Author Topic: October 2017 Scary Movie Watching Thread | Say hi to hell!  (Read 32154 times)

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I'd probably give him a pass if he accidentally killed 2 or 3 more kids.

Are you thinking of Landis ?


  • Laugh when you can, it’s cheap medicine -LB
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I'd give Landis a pass if he murdered his awful son on live TV.


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I watched Pet Sematary 2 last night.  I can't believe I used to really think it was better than 1 when I was a kid.  The music is ridiculous and it's all just so cheesy.  Still a fun movie though.


  • Laugh when you can, it’s cheap medicine -LB
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I watched Pet Sematary 2 last night.  I can't believe I used to really think it was better than 1 when I was a kid.  The music is ridiculous and it's all just so cheesy.  Still a fun movie though.

Bore loves Furlong confirmed  :uguu :uguu :uguu :uguu

Someone find an appropriate Furlong emote pic.

Joe Molotov

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I'd probably give him a pass if he accidentally killed 2 or 3 more kids.

Are you thinking of Landis ?

The Howling and American Werewolf always make me think Joe Dante and John Landis are the same person. I even remembered I was thinking of Landis and left that line out, then edited my post to put it back in for some reason, rip brain.

The point stands though.


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I pretty much like The Howling more than American Werewolf in London. I honestly never saw American Werewolf as a great movie despite its reputation.

Joe Molotov

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  • Good Christian
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It's Friday 13th, bitches. Time to get fucking spooked.


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Part 5 sucked but it did have that awesome chocolate bar scene. :lol


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Watching Friday the 13th tonight because it's literally Friday the 13th and these are the types of things you do when you're a white male in your 30s.


  • Laugh when you can, it’s cheap medicine -LB
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Part 5 sucked but it did have that awesome chocolate bar scene. :lol

And the second best dance scene in the series.



  • Good Christian
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Watching Friday the 13th tonight because it's literally Friday the 13th and these are the types of things you do when you're a white male in your 30s.
I'm also white and old, time to check what's on Netflix tonight. lol

Joe Molotov

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October 12

Daughters of Darkness (1970)

Mmmm...70's Belgium lesbian vampire movies.  :hyper It's actually pretty light on the lesbianism and the vampirism (no one gets their neck bit on screen and most of the sex is hetero :donot ), but high on the dreamy Euro weirdness that's common in these movies. It stars the main actress from Last Year at Marienbad, and actually reminds me somewhat of that movie, especially with most the action taking place is a spacious hotel. A good movie.

October 13

Happy Death Day (2017)

It's like Groundhog Day, but replace Bill Murray with the cast of Mean Girls, and then just kill them over and over again until they learn the true meaning of something something and wanna have sex with beta nerds. Yeah it's not the most original plot ever, and maybe it's a little bit misogynistic (like that would be a new twist for the horror genre), but it was an okay watch. Jessica Rothe plays the only major character in the movie (whose name is Tree for some fucking reason, damn hippie parents) and she's able to carry the movie pretty well. The minor characters just mostly exist for her to scream at and to pad out the roster of potential murderers. Which of these bitches is bitchy enough to want to kill her for being a mega bitch? Find out!  :o


  • Laugh when you can, it’s cheap medicine -LB
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I might do Happy Death Day tonight if I can't find a good older movie in a theater to watch.

Joe Molotov

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Happy Death Day wasn't the only horror movie that was released today, there was also...

The Babysitter (2017)

Directed by McG. *insert Obi-Wan "now there's a name" gif* Well, it's better than Terminator Salvation at least. And it fills that "kids in suburbia doing pop culture references and weird shit happens to them" gap while you're waiting for Stranger Things Season 2 to start.  It was aight. CONTENT WARNING: Contains an extended lesbian kiss with lip biting and tongue, a google image search for the word "orgy", and one of finest disinterested handies ever captured on film.


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Can we talk about how fucking good Trent Reznor & Atticus Ross' arrangement of the Halloween theme is? Like I've found the duo pretty zzzzzz since Social Network but this is freaking good especially when it kicks into gear in the middle. Total treat for horror fans:


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I've found the duo pretty zzzzzz since Social Network

:jeanluc  :mindblown :badass :beli :picard :pacspit :paul


  • Senior Member
I've found the duo pretty zzzzzz since Social Network

:jeanluc  :mindblown :badass :beli :picard :pacspit :paul

Hot take as a ex-hardcore NIN fan: Old man Reznor is zzzzzzz (Outside this Halloween track which is rad)


  • Laugh when you can, it’s cheap medicine -LB
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That song NIN did on Twin Peaks was the best thing they’ve done in years and years. Probably since The Fragile.


  • relapsed dev
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Case 39: Renee Zellweger, Ian McShane, Bradley Cooper. Nonsensical. Tremendous waste of resources. Apparently it kicked around in postproduction looking for a reason to come out. It should have stayed in the can.

Shutter: The lucky boyfriend from FRINGE and Jessica Jones' non-superpowered BFF star in a Japanese horror film. Seriously, it's got a Japanese director of photography, director, other production staff, and the ghost is Megumi Okina who was in mostly other Japanese horror films. It has all the right sensibilities, and works overall. I liked the wrap-up, and the whole thing works better as a ghost story than Ju-on, which literally doesn't give a shit about internal consistency.

Mirrors: Jack Bauer and the hot agent from Mission Impossible Dubai are an estranged married couple. He's a detective who killed someone, took up drinking, which ruined his family life, and is now trying to get back on his feet. He takes a job as a night guardsman at a haunted department store. It's not a bad start, but then Alexandre Aja decides that digital effects, speed ramping, and boo scares are what should be the core of the scares in a movie about mirrors in dark spaces, a subject that doesn't need any fucking help to be scary. No, seriously, I've got a thing about them, and was put off from seeing this movie for years because I thought it might be scary. It isn't.

Joe Molotov

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October 14

Friday the 13th Part 2 (1981) and Friday the 13th Part 3 (1982)

I decided to watch the F13 sequels because I'm never actually seen them before (besides the New Line sequels). Part 2 was pretty good, but Part 3 was borderline amazing. Jason coming at you in 3D! Arrows flying in 3D! Eyeballs popping in 3D! Marijuana cigarettes being passed around IN 3D!!!! :omg And it's capped off with that goofy dream sequence of Pamela Voorhees jumping out of the lake ala the original F13. :lol

Also, Harry Manfredini dropping some funky beats with that Friday the 13th Dance Mix. :lawd


  • Laugh when you can, it’s cheap medicine -LB
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Watched Gummo last night. Not a horror movie. I watch it like once a month when I need something to put me in the mood.

Phoenix Dark

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Rewatched last night. Great movie on multiple levels. Keanu Reeves is pretty trash in it, but thankfully he doesn't have much screen time. Outside of him the cast is very strong. I really like how the film manages to touch various genres (horror, adventure, romance) simultaneously without feeling all over the place.

This is a very good looking film. The sets, costumes, shot composition...everything is on point to create a well realized world that pulls you in from beginning to end. And the soundtrack is dope.


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9. An American Werewolf in London

Lots of good scenes, not really much of a good movie. Ending is completely farcical. How anyone can watch it and not shout out "That's it?!" as it smash cuts to credits is beyond me. Great creature effects... about half the time. The full werewolf running around is kinda laughable. Nurse subplot went nowhere. Investigator subplot went nowhere. A very sloppy, but occasionally humorous, film.

2 / 5

10. American Psycho

Gonna contradict myself here, since this movie is also a loose collection of individually entertaining scenes with not much of a plot through-line (except the investigation, which doesn't amount to much), but it still comes out of things fairly well, mostly due to: 1) Christian Bale's phenomenal acting, 2) a fascinating look at an absolutely psychotic yuppie in 90s New York, and 3) each scene on its own being chock full of memorable and quotable moments.

4 / 5

11. The Hallow

Really great, eerie movie with an intriguing premise and great pacing. Normally in a movie like this, I would have expected shit to go down 1/2 as quickly as it actually does, and that's a breath of fresh air. The atmosphere doesn't really suffer for it either. Props for the creature effects which really hit the mark (most of the time.) The ending is a bit too unambiguous for my tastes, but overall this movie delivered.

4 / 5

12. The Autopsy of Jane Doe

I haven't been this creeped out or genuinely scared by a movie in quite a bit. It also probably helps I love Brian Cox in everything, and Emile Hirsch does a great job too. While generally in movies like these I eye-roll at the "backstory" moments since they usually come off as desperate to establish an emotional core, here you really buy it because of the performances and subtleties in the writing. And yeah, I thought it was pretty fucking scary. I'm also just a sucker for "bottle plots" in general and this tickled my fancy there quite well.

5 / 5
« Last Edit: October 16, 2017, 02:57:56 AM by Tasty Meat »


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They did great on The Vietnam War for Ken Burns. 

And I quite enjoyed The Babysitter.  Pretty funny, gruesome and whatsherface is super hot.

Joe Molotov

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October 15

Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter (1984)

JESUS JUMPING CHRISTMAS FUCK! That funky chicken dance got Crispin Glover laid in this movie? I guess there's hope for us all. Otherwise, this one was pretty meh. Teddy sitting on the couch watching pornos while everyone else has sex is a little too real.


  • Laugh when you can, it’s cheap medicine -LB
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Shut the fuck up, Joe. It's the best in the series by virtue of Corey Feldman.

Joe Molotov

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Little Baby Feldawg went ha(i)m on Jason.

Joe Molotov

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October 16

Friday the 13: A New Beginning (1985)

Haha, oh man what a clusterfuck. Roy the Paramedic, brehs. Roy the effing Paramedic was Fake Jason. The guy that showed up for 10 seconds fifteen minutes into the movie. He was so broken up over seeing his son killed, his son that he loved so much that he sent him to live at a orphanage and never told anyone that he had a son (but yet still carried around a recent photo of him in his wallet, along with pictures of Jason lol wtf). What a trashfire of a twist. And so many random goofy side characters, like Ethel and Junior being hillbilly af and Demon getting killed on the trailer park toilet while singing his #1 hit song "Oh Baby Oh Baby Oh Baby (Oh Baby)". This is by far the worst of the sequels so far. At least F13 3D was funny.

Already looking forward to Jason Lives, cuz I watched the first 10 minutes and Jason's rotting corpse getting electrocuted back to live was hella lit. :lol RIP in Peace Roy the Paramedic, you will not be missed.


  • Laugh when you can, it’s cheap medicine -LB
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I forgot the Oh Baby scene is in that one.

Between that, the goth chick, and the Feldman cameo, it's probably the second best in the series.


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You can forget it!!

spoiler (click to show/hide)
^ My thoughts on this movie. :D


  • Laugh when you can, it’s cheap medicine -LB
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Oh man, that scene, too.

That one really has it all, aside from the shitty non-Jason thing.

Joe Molotov

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Victor snapping and then axing that annoying dude was a better twist than the ending. I didn't see that coming, I kept thinking it was gonna be another fake-out dream sequence.


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Carrie vs. The Terminator :rejoice

I think that was my first Friday 13th I saw and it's still my favorite.


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13. Pandorum

This movie is like a eighth-generation incestual love grandchild of Alien Resurrection and Event Horizon. For some that might be cool, but for me it fell mostly flat. The directing here can be truly bizarre at times, and you can mostly see every plot beat coming after the opening scenes. Still, I really dig "abandoned in space" movies so I was satisfied on some level.

2 / 5


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14. Hush (2016)

Pretty good high concept horror flick (What if the main character was a deaf-mute?) Good pacing and acting help sell this more than otherwise, though I found all the characters pretty flat and uninteresting. Still, probably worth a watch if you're looking for a good home invasion movie.

spoiler (click to show/hide)

3 / 5

15. The Vanishing (1988)

Suspenseful, unnerving, and deliberate pacing place this movie firmly in above-average territory to me. The greatest horror films, to me, are the ones that stick with you; maybe I can get lost in the woods and feel hunted (The Blair Witch Project), maybe there is something more behind those bumps in the night (Paranormal Activity), maybe a nuclear holocaust really is almost upon us at any given time (Threads), etc. This is one of those movies. There's really nothing horrifying in the movie itself, but I can bet it'll be impossible to ignore my memory of this movie on future road trips.

It's a bit uneven and flawed, but yeah, this one's gonna be with me for a long time.

4 / 5

Almost halfway done but still two movies behind as of today. :whew

Joe Molotov

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Great new RLM two-fer review of Reanimator and From Beyond, two GOAT-tier movies from Stuart Gordon. :lawd



  • Laugh when you can, it’s cheap medicine -LB
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All things considered, the Reanimator sequels aren’t bad. That’s probably 95% on Jeffrey Combs being amazing.

Great Rumbler

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I was watching the opening to Jason Takes Manhattan and I was thinking that it would be a totally amazing movie if it was a traditional 80's cop movie but with Jason as a cop.


  • Do the moron
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All things considered, the Reanimator sequels aren’t bad. That’s probably 95% on Jeffrey Combs being amazing.

ReAnimator 2 is great, as good as the original.


  • relapsed dev
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Finally watched the first Silent Hill movie. The CG-heavy creature effects didn't age well, but the environment effects were top-notch, and the analog makeup is also really good. I'd heard that Roger Avary, friend of Tarantino and video store alumnus, had done a better-than-needed job on the script. I agree that it's a competent horror-videogame-to-movie adaptation, but it is by no means a good script on its own. I liked the ending.

Joe Molotov

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Re: October 2017 Scary Movie Watching Thread | Say hi to hell!
« Reply #161 on: October 20, 2017, 02:05:58 AM »
Friday the 13th Part VI, VII, VIII, Jason Goes to Hell, Jason X, Freddy vs Jason, and Friday the 13th: Killer Cut (1986, 1988, 1989, 1993, 2001, 2003, 2009)

"Welcome to my nightmare."

I was getting burned out on watching F13 movies, so instead of just not watching anymore like a normal person, I binged the rest of them so I'd be done with it. My thoughts are as follows. VI was okay, but it shot it's load early with that hype af opening scene with Jason coming back to life. VII was pretty good. VIII makes me feel like that NYC cruise that sails out of Crystal Lake is probably not Carnival's most lucrative line. Also, it needed more Jason rampaging in New York. Jason Goes to Hell I have seen before. It was shit then, and it's still shit now. Why did New Line even buy the franchise just to make another "hey what if Jason was kinda the killer, but not really tho?" sequel? Disgusting. Jason X I hadn't seen in about 15 years, and it was definitely better when I was in college. Not as funny as I remembered, although I will never not love the ridiculousness of Mecha Jason. Freddy vs Jason is still pretty dece. The Friday the 13th reboot I had not seen before, but it was less offensive than I expected. It leaves the OG Friday the 13th's plot intact as backstory, and pretty much feels like it would be right at home as a mid-80's F13 sequel. Teens come to Crystal Lake and "hey did you hear the legend of Jason Vorhees? well, it's just a story but..." then they screw and smoke pot and get killed. 

II > I > VII > VI > FvJ > IV > III > Reboot > VIII > V >  X > Jason Goes to Hell


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Re: October 2017 Scary Movie Watching Thread | Say hi to hell!
« Reply #162 on: October 20, 2017, 02:15:00 AM »
Finally someone agrees that Jason Goes to Hell is garbo.

Also Silent Hill is great but I wish they had kept to the script and had less Sean Bean being irrelevant.

Joe Molotov

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Re: October 2017 Scary Movie Watching Thread | Say hi to hell!
« Reply #163 on: October 20, 2017, 02:23:27 AM »
Jason Goes to Hell was the first F13 movie I ever saw. Just imagine how baffling that was. :lol I mean, it was only the first and only F13 movie released in the 90's and Netflix hadn't been invented yet!

team filler

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Re: October 2017 Scary Movie Watching Thread | Say hi to hell!
« Reply #164 on: October 20, 2017, 02:24:22 AM »
silent hill sequel was not completely horrible


  • Laugh when you can, it’s cheap medicine -LB
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Re: October 2017 Scary Movie Watching Thread | Say hi to hell!
« Reply #165 on: October 20, 2017, 02:27:53 AM »
Who doesn’t think Jason Goes to Hell is trash? It might be one of the worst sequels ever. Mathematically.


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Re: October 2017 Scary Movie Watching Thread | Say hi to hell!
« Reply #166 on: October 20, 2017, 02:38:05 AM »
silent hill sequel was not completely horrible

It was schlock. Entertaining but schlock.

None of the atmosphere of the first, but Kit Harrington is


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Re: October 2017 Scary Movie Watching Thread | Say hi to hell!
« Reply #167 on: October 20, 2017, 03:30:41 AM »
Sorry, I meant to say "the worst garbo." IIRC it's dead last on only my list and now Joe's.

Purrp Skirrp

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Re: October 2017 Scary Movie Watching Thread | Say hi to hell!
« Reply #168 on: October 20, 2017, 02:31:07 PM »
Somehow I've managed to never see the Nightmare on Elm Street movies. Which ones are worth watching? I got the original, Dream Warriors, and New Nightmare on my watchlist.


  • Laugh when you can, it’s cheap medicine -LB
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Re: October 2017 Scary Movie Watching Thread | Say hi to hell!
« Reply #169 on: October 20, 2017, 02:33:17 PM »
4 and 5 aren't bad. They follow the template established by 3 to more mixed results, but some of the best kills in the series are in there.

2 is pretty much worth watching for all the wrong reasons.


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Re: October 2017 Scary Movie Watching Thread | Say hi to hell!
« Reply #170 on: October 20, 2017, 02:55:50 PM »
Somehow I've managed to never see the Nightmare on Elm Street movies. Which ones are worth watching? I got the original, Dream Warriors, and New Nightmare on my watchlist.

These are the only ones you need to see.

2 and 4 are entertaining and pretty watchable (especially 2. :drool)

5 and 6 are trash.


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Re: October 2017 Scary Movie Watching Thread | Say hi to hell!
« Reply #171 on: October 20, 2017, 11:25:24 PM »
16. Fracture

Basically Hannibal Lecter vs. Ryan Gosling. TBH I had never heard of this movie before now and wouldn't begrudge anyone for the same. It's honestly pretty forgettable outside Anthony Hopkins. I felt completely cheated by the ending - I thought it was the middle of the movie and shit would start to get more real after that. :lol But no. I can see what they were going for but the movie feels like the prologue to a much better film.

2 / 5

17. Hidden (2015)

A perfectly serviceable post-apocalyptic survival movie from the Duffer Brothers (of Stranger Things fame.) Points to the actors and writing for evoking true empathy for the family before shit goes down. Neat little twist. Wasn't really scary or even that tense at parts, though it does get close in one sequence.

3 / 5

18. Playback

One of the worst horror movies I've ever seen. Scrapes the bottom of the barrel alongside other incomprehensible "horror" snorefests like Stay Alive, fear dot com, and The Bye Bye Man. Christian Slater plays a pedo cop for... some reason. And then he dies. Nobody really has any impact on the plot and you can just tell how hard the writer/director is straining through the screen to convince you the movie is "cool" and "edgy." This skirts "so bad it's good" territory but never really achieves it. On top of that, it's like 105 minutes long or some shit. Ain't nobody got time for that.

1 / 5


  • relapsed dev
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Re: October 2017 Scary Movie Watching Thread | Say hi to hell!
« Reply #172 on: October 21, 2017, 01:21:14 AM »
Finally someone agrees that Jason Goes to Hell is garbo.

Also Silent Hill is great but I wish they had kept to the script and had less Sean Bean being irrelevant.

My suspicion is that they wanted Sean Bean for his name value, but had to keep his shooting schedule to a minimum for contract reasons.

**wikipedias that shit**
"When the script was finished, a studio memo was sent to Gans and Avary that voiced concerns about the lack of a male presence in the film, since the original story contained a nearly all female cast. Gans and Avary added Christopher's character (named after Gans) and subplot and the script was approved.[11]"


Well, it explains why he feels tacked-on.


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Re: October 2017 Scary Movie Watching Thread | Say hi to hell!
« Reply #173 on: October 21, 2017, 02:58:06 PM »
Hard to say if this is worse than 7


7 is the best one though. :dunno


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Re: October 2017 Scary Movie Watching Thread | Say hi to hell!
« Reply #174 on: October 21, 2017, 03:27:03 PM »
Somehow I've managed to never see the Nightmare on Elm Street movies. Which ones are worth watching? I got the original, Dream Warriors, and New Nightmare on my watchlist.

Those are the best ones, I'd throw in the second movie for all the ott gay subtext. And slow kinda effective buildup.

New Nightmare is still bloody unnerving. Wish they'd do another film in that vein. Make Freddy into an actual scary force again.

First movie haunted me for years. Like Freddy is a very nasty piece of work in that movie and they keep him to the shadows and glances of him. Very effective.


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Re: October 2017 Scary Movie Watching Thread | Say hi to hell!
« Reply #175 on: October 21, 2017, 05:41:28 PM »
That ending battle tho :whew


  • Laugh when you can, it’s cheap medicine -LB
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Re: October 2017 Scary Movie Watching Thread | Say hi to hell!
« Reply #176 on: October 21, 2017, 06:52:01 PM »
Hard to say if this is worse than 7


7 is the best one though. :dunno

7 is the worst until Jason X, dawg.

WTF jason X is awesome. I kinda consider it its own thing though.


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Re: October 2017 Scary Movie Watching Thread | Say hi to hell!
« Reply #177 on: October 21, 2017, 11:17:06 PM »
X was was a welcome return to fun schlock after 8 and 9.


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Re: October 2017 Scary Movie Watching Thread | Say hi to hell!
« Reply #178 on: October 22, 2017, 02:50:10 AM »
19. Visions (2015)

Isla Fisher can't act, and that's honestly my main problems with this one. I was also distracted by her character's husband being Anson Mount of Inhumans infamy. At least in this one he flexes a bit of actual acting chops.

The plot involves Isla accidentally killing a kid in a traffic accident then being haunted by various spooky visions (oh hey, that's the title! ...fuck off.) It basically meanders around without a plot until the last 20 minutes where "it all comes together." I do have to say, the way it does come together is slightly clever, but that's really the only reason why this is a 2 on my scale instead of a 1.

2 / 5

20. Martyrs (2008)

I am by most measures vehemently opposed to the "torture porn" genre. It's not that I can't handle it - some of my favorite movies include scenes of abject gore. I just feel that most of the time, it's used in place of an actual plot or characterization. Oh, this person is getting their leg sawed off - we have to feel for them because we know how sucky it would be to happen to us. It's the bottom rung of empathization.

That said, I thought (the original) Martyrs rose above it's constant use of gore and shock moments. They're here in abundance, but there's a lot to pick at and digest under the surface too. I was actually really loving this movie until around the last act, when it does indulge its torture porn sensibilities just a bit too much. Even still, if you can stomach it, this is probably worth a watch.

4 / 5

21. Phantasm

Weird, weird movie. The thing is, for most of it I was on board with the direction - this movie does a thing where a character will begin talking in one scene and then it suddenly shifts to a future scene that they're describing, and I thought it was used really well. Great creepy atmosphere, with several shots in particular I wouldn't mind having framed on my walls. The plot is where it's sort of a letdown to me, though. It feels very muddled, and not in a Lynchian "this all makes sense I'm sure" way, more of a "the director had these cool ideas but couldn't properly communicate them" kinda way. In any case, it's worth a watch just because it feels unique and fresh (despite coming out almost fourty years ago.)

3 / 5

22. They Live

Don't know how I avoided this until now but yeah, it's another Carpenter classic. This reminds me of a lot of Black Mirror episodes I love - I love them mostly because I came up with similar concepts and stories as a kid. :lol Pretty self-serving, but I do enjoy seeing others take such concepts to their completion.

4 / 5

23. Sleepaway Camp

Laughed out loud several points in this movie. Dunno if it's "so bad it's good" but it's up there. It's not actually terrible - it's a pretty generic slasher mystery, sure, and even the camp feels cribbed from Friday the 13th, but it's pretty entertaining seeing the younger age group curse and bully just as well as their college-age F13 cousins. I knew about the twist years ago but even still it's hilarious - had no idea they'd show the penis, nor would it have bush, nor would Angela's face actually be so fucking weird at the end. :lol Not much of a plot but points for inventive kills - the beehive one was particularly ingenious.

3 / 5
« Last Edit: October 22, 2017, 03:06:57 AM by Tasty Meat »


  • Laugh when you can, it’s cheap medicine -LB
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Re: October 2017 Scary Movie Watching Thread | Say hi to hell!
« Reply #179 on: October 22, 2017, 03:22:13 AM »
Love Phantasm. Not making much sense is part of the ride. Phantasm II is really good, too. Maybe on par with the original.