Author Topic: Microsoft Bought Bethesda  (Read 15997 times)

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Re: Microsoft Bought Bethesda
« Reply #240 on: September 25, 2020, 11:15:35 PM »
Streaming became the future for music and then movies because you can get them instantly. With a modern connection you can get them with little to no buffering and good enough quality. It was great would I could download a song in a minute and now it's amazing that I don't have to "download" it all to even listen to it instantly. Movies and tv shows are also pretty much there and while sure a 4k disc sounds and looks better, most people don't even invest in the equipment to see that. The quality is good enough. And since I can stream, the storage dosen't even have to be that big.

Will games ever to that level? Will I be able to play Final Fantasy XX the day of release with the press of a button on a device with less than a Tb of storage, storage not even really meant to save the actual game on? Will the nations internet be strong and built up enough for that? Will data caps allow for this?

I don't see the answer being yes for a long time and so I don't know when streaming will be the way games are done as they are with music and movies.  Playing a modern big game would need to be as quick and easy as downloading the new Travis Scott album with my phone internet on the train to work/school. I'd also assume the way games are simply developed would also have to change.

Stoney Mason

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Re: Microsoft Bought Bethesda
« Reply #241 on: September 25, 2020, 11:29:59 PM »
dumb shit

What a surprise. Your video game insights are as dumb as your political insights.


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Re: Microsoft Bought Bethesda
« Reply #242 on: September 26, 2020, 03:02:53 AM »
Streaming became the future for music and then movies because you can get them instantly. With a modern connection you can get them with little to no buffering and good enough quality. It was great would I could download a song in a minute and now it's amazing that I don't have to "download" it all to even listen to it instantly. Movies and tv shows are also pretty much there and while sure a 4k disc sounds and looks better, most people don't even invest in the equipment to see that. The quality is good enough. And since I can stream, the storage dosen't even have to be that big.

Will games ever to that level? Will I be able to play Final Fantasy XX the day of release with the press of a button on a device with less than a Tb of storage, storage not even really meant to save the actual game on? Will the nations internet be strong and built up enough for that? Will data caps allow for this?

I don't see the answer being yes for a long time and so I don't know when streaming will be the way games are done as they are with music and movies.  Playing a modern big game would need to be as quick and easy as downloading the new Travis Scott album with my phone internet on the train to work/school. I'd also assume the way games are simply developed would also have to change.

Even if the answer isn’t streaming, memory prices have nowhere to go but down and memory sizes have nowhere to go but up. This is how basically every modern technology in existence works. Same goes for internet speed.

Do you seriously not remember using the internet in the 90s, where a 30 second video took literal minutes to load?


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Re: Microsoft Bought Bethesda
« Reply #243 on: September 26, 2020, 03:33:47 AM »

I obviously remember using the internet in the 90s, hence that's why I mentioned music downloading. That's my entire point, watching a high quality movie is pretty instant now with no buffering. Which is why streaming is fine for most people and it dosen't even have much to do with storage. In fact while even storage prices have gone down, it's almost irrelevant. People don't download movies to keep or even music now, that's why Apple can get by only giving you 32 gibs of storage. And memory prices are still going to be pretty high at least this gen if the price of an extra tb for the Xbox is anything to go by.

My question is when will games become as steamtable as an mp3?

And internet speed tech may advance, but theres a whole load of issues beyond simply advancing that keep it from going places. I live in a pretty big metropolitan area and fiber has never come here. Data caps are kind of shitty and far more impactful to the medium that needs you do download 100gigs for one game. And I sure don't see them going away as they are almost last line of defense for companies like Comcast. Don't want our tv package? Well pay more for the internet you'll get more use out of.

I don't see streaming for video games really breaking through like people will want to until it's as easy and thoughtless as streaming music through Spotify. I don't even think about whatever my internet speed is when listening to Spotify. I don't worry about storage, because I just need a small little app. Quality wise it sounds as good as a cd would if not better. Streaming music is the most painless thing to do. Will video games ever get to that level?
« Last Edit: September 26, 2020, 03:44:06 AM by Rahxephon91 »


  • Finish the Fight
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Re: Microsoft Bought Bethesda
« Reply #244 on: September 26, 2020, 05:10:24 AM »
Look up all the data and numbers.
You can see for yourselves.

Avg. Metacritic scores for Xbox Game Studios? -> lower
Xbox One (X) sales vs. 360 sales in the latter half of the gen? -> lower
Xbox Live growth -> slower

GamePass was a hit but that was mostly Xbox LIVE members also signing up for GamePass.

Arguably Spencer isn't going for the quick win but the marathon or whatever but if that xCloud and Series S|X doesn't work out he's a bigger failure than Mattrick.
His biggest successes were shit he simply bought like Minecraft or that other parts of Microsoft decided to cooperate on like the Surface team for the hardware design.
They can't even get a Forza out the door for launch and that big Fable thing has been rebooted.

Everyone is falling for the tricks of this tiny con man  :rejoice

Games won't be streamable like mp3's for a while. No one wants to listen to a song that gets interrupted every few seconds or runs at half speed either.
Which is essentially what streaming video games is, slow, laggy and unstable. Which is ok for certain type of games and older less demanding games
but just doesn't hold up for competitive multiplayer and high-fidelity single player titles.

And then we're not even talking about ISP's throtlling internet speeds and bandwith caps and such bullshit.

I await patiently for someone to tell me I'm wrong by naming (new) products Phil Spencer spearheaded that weren't cheap PR stunts, duds or simply bought and continued as is.
With Phil Spencer every year is the biggest year in the history of Xbox  :lol
« Last Edit: September 26, 2020, 05:17:32 AM by Nintex »


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Re: Microsoft Bought Bethesda
« Reply #245 on: September 26, 2020, 10:25:53 AM »
*reminder that Nintex said Microsoft was exploiting physically handicapped people because the adaptive controller Microsoft sold was $200 (which based on quick research, is a drop in the bucket compared to other controller options or solutions for people with a physical disability)


  • Finish the Fight
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Re: Microsoft Bought Bethesda
« Reply #246 on: September 26, 2020, 01:48:29 PM »
*reminder that Nintex said Microsoft was exploiting physically handicapped people because the adaptive controller Microsoft sold was $200 (which based on quick research, is a drop in the bucket compared to other controller options or solutions for people with a physical disability)
I've said worse things tbh :smug but that doesn't change the fact that Xbox One was in a distant second and if you count Switch and PC(Steam) actually a distant 4th position this generation.

Phil Spencer might fool Geoff and Nadella but he can't fool Nintex.
Xbox Velocity Architecture is another such example of this mans unsanctioned buffoonery because they already had Velocity Girl.
Plus I love my Xbox One X but it isn't a 'real' 4k console and that's not me saying it but those frauds in Redmond.


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Re: Microsoft Bought Bethesda
« Reply #247 on: September 26, 2020, 05:34:22 PM »
Imo, rare ruined themselves well before Microsoft bought them.

When was the last good Rare game before they became MS-owned? N64?

Star fox adventures was bad. Conley was “ok” as was banjo tooie. Dkc64 was bad.

Last undeniably good game they made prior to being me owned was maybe Perfect dark? In 1999


  • Nylonhilist
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Re: Microsoft Bought Bethesda
« Reply #248 on: September 26, 2020, 08:03:35 PM »
Look up all the data and numbers.
You can see for yourselves.

Avg. Metacritic scores for Xbox Game Studios? -> lower
Xbox One (X) sales vs. 360 sales in the latter half of the gen? -> lower
Xbox Live growth -> slower

GamePass was a hit but that was mostly Xbox LIVE members also signing up for GamePass.

Arguably Spencer isn't going for the quick win but the marathon or whatever but if that xCloud and Series S|X doesn't work out he's a bigger failure than Mattrick.
His biggest successes were shit he simply bought like Minecraft or that other parts of Microsoft decided to cooperate on like the Surface team for the hardware design.
They can't even get a Forza out the door for launch and that big Fable thing has been rebooted.

Everyone is falling for the tricks of this tiny con man  :rejoice

Games won't be streamable like mp3's for a while. No one wants to listen to a song that gets interrupted every few seconds or runs at half speed either.
Which is essentially what streaming video games is, slow, laggy and unstable. Which is ok for certain type of games and older less demanding games
but just doesn't hold up for competitive multiplayer and high-fidelity single player titles.

And then we're not even talking about ISP's throtlling internet speeds and bandwith caps and such bullshit.

I await patiently for someone to tell me I'm wrong by naming (new) products Phil Spencer spearheaded that weren't cheap PR stunts, duds or simply bought and continued as is.
With Phil Spencer every year is the biggest year in the history of Xbox  :lol

But like all the hardware that came out under Spencer has been more efficient (size and noise) and competitive in price/performance than what Sony brought out during the same time. Also the huge expansion of in-house development which of course takes a few years to bear fruit. But at the same time, certain software shit like Game Pass and Xcloud have created a completely new, and seemingly viable, niche that no one else was really trying to fill.

And yeah, xcloud is actually not that bad from what I've played of it. I had no problem playing full levels of 60fps shooters like Halo and those are games that are just run completely through the cloud. Will only get better as game engines incorporate some of id Software's streaming tech that handles post-processing locally and should reduce latency further.

A lot of what made Xbox succeed years ago could be chalked up to Sony just doing everything terribly or getting massively lucky with a launch game like Halo completely disrupting the industry. Obviously, you're more interested in judging based on how the market share shifts so we can wait a year or two to see but you have to admit, a lot of good ideas have been tried and succeeded in the last few years.

BTW, I don't think that has much to do with whoever is in charge of xbox at the time. It really feels like there were multiple rounds of systemic changes at different times both at Sony and MS. When one stops focusing on Cell, the other goes hog wild on DVR functionality right before all the millennials cut their cable subscription. Right now, it seems they're both laser focused on games distribution where Sony is taking a more conservative approach and MS is betting the farm on something new.

Both companies have thousands of creatives/technicals doing real work as well as business wanks memeing on twatter, so it's a real team effort.


  • Dumbass Monkey
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Re: Microsoft Bought Bethesda
« Reply #249 on: September 27, 2020, 08:23:09 AM »
But like all the hardware that came out under Spencer has been more efficient (size and noise) and competitive in price/performance than what Sony brought out during the same time.


they're both just slapping their logo on the best GPU they could afford to meet an arbitrary price point and whatever mobile CPU AMD had knocking around their unsold items warehouses thrown in free


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Re: Microsoft Bought Bethesda
« Reply #250 on: September 27, 2020, 09:22:25 AM »
But like all the hardware that came out under Spencer has been more efficient (size and noise) and competitive in price/performance than what Sony brought out during the same time.


they're both just slapping their logo on the best GPU they could afford to meet an arbitrary price point and whatever mobile CPU AMD had knocking around their unsold items warehouses thrown in free

Have you heard an Xbone X or PS4 Pro running? Xbox's are pretty close to silent and issues of overheating are non existent for Xbone X. PS4 Pros are notoriously loud and people have had to reapply thermal paste on the CPU.  :lol



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Re: Microsoft Bought Bethesda
« Reply #251 on: September 27, 2020, 01:26:27 PM »
But like all the hardware that came out under Spencer has been more efficient (size and noise) and competitive in price/performance than what Sony brought out during the same time.


they're both just slapping their logo on the best GPU they could afford to meet an arbitrary price point and whatever mobile CPU AMD had knocking around their unsold items warehouses thrown in free
The surface team actually did a nice job on the hardware but again that has little to do with team Xbox as Microsoft just didn't want to risk burning the place down by having team xbox tinker with hardware ever again  :teehee

And yes, Xbox and PlayStation were basically subsidizing AMD for a while until they got the ZEN 2 sorted.


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Re: Microsoft Bought Bethesda
« Reply #252 on: September 28, 2020, 08:34:29 AM »
Some supposed leaked shots of Starfield....

If legit....  eh.  What more could they do that hasn't been done yet in ME, NMS, EVE or Outer Worlds, etc?  Keeping expectations low so there won't be disappointment.

Don Rumata

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Re: Microsoft Bought Bethesda
« Reply #253 on: September 28, 2020, 08:54:16 AM »
Some supposed leaked shots of Starfield....

(Image removed from quote.)

(Image removed from quote.)

If legit....  eh.  What more could they do that hasn't been done yet in ME, NMS, EVE or Outer Worlds, etc?  Keeping expectations low so there won't be disappointment.


  • Dumbass Monkey
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Re: Microsoft Bought Bethesda
« Reply #254 on: September 28, 2020, 11:01:37 AM »
微软 Buy Em All 1998
I am vaccine man

410,757,864,530 DEAD KINECTS


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Re: Microsoft Bought Bethesda
« Reply #255 on: September 29, 2020, 12:16:15 PM »
Lmao Starfield and Bethesda.. lmao still using their Morrowind engine.. no thx

Pissy F Benny

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Re: Microsoft Bought Bethesda
« Reply #256 on: September 29, 2020, 12:24:04 PM »
lol I'll just dl it on game pass :trumps


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Re: Microsoft Bought Bethesda
« Reply #257 on: September 29, 2020, 12:55:17 PM »
Some supposed leaked shots of Starfield....

(Image removed from quote.)

(Image removed from quote.)

If legit....  eh.  What more could they do that hasn't been done yet in ME, NMS, EVE or Outer Worlds, etc?  Keeping expectations low so there won't be disappointment.
What more could they do that hasn't been planned to be done in Star Citizen though?


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Re: Microsoft Bought Bethesda
« Reply #258 on: September 29, 2020, 01:20:45 PM »
Some supposed leaked shots of Starfield....

(Image removed from quote.)

(Image removed from quote.)

If legit....  eh.  What more could they do that hasn't been done yet in ME, NMS, EVE or Outer Worlds, etc?  Keeping expectations low so there won't be disappointment.
What more could they do that hasn't been planned to be done in Star Citizen though?

Actually come out?

Cerveza mas fina

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Re: Microsoft Bought Bethesda
« Reply #259 on: September 29, 2020, 01:59:17 PM »
Ill download it for free and pretend to like it online just to see ps famboys froth