Author Topic: US Politics Thread |OT| SAD TRUMP  (Read 5552867 times)

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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| America: A Yum! Brands affiliate
« Reply #38460 on: July 01, 2019, 07:22:12 PM »
We already had a discussion to that effect so sorry for repeating myself, but you have to start somewhere and the top is as good a place as any.

Just look at what Trump manages to "achieve" just on the back on the powers of his office despite the total inefficient, unfocused shitshow his administration is. In an absolute sense it's not a lot, barely anything meaningful get done but he still managed to get thousands of kids in cages, imposes tariffs, and upsets some global equilibrium.

I don't think most people really think Sanders is gonna establish Soviets and leads Bolshevik groups or even turn the US into an European social democracy. A GOP Senate or even a Dem House like the current one would probably be a major choke point to any sweeping reforms but there's something to be said for how Sanders apparently helped to pull steadily the median dem position towards him from 2016 to now. It would seem he is convincing or resonating with enough voters that a lot of "establishment" candidate feel they need to pay some lip service to it. Obviously he's also helping with the bottom of the pyramid.

I pretty much agree with all this!

But it's also basically an argument for incrementalism, which IME isn't how Sanders' main fans see his role.

Cauliflower Of Love

  • I found my bearings, they were in the race
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Most of the greatest world changers have been incrementals, because they're not idiots.

Look at trump.


  • Do the moron
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Oh for sure, people will be let down in case he would be elected and it will be even more acute than with Obama because while Bernie's schtick is maybe no less fuzzy and abstract than "Hope" he is conveying it pretty forcefully.


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I feel like once you accept that you'll be working within the electoral system, incremental vs. large changes isn't really a useful debate to have in the abstract. It's all situational and the things in US history that we see as being big jumps (the New Deal and Great Society) didn't even get the country on par with European socdem mixed economies.


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Oh for sure, people will be let down in case he would be elected and it will be even more acute than with Obama because while Bernie's schtick is maybe no less fuzzy and abstract than "Hope" he is conveying it pretty forcefully.

At least Sanders could be seen actively fighting for things even if they didn't get through, which could maybe blunt the disappointment.

Biden's schtick of saying he could bring reach across to Republicans would be really easy to undercut.

Cauliflower Of Love

  • I found my bearings, they were in the race
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The new deal didn't turn the US all into commies, but it wasn't exactly just a slight turn.
Oh for sure, people will be let down in case he would be elected and it will be even more acute than with Obama because while Bernie's schtick is maybe no less fuzzy and abstract than "Hope" he is conveying it pretty forcefully.

take it back


  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
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marrec: don't call them concentration camps :rage

Don't forget about stufte!

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:nope free speech KKKorner

 :ohyeah KKKontrarian KKKorner

Cauliflower Of Love

  • I found my bearings, they were in the race
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Hillary as SOS.


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you know she wouldn't turn it down

Queen Tulsi as Secretary of Interior.

Obviously pawg jane as chief of staff.


  • Do the moron
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A propos or nothing, I think the whole furor about "Copmala" is amusing. If she gets the nomination, getting nicknamed a cop is absolutely gonna be a boon with common voters.

Cauliflower Of Love

  • I found my bearings, they were in the race
  • Senior Member
A propos or nothing, I think the whole furor about "Copmala" is amusing. If she gets the nomination, getting nicknamed a cop is absolutely gonna be a boon with common voters.

Blue & Black Lives matter might seem like an antithesis.


  • Do the moron
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What would a Sanders cabinet even look like? :lol

Trump managed to fill one, I'm sure the Dems have no shortage of ambitious go-getters for a Cabinet.

I'm no expert but I would think some of them could even gamble on Sanders being a one term president because of age.

Cauliflower Of Love

  • I found my bearings, they were in the race
  • Senior Member
of course trump filled a cabinet, with repubs in control of the senate, that pieces of shit got two scotuses.


  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
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Mandark, I mostly agree with what you've said about team reluctant social fascist, but I'd just like to say that it can get a whole lot worse than Aaron Sorkin fantasies of speaking plain truths and sweeping away power.


  • Do the moron
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A propos or nothing, I think the whole furor about "Copmala" is amusing. If she gets the nomination, getting nicknamed a cop is absolutely gonna be a boon with common voters.

Blue & Black Lives matter might seem like an antithesis.

I'll gladly defer to someone more knowledgeable but the block of regular Dem black voters have endured much worse candidates (I mean we have Biden who can't help but wax lyrical of segregationists...). And in general citizens will still carry an amount of natural (or automatic) respect for cops, prosecutors and judges. And for sure there's some inherent tension there but I would imagine Harris is not gonna condone police brutality or dismiss it wholesale.

Cauliflower Of Love

  • I found my bearings, they were in the race
  • Senior Member
A propos or nothing, I think the whole furor about "Copmala" is amusing. If she gets the nomination, getting nicknamed a cop is absolutely gonna be a boon with common voters.

Blue & Black Lives matter might seem like an antithesis.

I'll gladly defer to someone more knowledgeable but the block of regular Dem black voters have endured much worse candidates (I mean we have Biden who can't help but wax lyrical of segregationists...). And in general citizens will still carry an amount of natural (or automatic) respect for cops, prosecutors and judges. And for sure there's some inherent tension there but I would imagine Harris is not gonna condone police brutality or dismiss it wholesale.

it was a joke about beating up people.


  • Senior Member
I feel like most of Cauliflower's posts are an inside joke that only he is in on.


  • Do the moron
  • Senior Member
A propos or nothing, I think the whole furor about "Copmala" is amusing. If she gets the nomination, getting nicknamed a cop is absolutely gonna be a boon with common voters.

Blue & Black Lives matter might seem like an antithesis.

I'll gladly defer to someone more knowledgeable but the block of regular Dem black voters have endured much worse candidates (I mean we have Biden who can't help but wax lyrical of segregationists...). And in general citizens will still carry an amount of natural (or automatic) respect for cops, prosecutors and judges. And for sure there's some inherent tension there but I would imagine Harris is not gonna condone police brutality or dismiss it wholesale.

it was a joke about beating up people.



  • your bright ideas always burn me
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RCP averages from a month ago to last weeks to this week (five new polls this "weekend"), ranking is current averages:

Warren's surged and it seems to be taking from Bernie and Biden but everyone else is basically static. Pete and Harris have been trading back and forth by a few decimal points since the end of April when Beto imploded. lol at de Blasio's wet fart of a campaign. He technically shouldn't be in the debates as he polled over 1% only prior to announcing, after he actually entered the campaign he cratered. (Much like fellow New Yorker Gillibrand.)
just a peek since there's been three post-debate polls:
Biden: 39.4 -> 29.9 (-9.5. -24%)
Bernard: 16.4 -> 17.0 (+0.6, +4%)
Warren: 8.4 -> 13.4 (+5.0, +60%)
Harris: 7.3 -> 10.0 (+2.7, +37%)
Buttigieg: 6.7 -> 6.0 (-0.7, -10%)
O'Rourke: 4.1 -> 2.6 (-1.5, -37%)
Booker: 2.4 -> 2.3 (-0.1, -4%)
Yang: 0.9 -> 1.3 (+0.4, +44%)
Klobuchar: 1.4 -> 0.7 (-0.7, -50%)
Castro: 1.1 -> 0.7 (-0.4, -36%)

interesting that Castro has dropped so far


  • I don’t wanna be horny anymore, I wanna be happy
  • Senior Member
RCP averages from a month ago to last weeks to this week (five new polls this "weekend"), ranking is current averages:

Warren's surged and it seems to be taking from Bernie and Biden but everyone else is basically static. Pete and Harris have been trading back and forth by a few decimal points since the end of April when Beto imploded. lol at de Blasio's wet fart of a campaign. He technically shouldn't be in the debates as he polled over 1% only prior to announcing, after he actually entered the campaign he cratered. (Much like fellow New Yorker Gillibrand.)
just a peek since there's been three post-debate polls:
Biden: 39.4 -> 29.9 (-9.5. -24%)
Bernard: 16.4 -> 17.0 (+0.6, +4%)
Warren: 8.4 -> 13.4 (+5.0, +60%)
Harris: 7.3 -> 10.0 (+2.7, +37%)
Buttigieg: 6.7 -> 6.0 (-0.7, -10%)
O'Rourke: 4.1 -> 2.6 (-1.5, -37%)
Booker: 2.4 -> 2.3 (-0.1, -4%)
Yang: 0.9 -> 1.3 (+0.4, +44%)
Klobuchar: 1.4 -> 0.7 (-0.7, -50%)
Castro: 1.1 -> 0.7 (-0.4, -36%)

interesting that Castro has dropped so far

I can’t see why Buttigieg went down. I don’t like him but he didn’t do particularly bad and he got lots of screen time.

Cauliflower Of Love

  • I found my bearings, they were in the race
  • Senior Member
I feel like most of Cauliflower's posts are an inside joke that only he is in on.

Remember that time


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Wait I got this one

Hickenlooper? More like Quicktapoop’er

maybe not idk


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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"allowing [them] to leave"

was he holding their families hostage or something?

team filler

  • filler
  • filler

battle angel aloha  :bow2 :bow2 :bow2


  • Senior Member
If Kamala Harris wins the democratic nomination I will be voting write in.

Authoritarian prosecutor is campaigning like an authoritarian prosecutor. I refuse to reward it. I will vote for anyone the democrats put out as their candidate except her. The rest better unfuck themselves and kick her ass.

Also thanks Obama for setting the executive order precedent. You absolute pissant.


  • I don’t wanna be horny anymore, I wanna be happy
  • Senior Member
If Kamala Harris wins the democratic nomination I will be voting write in.

(Image removed from quote.)

Authoritarian prosecutor is campaigning like an authoritarian prosecutor. I refuse to reward it. I will vote for anyone the democrats put out as their candidate except her. The rest better unfuck themselves and kick her ass.

Also thanks Obama for setting the executive order precedent. You absolute pissant.

She’s pretty middle of the pack. I don’t get how you’d be content with everyone else.


  • Senior Member
I'm surprised you chose the one tweet of hers most people would be fine with. If anything, her history of going after black families as a prosecutor would be the bigger red flag.

“Most” people are fools. If a president can do that to something related to guns, what’s to say someone like Trump can’t limit the press, which he hates, via executive order? Both are in the constitution. “Most” people would justify it because they don’t like guns but it sets an awful precedent especially regarding rights.

And I did say authoritarian prosecutor which I obviously consider her track record of funneling people towards the prison pipeline to be a part of.


  • Senior Member
If Kamala Harris wins the democratic nomination I will be voting write in.

(Image removed from quote.)

Authoritarian prosecutor is campaigning like an authoritarian prosecutor. I refuse to reward it. I will vote for anyone the democrats put out as their candidate except her. The rest better unfuck themselves and kick her ass.

Also thanks Obama for setting the executive order precedent. You absolute pissant.

She’s pretty middle of the pack. I don’t get how you’d be content with everyone else.

The rest are not authoritarian.


  • I don’t wanna be horny anymore, I wanna be happy
  • Senior Member
Well she’s running a campaign, ofc she’s going to sound like she’s putting her foot down. I don’t know enough about her as a politician to say she’s an authoritarian, and I don’t think holding her job as AG against her is fair either.


  • Senior Member
Well, we already know she’s authoritarian given her history.

Hence why I said authoritarian prosecutor. Because that’s her history.

And I’ve felt this way even before the debate. It’s great she’s confirmed it to me though and showed her true colors rather than lie about it. :) Watching bee destroy at the debate killed me ngl. And the fact she’s basically at the top of the heap scares me.



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I'm not a big twitter user or anything but I've started blocking people today.

I'm sick of reading a tweet by AoC and the first replies are by the absolute scum of the earth.



  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
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Reminded of a now deleted @getfiscal answer on Curious Cat where he says accusing governments of authoritarianism is like accusing educators of teacherism because they assign homework.


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That's awesome, finally someone sane who isn't afraid. I wonder if the majority supports it.
There is no reason for most ordinary citizens to own firearms, and it's not in the Holy Constitution decreed by God, either. Unless you purposely misread it.


  • Senior Member
Reminded of a now deleted @getfiscal answer on Curious Cat where he says accusing governments of authoritarianism is like accusing educators of teacherism because they assign homework.

Unfortunately, as much as the state isn’t trustworthy, I believe it has value.

The real tricky question is where do we go from here? Like there’s the states rights vs federal issue which is increasingly becomes the topic of the times.

We don’t like the republicans banning abortion despite Roe v Wade in states but we also cheer states making drugs that are illegal federally to be legal. The waters are more and more murky in regards to what power supersedes the other and that’s honestly terrifying.


  • I don’t wanna be horny anymore, I wanna be happy
  • Senior Member
I don’t mean to throw “isms” at you but I feel like part of the negative sentiment surrounding Harris is because of sexism. I think a male AG/politician with her record wouldn’t be called the things she’s getting called. They’d be called decision makers and shot callers.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
I'm not sure it's fair, in any direction, to assign any kind of precedents with executive orders to Obama. Pretty much all of them date back to FDR.


  • Senior Member
I don’t mean to throw “isms” at you but I feel like part of the negative sentiment surrounding Harris is because of sexism. I think a male AG/politician with her record wouldn’t be called the things she’s getting called. They’d be called decision makers and shot callers.




  • Senior Member
I'm not sure it's fair, in any direction, to assign any kind of precedents with executive orders to Obama. Pretty much all of them date back to FDR.

I’m not saying that. You’re right about FDR as he penned 3000 executive orders.

But Obama was the first - to my knowledge - to be overly transparent about overreaching congress blocks to use an executive power which is why we have a candidate threatening to use an executive order if congress doesn’t play ball.

Please correct me if I’m wrong.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
FDR justified legislating through executive orders because a compliant Congress couldn't act fast enough for his wishes.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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what’s to say someone like Trump can’t limit the press, which he hates, via executive order?
"The First Amendment of the Constitution only prohibits Congress from making any law, it is silent on the inherent powers of the executive. Something about being charged with protecting national security. Amen." - Chief Justice John Roberts, 2023

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writing for the 7-2 majority
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Justices Sotomayor and Thomas dissenting


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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soon after his arrival in L.A., he asked a homeless man in Pershing Square where he could buy crack. Hunter said that the man took him to a nearby homeless encampment, where, in a narrow passageway between tents, someone put a gun to his head before realizing that he was a buyer. He returned to buy more crack a few times that week.

One night, outside a club on Hollywood Boulevard, Hunter and another man got into an argument, and a group of bouncers intervened. A friend of one of the bouncers, a Samoan man who went by the nickname Baby Down, felt sorry for Hunter and took him to Mel’s Drive-In to get some food, and to his hotel to pick up his belongings. Early on the morning of October 26th, Baby Down dropped Hunter off at the Hertz rental office at Los Angeles International Airport.

Hunter said that, at that point, he had not slept for several days. Driving east on Interstate 10, just beyond Palm Springs, he lost control of his car, which jumped the median and skidded to a stop on the shoulder of the westbound side. He called Hertz, which came to collect the damaged car and gave him a second rental. Later, on a sharp bend on a mountainous road, Hunter recalled, a large barn owl flew over the hood of the car and then seemed to follow him, dropping in front of the headlights. He said that he has no idea whether the owl was real or a hallucination.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Hicken-done. Run for senate.
The national finance director for John Hickenlooper’s presidential campaign is departing and joining rival Beto O’Rourke’s effort, O’Rourke’s campaign told POLITICO on Monday.

“We’re thrilled to have Dan join our team to bring more supporters into this campaign and ensure Beto’s message of building a new kind of politics where no American is left behind can reach voters across the country,” said Jen O’Malley Dillon, O’Rourke‘s campaign manager.
finally, working for a serious campaign

Mr Gilhaney

  • Gay and suicidal
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good to see a nu metal legend take a stance

Cauliflower Of Love

  • I found my bearings, they were in the race
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“She comes out screaming at our agents, right at the beginning [of the tour] ... Crying and screaming and yelling," one witness said. “The agents, they wanted to respond, but they held back because she’s a congressional delegate. But when you have someone yelling at you in a threatening manner … They were like, ‘Hey, you need to kinda step back.’



Also that "they held back because she's a congressional delegate" shit should be terrifying about agents in charge of people #notaconcentrationcampmarrec


  • Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside.
  • Senior Member
I bet that totally happened and wasn't a fabrication.
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., allegedly screamed at Customs and Border Protection agents "in a threatening manner" during a recent visit to a southern border facility in Texas, according to a report — after she made the explosive claim that women being held at at least one facility are being forced to drink "out of toilet.

The hyperlink to the 'report' goes to

False News


  • Do the moron
  • Senior Member
I bet that totally happened and wasn't a fabrication.
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., allegedly screamed at Customs and Border Protection agents "in a threatening manner" during a recent visit to a southern border facility in Texas, according to a report — after she made the explosive claim that women being held at at least one facility are being forced to drink "out of toilet.

The hyperlink to the 'report' goes to

False News

At least CPB agents didn't follow her back to the plane to shoot them before delivering poisoned orange juice to people in custody.
« Last Edit: July 02, 2019, 12:08:32 PM by VomKriege »


  • Senior Member
“She comes out screaming at our agents, right at the beginning [of the tour] ... Crying and screaming and yelling," one witness said. “The agents, they wanted to respond, but they held back because she’s a congressional delegate. But when you have someone yelling at you in a threatening manner … They were like, ‘Hey, you need to kinda step back.’

(Image removed from quote.)



Also that "they held back because she's a congressional delegate" shit should be terrifying about agents in charge of people #notaconcentrationcampmarrec


  • Senior Member
Big tough border patrol agents actually turning out to be blubbering snowflakes :lol :lol :lol

Not surprising but still hilarious.


  • 🤷‍♀️
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Thems some snowflakes I’d like to melt :gun


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James, thank you for your contribution to Mike Gravel.
A message from Mike Gravel
Thank you for your contribution - only your help can bring down the military-industrial complex.

Who here will join me to be part of the Gravalanche?


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Major international incident happening get into your bunkers


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Major international incident happening get into your bunkers



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Major international incident happening get into your bunkers


Donate to Gravel and Ill tell you


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Former Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper's senior team urged him last month to withdraw from the presidential race gracefully and run for Colorado's Senate seat or pursue other opportunities, a source familiar with the situation told POLITICO.

The source said that the campaign only has about 13,000 donors, making it almost impossible to qualify for the next round of presidential debates in the fall. The campaign also only raised just over $1 million in the second quarter — about what he raised in the first 48 hours of his candidacy — and will likely run out of money completely in about a month.

At least five staffers have left or are leaving Hickenlooper's struggling operation, including his campaign manager, communications director, digital director and finance director. Hickenlooper named a new campaign manager on Monday night.