Author Topic: The Other Forums Thread for 90's Kids ONLY  (Read 2193057 times)

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  • Have You Ever
  • Senior Member
Cry about doing dishes brehs

I have no idea why anyone ever does dishes.  When I started living on my own I bought a huge pack of paper plates and plastic forks and years later I haven't used them all up.


  • Senior Member
Cry about doing dishes brehs

I have no idea why anyone ever does dishes.  When I started living on my own I bought a huge pack of paper plates and plastic forks and years later I haven't used them all up.

lol, I don't know if you're joking or not, but it seems like a good idea.


  • Senior Member

apparently clicking it once isn't enough to get the point across  ::)


  • Have You Ever
  • Senior Member
Cry about doing dishes brehs

I have no idea why anyone ever does dishes.  When I started living on my own I bought a huge pack of paper plates and plastic forks and years later I haven't used them all up.

lol, I don't know if you're joking or not, but it seems like a good idea.

I am not joking in the least.  It's awesome.  And honestly super cheap, like I said I haven't used up what I bought in bulk.  I get plastic cups too, sometimes rinse them out and reuse them once or twice.

I'm sure it's bad for the environment, oh well.


  • Senior Member
I don’t even let my kids eat off paper plates :hhh

They get these instead  ;)


  • Senior Member
Cry about doing dishes brehs

I have no idea why anyone ever does dishes.  When I started living on my own I bought a huge pack of paper plates and plastic forks and years later I haven't used them all up.

lol, I don't know if you're joking or not, but it seems like a good idea.

I am not joking in the least.  It's awesome.  And honestly super cheap, like I said I haven't used up what I bought in bulk.  I get plastic cups too, sometimes rinse them out and reuse them once or twice.

I'm sure it's bad for the environment, oh well.

I don't know if I would do it myself, but I can certainly see the appeal of using them.


  • Y = λ𝑓. (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥)) (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥))
  • Senior Member
the kind of person that gets buttpounded by neogaf mods


  • Senior Member
when you have 20 people over for Thanksgiving plastic plates are what you are eating off of


  • Now bringing you *Zen*
  • Senior Member
I like the argument that women left programming in the 80s because of men, because it suggests that women are too sexist to stand working around men. The truth is likely an economical one. Improved choices in work that have an opportunity to succeed for women will naturally draw women out of the few spaces they had for success before. As well, the health sector booming created a lot of well paying employment for women. Wouldn't be surprised if that was the case in India as well, unless you think that somehow India is a more socially forward thinking and female empowering country.
How dare you make sense. Remember you're supposed to be a 'vile' member of the bore   :flabbypd

Women didn't leave the field in the 80s. Before the PC revolution and video games, programming was considered largely clerical work. After the first apple personal computer comes out, and video games become a huge market, the marketing for computing devices is mostly biased toward and appeals to boys and young men. So during this explosion of computing men saturated the demographics of new people interested in the field.

Ha, ok. How many years do we wait to see females seriously start populating this field? (Asian women don't count)


  • Senior Member
when you have 20 people over for Thanksgiving plastic plates are what you are eating off of
At least get chinet crystal cut


  • Y = λ𝑓. (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥)) (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥))
  • Senior Member
Ha, ok. How many years do we wait to see females seriously start populating this field? (Asian women don't count)
dunno, probably never imo

also, most immigrants from asia are men and that could be increasing the disparity


  • brutal deluxe
  • Senior Member
remember when we all thought resetera was going to be a clown factory and were all a bit deflated when the place was initially a more measured and constructive version of GAF's puritanical insanity?

feels like a very long time ago.

The genius plan of telling women they'll get raped by neckbeards if they come within 100 feet of a game or stem subject or guy who plays games isnt working?  :noooo

The problem is clearly women making their own decisions, women as a class need to stop doing things they personally want to do and find personally, emotionally or creatively rewarding. If they'd just stop making their own decisions women would be free, we need to force them to be free.


  • Senior Member
Asians don't count as minorities because they're either too successful or too white skinned.


  • Now bringing you *Zen*
  • Senior Member
remember when we all thought resetera was going to be a clown factory and were all a bit deflated when the place was initially a more measured and constructive version of GAF's puritanical insanity?

feels like a very long time ago.
Didn't think that for a single second  :pimp


  • Senior Member
What kind of impoverished person eats off paper plates with plasic forks.. on purpose?

The point is, you never have to do the dishes ever again. You can just throw that shit in the bin and be done with it. Doing the dishes is for serfs, not for noblemen.


  • Nebuchadnezzar
  • Senior Member
you're still washing pots, pans and cooking utensils brehs


  • Winner of the Baited Award 2018
  • Senior Member
Probably cooks in cardboard pans or something.


  • We've *all*
  • Senior Member


He is absolutely windmill swinging with both arms in that thread.


  • Estado Homo
  • Senior Member
*Eating microwave lasagna alone off a childrens paper plate* Ah yes, such is the opulent lifestyle of a patrician like myself


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member

User warned: arguing in bad faith to belittle sexual harassment victims, making unsubstantiated generalizations about "the left"

The poster tried to actually respond based on the content of the articlle vs. posting an idiotic hot take based on having read only the subject line.

I am curious to know how many times 'arguing in bad faith' has been used on RE since its inception.
I'm curious why you want to know this, I can't imagine that your motives are purely altruistic and for informational purposes only.


  • Now bringing you *Zen*
  • Senior Member
What's the top shit list tags used on reset?

1. "Arguing in bad faith"
2. "Disingenuous"
3. "Changing the narrative"


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
remember when we all thought resetera was going to be a clown factory and were all a bit deflated when the place was initially a more measured and constructive version of GAF's puritanical insanity?

feels like a very long time ago.
It's because they're setup as an LLC so there can't be a single person who holds all the cards and can ruin the whole thing like with LLC. Also, they're innovating the way moderation is done:
Many of the people we spoke to described ResetEra as an opportunity to redefine what moderation culture looks like from the ground up.


“We see this as a fresh start and an opportunity to build our own moderation culture and aren't really looking for comparisons,” Shinobi602 said. “We hope to be genuinely fair minded, reasonable and transparent. We really want to shape a positive community for everyone. A few moderators may be familiar but for the most part the staff has no connection with other forum staff.”
Quote from: Shinobi602
We'll definitely push for more warnings and leniency first and foremost. People need to have a chance to understand mistakes before slamming down an auto-banhammer. Common sense should really prevail first and foremost. If someone doesn't get the message once or twice well..

I'm a Puppy!

  • Knows the muffin man.
  • Senior Member
What's the top shit list tags used on reset?

1. "Arguing in bad faith"
2. "Disingenuous"
3. "Changing the narrative"
Regigigas arguments and attacks


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
But early members noted that as of the time of this writing, the forum is gearing up to go live between 9 p.m. and 11 p.m. ET — around the time of Nintendo’s latest Direct. The near-simultaneous occurrence of these events isn’t lost on the community, which told Polygon that the coincidence was almost poetic in nature. After suffering through the loss of a home, lost NeoGAF members getting a new Animal Crossing game to animatedly discuss with friends on a website built in the original forum’s image seemed just right.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
What's this schreier thing you guys have going on?
what do you mean "you guys"?

i think it's funny that a yet to be launched forum who has two levels of lockdown in their discord and a standing order not to engage with the outside world and has pushed off their launch every time they find out there's a GAMERGATER HIDING AMONGST THEM is talking about how "someone can write about what's going on properly" when they already successfully roped Polygon into giving them an extended sympathetic piece with absolutely zero skepticism to the story they were being fed that not only inflated the status of their admins but even signed off with a cheery note about it's poetic launch date with the only part that even hesitated was speculation that gamergate is going to attack (BUT THEY'RE READY FOR EM)

now they've let yet another reporter within their walls to help get the "real story" out

for an internet forum, a video game forum that's a spin-off of the off-topic section of another video game forum

that isn't up because...? when anyone can put a forum up in under an hour which "backed off in favor of ResetEra" has a thousand posts in its gaming section already, part of SteamGAF moved over there, Durante is posting in it, etc.

while we supposedly have the very content creators that invented NeoGAF all sitting on their hands for a site the Kotaku article that comes out later probably will have a line like "launch later this week" or something in it among all the cultist gibberish like the polygon piece

it's almost a foolproof plan, except for the part where they have to put up the forum eventually and face the torrential pain of reality
:fbm biggest L i've taken on the bore for sure (until Trump and his whole family gets perp-walked to Guantanamo Bay)


  • Senior Member
Probably cooks in cardboard pans or something.
I cook whole pigs on a spike with an apple in its mouth. No need for pots or pans. I also just rip off a leg and eat with my hands.

Wash it down with a goblet of ale.

I'm curious why you want to know this, I can't imagine that your motives are purely altruistic and for informational purposes only.

Just... research >.>


  • Senior Member
Benji... doxxing again...



  • Senior Member
remember when we all thought resetera was going to be a clown factory and were all a bit deflated when the place was initially a more measured and constructive version of GAF's puritanical insanity?

feels like a very long time ago.
It's because they're setup as an LLC so there can't be a single person who holds all the cards and can ruin the whole thing like with LLC. Also, they're innovating the way moderation is done:
Many of the people we spoke to described ResetEra as an opportunity to redefine what moderation culture looks like from the ground up.


“We see this as a fresh start and an opportunity to build our own moderation culture and aren't really looking for comparisons,” Shinobi602 said. “We hope to be genuinely fair minded, reasonable and transparent. We really want to shape a positive community for everyone. A few moderators may be familiar but for the most part the staff has no connection with other forum staff.”
Quote from: Shinobi602
We'll definitely push for more warnings and leniency first and foremost. People need to have a chance to understand mistakes before slamming down an auto-banhammer. Common sense should really prevail first and foremost. If someone doesn't get the message once or twice well..

“We hope to be genuinely fair minded, reasonable and transparent."

"Common sense should really prevail first and foremost."



  • Senior Member
I don't believe reeeeesss lenient moderation angle one bit. with the way it's set up it's there to flagrantly rub a users nose in perceived shit.
« Last Edit: January 10, 2018, 12:18:33 AM by Jansen »


  • Now bringing you *Zen*
  • Senior Member
Can Indiana Jones style adventures be anything other than imperialistic white male power fantasies?
So, I'm finally trying to play Uncharted 3 for the first time (hated the first, liked the second, third is kind of meh so far), and something I've noticed in these games is how much it bothers me that Drake is going around killing people and blowing up historical landmarks. I mean, in two back-to-back missions in Uncharted 3, a historic Chateau in France gets burned to the ground, and an ancient Syrian citadel gets blown up with rocket launchers (which you can't completely blame on the bad guys since Sully was throwing those rockets around like they were candy). Do you know what that reminds me of? ISIS blowing up that 842-year-old mosque last year. I had some strong feelings when that happened, and that may be why I'm reacting so strongly about it in this game.

Anyway, before I rant anymore about Uncharted, the main point of this thread is that I actually really, really like Indiana Jones style adventures. I've probably rewatched Raiders of the Lost Ark and The Last Crusade dozens of times. The things is, Indiana Jones does many of the same things. Not quite so blatant maybe, after all, he's fighting Nazis and they're mostly to blame, but at the heart of it he's a white guy who's going to other countries and taking various cultures' important historical artifacts. It got me thinking, is it even possible to have a story like this, specifically a globetrotting, historical treasure hunting adventure, that isn't just a imperialistic white male power fantasy that shits all over other cultures?

The comment section is even fucking better

Quote from: El Bombastico, post: 3068487, member: 2235
By "digging up and preserving" you mean "stealing and taking back their home countries and FUCK what the locals think about it" right?

Edit: and yeah, OP, you could've had a great topic here but you ruined it with your bullshit ISIS connection.

« Last Edit: January 10, 2018, 12:52:10 AM by Assimilate »

Bore Expert

  • Member
does Lionpride still post here?

Cerveza mas fina

  • I don't care for Islam tbqh
  • filler
Cry about doing dishes brehs

I have no idea why anyone ever does dishes.  When I started living on my own I bought a huge pack of paper plates and plastic forks and years later I haven't used them all up.

lol, I don't know if you're joking or not, but it seems like a good idea.

I am not joking in the least.  It's awesome.  And honestly super cheap, like I said I haven't used up what I bought in bulk.  I get plastic cups too, sometimes rinse them out and reuse them once or twice.

I'm sure it's bad for the environment, oh well.

Thanks for ruining the earth


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
the OP is interesting in how it portrays the Indiana Jones films...xhe leaves out Temple, where iirc he's actually asked by the locals to recover the macguffin for them isn't he?

of the two films xhe does include, it ignores that that SHIT WAS TOTALLY FUCKING MAGIC AND EVERYTHING BRO and both wound up reburied rather than in anyone's hands to be used, which is kinda the whole fucking point of the endings

they're probably better used as supporting versions closer to what xhe'd want to see, the alt-right gamergaters don't get the magic objects to become invincible and neither does Moderate Darling™ Indy nor his cac backers profit extra from acquiring them (the locals didn't have access to them in the first place i don't think)


  • I don’t wanna be horny anymore, I wanna be happy
  • Senior Member
How do you write so much, Benji
« Last Edit: January 10, 2018, 01:33:18 AM by EightBitNate »


  • Senior Member
Arguing in "bad faith" is so nebulous that a mod can hit you with it at any point for seemingly any reason. It is design to shut down posters mods do not like.

How can the Reset owners not see this will just encourage mods to do their own things and warn and ban people for hazy reasons? This is the kind of stuff they supposedly wanted to avoid when they moved to Reset.

Bore Expert

  • Member
How do write so much, Benji

No one puts benji in a corner. 


  • Ass
  • Member
(Image removed from quote.)

Does anyone else think this looks like a horse's cock?


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
How do you write so much, Benji
see you might be making the mistake of reading it

Cerveza mas fina

  • I don't care for Islam tbqh
  • filler
Arguing in bad faith, being devils advocate and trolling are the cornerstones of the internet. Like first amendment stuff.

Saying "you can have free speech, but not here" is not how free speech works.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
ResetERA is not the government.

spoiler (click to show/hide)


  • Senior Member
Cry about doing dishes brehs

I have no idea why anyone ever does dishes.  When I started living on my own I bought a huge pack of paper plates and plastic forks and years later I haven't used them all up.

Am I supposed to lick my caviar off a paper plate like a fucking animal?

Cerveza mas fina

  • I don't care for Islam tbqh
  • filler
This whole dishwasher thread is distinguished mentally-challenged, yes things in adult life take time that could be spent doing other more enjoyable things

This is why there are many products and services that you can purchase, rent, hire etc. that save time

This is why people hire cleaners, buy ready made foods etc.

Recent studies have shown that buying TIME makes people happy:


  • Senior Member
This user is banned for this post (3 days): Sexism argumentation.
I'm not the one saying it. I'm just saying that we shouldn't be selective in which women we listen to. Amy Henning, for example, said the game industry was a wonderful place of opportunity where she never experienced harassment or discrimination. She said "I may just be oblivious, and if so that tactic has worked for me" and that the internet was making the industry seem like a more sexist place than it was. It is the internet rhetoric which was keeping young women out of gaming, not the industry itself. I've seen Henning crucified for saying that, but you know, what if she has a point?

When I worked at Treyarch in the early 00's, they employed a handful of women that were all in positions of power. Project lead, lead artist, head of HR, technology lead. They would all have lunch together (which my wife was invited to a few times) and talk about women in the game industry. They complained mostly about a lack of women and not having more women to talk to, and not about harassment or discrimination. But this was about 15 years ago. The dialogue around women in the game industry was very different back then.

I don't think the industry suddenly became more sexist. I really don't. I just think that there has been a shift in the political landscape over the past decade, where before people would look at the lack of women in the game industry and arrive at one conclusion, while now they look at the exact same lack of women in the game industry and arrive at a different one. The problem hasn't changed, just the explanation of it - and the current explanation has a zero percent chance of actually solving the problem. If anything, the prevalence of sexism claims is leading to less women in the industry and fewer women in computer science.


Imagine having to click "I understand" for that ban.


  • Member
It sucks that I have to work out and not be a fat piece of shit to get laid


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
that made me look at the ToS again, i think this is new:
Additional Prohibited Activities

22.   You may not access or use the website for any other purpose other than that for which we make it available. The website may not be used in connection with any commercial endeavors except those that are specifically endorsed or approved by us. Prohibited activity includes, but is not limited to:

A. attempting to bypass any measures of the website designed to prevent or restrict access to the Website, or any portion of the website;
B. attempting to impersonate another user or person or using the username of another user;
C. criminal or tortious activity;
D. deciphering, decompiling, disassembling or reverse engineering any of the software comprising or in any way making up a part of the website;
E. engaging in any automated use of the system, such as using any data mining, robots or similar data gathering and extraction tools;
F. except as may be the result of standard search engine or Internet browser usage, using or launching, developing or distributing any automated system, including, without limitation, any spider, robot (or "bot"), cheat utility, scraper or offline reader that accesses the website, or using or launching any unauthorized script or other software;
G. harassing, annoying, intimidating or threatening any ResetEra employees or agents engaged in providing any portion of the services to you;
H. interfering with, disrupting, or creating an undue burden on the website or the networks or services connected to the website;
I. making any unauthorized use of the services, including collecting usernames and/or email addresses of users by electronic or other means for the purpose of sending unsolicited email, or creating user accounts by automated means or under false pretenses;
J. selling or otherwise transferring your profile;
K. systematic retrieval of data or other content from the website to create or compile, directly or indirectly, a collection, compilation, database or directory without written permission from us;
L. tricking, defrauding or misleading us and other ResetEra users, especially in any attempt to learn sensitive account information such as passwords;
M. using any information obtained from the website in order to harass, abuse, or harm another person;
N. using the website in a manner inconsistent with any and all applicable laws and regulations;
O.   posting of obscene content or content which is determined by us to be otherwise “not safe for work”;
P.   abusing or harassing other users, including but not limited to the posting of racist, sexist, homophobic, or transphobic content;
Q.   posting personally identifiable information about another user; or
R.   discussions of piracy.

This is still on there though:
2.   The agreement is a legal contract between you and us. By accessing the website, you agree to be bound by the terms of this agreement.
Which reminds me of that textbook I got once that was wrapped in plastic and inside upside down was a piece of paper that said by opening the wrapping you had agreed to a ToS you could read on a webpage that was like a hundred pages long.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
oh i forgot:
23.   We reserve the right but do not have an obligation to:

A. monitor the website for violations of this agreement;

B. take appropriate legal action against anyone who, in our sole discretion, violates this agreement, including without limitation, reporting such user to the appropriate law enforcement authorities;
hopefully they reported Cindi to the local authorities for her egregretious transphobic content

Cerveza mas fina

  • I don't care for Islam tbqh
  • filler
TOS is not binding in the EU.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
TOS is not binding in the EU.
these five fingers say otherwise buster:
31.   Any claim or dispute between you and us arising out of or relating to this user agreement, in whole or in part, shall be governed by the laws of the State of New York without respect to its conflict of laws provisions. We agree and you agree to submit to the personal jurisdiction and venue of the state and federal court located in New York County, New York.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
when you feel the need to have people waive specific liability limitation statutes before using your video game forum


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
TOS is not binding in the EU.
but seriously, a lot of legal expert types suggest most ToS aren't ultimately enforceable anywhere, Microsoft's were rather infamous for their literally throwing in everything the lawyers can think of, like you agreed not to sue them if you were stabbed somehow by the office cd case

i am not a licensed attorney outside of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic, this is not legal advice, i am not suggesting you test this clause in court to gain millions of dollars from Microsoft


  • Iconzzzzz.... zzzzz
  • Senior Member
Benji go to bed


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
Benji go to bed
shut up mom and bring me my tendies so i can watch south park


  • Y = λ𝑓. (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥)) (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥))
  • Senior Member
I remember when they were getting a lawyer to draft that TOS and thought "that's a little srs business for a video game forum, isn't it". But cerium's monetizing and they need to keep nudemacusers from suing the site out of existence.

Cerveza mas fina

  • I don't care for Islam tbqh
  • filler
when you feel the need to have people waive specific liability limitation statutes before using your video game forum

lmao is this for real  :lol :lol :lol :lol

I love this progressive forum makes you "wave" your citizen rights to post about animal crossing


Write reply*

*by writing a reply you wave your legal rights and agree to receive promotional letters from our selected partners


  • Y = λ𝑓. (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥)) (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥))
  • Senior Member
Have you guys not read the TOS for like any website every before

Ok neither have I

Cerveza mas fina

  • I don't care for Islam tbqh
  • filler
does the bore have a tos


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
Another favorite part of it is this, because when added the same thing to the ToS, there was a huge uproar before the admins said to stop talking about it or you'll get banned:
Your Intellectual Property

12.   You retain the rights to your copyrighted content or information that you submit to ResetEra (“user content”), except as described within this agreement.

13.   By submitting user content to ResetEra, you grant us a royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive, unrestricted, worldwide license to reproduce, prepare derivative works, distribute copies, perform, or publicly display your user content in any medium and for any purpose, including commercial purposes, and to authorize others to do so.

14.   By submitting user content to ResetEra, you represent that your submitted user content does not violate the copyright, trademark, trade secret or any other personal or proprietary right of any other party.

15.   By submitting user content to ResetEra, you represent that your submitted user content does not violate the laws of the United States, the State of New York, or the jurisdiction in which you reside.

16.   ResetEra does not endorse, either expressly or implicitly, any user content submitted to ResetEra. Nor does ResetEra assume any liability for any user content submitted to ResetEra.


  • 🙈🙉🙊
  • Senior Member
I don't understand why people are triggered by use of "females" either lol
Makes people sound like David Attenborough. Or :quark

I don't know why the respective noun(s) have fallen out of fashion, but it irks me. Seems to be more common in AAVE, so maybe that's where it started.

Damn kids.

Can someone explain to me why US "left" keeps focusing on these shitty gender/ethnicity politics?
Do you actually follow American politics, or just the peripheral discussions on it? Can't fault you for having that impression if you're judging them by the OTs of video game message boards.


  • Y = λ𝑓. (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥)) (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥))
  • Senior Member