After Occupy Wall Street the establishment made everything about race, identity and climate.
And schools and universities have been absolutely infected with those teachings and those kids then move on to work for the government, corporations and NGO's adding more fuel to the fire with endless funding for this nonsense.
You are right, it is exactly what you would do if you wanted to stop any revolution from happening. Look, we gave you all the pills and opportunities, your life isn't improving because cis men are holding back your progress.
All these nice things aren't for you because you want to save the planet right. We should all 'degrowth' instead, look at that homeless guy eating a hamburger. He's literally destroying the planet. Why don't you capture footage of him with your new iPhone.
It's why Dawkins fears he was wrong in challenging Christianity as far more dangerous and toxic ideologies have replaced it. He and his peers figured that if you 'cured' people from Christianity it would lead to a more rational society.
However, this didn't happen at all. People latch on to anything to fill a void of belonging and belief and Christianity itself has radicalized too in self preservation.
And the climate and gender church is not much different really, I mean, like religions of old they claim that these doomsday events will end us all with very little evidence that their solutions like burning more trees work.
The effects of those fantasies are devastating though, real problems like homelessness and the drug epidemic aren't solved because why solve them if the real problem is a transphobic genocide and the world ends tommorow.
And those chicks, well they are on drugs, plain and simple. Probably prescription drugs but still drugs.