Author Topic: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...  (Read 2262066 times)

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Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Something something titanic
« Reply #4740 on: October 21, 2017, 09:38:20 PM »
I give it two weeks to business as usual. New mods will be named and back to business.

This is relevant to my interests.


  • Junior Member
Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Something something titanic
« Reply #4741 on: October 21, 2017, 09:39:03 PM »
If anyone wants another huge forum to check out, SomethingAwful is better than Gaf in every way.

SA has just as many skeletons as GAF, though. Why would I spend :10bux: to post on GAF-lite?

On a serious note, this is the owner not sweeping it under the carpet and locking threads, banning people for talking about it.  There was a 250 page thread on SA when that happened, and Lowtax got angry when a mod closed it.


  • Member
Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Something something titanic
« Reply #4742 on: October 21, 2017, 09:39:15 PM »
Ya'll need to cook. Goddamn. This Taco Bell talk has me reconsidering my previous praise.
We have a few mouthbreathing degenerates dragging this place down. It’s why it’s important for the rest of us to maintain dignity and standards without compromise.

Not even in the face of Neogeddon. :rorschach


  • Senior Member
Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - *THE STATEMENT*
« Reply #4743 on: October 21, 2017, 09:39:19 PM »
Evilore is in Austin right... That place seems full of softboys over the last year starting with devin faraci.


  • Junior Member
Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - *THE STATEMENT*
« Reply #4744 on: October 21, 2017, 09:39:34 PM »
I'm interested to see how all this plays out.


  • Junior Member
Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Something something titanic
« Reply #4745 on: October 21, 2017, 09:39:38 PM »
(Image removed from quote.)

you mean like he and that entire site did to a bunch of fucking people? Fuck you ghaleon.


  • Senior Member
Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Something something titanic
« Reply #4746 on: October 21, 2017, 09:39:39 PM »
(Image removed from quote.)
Computer, retrieve posts by Ghaleon that says the same thing about Harvey Weinstein.

Great Rumbler

  • Dab on the sinners
  • Global Moderator
Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - *THE STATEMENT*
« Reply #4748 on: October 21, 2017, 09:39:48 PM »
GAF is becoming a fascinating experiment in what would happen if the moderation staff completely abandoned a fairly prominent high traffic message board. It'll be like a Chernobyl of the internet, where one can study from afar whatever mutated flora and fauna don't fuck off and leave.

The mods get replaced easily. The problem is that the cheap fuck appointed admins to manage his site for free in exchange for imaginary authority.

That's actually something I never understood about NeoGAF. Evilore made tens of thousands a month but paid the people who kept the site going nothing. Why were they all ok with this?

Because some people are so fucking pathetic that will actually work for free just to impose their shitty ideology on others or feel powerful on the internet.



  • Senior Member
Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - *THE STATEMENT*
« Reply #4749 on: October 21, 2017, 09:39:52 PM »
[quote oauthor=Rman link=topic=45102.msg2307127#msg2307127 date=1508636216]
I give it two weeks to business as usual. New mods will be named and back to business.

This is relevant to my interests.
Well the guy has 7 vacancies to fill lol


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Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Something something titanic
« Reply #4750 on: October 21, 2017, 09:39:56 PM »


  • 🤷‍♀️
  • Senior Member
Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - *THE STATEMENT*
« Reply #4751 on: October 21, 2017, 09:40:23 PM »
Dude wtf is going on with this traffic


  • GunOn™! Apply directly to forehead!
  • Senior Member
Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - *THE STATEMENT*
« Reply #4752 on: October 21, 2017, 09:40:32 PM »
Ya'll need to cook. Goddamn. This Taco Bell talk has me reconsidering my previous praise.

Guess what, sometimes good weed comes to you and you want to celebrate it with your boyfriend at a Taco Bell.


  • Junior Member
Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Something something titanic
« Reply #4753 on: October 21, 2017, 09:40:46 PM »
Your virtue signaling has no power here mithrandir

imagine being a grown adult and talking like.this
just imagine


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - *THE STATEMENT*
« Reply #4754 on: October 21, 2017, 09:41:02 PM »
this one has to be fake:


  • Member
Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Something something titanic
« Reply #4755 on: October 21, 2017, 09:41:12 PM »
is it bad that i'm getting a semi over this? watching this place implode is the best porn i've watched in the last 24 hours.
So far, between me, you, and eightbitnate, we almost have a fully erect penis. What we do with it is up to....

Mr. Nobody

  • Groovy.
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  • Senior Member
Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - *THE STATEMENT*
« Reply #4757 on: October 21, 2017, 09:42:52 PM »
Benji, will you become a mod if asked?


  • Junior Member
Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Something something titanic
« Reply #4758 on: October 21, 2017, 09:43:08 PM »
Seeing some fellow refugees defend "the community" and various other only a few bad eggs bullshit.

Make no mistake. The only redeeming part of Gaf was that by coincidence developers and people who actually knew what the fuck they were talking about posted about shit on there in the mid-aughts. Those people were all pushed out in the last decade, replaced by wannabes and armchair devs, supplanted by aging, bitter 30-something capital-G Gamers who sincerely believe the hobby/industry is a zero-sum game where in order for the things they personally like to succeed, the things they personally dislike must fail. That's why you see a lot of language like "If X succeeds it will just encourage more publishers and developers to do shit like this" and various flawed premises about how X thing (that they don't personally like or agree with) will be "bad for the industry," citing various vague consequences that basically all amount to "more things I dislike will be made."

These are people who think the height of criticism is the tired old Mona Lisa-as-video-game meme image that implies video games were complete, uncompromised experiences back in the 90s/00s and that todays games are tiny morsels broken up into DLC packs and pre-order incentives, completely ignoring the exponential increases in overall size, scope, and visual fidelity that today's games offer versus those in the 90s and 00s.

These are the people who feel "screwed over" and "fucked in the ass" by entertainment products, toys.

These are people who celebrate layoffs at companies because the toy the people at that company made wasn't a good enough toy in their assessment.

NeoGaf can burn. At least 4chan knows what it is. NeoGaf was the same shit with a condescending, faux-intellectual, "we're the smart forum" veneer on it.


  • I don’t wanna be horny anymore, I wanna be happy
  • Senior Member
Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Something something titanic
« Reply #4759 on: October 21, 2017, 09:43:10 PM »
(Image removed from quote.)

GAF allowed users to condemn hundreds of people with careers ten times better than Evilore’s based off of lesser accusations.


  • Senior Senior Senior Senior Senior Senior Senior Senior Senior Senior Senior Senior
  • Senior Member
Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - *THE STATEMENT*
« Reply #4760 on: October 21, 2017, 09:44:26 PM »


  • Do the moron
  • Senior Member
Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - *THE STATEMENT*
« Reply #4761 on: October 21, 2017, 09:44:36 PM »
Quote from: dIEHARD
a year of half of OT being a giant Trump thread was ok but a day of truths is too much

gonna be funny when gaf bounces back like nothing happened tomorrow

Will it though ? Even with a good The Statement ? As evidenced by current issues, the site is still pretty shite as far as server goes. A lot of he major mods and admins have stepped down including the one that supposedly made the whole Modbot thing work. And it's not like the allegations will vanish into thin air, it's gonna drag for days or weeks. And the brusque, petty, management by Lore isn't gonna change anytime soon.

I guess if he can salvage the Gaming side and have some fresh faces at the wheel, the forum can indeed soldier on.


  • Junior Member
Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - *THE STATEMENT*
« Reply #4762 on: October 21, 2017, 09:44:39 PM »
this one has to be fake:

(Image removed from quote.)

that's very much real. was going around a lot during GAFs march to kill the xbox one.


  • Member
Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Something something titanic
« Reply #4763 on: October 21, 2017, 09:44:55 PM »
(Image removed from quote.)

GAF allowed users to condemn hundreds of people with careers ten times better than Evilore’s based off of lesser accusations.

Fucking PREACH


  • Member
Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - *THE STATEMENT*
« Reply #4764 on: October 21, 2017, 09:44:58 PM »
Ghaleon giving Evilore the benefit of the doubt and not David Blaine wtf


  • Senior Member
Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Something something titanic
« Reply #4765 on: October 21, 2017, 09:45:04 PM »
(Image removed from quote.)


I would pity EL if he wasn't such a hypocritical scumbag that allowed witch hunts in anyone but himself and his mods.


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  • Senior Member
Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - *THE STATEMENT*
« Reply #4767 on: October 21, 2017, 09:46:09 PM »
Let's take a moment and appreciate this video from the heydays of neogaf when it was becoming mainstream.


  • Do the moron
  • Senior Member
Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Something something titanic
« Reply #4768 on: October 21, 2017, 09:46:29 PM »


  • Junior Member
Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Something something titanic
« Reply #4769 on: October 21, 2017, 09:46:42 PM »
(Image removed from quote.)

GAF allowed users to condemn hundreds of people with careers ten times better than Evilore’s based off of lesser accusations.

I know this because i was a cunt who partook in this nonsense. Remember that thread about a transgender throwing a comedian at a MS event under the bus for no reason? I believed her with zero verification from anyone else at the event and felt like a fucking idiot when the truth came out.


  • Junior Member
Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Something something titanic
« Reply #4770 on: October 21, 2017, 09:46:47 PM »
Does Bobby Roberts like Taco Bell?

Oh nice, hey kevtones

Cheers 🍻

Though I've been here since 2013 apparently.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - *THE STATEMENT*
« Reply #4771 on: October 21, 2017, 09:46:55 PM »
Was HUELEN Lime?!? :ohhh

Anywho, some people have wonder if I've been "playing the long game" or trolling the forum or whatever. The answer is, no.. with a but. When Stumpokopow unbanned a perma (for of all things, praising the attention to detail that a developer put on their character), I didn't want to go back to GAF, but my friends told me to DO IT because we all saw how much of a cesspool it had become while I was gone. This was our ONE OPPORTUNITY to adhere perfect to the TOS and be a "model GAF poster". So, whilst being myself, i did what I've always done. I made helpful threads, I never insulted people and I defended against bullying (GAF is FILLED with bullies). I knew that the GAF I once posted in was gone forever, so I decided to be myself, whilst playing by their rules in THIER game.

I learned a lot.

I learned who dogpiles, who hides, what connections are with whom, and was able to extract information. For example, I once made a thread asking for a webhost in a nice, GAFer-loving fashion. Made sure it was right when I made lots of threads and Evilore was on to make sure he chimed in... and he publically mentioned his registrar, host, and part of the ones who supply the ads.

A site losing its domain registrar over controversy is nothing new, and Google is quite progressive. It'd be. shame if they caught wind and made it so the domain had to be re-registered with someone else and no one would be willing to do it due to controversy...


  • Lieutenant colonel, 26th Hate Machine battalion
  • Senior Member
Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - *THE STATEMENT*
« Reply #4772 on: October 21, 2017, 09:47:33 PM »
GAF is becoming a fascinating experiment in what would happen if the moderation staff completely abandoned a fairly prominent high traffic message board. It'll be like a Chernobyl of the internet, where one can study from afar whatever mutated flora and fauna don't fuck off and leave.

The mods get replaced easily. The problem is that the cheap fuck appointed admins to manage his site for free in exchange for imaginary authority.

That's actually something I never understood about NeoGAF. Evilore made tens of thousands a month but paid the people who kept the site going nothing. Why were they all ok with this?

Because some people are so fucking pathetic that will actually work for free just to impose their shitty ideology on others or feel powerful on the internet.


I was talking about everyone else except you, man.


  • Senior Member
Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Something something titanic
« Reply #4773 on: October 21, 2017, 09:47:51 PM »
Seeing some fellow refugees defend "the community" and various other only a few bad eggs bullshit.

Make no mistake. The only redeeming part of Gaf was that by coincidence developers and people who actually knew what the fuck they were talking about posted about shit on there in the mid-aughts. Those people were all pushed out in the last decade, replaced by wannabes and armchair devs, supplanted by aging, bitter 30-something capital-G Gamers who sincerely believe the hobby/industry is a zero-sum game where in order for the things they personally like to succeed, the things they personally dislike must fail. That's why you see a lot of language like "If X succeeds it will just encourage more publishers and developers to do shit like this" and various flawed premises about how X thing (that they don't personally like or agree with) will be "bad for the industry," citing various vague consequences that basically all amount to "more things I dislike will be made."

These are people who think the height of criticism is the tired old Mona Lisa-as-video-game meme image that implies video games were complete, uncompromised experiences back in the 90s/00s and that todays games are tiny morsels broken up into DLC packs and pre-order incentives, completely ignoring the exponential increases in overall size, scope, and visual fidelity that today's games offer versus those in the 90s and 00s.

These are the people who feel "screwed over" and "fucked in the ass" by entertainment products, toys.

These are people who celebrate layoffs at companies because the toy the people at that company made wasn't a good enough toy in their assessment.

NeoGaf can burn. At least 4chan knows what it is. NeoGaf was the same shit with a condescending, faux-intellectual, "we're the smart forum" veneer on it.



  • Junior Member
Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Something something titanic
« Reply #4774 on: October 21, 2017, 09:48:39 PM »
Only minorities have opinions worth listening to. You thought you struggled when you lost half your ancestors to the potato famine? Let me tell you a little something called stop and frisk..

yeah, blacks stay treated as 2nd class citizens to this day, by every tier of our justice system
real knee slapper, that

Raise a kid to believe he'll always be a victim. Tell everyone else every little movement is a micro aggression towards said kids existence. Create a narrative that white people are born in sin and can only repent by physically doubling as a step ladder. I mean you can suck my dick i guess.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member


  • Lieutenant colonel, 26th Hate Machine battalion
  • Senior Member
Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Something something titanic
« Reply #4776 on: October 21, 2017, 09:48:56 PM »
(Image removed from quote.)

Evilore's own shitty site organized dozens of SJ W witchhunts against people who might be completely innocent because someone said something on the internet. He allowed that sick mentality of guilty before proven innocent because TOLERANCE. In fact many people got banned for daring to ask people think critically or be a little suspicious. The bans remained even after some of these witchhunts were proven to be hoaxes.

Even if he did absolutely nothing wrong he deserves this.


  • Senior Member
Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - *THE STATEMENT*
« Reply #4777 on: October 21, 2017, 09:49:22 PM »
The Statement Forcomes just like Lore tried to do in the shower

Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Something something titanic
« Reply #4778 on: October 21, 2017, 09:49:47 PM »
I told my girlfriend I was gonna put our son to bed a little late so we can watch some of the Astros-Yankees game.  But really I just wanted to passively watch that while trying to catch up on this thread. 
It's worked so far, but now my son is telling me it's bedtime.
He's two and a half years old and hates going to bed.
But he just might hate baseball even more.
If I keep reading this thread he's gonna start hating me too.

Father of the year here


  • Member
Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - *THE STATEMENT*
« Reply #4779 on: October 21, 2017, 09:50:25 PM »
Could he reasonably just shut down OT altogether? I mean every thread was just one call to arms after another. The last fun thread I can remember in OT was the funhouse scare pics and that was years ago... (expansive ellipses)


  • cultural maoist
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Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - *THE STATEMENT*
« Reply #4780 on: October 21, 2017, 09:50:53 PM »
optimus coming back is the worst part of all this

fuck off, shit-for-brains


  • 𝕩𝕩𝕩
  • Senior Member
Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - *THE STATEMENT*
« Reply #4781 on: October 21, 2017, 09:51:02 PM »
did nudemac just post a lord jamar video?


  • Senior Member
Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Something something titanic
« Reply #4782 on: October 21, 2017, 09:51:10 PM »
I told my girlfriend I was gonna put our son to bed a little late so we can watch some of the Astros-Yankees game.  But really I just wanted to passively watch that while trying to catch up on this thread. 
It's worked so far, but now my son is telling me it's bedtime.
He's two and a half years old and hates going to bed.
But he just might hate baseball even more.
If I keep reading this thread he's gonna start hating me too.

Father of the year here
I jus put them to bed early with no hugs or story time  :success


  • 🤷‍♀️
  • Senior Member
Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - *THE STATEMENT*
« Reply #4783 on: October 21, 2017, 09:51:38 PM »
Huh and after I’ve been permed all these years for accusing him of sexual assault 🤔


  • Lieutenant colonel, 26th Hate Machine battalion
  • Senior Member
Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - *THE STATEMENT*
« Reply #4784 on: October 21, 2017, 09:51:53 PM »
optimus coming back is the worst part of all this

fuck off, shit-for-brains

The butthurt is strong with this one.


  • GunOn™! Apply directly to forehead!
  • Senior Member
Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - *THE STATEMENT*
« Reply #4785 on: October 21, 2017, 09:51:55 PM »


  • GunOn™! Apply directly to forehead!
  • Senior Member
Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - *THE STATEMENT*
« Reply #4786 on: October 21, 2017, 09:53:18 PM »
Ya'll need to cook. Goddamn. This Taco Bell talk has me reconsidering my previous praise.

Guess what, sometimes good weed comes to you and you want to celebrate it with your boyfriend at a Taco Bell.

I'm sad this post didn't get more likes. Fuck you guys that don't know this old meme. :'(

seagrams hotsauce

  • Senior Member
Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - *THE STATEMENT*
« Reply #4787 on: October 21, 2017, 09:53:29 PM »
Was HUELEN Lime?!? :ohhh

Anywho, some people have wonder if I've been "playing the long game" or trolling the forum or whatever. The answer is, no.. with a but. When Stumpokopow unbanned a perma (for of all things, praising the attention to detail that a developer put on their character), I didn't want to go back to GAF, but my friends told me to DO IT because we all saw how much of a cesspool it had become while I was gone. This was our ONE OPPORTUNITY to adhere perfect to the TOS and be a "model GAF poster". So, whilst being myself, i did what I've always done. I made helpful threads, I never insulted people and I defended against bullying (GAF is FILLED with bullies). I knew that the GAF I once posted in was gone forever, so I decided to be myself, whilst playing by their rules in THIER game.

I learned a lot.

I learned who dogpiles, who hides, what connections are with whom, and was able to extract information. For example, I once made a thread asking for a webhost in a nice, GAFer-loving fashion. Made sure it was right when I made lots of threads and Evilore was on to make sure he chimed in... and he publically mentioned his registrar, host, and part of the ones who supply the ads.

A site losing its domain registrar over controversy is nothing new, and Google is quite progressive. It'd be. shame if they caught wind and made it so the domain had to be re-registered with someone else and no one would be willing to do it due to controversy...






  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - *THE STATEMENT*
« Reply #4788 on: October 21, 2017, 09:53:47 PM »
I am not here to dox, or condemn, not my place and I've always been one to edify instead. What I will do is talk more about the forum itself. First, let me state that I am so glad Hitokage didn't live to see this day. Not only was Malka a horrible friend to him for making fun of him just for liking My Little Pony, but overall, he was fairly open-minded all things considered (and an excellent Mario Kart Wii opponent). As for the rest of the moderation, I know for a fact that 1 of the moderators was involved in the "five guys saga", aka gamergate before it was called that? How do I know? Because when UnderGAF on /v/ got started to sympathizers, BOOGIE got involved. I talked to Boogie on /v/ and advised him I would make a thread JUST for him. I made the thread "I am NOT a bigot" to give him a soap box, whilst defending the defensible, and condemning the indefensible (because I don't take sides, i find truth, and i don't affiliate myself with anyone). I warned him with PM, that the mod would not be able to hold their ground and it WOULD honeypot, which WAS the goal (to make a hugbox become more of an echochamber so that it slowly yet surely implodes... this was ALL part of the plan, I brought the topic TO GAF because I brought up arguments which could not be countered for and against it). In the end, so many got banned, LIME got a soapbox of their own ( a blessing and a curse), and a new tone was set for the forum. Again, I want to stress that I was never a troll, or a shitposter, but rather, in the words of the electric light orchestra:
And when I see what they've
Done to this place that was home,
Shame is all that I feel,
And I wonder, yes I wonder, is this
The way life's meant to be.
I was being myself, I was just adhering to THIER game to show, FIRST HAND, how toxic a TOS with no tolerance or respect can be. My one fault which got me noticed is that I publicly denounced all bullies.
Next up is being queer and the election, that's gonna be a doozy!


  • Senior Member
Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - *THE STATEMENT*
« Reply #4789 on: October 21, 2017, 09:54:46 PM »

So we're not getting an article tonight?

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

If anything, he is also waiting for EL statement so he can help to spi... Publish it with all the facts.


  • Member
Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - *THE STATEMENT*
« Reply #4790 on: October 21, 2017, 09:55:05 PM »
Was HUELEN Lime?!? :ohhh

Anywho, some people have wonder if I've been "playing the long game" or trolling the forum or whatever. The answer is, no.. with a but. When Stumpokopow unbanned a perma (for of all things, praising the attention to detail that a developer put on their character), I didn't want to go back to GAF, but my friends told me to DO IT because we all saw how much of a cesspool it had become while I was gone. This was our ONE OPPORTUNITY to adhere perfect to the TOS and be a "model GAF poster". So, whilst being myself, i did what I've always done. I made helpful threads, I never insulted people and I defended against bullying (GAF is FILLED with bullies). I knew that the GAF I once posted in was gone forever, so I decided to be myself, whilst playing by their rules in THIER game.

I learned a lot.

I learned who dogpiles, who hides, what connections are with whom, and was able to extract information. For example, I once made a thread asking for a webhost in a nice, GAFer-loving fashion. Made sure it was right when I made lots of threads and Evilore was on to make sure he chimed in... and he publically mentioned his registrar, host, and part of the ones who supply the ads.

A site losing its domain registrar over controversy is nothing new, and Google is quite progressive. It'd be. shame if they caught wind and made it so the domain had to be re-registered with someone else and no one would be willing to do it due to controversy...




can you please explain this to me like im 6?

Pills Here

  • Junior Member
Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - *THE STATEMENT*
« Reply #4791 on: October 21, 2017, 09:55:23 PM »
Did their sponsor, Sony, finally pull the plug?  :lol :-*


  • Senior Member
Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - *THE STATEMENT*
« Reply #4792 on: October 21, 2017, 09:55:38 PM »
Huelen on that Oldboy shit

El Babua

  • Senior Member
Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Something something titanic
« Reply #4793 on: October 21, 2017, 09:55:47 PM »
Only minorities have opinions worth listening to. You thought you struggled when you lost half your ancestors to the potato famine? Let me tell you a little something called stop and frisk..

yeah, blacks stay treated as 2nd class citizens to this day, by every tier of our justice system
real knee slapper, that

Raise a kid to believe he'll always be a victim. Tell everyone else every little movement is a micro aggression towards said kids existence. Create a narrative that white people are born in sin and can only repent by physically doubling as a step ladder. I mean you can suck my dick i guess.

White people will be replaced and I can't fuckin wait.


  • Senior Member
Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - *THE STATEMENT*
« Reply #4794 on: October 21, 2017, 09:56:09 PM »
I am not here to dox, or condemn, not my place and I've always been one to edify instead. What I will do is talk more about the forum itself. First, let me state that I am so glad Hitokage didn't live to see this day. Not only was Malka a horrible friend to him for making fun of him just for liking My Little Pony, but overall, he was fairly open-minded all things considered (and an excellent Mario Kart Wii opponent). As for the rest of the moderation, I know for a fact that 1 of the moderators was involved in the "five guys saga", aka gamergate before it was called that? How do I know? Because when UnderGAF on /v/ got started to sympathizers, BOOGIE got involved. I talked to Boogie on /v/ and advised him I would make a thread JUST for him. I made the thread "I am NOT a bigot" to give him a soap box, whilst defending the defensible, and condemning the indefensible (because I don't take sides, i find truth, and i don't affiliate myself with anyone). I warned him with PM, that the mod would not be able to hold their ground and it WOULD honeypot, which WAS the goal (to make a hugbox become more of an echochamber so that it slowly yet surely implodes... this was ALL part of the plan, I brought the topic TO GAF because I brought up arguments which could not be countered for and against it). In the end, so many got banned, LIME got a soapbox of their own ( a blessing and a curse), and a new tone was set for the forum. Again, I want to stress that I was never a troll, or a shitposter, but rather, in the words of the electric light orchestra:
And when I see what they've
Done to this place that was home,
Shame is all that I feel,
And I wonder, yes I wonder, is this
The way life's meant to be.
I was being myself, I was just adhering to THIER game to show, FIRST HAND, how toxic a TOS with no tolerance or respect can be. My one fault which got me noticed is that I publicly denounced all bullies.
Next up is being queer and the election, that's gonna be a doozy!

this shit sounds like a /pol/ LARP

I always knew benji was a shill


  • Junior Member
Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - *THE STATEMENT*
« Reply #4795 on: October 21, 2017, 09:56:33 PM »
I am not here to dox, or condemn, not my place and I've always been one to edify instead. What I will do is talk more about the forum itself. First, let me state that I am so glad Hitokage didn't live to see this day. Not only was Malka a horrible friend to him for making fun of him just for liking My Little Pony, but overall, he was fairly open-minded all things considered (and an excellent Mario Kart Wii opponent). As for the rest of the moderation, I know for a fact that 1 of the moderators was involved in the "five guys saga", aka gamergate before it was called that? How do I know? Because when UnderGAF on /v/ got started to sympathizers, BOOGIE got involved. I talked to Boogie on /v/ and advised him I would make a thread JUST for him. I made the thread "I am NOT a bigot" to give him a soap box, whilst defending the defensible, and condemning the indefensible (because I don't take sides, i find truth, and i don't affiliate myself with anyone). I warned him with PM, that the mod would not be able to hold their ground and it WOULD honeypot, which WAS the goal (to make a hugbox become more of an echochamber so that it slowly yet surely implodes... this was ALL part of the plan, I brought the topic TO GAF because I brought up arguments which could not be countered for and against it). In the end, so many got banned, LIME got a soapbox of their own ( a blessing and a curse), and a new tone was set for the forum. Again, I want to stress that I was never a troll, or a shitposter, but rather, in the words of the electric light orchestra:
And when I see what they've
Done to this place that was home,
Shame is all that I feel,
And I wonder, yes I wonder, is this
The way life's meant to be.
I was being myself, I was just adhering to THIER game to show, FIRST HAND, how toxic a TOS with no tolerance or respect can be. My one fault which got me noticed is that I publicly denounced all bullies.
Next up is being queer and the election, that's gonna be a doozy!

put this into context for people that weren't that far deep into Gafs buttcrack.


  • Member
Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - *THE STATEMENT*
« Reply #4796 on: October 21, 2017, 09:57:20 PM »
Could he reasonably just shut down OT altogether? I mean every thread was just one call to arms after another. The last fun thread I can remember in OT was the funhouse scare pics and that was years ago... (expansive ellipses)

No OT, no vigilant dog-pile brigade, any useful OT thread moved to community... just replace evilore somehow and the site would instantly become better.


  • Defender of Centrist Scum
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Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - *THE STATEMENT*
« Reply #4797 on: October 21, 2017, 09:57:38 PM »
Quote "I am NOT a bigot" to give him a soap box, whilst defending the defensible, and condemning the indefensible (because I don't take sides, i find truth, and i don't affiliate myself with anyone). I warned him with PM, that the mod would not be able to hold their ground and it WOULD honeypot, which WAS the goal (to make a hugbox become more of an echochamber so that it slowly yet surely implodes... this was ALL part of the plan, I brought the topic TO GAF because I brought up arguments which could not be countered for and against it). In the end, so many got banned, LIME got a soapbox of their own ( a blessing and a curse), and a new tone was set for the forum. Again, I want to stress that I was never a troll, or a shitposter, but rather, in the words of the electric light orchestra:

He created Lime!!!  This is like Batman (1989)!


  • Junior Member
Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - *THE STATEMENT*
« Reply #4798 on: October 21, 2017, 09:58:18 PM »
Could he reasonably just shut down OT altogether? I mean every thread was just one call to arms after another. The last fun thread I can remember in OT was the funhouse scare pics and that was years ago... (expansive ellipses)

No OT, no vigilant dog-pile brigade, any useful OT thread moved to community... just replace evilore somehow and the site would instantly become better.
You think it was just him? Most of those mods were shit. He wasn't even the worse one in terms of modding the site.


  • Junior Member
Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - *THE STATEMENT*
« Reply #4799 on: October 21, 2017, 09:58:41 PM »
I thought I'd never see any gaf drama would top mods covering up Ami going to jail for being a pedo but now we got double agents :whew