Author Topic: The Other Forums Thread for 90's Kids ONLY  (Read 2194563 times)

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  • GunOn™! Apply directly to forehead!
  • Senior Member
518 pages for anticipation

They so want Nintendo to knock it out of the park so they can go "SEE, THE SYSTEM ISN'T DEAD THIS YEAR!" :doge


  • Senior Member
When you've had two major games release this year and seem to be popular then I don't know why'd you worry about that.

Skullfuckers Anonymous

  • Will hunt bullies for fruit baskets. PM for details.
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  • Senior Member
I know for a fact I would never say I only date white men and anyone who remotely knows my taste in men knows you're saying straight up ducktales rn.
what does straight up DuckTales right now even mean?


  • Senior Member
Get off my cheeseburger dick, Stro. You keep acting like a man baby regarding me. What is your problem?

No one gives a shit that you're a cheeseburger except Assimilate, and only because it gives him an opportunity to say froggy shit about trans people

Either way, stop acting like a damn child.


  • Winner of the Baited Award 2018
  • Senior Member
You two get a room and fuck it out of your system already jeez.


  • Senior Member
I'm glad we got "Get off my cheeseburger dick" out of this. That made it all worth it.


  • Now bringing you *Zen*
  • Senior Member
Wait, i can't call a trans person disgusting ? Most of them are gross looking. That's what happens when you're an ugly dude that tries to be an even uglier female looking one.

Try being a pretty boy first before passing as a chic at least, fuck.   :foodcourt


  • Senior Senior Senior Senior Senior Senior Senior Senior Senior Senior Senior Senior
  • Senior Member
Wait, i can't call a trans person disgusting ? Most of them are gross looking. That's what happens when you're an ugly dude that tries to be an even uglier female looking one.

Try being a pretty boy first before passing as a chic at least, fuck.   :foodcourt

There are plenty of hideously ugly people in the world. It doesn't mean you should be an asshole about it.  :yeshrug


  • Now bringing you *Zen*
  • Senior Member
Wait, i can't call a trans person disgusting ? Most of them are gross looking. That's what happens when you're an ugly dude that tries to be an even uglier female looking one.

Try being a pretty boy first before passing as a chic at least, fuck.   :foodcourt

There are plenty of hideously ugly people in the world. It doesn't mean you should be an asshole about it.  :yeshrug
Of course not, but when they're pot stirring assholes themselves like that abomination that gets offended by "this person" it's fair game in my book.


  • Senior Member
I am not ugly. *does a model pose*

At least not on the outside.  :-*

Get off my cheeseburger dick, Stro. You keep acting like a man baby regarding me. What is your problem?

No one gives a shit that you're a cheeseburger except Assimilate, and only because it gives him an opportunity to say froggy shit about trans people

Either way, stop acting like a damn child.

Fuck off, binch. You're the most childishly emotionally over reactive that posts here. Don't give me that shit.

Why are you such a passive aggressive jackass? What the hell.


  • Now bringing you *Zen*
  • Senior Member
The conversation isn't about calling an ugly trans person disgusting; it's about calling someone disgusting because they are trans in the first place. 

But you always try to turn every conversation about trans people into being about 6 foot tall bearded trans women lol

Can we be real for god sakes? Seriously. If the process of transitioning was fully effective and complete i think a lot more people would not care. If you magically snapped a finger and that person turned into a 100% female i think you wouldn't get many people calling them disgusting.

However, they're not 100%, they're not even remotely close to 50%. No matter how hard people want to force others to think they are, they're not. It's sad, i feel for them, but that's reality.

So judging others and shaming them for not being forced to think this way is the real wrong doing here.


  • Ass
  • Member
Wait, i can't call a trans person disgusting ? Most of them are gross looking. That's what happens when you're an ugly dude that tries to be an even uglier female looking one.

Try being a pretty boy first before passing as a chic at least, fuck.   :foodcourt

There are plenty of hideously ugly people in the world. It doesn't mean you should be an asshole about it.  :yeshrug
Of course not, but when they're pot stirring assholes themselves like that abomination that gets offended by "this person" it's fair game in my book.

Then tell them they're shoesole faces on a person by person basis. I think it's when people tar a whole group in a large swath when issues arise. Kinda like what Resterraria does.


  • Senior Member
Somebody give me the gist of that ERA Nintendo thread, I can't bring myself to go in there.


  • Ass
  • Member
I mean seriously, I'd be lying if I'd say that some of these people don't cause my weenus to tingle.


  • Haughty and a little naughty
  • Senior Member
531 pages of nintards sperging out over a dumb meme post and some "insiders" flopping around while you fuckers still talk about the same shit (usually blm/Trans/LGBT hate like a broken record) and fall for Aspergerlactate's posts like clockwork

 This site needs some change to be Great Again

spoiler (click to show/hide)
joe molotov retire bitch

Yeah, I'd rather talk about how the admins are going fucking apeshit over this non existent Nintendo direct

Edit: haha, I like this guy


  • Senior Member
Somebody give me the gist of that ERA Nintendo thread, I can't bring myself to go in there.

add era/nintendo where applicable


  • Senior Member
518 pages for anticipation

500 pages celebrating that one of their useless admins has once again spread wrong "insider" information.


  • Finish the Fight
  • Senior Member
Somebody give me the gist of that ERA Nintendo thread, I can't bring myself to go in there.
Emily Rogers and some other folks blurted out Nintendo would do a Direct on January 11th.

People made false assumptions about the timing of the announcement(today).
Era discovers Nintendo of America reads their hype thread (or at least the Twitter guy does).
As they get mental Nintendo of America starts posting weird shit, like a Mii dressed as a hot dog and a Chibi Robo on fire.
Other publishers join in with the Twitter fun. A retailer posts and deletes a message about an upcoming Direct.

They're basically counting down every hour to see if Nintendo will announce something.



  • Winner of the Baited Award 2018
  • Senior Member
Somebody give me the gist of that ERA Nintendo thread, I can't bring myself to go in there.

There you go:


  • Senior Member
Thanks, guys.



  • Member
Y’all acting ninja turtles in here


  • Finish the Fight
  • Senior Member
They're not ever going to stop posting and the mods are encouraging this behavior.  :trumps


  • Senior Member
Somebody give me the gist of that ERA Nintendo thread, I can't bring myself to go in there.
Various "insiders" said it was going to be announced today for a while (it wasn't). Lots of people covering their ass either acting purposely vague or outright claiming it's going to be a "stealth direct".

 :derp posters are looking at desperate memes from corporate accounts as "clues".

 Others are looking at some person who did a walkthrough for the new xenoblade for whatever reason

 Tons of people melting down or forcing shitposts about the terrible wait they have to face all be because some insiders decided this was the arbitrary date that a ND was going to be announced.

 People doing on the minute countdown images for each hour.

 Lots of cringe.

To be fair most of the people in the thread are shitposting, bit one of the mods reeeee'd and locked the thread because people were posting fake announcements


  • Senior Member
Y’all acting ninja turtles in here

what r u? the C.O.P.S.?

why don't you gummi bear on outta here


Nintendo about to announce a new game, it's called "How do you keep idiots in suspense?"


  • Senior Member
pretty sure that JJ Abrams owns the rights to that game


  • Junior Member
what is actually wrong with Nintendo fans on that website?


  • Senior Member
It seems to be hype about hype. A feeding frenzy of nonsense.


  • Finish the Fight
  • Senior Member
but at the heart of it he's a white guy who's going to other countries and taking various cultures' important historical artifacts. It got me thinking, is it even possible to have a story like this, specifically a globetrotting, historical treasure hunting adventure, that isn't just a imperialistic white male power fantasy that shits all over other cultures?


Bonus quote:
Do you know what that reminds me of? ISIS blowing up that 842-year-old mosque last year.

I'm a Puppy!

  • Knows the muffin man.
  • Senior Member
Hey guys, so when is the Nintendo direct?

Let's Cyber

  • Banned (duration pending)
  • Senior Member
So are posters going to be allowed to call out the faux Nintendo insider admins or naw?

I'm just trying to imagine the ban messages handed out for daring to question Reset staff.  :doge


  • Senior Member
Any minute now


  • Finish the Fight
  • Senior Member
James Bond (at least in the novels) is far FAR worse than any white archaeologist hero.

Dude is a borderline rapist.

Indiana Jones = ISIS
James Bond = Rapist


Also the mods are too busy with their Nintendo fan wankery to police this thread.  :trumps

Breaking, we're now at indiana jones should be a black woman

Cast somebody who's a woman or nonwhite and you remove... part of it, I guess.

Ultimately, the... call it the adventure archaeologist pulp archetype is largely dependent on imperialist/colonialist tropes, barring a deliberate deconstruction. "Exotic" cultures used as backdrops, their denizens reduced to props or stereotypes, all kinds of wackiness about just straight up taking their cultural heritage (even if it does end up in a museum)... it's not great. Now, could it be better, or at least good enough to pass muster? Sure. Making a black woman (or any other woman of color) the Indiana Jones character does away with the worst bits, like I mentioned above, and spending real time on local people who aren't guides, hazards, or stereotypes does most of the rest. It'll always be sketchy owing to the influence of earlier works, but I think you could probably make it pass muster.


  • Senior Member
Floyd Mayweathers comments about #metoo are making me laugh for some reason.


  • Senior Member
Indiana Jones should be a gender fluid black trans woman, you cishet scum


  • Member
I don’t think disingenuously arguing in bad faith is a productive conversation at this moment


  • Haughty and a little naughty
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  • Senior Member

Sure. Statements made by the accuser that show that she likes to make false accusations is completely irrelevant to her current accusation.


  • Senior Member
Indiana Jones should be a gender fluid black trans woman, you cishet scum

Native Americana Jones.


  • Cereal mispeller
  • Member
Wait, i can't call a trans person disgusting ? Most of them are gross looking. That's what happens when you're an ugly dude that tries to be an even uglier female looking one.

Try being a pretty boy first before passing as a chic at least, fuck.   :foodcourt

There are plenty of hideously ugly people in the world. It doesn't mean you should be an asshole about it.  :yeshrug

I mean, the whole point of this thread is that we’re all a bunch of assholes making fun of well intentioned distinguished mentally-challenged fellows.


  • Senior Member
So are posters going to be allowed to call out the faux Nintendo insider admins or naw?

I'm just trying to imagine the ban messages handed out for daring to question Reset staff.  :doge

This entire distinguished mentally-challenged meme train is like a distraction. Either way, duckroll got warned because he asked why that pretentious reera staff goty thread exsists - so you can guess what would happen  :lol Get double warned if reera-protected Laura Dale was also chiming in with her fake info on this rumour beforehand.


  • Senior Member
This is where they draw the line? :neogaf


  • Senior Member
This is where they draw the line? :neogaf

can't blame em!

I'm a Puppy!

  • Knows the muffin man.
  • Senior Member
You know that post I made about how I wondered how Reset was going to fund itself? Yeah, nevermind.


  • Senior Member
You know that post I made about how I wondered how Reset was going to fund itself? Yeah, nevermind.

If they're not getting paid by nintendo they should be.


  • Senior Member
I love Nintendo. Just not that much.


  • Senior Member
The Nintendo Direct should just be an hour long screen cap scroll of that thread. 


  • Ass
  • Member
The Nintendo Direct should have, at the end, a claymation of Reggie bringing out the Resterara logo and then shooting it multiple times, blood gushing out anime-style. Then claymation Miyamoto bringing out a spiked bat and bashing the thing, ending with claymation Iwata ghost taking a piss at the remains.

Then claymation Aonuma suddenly popping up shouting "BAZINGA!"


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
whatever, I just think the fire will end up meaning something.


  • Senior Member

Maybe they really did kick the sjw habit. It's interesting to watch the same topic discussed on both forums with one lacking the lynch mob.


  • Senior Member
Stumpokapow is still a GAF mod  ???


  • Estado Homo
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  • Senior Member
Stumpokapow is still a GAF mod  ???

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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  • Senior Member
Stumpokapow is still a GAF mod  ???

Actually, I may be mistaken and it was from before the implosion.


  • Defender of Centrist Scum
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  • Defender of Centrist Scum
  • Senior Member

Jerry Poses with IDF soldier.

Someone make that thread so ERA knows he's literally worse than Gal Gadot.


  • Senior Member


Edit: I didn't actually read the OP. It makes sense now. It is Beefy post I should be looking at I think, lol
« Last Edit: January 10, 2018, 10:05:41 PM by Leadbelly »