Author Topic: The Other Forums Thread for 90's Kids ONLY  (Read 2193536 times)

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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #11280 on: January 20, 2018, 04:44:27 PM »
complaining about this thread  :snore
beating this dead horse about punching people  :snore
huelen's messianic complex  :snore
just being chill and laughing at peeps :aah


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #11281 on: January 20, 2018, 04:46:02 PM »
Huelen has a messianic complex?

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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #11282 on: January 20, 2018, 04:46:30 PM »
Huelen is so cute.


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #11283 on: January 20, 2018, 04:46:48 PM »
its not really hilarious. the dude who runs the show is actively trying to alter the narrative about a nation wide protest against himself. it's fascism 101. we're constantly lucky he's just shitty at it. it's depressing


  • Punk Mushi no Onna
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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #11284 on: January 20, 2018, 04:49:48 PM »
just being chill and laughing at peeps :aah

Not nice!  :maf


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #11285 on: January 20, 2018, 04:51:36 PM »
I believe Steven Pinker has a point about how people end up on the white ethno state alt-right kick. (Leadbelly posted the video pages back.)

Basically, they haven't developed the critical thinking tools or the care for nuance that is needed to defend an open mind from bad ideas. They then see lies from group X and see a fact from group Y and become overly accepting of group Y. They are still fanatics, but they just switched sides. This is also how you get Social Studies Warriors. That sort of group is full of people who very mean and rude to gay people or black people in the past, then has a "wokening" or whatever and... remains incredibly mean and rude to people but have found out which targets they can get away with abusing. They were once asshole bros, now they're asshole cucks, never learning the asshole part was the problem.

AntiFa and Alt right groups, they specifically target lost, directionless youth. They give them a false ideal of order or a bad cause dressed up as a good one., Those groups are full of people who haven't' developed mental survival mechanisms.


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #11286 on: January 20, 2018, 04:52:45 PM »
Being fair, there is a lot genuine scumbags in those groups and assholes like Spencer are "faces" to a more way more vile underside.

I just dont think is good that some people alude to "You can be Captain America if you punch Nazis regardless of what they are doing at the moment because violance is moraly justifcated if you are good guy."

I dont mind people punching Spencer on camera or beating a Nazi that was harassing a minority, but lets not pretend that violence is a healty solution to social problems.


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #11287 on: January 20, 2018, 04:54:53 PM »
its not really hilarious. the dude who runs the show is actively trying to alter the narrative about a nation wide protest against himself. it's fascism 101. we're constantly lucky he's just shitty at it. it's depressing

No way, dude. It's hilarious. It's such a ridiculous quote parsed in the most hilarious manner. Fascism? Constantly lucky? We aren't lucky. We just have checks and balances. The system is made so that he cannot wield that much power. He's just playing politics. It's no different than Obama administration celebrating how much job creation (tm) there was going on when most of it was minimum wage jobs and college grads ending up with dead end wages. That's just politics, dude. Read between the lines. No use getting angry at everything. You'll go crazy if you keep getting mad and can't learn to laugh at the ridiculousness of it all.

Being fair, there is a lot genuine scumbags in those groups and assholes like Spencer are "faces" to a more way more vile underside.

I just dont think is good that some people alude to "You can be Captain America if you punch Nazis regardless of what they are doing at the moment because violance is moraly justifcated if you are good guy."

I dont mind people punching Spencer on camera or beating a Nazi that was harassing a minority, but lets not pretend that violence is a healty solution to social problems.

Didn't say there weren't scum bags. I did say "most".

seagrams hotsauce

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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #11288 on: January 20, 2018, 04:57:21 PM »
Are we back on this punching nazis shit again? Can someone explain to me again what's so offensive about seeing someone who's literally wearing a swastika in public getting clocked?

It's not offensive.

Unprovoked physical violence is for children and distinguished mentally-challenged people that have the mental capacity of children.

I guess I don't think espousing genocide and the institution of a white ethnostate isn't unprovocative. I'm not gonna clock some dude wearing a swastika on the train, but I get a kick out of seeing it happen. Unlike Cindi, when someone tells me they're an advocate for the removal of all but the white race from the planet, I'm not inclined to give them the benefit of the doubt, especially considering they were putting up numbers not too long ago


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #11289 on: January 20, 2018, 04:57:23 PM »
I think it was Thomas Jefferson who said that the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of centrists.


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #11290 on: January 20, 2018, 04:57:57 PM »
its not really hilarious. the dude who runs the show is actively trying to alter the narrative about a nation wide protest against himself. it's fascism 101. we're constantly lucky he's just shitty at it. it's depressing

Fascism would be locking up those protesters en masse, then quietly disposing of their bodies. You can go find the tyrants doing that in the world right now.

Laughing at them or trolling them is being an ass. We don't have rules against the President being a troll, we just didn't' expect to end up with a troll as President.

seagrams hotsauce

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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #11291 on: January 20, 2018, 05:00:22 PM »
Stop trying to make fetch happen becky


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #11292 on: January 20, 2018, 05:00:53 PM »
Are we back on this punching nazis shit again? Can someone explain to me again what's so offensive about seeing someone who's literally wearing a swastika in public getting clocked?

It's not offensive.

Unprovoked physical violence is for children and distinguished mentally-challenged people that have the mental capacity of children.

I guess I don't think espousing genocide and the institution of a white ethnostate isn't unprovocative. I'm not gonna clock some dude wearing a swastika on the train, but I get a kick out of seeing it happen. Unlike Cindi, when someone tells me they're an advocate for the removal of all but the white race from the planet, I'm not inclined to give them the benefit of the doubt, especially considering they were putting up numbers not too long ago

One major reason I feel this way is because we have what Nazi Germany didn't: freedom of speech. The Nazi's made that illegal for Jews. But we can contest the Nazi's by force of will and wit. And let's be honest. They're such a small, small minority. After Charleston even conservatives dismissed them, calling their actions evil and not wanting anything to do with them. Convincing yourself they're the majority or even a major threat is a bus ride to Crazy Town. That isn't to say we don't have a white radical/terrorist/supremacist problem, but the way it's parsed by the people of Anti-Fa and other left groups presents it as an existential threat when everyone and their mother hates the fucking Nazi's.


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #11293 on: January 20, 2018, 05:02:38 PM »
its not really hilarious. the dude who runs the show is actively trying to alter the narrative about a nation wide protest against himself. it's fascism 101. we're constantly lucky he's just shitty at it. it's depressing

No way, dude. It's hilarious. It's such a ridiculous quote parsed in the most hilarious manner. Fascism? Constantly lucky? We aren't lucky. We just have checks and balances. The system is made so that he cannot wield that much power. He's just playing politics. It's no different than Obama administration celebrating how much job creation (tm) there was going on when most of it was minimum wage jobs and college grads ending up with dead end wages. That's just politics, dude. Read between the lines. No use getting angry at everything. You'll go crazy if you keep getting mad and can't learn to laugh at the ridiculousness of it all.

god, your comparison so so fucking warped it's mind blowing. millions in the streets protesting a vile human being and he sits on his ivory tower yelling "yes! see how the masses cheer me!" this is the definition of what a pseudo dictator would be doing.

edit: fuck why did i bother getting into this. i'm not going to argue this because i've no interest in hearing people constantly making excuses for this fucking scumbag "oh it's just hilarious!" shake my damn head.


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #11294 on: January 20, 2018, 05:02:55 PM »
Stop whining in every post. If you learned more about the other perspectives that constantly trigger you then you'd be better prepared to handle shit and likely less of a whiny poster.

Here's a tip: The alt-right doesn't' advocate for genocide. They advocate for an ethno-state. They actually believe there is a white genocide. They then use this victim-based reasoning to push for apartheid.

seagrams hotsauce

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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #11295 on: January 20, 2018, 05:04:59 PM »
Well, one conservative in particular wasn't too quick to condemn them, but I never said or implied that think they're anything beside marginal. I just have zero issue  seeing dudes like that get knocked out.


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #11296 on: January 20, 2018, 05:05:17 PM »
Here's a tip: The alt-right doesn't' advocate for genocide. They advocate for an ethno-state. They actually believe there is a white genocide. They then use this victim-based reasoning to push for apartheid.

This wouldn't even be a good post if the pedantry on display was true.

seagrams hotsauce

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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #11297 on: January 20, 2018, 05:05:56 PM »
Shaddap etoilet ya lil yappin bitch


  • Punk Mushi no Onna
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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #11298 on: January 20, 2018, 05:06:13 PM »
Are you enjoying this page so far Let's Cyber?


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #11299 on: January 20, 2018, 05:06:40 PM »
I never said I liked Trump. I revile the man. :lol Why is it wrong to laugh at him, dammit?! :brazilcry

Well, one conservative in particular wasn't too quick to condemn them, but I never said or implied that think they're anything beside marginal. I just have zero issue  seeing dudes like that get knocked out.

Trump? And the conservatives told him plainly and loudly to denounce them, wasn't that right?


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #11300 on: January 20, 2018, 05:08:05 PM »
Here's a tip: The alt-right doesn't' advocate for genocide. They advocate for an ethno-state. They actually believe there is a white genocide. They then use this victim-based reasoning to push for apartheid.

This wouldn't even be a good post if the pedantry on display was true.

It's true. I don't even know why you'd try to argue it. The fact they think there is an attack of whites and a white genocide is part of the hilarity of their cause.


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #11301 on: January 20, 2018, 05:11:53 PM »
I don't know the fuck you guys smoking, hes far better than Bush and you elected that turd two times.


  • Junior Member
Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #11302 on: January 20, 2018, 05:13:17 PM »
Here's a tip: The alt-right doesn't' advocate for genocide. They advocate for an ethno-state. They actually believe there is a white genocide. They then use this victim-based reasoning to push for apartheid.

This wouldn't even be a good post if the pedantry on display was true.

It's true. I don't even know why you'd try to argue it. The fact they think there is an attack of whites and a white genocide is part of the hilarity of their cause.

Because it' s a.) demonstrably false (just take a gander at /pol/ any day of the week) and b.) nobody actually believes that fascists are genuinely white "nationalists" instead of white supremacists who just want everyone to be separate but equal. Enforcing a white ethnonationalist state in the US would require genocide to achieve it.


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #11303 on: January 20, 2018, 05:14:04 PM »

Seriously. Maybe I just grew up in a different era of the internet, but I can't imagine being outraged by a Trump tweet. Who gives a shit, he's not even speaking to you (he's speaking to his base).

I feel that is because Trump is not responding like he was mad and is not as hyoer defensive as past spins.

Let's Cyber

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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #11304 on: January 20, 2018, 05:19:37 PM »
Are you enjoying this page so far Let's Cyber?
Eat me, bitch


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #11305 on: January 20, 2018, 05:22:46 PM »

Roseanne Revival to Include “Gender Creative” Non-Binary Child

The usual people are throwing histrionics because they think it's just going to be non-stop cheeseburger jokes.  Yeah, a major network is going to have a primetime sit-com where they shit on a transgender child. 


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #11306 on: January 20, 2018, 05:24:24 PM »
Am I gender creative if I LARPed as a 19 y/o girl on the internet?  :doge


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #11307 on: January 20, 2018, 05:25:52 PM »
Am I gender creative if I LARPed as a 19 y/o girl on the internet?  :doge

Depends how aroused you can get me.


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #11308 on: January 20, 2018, 05:26:55 PM »
Here's a tip: The alt-right doesn't' advocate for genocide. They advocate for an ethno-state. They actually believe there is a white genocide. They then use this victim-based reasoning to push for apartheid.

This wouldn't even be a good post if the pedantry on display was true.

It's true. I don't even know why you'd try to argue it. The fact they think there is an attack of whites and a white genocide is part of the hilarity of their cause.

Because it' s a.) demonstrably false (just take a gander at /pol/ any day of the week) and b.) nobody actually believes that fascists are genuinely white "nationalists" instead of white supremacists who just want everyone to be separate but equal. Enforcing a white ethnonationalist state in the US would require genocide to achieve it.

Enforcing a white ethnostate would likely lead to violence. That's one of the faults in their reasoning. However, they also have this idea of "Hitler took the wrong tactic" with his genocide.  There is likely some truly vile, murderous minds in the group, but its also full of half-assed thoughts in half-formed minds. The majority aren't genocidal, but they are living in ignorance about the true outcome of their ideas. They will have to use force to accomplish their goal.

However, the truth is they aren't seeking genocide. They seek an ethno-state. So you have to approach it honestly and then point out the flaws and where those flaws lead. 

ps: /pol is too much a chicken coup of internet behavior to take as genuine marching orders of the alt-right. I am basing this on what their members argue as their talking points in interviews, discussions and gatherings.


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #11309 on: January 20, 2018, 05:27:14 PM »
Am I gender creative if I LARPed as a 19 y/o girl on the internet?  :doge

Depends how aroused you can get me.


  • Punk Mushi no Onna
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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #11310 on: January 20, 2018, 05:28:48 PM »
I need Cindi's hot take on the words "gender creative". Thanks in advance.  :-*


  • Haughty and a little naughty
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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #11311 on: January 20, 2018, 05:38:02 PM »
Am I gender creative if I LARPed as a 19 y/o girl on the internet?  :doge

19 year old girl? That's not very creative.


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #11312 on: January 20, 2018, 05:40:06 PM »
"Gender creative", huh?


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #11313 on: January 20, 2018, 05:40:22 PM »
Being fair, there is a lot genuine scumbags in those groups and assholes like Spencer are "faces" to a more way more vile underside.

I just dont think is good that some people alude to "You can be Captain America if you punch Nazis regardless of what they are doing at the moment because violance is moraly justifcated if you are good guy."

I dont mind people punching Spencer on camera or beating a Nazi that was harassing a minority, but lets not pretend that violence is a healty solution to social problems.

Whether they are scumbags or just a directionless youth, trying to create an environment where there is only one correct way of thinking and everything else should be suppressed is inevitably going to compound the issue. And speaking about fascism, that in itself is fascistic.


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #11314 on: January 20, 2018, 05:42:01 PM »
Roseanne has admitted to feeling overlooked by the gay community for what her show did to include them as characters. She has a bit of resentment, feeling owed a bigger nod from LGBT.

So I have a small suspicion her gender creative character may be a set up to take a piss on the whole thing.


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #11315 on: January 20, 2018, 05:47:58 PM »

Roseanne Revival to Include “Gender Creative” Non-Binary Child

(Image removed from quote.)

The usual people are throwing histrionics because they think it's just going to be non-stop cheeseburger jokes.  Yeah, a major network is going to have a primetime sit-com where they shit on a transgender child.

I'm not saying the character isn't trans, but just because you're non-binary doesn't mean you're trans, dammit.

Roseanne hasn't been much of an ally to trans people, though. So caution makes sense, but non-binary does not mean "trans" and as a particular kind of feminist, Roseanne is very into the idea of the gender being a social construct. So the kid might be non-binary, but not necessarily T but I haven't followed up on the show and this is my first time reading this.


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #11316 on: January 20, 2018, 06:08:55 PM »
Am I gender creative if I LARPed as a 19 y/o girl on the internet?  :doge

Depends, do you main Mercy?


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #11317 on: January 20, 2018, 06:09:01 PM »

Roseanne Revival to Include “Gender Creative” Non-Binary Child

(Image removed from quote.)

The usual people are throwing histrionics because they think it's just going to be non-stop cheeseburger jokes.  Yeah, a major network is going to have a primetime sit-com where they shit on a transgender child.

(Image removed from quote.)

I'm not saying the character isn't trans, but just because you're non-binary doesn't mean you're trans, dammit.

Roseanne hasn't been much of an ally to trans people, though. So caution makes sense, but non-binary does not mean "trans" and as a particular kind of feminist, Roseanne is very into the idea of the gender being a social construct. So the kid might be non-binary, but not necessarily T but I haven't followed up on the show and this is my first time reading this.

Yeah. It does come across as the more postmodern view of gender. That being essentially that the categories that define race, gender, or whatever have changed over time, therefore ultimately they are nothing more than social constructs. All truth claims are ultimately suspect; we once thought the sun revolved around the earth for instance. All categories, all the ways in which we have measured reality, all truth claims are ever changing. There is no such thing as objective truth. Truth is purely what you make it. As Oprah said in her speech, "your truth".

The point being there is essentially no such thing as gender in postmodernist thought because the categories that define it are ever changing and essentially a social construct. You are free to be whatever you want to be.

Now of course there is some truth to that, but the problem occurs when you try to defend it as a complete philosophical world view. Watching a debate on postmodernism is like watching someone on acid. Quite literally. It is just surreal. You could ask a postmodernist if gravity exists, and they will not commit to a definitive answer. In fact they would spend all the time arguing why gravity might not exist. Seriously, it is the most useless philosophy ever created.

« Last Edit: January 20, 2018, 06:13:19 PM by Leadbelly »


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #11318 on: January 20, 2018, 06:13:02 PM »
Being fair, postmodernists dont take seriously postmodernism. That is part of the point.


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #11319 on: January 20, 2018, 06:18:06 PM »
Being fair, postmodernists dont take seriously postmodernism. That is part of the point.

I think that is probably the case. You have to be a madman to truly believe some of the things that come out of their mouth. The problem is when the humanities, gender studies, etc are dominated or at least influenced by this way of thinking. It is convenient to basically view gender and behaviour as essentially nothing more than a social construct. It is also useful to treat all truth claims as suspect. So when Steven Pinker for instance claims we're not a 'blank slate' you can just dismiss it.


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #11320 on: January 20, 2018, 06:29:59 PM »
Being fair, postmodernists dont take seriously postmodernism. That is part of the point.

I think that is probably the case. You have to be a madman to truly believe some of the things that come out of their mouth. The problem is when the humanities, gender studies, etc are dominated or at least influenced by this way of thinking. It is convenient to basically view gender and behaviour as essentially nothing more than a social construct. It is also useful to treat all truth claims as suspect. So when Steven Pinker for instance claims we're not a 'blank slate' you can just dismiss it.

That a gross simplification. As someone that was in university whose specialty was humanities, no every single profesor or student was on that form of relativism. Some female teachers actually disliked how ideological (and US centric) were gender studies.


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #11321 on: January 20, 2018, 06:32:23 PM »
complaining about this thread  :snore
beating this dead horse about punching people  :snore
huelen's messianic complex  :snore
just being chill and laughing at peeps :aah

Constantly reminding everyone about your one claim to fame of being a Reee moderator for a week  :gurl

spoiler (click to show/hide)
I still love u tho  :-*


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #11322 on: January 20, 2018, 06:46:48 PM »
Naomi Osaka’s post tennis match interview was so pure and charming.

Malyse objectives a female athlete.


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #11323 on: January 20, 2018, 06:48:50 PM »
Being fair, postmodernists dont take seriously postmodernism. That is part of the point.

I think that is probably the case. You have to be a madman to truly believe some of the things that come out of their mouth. The problem is when the humanities, gender studies, etc are dominated or at least influenced by this way of thinking. It is convenient to basically view gender and behaviour as essentially nothing more than a social construct. It is also useful to treat all truth claims as suspect. So when Steven Pinker for instance claims we're not a 'blank slate' you can just dismiss it.

That a gross simplification. As someone that was in university whose specialty was humanities, no every single profesor or student was on that form of relativism. Some female teachers actually disliked how ideological (and US centric) were gender studies.

Sure. Not everyone in those fields are raving ideologues or postmodernists. Although, saying some female teachers disliking how ideological gender studies is, kind of proves the point that gender studies is filled with ideologues. That said, it doesn't mean everyone in those fields are postmodernist or ideologues in some sense. social constructivist and post structuralist thought obviously dominates though.


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #11324 on: January 20, 2018, 06:55:37 PM »
It’s way too depressing to follow politics 24/7. I used to wake up and read all new PoliGAF pages before I started work, along with most of the front page of r/politics. Can’t do that shit anymore.

Even center left posters are becoming radicalized these days.

I pretty much gave up entirely on discussing politics about a year and a half ago. It’s ridiculous. I’ll never understand how so many people have a beef to insulate themselves in such an impenetrable bubble and reject outside viewpoints.


  • Senior Member
Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #11325 on: January 20, 2018, 06:56:09 PM »
Being fair, postmodernists dont take seriously postmodernism. That is part of the point.

I think that is probably the case. You have to be a madman to truly believe some of the things that come out of their mouth. The problem is when the humanities, gender studies, etc are dominated or at least influenced by this way of thinking. It is convenient to basically view gender and behaviour as essentially nothing more than a social construct. It is also useful to treat all truth claims as suspect. So when Steven Pinker for instance claims we're not a 'blank slate' you can just dismiss it.

That a gross simplification. As someone that was in university whose specialty was humanities, no every single profesor or student was on that form of relativism. Some female teachers actually disliked how ideological (and US centric) were gender studies.

Sure. Not everyone in those fields are raving ideologues or postmodernists. Although, saying some female teachers disliking how ideological gender studies is, kind of proves the point that gender studies is filled with ideologues. That said, it doesn't mean everyone in those fields are postmodernist even if they were ideologues in some sense. That said, social constructivist and post structuralist thought obviously dominates.

The whole point of post structuralism is to counteract structures, dude. I think you are confusing what post structuralism with relativism.


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #11326 on: January 20, 2018, 06:59:24 PM »
The Beak's participation in this thread has gone up significantly......

It's turning me on  :takei


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #11327 on: January 20, 2018, 07:18:09 PM »
Constantly reminding everyone about your one claim to fame of being a Reee moderator for a week  :gurl

spoiler (click to show/hide)
I still love u tho  :-*
i try to play it off but truthfully i'm broken inside. it was my identity. i spent upwards of 25 hours a week moderating, in addition to having an IT job. and i did it for free, even though, you know, a fruit basket would have been nice.


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #11328 on: January 20, 2018, 07:19:34 PM »
Constantly reminding everyone about your one claim to fame of being a Reee moderator for a week  :gurl

spoiler (click to show/hide)
I still love u tho  :-*
i try to play it off but truthfully i'm broken inside. it was my identity. i spent upwards of 25 hours a week moderating, in addition to having an IT job. and i did it for free, even though, you know, a fruit basket would have been nice.

You know, that whole fruit basket thing never made sense to me. I just can't think of Besada as a fruit guy.


  • Senior Member
Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #11329 on: January 20, 2018, 07:21:12 PM »
Being fair, postmodernists dont take seriously postmodernism. That is part of the point.

I think that is probably the case. You have to be a madman to truly believe some of the things that come out of their mouth. The problem is when the humanities, gender studies, etc are dominated or at least influenced by this way of thinking. It is convenient to basically view gender and behaviour as essentially nothing more than a social construct. It is also useful to treat all truth claims as suspect. So when Steven Pinker for instance claims we're not a 'blank slate' you can just dismiss it.

That a gross simplification. As someone that was in university whose specialty was humanities, no every single profesor or student was on that form of relativism. Some female teachers actually disliked how ideological (and US centric) were gender studies.

Sure. Not everyone in those fields are raving ideologues or postmodernists. Although, saying some female teachers disliking how ideological gender studies is, kind of proves the point that gender studies is filled with ideologues. That said, it doesn't mean everyone in those fields are postmodernist even if they were ideologues in some sense. That said, social constructivist and post structuralist thought obviously dominates.

The whole point of post structuralism is to counteract structures, dude. I think you are confusing what post structuralism with relativism.

Well, post structuralism would be in opposition to structuralsim as post modernisn is in opposition to modernism. The two terms come out of philosophical thought that originates in France. So for example Foucault and Derrida are viewed as post structuralist philosophers. However, they are also considered post-modernist philosophers. And so there is some overlap and also definition confusion when seperating the two. Ultimately this leads to the two getting lumped together.

I wasn't trying to get into a debate about what differentiates the two, only casually naming certain disciplines that dominate those fields. In any case one could ask what is the difference between social contructivism and post modernism or post structuralism and ultimately it doesn't matter all that much in any essential manner.


  • Senior Member
Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #11330 on: January 20, 2018, 07:23:06 PM »
yo, too much careposting ritenow


  • Senior Member
Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #11331 on: January 20, 2018, 07:23:17 PM »
Is weird that some of the people that hate Moe decide to create or participate in a thread in how cute and pure is an Athlete...


  • Y = λ𝑓. (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥)) (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥))
  • Senior Member
Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #11332 on: January 20, 2018, 07:26:45 PM »
You know, that whole fruit basket thing never made sense to me. I just can't think of Besada as a fruit guy.
Do you remember that post he made while he was on a trip to New Orleans? The man's into chocolate.


  • Finish the Fight
  • Senior Member
Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #11333 on: January 20, 2018, 07:26:58 PM »
Trump had no clue what the fuck he was doing. But his supporters said: "You know this guy is fucking right! Mexicans should pay for walls and the Clintons should be in jail" and he said: "Yeah, I'm right, I'm totally right, I'll double down on all the dumb things"

So Conway told him: "You can still win this" and he said: "Whatever you say honey" (literal quote from aboard Trump force one)

And then about 1 million Americans walked in in the voting booth thinking: "Yeah, I'm voting for Donald Fucking Trump, I loved that rally"
59 million more walked in and thought: "Wait, what the fuck, Donald Motherfucking Trump is actually on the ballot. Am I dreaming lol. What the fuck would happen if I vote for this nutjob, you know what, let's find out."

Seriously, voting Donald J. Trump, celebrity blowhard, Twitter Troll in chief into the highest office of government. The illuminati wouldn't let that slide.
So Trump walked into the office, stunned to see his underpaid employees there. "Congrats, Mr. President". "Wait wtf, happend to the Illuminati, like Morgan Freeman in a robe telling me what to do, the deep state and all that"
"Well they don't really exist." "WAIT WAT? WE have to do THIS now?" "IVANKA!! jARED!!!"

1 year later he managed to somehow get the show in the road, much thanks to John Kelly and his own lucky charm.

Yet, Resetera/CNN still freaks at every Tweet/phrase/rally/idea the man completely out of his element can muster.


  • Senior Member
Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #11334 on: January 20, 2018, 07:36:07 PM »
You know, that whole fruit basket thing never made sense to me. I just can't think of Besada as a fruit guy.
Do you remember that post he made while he was on a trip to New Orleans? The man's into chocolate.

me too, that's the one thing that unifies me with besada, and it makes me sick to my stomach. At least I don't have to wolf down a tub of mac n cheese and a bucket of fried shrimp to ogle at ladies.


  • Laugh when you can, it’s cheap medicine -LB
  • Senior Member
Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #11335 on: January 20, 2018, 07:43:31 PM »
You know, that whole fruit basket thing never made sense to me. I just can't think of Besada as a fruit guy.
Do you remember that post he made while he was on a trip to New Orleans? The man's into chocolate.




  • Senior Member
Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #11336 on: January 20, 2018, 07:44:54 PM »
Being fair, postmodernists dont take seriously postmodernism. That is part of the point.

I think that is probably the case. You have to be a madman to truly believe some of the things that come out of their mouth. The problem is when the humanities, gender studies, etc are dominated or at least influenced by this way of thinking. It is convenient to basically view gender and behaviour as essentially nothing more than a social construct. It is also useful to treat all truth claims as suspect. So when Steven Pinker for instance claims we're not a 'blank slate' you can just dismiss it.

That a gross simplification. As someone that was in university whose specialty was humanities, no every single profesor or student was on that form of relativism. Some female teachers actually disliked how ideological (and US centric) were gender studies.

Sure. Not everyone in those fields are raving ideologues or postmodernists. Although, saying some female teachers disliking how ideological gender studies is, kind of proves the point that gender studies is filled with ideologues. That said, it doesn't mean everyone in those fields are postmodernist even if they were ideologues in some sense. That said, social constructivist and post structuralist thought obviously dominates.

The whole point of post structuralism is to counteract structures, dude. I think you are confusing what post structuralism with relativism.

Well, post structuralism would be in opposition to structuralsim as post modernisn is in opposition to modernism. The two terms come out of philosophical thought that originates in France. So for example Foucault and Derrida are viewed as post structuralist philosophers. However, they are also considered post-modernist philosophers. And so there is some overlap and also definition confusion when seperating the two. Ultimately this leads to the two getting lumped together.

I wasn't trying to get into a debate about what differentiates the two, only casually naming certain disciplines that dominate those fields. In any case one could ask what is the difference between social contructivism and post modernism or post structuralism and ultimately it doesn't matter all that much in any essential manner.

I think both of us are confusing here (structuralism and modernism). I will say, at least in my time in college, I never hear anybody using post modernism thinking to justify social ideology outside of art or philosophy (an art is kind of tongue of cheek and philosophy is... well philosophy). Of course there are a lot of SJWs in humanities, students and teachers, but this is more political motivated than any kind of academic imperative.


  • Senior Member
Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #11337 on: January 20, 2018, 07:53:19 PM »
Being fair, postmodernists dont take seriously postmodernism. That is part of the point.

I think that is probably the case. You have to be a madman to truly believe some of the things that come out of their mouth. The problem is when the humanities, gender studies, etc are dominated or at least influenced by this way of thinking. It is convenient to basically view gender and behaviour as essentially nothing more than a social construct. It is also useful to treat all truth claims as suspect. So when Steven Pinker for instance claims we're not a 'blank slate' you can just dismiss it.

That a gross simplification. As someone that was in university whose specialty was humanities, no every single profesor or student was on that form of relativism. Some female teachers actually disliked how ideological (and US centric) were gender studies.

Sure. Not everyone in those fields are raving ideologues or postmodernists. Although, saying some female teachers disliking how ideological gender studies is, kind of proves the point that gender studies is filled with ideologues. That said, it doesn't mean everyone in those fields are postmodernist even if they were ideologues in some sense. That said, social constructivist and post structuralist thought obviously dominates.

The whole point of post structuralism is to counteract structures, dude. I think you are confusing what post structuralism with relativism.

Well, post structuralism would be in opposition to structuralsim as post modernisn is in opposition to modernism. The two terms come out of philosophical thought that originates in France. So for example Foucault and Derrida are viewed as post structuralist philosophers. However, they are also considered post-modernist philosophers. And so there is some overlap and also definition confusion when seperating the two. Ultimately this leads to the two getting lumped together.

I wasn't trying to get into a debate about what differentiates the two, only casually naming certain disciplines that dominate those fields. In any case one could ask what is the difference between social contructivism and post modernism or post structuralism and ultimately it doesn't matter all that much in any essential manner.

I think both of us are confusing here (structuralism and modernism). I will say, at least in my time in college, I never hear anybody using post modernism thinking to justify social ideology outside of art or philosophy (an art is kind of tongue of cheek and philosophy is... well philosophy). Of course there are a lot of Social Studies Warriors in humanities, students and teachers, but this is more political motivated than any kind of academic imperative.

Well, it doesn't help that the term 'postmodernism' has different meanings.

I will give you an example of why it doesn't matter in any essential manner to the lay person anyway.

What is the post-structuralist feminist view of gender?

Poststructural feminism is a branch of feminism that engages with insights from post-structuralist thought. Poststructural feminism emphasizes "the contingent and discursive nature of all identities",[1] and in particular the social construction of gendered subjectivities.[2] An important contribution of this branch was to establish that there is no universal single category of "woman" or "man" and to identify the intersectionality of sex, race, ethnicity, class, sexuality, nationality, to name only a few.[3

Basically, kind of how I described the 'postmodern' view of gender.

What would be the social constructivist view of gender? It is essentially the same right?

It doesn't matter all that much because essentially no matter how they label themself, it would still be negating any other field of enquiry when it comes to gender.


  • Senior Member
Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #11338 on: January 20, 2018, 08:05:38 PM »
I dunno, I didn’t study gender studies or sociology. I’m just saying that my college we didn’t have a mandatory class dedicated to Derrida or post modernism, and I feel that you are confusing political demagoguery, social activism and actual academic work.


  • Senior Member
Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #11339 on: January 20, 2018, 08:14:04 PM »
I dunno, I didn’t study gender studies or sociology. I’m just saying that my college we didn’t have a mandatory class dedicated to Derrida or post modernism, and I feel that you are confusing political demagoguery, social activism and actual academic work.

I actually think we've moved past my original point and intended meaning. It was actually about how gender is viewed. As I stated, it is a view that gender doesn't really exist in any objective manner and that it is purely a social construct. And this leads to the idea that you can be male or female interchangeably. I laid out some of the philosophy behind that assumption.

Personally I don't agree with this notion of gender, although, I believe there are elements of truth in it. I don't believe we're a blank slate. I do believe genetics and biological imperatives also play a role in shaping gender and behaviour. Not in any deterministic fashion, but nevertheless, have an influence on.

You seem to have got caught up on the definitions and what they mean to you. One thing I will say though is, I'm not entirely describing these terms as some kind of 'pure' discipline, but rather how these views have influenced the notion of gender.