Author Topic: Other Forums |OT| ♀ C O R E V A L U E S ♀ Sponsored By THQNordic  (Read 6035238 times)

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  • TheBore rulez
  • Senior Member
Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #55200 on: January 21, 2019, 12:43:57 AM »

Hillary was also our Soros. The same deliberate effort. The same organizerd funding. The same type of planning.The same evolution and snowball effect. It started before she was a politician and really before anyone was really worried about her becoming a politician. Might have gotten some boost from insurance or health industry lobbyists in 1992 when it became apparent as first lady she was going to take on healthcare as a subject. That would scare them because it would feel like "saving orphans" in the context of firts lady causes and give her a moral high ground they couldn't directly assail. She was a sticky target because of her husand, her own charisma and latent mysoginy. The campaign around Hillary was very similar - the fundemental difference being that she wasn't merely a private citizen and without the (((implication))). THe kickoff for the cmapign though, was the stupid fucking cookie contest "scandal" that started when she had the fucking audacity to point out that she herself was an accomplished lawyer and being a pretend Family Circle wife wasn't in the cards for her. Her comment wasn't a big deal, but her enemies made it one. That's the seed moment.

For Soros, a private citizen who has done almost nothing but good with his money, a coordinated false smear campaign of this scale should have consequences, but it doesn't. They may not even have broken any serious laws. The hurdles to successfully holding feet to the fire for libel and slander have been raised to the point where if you're going after a public figure, you can call them "shit-fuck-Hitler" and accuse them of being a child cannibal, as long as you qualify your attacks with "some people say" and the people mentioned in this story for starting the Soros boogeyman, won't even be inconvenienced by the story's publication. They'll laugh about it at their Cigar club. Even though they've risked his life as well as his reputation. On purpose. Knowingly via total falsehoods.

The disturbing element at the root of this story at least as it relates to Israel, is Israelis with multiple vested but disparate interests assembled around keeping the country in a permanent state of siege. At the most venal and pathetic level is a soulless politician like Netenyahu, who just sees it primarily as a way to maintain power and in his case, the graft associated with it. Bibi isn't himself necessarily a person who believes in the development and protection of a Jewish nation. A nationalist for sure. And a right wing opportunist. And Israeli nationalism is wrapped up in a religious identity too, in a way that's not (quite) possible in the US at the scale needed for a Bibi to emerge here.

But he treats occupation and settlements the same way US senators and their funding sponsors see abortion and homsexuality. They don't actually care about abortion. They have gay friends at the same percentage as everyone else. They GET abortions. They PAY for abortions. They just need it as a permanent wedge issue. Certainly that means they have to get in bed with true believers like Pence and the Evangelicals, but the people paying to keep it alive as an issue are also encouraging those voters to care about it in the first place. Making it the key tenet of evangelicalism - above and beyond evangelizing. And they cooperate with pastors from megachurches and rapture cultists and look at the shitshow you end up with - Donald Trump as a moral leader of Christ's life and teachings - a completely indewfensible position that defies credulity.

Israel has a similar left/right/centrist divide as much of the world. The problem for the right though, with the occupation and settlements is that there's a signficiant "danger" a peace process will happen. With no "enemy" Bibi's gross amalgam of disparate base elements will move to another party or lose outright. A stable, peaceful, secular israel is a danger to the coalition they've built and of course to its military industrial complex (and growing parts of its burgeoning tech and scientific industries). So the trick is to prevent peace and continue the settlements to appease the people who believe in the development and protection of a Jewish nation and ultra orthodox lunatics, but straddle the balance between that and chaos.

Liberal and secular jews have a quieter voice than their numbers suggest for similar reasons to the US - first off it's harder to present yourself or your coalition as a "full" citizen of a Jewish state if the reality of your situation is 99% just cultural and geographical (the way most people really live here in the US and in Israel and all over the world). It's ludicrous, but we see it in the US too - dumb little nuggets of cultural shit like pretending you arrived at Plymouth Rock, and Freedom Fries and kneeling for the national anthem. It's a big No True Scotsman fallacy that plays out all over the country every day and is floated by a media desperate to appear patriotic and balanced.

So they've built a right wing coalition of greedy individuals, pragmatic business, crazy apocalyptics and hyper nationalist people who believe in the development and protection of a Jewish nation - and wortk constantly to create a safer buffer for themselevs from international sanction, by continuing to foment middle eastern dissent and the near constant threat of war with Iran specifically, but neighbors generally, which even allies them in weird ways with Sunni muslim nations whose imams are simultaneously calling for the complete destruction of their state.

There's no easy historical hindsight that is a golden path to peace and prosperity and friendly neeighbors, but the right wing, Likud, the ultra orthodox, the settlements and the bizarre help or paralysis they've secured forom the US right and left wing means it's the worst case scenario without all out war or the destruction of either Israel or the Palestinians. Bibi needs Israel to be in the most stable worst case scenario poissible, for as long as possible. He has no long term vision for the country and he's deliberately spent his life preventing one from happening.

And US coverage of Israeli politics would have you think that it was 100% right wing country that is in a constant state of war with its own citizens and that those citizens are desirous of a completely religious Jewish state with an apartheid for arabs to live there in ways that are convenient fort Israelis. And that couldn't be further from the truth. The balance of information seems to benefit the right wing by keeping tension high, rather than presenting them as moral.

Creamy Optimistic Outlook:

The whole shitshow sucks but it's especially sad because a stable, peaceful and productive Israel is a fantastic model of how oil-rich Middle Eastern countries could rationally evolve their own economies and societies and geopolitics beyond the bread and circuses and war that falling oil prices may put a disastrous end to. The nature of middle eastern oil is such that in a future of energy efficiency, they could be leagues ahead in plastics and other non-CO2 generating fossil-"fuel" chemistry and industry, cleaner and cheaper than say fracking or other destructive extraction - and a warming climate means that if you're going to make big holes in the ground anyway, then low population mountains and deserts aren't the worst place to do it if it can be done cleanly. And their energy needs can also be accomodated by a climate that's otherwise bad for economies.

It's frustrating. But as simplistic and reductive as my whole rant is, the fact is that industry, extremism and greedy little men continue to prevent progress. And they coordinate with each other to fuck over everyone else to keep their scams, schemes and myths afloat. And they can do it by creating boogeymen from whole cloth, and never have to prove these monsters actually exist.

Who would read this

Who would type this


  • Senior Member
Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #55202 on: January 21, 2019, 01:05:23 AM »
George Soros is the GOAT.

Who would read this

Who would type this

Someone on Soros payroll, obviously

 :gamergate :reeeee :rethread

Unhinged lunacy. "another one for the shitty pile"

Also that twitter thread lmao

"Are you fucking kidding me? How were you fooled by this shit? You didn’t jump to an incorrect conclusion. The kid’s parents drafted a statement of lies to defend their precious little racist and future sexual predator."



  • Senior Member
Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #55203 on: January 21, 2019, 01:26:36 AM »
Can someone explain to me what the controversy is? All I've seen is a small clip and the kid is just smirking and trying not to laugh when some old guy is drumming in his face... also he is wearing a MAGA hat.. something else must have happened for there to be this much outrage.

what's the inside baseball?


  • Senior Member
Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #55204 on: January 21, 2019, 01:37:38 AM »
Can someone explain to me what the controversy is? All I've seen is a small clip and the kid is just smirking and trying not to laugh when some old guy is drumming in his face... also he is wearing a MAGA hat.. something else must have happened for there to be this much outrage.

what's the inside baseball?

To sum it up

A group of "black hebrews" antagonizes the kids, including calling the N word to one of the students (but they're black, so free pass)
Some of the kids reply (apparently with stuff like clinton did jail a lot of black youth etc, you know because they were being antagonized for being pro-trump)
The native american walks up to the kids and starts drumming
The front kids start dancing at the rythm of the drums
The native american gets closer on the face of that one kid, because he didn't seem to like that. Add lines like "go back to Europe, this is not your land" being audible. referring to the kids.

*photo with perfectly framed kid and native american on the edge on the photo*


-attempt to get that one kid expelled.
-attempt to get that one kid out of college applications.
-attempt to dox the kid by publications like the NYTimes.
-general internet mob against that one kid.
-mass hysteria in general.

When that one kid was just awkwardly smiling while a guy felt he had the right to drum next to his eardrums.

One day after being presented with evidence that the kid did nothing wrong, they're still conflating the whole group behaviour to that one scapegoat kid and still riding the moral highground. JLC did the right thing here.
« Last Edit: January 21, 2019, 01:42:52 AM by daemon »


  • Senior Member
Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #55205 on: January 21, 2019, 01:39:11 AM »
So many lies. Yeah a group of minorities are just gonna blurt out "feggits" ? Yeah, right.


But you are, because you're arguing that the black Israelites started it, when they did not. Even if their views are horrible and the shit they said was vile, they are still minorities.



  • Senior Member
Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #55206 on: January 21, 2019, 01:43:00 AM »
Can someone explain to me what the controversy is? All I've seen is a small clip and the kid is just smirking and trying not to laugh when some old guy is drumming in his face... also he is wearing a MAGA hat.. something else must have happened for there to be this much outrage.

what's the inside baseball?

To sum it up

A group of "black hebrews" antagonizes the kids, including calling the N word to one of the students (but they're black)
Some of the kids reply (apparently with stuff like clinton did jail a lot of black youth etc, you know because they were being antagonized for being pro-trump)
The native american walks up to the kids and starts drumming
The front kids start dancing at the rythm of the drums
The native american gets closer on the face of that one kid, because he didn't seem to like that. Add lines like "go back to Europe, this is not your land" being audible. referring to the kids.

*photo with perfectly framed kid and native american on the edge on the photo*


-attempt to get that one kid expelled.
-attempt to get that one kid out of college applications.
-attempt to dox the kid by publications like the NYTimes.
-general internet mob against that one kid.
-mass hysteria in general.

When that one kid was just awkwardly smiling while a guy felt he had the right to drum next to his eardrums.

One day after being presented with evidence that the kid did nothing wrong, they're still conflating the whole group behaviour to that one scapegoat kid and still riding the moral highground. JLC did the right thing here.

well, this explains it. the thing to do is to SIT DOWN and listen, not stand and listen. :wag


  • Nebuchadnezzar
  • Senior Member
Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #55207 on: January 21, 2019, 01:43:36 AM »
Every time you quote her posts you're raping her, too. :bolo
quiet you, filler's hanging around


  • Senior Member
Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #55208 on: January 21, 2019, 01:47:59 AM »

"This is what event horizons say when they trash the possibility of inbound and outbound.

Whereas Jamie Lee Curtis is literally a random celebrity trying to calibrate where to be as the story swung weirdly from racist douchebag teenagers to black Israelites back to yeah just MAGA hats. I'll give her a couple of days because till now she's (thus far)seemingly a good person and has no official political responsibility. And no meaningful ownership of this conversation. Let's not immoliate friends for errors till we know those weren't errors or friends."

Thank you Emperor of the Universe, for giving a person that owes you nothing 2 days to retract.

« Last Edit: January 21, 2019, 01:52:15 AM by daemon »


  • Senior Member
Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #55209 on: January 21, 2019, 02:46:22 AM »
I'm 100% ok if every last one of those boys lives is destroyed



  • Defender of Centrist Scum
  • Senior Member
Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #55210 on: January 21, 2019, 02:57:19 AM »
(Image removed from quote.)

I won’t embarrass those in the room with a lower appendage, I’m sure you’re all 12s.


what does that mean?  12 inch dickisus?  12 rating out of 1-10? Maybe the audio makes it clear.


  • Nebuchadnezzar
  • Senior Member
Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #55211 on: January 21, 2019, 03:00:44 AM »
It's era, obviously 12 year olds


  • Junior Member
Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #55212 on: January 21, 2019, 03:08:19 AM »
That thread is acting as though she's literally satan.
Puratanism and hysteria off the charts.


  • Senior Member
Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #55213 on: January 21, 2019, 03:24:07 AM »
Besides benji, I mean

This was such an easy Kirblar  joke. But you had to attack benji instead :wag


  • Defender of Centrist Scum
  • Senior Member
Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #55214 on: January 21, 2019, 03:40:12 AM »

I just watched 22 July the other day, and honestly, I was disgusted that, as an American, I had absolutely no knowledge of the attack. I was in high school when it happened, and my fiance had just graduated high school. My older sisters were in their mid-twenties. None of us had ever heard of the attack.

hell yeah discussions on the internet

Sometimes I wonder if I attended  an elite school for gifted learned children.  Or maybe this country is just full of dumbass dimwitt dipshitts. 


  • Senior Member
Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #55215 on: January 21, 2019, 03:59:56 AM »

I just watched 22 July the other day, and honestly, I was disgusted that, as an American, I had absolutely no knowledge of the attack. I was in high school when it happened, and my fiance had just graduated high school. My older sisters were in their mid-twenties. None of us had ever heard of the attack.

hell yeah discussions on the internet

Sometimes I wonder if I attended  an elite school for gifted learned children.  Or maybe this country is just full of dumbass dimwitt dipshitts.

"As an American...".   :lol

It was all over the news here.  Everywhere.


  • Senior Member
Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #55217 on: January 21, 2019, 04:09:41 AM »
go back to voat


  • Member
Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #55218 on: January 21, 2019, 04:15:50 AM »
Are you implying half of this thread isn't from Voat. There are literally have lolcows and doxxers now.  :doge
« Last Edit: January 21, 2019, 04:32:51 AM by Bananas »


  • Senior Member
Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #55219 on: January 21, 2019, 04:27:55 AM »
Besides benji, I mean

This was such an easy Kirblar  joke. But you had to attack benji instead :wag

You're 100% correct.  :stahp


  • Senior Member
Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #55220 on: January 21, 2019, 04:31:10 AM »
Screw it, I'm changing it  :gun :gun :gun


  • Member
Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #55221 on: January 21, 2019, 05:57:03 AM »
Are you implying half of this thread isn't from Voat. There are literally have lolcows and doxxers now.  :doge
youve edited this and it still doesnt make sense


  • Do the moron
  • Senior Member
Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #55222 on: January 21, 2019, 06:31:43 AM »
Who said there's no industry insiders on Era ?  :snob

For the record I am CTO of Komiflo, a Japanese adult manga distribution service


  • Do the moron
  • Senior Member
Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #55223 on: January 21, 2019, 06:38:12 AM »
Great, Japan bows to tourists again.

This is part of why there is no open gay prostitution and censored porn in Japan. Thanks foreigners!
« Last Edit: January 21, 2019, 06:47:45 AM by VomKriege »


  • Member
Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #55224 on: January 21, 2019, 07:42:54 AM »
Are you implying half of this thread isn't from Voat. There are literally have lolcows and doxxers now.  :doge
youve edited this and it still doesnt make sense
The Bore doxxes people.


  • Nebuchadnezzar
  • Senior Member
Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #55225 on: January 21, 2019, 08:14:44 AM »
Stro we have a no bananas understanding where you just ignore him, the only way to win is to not fight.


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
  • Global Moderator
Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #55226 on: January 21, 2019, 08:19:28 AM »
Who said there's no industry insiders on Era ?  :snob

For the record I am CTO of Komiflo, a Japanese adult manga distribution service

We aspire to give people frequent bursts of happiness


  • Senior Member
Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #55227 on: January 21, 2019, 08:28:28 AM »
Can someone explain to me what the controversy is? All I've seen is a small clip and the kid is just smirking and trying not to laugh when some old guy is drumming in his face... also he is wearing a MAGA hat.. something else must have happened for there to be this much outrage.

what's the inside baseball?

To sum it up

A group of "black hebrews" antagonizes the kids, including calling the N word to one of the students (but they're black, so free pass)
Some of the kids reply (apparently with stuff like clinton did jail a lot of black youth etc, you know because they were being antagonized for being pro-trump)
The native american walks up to the kids and starts drumming
The front kids start dancing at the rythm of the drums
The native american gets closer on the face of that one kid, because he didn't seem to like that. Add lines like "go back to Europe, this is not your land" being audible. referring to the kids.

*photo with perfectly framed kid and native american on the edge on the photo*


-attempt to get that one kid expelled.
-attempt to get that one kid out of college applications.
-attempt to dox the kid by publications like the NYTimes.
-general internet mob against that one kid.
-mass hysteria in general.

When that one kid was just awkwardly smiling while a guy felt he had the right to drum next to his eardrums.

One day after being presented with evidence that the kid did nothing wrong, they're still conflating the whole group behaviour to that one scapegoat kid and still riding the moral highground. JLC did the right thing here.

That is the most contrived BS explanation I ever seen.


  • Senior Member
Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #55228 on: January 21, 2019, 08:52:29 AM »
Who said there's no industry insiders on Era ?  :snob

For the record I am CTO of Komiflo, a Japanese adult manga distribution service

We aspire to give people frequent bursts of happiness

Marie Kondo approved


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #55229 on: January 21, 2019, 09:05:49 AM »

Hillary was also our Soros. The same deliberate effort. The same organizerd funding. The same type of planning.The same evolution and snowball effect. It started before she was a politician and really before anyone was really worried about her becoming a politician. Might have gotten some boost from insurance or health industry lobbyists in 1992 when it became apparent as first lady she was going to take on healthcare as a subject. That would scare them because it would feel like "saving orphans" in the context of firts lady causes and give her a moral high ground they couldn't directly assail. She was a sticky target because of her husand, her own charisma and latent mysoginy. The campaign around Hillary was very similar - the fundemental difference being that she wasn't merely a private citizen and without the (((implication))). THe kickoff for the cmapign though, was the stupid fucking cookie contest "scandal" that started when she had the fucking audacity to point out that she herself was an accomplished lawyer and being a pretend Family Circle wife wasn't in the cards for her. Her comment wasn't a big deal, but her enemies made it one. That's the seed moment.

For Soros, a private citizen who has done almost nothing but good with his money, a coordinated false smear campaign of this scale should have consequences, but it doesn't. They may not even have broken any serious laws. The hurdles to successfully holding feet to the fire for libel and slander have been raised to the point where if you're going after a public figure, you can call them "shit-fuck-Hitler" and accuse them of being a child cannibal, as long as you qualify your attacks with "some people say" and the people mentioned in this story for starting the Soros boogeyman, won't even be inconvenienced by the story's publication. They'll laugh about it at their Cigar club. Even though they've risked his life as well as his reputation. On purpose. Knowingly via total falsehoods.

The disturbing element at the root of this story at least as it relates to Israel, is Israelis with multiple vested but disparate interests assembled around keeping the country in a permanent state of siege. At the most venal and pathetic level is a soulless politician like Netenyahu, who just sees it primarily as a way to maintain power and in his case, the graft associated with it. Bibi isn't himself necessarily a person who believes in the development and protection of a Jewish nation. A nationalist for sure. And a right wing opportunist. And Israeli nationalism is wrapped up in a religious identity too, in a way that's not (quite) possible in the US at the scale needed for a Bibi to emerge here.

But he treats occupation and settlements the same way US senators and their funding sponsors see abortion and homsexuality. They don't actually care about abortion. They have gay friends at the same percentage as everyone else. They GET abortions. They PAY for abortions. They just need it as a permanent wedge issue. Certainly that means they have to get in bed with true believers like Pence and the Evangelicals, but the people paying to keep it alive as an issue are also encouraging those voters to care about it in the first place. Making it the key tenet of evangelicalism - above and beyond evangelizing. And they cooperate with pastors from megachurches and rapture cultists and look at the shitshow you end up with - Donald Trump as a moral leader of Christ's life and teachings - a completely indewfensible position that defies credulity.

Israel has a similar left/right/centrist divide as much of the world. The problem for the right though, with the occupation and settlements is that there's a signficiant "danger" a peace process will happen. With no "enemy" Bibi's gross amalgam of disparate base elements will move to another party or lose outright. A stable, peaceful, secular israel is a danger to the coalition they've built and of course to its military industrial complex (and growing parts of its burgeoning tech and scientific industries). So the trick is to prevent peace and continue the settlements to appease the people who believe in the development and protection of a Jewish nation and ultra orthodox lunatics, but straddle the balance between that and chaos.

Liberal and secular jews have a quieter voice than their numbers suggest for similar reasons to the US - first off it's harder to present yourself or your coalition as a "full" citizen of a Jewish state if the reality of your situation is 99% just cultural and geographical (the way most people really live here in the US and in Israel and all over the world). It's ludicrous, but we see it in the US too - dumb little nuggets of cultural shit like pretending you arrived at Plymouth Rock, and Freedom Fries and kneeling for the national anthem. It's a big No True Scotsman fallacy that plays out all over the country every day and is floated by a media desperate to appear patriotic and balanced.

So they've built a right wing coalition of greedy individuals, pragmatic business, crazy apocalyptics and hyper nationalist people who believe in the development and protection of a Jewish nation - and wortk constantly to create a safer buffer for themselevs from international sanction, by continuing to foment middle eastern dissent and the near constant threat of war with Iran specifically, but neighbors generally, which even allies them in weird ways with Sunni muslim nations whose imams are simultaneously calling for the complete destruction of their state.

There's no easy historical hindsight that is a golden path to peace and prosperity and friendly neeighbors, but the right wing, Likud, the ultra orthodox, the settlements and the bizarre help or paralysis they've secured forom the US right and left wing means it's the worst case scenario without all out war or the destruction of either Israel or the Palestinians. Bibi needs Israel to be in the most stable worst case scenario poissible, for as long as possible. He has no long term vision for the country and he's deliberately spent his life preventing one from happening.

And US coverage of Israeli politics would have you think that it was 100% right wing country that is in a constant state of war with its own citizens and that those citizens are desirous of a completely religious Jewish state with an apartheid for arabs to live there in ways that are convenient fort Israelis. And that couldn't be further from the truth. The balance of information seems to benefit the right wing by keeping tension high, rather than presenting them as moral.

Creamy Optimistic Outlook:

The whole shitshow sucks but it's especially sad because a stable, peaceful and productive Israel is a fantastic model of how oil-rich Middle Eastern countries could rationally evolve their own economies and societies and geopolitics beyond the bread and circuses and war that falling oil prices may put a disastrous end to. The nature of middle eastern oil is such that in a future of energy efficiency, they could be leagues ahead in plastics and other non-CO2 generating fossil-"fuel" chemistry and industry, cleaner and cheaper than say fracking or other destructive extraction - and a warming climate means that if you're going to make big holes in the ground anyway, then low population mountains and deserts aren't the worst place to do it if it can be done cleanly. And their energy needs can also be accomodated by a climate that's otherwise bad for economies.

It's frustrating. But as simplistic and reductive as my whole rant is, the fact is that industry, extremism and greedy little men continue to prevent progress. And they coordinate with each other to fuck over everyone else to keep their scams, schemes and myths afloat. And they can do it by creating boogeymen from whole cloth, and never have to prove these monsters actually exist.

Who would read this

Who would type this
The Franchise Development Director of the Halo Franchise at 343 industries.


  • Senior Member
Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #55230 on: January 21, 2019, 09:10:13 AM »
Did stinkles have a stroke or something? I don't recall him writing these incoherent screeds on GAF. This shit would make Finale Fireworker blush.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #55231 on: January 21, 2019, 09:10:47 AM »
Quote from: Frank O'Connor, the Franchise Development Director of the Halo Franchise at 343 industries.
For Soros, a private citizen who has done almost nothing but good with his money, a coordinated false smear campaign of this scale should have consequences, but it doesn't. They may not even have broken any serious laws. The hurdles to successfully holding feet to the fire for libel and slander have been raised to the point where if you're going after a public figure, you can call them "shit-fuck-Hitler" and accuse them of being a child cannibal, as long as you qualify your attacks with "some people say" and the people mentioned in this story for starting the Soros boogeyman, won't even be inconvenienced by the story's publication. They'll laugh about it at their Cigar club. Even though they've risked his life as well as his reputation. On purpose. Knowingly via total falsehoods.
It's frustrating. But as simplistic and reductive as my whole rant is, the fact is that industry, extremism and greedy little men continue to prevent progress. And they coordinate with each other to fuck over everyone else to keep their scams, schemes and myths afloat. And they can do it by creating boogeymen from whole cloth, and never have to prove these monsters actually exist.
That's always been the standard for libel and slander in the United States you stupid multiple stroke victim.


  • Senior Member
Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #55232 on: January 21, 2019, 09:17:06 AM »
Quote from: Frank O'Connor, the Franchise Development Director of the Halo Franchise at 343 industries.
For Soros, a private citizen who has done almost nothing but good with his money, a coordinated false smear campaign of this scale should have consequences, but it doesn't. They may not even have broken any serious laws. The hurdles to successfully holding feet to the fire for libel and slander have been raised to the point where if you're going after a public figure, you can call them "shit-fuck-Hitler" and accuse them of being a child cannibal, as long as you qualify your attacks with "some people say" and the people mentioned in this story for starting the Soros boogeyman, won't even be inconvenienced by the story's publication. They'll laugh about it at their Cigar club. Even though they've risked his life as well as his reputation. On purpose. Knowingly via total falsehoods.
It's frustrating. But as simplistic and reductive as my whole rant is, the fact is that industry, extremism and greedy little men continue to prevent progress. And they coordinate with each other to fuck over everyone else to keep their scams, schemes and myths afloat. And they can do it by creating boogeymen from whole cloth, and never have to prove these monsters actually exist.

That's always been the standard for libel and slander in the United States you stupid multiple stroke victim.

I was gunna say, hurdles haven't been raised, the standard for libel and slander are clearly spelled out and just because people can take advantage of this clear definition does not mean the system is busted lol
« Last Edit: January 21, 2019, 09:22:54 AM by marrec »


  • Senior Member
Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #55233 on: January 21, 2019, 09:18:55 AM »
If Bernard became president the country would devolve into a purge-esque mania of sexual harassment.

we need more Gillette commercials, stat!

Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
  • Administrator
Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #55234 on: January 21, 2019, 09:21:50 AM »

Hillary was also our Soros. The same deliberate effort. The same organizerd funding. The same type of planning.The same evolution and snowball effect. It started before she was a politician and really before anyone was really worried about her becoming a politician. Might have gotten some boost from insurance or health industry lobbyists in 1992 when it became apparent as first lady she was going to take on healthcare as a subject. That would scare them because it would feel like "saving orphans" in the context of firts lady causes and give her a moral high ground they couldn't directly assail. She was a sticky target because of her husand, her own charisma and latent mysoginy. The campaign around Hillary was very similar - the fundemental difference being that she wasn't merely a private citizen and without the (((implication))). THe kickoff for the cmapign though, was the stupid fucking cookie contest "scandal" that started when she had the fucking audacity to point out that she herself was an accomplished lawyer and being a pretend Family Circle wife wasn't in the cards for her. Her comment wasn't a big deal, but her enemies made it one. That's the seed moment.

For Soros, a private citizen who has done almost nothing but good with his money, a coordinated false smear campaign of this scale should have consequences, but it doesn't. They may not even have broken any serious laws. The hurdles to successfully holding feet to the fire for libel and slander have been raised to the point where if you're going after a public figure, you can call them "shit-fuck-Hitler" and accuse them of being a child cannibal, as long as you qualify your attacks with "some people say" and the people mentioned in this story for starting the Soros boogeyman, won't even be inconvenienced by the story's publication. They'll laugh about it at their Cigar club. Even though they've risked his life as well as his reputation. On purpose. Knowingly via total falsehoods.

The disturbing element at the root of this story at least as it relates to Israel, is Israelis with multiple vested but disparate interests assembled around keeping the country in a permanent state of siege. At the most venal and pathetic level is a soulless politician like Netenyahu, who just sees it primarily as a way to maintain power and in his case, the graft associated with it. Bibi isn't himself necessarily a person who believes in the development and protection of a Jewish nation. A nationalist for sure. And a right wing opportunist. And Israeli nationalism is wrapped up in a religious identity too, in a way that's not (quite) possible in the US at the scale needed for a Bibi to emerge here.

But he treats occupation and settlements the same way US senators and their funding sponsors see abortion and homsexuality. They don't actually care about abortion. They have gay friends at the same percentage as everyone else. They GET abortions. They PAY for abortions. They just need it as a permanent wedge issue. Certainly that means they have to get in bed with true believers like Pence and the Evangelicals, but the people paying to keep it alive as an issue are also encouraging those voters to care about it in the first place. Making it the key tenet of evangelicalism - above and beyond evangelizing. And they cooperate with pastors from megachurches and rapture cultists and look at the shitshow you end up with - Donald Trump as a moral leader of Christ's life and teachings - a completely indewfensible position that defies credulity.

Israel has a similar left/right/centrist divide as much of the world. The problem for the right though, with the occupation and settlements is that there's a signficiant "danger" a peace process will happen. With no "enemy" Bibi's gross amalgam of disparate base elements will move to another party or lose outright. A stable, peaceful, secular israel is a danger to the coalition they've built and of course to its military industrial complex (and growing parts of its burgeoning tech and scientific industries). So the trick is to prevent peace and continue the settlements to appease the people who believe in the development and protection of a Jewish nation and ultra orthodox lunatics, but straddle the balance between that and chaos.

Liberal and secular jews have a quieter voice than their numbers suggest for similar reasons to the US - first off it's harder to present yourself or your coalition as a "full" citizen of a Jewish state if the reality of your situation is 99% just cultural and geographical (the way most people really live here in the US and in Israel and all over the world). It's ludicrous, but we see it in the US too - dumb little nuggets of cultural shit like pretending you arrived at Plymouth Rock, and Freedom Fries and kneeling for the national anthem. It's a big No True Scotsman fallacy that plays out all over the country every day and is floated by a media desperate to appear patriotic and balanced.

So they've built a right wing coalition of greedy individuals, pragmatic business, crazy apocalyptics and hyper nationalist people who believe in the development and protection of a Jewish nation - and wortk constantly to create a safer buffer for themselevs from international sanction, by continuing to foment middle eastern dissent and the near constant threat of war with Iran specifically, but neighbors generally, which even allies them in weird ways with Sunni muslim nations whose imams are simultaneously calling for the complete destruction of their state.

There's no easy historical hindsight that is a golden path to peace and prosperity and friendly neeighbors, but the right wing, Likud, the ultra orthodox, the settlements and the bizarre help or paralysis they've secured forom the US right and left wing means it's the worst case scenario without all out war or the destruction of either Israel or the Palestinians. Bibi needs Israel to be in the most stable worst case scenario poissible, for as long as possible. He has no long term vision for the country and he's deliberately spent his life preventing one from happening.

And US coverage of Israeli politics would have you think that it was 100% right wing country that is in a constant state of war with its own citizens and that those citizens are desirous of a completely religious Jewish state with an apartheid for arabs to live there in ways that are convenient fort Israelis. And that couldn't be further from the truth. The balance of information seems to benefit the right wing by keeping tension high, rather than presenting them as moral.

Creamy Optimistic Outlook:

The whole shitshow sucks but it's especially sad because a stable, peaceful and productive Israel is a fantastic model of how oil-rich Middle Eastern countries could rationally evolve their own economies and societies and geopolitics beyond the bread and circuses and war that falling oil prices may put a disastrous end to. The nature of middle eastern oil is such that in a future of energy efficiency, they could be leagues ahead in plastics and other non-CO2 generating fossil-"fuel" chemistry and industry, cleaner and cheaper than say fracking or other destructive extraction - and a warming climate means that if you're going to make big holes in the ground anyway, then low population mountains and deserts aren't the worst place to do it if it can be done cleanly. And their energy needs can also be accomodated by a climate that's otherwise bad for economies.

It's frustrating. But as simplistic and reductive as my whole rant is, the fact is that industry, extremism and greedy little men continue to prevent progress. And they coordinate with each other to fuck over everyone else to keep their scams, schemes and myths afloat. And they can do it by creating boogeymen from whole cloth, and never have to prove these monsters actually exist.

Who would read this

Who would type this
The Franchise Development Director of the Halo Franchise at 343 industries.

Very weird that he would just leak the entire plot outline of Halo 6 like that. I guess he thought no one would read it past the first few paragraphs. Really awesome that they’re letting Master Chief and Cortana finally get married after so much “will they, won’t they”.


  • Senior Member
Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #55235 on: January 21, 2019, 09:26:33 AM »
Did stinkles have a stroke or something? I don't recall him writing these incoherent screeds on GAF. This shit would make Finale Fireworker blush.

It's Adderall.  Not kidding. 


  • Senior Member
Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #55236 on: January 21, 2019, 09:41:36 AM »

Hillary was also our Soros. The same deliberate effort. The same organizerd funding. The same type of planning.The same evolution and snowball effect. It started before she was a politician and really before anyone was really worried about her becoming a politician. Might have gotten some boost from insurance or health industry lobbyists in 1992 when it became apparent as first lady she was going to take on healthcare as a subject. That would scare them because it would feel like "saving orphans" in the context of firts lady causes and give her a moral high ground they couldn't directly assail. She was a sticky target because of her husand, her own charisma and latent mysoginy. The campaign around Hillary was very similar - the fundemental difference being that she wasn't merely a private citizen and without the (((implication))). THe kickoff for the cmapign though, was the stupid fucking cookie contest "scandal" that started when she had the fucking audacity to point out that she herself was an accomplished lawyer and being a pretend Family Circle wife wasn't in the cards for her. Her comment wasn't a big deal, but her enemies made it one. That's the seed moment.

For Soros, a private citizen who has done almost nothing but good with his money, a coordinated false smear campaign of this scale should have consequences, but it doesn't. They may not even have broken any serious laws. The hurdles to successfully holding feet to the fire for libel and slander have been raised to the point where if you're going after a public figure, you can call them "shit-fuck-Hitler" and accuse them of being a child cannibal, as long as you qualify your attacks with "some people say" and the people mentioned in this story for starting the Soros boogeyman, won't even be inconvenienced by the story's publication. They'll laugh about it at their Cigar club. Even though they've risked his life as well as his reputation. On purpose. Knowingly via total falsehoods.

The disturbing element at the root of this story at least as it relates to Israel, is Israelis with multiple vested but disparate interests assembled around keeping the country in a permanent state of siege. At the most venal and pathetic level is a soulless politician like Netenyahu, who just sees it primarily as a way to maintain power and in his case, the graft associated with it. Bibi isn't himself necessarily a person who believes in the development and protection of a Jewish nation. A nationalist for sure. And a right wing opportunist. And Israeli nationalism is wrapped up in a religious identity too, in a way that's not (quite) possible in the US at the scale needed for a Bibi to emerge here.

But he treats occupation and settlements the same way US senators and their funding sponsors see abortion and homsexuality. They don't actually care about abortion. They have gay friends at the same percentage as everyone else. They GET abortions. They PAY for abortions. They just need it as a permanent wedge issue. Certainly that means they have to get in bed with true believers like Pence and the Evangelicals, but the people paying to keep it alive as an issue are also encouraging those voters to care about it in the first place. Making it the key tenet of evangelicalism - above and beyond evangelizing. And they cooperate with pastors from megachurches and rapture cultists and look at the shitshow you end up with - Donald Trump as a moral leader of Christ's life and teachings - a completely indewfensible position that defies credulity.

Israel has a similar left/right/centrist divide as much of the world. The problem for the right though, with the occupation and settlements is that there's a signficiant "danger" a peace process will happen. With no "enemy" Bibi's gross amalgam of disparate base elements will move to another party or lose outright. A stable, peaceful, secular israel is a danger to the coalition they've built and of course to its military industrial complex (and growing parts of its burgeoning tech and scientific industries). So the trick is to prevent peace and continue the settlements to appease the people who believe in the development and protection of a Jewish nation and ultra orthodox lunatics, but straddle the balance between that and chaos.

Liberal and secular jews have a quieter voice than their numbers suggest for similar reasons to the US - first off it's harder to present yourself or your coalition as a "full" citizen of a Jewish state if the reality of your situation is 99% just cultural and geographical (the way most people really live here in the US and in Israel and all over the world). It's ludicrous, but we see it in the US too - dumb little nuggets of cultural shit like pretending you arrived at Plymouth Rock, and Freedom Fries and kneeling for the national anthem. It's a big No True Scotsman fallacy that plays out all over the country every day and is floated by a media desperate to appear patriotic and balanced.

So they've built a right wing coalition of greedy individuals, pragmatic business, crazy apocalyptics and hyper nationalist people who believe in the development and protection of a Jewish nation - and wortk constantly to create a safer buffer for themselevs from international sanction, by continuing to foment middle eastern dissent and the near constant threat of war with Iran specifically, but neighbors generally, which even allies them in weird ways with Sunni muslim nations whose imams are simultaneously calling for the complete destruction of their state.

There's no easy historical hindsight that is a golden path to peace and prosperity and friendly neeighbors, but the right wing, Likud, the ultra orthodox, the settlements and the bizarre help or paralysis they've secured forom the US right and left wing means it's the worst case scenario without all out war or the destruction of either Israel or the Palestinians. Bibi needs Israel to be in the most stable worst case scenario poissible, for as long as possible. He has no long term vision for the country and he's deliberately spent his life preventing one from happening.

And US coverage of Israeli politics would have you think that it was 100% right wing country that is in a constant state of war with its own citizens and that those citizens are desirous of a completely religious Jewish state with an apartheid for arabs to live there in ways that are convenient fort Israelis. And that couldn't be further from the truth. The balance of information seems to benefit the right wing by keeping tension high, rather than presenting them as moral.

Creamy Optimistic Outlook:

The whole shitshow sucks but it's especially sad because a stable, peaceful and productive Israel is a fantastic model of how oil-rich Middle Eastern countries could rationally evolve their own economies and societies and geopolitics beyond the bread and circuses and war that falling oil prices may put a disastrous end to. The nature of middle eastern oil is such that in a future of energy efficiency, they could be leagues ahead in plastics and other non-CO2 generating fossil-"fuel" chemistry and industry, cleaner and cheaper than say fracking or other destructive extraction - and a warming climate means that if you're going to make big holes in the ground anyway, then low population mountains and deserts aren't the worst place to do it if it can be done cleanly. And their energy needs can also be accomodated by a climate that's otherwise bad for economies.

It's frustrating. But as simplistic and reductive as my whole rant is, the fact is that industry, extremism and greedy little men continue to prevent progress. And they coordinate with each other to fuck over everyone else to keep their scams, schemes and myths afloat. And they can do it by creating boogeymen from whole cloth, and never have to prove these monsters actually exist.

Who would read this

Who would type this
The Franchise Development Director of the Halo Franchise at 343 industries.

When they release the next Halo and people go on forums and ask "is this game actually an analogy for D_____ T____ and the rise of fascism in the United States?", this will be the first time i won't roll my eyes.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #55237 on: January 21, 2019, 10:04:18 AM »
I was gunna say, hurdles haven't been raised, the standard for libel and slander are clearly spelled out and just because people can take advantage of this clear definition does not mean the system is busted lol
I give him a slight pass because he's from Scotland, and he was in UK press media for 20 years before he came over to do the U.S. Xbox Magazine. But you'd think if he was going to ramble initially about the U.S. free press laws, before his digression into Voxoanalyzing Israeli politics that he has some weird obsession about, he might use his nearly 20 years of experience living and working here and auto-adjust.


  • TheBore rulez
  • Senior Member
Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #55238 on: January 21, 2019, 10:06:03 AM »

Hillary was also our Soros. The same deliberate effort. The same organizerd funding. The same type of planning.The same evolution and snowball effect. It started before she was a politician and really before anyone was really worried about her becoming a politician. Might have gotten some boost from insurance or health industry lobbyists in 1992 when it became apparent as first lady she was going to take on healthcare as a subject. That would scare them because it would feel like "saving orphans" in the context of firts lady causes and give her a moral high ground they couldn't directly assail. She was a sticky target because of her husand, her own charisma and latent mysoginy. The campaign around Hillary was very similar - the fundemental difference being that she wasn't merely a private citizen and without the (((implication))). THe kickoff for the cmapign though, was the stupid fucking cookie contest "scandal" that started when she had the fucking audacity to point out that she herself was an accomplished lawyer and being a pretend Family Circle wife wasn't in the cards for her. Her comment wasn't a big deal, but her enemies made it one. That's the seed moment.

For Soros, a private citizen who has done almost nothing but good with his money, a coordinated false smear campaign of this scale should have consequences, but it doesn't. They may not even have broken any serious laws. The hurdles to successfully holding feet to the fire for libel and slander have been raised to the point where if you're going after a public figure, you can call them "shit-fuck-Hitler" and accuse them of being a child cannibal, as long as you qualify your attacks with "some people say" and the people mentioned in this story for starting the Soros boogeyman, won't even be inconvenienced by the story's publication. They'll laugh about it at their Cigar club. Even though they've risked his life as well as his reputation. On purpose. Knowingly via total falsehoods.

The disturbing element at the root of this story at least as it relates to Israel, is Israelis with multiple vested but disparate interests assembled around keeping the country in a permanent state of siege. At the most venal and pathetic level is a soulless politician like Netenyahu, who just sees it primarily as a way to maintain power and in his case, the graft associated with it. Bibi isn't himself necessarily a person who believes in the development and protection of a Jewish nation. A nationalist for sure. And a right wing opportunist. And Israeli nationalism is wrapped up in a religious identity too, in a way that's not (quite) possible in the US at the scale needed for a Bibi to emerge here.

But he treats occupation and settlements the same way US senators and their funding sponsors see abortion and homsexuality. They don't actually care about abortion. They have gay friends at the same percentage as everyone else. They GET abortions. They PAY for abortions. They just need it as a permanent wedge issue. Certainly that means they have to get in bed with true believers like Pence and the Evangelicals, but the people paying to keep it alive as an issue are also encouraging those voters to care about it in the first place. Making it the key tenet of evangelicalism - above and beyond evangelizing. And they cooperate with pastors from megachurches and rapture cultists and look at the shitshow you end up with - Donald Trump as a moral leader of Christ's life and teachings - a completely indewfensible position that defies credulity.

Israel has a similar left/right/centrist divide as much of the world. The problem for the right though, with the occupation and settlements is that there's a signficiant "danger" a peace process will happen. With no "enemy" Bibi's gross amalgam of disparate base elements will move to another party or lose outright. A stable, peaceful, secular israel is a danger to the coalition they've built and of course to its military industrial complex (and growing parts of its burgeoning tech and scientific industries). So the trick is to prevent peace and continue the settlements to appease the people who believe in the development and protection of a Jewish nation and ultra orthodox lunatics, but straddle the balance between that and chaos.

Liberal and secular jews have a quieter voice than their numbers suggest for similar reasons to the US - first off it's harder to present yourself or your coalition as a "full" citizen of a Jewish state if the reality of your situation is 99% just cultural and geographical (the way most people really live here in the US and in Israel and all over the world). It's ludicrous, but we see it in the US too - dumb little nuggets of cultural shit like pretending you arrived at Plymouth Rock, and Freedom Fries and kneeling for the national anthem. It's a big No True Scotsman fallacy that plays out all over the country every day and is floated by a media desperate to appear patriotic and balanced.

So they've built a right wing coalition of greedy individuals, pragmatic business, crazy apocalyptics and hyper nationalist people who believe in the development and protection of a Jewish nation - and wortk constantly to create a safer buffer for themselevs from international sanction, by continuing to foment middle eastern dissent and the near constant threat of war with Iran specifically, but neighbors generally, which even allies them in weird ways with Sunni muslim nations whose imams are simultaneously calling for the complete destruction of their state.

There's no easy historical hindsight that is a golden path to peace and prosperity and friendly neeighbors, but the right wing, Likud, the ultra orthodox, the settlements and the bizarre help or paralysis they've secured forom the US right and left wing means it's the worst case scenario without all out war or the destruction of either Israel or the Palestinians. Bibi needs Israel to be in the most stable worst case scenario poissible, for as long as possible. He has no long term vision for the country and he's deliberately spent his life preventing one from happening.

And US coverage of Israeli politics would have you think that it was 100% right wing country that is in a constant state of war with its own citizens and that those citizens are desirous of a completely religious Jewish state with an apartheid for arabs to live there in ways that are convenient fort Israelis. And that couldn't be further from the truth. The balance of information seems to benefit the right wing by keeping tension high, rather than presenting them as moral.

Creamy Optimistic Outlook:

The whole shitshow sucks but it's especially sad because a stable, peaceful and productive Israel is a fantastic model of how oil-rich Middle Eastern countries could rationally evolve their own economies and societies and geopolitics beyond the bread and circuses and war that falling oil prices may put a disastrous end to. The nature of middle eastern oil is such that in a future of energy efficiency, they could be leagues ahead in plastics and other non-CO2 generating fossil-"fuel" chemistry and industry, cleaner and cheaper than say fracking or other destructive extraction - and a warming climate means that if you're going to make big holes in the ground anyway, then low population mountains and deserts aren't the worst place to do it if it can be done cleanly. And their energy needs can also be accomodated by a climate that's otherwise bad for economies.

It's frustrating. But as simplistic and reductive as my whole rant is, the fact is that industry, extremism and greedy little men continue to prevent progress. And they coordinate with each other to fuck over everyone else to keep their scams, schemes and myths afloat. And they can do it by creating boogeymen from whole cloth, and never have to prove these monsters actually exist.

Who would read this

Who would type this
The Franchise Development Director of the Halo Franchise at 343 industries.

Does he know that brevity is a virtue?


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #55239 on: January 21, 2019, 10:08:12 AM »
Does he know that brevity is a virtue?

(Image removed from quote.)
Why do you think the new game is called Halo: Infinite? That's how long you have to get through each of the mandatory text logs before proceeding further into gameplay.


  • Senior Member
Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #55240 on: January 21, 2019, 10:12:17 AM »
In a better timeline Sushi-X would have become franchise director of the Halo franchise. :stahp


  • Senior Member
Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #55241 on: January 21, 2019, 10:12:40 AM »
leave stinkles alone


  • Senior Member
Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #55242 on: January 21, 2019, 10:13:59 AM »
Stinkles is also our Soros.


  • GunOn™! Apply directly to forehead!
  • Senior Member
Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #55243 on: January 21, 2019, 10:14:44 AM »
You guys do know he supposedly has an account here, right? You could ask him your stroke questions in PM here.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #55244 on: January 21, 2019, 10:15:01 AM »
leave stinkles alone
we're trying to get him the help he needs and you keep yelling to leave him alone to let it continue

who's the real seven billion ton robot monster here?


  • Senior Member


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #55246 on: January 21, 2019, 10:18:25 AM »
You guys do know he supposedly has an account here, right? You could ask him your stroke questions in PM here.
like i'm going to listen to the guy with the white supremacist rape addict as his avatar, we see you

Straight Edge

  • Boots & Braces
  • Senior Member
Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #55247 on: January 21, 2019, 10:18:48 AM »
Keep on quoting that diatribe to pad the page count. Y’all ain’t slick.
Oi Oi


  • Dumbass Monkey
  • Senior Member
Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #55248 on: January 21, 2019, 10:33:47 AM »

ERA seems to have an angry mob mentality.
This is a lie.

I guess since his postcount quoting shtick got the lightest slap on the wrist possible for shitting up the forum at a fucking fundamental level, he's back to his other favorite shtick of straight up gaslighting people by saying they're lying when they say things that are demonstrably fucking true.

So what's the difference between Jamie Lee Curtis and your average Era poster?
Other than Jamie Lee Curtis being famous, successful, talented, wealthy, relevant, and popular, obviously.

Jamie Lee Curtis was exposed to new information, concluded that her previous position was wrong, and apologised for her mistake.
And presumably will be less quick to jump to conclusions in future, having learnt from making that mistake.

Era of course never make mistakes, never back down, never apologise, and never learn anything, and never have, so remain emotionally stunted 12 year olds blaming their collective failure at life at everyone and everything that is not them.

This of course makes JLC an unperson, and shes also female, so make sure you call her a cunt.


  • Senior Member
Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #55249 on: January 21, 2019, 10:34:41 AM »
Besides benji, I mean

This was such an easy Kirblar  joke. But you had to attack benji instead :wag

You're 100% correct.  :stahp

i mean.. some people say that benji actually did read it. and truth is usually protection from slander, right?


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #55250 on: January 21, 2019, 10:37:57 AM »
Surprised they would throw a trans woman like Jamie Lee Curtis under the bus so quickly.


  • Dumbass Monkey
  • Senior Member
Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #55251 on: January 21, 2019, 10:39:39 AM »
Surprised they would throw a trans woman like Jamie Lee Curtis under the bus so quickly.

I've seen Trading Places, so big if spiritually true and  :delicious to xer surgeon


  • Dumbass Monkey
  • Senior Member
Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #55252 on: January 21, 2019, 10:51:36 AM »
Be curious to know if any of these bans get over turned for explicitly stating the conclusion that pretty much the entire rest of the world has come to on this

User Banned (3 Days): Trolling, drive-by comment, accumulated infractions
Have you guys seen the whole video? Seems to be painting a different story

User banned (1 week): trolling
The kids did absolutely nothing wrong here, the 105 min video of the entire event makes that very clear. They are the victims here and continuing to attack them and make baseless allegations says volumes about yourself and your mindset.

User Banned (5 Days): Downplaying Racism
Wearing a hat with a slogan embodying rhetoric of "put America's interests ahead of those of 'global partners and allies'" and "bring back jobs" and "cut back regulations", however wrong-headed, short-sighted, or ill-informed, is not "racist behavior".

User Banned (Duration Pending): Dismissing Concerns of White Supremacy; Concern Trolling Over a Series of Posts
I’ll be the first to say that this kid is a piece of shit for the maga hat alone. Watching that longer video though the Native drummer does just walk right up to him, while the kids were in the middle of some dumb high school cheering/jumping thing which didn’t seem racist. He kind of just looks like a moron who doesn’t know how to react. I hate that I am defending him in any way, because he is automatically a shitstain to wear that hat anywhere, least of all to where he knew there would be resistance, but I think the 10 second clip is being very taken out of context.

spoiler (click to show/hide)


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #55253 on: January 21, 2019, 10:56:18 AM »
why overturn them? those posters were not actually believing any of that, they were simply trolling to get reactions, it's complete bad faith


  • Dumbass Monkey
  • Senior Member
Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #55254 on: January 21, 2019, 10:59:25 AM »
Meanwhile the Bucket o' Crabs Thread secret discord are all like


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #55255 on: January 21, 2019, 10:59:48 AM »
User warned: hostility


10k for Catholic private school? That's the type of school you send your kid in order to avoid black kids for a third rate education because you couldn't afford or get accepted into a more prestigious school. It's all white flight families that send their kids to these types of schools.
As a parent who sends his kid to a 10k per year private Catholic school, fuck you. Don't make generalized statements. My kid gets a great education and his school is full of diversity.

Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
  • Administrator
Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #55256 on: January 21, 2019, 10:59:54 AM »
Giving anyone the benefit of the doubt for anything is a step farther than I'm willing to go.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #55257 on: January 21, 2019, 11:02:06 AM »
User Banned (3 Days): Hostility Towards Another User

Hey Dalek, no one gives a shit. Your threads suck.

I'm tired of hearing from your dumbass. Ban me or whatever.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #55258 on: January 21, 2019, 11:03:42 AM »
Whatever back and forth this was the past few hours needs to come to an end. Get back on topic.


  • Dumbass Monkey
  • Senior Member
Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #55259 on: January 21, 2019, 11:07:02 AM »
Giving anyone the benefit of the doubt for anything is a step farther than I'm willing to go.