Really the post-Rebirth era has been allowing all the books to go their own way more than DC has allowed in quite some time, stuff tying together has been done by the writers themselves not editorial mandates. METAL spread because the writers wanted to join it and then Snyder used the sequel to properly reboot the Multiverse since Convergence/Rebirth hadn't really sketched out what that was supposed to be looking like now that everything was canon. Dark Crisis is basically the "fallout" from that and is undoing the original Crisis, it's being used as the jumping off point to bring back stuff that was already on its way back but hadn't been greenlit like JSA which Doomsday Clock brought back but nobody did anything with until Dark Crisis being an EVENT allows for the killing of titles and starting new ones. The whole arc of Infinite Frontier and stuff was really just an extended story between METAL and Dark Crisis that was like "oh look these guys are back" and "look multiverse is back again" and so on, it was mostly all unused characters and multiverse versions so nothing would interfere with the ongoing stories in all the books.
Since Rebirth it's really been more about reading the titles you want to read, very few of them had much of anything to do with the big events that were coming along. Justice League has been about the one exception to this for obvious reasons. Others like what happened to Wonder Woman was because the event writers backwrote to what her series had been doing as unintentionally leading to her role in the event, her getting involved with Justice League Dark and magic and everything was a step towards her elevation to the Quintessence, it obviously wasn't intentionally planned that way but it allowed Snyder the hook for her use in Death Metal. This has been a bit different from how DC had been doing things for some time, especially during the New 52, when entire arcs for each book had to halt and write themselves towards the events. Bendis did some of his stuff like this but nobody else was bothering with the stuff he was doing, in the past all of this would have been reflected in every other book rather than just being a Bendis-crossover. Some of his stuff later got "upgraded" by other writers as "actually, this was part of this thing but nobody knew it" but it's not like you had to be reading Bendis' stuff like DC had done things in the past.
Justice League Odyssey was a rather short, mostly self-contained series I quite liked that did some commentary on the idea of canon as reality within the DC Universe. I'm actually quite behind on most everything I would have normally read because those events were so self-contained, those have been about the only real DC stuff I've been reading. If I wasn't intentionally reading Tom King I'd be as behind with Batman as I am Wonder Woman which I was intentionally keeping up on at first too because she was part of Justice League Dark now.
But still from what I know I'd say this has been the easiest DC has been just read the series you like for a long time (Rebirth was 2016!) and as the crossovers and events come along you can pop into those and back to the series. You're not wondering at all what the fuck else has been going in the universe when Nightwing shows up with an eye patch and a hook for a hand and Deathstroke is yelling at him for stealing his daughter or whatever. For the most part when they've gotten to those things people get temporarily reset to a typical version of themselves or one that lasts just for the crossover/event so that the book doesn't have to diverge its internal plots unless it wants to. Superman pops in a lot to this stuff as just like Superman whereas he might be off on Warworld for an entire year or his son is Superman or something and it's just ignored during the event rather than trying to explain why he's suddenly available.