Author Topic: Snyder Cut of benji/toku Never Getting Over It Snyder Cut Bless Up Thread  (Read 38229 times)

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Madrun Badrun

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And it was entertaining


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David Ayer, seemingly without being compelled by any outside forces, made a buddy cop movie with Will Smith and an orc.

Oh-hoh-hoh, but there was a Dark Force at play...


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I mean, I liked End of Watch a lot
I even liked Sabotage. Ayer seemed good at making nasty gritty crime thrillers.

But I think maybe his style doesn't work with big studio PG-13 stuff with comic characters and blue orcs.


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Honestly the only director's cut I'd want is Josh Trank's Fantastic 4 body horror movie.

I stand by that Chronicle was pretty great and I can definitely believe that the studio cut of F4 was in no way shape or form the movie he filmed and that as as small director he held zero weight and the studio just did whatever and sunk his career. Yeah the on-set stories of him sleeping in and being drunk or whatever sounded pretty unprofessional, but he pretty much shot down Max Landis as a creep and doesn't seem to have anything else cancelling him out, so ehh I maybe don't believe he made some masterpiece Fantastic Four horror flick, but I would like to see that cut and judge for myself.

I know some people thought him putting out a statement slamming F4 the day before it released was just trying to cover his ass, but it honestly just reads like they took his movie and fucked him over and he was pissed, which if that's what happened, would be rightfully so to be pissed.


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Fant4stic DC would be pretty amazing (in a morbid curiosity way), but they probably threw out all the original body horror effects when they did the reshoots.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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One problem with a Trank Cut is that tons of stuff wasn't yet filmed, they sidelined him early on, not just CGI work needing to be done or basic reshoots. I think he's indicated that there's not enough footage for him to assemble anything from. Depending on what the script looks like I'd commission a comic series based off of it but I doubt Marvel/Disney wants anything to do with it especially with their own take on Fantastic Four in the pipeline.


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Engadget: A black-and-white version of 'Justice League' is heading to HBO Max.

Sure why the fuck not anymore :snoop :idont


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benji I do dig your new custom

Madrun Badrun

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First 4:3 now Black and White?  Snyder just watched Wandavision, fess up.   Next, he will get 50 milion to CGI a 50's dirndl dress on Wonder Women, and Twitter will be like what a pig Whedon is for not having Wonder Women in a CGI a 50's dirndl dress.


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First 4:3 now Black and White?  Snyder just watched Wandavision, fess up.   

More like he just watched The Lighthouse. :lol


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Tuckers Law

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First 4:3 now Black and White?  Snyder just watched Wandavision, fess up.   

More like he just watched The Lighthouse. :lol

Oh, how soon people forgot about Logan and Fury Road.  :fbm


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I didn't. YOU forgot about Darabont fighting tooth and nail for a B&W version of The Mist back in the day. :bolo

None of these are additionally 4:3 except The Lighthouse, for the record.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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I don't know where he got the idea that black and white is the ideal way to view it, but the 4:3 thing is because it's the full IMAX frame*. The new version of BvS is the same. I guess he filmed all of them in the full frame and eventually preferred the way it looks. Except it's only displayed smaller with black bars on the sides on most all other screens so nobody can really appreciate the detail of a full frame anyway. It's funny to do because people are finally accepting that 16:9 isn't "less" with bars cut out on the top and bottom and then Snyder goes and does this:

*From what I read, the 16:9-ish IMAX is actually a smaller size frame, so stuff that uses it, like Avengers, only fills half of a full IMAX screen.


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I actually think the shot framing and cinematography is pretty nice in the Snyder Cut. The new aspect ratio looks good.

spoiler (click to show/hide)
Then again I watched it on an ipad

/which is basically where I watch everything these days.

Tuckers Law

  • Senior Member
I didn't. YOU forgot about Darabont fighting tooth and nail for a B&W version of The Mist back in the day. :bolo

None of these are additionally 4:3 except The Lighthouse, for the record.

I wasn't aware that Darabont wanted a b&w version of The Mist.  Oh well, I kind of hated that movie anyways.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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For the "Justice is Grey" edition Snyder should insert a caption to paper over the "they didn't know it was Earth?!?" hole that scrolls across every minute or so during the invasion battle scene.



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EDIT: On Frank Darabondt, iirc, there’s a longer b&w cut of the walking dead pilot he did too


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Graphics card steppy was a great villain. Zack Snyder the god.

Madrun Badrun

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'The only reason I understood what motherboxs are in this version is because wonder women gave a three-minute exposition about it to batman after looking at some cave paintings'  :dead

Cauliflower Of Love

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The motherboxes are basically the thingies in tennet.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Madrun Badrun

  • twin-anused mascot
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Maybe rewarding toxic fandom isn't a good thing?


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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It is when it leads to this though:


  • relapsed dev
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According to this, Godzilla versus Kong proved that very few people actually care about DC’s Snyderverse.

Unfortunately, we’re talking about Hollywood, so we are stuck seeing overwrought, high budget flops from this failure for many years to come.

team filler

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Great Rumbler

  • Dab on the sinners
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Most people didn't like WW84, though.


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I started man of steel so I could watch this and I certainly didn't expect space dragons. I thought this was about a dude who worked at a newspaper


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I started man of steel so I could watch this and I certainly didn't expect space dragons. I thought this was about a dude who worked at a newspaper

Don't know if it's the movie or hbo but the audio is incredibly inconsistent. Have to keep lowering and raising the volume

Great Rumbler

  • Dab on the sinners
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Most people didn't like WW84, though.

Most people don't like you, yet here we are



  • your bright ideas always burn me
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i like you rumblar :heart


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Is that Decider article satire? Because the headline certainly reads like satire.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Is that Decider article satire? Because the headline certainly reads like satire.
No, I quoted from it on the prior page. :lol


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I started man of steel so I could watch this and I certainly didn't expect space dragons. I thought this was about a dude who worked at a newspaper

My review of Man of Steel in prep for justice crap.

It was a much better movie than I expected. Had I known in advance it's basically an alien invasion disaster flick, I would have watched it years ago.

Its not perfect. Could have done without the whole Krypton intro, especially since they basically explain everything again in dialogue. I dont think showing the planet helped. Also, the 1-1 fight late in the movie dragged on a bit. We dont need to see our hero thrown into an office building 4 times. Go back to alien ships blowing up buildings. Could have subbed in a shot of the brooklyn bridge falling instead of the 1 on 1 stuff.

I liked that there were no sarcastic quips every 4 seconds. The number of egregious plot holes was limited. Dialogue was fine. The main dude wasnt an angsty little bitch or a quick talking know it all. He was likeable even.  "This man is not our enemy" was cringy in the way one enjoys in disaster films.

Some of the effects were a bit iffy, but I hope its more of a directors vision thing instead of a technical limitation.

The audio balancing issue I mentioned earlier still annoyed me, but the Hans Zimmer score is worth it. Man knows how to make good movie music. I felt like I was watching Intersteller again.

Overall, B+


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Or this scene from Man of Steel:

(Image removed from quote.)

Also Im glad I finally know where this came from


  • Finish the Fight
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According to this, Godzilla versus Kong proved that very few people actually care about DC’s Snyderverse.

Unfortunately, we’re talking about Hollywood, so we are stuck seeing overwrought, high budget flops from this failure for many years to come.
Of course there would be push back from the corpo media and so called 'streaming numbers'.
Yet they completely ignore the momentum and runtime of the Snyder Cut. The movie is nearly twice as long as WW84, which means that each viewing of the Snyder Cut equals 2 viewings of WW84.
Now the 'numbers' suddenly don't look so bad. In fact, engagement is much higher and the reception far more positive. Despite WW84 having the benefit of multiple marketing campaigns.


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Human Snorenado

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It gets better.
