Author Topic: The Other Forums Thread for 90's Kids ONLY  (Read 2216521 times)

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I'm a Puppy!

  • Knows the muffin man.
  • Senior Member
I'm in the same boat. I've consulted for dozens and dozens of companies. Most of those tech companies and have been in with their leadership and if I tried to say that most companies take it very seriously and that it's an exception not a rule, holy hell, you'd think I was just butt fucked by Hitler the way people react.

who is ted danson?

  • ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀✋💎✋🤬
  • Senior Member
This user is banned for this post (3 days): Sexism argumentation.
I'm not the one saying it. I'm just saying that we shouldn't be selective in which women we listen to. Amy Henning, for example, said the game industry was a wonderful place of opportunity where she never experienced harassment or discrimination. She said "I may just be oblivious, and if so that tactic has worked for me" and that the internet was making the industry seem like a more sexist place than it was. It is the internet rhetoric which was keeping young women out of gaming, not the industry itself. I've seen Henning crucified for saying that, but you know, what if she has a point?

When I worked at Treyarch in the early 00's, they employed a handful of women that were all in positions of power. Project lead, lead artist, head of HR, technology lead. They would all have lunch together (which my wife was invited to a few times) and talk about women in the game industry. They complained mostly about a lack of women and not having more women to talk to, and not about harassment or discrimination. But this was about 15 years ago. The dialogue around women in the game industry was very different back then.

I don't think the industry suddenly became more sexist. I really don't. I just think that there has been a shift in the political landscape over the past decade, where before people would look at the lack of women in the game industry and arrive at one conclusion, while now they look at the exact same lack of women in the game industry and arrive at a different one. The problem hasn't changed, just the explanation of it - and the current explanation has a zero percent chance of actually solving the problem. If anything, the prevalence of sexism claims is leading to less women in the industry and fewer women in computer science.


this is the worst ban i've ever seen. REEEEE mods are off their rocker.


  • Senior Member
I don't dare comment in threads like that;  I've worked in tech for 20 years, across a wide array of types of companies.  If anything, the more technical a company is, the less you'd ever expect any sexual harassment.  I've done years of contracting at MS for instance, and their teams are incredibly diverse both by gender and race, I've never witnessed even the slightest hint of sexual harassment going on.  I've been friends with and dated females in the industry and most of them complain that the guys they work with are boring, not attractive, whatever more than anything else. 

Someone said something like "Every woman in tech, if you talk to them, can tell you stories that would fill a book about the harassment they've received"...  I ALMOST responded, but decided not to.  It's the current narrative, "Tech" is one of their main targets right now.  This weird "tech bro" stereotype that I've literally never witnessed in my 20 years at tech of some guy who thinks he's super cool and goes around harassing chicks.  Maybe that's more common in San Francisco or something, but here in Seattle all I've ever come across are a combination of sheepish nerds and people cocky about their technical abilities who rarely talk about anything else. 

And I'm a consultant, which means I have to go to social events all the time and am not just a 9 to 5'er.  Been in lead positions most of that time and have been privy to HR issues going on, etc.  I've literally heard two total stories of sexual harassment in my entire career;  one was a guy flirting with a receptionist at a building we were holding an event at, and the other was a lame off-color joke some guy told in passing.  I think I've only known one guy in all of my years of tech who was even the type to talk about women in any sexual way, and we were good friends, and he was well liked by female coworkers and was never inappropriate.  Everyone else is way too sheepish to even remark that they found a woman attractive.  Contrast that to your average group of males and "tech workers" in my experience are far less likely to ever be inappropriate.

When 20 years of anecdotes contrast the narrative, it's hard not to think your anecdotes represent reality more closely.  Hell, I witnessed more sexual harassment in my 2 years in retail when I was a teen to my 20 years in tech, by far.

It is lucky you didn't respond. At least now you know exactly what will happen.

I still can't believe he was banned because of that. Not even a warning, just a straight ban.


  • 🧘‍♂️
  • Senior Member
This user is banned for this post (3 days): Sexism argumentation.
I'm not the one saying it. I'm just saying that we shouldn't be selective in which women we listen to. Amy Henning, for example, said the game industry was a wonderful place of opportunity where she never experienced harassment or discrimination. She said "I may just be oblivious, and if so that tactic has worked for me" and that the internet was making the industry seem like a more sexist place than it was. It is the internet rhetoric which was keeping young women out of gaming, not the industry itself. I've seen Henning crucified for saying that, but you know, what if she has a point?

When I worked at Treyarch in the early 00's, they employed a handful of women that were all in positions of power. Project lead, lead artist, head of HR, technology lead. They would all have lunch together (which my wife was invited to a few times) and talk about women in the game industry. They complained mostly about a lack of women and not having more women to talk to, and not about harassment or discrimination. But this was about 15 years ago. The dialogue around women in the game industry was very different back then.

I don't think the industry suddenly became more sexist. I really don't. I just think that there has been a shift in the political landscape over the past decade, where before people would look at the lack of women in the game industry and arrive at one conclusion, while now they look at the exact same lack of women in the game industry and arrive at a different one. The problem hasn't changed, just the explanation of it - and the current explanation has a zero percent chance of actually solving the problem. If anything, the prevalence of sexism claims is leading to less women in the industry and fewer women in computer science.


I don't dare comment in threads like that;  I've worked in tech for 20 years, across a wide array of types of companies.  If anything, the more technical a company is, the less you'd ever expect any sexual harassment.  I've done years of contracting at MS for instance, and their teams are incredibly diverse both by gender and race, I've never witnessed even the slightest hint of sexual harassment going on.  I've been friends with and dated females in the industry and most of them complain that the guys they work with are boring, not attractive, whatever more than anything else. 

Someone said something like "Every woman in tech, if you talk to them, can tell you stories that would fill a book about the harassment they've received"...  I ALMOST responded, but decided not to.  It's the current narrative, "Tech" is one of their main targets right now.  This weird "tech bro" stereotype that I've literally never witnessed in my 20 years at tech of some guy who thinks he's super cool and goes around harassing chicks.  Maybe that's more common in San Francisco or something, but here in Seattle all I've ever come across are a combination of sheepish nerds and people cocky about their technical abilities who rarely talk about anything else. 

And I'm a consultant, which means I have to go to social events all the time and am not just a 9 to 5'er.  Been in lead positions most of that time and have been privy to HR issues going on, etc.  I've literally heard two total stories of sexual harassment in my entire career;  one was a guy flirting with a receptionist at a building we were holding an event at, and the other was a lame off-color joke some guy told in passing.  I think I've only known one guy in all of my years of tech who was even the type to talk about women in any sexual way, and we were good friends, and he was well liked by female coworkers and was never inappropriate.  Everyone else is way too sheepish to even remark that they found a woman attractive.  Contrast that to your average group of males and "tech workers" in my experience are far less likely to ever be inappropriate.

When 20 years of anecdotes contrast the narrative, it's hard not to think your anecdotes represent reality more closely.  Hell, I witnessed more sexual harassment in my 2 years in retail when I was a teen to my 20 years in tech, by far.
This user is banned for this post (5 days): Sexism argumentation.


  • Senior Member
ahahaha I forgot this month is Trump's State Of The Union address. :dead

Can't wait for gaffes and fuckery.


  • Haughty and a little naughty
  • Senior Member
This user is banned for this post (3 days): Sexism argumentation.
I'm not the one saying it. I'm just saying that we shouldn't be selective in which women we listen to. Amy Henning, for example, said the game industry was a wonderful place of opportunity where she never experienced harassment or discrimination. She said "I may just be oblivious, and if so that tactic has worked for me" and that the internet was making the industry seem like a more sexist place than it was. It is the internet rhetoric which was keeping young women out of gaming, not the industry itself. I've seen Henning crucified for saying that, but you know, what if she has a point?

When I worked at Treyarch in the early 00's, they employed a handful of women that were all in positions of power. Project lead, lead artist, head of HR, technology lead. They would all have lunch together (which my wife was invited to a few times) and talk about women in the game industry. They complained mostly about a lack of women and not having more women to talk to, and not about harassment or discrimination. But this was about 15 years ago. The dialogue around women in the game industry was very different back then.

I don't think the industry suddenly became more sexist. I really don't. I just think that there has been a shift in the political landscape over the past decade, where before people would look at the lack of women in the game industry and arrive at one conclusion, while now they look at the exact same lack of women in the game industry and arrive at a different one. The problem hasn't changed, just the explanation of it - and the current explanation has a zero percent chance of actually solving the problem. If anything, the prevalence of sexism claims is leading to less women in the industry and fewer women in computer science.

"Sexism argumentation" what exactly does that even mean? Maybe it's because I'm not a native speaker, but that sounds like his crime was to argue about sexism. Maybe the mod who wrote that message noticed halfway through that calling that post sexist would be absurd


  • Senior Member
I like the argument that women left programming in the 80s because of men, because it suggests that women are too sexist to stand working around men. The truth is likely an economical one. Improved choices in work that have an opportunity to succeed for women will naturally draw women out of the few spaces they had for success before. As well, the health sector booming created a lot of well paying employment for women. Wouldn't be surprised if that was the case in India as well, unless you think that somehow India is a more socially forward thinking and female empowering country.


  • Haughty and a little naughty
  • Senior Member
I think it means he was banned for arguing that sexism is okay or something.

Argumentation: the action or process of reasoning systematically in support of an idea, action, or theory.

Ok, that makes sense. Hard to apply that to the post though, he never argued in favor of sexism. RE gonna RE

The only "bad" sexual harassment case I've ever heard of was a woman who stalked a guy for weeks, harassed him, and made false accusations (that were proven untrue, she tried spoofing an email address.) 

Now THAT is a somewhat pointless anecdote;  but to add to that, I've worked with several females who had no problem being pervy at work, talking about co-workers sexually behind their backs, etc.  All normal human being crap that isn't concerning at all that both men and women in all industries do.  I think it's important that people in leadership positions should avoid even that sort of mild behavior at work, and it makes sense there's a focus on men due to the off balance in numbers.. but beyond that.. good lord, relax lol.
:trigger :trigger :trigger


  • Senior Senior Senior Senior Senior Senior Senior Senior Senior Senior Senior Senior
  • Senior Member
When 20 years of anecdotes contrast the narrative, it's hard not to think your anecdotes represent reality more closely.  Hell, I witnessed more sexual harassment in my 2 years in retail when I was a teen to my 20 years in tech, by far.

This exactly. I have been in the video game industry for 12 years and like any other industry there will be assholes who don't know how to act around women. But this is extremely rare in my experience and when it does happen it gets squashed almost immediately. There is this idea being perpetuated that women are fearing for their lives and have to work twice as hard to make it in an atmosphere of extreme misogyny. It's fucking laughable and shows to me that people saying such things have no fucking clue about the real world outside of their internet safe spaces. I worked at The Buckle for about 8 months in the mid 90's and was harassed and witnessed harassment on a weekly basis, though most of it was more or less mutual.


  • Senior Member
Sexy augmentation


  • Senior Member
Sexist augmentation:

when your vr goggles keep putting dongs on everything


  • Y = λ𝑓. (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥)) (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥))
  • Senior Member
I like the argument that women left programming in the 80s because of men, because it suggests that women are too sexist to stand working around men. The truth is likely an economical one. Improved choices in work that have an opportunity to succeed for women will naturally draw women out of the few spaces they had for success before. As well, the health sector booming created a lot of well paying employment for women. Wouldn't be surprised if that was the case in India as well, unless you think that somehow India is a more socially forward thinking and female empowering country.
Women didn't leave the field in the 80s. Before the PC revolution and video games, programming was considered largely clerical work. After the first apple personal computer comes out, and video games become a huge market, the marketing for computing devices is mostly biased toward and appeals to boys and young men. So during this explosion of computing men saturated the demographics of new people interested in the field.


  • Senior Senior Senior Senior Senior Senior Senior Senior Senior Senior Senior Senior
  • Senior Member
I like the argument that women left programming in the 80s because of men, because it suggests that women are too sexist to stand working around men. The truth is likely an economical one. Improved choices in work that have an opportunity to succeed for women will naturally draw women out of the few spaces they had for success before. As well, the health sector booming created a lot of well paying employment for women. Wouldn't be surprised if that was the case in India as well, unless you think that somehow India is a more socially forward thinking and female empowering country.
Women didn't leave the field in the 80s. Before the PC revolution and video games, programming was considered largely clerical work. After the first apple personal computer comes out, the marketing for computing devices is mostly biased toward and appeals to boys and young men. So during this explosion of computing men saturated the demographics of new people interested in the field.

Wait, that doesn't sound insidious enough. You must be a sexist!


  • oops
  • Member
Can someone explain to me why US "left" keeps focusing on these shitty gender/ethnicity politics?

You fuckers don't even have healthcare or a unified curriculum for education and most of the whining is still about the above issues even though oppression Olympics is a far harder knot to solve with the countless variables that it entails.

I dunno, could be just me but it makes sense to focus on universal improvement first instead of everyone whining "me me me".


  • Senior Member
This user is banned for this post (3 days): Sexism argumentation.
I'm not the one saying it. I'm just saying that we shouldn't be selective in which women we listen to. Amy Henning, for example, said the game industry was a wonderful place of opportunity where she never experienced harassment or discrimination. She said "I may just be oblivious, and if so that tactic has worked for me" and that the internet was making the industry seem like a more sexist place than it was. It is the internet rhetoric which was keeping young women out of gaming, not the industry itself. I've seen Henning crucified for saying that, but you know, what if she has a point?

When I worked at Treyarch in the early 00's, they employed a handful of women that were all in positions of power. Project lead, lead artist, head of HR, technology lead. They would all have lunch together (which my wife was invited to a few times) and talk about women in the game industry. They complained mostly about a lack of women and not having more women to talk to, and not about harassment or discrimination. But this was about 15 years ago. The dialogue around women in the game industry was very different back then.

I don't think the industry suddenly became more sexist. I really don't. I just think that there has been a shift in the political landscape over the past decade, where before people would look at the lack of women in the game industry and arrive at one conclusion, while now they look at the exact same lack of women in the game industry and arrive at a different one. The problem hasn't changed, just the explanation of it - and the current explanation has a zero percent chance of actually solving the problem. If anything, the prevalence of sexism claims is leading to less women in the industry and fewer women in computer science.


I don't dare comment in threads like that;  I've worked in tech for 20 years, across a wide array of types of companies.  If anything, the more technical a company is, the less you'd ever expect any sexual harassment.  I've done years of contracting at MS for instance, and their teams are incredibly diverse both by gender and race, I've never witnessed even the slightest hint of sexual harassment going on.  I've been friends with and dated females in the industry and most of them complain that the guys they work with are boring, not attractive, whatever more than anything else. 

Someone said something like "Every woman in tech, if you talk to them, can tell you stories that would fill a book about the harassment they've received"...  I ALMOST responded, but decided not to.  It's the current narrative, "Tech" is one of their main targets right now.  This weird "tech bro" stereotype that I've literally never witnessed in my 20 years at tech of some guy who thinks he's super cool and goes around harassing chicks.  Maybe that's more common in San Francisco or something, but here in Seattle all I've ever come across are a combination of sheepish nerds and people cocky about their technical abilities who rarely talk about anything else. 

And I'm a consultant, which means I have to go to social events all the time and am not just a 9 to 5'er.  Been in lead positions most of that time and have been privy to HR issues going on, etc.  I've literally heard two total stories of sexual harassment in my entire career;  one was a guy flirting with a receptionist at a building we were holding an event at, and the other was a lame off-color joke some guy told in passing.  I think I've only known one guy in all of my years of tech who was even the type to talk about women in any sexual way, and we were good friends, and he was well liked by female coworkers and was never inappropriate.  Everyone else is way too sheepish to even remark that they found a woman attractive.  Contrast that to your average group of males and "tech workers" in my experience are far less likely to ever be inappropriate.

When 20 years of anecdotes contrast the narrative, it's hard not to think your anecdotes represent reality more closely.  Hell, I witnessed more sexual harassment in my 2 years in retail when I was a teen to my 20 years in tech, by far.

That's cool and all, but the paranoid nerds of reera have already decided that your industry is an haven for the alt right. Wisdom of the bubble > reality.


  • Senior Member
Can someone explain to me why US "left" keeps focusing on these shitty gender/ethnicity politics?

You fuckers don't even have healthcare or a unified curriculum for education and most of the whining is still about the above issues even though oppression Olympics is a far harder knot to solve with the countless variables that it entails.

I dunno, could be just me but it makes sense to focus on universal improvement first instead of everyone whining "me me me".

Also still going medieval with death penalty and political discourse entrenched in religion. But apparently raging over anime boobies is the real important thing to care about.


  • Y = λ𝑓. (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥)) (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥))
  • Senior Member
Wait, that doesn't sound insidious enough. You must be a sexist!
Wait, hold on, I can fix it.

Revenge of the Nerds (1984) was a watershed moment in America's history and perfectly sums up the eviction and diaspora of women who had been computing's backbone. Margaret Hamilton, Ada Lovelace, Grace Hopper... Dame Shirley. It's indisputable that women are uniquely indispensable to its history. So in an egrigrigous act of resentment that still reverberates today in the Ruby Bros and Microsoftaggression cultures, the nerds simultaneously pushed all women out of computing until it was so satisfactorily hostile, they could actually double their own salaries (since half the field had left and thus programmers were twice as scarce).

This sadistic cult of women haters taking revenge on a sex that had done them wrong is most viciously concentrated in the UNIX school of programmers, a name that puns "eunuch". This notion of sexless virgins pretending they have instead voluntarily abandoned their manhood is also the basis of the Men Going Their Own Way culture a white supremacist group that attacks abortion clinics. If you think Unix is just a niche operating system, well, think again. Open your precious Mac Air, fire up a terminal emulator, and type "uname". It'll say "Darwin" (infamous advocate of biologically based arguments which to this day have not been proven). And what's Darwin? From Wikipedia:

"Darwin is an open-source Unix operating system released by Apple Inc. in 2000."

Pretty much nothing is safe.


  • Senior Member
I like the argument that women left programming in the 80s because of men, because it suggests that women are too sexist to stand working around men. The truth is likely an economical one. Improved choices in work that have an opportunity to succeed for women will naturally draw women out of the few spaces they had for success before. As well, the health sector booming created a lot of well paying employment for women. Wouldn't be surprised if that was the case in India as well, unless you think that somehow India is a more socially forward thinking and female empowering country.
Women didn't leave the field in the 80s. Before the PC revolution and video games, programming was considered largely clerical work. After the first apple personal computer comes out, and video games become a huge market, the marketing for computing devices is mostly biased toward and appeals to boys and young men. So during this explosion of computing men saturated the demographics of new people interested in the field.

I think women started gradually dropping out of Comp Sci degrees as you went higher up the ladder from the 80s through the 90s. You did have more interest from men who were willing to hang around.

It's kind of weird to ask yourself: is this a woman's or a man's job? And then basing your career decisions on it. The question is really whether you can succeed in the field. The young men who filtered into the field were going into woman's work to build things that interested them. (Games or programs perhaps.) Maybe social media apps brought women back into programming? Would be curious to see. I can find demographics of users, but nothing on programmers.


  • oops
  • Member
Can someone explain to me why US "left" keeps focusing on these shitty gender/ethnicity politics?

You fuckers don't even have healthcare or a unified curriculum for education and most of the whining is still about the above issues even though oppression Olympics is a far harder knot to solve with the countless variables that it entails.

I dunno, could be just me but it makes sense to focus on universal improvement first instead of everyone whining "me me me".

Also still going medieval with death penalty and political discourse entrenched in religion. But apparently raging over anime boobies is the real important thing to care about.

Well, i mean, in essence what im trying to understand is why the hell are places like Resetera and other liberal hugboxes going full on egalitarianism despite the country not having any basic foundation for that shit to work. It's not like it's hard to see either.

Someone honestly thinks that a society can progress into that direction without some of the basic egalitarian policies? People living in one of the most individualistic consumerism driven country are going to wake up one day and be all rainbows and sunshine? No wonder Republicans would rather shit bricks than conform to that, it's a huge leap into the unknown as far as they are concerned.


  • Senior Member
Can someone explain to me why US "left" keeps focusing on these shitty gender/ethnicity politics?

You fuckers don't even have healthcare or a unified curriculum for education and most of the whining is still about the above issues even though oppression Olympics is a far harder knot to solve with the countless variables that it entails.

I dunno, could be just me but it makes sense to focus on universal improvement first instead of everyone whining "me me me".

Also still going medieval with death penalty and political discourse entrenched in religion. But apparently raging over anime boobies is the real important thing to care about.

Well, i mean, in essence what im trying to understand is why the hell are places like Resetera and other liberal hugboxes going full on egalitarianism despite the country not having any basic foundation for that shit to work. It's not like it's hard to see either.

Someone honestly thinks that a society can progress into that direction without some of the basic egalitarian policies? People living in one of the most individualistic consumerism driven country are going to wake up one day and be all rainbows and sunshine? No wonder Republicans would rather shit bricks than conform to that, it's a huge leap into the unknown as far as they are concerned.

Those identity politics movements are not based on egalitarian ideas. They are based on ideas of equity of outcome with the only caveat being that you can do inverse forms of discrimination like progressive stacks due to history.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
You fuckers don't even have healthcare or a unified curriculum for education


  • oops
  • Member
You fuckers don't even have healthcare or a unified curriculum for education

Correct me if im wrong but you are a libertarian? Makes sense for you not to like it but im talking about US leftists, unless even that term has been utterly gutted to mostly be about identity politics these days.


  • Senior Member
Also, the left's heavy influence into education is creating these type of buffoons.


  • Y = λ𝑓. (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥)) (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥))
  • Senior Member
You fuckers don't even have healthcare or a unified curriculum for education

Correct me if im wrong but you are a libertarian? Makes sense for you not to like it but im talking about US leftists, unless even that term has been utterly gutted to mostly be about identity politics these days.
Benji's like an anarcho social democrat, whose desire for a strong and robust healthcare system and universal basic income for anyone above 300% poverty is only matched by his undying hatred of the state and its crimes against humanity, as well as the indisputable efficiency of human markets over state machinery.


  • Senior Member
Can someone explain to me why US "left" keeps focusing on these shitty gender/ethnicity politics?

You fuckers don't even have healthcare or a unified curriculum for education and most of the whining is still about the above issues even though oppression Olympics is a far harder knot to solve with the countless variables that it entails.

I dunno, could be just me but it makes sense to focus on universal improvement first instead of everyone whining "me me me".

People have legitimate grievances. Things like a rigged justice system, a drug war and the people it affects. When people wanted things done, like convicting the police that killed Eric Garner, nothing happened to them. And since the system makes it clear that justice cannot be served, people are further radicalized. And when they become radicalized, they start bitching about everything, because everything now reminds them of how broken the system actually is. It's a symptom of them being furious over legitimately fucked up shit taken to an extreme. Even Black Lives Matter which originally operated on a unified message that a lot of people could get behind, eventually turned to doo doo for these same reasons.

Also, I would hesitate to call this the American "left". The American left is still very much concerned with issues like basic workers rights and lack of good healthcare. We're also concerned about racial inequality and other things too. What you're seeing now are mostly privileged liberals yap yap yap yap yap-ing about shit that doesn't matter like the fact that there are dark skinned evil characters in Street Fighter games aka the social justice feggits.
« Last Edit: January 09, 2018, 06:25:20 PM by Cindi Mayweather »


  • oops
  • Member
Since when did "US leftists" not put a lot of focus on healthcare and education?  I'd so those are the 2 main topics for actual people trying to change laws or enact real change;  the "noise" online from keyboard warriors has little to do with actual political action.

Fair enough i suppose. Though i am quite skeptical of that since Bernie got basically butchered by his own party.


  • Senior Member
Since when did "US leftists" not put a lot of focus on healthcare and education?  I'd so those are the 2 main topics for actual people trying to change laws or enact real change;  the "noise" online from keyboard warriors has little to do with actual political action.

Fair enough i suppose. Though i am quite skeptical of that since Bernie got basically butchered by his own party.

What's this got to do with Bernie?


  • Y = λ𝑓. (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥)) (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥))
  • Senior Member
Fair enough i suppose. Though i am quite skeptical of that since Bernie got basically butchered by his own party.
he got 45%


  • Senior Member
Stop equating the left with libruls.


  • oops
  • Member
Stop equating the left with libruls.

Kinda hard when all i see are libruls on the Internet.

I should probably visit US sometime and look at the reality.


  • Senior Member
Depends on what you mean by "most people" and also what specific group. Certain groups of activists very much behave the same online.


  • Winner of the Baited Award 2018
  • Senior Member
Just remembered. Less than 48h until amir0x's trial  :hyper

Let's Cyber

  • Banned (duration pending)
  • Senior Member

I'm a Puppy!

  • Knows the muffin man.
  • Senior Member
Just remembered. Less than 48h until amir0x's trial  :hyper
I thought he plead guilty?


  • Winner of the Baited Award 2018
  • Senior Member
Just remembered. Less than 48h until amir0x's trial  :hyper
I thought he plead guilty?

Sentencing. Whatever.




  • Senior Member
Stop equating the left with libruls.

Kinda hard when all i see are libruls on the Internet.

I should probably visit US sometime and look at the reality.

Well, you have the right of a lot of it. Unfortunately the left is chockful of a mixed bag of people right now. You've got the SJ.W's, you've got the "brocialists" (i.e. a type of socialist who thinks only economic reform matters and that things that impact gender, sex, or race are not important at all), you've got an entire generation who have decided that Freedom of Speech is not important despite it allowing them to air their discontent,etc. etc. Too much of this acts like oil and water. Thankfully, there's plenty of leftist organizations that recognize that identity politics is cancer going forward. But that doesn't stop the fact we still have an entire generation who don't value free speech for instance, or can make as much ruckus as they want on social media and still decide not to vote. Then you've got shit stains like Anti-Fa.

The American "left" is scattered and doesn't really represent any one viewpoint. All I know is these days it's probably best to not openly identify as left since it's a dog whistle for crazies and justice feggits.


  • Winner of the Baited Award 2018
  • Senior Member


  • 🧘‍♂️
  • Senior Member


  • Senior Member

Lol, that post has literally nothing to do with the topic at hand whatsoever other than showing an inability to discuss a topic without it being about yourself, and even worse (imo), having nothing to say but saying shit anyway just because.

It's as though my dreams crash landed and taught me nothing. C'est la vie, my friends...


  • Senior Member
Do Reset mods actually discuss bans between themselves or just do it when they feel like it?

I think at least some of them, if not most of them, don't talk to each other. Look at what happened to that recent Boogie thread as an example. I think they have general sense of the the rules, but they they uses a lot of leeway in how those rules are applied and let their biases shine through far too much. In other words, not much different from GAF just before its implosion.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
You fuckers don't even have healthcare or a unified curriculum for education

Correct me if im wrong but you are a libertarian? Makes sense for you not to like it but im talking about US leftists, unless even that term has been utterly gutted to mostly be about identity politics these days.
well i meant more why would anyone, left, right, liberal, libertarian socialist, Moderate Darling™, think a unified curriculum for a hundred million individual students is a good idea? especially one decided by the Trump Administration and a GOP Congress

maybe Enlightened Yurop should show us the way to create a single one size fits all curriculum for its entire continental population first and then we hopefully still won't think about it because it's a stupid idea on its face

spoiler (click to show/hide)
And nobody spends more collectively on health care (or education or the military industrial complex) than Americans! :american


  • Senior Member
Holy shit. My mom came into my room to bring me a plate of chicken nuggets and I literally screamed at her and hit the plate of chicken nuggets out of her hand. She started yelling and swearing at me and I slammed the door on her. I'm so distressed right now I don't know what to do. I didn't mean to do that to my mom but I'm literally in shock from the lack of anything from Nintendo today. I feel like I'm going to explide right now. Why the fucking fuck isn't Nintendo announcing the direct? This can't be happening. I'm having a fucking breakdown. I don't want to believe that there isn't one coming. I want a future to believe in. I want a Nintendo direct to give me a reason to care about gaming. I cannot fucking deal with this right now. It wasn't supposed to be like this, I thought the switch was selling well????? This is so fucked.

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this is an administrator on reset


  • Senior Member
For those wondering:

sweet jebus


  • Senior Senior Senior Senior Senior Senior Senior Senior Senior Senior Senior Senior
  • Senior Member
For those wondering:

sweet jebus

Are mods even allowed to meme?


  • Senior Member
I take it all back guys. I thought Reee was gonna be boring, but it's as entertaining and cringey as GAF was.

Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
  • Administrator
lol, that’s some old-ass copypasta brehs


  • Senior Member
Damnit. You win this battle Sweet Nicole.

Still, the rest of that thread  :neogaf


  • Senior Member
I am behind on my memes  :fbm


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
Is there any hint a Nintendo Direct will air this month ? I don't want to get hyped over nothing.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
wow this thread really needs to be tagged about all the potential spoilers it has for a hypothetical event that may happen sometime in the future maybe


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
like someone mentioned GTA V possibly being the can i even be surprised about it if it they do announce it later because now it's in my mind that they could announce it and that it's what they're going to announce if they announce they're going to announce something

not to mention how let down i'll be if they don't announce it because i'll wonder why they're hiding it instead of announcing it


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
User was banned (6 days) for: Egregergious spoilerist argumenspecutation


  • Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside.
  • Senior Member
Can someone explain to me why US "left" keeps focusing on these shitty gender/ethnicity politics?

You fuckers don't even have healthcare or a unified curriculum for education and most of the whining is still about the above issues even though oppression Olympics is a far harder knot to solve with the countless variables that it entails.

I dunno, could be just me but it makes sense to focus on universal improvement first instead of everyone whining "me me me".

Other than a few people here quoting some rando on gaf/reset and using it to cast a wide net on "the left" as a whole, I really don't see it anywhere else IRL. It's basically rightists whining about leftists whining about rightists on a video game forum.


  • Senior Member
You realize we just had a rundown of the Google Lawsuit where a major company behaved like GAF mods?


  • Senior Member


  • Senior Member
pls I understand


  • Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside.
  • Senior Member
You realize we just had a rundown of the Google Lawsuit where a major company behaved like GAF mods?

Google isn't gaf/reset in any comparison.

I'm a Puppy!

  • Knows the muffin man.
  • Senior Member


  • Senior Member

User warned: arguing in bad faith to belittle sexual harassment victims, making unsubstantiated generalizations about "the left"

The poster tried to actually respond based on the content of the articlle vs. posting an idiotic hot take based on having read only the subject line.

I am curious to know how many times 'arguing in bad faith' has been used on RE since its inception.