Author Topic: US Politics Thread |OT| SAD TRUMP  (Read 5539853 times)

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  • Now bringing you *Zen*
  • Senior Member
Amazing what people will improvise into weapons when you occupy their land

Amazing that a group of people that believe so heavily in martyrdom would allow their teenagers to die

“Every time she went to the demonstrations she prayed to God that she would be martyred.”

You receive a pamphlet weeks ahead of time saying if you protest near this fence you run the risk of dying. You:

A. Go anyways.
B. Allow a family member to go. 
C. Encourage others to go.
D. All the above. 

Let's all choose D and then cry endlessly when someone dies.

I mean, yeah?

Would you also show this much disdain for teens killed at the Sharpeville Massacre while protesting apartheid?
If you're electing groups like HAMAS to guide you, and chant "death to all jews/america" and actively try to blow yourself up at elementary schools because you lost a war, and still refuse diplomacy....

Sorry, i try to think logically here while a lot of you (to me) seem like you get your emotions yanked by the media. "Oh no child dies of tear gas, what monsters!" instead of the first thing coming to mind being "why was there a baby at a dangerous protest?"

And why is it completely being ignored that all this occurred because the U.S was brining their embassy to another city?  (i don't agree with the U.S doing it just because of the fuckery that will ensue) but still.

You want to go apeshit because an ally to the people you hate moves a fucking embassy... Yeah i dunno. i'm not too sympathetic.


  • 🙈🙉🙊
  • Senior Member
There's a lot of anti-Peterson people in that subreddit. Though why people think that's the only place I hang, I dunno.
I don't, it's just the first example that sprang to mind.

I'm a Puppy!

  • Knows the muffin man.
  • Senior Member
Eh, it seems to me if you claim to be thinking logically about things you'd see that these people's land is being occupied and they don't really care about dying.

Don't know why it's so surprising. Especially coming from conservatives that are always like "if anyun takes over merika they'll have to fight door to door! I'll tell you hwat"


  • Icon
Sorry, i try to think logically here

You're the dude who thinks Muslim church bells are inherently threatening, so I hope you'll forgive me if I don't see you as a disinterested arbiter of reason and logic here.


  • Senior Member
I mean, some kind of deal could be possible. But the idea that NK would dismantle or hand over its nuclear weapons... c'mon now.

It feels like John Bolton's been deliberately raising expectations for this so that when they're not met it will feel like more of a betrayal. Or he could just be pushing for maximalist demands regardless of how likely they are to be met or what the fallout would be if they're not, just cause that's how the 'stache rolls.

And it certainly seems like North Korea is playing similar games, which is making the already low prospects I had for a major, sustained breakthrough that much lower.

Definitely comes off like North Korea retreading through many of the same tactics they used in the late 80's, mid and late 90's, and 00's.


  • Estado Homo
  • Senior Member
Ah yes the Gaza protests have only been going on for the last 2 or 3 days and are all about the US embassy move. Nothing to do with something that happened 70 years ago.


  • Now bringing you *Zen*
  • Senior Member
Eh, it seems to me if you claim to be thinking logically about things you'd see that these people's land is being occupied and they don't really care about dying.

Don't know why it's so surprising. Especially coming from conservatives that are always like "if anyun takes over merika they'll have to fight door to door! I'll tell you hwat"
Oh no no let me make it clear:

I'm all for them doing their protest thing, going to war, whatever. It's their choice but don't whine about it and hold your baby up like some type of casualty for your decisions. War is war. I'm understanding of that. It's all the fucking pandering bullshit i can't stand. And don't pretend to me that if it were the other way around the Palestinians would be any better, when in actuality the probability of them being far worse is a lot more likely lol. 

The Israelis want an all Jewish state. At this point there's nothing that is going to change that. If i were Palestinian i'd say it's time to negotiate the best possible outcome for the rest of us remaining before we all get squeezed out.  But hey that's just me.

Sorry, i try to think logically here

You're the dude who thinks Muslim church bells are inherently threatening, so I hope you'll forgive me if I don't see you as a disinterested arbiter of reason and logic here.
Threatening? i've said this? And wasn't it the call to prayer that happens every few hours every fucking day? Church bells going off every so often would also piss me off. Don't be such a dense fucking idiot.


  • Icon
Definitely comes off like North Korea retreading through many of the same tactics they used in the late 80's, mid and late 90's, and 00's.

Hey, maybe NK does want serious de-escalation! Or maybe a faction within their government does. Or maybe they want it but have particular ideas about what that would mean.

They've got a closed political system and it's really hard to predict these things which is why you'd need to invest a lot of time and effort into diplomacy to hash these things out and OH WAIT WE FIRED ALL THE DIPLOMATS.


  • Senior Member
If you're electing groups like HAMAS to guide you, and chant "death to all jews/america" and actively try to blow yourself up at elementary schools because you lost a war, and still refuse diplomacy....

Sorry, i try to think logically here while a lot of you (to me) seem like you get your emotions yanked by the media. "Oh no child dies of tear gas, what monsters!" instead of the first thing coming to mind being "why was there a baby at a dangerous protest?"

And why is it completely being ignored that all this occurred because the U.S was brining their embassy to another city?  (i don't agree with the U.S doing it just because of the fuckery that will ensue) but still.

You want to go apeshit because an ally to the people you hate moves a fucking embassy... Yeah i dunno. i'm not too sympathetic.
You mean perhaps the most contentious and loaded geographical city on the planet that Palestinians believe they have both a legal and religious claim to(also these latest protests didn't just start two days ago)?

It's hard to make the argument that cooperation would bear more fruit when the Palestinian Authority tried just that and their reward was zero progress, dead civilians, Israeli diplomatic goalpost moving, and an acceleration of illegal settlements.


  • Icon
And wasn't it the call to prayer that happens every few hours every fucking day? Church bells going off every so often would also piss me off.

you don't need to lie


  • Now bringing you *Zen*
  • Senior Member

Ah yes the Gaza protests have only been going on for the last 2 or 3 days and are all about the US embassy move. Nothing to do with something that happened 70 years ago.
And in that view Israel won. So, GTFO. lol i mean what else do you want bro?

Peace and love and hand holding? Neither party wants that. So what you gonna do? Continue another 70 years of this?


  • Finish the Fight
  • Senior Member
I mean, some kind of deal could be possible. But the idea that NK would dismantle or hand over its nuclear weapons... c'mon now.

It feels like John Bolton's been deliberately raising expectations for this so that when they're not met it will feel like more of a betrayal. Or he could just be pushing for maximalist demands regardless of how likely they are to be met or what the fallout would be if they're not, just cause that's how the 'stache rolls.
If they don't meet Trump will miss his photo op and 'deal making prowess'. He'll be a laughing stock.
John will walk into his office finding a fuming Trump who demands all military options on the table, carried out at once.

That's probably why they send Pompeo first, to make sure that it wasn't a trap.

Kim really is a madman.  :doge


  • Icon
Trump might be willing to take a crappy deal and lie about how good it is, which is probably the best outcome here. The way he brags about building the wall whenever they repair some of the existing security fence.

Probably comes down to whatever they say about it on Fox & Friends.


  • Now bringing you *Zen*
  • Senior Member
And just to point something out -

if you began burning tires for smoke cover while hurling molotov cocktails and home made bombs at any military from any country you'd also most likely be dying. A lot of you truly do have too much privilege.  :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl


  • Senior Member
North Korea has cancelled Wednesday's high-level talks with South Korea because of anger over its joint military exercises with the US.

Well that was quick
wtf bros what about his Nobel Peace Prize


  • Senior Member
And just to point something out -

if you began burning tires for smoke cover while hurling molotov cocktails and home made bombs at any military from any country you'd also most likely be dying. A lot of you truly do have too much privilege.  :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl

It's the expression of people feeling without hope due to a lifetime of economic and military oppression living in basically an open air prison.

When I get pissed off its at a situation that is fostering such powerful resentments that Israel is the gatekeeper of solving, but refuses to no matter what arbitrary demands are met. And in this instance a president that is willing to stoke and erode this situation further to please his largest donor, however, you seem to just enjoy the satisfaction of seeing brown people you can look down on getting gunned down because you seemingly lack any sort of sympathy unless it is a racist getting dog piled on a fringe video game forum.

Then all of the sudden you seem completely capable of understanding how poor treatment and economic anxiety can lead to radicalization.
« Last Edit: May 15, 2018, 05:04:44 PM by Nola »


  • Finish the Fight
  • Senior Member
North Korea has cancelled Wednesday's high-level talks with South Korea because of anger over its joint military exercises with the US.

Well that was quick
wtf bros what about his Nobel Peace Prize
"I should still get the Nobel peace prize for trying, it was close, it was closer than Crooked Hillary got and they told me that's not how this works mr. Trump."
"So we wanted peace, we really wanted to, but then, I didn't get it. I didn't get the prize. So I told John. John Bolton, there he is. With the mustache, I hate that mustache did you know that?"
"I told John, John, do your worst. So now we've defeated IRAN, Syria, we've defeated North Korea. China and Russia are on the ropes. The Fall out is not as bad as the fake news media is saying. They're saying oooohh Trump made the water bad. Trump made the animals suffer. Trump is a genocidal maniac ooohh. Fake news folks, fake news. The wind blows out all that stuff to sea and it scatters it's kinda beautiful if you think about it"


  • Y = λ𝑓. (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥)) (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥))
  • Senior Member
If the suggested peace summit was just a way to grift more aid from the UN or lift sanctions without actually denuclearizing, why did he cancel? I still think a diplomatic solution to denuclearization was possible but a reckless Trump administration changed Kim's mind.


  • Senior Member
Definitely comes off like North Korea retreading through many of the same tactics they used in the late 80's, mid and late 90's, and 00's.

Hey, maybe NK does want serious de-escalation! Or maybe a faction within their government does. Or maybe they want it but have particular ideas about what that would mean.

They've got a closed political system and it's really hard to predict these things which is why you'd need to invest a lot of time and effort into diplomacy to hash these things out and OH WAIT WE FIRED ALL THE DIPLOMATS.

Dealing with NK is sort of like dealing with Republicans. They have these innocuous terms for odious shit. Sort of like how crisis pregnancy center really means “right wing lie factory”.

It’s clear from reading the early NK press releases that Kim was looking for the same deal that th US has rejected on multiple occasions, but dumb ass Trump doesn’t understand that “demilitarization of the Korean Peninsula” actually means “America packs up all its ships and soldiers in South Korea and Japan and maybe Guam and don’t bring your ships ‘round the South China Sea anymore either”

Now, I bought a Samsung fridge, and know that South Korea deserves to be invaded forfoisting that piece of shit on the American people, however, I don’t think most Americans agree. Trump so eagerly wants this deal, that there is some concern that he might agree to it (although good luck getting the Senate to ratify).

Theoretically, John Bolton is smart enough to know better, but he just wants to bomb shot, and doesn’t care how we get to that point.

Edit: I knew he was kristofferson


  • Senior Member
If the suggested peace summit was just a way to grift more aid from the UN or lift sanctions without actually denuclearizing, why did he cancel? I still think a diplomatic solution to denuclearization was possible but a reckless Trump administration changed Kim's mind.

So far he only canceled a meeting with South Korea, as of right now the summit with America in Singapore is still on.

I would honestly be shocked if that one doesn't take place, there is almost no downside for North Korea on that and tons of upside.


  • Y = λ𝑓. (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥)) (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥))
  • Senior Member
The Korean one was supposed to be about reuniting families and economic codevelopment, so, uh, that's pretty bad. I guess we really are just back to aid grifting.


  • Now bringing you *Zen*
  • Senior Member
And just to point something out -

if you began burning tires for smoke cover while hurling molotov cocktails and home made bombs at any military from any country you'd also most likely be dying. A lot of you truly do have too much privilege.  :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl

It's the expression of people feeling without hope due to a lifetime of economic and military oppression living in basically an open air prison.

When I get pissed off its at a situation that is fostering such powerful resentments that Israel is the gatekeeper of solving, but refuses to no matter what arbitrary demands are met. And in this instance a president that is willing to stoke and erode this situation further to please his largest donor, however, you seem to just enjoy the satisfaction of seeing brown people you can look down on getting gunned down because you seemingly lack any sort of sympathy unless it is a racist getting dog piled on a fringe video game forum.

Then all of the sudden you seem completely capable of understanding how poor treatment and economic anxiety can lead to radicalization.
This is such a loaded post and it reeks of fucking blind leftwing idiocy. I love this tidbit right here

you seem to just enjoy the satisfaction of seeing brown people you can look down on getting gunned down

what on the fuck... as pointed out already in this thread Israelis are the same exact race- color, genetic makeup, physical markers. So by your logic i am both gleeful because  of 'brown people' being gunned down but that would also make me excited that other more superior 'brown people' are doing the gunning down? And what is a 'brown' person to you anyways? Am I 'brown' being from South America? lol. You guys do too much cartwheels to justify your media hyped way of looking at reality.

And if you think it's Israel that doesn't commit to peace talks you truly are a stupid fuck. Get off leftwing media nuts. Please, it would do you some good.

I just don't get it. It's not like Israel AND Hamas have been hit with multiple human rights violations against the Palestinian people. These losers really need to get over it and move on, imo.
  :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl

wait wait which Palestinian people are you referring to now? The ones that don't vote HAMAS in? The ones that were called upon HAMAS to go to the protest? lol which  please do tell.

You guys are killing me, really. this is too much  :lol


  • Finish the Fight
  • Senior Member
If the suggested peace summit was just a way to grift more aid from the UN or lift sanctions without actually denuclearizing, why did he cancel? I still think a diplomatic solution to denuclearization was possible but a reckless Trump administration changed Kim's mind.

So far he only canceled a meeting with South Korea, as of right now the summit with America in Singapore is still on.

I would honestly be shocked if that one doesn't take place, there is almost no downside for North Korea on that and tons of upside.


Our great supreme leader Kim Jong Un has out-trolled the big American troll Donald J. Trump. In an epic scheme set-up by the great leader and his sister he has made the President of the Devilish United States the biggest loser in the world. Nations from all over the globe congratulated the Supreme Leader on this amazing feat. President Putin called it: "A Better troll than the 2016 election". The troll tactics employed by our great leader were sophisticated in nature and complex in execution. First he made the US president believe he had completed developing Nuclear Weapons. Then he destroyed his own Nuclear testing site and had the South Koreans ask Trump for peace talks. The great leader met with the evil foreign head of the CIA and Foreign Secretary Mike Pompeo Just before the summit to keep up the ruse. Going as far as meeting the South Korean government for talks and holding hands with their president. Tomorrow the nation will celebrate this great victory over the American Imperialists with a parade of nuclear weapons. The Supreme Leader added: "The Dotard should think twice before calling me 'Little rocket man' now that I have trolled him so hard he is embarrassed for decades"


  • Lieutenant colonel, 26th Hate Machine battalion
  • Senior Member

The Jordan Peterson sub is far more civilized to opposing voices than you assholes. Far, FAR more civilized. I've witnessed it first hand and even though they still disagreed about this cultural Marxism bullshit they've been spewing at least they weren't class A pricks about it.

The guy that runs around calling everyone distinguished mentally-challenged fellows is lecturing about civility in the politics thread, rich.

I usually respond to people in the same tone they respond to me, not my fault the forum is full of assholes. Rarely some prick (a prick the rest of the forum will defend btw) annoys me so much that I go on full asshole mode which admittedly is a character flaw of mine but it doesn't happen often.

You must be confusing being rude to other posters with shitting on certain ideologies I heavily dislike. Not the same.


  • Senior Member
This is such a loaded post and it reeks of fucking blind leftwing idiocy. I love this tidbit right here

you seem to just enjoy the satisfaction of seeing brown people you can look down on getting gunned down

what on the fuck... as pointed out already in this thread Israelis are the same exact race- color, genetic makeup, physical markers. So by your logic i am both gleeful because  of 'brown people' being gunned down but that would also make me excited that other more superior 'brown people' are doing the gunning down? And what is a 'brown' person to you anyways? Am I 'brown' being from South America? lol. You guys do too much cartwheels to justify your media hyped way of looking at reality.

And if you think it's Israel that doesn't commit to peace talks you truly are a stupid fuck. Get off leftwing media nuts. Please, it would do you some good.

You guys are killing me, really. this is too much  :lol
I wasn't posting that to try and get a back and forth going about the causes of the Israeli/Palestenian situation, your bitchmade behavior earlier this year after spouting off nonsense about US immigration process and immigration crime was my one go at it. Where you made it widely known that you don't have any credibility making assertions about any matters of fact, let alone claiming to have informed opinions.

You've routinely made it abundantly clear in your racial/ethnic/religious/eugenics rants how you see middle-eastern muslims(excuse me, muslim "culture") at or near the bottom rung on the human ladder. So don't play this coy game with me Assimilate.


  • Senior Member

The Jordan Peterson sub is far more civilized to opposing voices than you assholes. Far, FAR more civilized. I've witnessed it first hand and even though they still disagreed about this cultural Marxism bullshit they've been spewing at least they weren't class A pricks about it.

The guy that runs around calling everyone distinguished mentally-challenged fellows is lecturing about civility in the politics thread, rich.

I usually respond to people in the same tone they respond to me,
No you really don't though. Like etiolate, I have routinely tried to give you the benefit of the doubt, at most only using minimal snark, only to be bombarded with insults in lieu of civility or good faith participation.


  • Now bringing you *Zen*
  • Senior Member
Nola, Nola, dude, this would be such a crazy fun experiment seriously try this :

Go to the border of U.S/Canada. Find a military or border patrol post and lob molotovs at them.

I want to see if you die. Also, extra street cred if you're carrying a newborn in your arms  :doge


  • cultural maoist
  • Senior Member
A border splits two countries. Gaza is not a country. There is no border, only a prison wall.


  • Senior Member
Nola, Nola, dude, this would be such a crazy fun experiment seriously try this :

Go to the border of U.S/Canada. Find a military or border patrol post and lob molotovs at them.

I want to see if you die. Also, extra street cred if you're carrying a newborn in your arms  :doge

I know you're really proud in thinking that you found the perfect gotcha straw man to own the es jay dubya libtards, so you just want to shoehorn it back into the thread, but for someone with such a low bar already given to them, you are somehow finding ways to still miss the jump.

An Israeli soldier has the right to personal self defense, when justified, and for all I know a good chunk of those deaths were justified(though it is interesting you seem to have it all figured out when frankly we don't really know the details on a lot of them). But the over-riding context in which this conflict is happening in falls heavily on Israel and by extension America's shoulders. Since as already stated, they are the gatekeepers and they ultimately dictate everything. And in this instance, we are the initial aggressors by moving the embassy into territory America had long promised to respect as neutral until an agreed upon resolution between the party's could be hashed out. That doesn't excuse any attempts at harming an Israeli soldier, though nor does the presence of molotovs excuse any and all violence an Israeli soldier may have committed, but it should at a minimum place some responsibility on escalating those tensions on the Israeli/America side. Who again, are keeping the Palestinians in an open-air prison and people of any stripe don't really like that.
« Last Edit: May 15, 2018, 06:24:20 PM by Nola »


  • cultural maoist
  • Senior Member
Nola, Nola, dude, this would be such a crazy fun experiment seriously try this :

Go to the border of U.S/Canada. Find a military or border patrol post and lob molotovs at them.

I want to see if you die. Also, extra street cred if you're carrying a newborn in your arms  :doge

I know you're really proud in thinking that you found the perfect gotcha straw man to own the es jay dubya libtards, so you just want to shoehorn it back into the thread, but for someone with such a low bar already given to them, you are somehow finding ways to still miss the jump.

An Israeli soldier has the right to personal self defense, when justified, and for all I know a good chunk of those deaths were justified(though it is interesting you seem to have it all figured out when frankly we don't really know the details on a lot of them). But the over-riding context in which this conflict is happening in falls heavily on Israel and by extension America's shoulders. Since as already stated, they are the gatekeepers and they ultimately dictate everything.

I agree with your overall point but this is giving too much credit, there's no way any of those killings were done in self-defense. They were sniping people from a mile away.


  • Now bringing you *Zen*
  • Senior Member
A border splits two countries. Gaza is not a country. There is no border, only a prison wall.

Now i'm the one that has to call out "age" here. Maybe some of you aren't old enough to remember why this is. Why checkpoints were put in place, why Israel has some of the most stringent airport profiling protocols in place. Let's all just pretend they did this because they wanna trap the poor innocent Palestinians. Booohooohoo how sad.



  • Senior Member
Nola, Nola, dude, this would be such a crazy fun experiment seriously try this :

Go to the border of U.S/Canada. Find a military or border patrol post and lob molotovs at them.

I want to see if you die. Also, extra street cred if you're carrying a newborn in your arms  :doge

I know you're really proud in thinking that you found the perfect gotcha straw man to own the es jay dubya libtards, so you just want to shoehorn it back into the thread, but for someone with such a low bar already given to them, you are somehow finding ways to still miss the jump.

An Israeli soldier has the right to personal self defense, when justified, and for all I know a good chunk of those deaths were justified(though it is interesting you seem to have it all figured out when frankly we don't really know the details on a lot of them). But the over-riding context in which this conflict is happening in falls heavily on Israel and by extension America's shoulders. Since as already stated, they are the gatekeepers and they ultimately dictate everything.

I agree with your overall point but this is giving too much credit, there's no way any of those killings were done in self-defense. They were sniping people from a mile away.

And if that is the case I'm with you.

I guess my point was mostly just to say that sure, some of those deaths MAY be justified, there certainly is a context in which I would see that as the case, though I also am not informed enough about every single death to make that judgement. Not sure we have or will ever have all the facts on every single one?....Assimilate seems to be sure enough to paint with a broad brush though.


  • cultural maoist
  • Senior Member
Of course I know. Israel kicked those people's ancestors out of their homes and they don't want them coming back, through force or otherwise.

edit: replying to assimilate


  • Now bringing you *Zen*
  • Senior Member
Of course I know. Israel kicked those people's ancestors out of their homes and they don't want them coming back, through force or otherwise.

Everyone can have historical grievances but the one group that probably has the most right to historical grievances of them all.

Yeahhhh. I got it now. You're an antisemite.  :heh


  • cultural maoist
  • Senior Member
seems like a stretch


  • someday you feed on a tree frog
  • Senior Member
A border splits two countries. Gaza is not a country. There is no border, only a prison wall.

Now i'm the one that has to call out "age" here. Maybe some of you aren't old enough to remember why this is. Why checkpoints were put in place, why Israel has some of the most stringent airport profiling protocols in place. Let's all just pretend they did this because they wanna trap the poor innocent Palestinians. Booohooohoo how sad.



the illegality of Israels actions is overwhelming accepted by nearly every organisation internationally. but assimilate knows it all already. we're talking about obvious, ongoing, and in the context of international law - illegal, use of excessive force. nobody's arguing that palestinians are innocent here you twat, but Israel is the occupying power, and they have a responsibility to the Palestinian people which they are not upholding.


  • Now bringing you *Zen*
  • Senior Member
A border splits two countries. Gaza is not a country. There is no border, only a prison wall.

Now i'm the one that has to call out "age" here. Maybe some of you aren't old enough to remember why this is. Why checkpoints were put in place, why Israel has some of the most stringent airport profiling protocols in place. Let's all just pretend they did this because they wanna trap the poor innocent Palestinians. Booohooohoo how sad.



the illegality of Israels actions is overwhelming accepted by nearly every organisation internationally. but assimilate knows it all already. we're talking about obvious, ongoing, and in the context of international law - illegal, use of excessive force. nobody's arguing that palestinians are innocent here you twat, but Israel is the occupying power, and they have a responsibility to the Palestinian people which they are not upholding.

You stupid naive twat no one cares about international law. Countries are going to do what they're going to do, something being illegal or not is going to be irrelevant at the end of the day.

"omg what you're doing is illegal, you can't just go to war against another peoples that are trying to murder you consistently for hundreds of years until we say you can" Uh huh. You guys keep pretending this is how things actually work.  :clap

Palestinians routinely martyr children and teenagers but god forbid IDF drop pamphlet letting people know that violently protesting will result in deaths and then proceed accordingly. Monsters i tell ya, monsters.


  • Senior Member
Of course I know. Israel kicked those people's ancestors out of their homes and they don't want them coming back, through force or otherwise.

Everyone can have historical grievances but the one group that probably has the most right to historical grievances of them all.

Yeahhhh. I got it now. You're an antisemite.  :heh

I mean if any specific criticism aimed at a state/group's actions that you've observed over time is now your measuring stick for declaring someone racist...  :rollsafe :ufup


  • Now bringing you *Zen*
  • Senior Member
You stupid naive twat no one cares about international law.

Is this a GOB quote from AD season 5?
Did it stop the U.S from going into Iraq? did it stop countless genocide in Africa? Did it stop Russia taking Crimea? Did it stop N.Korea doing what they've done for decades?

In this respect international law is a big wet fart.


  • Senior Member
A border splits two countries. Gaza is not a country. There is no border, only a prison wall.

Now i'm the one that has to call out "age" here. Maybe some of you aren't old enough to remember why this is. Why checkpoints were put in place, why Israel has some of the most stringent airport profiling protocols in place. Let's all just pretend they did this because they wanna trap the poor innocent Palestinians. Booohooohoo how sad.



the illegality of Israels actions is overwhelming accepted by nearly every organisation internationally. but assimilate knows it all already. we're talking about obvious, ongoing, and in the context of international law - illegal, use of excessive force. nobody's arguing that palestinians are innocent here you twat, but Israel is the occupying power, and they have a responsibility to the Palestinian people which they are not upholding.

I'd just caution you, I once took the trouble(mostly for fun to see where it would go with him) to post comparative immigration statistics and government crime data to confront Assimilate about how his inflammatory assertions about the western world's most lax immigration system and immigrants bringing more crime to America was objectively false.....And it just led to an angry, insult-laden ramble that eventually shifted into bizarre eugenics arguments.

....Though by the end of everyone's mockery of the eugenics stuff he did run away from the thread to go cry in the resetera/culture wars thread for basically 7 months, so maybe there is an upside here  :idont

Facts trigger him, but they won't ever persuade him.


  • Senior Member
Cohen is out here asking for bribes from Qatar to pass to trump family members and y’all are out here talking about Jews.

This nicca really is going to get taken down by a pornstar and her lawyer, isn’t he?


  • Lieutenant colonel, 26th Hate Machine battalion
  • Senior Member


  • someday you feed on a tree frog
  • Senior Member
I actually don't know what the deal is eh, or what assimilate is trying to assert here. It's naive to criticise a country for breaking international law, because. er. Some countries flout international law?

Guys, there are criminals, and some get away with it or just deal with the societal ramifications. It's naive to discuss this crime wave.

Many countries would be crippled through trade sanctions for flouting international law. Israel is an interesting case as they are emboldened through popular support from the US; case in point, they get a new 'Murican embassy - kill 59 and wound over 2200 because some people were throwing rocks, had some fire kites, burnt some tires (to shield from Sniper fire) and allegedly threw some molotovs.

International Law breaks down when the countries involved have little to lose, or are exceptions to the rule e.g. Israel. N. Korea was already barred for being commies, and they're fucked economically, similar with many African nations. What's your point?


  • Senior Member
Cohen is out here asking for bribes from Qatar to pass to trump family members and y’all are out here talking about Jews.

This nicca really is going to get taken down by a pornstar and her lawyer, isn’t he?

I'm still steadily waffling in my thoughts(like usual). He's clearly gonna get hit, but how hard? Right now we seem to clearly have election and bank fraud, which both don't amount to a whole lot. from what i understand he could realistically get fairly minimal jail time and some heavy fines and be good to go.

Cohen definitely seems to be a major firewall on the business corruption end of Trump's troubles though(though seemingly Russia as well), so I get the sense how far down the path that gets to go will come down to how dire they can make Cohen's prospects seem? 1-4 years in jail? Cohen will tell NY prosecutors and Mueller to go fuck themselves. 15-25? Cohen's gonna sing like a bird IMO. But how many of these revelations can realistically lead to any new criminal charges?


  • Senior Member
You stupid naive twat no one cares about international law.

Is this a GOB quote from AD season 5?
Did it stop the U.S from going into Iraq? did it stop countless genocide in Africa? Did it stop Russia taking Crimea? Did it stop N.Korea doing what they've done for decades?

In this respect international law is a big wet fart.
By design it was never going to be able to achieve total enforcement power. So it is a bit disingenuous to point to all the ways it has fallen short of doing things it was never going to be 100% capable of doing as a construct in the first place.

However, like low-thinking GOP knuckle draggers on the Iran deal, you can stack the deck with all the examples of that system's failure to achieve the utopia you want, but if your solution is to just scrap that system entirely, effectively making the situation objectively worse, your entire logic falls apart. Not that you are saying this specifically, but you seem to have leaned into being ok with might makes right arguments a few times now.

I'm a Puppy!

  • Knows the muffin man.
  • Senior Member
Guys, can't we just all agree here?

- Maybe Assimilate is right about the fact that if the Muslims really wanted to get rid of Israel they could do it, but won't because the cost is too high, so they do these stupid things.
And Maybe everyone else is right about IDF being baby killers.

See? We can all agree. Win/Win. :blessup


  • cultural maoist
  • Senior Member
^ban this guy


  • Lieutenant colonel, 26th Hate Machine battalion
  • Senior Member
Guys, can't we just all agree here?

- Maybe Assimilate is right about the fact that if the Muslims really wanted to get rid of Israel they could do it, but won't because the cost is too high, so they do these stupid things.
And Maybe everyone else is right about IDF being baby killers.

See? We can all agree. Win/Win. :blessup

Israel illegally possesses nuclear weapons. They can't do anything unless by cost too high you mean nuclear holocaust.

Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
  • Administrator
Okay, I banned Puppy. Who’s next?

I'm a Puppy!

  • Knows the muffin man.
  • Senior Member
Guys, can't we just all agree here?

- Maybe Assimilate is right about the fact that if the Muslims really wanted to get rid of Israel they could do it, but won't because the cost is too high, so they do these stupid things.
And Maybe everyone else is right about IDF being baby killers.

See? We can all agree. Win/Win. :blessup

Israel illegally possesses nuclear weapons. They can't do anything unless by cost too high you mean nuclear holocaust.
You saying a nuclear holocaust isn't too high a price?



  • Senior Member
Guys, can't we just all agree here?

- Maybe Assimilate is right about the fact that if the Muslims really wanted to get rid of Israel they could do it, but won't because the cost is too high, so they do these stupid things.
And Maybe everyone else is right about IDF being baby killers.

See? We can all agree. Win/Win. :blessup

Israel illegally possesses nuclear weapons. They can't do anything unless by cost too high you mean nuclear holocaust.

Even when I kind of want to agree with the gist of what you seem to be saying, you make it hard lol.

I mean I highly doubt the sort of hawks in Israel that are largely responsible for helping deteriorate the situation as much as it has on their nation's end, because they want no two-state solution and want all these territories to be exclusively Israeli, would ever nuke said desired territory. Let alone due to the proximity to Israel proper.

However it does seem that no realistic rebellion force, nor any level of capitulation could realistically satisfy the current hawkish government to both 1.) re-engage in good-faith peace talks, or 2.) Agree to any sort of respectable two state deal that shares Jerusalem. In my estimate things are probably going to remain at an impasse until a left-wing government with a far less hawkish streak is able to come into power and concurrently the Palestinians don't go too hard toward their own hawks if and when that happens.


  • Icon
Everyone can have historical grievances but the one group that probably has the most right to historical grievances of them all.

If this was really about that, you guys would've given us Bavaria instead.



  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
Speaking of not-the-Onion
i am extremely interested in these "arson kites" now

also i have some interest in the "rope tied to fence" one


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
also, it is my understanding that is not against international law to shoot someone wearing a guy fawkes mask


  • Now bringing you *Zen*
  • Senior Member
A border splits two countries. Gaza is not a country. There is no border, only a prison wall.

Now i'm the one that has to call out "age" here. Maybe some of you aren't old enough to remember why this is. Why checkpoints were put in place, why Israel has some of the most stringent airport profiling protocols in place. Let's all just pretend they did this because they wanna trap the poor innocent Palestinians. Booohooohoo how sad.



the illegality of Israels actions is overwhelming accepted by nearly every organisation internationally. but assimilate knows it all already. we're talking about obvious, ongoing, and in the context of international law - illegal, use of excessive force. nobody's arguing that palestinians are innocent here you twat, but Israel is the occupying power, and they have a responsibility to the Palestinian people which they are not upholding.

I'd just caution you, I once took the trouble(mostly for fun to see where it would go with him) to post comparative immigration statistics and government crime data to confront Assimilate about how his inflammatory assertions about the western world's most lax immigration system and immigrants bringing more crime to America was objectively false.....And it just led to an angry, insult-laden ramble that eventually shifted into bizarre eugenics arguments.

....Though by the end of everyone's mockery of the eugenics stuff he did run away from the thread to go cry in the resetera/culture wars thread for basically 7 months, so maybe there is an upside here  :idont

Facts trigger him, but they won't ever persuade him.
You did no such thing. What you did do however is miss the argument by a wide margin. I simply do not have the stamina like etoilet does to argue with you endlessly as you keep missing the point. I'll eventually get bored and move on. Kinda like right now. I'm bored of this.

It's just hot takes from people that watch too much CNN.

team filler

  • filler
  • filler
Okay, I banned Puppy. Who’s next?
ban all these people ↓↓↓


  • Senior Member
Go ahead and co-sign onto the "boredom," "moving on" self-save crutch, but you both seem to get "bored" when people start bringing up pesky things like "facts" into your all's bloviating stream-of-conscience culture-war vomit.

Like your ridiculous eugenics/criminal immigrant nonsense months ago, or much of your posts today.

....Just hoping its another 7 months.


  • someday you feed on a tree frog
  • Senior Member
Assimilate, you're a joke.


  • Senior Member
Damn, Kim pulling out of the trump summit, hahaha.

Someone pull up my sage like post from like a month or two where I said there was zero chance trump achieved denuclearization. Basically the only thing we seeme to have gotten out of Chinanon trade is somehow that we are going to pull sanctions on ZTE.

Need to call my dad to run it in sometime later this week.


  • Member
also, it is my understanding that is not against international law to shoot someone wearing a guy fawkes mask

In fact it violates the Treaty of Rome not to.