MO but at least the old guard (COG, Eel, etc.) was more clever about it. Rahx is just angsty edgier-than-though shitposting through and through. Yawn inducing.


  • Senior Member
Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1416 on: January 17, 2017, 11:55:43 PM »
This board is worst than Neogaf by far. I've explained myself in every post, but because I'm not foaming at the mouth for Nintendo and agreeing with holier then thou himu it's edgy and shitposting. Even neogaf is better at having video game discussion.


  • Banana Grabber
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Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1417 on: January 18, 2017, 12:08:37 AM »
Okay slick


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Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1418 on: January 18, 2017, 12:22:54 AM »
The hand held aspect of the Switch sure felt like an afterthought after they spent a bajillion minutes on HD RUMBLE and NEW AND IMPROVED WAGGLE.

It seemed like they want 1,2, Switch to be the new Wii Sports and everything else is just kinda whatever.

Positive Touch

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Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1419 on: January 18, 2017, 12:33:21 AM »
This board is worst than Neogaf by far. I've explained myself in every post, but because I'm not foaming at the mouth for Nintendo and agreeing with holier then thou himu it's edgy and shitposting. Even neogaf is better at having video game discussion.

have you ever considered the possibility that your opinions just suck


  • Senior Member
Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1420 on: January 18, 2017, 12:37:15 AM »
This board is worst than Neogaf by far. I've explained myself in every post, but because I'm not foaming at the mouth for Nintendo and agreeing with holier then thou himu it's edgy and shitposting. Even neogaf is better at having video game discussion.

have you ever considered the possibility that your opinions just suck
No, because they don't.

Positive Touch

  • Woo Papa
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Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1421 on: January 18, 2017, 12:54:24 AM »
I really think you should take a second look


  • Live Más
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Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1422 on: January 18, 2017, 12:56:37 AM »
With the stuff I traded into Gamestop and also selling my 3DS, I'm getting Switch + 64gb MicroSD + Zelda + extra Joycons + charging dock for $26.

Whether the Switch succeeds or not, it's gotten hype levels up enough that everyone is suddenly paying a lot for second hand Nintendo stuff. :lol


  • Senior Member
Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1423 on: January 18, 2017, 12:58:57 AM »
I really think you should take a second look
And I really don't care that a random person on the bore doesn't agree with me on Nintendo so I'm good.

You don't even know what my opinions are.


  • cultural maoist
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Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1424 on: January 18, 2017, 01:34:50 AM »
it's not really that your opinions suck, though maybe they do

It's more that you act like such a miserable bastard for whatever reason that people find it tiresome to read your posts


  • Senior Member
Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1425 on: January 18, 2017, 01:54:20 AM »
Well I don't see it, but good. Now you know how I feel when any game not deemed "cool" is discussed on here.

Cerveza mas fina

  • I don't care for Islam tbqh
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Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1426 on: January 18, 2017, 02:54:19 AM »
Lol Nintendo admits to the software draught every gen since the Gamecube.

Plz guys believe this time there wont be a draught.


  • Senior Member
Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1427 on: January 18, 2017, 04:42:19 AM »
Yeah not liking how Nintendo supports their consoles, not liking most of their output, and how they do their hardware is totally unreasonable.


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
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Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1428 on: January 18, 2017, 07:28:30 AM »

Can we get a new thread or something plz

It's impossible. Any news we post will be met with not "I'm skeptical of this" but "fuck the Switch, I hope Nintendo die".

Eh it's basically the Bore's MO but at least the old guard (COG, Eel, etc.) was more clever about it. Rahx is just angsty edgier-than-though shitposting through and through. Yawn inducing.

(Image removed from quote.)

Nobody is really doing this apart from Rahx (but he is also providing legit discussion too), though.  People are just being critical -as they should be after that presentation- and you guys are coming off like you're in full blind-fanboy mode, going as far as to outright ignore people attempting to make counter-points instead of engaging them. 

There is nothing wrong with being excited for a new release...just like there is nothing wrong with pointing out the negatives as well as the positives.  The Switch not being out yet means there's nothing we can do right now but speculate and discuss.  There is shit being thrown on both "sides" here.  Calm down and remember that this is just a stupid video game board, and let's get back to posting on-topic.
« Last Edit: January 18, 2017, 07:51:50 AM by bork pls »

Cerveza mas fina

  • I don't care for Islam tbqh
  • filler
Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1429 on: January 18, 2017, 09:39:16 AM »
cant believe feels are caught over a video game

I think rax just wants nintendo to step up and do better, like most video game fans

id like to buy and play some nintendo games too maybe, but nintendo is making it a very hard sell the last two/three gens

if I didnt care I wouldnt even post in nintendo threads just like i dont post in many game threads of games I have no connection too


  • Senior Member
Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1430 on: January 18, 2017, 10:00:01 AM »
people will perceive it as an underpowered console.

So people will perceive it for what it is?

Stronger than the Wii U.  :trumps

Is it? I get the idea it's barely more powerful, because it needed to be portable.

Zelda runs better and at a higher res. Also runs (some version of) Unreal 4 while the Wii U only got some bastardized version of UE3.

The fact that it can be portable is super impressive IMO and justifies the price. $300 for a smaller, more energy efficient and portable Wii U+ is pretty good to me.

That said, accessory pricing is ridic. I get that those HD Rumble patents couldn't have been cheap (and neither can the hardware be), but come on guys. $70 for a Pro Controller.


  • Senior Member
Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1431 on: January 18, 2017, 10:04:20 AM »
Nobody is really doing this apart from Rahx (but he is also providing legit discussion too), though.  People are just being critical -as they should be after that presentation- and you guys are coming off like you're in full blind-fanboy mode, going as far as to outright ignore people attempting to make counter-points instead of engaging them. 

Aside from the various random shitposts, sure. But I think Himu and I have been pretty good about responding to people trying to discuss things in good faith.

  Calm down and remember that this is just a stupid video game board, and let's get back to posting on-topic.

I'm not sure I'd classify myself as anything but calm, lol. We've got a ton of info, my preorder's locked in and I can't wait to play the definitive version of Zelda. :aah


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Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1432 on: January 18, 2017, 11:24:03 AM »
Much gaming wow. No such media.

The Switch isn't going to replace your iPad — it's a dedicated gaming machine to the point where it won't have many multimedia functions at launch, Nintendo's Kit Ellis told me. Don't plan to watch Netflix on the Switch, for instance.


  • Senior Member
Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1433 on: January 18, 2017, 11:27:21 AM »
The return of dedicated gaming machines. :rejoice

The death of shitty preinstalled apps which are a million times worse than on other hardware. :rejoice


  • GunOn™! Apply directly to forehead!
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Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1434 on: January 18, 2017, 11:31:46 AM »
(especially to developers.) Will it work?

It's Nintendo, and given the launch drought: No, it won't.

I'd love to be proven wrong for once and Nintendo fires on all cylinders and gets developer support for the entire life-time of the console, but... :yeshrug I'm not seeing anything here that'll change that. The shitty online services also factoring in on that. I feel once the ":hyper OMG NINTENDOS NEW CONSOLE :hyper " feeling is gone, a lot of people will be disappointed. It's basically the Sonic cycle but with Nintendo consoles.


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Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1435 on: January 18, 2017, 11:55:06 AM »
of all the switch issues netflix is definitely the one i give the least fucks about. i got so many devices that play netflix and nothing i actually want to watch on the service.


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
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Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1436 on: January 18, 2017, 11:55:29 AM »
Nobody is really doing this apart from Rahx (but he is also providing legit discussion too), though.  People are just being critical -as they should be after that presentation- and you guys are coming off like you're in full blind-fanboy mode, going as far as to outright ignore people attempting to make counter-points instead of engaging them. 

Aside from the various random shitposts, sure. But I think Himu and I have been pretty good about responding to people trying to discuss things in good faith.

Come on, you've even stopped responding to posts I've made trying to discuss all this stuff with you guys.

The return of dedicated gaming machines. :rejoice

The death of shitty preinstalled apps which are a million times worse than on other hardware. :rejoice

This is exactly what I was talking about.  "I'm thrilled that this new system will be lacking features" is a bit of a head-scratcher.  :doge

Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1437 on: January 18, 2017, 11:58:03 AM »
Last I checked, the other competing dedicated games consoles weren't less dedicated game consoles just because you can run netflix on them.  :doge

Since when does Netflix come pre-installed on any console/portable? It's always an optional download.


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
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Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1438 on: January 18, 2017, 11:58:22 AM »
of all the switch issues netflix is definitely the one i give the least fucks about. i got so many devices that play netflix and nothing i actually want to watch on the service.

It's not just seems to be everything.

Release a tablet without streaming services or a web browser.  Makes loads of sense.  Why even have a touch screen?  It's not like the games use it.


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
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Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1439 on: January 18, 2017, 11:58:40 AM »
Last I checked, the other competing dedicated games consoles weren't less dedicated game consoles just because you can run netflix on them.  :doge

Since when does Netflix come pre-installed on any console/portable? It's always an optional download.
