Author Topic: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...  (Read 2260907 times)

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Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9240 on: October 23, 2017, 02:19:44 PM »
As I see it
Slaent is post 2012 Neogaf with good mods
Thebore is pre 2012 Neogaf with good mods
Resetera seems to be post 2012 Neogaf with same nutty mods

I enjoyed 2011-2012 gaf, so this makes sense.

Wait weren’t you the Neogaf mod around 2010 timeframe and then you vanished


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9241 on: October 23, 2017, 02:19:46 PM »


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Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9242 on: October 23, 2017, 02:20:03 PM »
The best medium these days is to identify leftist but not actually hang out with those other leftists so the crazy doesn't rub off on you while not actually telling people besides a select few that you are leftist to avoid being labeled as a nutjob.

Play that waiting game, brehs. :doge

so what the other side did for eight years?



just time to go back in the closet



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Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9243 on: October 23, 2017, 02:20:42 PM »
Emily Rogers is going to be admin, along with SweetNicole/Patticakes who is a trans bi woman with a lesbian partner.

That Polygon article did work

Why are there so many trans video game “personalities”?

What is the intersectionality between being picky about pronouns and seeking out the sickest switch rumors or to make indie games?

Always wanted to ask on GAF but knew I’d catch a ban.

Its not a popular opinion by any stretch but..I still think being trans is a mental health problem.
And, as we can all really know, gaming does in fact collect the largest contingency of autist/special fellow types. Shut-ins, self loathing etc..
I think its has a 'fetish' quality to it also..and..we can see the odd fetish types also drawn to gaming. Furries, guys WAY to sexually deep into cartoon characters.

Its the one thing I just gonna not get past on GAF. Sorry, its a mental illness.
Give it time and old GAF would have had you banned for being a CIS male not willing to plow a Fur suit that labeled its self a 'female-fur' even tho the guy inside had a massive dong.

you are a horrible human being. just imagine all the hopes and dreams your parents imparted upon you, and you sit here doing this.

The real reason people who are into niche things is because gaming is popular among people who have a hard time socializing, because it gives them something to do while most people actively socialize. Are you surprised that people who are despised are introverted and do things introverted people do?

Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9244 on: October 23, 2017, 02:20:44 PM »
Emily Rogers is going to be admin, along with SweetNicole/Patticakes who is a trans bi woman with a lesbian partner.

That Polygon article did work

Why are there so many trans video game “personalities”?

What is the intersectionality between being picky about pronouns and seeking out the sickest switch rumors or to make indie games?

Always wanted to ask on GAF but knew I’d catch a ban.

Its not a popular opinion by any stretch but..I still think being trans is a mental health problem.
And, as we can all really know, gaming does in fact collect the largest contingency of autist/special fellow types. Shut-ins, self loathing etc..
I think its has a 'fetish' quality to it also..and..we can see the odd fetish types also drawn to gaming. Furries, guys WAY to sexually deep into cartoon characters.

Its the one thing I just gonna not get past on GAF. Sorry, its a mental illness.
Give it time and old GAF would have had you banned for being a CIS male not willing to plow a Fur suit that labeled its self a 'female-fur' even tho the guy inside had a massive dong.

I mean there are several studies which show that gender is a chemical balance in your body so mental illness isn't quite the word I would chose.
Neurodivergent is probably a better term with less negative connotations.

But I do know of some trans individuals that say it is an illness because, if it wasn't classified as such, hormone therapy wouldn't be covered by the ACA/Obamacare.

It is certainly something that should be fixed, not because it's evil or bad but because those people are suffering.

Being gay is not an issue however. Sorry Pence. :doge


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Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9245 on: October 23, 2017, 02:21:26 PM »
Emily Rogers is going to be admin, along with SweetNicole/Patticakes who is a trans bi woman with a lesbian partner.

That Polygon article did work

Why are there so many trans video game “personalities”?

What is the intersectionality between being picky about pronouns and seeking out the sickest switch rumors or to make indie games?

Always wanted to ask on GAF but knew I’d catch a ban.

Its not a popular opinion by any stretch but..I still think being trans is a mental health problem.
And, as we can all really know, gaming does in fact collect the largest contingency of autist/special fellow types. Shut-ins, self loathing etc..
I think its has a 'fetish' quality to it also..and..we can see the odd fetish types also drawn to gaming. Furries, guys WAY to sexually deep into cartoon characters.

Its the one thing I just gonna not get past on GAF. Sorry, its a mental illness.
Give it time and old GAF would have had you banned for being a CIS male not willing to plow a Fur suit that labeled its self a 'female-fur' even tho the guy inside had a massive dong.

I mean there are several studies which show that gender is a chemical balance in your body so mental illness isn't quite the word I would chose.
Neurodivergent is probably a better term with less negative connotations.

But I do know of some trans individuals that say it is an illness because, if it wasn't classified as such, hormone therapy wouldn't be covered by the ACA/Obamacare.

Negative connotations be damned.

My sister is bipolar, it doesn't mean I don't love her or respect her any less because of it. She's been committed more than once. I consider it a mental illness.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9246 on: October 23, 2017, 02:21:51 PM »
meanwhile some of GAF starts visiting other forums:

Swollen Bowels

  • Junior Member
Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9247 on: October 23, 2017, 02:21:58 PM »
Incidentally, Antifa IS a bunch of violent crazies.

White supremanationawhatevers do have a right to free speech,

No, they really don't. I'm sure you would love to support their "right" and see that it's enforced, if even with force, but they absolutely do not have a right to advocate for my extermination. And, let's be honest, the white supremacists who support Donald Trump are ethno-terrorists who envision a future where genocide of non-whites is accepted. Thankfully, we are still quite a few years from that point, though Trump is certainly doing all he can to accelerate the process.


  • Winner of the Baited Award 2018
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Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9248 on: October 23, 2017, 02:22:00 PM »
How the fuck are all of you following all these news bits about a new site?
Outside of this site I don't see shit.

Lemme see those twitter timelines.

Dennis and Jack got mod positions, they're leaking stuff here.

Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9249 on: October 23, 2017, 02:22:06 PM »
(Image removed from quote.)

This is going to be worse then waypoint isn’t it . I can feel it . Waypoint asks you on registration what pronoun are you I mean nothing wrong but why ask that. I have a feeling resetera is going to have a SAT like quiz asking you all social questions


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Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9250 on: October 23, 2017, 02:22:41 PM »
Not everyone on Gaf is from US and shares the same socioeconomic status or privilege that comes from being white. There are many forms of racism that don't only focus on skin color. It's a little rich to tell someone that's it's no biggie if dudes like Angelus act like that since "you are white and never experienced racism" to a huge chunk of the worlds population.

Like, i have shit raining down  on me here despite being white and im supposed to take BCT shit on my skin color as well cause they have their own endemic issues?

I said it's not a hot topic for me personally; I didn't tell anyone else how to feel or claim that white people have it amazing all over the world in every scenario. 

I'll admit I have a very US-centric narrow view on the topic; but again I'm not trying to speak for anyone else. 

Beyond being white; I'm straight, tall, parents were middle class, etc., etc.  Me recognizing my privileged isn't meant to take away form other white people who may have been less privileged.   And as I said, I've put Angelus down for his attitude before, I don't think it's remotely constructive for one, but it also doesn't personally bother me very much due to my US centric experiences.

So do you not care about racism towards blacks in the US, since it doesn't really impact you?


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Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9251 on: October 23, 2017, 02:22:41 PM »
There are like 30 new pages since I went to bed last night. Any new developments?
Hillary Clinton is no longer with us. May you find some peace.


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Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9252 on: October 23, 2017, 02:23:22 PM »

ah, thought you were talking about blue midterm stuff

is this sai-kun?

no its poor grimes
K pls ignore the nudes I sent those are privileged communication


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Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9253 on: October 23, 2017, 02:23:24 PM »
As I see it
Slaent is post 2012 Neogaf with good mods
Thebore is pre 2012 Neogaf with good mods
Resetera seems to be post 2012 Neogaf with same nutty mods

I enjoyed 2011-2012 gaf, so this makes sense.

Wait weren’t you the Neogaf mod around 2010 timeframe and then you vanished

No, I joined around late 2011. Not sure who you are thinking off. Animated avatars were gone by the time I got verified to give you reference.


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Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9254 on: October 23, 2017, 02:23:28 PM »
Hi boys, girls, and fellow genderqueers.

Thank you for accepting me into the new NeoGAF family. Looking forward to all the civilized discourse we will engage in  :-[


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Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9255 on: October 23, 2017, 02:23:49 PM »
You say you don't want cross forum beef Wrath but look at what this joker is appropriating from us?

Consider your answer carefully before this becomes a battleground over the rising pineapple on pizza among the youth.

Didn't we just have this discussion?

Can't we just eject anyone who thinks pineapple goes with tomato sauce and cheese into the sun?

It goes with it if there's ham on it too. Just pineapple on pizza would be stupid. You need the ham.


  • Winner of the Baited Award 2018
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Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9256 on: October 23, 2017, 02:24:23 PM »
I mean there are several studies which show that gender is a chemical balance in your body so mental illness isn't quite the word I would chose.

So is everything else.


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Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9257 on: October 23, 2017, 02:24:31 PM »
Hi boys, girls, and fellow genderqueers.

Thank you for accepting me into the new NeoGAF family. Looking forward to all the civilized discourse we will engage in  :-[

diaf trash

Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9258 on: October 23, 2017, 02:24:43 PM »
Ok, who is Swollen Bowels?



angelus errare

a former GAF mod


A Link to the Past?

Swollen Bowels

  • Junior Member
Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9259 on: October 23, 2017, 02:24:47 PM »
Incidentally, Antifa IS a bunch of violent crazies.

White supremanationawhatevers do have a right to free speech, Antifa has a right to free speech, both also have a right to freedom of assembly, and when any individuals from either gang of distinguished mentally-challenged fellows get violent they should be thrown in jail / prison for a commensurate amount of time for the violence they initiate.


Antifa thinks that they are virtuous because they are early to the resistance, when all they do is break the windows of coffee shops and pick fights amongst public chaos. Normal people hold the world together and act when they can actually contribute something of lasting value to resist fascist extremism. It's pathetic that they cannot see that.

Antifa isn't one identifiable group. It's a movement comprised of various disparate organizations, each mobilizing in various different ways - some violence, as we've seen, while others are less so and more focused on grassroots organizing.


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Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9260 on: October 23, 2017, 02:25:32 PM »
Incidentally, Antifa IS a bunch of violent crazies.

White supremanationawhatevers do have a right to free speech,

No, they really don't. I'm sure you would love to support their "right" and see that it's enforced, if even with force, but they absolutely do not have a right to advocate for my extermination. And, let's be honest, the white supremacists who support Donald Trump are ethno-terrorists who envision a future where genocide of non-whites is accepted. Thankfully, we are still quite a few years from that point, though Trump is certainly doing all he can to accelerate the process.

Does the trash that wants white people to die off deserve free speech? I think they do, even though they want to "exterminate" me. You're a crazy person.


  • I don’t wanna be horny anymore, I wanna be happy
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Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9261 on: October 23, 2017, 02:25:36 PM »
Hi boys, girls, and fellow genderqueers.

Thank you for accepting me into the new NeoGAF family. Looking forward to all the civilized discourse we will engage in  :-[

Wish more people would use their GAF avatars if they have them.


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Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9262 on: October 23, 2017, 02:25:48 PM »
I could've sworn marrec registered here under his own name and posted a few times, this was months ago.

Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9263 on: October 23, 2017, 02:25:55 PM »
I mean there are several studies which show that gender is a chemical balance in your body so mental illness isn't quite the word I would chose.

So is everything else.

Hey you

stop with the semantics and logic.


  • Junior Member
Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9264 on: October 23, 2017, 02:25:59 PM »
There are like 30 new pages since I went to bed last night. Any new developments?

Evilore sold to Swollen Bowels and he's just going to redirect it to this thread.


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Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9265 on: October 23, 2017, 02:26:43 PM »
Ok, who is Swollen Bowels?



angelus errare

a former GAF mod


A Link to the Past?
Good call

I think besada already posts here too, under 'Swollen Everything'


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Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9266 on: October 23, 2017, 02:26:45 PM »
Poe's Law right now Swollen Bowels.

It's hard to tell, because I've dealt with AntiFa members before and their mental state is the same as a cult member.


  • Junior Member
Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9267 on: October 23, 2017, 02:27:02 PM »
Remember when we were mistaken for a black neogaf spin-off? Yeah, that's not happening ever again.

I guess we can try convincing people that JayDubya and etiolate are just ho-teps.

I never thought I'd say it but the ability to argue with a trump voter on a forum would be refreshing.


  • oops
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Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9268 on: October 23, 2017, 02:27:05 PM »
Ok, who is Swollen Bowels?



angelus errare

a former GAF mod


A Link to the Past?

Nah, Russian spy sent here to push authoritative fascist views on our leftist utopia.


  • Junior Member
Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9269 on: October 23, 2017, 02:27:10 PM »
Hi boys, girls, and fellow genderqueers.

Thank you for accepting me into the new NeoGAF family. Looking forward to all the civilized discourse we will engage in  :-[

retire bitch

Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9270 on: October 23, 2017, 02:27:20 PM »
Incidentally, Antifa IS a bunch of violent crazies.

White supremanationawhatevers do have a right to free speech,

No, they really don't. I'm sure you would love to support their "right" and see that it's enforced, if even with force, but they absolutely do not have a right to advocate for my extermination. And, let's be honest, the white supremacists who support Donald Trump are ethno-terrorists who envision a future where genocide of non-whites is accepted. Thankfully, we are still quite a few years from that point, though Trump is certainly doing all he can to accelerate the process.

Does the trash that wants white people to die off deserve free speech? I think they do, even though they want to "exterminate" me. You're a crazy person.

I mean I could make an argument that perhaps we should ban hate speech; if only because nothing good ever came out of ideologies built on hate.

Call me crazy but I think that experiment has failed.


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Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9271 on: October 23, 2017, 02:27:25 PM »
I feel like I'm not smart enough to make my mobile experience more enjoyable.


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Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9272 on: October 23, 2017, 02:27:27 PM »
ResetEra is carrying over bans? Not much of a reset if it's not a fresh start.

More like people clinging to former glory.

Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9273 on: October 23, 2017, 02:28:03 PM »
Remember when we were mistaken for a black neogaf spin-off? Yeah, that's not happening ever again.

I guess we can try convincing people that JayDubya and etiolate are just ho-teps.

I never thought I'd say it but the ability to argue with a trump voter on a forum would be refreshing.

As long as they can go longer then 5 mins without saying Cuck or globalist.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9274 on: October 23, 2017, 02:28:15 PM »
No, they really don't. I'm sure you would love to support their "right" and see that it's enforced, if even with force, but they absolutely do not have a right to advocate for my extermination. And, let's be honest, the white supremacists who support Donald Trump are ethno-terrorists who envision a future where genocide of non-whites is accepted. Thankfully, we are still quite a few years from that point, though Trump is certainly doing all he can to accelerate the process.
So not only do we have to fight the existential crisis of fascists by posting a lot on internet forums we have to look out for white supremacists and ethno-terrorists too? With all these vile types proliferating, I can see now why we need an echo chamber to keep these out so we can better fight them by staying inside the echo chamber.


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Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9275 on: October 23, 2017, 02:28:37 PM »
Hi boys, girls, and fellow genderqueers.

Thank you for accepting me into the new NeoGAF family. Looking forward to all the civilized discourse we will engage in  :-[

retire bitch

That's rude  >:(


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Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9276 on: October 23, 2017, 02:28:57 PM »
Incidentally, Antifa IS a bunch of violent crazies.

White supremanationawhatevers do have a right to free speech, Antifa has a right to free speech, both also have a right to freedom of assembly, and when any individuals from either gang of distinguished mentally-challenged fellows get violent they should be thrown in jail / prison for a commensurate amount of time for the violence they initiate.


Antifa thinks that they are virtuous because they are early to the resistance, when all they do is break the windows of coffee shops and pick fights amongst public chaos. Normal people hold the world together and act when they can actually contribute something of lasting value to resist fascist extremism. It's pathetic that they cannot see that.

Antifa isn't one identifiable group. It's a movement comprised of various disparate organizations, each mobilizing in various different ways - some violence, as we've seen, while others are less so and more focused on grassroots organizing.

It's a movement with a funny way of organizing. Forgo social hierarchies so your organization lacks definite borders and accountability brehs.


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Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9277 on: October 23, 2017, 02:29:20 PM »
Incidentally, Antifa IS a bunch of violent crazies.

White supremanationawhatevers do have a right to free speech,

No, they really don't. I'm sure you would love to support their "right" and see that it's enforced, if even with force, but they absolutely do not have a right to advocate for my extermination. And, let's be honest, the white supremacists who support Donald Trump are ethno-terrorists who envision a future where genocide of non-whites is accepted. Thankfully, we are still quite a few years from that point, though Trump is certainly doing all he can to accelerate the process.

Does the trash that wants white people to die off deserve free speech? I think they do, even though they want to "exterminate" me. You're a crazy person.

I mean I could make an argument that perhaps we should ban hate speech; if only because nothing good ever came out of ideologies built on hate.

Call me crazy but I think that experiment has failed.

Hate speech is subjective, and I personally don't want people like Trump deciding what is or isn't hateful.


  • Finish the Fight
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Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9278 on: October 23, 2017, 02:29:21 PM »
Moderation in this age of Trump, whose presidency has given rise to open and unapologetic affinity for fascism, is no different than collaboration. You cannot be a moderate in an environment where people go on social media, with their identities exposed, and gladly express vile and hateful views that were once relegated to the fringes of public opinion (yes, they've always existed in the shadows, but their open expression would always be met with swift and penalizing rebuke). Many moderate Germans believed their Jewish friends would face little persecution under Hitler's regime. Funny how that turned out.
The only thing Trump would persecute is Rosie O'Donell.

He's not a fascist and neither are those that voted for him (or at least not all of them). I didn't vote for the guy, I don't even live in the US, but I think it went down like this:

Imagine standing in a voting booth, and there the name is. DONALD J. TRUMP on the ballot for president. Sure you have this great rational choice that you are surely to vote for and you told all your neighbors that you'd never vote Trump.
But... as you want to press the button you think: "This person will meet with Putin.. .but what if Trump would meet with Putin or Trump would do the White Correspondents Dinner or Trump would..."
And then before you know it, you voted Trump in jest. Because he can't win anyway. And you come home and the results roll in... oh shit.

"Jesus guys, who voted for Trump? I thought we had agreed on Clinton or a deez nuts write-in?"
"Well, I didn't vote for him."

If you want to blame anyone for Trump blame either the Democrats for putting Clinton on the ballot and not replacing her after she collapsed on 9/11 or the GOP for going with Trump as their candidate.
They even made him sign a pledge to make sure he would be their candidate. According to Wikileaks the Clinton team even elevated Trump's candidacy with help of the press because he could't possibly win.
Meanwhile all his close friends were saying: "He did this as a PR stunt, please don't vote for him, he told me he would hate being president"

You all got outplayed by Donald Trump who tried so hard not to get elected that he leaked his own dirt to the press. And now everyone says he's stupid/dumb etc. while he sits around getting paid for trolling on Twitter and playing Golf.
Meanwhile Mueller is shifting through 4chan troll posts and Moldovian click farms trying to figure out the 'Russian collusion' that went from: "Trump got paid by the KGB in the 80's to denuke the US" to: "Boris might've bought some Facebook ads".  :doge

But but but millenials are rascists, fascists, alt-right buh buh

Imagine growing up and you turn on the TV.
- Oh, wow something is wrong with North Korea. Good thing Blitzer asks Trump what to do, he knows things
- 9/11 end of the world as we know it and everyone has to know that it is
- Daily terrorists scares featuring Dick Cheney's bunker models
- WMD's everywhere
- Footage of bombing shit in Iraq and yelling "Yeehaw" on CNN
- Complete nincompoop is president. Says: "What's this drive!" as he tells terrorists sponsored by Iran to: "Bring it!"
- Incompetent politicians crash the economy after crashing the Middle East as new guy everyone was raving about takes over. Goodbye birthday presents.
- Jesus, this Donald Trump guy is on TV a lot. Does live in a nice gold tower though
- New guy doesn't do anything when people in Middle East start yelling a lot
- Oh boy, turns out Black Messiah is actually a mulsim(?) as well, this is bad folks, very bad. Donald Trump who knew things about business and North Korea is luckily on the case

For the record, I didn't even live in the US and got most of this shit bi-daily. Until at some point Tony Blair and Bush were suddenly bad guys and we had to bomb the distinguished mentally-challenged fellow in Libya for killing people we wanted to kill 3 weeks ago.

Then you turn 18/21 whatever and you get to vote for the first time. Who do you vote for. The crazy old lady that keeps yelling on TV. Or the guy that you've seen bumbling around since you were a toddler who 'knows' things and has lots of money, women and success. He says everything is a mess and all you've seen is a mess. So you're like: "This guy is right! and I've seen on TV that he knows things!"

And the things he knows, well Trump has seen those on TV.  :doge


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Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9279 on: October 23, 2017, 02:29:49 PM »
ResetEra is carrying over bans? Not much of a reset if it's not a fresh start.

More like people clinging to former glory.

More like, after years of careful research, they have determined exatly which voices need to be heard and which don't in their new utopian society.

Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
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Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9280 on: October 23, 2017, 02:29:58 PM »
As I see it
Slaent is post 2012 Neogaf with good mods
Thebore is pre 2012 Neogaf with good mods
Resetera seems to be post 2012 Neogaf with same nutty mods

Please temper you expectations.


  • Junior Member
Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9281 on: October 23, 2017, 02:30:01 PM »
ResetEra is carrying over bans? Not much of a reset if it's not a fresh start.

More like people clinging to former glory.

Do the mods have a spreadsheet of all their good deeds or something?


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Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9282 on: October 23, 2017, 02:31:04 PM »
As I see it
Slaent is post 2012 Neogaf with good mods
Thebore is pre 2012 Neogaf with good mods
Resetera seems to be post 2012 Neogaf with same nutty mods

Please temper you expectations. (Image removed from quote.)

fuck, a Jenk coli, I'm triggered


  • I don’t wanna be horny anymore, I wanna be happy
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Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9283 on: October 23, 2017, 02:31:20 PM »
ResetEra is carrying over bans? Not much of a reset if it's not a fresh start.

More like people clinging to former glory.

If they even can. I doubt they have the means to see the length of current bans.

Honestly very confused by what the tone of the site is. Seems exactly like GAF 2.0 at this point.

Swollen Bowels

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Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9284 on: October 23, 2017, 02:31:25 PM »
First, is there something inherently wrong with an "echo chamber"? Is there a problem fostering a community where rank bigotry was deem unacceptable and forbidden? Also, can you give me some examples of valid opinions that GAF refused the expression of? Or, what opinions on GAF were deemed above reproach and undeserving of challenge?

That antifa shouldn't go around beating the shit out of people, for starters. Gaf did not like neutrality, either you want to beat the shit out of nazis, or you are one. I felt like if I ever posted in a thread and extolled passive resistance over violence in any of the threads over the last few months, I would be banned. You used to be able to have an argument with someone and not have have to worry about it. So why speak your mind when the odds of being banned are so high.

Even Ghandi didn't succeed through passive resistance. Passive resistance was shuttled to the ovens in Hiter's Germany, and even more recent instances in the past half century show just how ineffective passively resisting oppression is. The people being beaten by antifa are screaming "Jews will not replace us" and "blood and soil." Do you honestly think people like that are interested in sitting down and talking it over?

Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9285 on: October 23, 2017, 02:31:57 PM »
Incidentally, Antifa IS a bunch of violent crazies.

White supremanationawhatevers do have a right to free speech,

No, they really don't. I'm sure you would love to support their "right" and see that it's enforced, if even with force, but they absolutely do not have a right to advocate for my extermination. And, let's be honest, the white supremacists who support Donald Trump are ethno-terrorists who envision a future where genocide of non-whites is accepted. Thankfully, we are still quite a few years from that point, though Trump is certainly doing all he can to accelerate the process.

Does the trash that wants white people to die off deserve free speech? I think they do, even though they want to "exterminate" me. You're a crazy person.

I mean I could make an argument that perhaps we should ban hate speech; if only because nothing good ever came out of ideologies built on hate.

Call me crazy but I think that experiment has failed.

Hate speech is subjective, and I personally don't want people like Trump deciding what is or isn't hateful.
We could decide to make it less subjective.

We already have hate crimes. Apply that to what defines hate speech and bingo.


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Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9286 on: October 23, 2017, 02:32:03 PM »
ResetEra is carrying over bans? Not much of a reset if it's not a fresh start.

More like people clinging to former glory.

Do the mods have a spreadsheet of all their good deeds or something?
I wouldn't be surprised if someone on GAF compiled a white list of acceptable posters and a black list "problematic" posters.


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Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9287 on: October 23, 2017, 02:32:22 PM »
ResetEra is carrying over bans? Not much of a reset if it's not a fresh start.

More like people clinging to former glory.

If they even can. I doubt they have the means to see the length of current bans.

Honestly very confused by what the tone of the site is. Seems exactly like GAF 2.0 at this point.
It will be the Nexus of Hardcore Progressive Gamers.

Bitmap Frogs

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Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9288 on: October 23, 2017, 02:32:27 PM »
meanwhile some of GAF starts visiting other forums:
(Image removed from quote.)
(Image removed from quote.)

What's that from, waypoint?


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Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9289 on: October 23, 2017, 02:32:40 PM »
Why would they carry over bans, wouldn't it be more fun for them to act out righteous judgment themselves?

It'd be like importing someone else's save game.


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Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9290 on: October 23, 2017, 02:32:50 PM »
ResetEra is carrying over bans? Not much of a reset if it's not a fresh start.

More like people clinging to former glory.

Do the mods have a spreadsheet of all their good deeds or something?
I wouldn't be surprised if someone on GAF compiled a white list of acceptable posters and a black list "problematic" posters.

I have a feeling that you put the colors in reverse.

Hobies cat

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Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9291 on: October 23, 2017, 02:33:02 PM »
Poe's Law right now Swollen Bowels.

It's hard to tell, because I've dealt with AntiFa members before and their mental state is the same as a cult member.

Same as a cult member? And here I thought it was a cult...


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Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9292 on: October 23, 2017, 02:33:15 PM »
GAF had some vocal antifa supporters

Apparently IrishNinja is in AntiFa, so he likely bailed when I posted Tim Pool.

Evidence? I mean he is leftist as fuck, but calling someone a domestic terrorist should at least require some proof.

It was in slaent's thread on the gaf implosion. It would also explain why he was at the Richard Spencer speaking event.


  • Junior Member
Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9293 on: October 23, 2017, 02:33:21 PM »
Hi boys, girls, and fellow genderqueers.

Thank you for accepting me into the new NeoGAF family. Looking forward to all the civilized discourse we will engage in  :-[

Wish more people would use their GAF avatars if they have them.

I don't even remember what my avatar was...
Just like most people don't remember who i was.

Now if Malka deletes all the posts on GAF i'll at least be rid of that embarrassing part of my life.

So i can start a new embarrassing part right now.


  • Junior Member
Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9294 on: October 23, 2017, 02:33:22 PM »
I feel like I'm not smart enough to make my mobile experience more enjoyable.

You will suffer, and you will like it.


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Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9295 on: October 23, 2017, 02:33:53 PM »
ResetEra is carrying over bans? Not much of a reset if it's not a fresh start.

More like people clinging to former glory.

Do the mods have a spreadsheet of all their good deeds or something?
I wouldn't be surprised if someone on GAF compiled a white list of acceptable posters and a black list "problematic" posters.

yo, why does the black list have to be the bad one, you Trump supporter? :doge


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Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9296 on: October 23, 2017, 02:34:00 PM »
Moderation in this age of Trump, whose presidency has given rise to open and unapologetic affinity for fascism, is no different than collaboration. You cannot be a moderate in an environment where people go on social media, with their identities exposed, and gladly express vile and hateful views that were once relegated to the fringes of public opinion (yes, they've always existed in the shadows, but their open expression would always be met with swift and penalizing rebuke). Many moderate Germans believed their Jewish friends would face little persecution under Hitler's regime. Funny how that turned out.
The only thing Trump would persecute is Rosie O'Donell.

He's not a fascist and neither are those that voted for him (or at least not all of them). I didn't vote for the guy, I don't even live in the US, but I think it went down like this:

Imagine standing in a voting booth, and there the name is. DONALD J. TRUMP on the ballot for president. Sure you have this great rational choice that you are surely to vote for and you told all your neighbors that you'd never vote Trump.
But... as you want to press the button you think: "This person will meet with Putin.. .but what if Trump would meet with Putin or Trump would do the White Correspondents Dinner or Trump would..."
And then before you know it, you voted Trump in jest. Because he can't win anyway. And you come home and the results roll in... oh shit.

"Jesus guys, who voted for Trump? I thought we had agreed on Clinton or a deez nuts write-in?"
"Well, I didn't vote for him."

If you want to blame anyone for Trump blame either the Democrats for putting Clinton on the ballot and not replacing her after she collapsed on 9/11 or the GOP for going with Trump as their candidate.
They even made him sign a pledge to make sure he would be their candidate. According to Wikileaks the Clinton team even elevated Trump's candidacy with help of the press because he could't possibly win.
Meanwhile all his close friends were saying: "He did this as a PR stunt, please don't vote for him, he told me he would hate being president"

You all got outplayed by Donald Trump who tried so hard not to get elected that he leaked his own dirt to the press. And now everyone says he's stupid/dumb etc. while he sits around getting paid for trolling on Twitter and playing Golf.
Meanwhile Mueller is shifting through 4chan troll posts and Moldovian click farms trying to figure out the 'Russian collusion' that went from: "Trump got paid by the KGB in the 80's to denuke the US" to: "Boris might've bought some Facebook ads".  :doge

But but but millenials are rascists, fascists, alt-right buh buh

Imagine growing up and you turn on the TV.
- Oh, wow something is wrong with North Korea. Good thing Blitzer asks Trump what to do, he knows things
- 9/11 end of the world as we know it and everyone has to know that it is
- Daily terrorists scares featuring Dick Cheney's bunker models
- WMD's everywhere
- Footage of bombing shit in Iraq and yelling "Yeehaw" on CNN
- Complete nincompoop is president. Says: "What's this drive!" as he tells terrorists sponsored by Iran to: "Bring it!"
- Incompetent politicians crash the economy after crashing the Middle East as new guy everyone was raving about takes over. Goodbye birthday presents.
- Jesus, this Donald Trump guy is on TV a lot. Does live in a nice gold tower though
- New guy doesn't do anything when people in Middle East start yelling a lot
- Oh boy, turns out Black Messiah is actually a mulsim(?) as well, this is bad folks, very bad. Donald Trump who knew things about business and North Korea is luckily on the case

For the record, I didn't even live in the US and got most of this shit bi-daily. Until at some point Tony Blair and Bush were suddenly bad guys and we had to bomb the distinguished mentally-challenged fellow in Libya for killing people we wanted to kill 3 weeks ago.

Then you turn 18/21 whatever and you get to vote for the first time. Who do you vote for. The crazy old lady that keeps yelling on TV. Or the guy that you've seen bumbling around since you were a toddler who 'knows' things and has lots of money, women and success. He says everything is a mess and all you've seen is a mess. So you're like: "This guy is right! and I've seen on TV that he knows things!"

And the things he knows, well Trump has seen those on TV.  :doge



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Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9297 on: October 23, 2017, 02:34:07 PM »
How could they even feasibly carry over bans?  Did someone actually make that claim?


  • Haughty and a little naughty
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Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9298 on: October 23, 2017, 02:34:52 PM »
(Image removed from quote.)

Wont alt-right salt basically translate into harassment? But hey, at least one guy is having fun.

Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9299 on: October 23, 2017, 02:34:59 PM »
If resetera is carrying over bans then you know for sure that what triggered them before will trigger them again . It will still not value centrism and will not allow all games to be talked about. I know because I confronted evilore multiple times that he was a pure out and out Dawkins level islamophobe and xenophobe (if you were religious). I want to know with evilore not in the picture if they were just following orders with being islamophobic or they are.