Author Topic: October 2017 Scary Movie Watching Thread | Say hi to hell!  (Read 32092 times)

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Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Let's go!  :D

Your bonus assignment this year, should you choose to accept it, is to watch A Dark Song. I haven't seen it yet, but I've heard it's hella dope and it's on Netflix so no excuse. It's an Irish indie flick about two people casting a spell, but this ain't Harry Potter tho fam, this is like some real Aleister Crowley shit.  :o

(Image removed from quote.)

I thought this was meh but still worth watching

Starts out great but

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the end is very weak. I thought it would end pretty decent, almost like some Hellraiser shit but then suddenly you get hit with terrible CGI and a laughably happy ending that seems to shitcan the entire point of how exhaustive/careful the ritual was initially done. What's the point of all that if you can just get to the end and get a get-out-of-hell-free card from your guardian angel.


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The entire process was about her trying to forgive herself. She pointedly says early on that "I don't do forgiveness." Her letting go of her own grief was the entire point of the film, and it took her months of agonizing torture (plus losing a finger) to finally get it. I don't know of many instances IRL with that high of a physical price to pay for a mere change in outlook.

The ending *did* seem a bit rushed to me compared to how deliberate the rest was, but I let it slide since I was enthralled the whole time.

Also, Hellraiser fucking sucks and the fact that a movie is less like it is more of a "pro" than anything in my mind.


  • Laugh when you can, it’s cheap medicine -LB
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Also, Hellraiser fucking sucks and the fact that a movie is less like it is more of a "pro" than anything in my mind.

:six: :six: :six: :six: :six: :six:
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:six: :six: :six: :six: :six: :six:
:six: :six: :six: :six: :six: :six:


  • Senior Member
Garbage movie for garbage people. :umad


  • Laugh when you can, it’s cheap medicine -LB
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It's top 10 horror of the 80s. Maybe top 5. You're trippin'.


  • Laugh when you can, it’s cheap medicine -LB
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Shit, it'd be top 10 if the movie were just its score being played against a blank screen for 90 minutes.

seagrams hotsauce

  • Senior Member
Much like Scream, I'd rank the Saw movies in order of release. Maybe swap 2 and 3. I kind of have a soft spot for two since it's the most different of the sequels.

The only SAW I liked was the first one cuz I blew a bunch of my high school GFs xanax and blacked out til the last three minutes or so


  • Do the moron
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Saw was a decent flick. Setup is clever and the killer stands put. Don't need much more. Never watched the sequels.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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when Frank crawls towards the camera for the first time :whoo

Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
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"Come to daddy."

Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
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The best Hellraiser movies are the ones after it went DTV and they started retrofitting spec scripts.

I'm actually starting to the get the mildest of hype for the new Hellraiser DTV sequel.

The Auditor serves as a clerk in Hell who takes note of a person's sin before passing that person to The Assessor. He is not a Cenobite, as he is part of a faction separate from the Order of the Gash, only one of many orders in Hell. He shares the faction with The Assessor, The Jury, the Butcher and The Surgeon. Other members, named The Bone Collectors, The Seamstress and The Sentinel, were set for introduction but were removed for budgetary reasons. The character's inception was influenced by Sam Lowry from Brazil and Itzhak Stern from Schindler's List.

Heather Langenkamp is an actress known for her role as Nancy Thompson in A Nightmare on Elm Street.[8][9] In Judgment, she portrays an obscene, cigarette-smoking landlady.

Judgment includes the Cleaners as a group of aging naked women that force their tongues onto victims as penance.

The Jury appear in Judgment as three nude women in their twenties with skinless faces that pass verdicts onto victims in Hell

The movie is basically a Hellraiser fanfilm; the director begged Dimension to let him make it (and even tried to Kickstart it with the cenobites removed) and they finally acquiesced because they needed another Hellraiser movie to keep the rights. It'll probably be crap, but at least it'll be crap that somebody cared about.

Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
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October 2

Death Spa (1987)

It's a movie about a haunted health club, yes really (it's the 80's). The wife of the club owner commits suicide after a miscarriage that also left her paralyzed. A year later, weird things start going down at the club and people start having mysterious accidents. He thinks that someone's trying to sabotage the club and/or drive him crazy, like possibly his wife's twin brother that still works at the club on the club's hi-tech computer system. And he was partly right, but also the dude was straight up being possessed by his sister's ghost because she wanted her husband to commit suicide too and join her in Hell. Many exercise related deaths ensue.

Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
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October 3

The Stuff (1985)

Larry Cohen, what an auteur. I love the ramshackle way this movie moves from scene to scene. Scene 1, a guy discovered The Stuff bubbling out of the ground. Scene 2, a kid sees The Stuff (now a commercial product) moving around in his refrigerator and we're off to the races.  Chocolate Chip Charlie shows up, is cool, then immediately disappears for no reason and the movie adds an annoying kid to the main party also for no reason. They read about the kid trashing The Stuff at a grocery store in the newspaper (this is national news?), and immediately fly cross-country to snatch the kid from his house, why? What can he possibly do to help you, he's a little kid?? Chocolate Chip Charlie has hands that are registered as lethal weapons and you didn't even want him!  :mindblown You may think that the kid must ultimately do something really heroic to justify his existence, no he does nothing except have to be saved, he's useless. Ultimately, they have to turn to a right-wing miltia and Alex Jones to save the day, which is high problematic and left me legit shook tbqh. Surprised Larry Cohen didn't just put JonTron in the movie. :holeup


  • Laugh when you can, it’s cheap medicine -LB
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The Stuff is a masterpiece.

I watched Frankenhooker last night because it's the best movie ever made.

Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
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The Stuff is a masterpiece.

It needed more Chocolate Chip Charlie or for CCC to kill that kid.

Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
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October 4

A Cure for Wellness (2017)

This movie's nuttier than squirrel poop and I still love it. There's a little bit of Hammer Horror to it and a little bit of Lovecraft, I think that's why I like it so much.


  • Senior Member
Gonna watch that next.


  • Laugh when you can, it’s cheap medicine -LB
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Tonight's movie is Vampyros Lesbos :tauntaun


  • Senior Member
Is the modern Thing prequel worth watching? Love the original, don't like bad movies.

Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
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Is the modern Thing prequel worth watching? Love the original, don't like bad movies.

Legit forgot that even existed until right now.


  • Laugh when you can, it’s cheap medicine -LB
  • Senior Member
It's the worst possible thing: excessively mediocre. Worse than bad. Do not watch.


  • Senior Member
I actually liked it and thought it was pretty clever. It's a shame they had to scrap all their practical effects for CG ones though. :(

It's not a classic like Carpenter's but Carpenters was like the second remake of the original anyways. Let people make things.


  • relapsed dev
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Lol jesus. You take this shit way too seriously.

I'm LTTP, but I'd like to voice support for Tasty Meat's mania.

He's a filmmaker, it makes sense that he should obsess about film. The last guy that weirded me out by knowing more about movies than I did worked at Video Archives in Manhattan Beach, and he turned out to be something else.


  • relapsed dev
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The entire process was about her trying to forgive herself. She pointedly says early on that "I don't do forgiveness." Her letting go of her own grief was the entire point of the film, and it took her months of agonizing torture (plus losing a finger) to finally get it. I don't know of many instances IRL with that high of a physical price to pay for a mere change in outlook.

The ending *did* seem a bit rushed to me compared to how deliberate the rest was, but I let it slide since I was enthralled the whole time.

Also, Hellraiser fucking sucks and the fact that a movie is less like it is more of a "pro" than anything in my mind.

I take it all back! Tasty Meat is a hack! A damned hack who is wrong about everything!
spoiler (click to show/hide)


  • relapsed dev
  • Senior Member
Is the modern Thing prequel worth watching? Love the original, don't like bad movies.
tl;dr: Fun, but loses steam, and Mary Elizabeth Winstead is too pretty.

Starts strong with great homage shots to John Carpenter's original, as well as set design, color palette, and even type-treatment for the opening credits. Character introduction is tight and competent. And then it turns out that the first two acts are much better than the third act. It largely eschews the paranoia of the first movie for a straight-up monster chase format, which is not great. It is not well-served by a scene straight-outta-Jurassic-Park scene: a character hiding in a kitchen while the monster comes through swinging doors to look for them.

Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
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October 5

They Live (1988)

RIP RowRod. He came to kick bubblegum and chew ass, and he was all outta ass.  :'( That scene where him and Keith David are just kicking the crap out of each other will never not be awesome. Also, Roddy flipping the aliens the bird as he died like a boss.



  • Laugh when you can, it’s cheap medicine -LB
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Last night I ended up watching Rosemary's Baby with two friends that had never seen it before.

As the movie went on, I realized I forgot to tell them that the movie was a slow, tense boil, and they were mostly silent as they were watching it. They were definitely weirded out by the notorious dream sequence. As the movie was wrapping up, I was worried they didn't like it, and I was getting a bit bummed because it's one of my favorite movies period.

It turns out they were both absolutely floored by it and were quiet because they were so wrapped up in it. I felt really happy then. We talked about it for about an hour before I had to get home to watch Vampyros Lesbos at a decent hour.


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I showed my wife Rosemary's Baby the other day.  It was background noise for me and I was pretty surprised after a while when she started asking questions and was into it.  She tends to hate horror movies or anything creepy and I have to usually get her to sit still for slow burns.


  • Laugh when you can, it’s cheap medicine -LB
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It's a fantastic movie. It's one of Roman's several tickets into heaven. He can seriously commit about 3 history textbook-level atrocities and still get into heaven.


  • Senior Member
I wish I could direct my debut feature film 1/100th as well as Raimi did for The Evil Dead. The budget was like, twenty bucks and they still pulled off all sorts of shit. Respect.


  • relapsed dev
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I wish I could direct my debut feature film 1/100th as well as Raimi did for The Evil Dead. The budget was like, twenty bucks and they still pulled off all sorts of shit. Respect.

I loved that their "steady cam" was a camera tied to an office chair. :lol


  • Laugh when you can, it’s cheap medicine -LB
  • Senior Member
Sure, but that doesn't mean it was a good or even entertaining movie. Everything good about The Evil Dead was redone better in ED2, AOD, even Darkman and Spiderman. It's not a classic horror movie, but it is a great demo reel for Raimi.



  • The Bore's Like Bot
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There is a new Chucky movie on netflix.


  • Laugh when you can, it’s cheap medicine -LB
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Sure, but that doesn't mean it was a good or even entertaining movie. Everything good about The Evil Dead was redone better in ED2, AOD, even Darkman and Spiderman. It's not a classic horror movie, but it is a great demo reel for Raimi.

(Image removed from quote.)

You can suck my hog. Things better than The Evil Dead in the the Evil Dead franchise: Evil Dead 2, Army of Darkness, Evil Dead reboot, Ash vs Evil Dead (even season 1), the PSX/PS2 era video games, the pitches for (but not the executions of) Freddy vs Jason vs Ash and the sequel.


Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
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October 6

Vampyros Lesbos (1971)

Thanks to TVC for reminding me to watch this. It's a foreign, arthouse movies so the rest of you probably wouldn't be interested.  :snob

That soundtrack though, holy shit.  :lawd



  • Senior Member
2. Lake Mungo

I forgot I watched this already a few years ago, which is really all there is to say. Pretty cool what they were able to do with basically no budget, but I think it was ahead of its time - some of the video footage really is just too grainy. Normally I'd say that adds something in a horror film, but not here. I will say the ending was pretty cool. Overall though, pretty forgettable.

2 / 5

3. Triangle (2009)

Very, very inventive movie. It's hard to talk about it without spoiling things but this kind of movie is exactly up my alley. Basically, group of friends goes sailing and gets caught in a storm, then finds a ghost ship passing by and hop on board. It's hard to explain but this one feels more scifi than supernatural, but I guess that's up to interpretation. The movie escalates sharply with each act, and has an odd, dream-like atmosphere that's hard to describe. I always love it when I see a movie with a cool premise that actually does more with it than I thought it would.

4 / 5

4. The Taking of Deborah Logan

Pretty good spin on a possession movie. Great actors. Some incredibly tense moments. After a while I forgot it was found footage, which may be the highest recommendation I can give to some people. Felt very grounded and natural with no filler or fake-out bullshit.

3 / 5


  • Laugh when you can, it’s cheap medicine -LB
  • Senior Member
Evil Dead 1 is also a great one to watch in theaters for fun crowd reactions.


  • relapsed dev
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Evil Dead 1 is also a great one to watch in theaters for fun crowd reactions.

And being forced to reconsider pencils.

Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
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October 7

Kill, Baby, Kill! (1966)

Decided to stay on the euro horror theme (and get some more value out of my free Shudder trial) by firing up a little Mario Bava, and it doesn't get much better than Kill Baby Kill. The title makes it sound way more exploitative than it actually is, it's really just a creepy gothic ghost story that totally nails the atmosphere.

Week 1
1. The Blob (1988)
2. Death Spa (1987)
3. The Stuff (1985)
4. A Cure for Wellness (2017)
5. They Live (1988)
6. Vampyros Lesbos (1971)
7. Kill, Baby, Kill! (1966)
« Last Edit: October 08, 2017, 02:07:17 PM by Joe Molotov »

Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
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October 8

The Omen (1976)

Jerry Goldsmith winning an Oscar for a song about worshiping Satan. The 70's were pretty wild.

October 9

Videodrome (1983)

This is my favorite horror movie. David Cronenberg + body horror + sci-fi + paranoid thriller + Alt-Right asshole James Woods + Blondie + pornography + Howard Shore crushing it + stomach vaginas = :lawd


  • Laugh when you can, it’s cheap medicine -LB
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I'm really bad at planning what to watch in advance. When I sit down in front of the tube, I basically just go by my whim at the time. Whatever I had planned on watching suddenly seems uninteresting.

Last night, I ended up watching Hell House LLC, which was a pretty serviceable found footage flick. It has a pretty stupid ending that kinda feels like it was maybe made up without any thought at all, but up until then it's a pretty fun ride. You could do a lot worse if you want to watch something new that doesn't require paying too much attention.

Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
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I'm really bad at planning what to watch in advance. When I sit down in front of the tube, I basically just go by my whim at the time. Whatever I had planned on watching suddenly seems uninteresting.

I'm the same way, I don't know what I'm gonna watch until I sit down to watch it, and sometimes I'll turn on a movie and immediately be like "meh" and then turn it off and browse Netflix/Hulu/Amazon for the next half hour.


  • Senior Member
5. Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2

This is an aggressively terrible movie that actually falls into "so bad it's good" territory for me (most of the time.) I never liked Burn Notice dude when he was on Burn Notice but there's some kind of self-aware element here - or maybe I'm just imagining it. Sort of a fun hate-watch, and I do think the ending is a little too clever for the rest of the movie.

2 / 5

6. A Cure for Wellness

Big shades of the original Ring here, which I loved. Great cinematography, cool score, decent acting. Unfortunately it's let down by a plodding plot and absolutely schlock ending. Disappointed - there was a lot of potential here, but it all falls apart by the end. Dane Dehaan can get it, though.

2 / 5


  • Laugh when you can, it’s cheap medicine -LB
  • Senior Member
I forget, did you watch Blair Witch 3, Meat? I really prefer Book of Shadows to it. I'll take bad but kinda novel over a mediocre rehash any day.


  • Senior Member
I saw it in theaters last year, it came out on my birthday!

Yeah it's hard for me to say which I liked more. I'm rewatching the third one soon just so I get a refresher on the comparison. I remember walking out of the theater thinking BW3 was OK but I've soured on it the more time has gone on.


  • Laugh when you can, it’s cheap medicine -LB
  • Senior Member
I still find Scream 2 and 3 to be generally entertaining, if sillier, movies. Well, 2 more than 3. 3 has Queen Parker Posey though.


  • Senior Member
Parker Posey :lawd

Josie and the Pussy Cats :bow


  • relapsed dev
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Parker Posey…!! She’s entrancing.


  • Laugh when you can, it’s cheap medicine -LB
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Watched the brilliant Ken Russell's brilliant Lair of the White Worm. Weird and awesome, it features one of the very few depictions of a sexually attractive human female in recorded history.

« Last Edit: October 11, 2017, 12:56:06 AM by TVC 15 »

I'm a Puppy!

  • Knows the muffin man.
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I really don't like gore, that makes this exercise difficult. So much modern horror is just torture/gore porn.

Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
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Lair of the White Worm is great, I rewatched it a few months ago.


  • Senior Member
7. The Blair Witch Project (rewatch)

Forgot to mention that I rewatched this before Book of Shadows. Still a masterpiece.

5 / 5

8. Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead

It's Troma and Lloyd Kaufman. It has all the blood, shit, and irreverent jokes as you could get away with in 2006. It's schlock but it made me chuckle a few times. Sometimes you just need a braindead piece of entertainment to unwind (especially after watching Blade Runner 2049 as I did. :lol)

3 / 5
« Last Edit: October 11, 2017, 03:30:32 PM by Tasty Meat »

Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
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I really don't like gore, that makes this exercise difficult. So much modern horror is just torture/gore porn.

Understandable (I'm actually not much of a gorehound either) but I think the pendulum has actually swung away from gore/torture porn movies since the heyday of Saw and Hostel about a decade ago. There have been some good horror movies released in the past two or three years that aren't overly violent. The Visit, Split, Get Out, It, Don't Breathe, 10 Cloverfield Lane, The Conjuring, Oculus, Cure for Wellness (YMMV on quality, but it isn't violent), Krampus, etc.


  • Senior Member
Yeah, torture porn started to end in like 2010 when Paranormal Activity blew up. And only now are we finally moving out of the age of everything being found footage.

Slow burn horror seems to be making a big comeback (see Joe's examples.) Couldn't be happier.

Joe Molotov

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  • Senior Member
Maybe he's what killed the dinosaurs :ohhh


  • Laugh when you can, it’s cheap medicine -LB
  • Senior Member
What about Below Zero, starring Ed Furlong and Michael Berryman?

(Image removed from quote.)


The Crow sequel with Furlong, Fat David Boreanaz, and Tara Reid is amazing. Will check this out.

Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
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October 10

Abattoir (2016)

I remember seeing the trailer for this movie about a year ago, and the premise was so stupid and awesome that I needed to see it. A guy is building the most haunted house in the world by buying houses where people had been murdered, and then tearing out the room where the murder took place and building a house out of all the stitched together murder rooms. It sounded great but.... unfortunately this movie totally sucks ass. 2/3rds of the movie is exposition, and the writing is not good. It's unnatural, weird, and mad cliched (there's an unironic usage of the "we're not so different, you and I"  :doge ). Once they finally get to the house in the last 20 minutes, it's all just loud noises and whispy smoke ghosts swirling around. This movie only wishes it could be as good as the 13 Ghosts remake. :zzz

October 11

Piranha (1978)

This is good Joe Dante. My favorite Joe Dante movie (and low-key one of my favorite movies ever) is The 'Burbs,  but Piranha is super good as well. I'd probably give him a pass if he accidentally killed 2 or 3 more kids.

"Terror, Horror, Death. Film at 11."
« Last Edit: October 12, 2017, 12:37:22 PM by Joe Molotov »


  • Laugh when you can, it’s cheap medicine -LB
  • Senior Member
Watched this last night.

I watch this pretty frequently. Non-experimental movies don't get much weirder than this. It's not really horror, but I'm not sure what the fuck I'd call it. It's on Shudder, and if you haven't seen it, you really should. It turns up on "so bad its good" lists, but I think that has more to do with its crazy concept than anything. I think it's a pretty decent flick, all things considered. Don't read too much on it. It has a fun ending that shouldn't be spoiled.


  • Senior Member
Apparently they swapped out the music for that scene cause they couldn't get the rights. I think it was originally Black Sabbath or something.