Author Topic: US Politics Thread |OT| SAD TRUMP  (Read 5567515 times)

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  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
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The Most Qualified Candidate Ever™ ran a putrid campaign, but it's not like the Democratic Party hasn't collapsed at the state level, lost a different particularly white minority rule election in the recent past, lost again to the same guy even though he just invented a reason to invade a country and left us with a regional conflict we're still participating in, didn't retake the House after the Republican Revolution until 2006 even though a literal pedophile was Speaker of the House for ~8 years, didn't pass card check to shore up one of their political bases when they did control Congress, didn't play into Republican propaganda by implementing pay-as-you-go when they controlled Congress, et cetera.

2016 was a symptom, not the disease.


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Definitely the Democratic Party has been broken for like 10 years.

Obama kind of papered over a lot of it because he was president and well-liked, but the parties problems also got a lot worse under him. 2014 and 2010 were utter embarrassments that should never have happened.

That said, shifting gears....

Looks like the FBI released the entire FISA application for Carter Page (redacted obviously) and a few things are clear.

1) they have a lot of shit on Page, and the FBI seems heavily convinced he is/was collaborating with the Russians along with some other people in the campaign.

2) the Nunes memo was basically made up. I think they were counting on this never being released, but it directly contradicts several points.


  • Do the moron
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His followup was even better imo:

I am so SICK of hearing suicide bombers yelling allahu akbar, you can't go outside these days without someone yelling "God is the greatest" at you before blowing themselves up

I get his point though. Some phrases are still beautiful even if uttered by a murdering maniac just before killing you, like : "Come with me at the great Taco Bell in the sky, a YUM! brand".


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Solution: arm each jihadi with a miniature church bell instead.


  • The Muffin Man
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His followup was even better imo:

I am so SICK of hearing suicide bombers yelling allahu akbar, you can't go outside these days without someone yelling "God is the greatest" at you before blowing themselves up

I know how he feels.  For me its hundreds of hours of Battlefield 2 audio.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2018, 06:19:46 AM by BlueTsunami »


  • Finish the Fight
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Is she wearing a moomoo?


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She’s definitely not running again.

Because she’s out here looking like she’s wearing a nightgown and a wig.


  • Do the moron
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She’s definitely not running again.

Because she’s out here looking like she’s wearing a nightgown and a wig.

The Dems needs fresh faces in 2020. Could I interest you in that grassroot activist with no prior political entanglement with the fat, lazy, crooked establishment : Ilaria Rodho-Clintona ?


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She went full abuela didn’t she?


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Clinton 2020, “I’m with Big Momma”


  • Finish the Fight
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The FISA warrant means this nincompoop is back.



  • Member
His followup was even better imo:

I am so SICK of hearing suicide bombers yelling allahu akbar, you can't go outside these days without someone yelling "God is the greatest" at you before blowing themselves up

I get his point though. Some phrases are still beautiful even if uttered by a murdering maniac just before killing you, like : "Come with me at the great Taco Bell in the sky, a YUM! brand".

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">I spent my childhood in the Christian neighborhood in Beirut listening to both the bells (older churches than Dawkins&#39;) and the muezzin in the distance.<br>It taught me that tolerance is when you get that:<br><br>The Other likes the aesthetics of his rituals as much as you do yours. <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Nassim Nicholas Taleb (@nntaleb) <a href="">July 19, 2018</a></blockquote>
<script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

Honestly Taleb has alot of worthwhile things to say but i'm really more interested in his trolling methods than his statistical take on life. (even if they kind of intersect) I wish his next book addresses that.


  • The Muffin Man
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You KNOW that has to be her 420 attire. Shes out the game. And good for her, cause the game was rigged.


  • Y = λ𝑓. (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥)) (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥))
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I grew up listening to Nola posts. They were so calm and beautiful, if a little austere, compared to the harsh din of a Nintex spam session. Maybe it's just my cultural upbringing.


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"Black person who blames black people" is a top-3 failsafe grift, along with anti-Trump Republican and blonde girl who loves the 2nd amendment.

I'm sorry, I meant hat I don't think he's a racist. Not that you would take an experiment and draw out that veiled accusation. I know you'd do that. I just retain that its a dishonest game that's very easy to play for cowards since they never do or say anything worth noticing.


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suffer the same consequence as North Korea.. So Rouhani is getting a photo op?


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Reading Comey's tweet in the voice of Sam Eagle, Trump's in the voice of The Monarch.


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Comey's quote =

Do not, my friends, become addicted to water. It will take hold of you, and you will resent its absence.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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To quote someone with more than one Greatest Hit:
a top-3 failsafe grift, along with anti-Trump Republican


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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For the record, this is my sole The Bore Greatest Hit, in that I sometimes remember it randomly:


  • cultural maoist
  • Senior Member
For the record, this is my sole The Bore Greatest Hit, in that I sometimes remember it randomly:

think of the likes you would have gotten for this  :'(


  • Senior Member
I grew up listening to Nola posts. They were so calm and beautiful, if a little austere, compared to the harsh din of a Nintex spam session. Maybe it's just my cultural upbringing.

  :teehee  :-*


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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i fell backwards into reading some about Michael Flynn's "business" in Turkey, via Turkish subjects, and it sounds like the Reza Zarrab flipped and turned on Flynn for Mueller from the minute he was contacted in part to make sure that the U.S. tries Zarrab :lol

Erdogan started wanting him publicly back in 2017 suddenly after the U.S. charged a bunch more Turks for similar crimes...originally it was just private "backdoor" asking for him, including apparently both Erdogan and his wife accosting Biden and his wife at a reception where Erdogan was seemingly confused when Biden said he couldn't just fire the prosecutor and end the case*

*when Khrushchev came over to the US, he repeatedly asked the Eisenhower White House what they were going to order the press to report and not report about his promotional trip around the U.S., Khrushchev was similarly baffled at the White House's response of "why would we order local papers what to publish about your trip?" and subsequently how positive the press was about his trip :usacry :ussrcry
« Last Edit: July 23, 2018, 02:50:04 AM by benjipwns »


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Since we're doing throwback links in the other thread, this one is especially for DNCMandark:
The Associated Press carries on a daily vendetta against the Trump administration, systematically misleading the American people in articles that appear in hundreds or thousands of newspapers. Thus, it is no surprise that the AP’s story on DOJ’s FISA application dump is nothing but Democratic Party spin.


The DOJ’s statement that “the FBI speculates that the identified U.S person [Simpson] was likely looking for information that could be used to discredit Candidate #1’s [Trump’s] campaign” could only have been an intentional effort to deceive the FISA judge. The FBI was perfectly well aware that the Hillary Clinton campaign and the DNC hired Simpson through their lawyers, and the purpose of doing so was to attack candidate Donald Trump. References to “speculation” about “likely” motives are entirely dishonest.

In a moment of epic dishonesty, the AP neglects to tell its readers about this blatantly misleading feature of the FISA application. As Trump said, DOJ and the FBI “misled the courts.” Further, if the AP reporters actually read the president’s tweets, as presumably they did, they must have seen that Trump referred to Andrew McCarthy’s analysis of why the FISA application was scandalously inept and misleading. Yet the AP also fails to acknowledge, let alone try to rebut, Andrew’s observations.


With the AP, it is often hard to tell whether we are dealing with malice or ignorance.
The weekend release of a highly-redacted version of the FBI's application for a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrant to wiretap onetime Trump foreign policy adviser Carter Page has renewed the argument over the Nunes memo — the brief report produced by House Intelligence Committee Chairman Rep. Devin Nunes detailing problems in the application. From the time of the memo's release in February, Democrats and some in the press have denounced it as a collection of lies and mischaracterizations. On Saturday night, the denouncing started again. "The only thing the newly released FISA documents show is that Republicans have been lying for months," the lefty think tank Center for American Progress said in a typical response.

Now, however, we have both the memo and the FISA application, if in a blacked-out state. We can compare the two. And doing so shows the Nunes memo was overwhelmingly accurate. Perhaps some Democrats do not believe it should have been written, or they dispute what it included and left out, or they do not agree with its conclusions, but it was in fact accurate.


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Pompeo gave a speech on Iran. Can't find a transcript yet, but it sounds like a chunk of it was dedicated to explaining how our beef is with the current regime in Iran, which we distinguish from the people of Iran whom we support.

Exactly what the Bush administration used to do, and about as successful as you'd expect.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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If only someone would take care of the current regime, it's just too bad that Trump is for peace and non-intervention. :usacry

team filler

  • filler
  • filler
If only someone would take care of the current regime, it's just too bad that Trump is for peace and non-intervention. :usacry


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Iron Maiden shirt is an underrated detail, but something a bit more death metally would get closer.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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wow, first, she's from Ann Arbor so learning to read and write is a huge accomplishment

First they came for the Muslims, and I did not speak out—

Because I was not a Muslim.

Then they came for the Transgender people, and I did not speak out—

Because I was not a Transgender person.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—

Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

mods please. aggression against the Victors will not stand

Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
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Fox'n Friends accidentally booked the wrong Dem Congresswoman and she used the airtime to rip Donald Trump. You can't trust the lying, failing Democrats.


  • Finish the Fight
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First they came for the rug collectors, and I did not speak out—

Because I was not a rug collector.

Then they came for the shady lawyers, and I did not speak out—

Because I was not a lawyer.

Then they came for the Russian honeypots, and I did not speak out—

Because I was not a Russian honeypot.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

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if the D E E P S T A T E has their way, all the trolls will be in jail.


  • cultural maoist
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  • Finish the Fight
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  • Finish the Fight
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Goddamn, Time to get Paul a Netflix deal.

Guess who's releasing those Cohen tapes...
Trump himself and his legal team, consisting mainly of RUDY!
But it was Trump's own legal team that decided to release a tape of the two men discussing a possible payment to a Playboy model, which had been deemed "privileged" in a federal court, a source with knowledge told CNBC.

The source said Saturday that Trump's legal team waived the protection, which would have allowed the tape to remain hidden from prosecutors. [...]

Doing so gave Trump's current lawyer, former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, the ability to release "his version of the tape's contents," the source said.

« Last Edit: July 23, 2018, 06:26:04 PM by Nintex »


  • Senior Member
I love how the biased media doesn’t call Killary’s outfit a nightgown.


  • Do the moron
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Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Not a fan of people claiming Trump's team will release the tapes until they actually release this. Thus far, they have straight up lied about the contents on one tape. Er...allegedly at least: all the journalists who have been briefed on the contents of the tape say it makes Trump look bad and he discusses payments for the playbunny. Trump and Rudy say the tape proves he didn't do anything wrong.

Why would they lie about the contents and then release them unless they plan on editing the tapes...but even that won't work because Cohen has copies, the judge has heard the tapes and can say they were edited, etc.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
  • Senior Member
I also want to point out that it's almost 8PM EST and Benji has not been banned for denigrating the great city of Ann Arbor.

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My guess is that Trumps strategy is the Don JR strategy. Release partial transcripts of the tapes to get in front of the story and make it look as good as possible. That seems to have mostly worked for Don Jr, but I’m not sure it will this time.

Don Jr was in the unique position of having the other side of the legal picture be government prosecutors and FBI types that couldn’t professionally speak on the topic. This will look different when you have Michael Acenstti and Lanny Davis eager to paint you in as bad of a light as possible.


  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
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  • your bright ideas always burn me
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 :dead :dead :dead


  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
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States rights!

The usual suspects have been saying things like "it will just go back to the states" (when Roe is overturned). No it won't.


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"We believe this procedure is literally murder, but would be okay if it were legal on a state-by-state basis."

Nobody actually gives a shit about states rights in general, but pretending in this case is more egregious than usual.

Dickie Dee

  • It's not the band I hate, it's their fans.
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  • We've *all*
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stormy daniels's husband is filing for divorce

for having commited adultery


that's it brehs

i can't handle the fuckery anymore

i'm out

I'm sure Fox-n-Friends will have him on to tell us how horrible she was when she would sleep around with people. Hell, they might even have video evidence.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
It's a mutual divorce, but he's trying to get custody of the kids so he has to put down some reasons she sucks.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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  • Finish the Fight
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stormy daniels's husband is filing for divorce

for having commited adultery


that's it brehs

i can't handle the fuckery anymore

i'm out
Word on the street is....
Her laywer Michael Avenatti is her new lover as he went and Tweeted something out to be 'ahead' of this news.



  • Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside.
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Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
  • Administrator


  • Finish the Fight
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Bob: "Mr President we can't do this trade-war unless we're willing to hurt our farmers.
Well, the only thing that would work is to give them aid but that's socialism hahahaha'


Trump: "Or winning Bob?"

Bob: "Winning sir?"

Trump: "We call it the FARMERS #WINNING ACT and give them money"
Bob: "But that is socialism!"

Trump: "Your mother was socialism in high school believe me"

