Author Topic: Other Forums |OT| ♀ C O R E V A L U E S ♀ Sponsored By THQNordic  (Read 6449053 times)

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Re: Other Forums |OT| Book Reading, Free Speech, and Full-Blown Centrists Within
« Reply #52260 on: January 12, 2019, 02:21:40 AM »
The Chinese leaders are out of touch, they just think they can do what they want.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: Other Forums |OT| Book Reading, Free Speech, and Full-Blown Centrists Within
« Reply #52261 on: January 12, 2019, 02:22:48 AM »
So the general consensus is that spores from microwaved stale bread are directly responsible for the recent decline in coherency within Frankie’s posts / the Halo franchise?
new theory, CHINA using microwaves to cause brain injuries like RUSSIA did to US diplomats in Cuba:
Hauwei had an office directly above the Halo offices when the greatest, most elaborate country and western psychobilly barn-based video game leak of all time happened (that part is 100% true). Coincidence?


  • Do the moron
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Re: Other Forums |OT| Book Reading, Free Speech, and Full-Blown Centrists Within
« Reply #52262 on: January 12, 2019, 02:29:56 AM »

Fetishizing Nazi uniforms doesn't mean you like Nazis. But just in anime discussions.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: Other Forums |OT| Book Reading, Free Speech, and Full-Blown Centrists Within
« Reply #52263 on: January 12, 2019, 02:32:47 AM »
Uh, what exactly makes that uniform in the OP a Nazi one versus just a military dress one?


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: Other Forums |OT| Book Reading, Free Speech, and Full-Blown Centrists Within
« Reply #52264 on: January 12, 2019, 02:56:17 AM »
who knew this guy was going to turn out to be such a great one to keep up on

Quote from: Hobbes
Forbes' contributors back at it again with an article that reads like one of my hot takes - Uninformed and addressing an argument that no one relevant has ever made.
Quote from: Hobbes
To be fair, Paul Tassi is a freelancer. The only way for him to get money is through articles. Obviously that means some articles will be retreading whatever generates hits.
It's fair for him to want to make money off of his work and further analysis of this conversation tells me that plenty of people need to be told that Anthem isn't Destiny, which I find rediculous, but none the less he's capitalizing on that need.


  • Nebuchadnezzar
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Re: Other Forums |OT| Book Reading, Free Speech, and Full-Blown Centrists Within
« Reply #52265 on: January 12, 2019, 02:56:43 AM »
Dont want to install hauwei stuff but is happy to eat NSA infected american stuff to the point where american whistle blowers get derided as Russian spies  :trumps

Being fair, Russia and China are scumbags that would trust less than the ones of the US.
China steals IP, America uses intelligence to bomb brown people  :trumps


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Re: Other Forums |OT| Book Reading, Free Speech, and Full-Blown Centrists Within
« Reply #52266 on: January 12, 2019, 03:00:49 AM »
Quote from: Mentally unhinged moldy spore consuming director of all the bad Halo vidya games
What he means by "civil war" is a giant retirement binge and predictable retreat into "both sides are bad" silence by previously moribund shitbirds who'll return again when they think the n-word or graft might become available again. The GOP is DONE but won't die and will recalibrate back to a racist position that's slightly more patriotic than the "venal traitor" of now, but still horrifying in every moral or ethical pretense. Like an inhalation of the Freedom Caucus full-gut exhale, but by no means a reset.

Just biding time.

Meanwhile the media will continue to report that not excoriating or jailing gay couples while fellating Wall Street and the Military Industrial Complex is a "massive swing to the left" and our normalization of facism as the GOP will stutter, but continue rightwards.

Thanks Maggie Haberman. Not your fault, but you went to college and you know what your are. You're a PH strip.


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Re: Other Forums |OT| Book Reading, Free Speech, and Full-Blown Centrists Within
« Reply #52267 on: January 12, 2019, 03:18:58 AM »
I want so much for the election to be Tu_si G_bb_rd vs D_na_d _ Tr_mp for the bloodbath on REE that would ensue.. Add in a woke third party candidate in the mix to really spice things up!  :doge


  • Have You Ever
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Re: Other Forums |OT| Book Reading, Free Speech, and Full-Blown Centrists Within
« Reply #52268 on: January 12, 2019, 03:28:15 AM »
It's going to be fucking Oprah or something

The floodgates are now open for simple popularity contest celeb presidents for all time

I know we had Reagan but that was a different time and in spite of being a lil shit he still rose to the role

Now we're gonna have presidents dabbing and ending every speech with like and subscribe


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: Other Forums |OT| Book Reading, Free Speech, and Full-Blown Centrists Within
« Reply #52269 on: January 12, 2019, 03:39:37 AM »
Reagan had been out of acting for almost 40 years, was better known for his GE/SAG political speeches and had been a two-term Governor and had run for the Presidential nomination twice already before he won. He had pretty much fully transformed himself into a politician first in most people's minds.

Oprah's too smart, too private and too rich to run for President.'s going to tear itself apart over the primaries. The fact that so many are latching onto Beto, a total unknown until the day before yesterday, and Harris, a corrupt cop, for entirely telegenic reasons is hilarious. Especially when there are so many big guns yet to unfurl and internecine scorched earth warfare yet to happen. They basically didn't notice that Jay Inslee declared despite the regular obsession with the Earth literally dying in a few years. :lol
« Last Edit: January 12, 2019, 03:45:25 AM by benjipwns »


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Re: Other Forums |OT| Book Reading, Free Speech, and Full-Blown Centrists Within
« Reply #52270 on: January 12, 2019, 03:51:07 AM »
Dont want to install hauwei stuff but is happy to eat NSA infected american stuff to the point where american whistle blowers get derided as Russian spies  :trumps

Being fair, Russia and China are scumbags that would trust less than the ones of the US.
China steals IP, America uses intelligence to bomb brown people AND steal IP :trumps


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: Other Forums |OT| Book Reading, Free Speech, and Full-Blown Centrists Within
« Reply #52271 on: January 12, 2019, 03:52:25 AM »
This is how early we are...poll from last week, bolded people who are in:
27% - Joe Biden
16% - Bernie Sanders
12% - Hillary Clinton
7% - Bob O'Rourke
4% - Elizabeth Warren
3% - Cory Booker
3% - Kamala Harris
2% - Amy Klobuchar
2% - John Kerry
1% - Jay Inslee
1% - Sherrod Brown
1% - Kirsten Gillibrand
1% - Michael Bloomberg
0% - Eric Holder, Steve Bullock, Julian Castro, Andrew Cuomo, John Delaney, Eric Garcetti, John Hickenlooper, Terry McAuliffe, Howard Schultz

for comparison and because i'm stupid, here are 2004-2016 at the same time
Bolding people who actually ran:
Quote from: 2016 Democrats, January 10-12, 2015 poll
61% - Hillary Clinton
17% - Elizabeth Warren
7% - Joe Biden
3% - Bernie Sanders
2% - Jim Webb
1% - Brian Schweitzer
0% - Martin O'Malley
Quote from: 2016 Republicans, January 10-12, 2015 poll
28% - Mitt Romney
12% - Jeb Bush
10% - Ben Carson
9% - Ted Cruz
8% - Rand Paul
8% - Mike Huckabee
6% - Scott Walker
3% - Chris Christie
3% - Paul Ryan
2% - Marco Rubio
2% - Rick Perry
0% - Lindsey Graham
Quote from: 2012 Republicans, January 21-23, 2011 poll
21% - Mike Huckabee
19% - Sarah Palin
18% - Mitt Romney
10% - Newt Gingrich
7% - Ron Paul
3% - Tim Pawlenty
3% - Haley Barbour
3% - Mitch Daniels
1% - John Thune
1% - Mike Pence
1% - Rick Santorum
Quote from: 2008 Republicans, January 12-14, 2007 poll
34% - Rudy Giuliani
27% - John McCain
9% - Mitt Romney
9% - Newt Gingrich
2% - George Pataki
1% - Sam Brownback
1% - Jim Gilmore
1% - Mike Huckabee
1% - Ron Paul
1% - Tom Tancredo
1% - Tommy Thompson
0% - Chuck Hagel
0% - Duncan Hunter
Quote from: 2008 Democrats, January 12-14, 2007 poll
29% - Hillary Clinton
18% - Barack Obama
13% - John Edwards
11% - Al Gore
8% - John Kerry
5% - Joe Biden
3% - Bill Richardson
2% - Wesley Clark
1% - Chris Dodd
1% - Al Sharpton
0% - Dennis Kucinich
0% - Tom Vilsack
Quote from: Democrats 2003, January 10-12, 2003 poll
19% - Joe Lieberman
17% - John Kerry
13% - Dick Gephardt
12% - John Edwards
6% - Bob Graham
6% - Gary Hart
4% - Al Sharpton
4% - Howard Dean
« Last Edit: January 12, 2019, 04:13:32 AM by benjipwns »


  • Virgo. Live Music. The Office. Tacos. Fur mom. True crime junkie. INTJ.
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Re: Other Forums |OT| Book Reading, Free Speech, and Full-Blown Centrists Within
« Reply #52272 on: January 12, 2019, 04:01:19 AM »
who knew this guy was going to turn out to be such a great one to keep up on

Quote from: Hobbes
Forbes' contributors back at it again with an article that reads like one of my hot takes - Uninformed and addressing an argument that no one relevant has ever made.
Quote from: Hobbes
To be fair, Paul Tassi is a freelancer. The only way for him to get money is through articles. Obviously that means some articles will be retreading whatever generates hits.
It's fair for him to want to make money off of his work and further analysis of this conversation tells me that plenty of people need to be told that Anthem isn't Destiny, which I find rediculous, but none the less he's capitalizing on that need.


“Senior Staff Writer”

 :trigger :jeanluc  :oreilly


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Re: Other Forums |OT| Book Reading, Free Speech, and Full-Blown Centrists Within
« Reply #52273 on: January 12, 2019, 04:01:22 AM »
The Washington Generals have a better lineup and actual chance to win.


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Re: Other Forums |OT| Book Reading, Free Speech, and Full-Blown Centrists Within
« Reply #52274 on: January 12, 2019, 04:03:02 AM »

16% - Bernie Sanders
12% - Hillary Clinton

 :rethread :gamergate :rethread :gamergate :rethread


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: Other Forums |OT| Book Reading, Free Speech, and Full-Blown Centrists Within
« Reply #52275 on: January 12, 2019, 04:20:09 AM » needs to start the Draft Brianna Wu for 2020 movement.


  • Virgo. Live Music. The Office. Tacos. Fur mom. True crime junkie. INTJ.
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Re: Other Forums |OT| Book Reading, Free Speech, and Full-Blown Centrists Within
« Reply #52276 on: January 12, 2019, 04:47:22 AM »
Quote from: UberTag, post: 16780724, member: 1535
You know what would be cathartic... a Final Destination movie centered around Trump and his immediate circle of peers and business associates.  Have Giuliani receive a vision of everyone's impending demise and his warnings are dismissed because he's a cartoon character until they inevitably come true one-by-one.

Every. Fucking. Thread.



  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: Other Forums |OT| Book Reading, Free Speech, and Full-Blown Centrists Within
« Reply #52277 on: January 12, 2019, 05:01:43 AM »
Now I'm no big city doctor, but if your way to reach catharsis consists of desiring to watch a bunch of political opponents and their business associates being brutally murdered there may be some mental health issues involved you should seek treatment for.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: Other Forums |OT| Book Reading, Free Speech, and Full-Blown Centrists Within
« Reply #52278 on: January 12, 2019, 05:04:07 AM »
Also like all the main characters in Final Destination always survive, it's just the marginal and minorities who get wiped out. They can't even keep their bigotry out of their sexual fantasies smh.


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Re: Other Forums |OT| Book Reading, Free Speech, and Full-Blown Centrists Within
« Reply #52279 on: January 12, 2019, 05:20:42 AM »
Like the war the film is based on, Final Destination wipes out marginalized people and minorities.


  • TheBore rulez
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Re: Other Forums |OT| Book Reading, Free Speech, and Full-Blown Centrists Within
« Reply #52280 on: January 12, 2019, 06:14:07 AM »
who knew this guy was going to turn out to be such a great one to keep up on

Quote from: Hobbes
Forbes' contributors back at it again with an article that reads like one of my hot takes - Uninformed and addressing an argument that no one relevant has ever made.
Quote from: Hobbes
To be fair, Paul Tassi is a freelancer. The only way for him to get money is through articles. Obviously that means some articles will be retreading whatever generates hits.
It's fair for him to want to make money off of his work and further analysis of this conversation tells me that plenty of people need to be told that Anthem isn't Destiny, which I find rediculous, but none the less he's capitalizing on that need.

He sounds butthurt he didn't think about writing that article first.


  • Finish the Fight
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Re: Other Forums |OT| Book Reading, Free Speech, and Full-Blown Centrists Within
« Reply #52281 on: January 12, 2019, 06:37:07 AM »
When Anthem was first announced there were a lot of : "This looks a lot like Destiny" takes.


  • Do the moron
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Re: Other Forums |OT| Book Reading, Free Speech, and Full-Blown Centrists Within
« Reply #52282 on: January 12, 2019, 07:39:27 AM »
Is Jay Inslee a slick pseudonym for Jill Stein (aka Russian Mata Hari) ?


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Re: Other Forums |OT| Book Reading, Free Speech, and Full-Blown Centrists Within
« Reply #52283 on: January 12, 2019, 07:40:07 AM »
It's fair for him to want to make money off of his work and further analysis of this conversation tells me that plenty of people need to be told that Anthem isn't Destiny, which I find rediculous, but none the less he's capitalizing on that need.

So this guy is a video game 'journalist' and finds it 'rediculous' that people think Anthem looks similar to Destiny? I just watched the 8 minutes of gameplay from IGN and it is Destiny but in third person with worse graphics and you can fly around like Ironman. As an added bonus, it is from Bioware who haven't made a good game since the first Mass Effect and EA, known for milking their franchises and loading up their games with pay to win bullshit.

Anyone excited for this game is an idiot.


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Re: Other Forums |OT| Book Reading, Free Speech, and Full-Blown Centrists Within
« Reply #52284 on: January 12, 2019, 09:11:36 AM »
After catching up on this thread I can't help but notice that the resetera wikipedia page has been deleted.

Benji :wag


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Re: Other Forums |OT| Book Reading, Free Speech, and Full-Blown Centrists Within
« Reply #52285 on: January 12, 2019, 09:18:25 AM »
After catching up on this thread I can't help but notice that the resetera wikipedia page has been deleted.

Benji :wag

Hah, I just came here to make the same post after noticing it was gone a few minutes ago.
And nothing of value was lost.


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Re: Other Forums |OT| Book Reading, Free Speech, and Full-Blown Centrists Within
« Reply #52286 on: January 12, 2019, 09:37:56 AM »
and no one even added excel's post count to the wiki   ::)


  • Dumbass Monkey
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Re: Other Forums |OT| Book Reading, Free Speech, and Full-Blown Centrists Within
« Reply #52287 on: January 12, 2019, 09:39:29 AM »
Deplatforming Works


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Re: Other Forums |OT| Book Reading, Free Speech, and Full-Blown Centrists Within
« Reply #52288 on: January 12, 2019, 10:00:33 AM »
You know anyone can write Wikipedia articles, right?
Since when?

spoiler (click to show/hide)
Still there. :teehee
not anymore :rofl


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: Other Forums |OT| Book Reading, Free Speech, and Full-Blown Centrists Within
« Reply #52289 on: January 12, 2019, 10:04:24 AM »


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: Other Forums |OT| Book Reading, Free Speech, and Full-Blown Centrists Within
« Reply #52290 on: January 12, 2019, 10:19:03 AM »
Big Media here in the US exists to further white supremacy at the end of the day because that's where they make their money. Tlaib was impolite as a PoC so that's a lot worse in their eyes. Shame, really. We should probably tear the whole system down and create something that serves the American people.
Mhm. Trump and his dumbfuck supporters don't know how right they are when they rail against the MSM. As usual they get the reasons wrong. It's not because of anti-conservative bias, but because of obstinate both-sideism and white supremacy.
wow, sounds as bad as the deleted by Wikipedia for not being significant forum


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: Other Forums |OT| Book Reading, Free Speech, and Full-Blown Centrists Within
« Reply #52291 on: January 12, 2019, 10:22:10 AM »
It is interesting that people tried doing the "well if band-aids is all you have, you make do" as a serious proposal. Hey, do you want to know what you call a patient who is dying of cancer and all the doctors have available is band-aids? A dead patient. Doing "incremental" proposals means that humanity will be on the brink of extinction before steps we needed 10 years ago might be even considered, let alone the drastic changes that would be needed then.
well might as well give up being upset all the time and just enjoy our final days :heart

Cauliflower Of Love

  • I found my bearings, they were in the race
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Re: Other Forums |OT| Book Reading, Free Speech, and Full-Blown Centrists Within
« Reply #52292 on: January 12, 2019, 10:23:00 AM »



  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: Other Forums |OT| Book Reading, Free Speech, and Full-Blown Centrists Within
« Reply #52293 on: January 12, 2019, 10:25:06 AM »
Been thinking. Mattis resigned and planned to stay on until February. Cohen is testifying publicly before a democratic congress in February. Reporting saying final report from SC in March, with things wrapping off in February.

I see a pattern of events playing out in February. It's gonna be lit.
2018 January February is coming


  • Finish the Fight
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Re: Other Forums |OT| Book Reading, Free Speech, and Full-Blown Centrists Within
« Reply #52294 on: January 12, 2019, 10:25:12 AM »
We should probably tear the whole system down and create something that serves the American people.

“Americans are worried that the next President we elect for them will be even worse than Trump.”



  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: Other Forums |OT| Book Reading, Free Speech, and Full-Blown Centrists Within
« Reply #52295 on: January 12, 2019, 10:27:16 AM »
look, in my defense, i didn't know just how powerful my dox powers had become, i thought nobody would even notice the [citation needed] for months


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Re: Other Forums |OT| Book Reading, Free Speech, and Full-Blown Centrists Within
« Reply #52296 on: January 12, 2019, 10:38:28 AM »
Of course. I don’t think most of it presents particularly strong evidence. But there’s definitely things in there which make me think there was a cover up of some sort. Stuff like not letting paramedics into the school or reportedly waiting until 2am when there were no cameras to remove the bodies. Certain information that should be public record being hidden away under lock and key. I also thought the extensive flood damage and black mold made it seem like the school was in a terrible state of disrepair that no parent would send their child to, so I’m of two minds on whether I even think Sandy Hook was a functioning school at the time.

Do I think Sandy Hook was a hoax? Not exactly. But I do think there’s something definitely weird in how it was handled by officials, and suspicious in how it was presented to the public. Speaking purely on conjecture, I think it is likely that a tragedy did happen there, but I think the Adam Lanza story was created to cover up what really happened. How the story we got was preferable to the truth, I couldn’t speculate on.

Cauliflower Of Love

  • I found my bearings, they were in the race
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Re: Other Forums |OT| Book Reading, Free Speech, and Full-Blown Centrists Within
« Reply #52297 on: January 12, 2019, 10:39:50 AM »
I love it when people on gaf go "what's that?" about infowars and jones.

Re: Other Forums |OT| Book Reading, Free Speech, and Full-Blown Centrists Within
« Reply #52298 on: January 12, 2019, 11:22:24 AM »

Thread is about an article saying The Rock Dwayne Johnson is tired of the outrage culture . Thread goes up to 20 pages of outrage against rock for saying that and then we find out the interview was fake thus proving the fake interview right


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Re: Other Forums |OT| Book Reading, Free Speech, and Full-Blown Centrists Within
« Reply #52299 on: January 12, 2019, 11:30:05 AM »
Fake news, the incel gators showed their asses when they defended the fake statement and must be really embarrassed right about now! They ain't slick.

Cauliflower Of Love

  • I found my bearings, they were in the race
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Re: Other Forums |OT| Book Reading, Free Speech, and Full-Blown Centrists Within
« Reply #52300 on: January 12, 2019, 11:34:37 AM »
I fucked up..... But damn so did shit loads of papers and news sites. This shit is everywhere

Fuck you Beefy  :lol

You probably only saw it in your twitter feed and copy pasted the first paragraph.

yeah but he fucked up by being a free freelance poster linker on the trophy winning journalist site LLC!

Note that that thread hasn't "run it's course" though!   :rofl


  • Dumbass Monkey
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Re: Other Forums |OT| Book Reading, Free Speech, and Full-Blown Centrists Within
« Reply #52301 on: January 12, 2019, 11:43:50 AM »
Its kind of fascinating seeing two concurrent topics about R Kelly and Michael Jackson and see how era consensus is that one is definitely a piece of shit peadophile just watch the documentary, and the other is an unjust victim of false allegations, don't watch the documentary.


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Re: Other Forums |OT| Book Reading, Free Speech, and Full-Blown Centrists Within
« Reply #52302 on: January 12, 2019, 11:46:20 AM »

None, pokemon were designed the way they were. Redesigning any would just be wrong.

Edit-obviously outside of changing jynx's color, that's an extreme exception.

Sorry bro, that edit won't save you if a mod's feeling horny


  • Dumbass Monkey
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Re: Other Forums |OT| Book Reading, Free Speech, and Full-Blown Centrists Within
« Reply #52303 on: January 12, 2019, 11:54:06 AM »

But excelsioref, you're a huge fucking advocate of 'deplatforming', mocking the concept of free speech, and pushing for real world consequences and punishments for expressing ideas online - this seems like exactly the kind of thing you yourself have pushed for as a thing you want to happen more often?


  • Dumbass Monkey
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Re: Other Forums |OT| Book Reading, Free Speech, and Full-Blown Centrists Within
« Reply #52304 on: January 12, 2019, 12:25:40 PM »
I hope the people of Venezuela can find away to get his head on a pike. Preferably in the most brutal and painful way possible.

Civil Discourse Triumphs


  • Haughty and a little naughty
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Re: Other Forums |OT| Book Reading, Free Speech, and Full-Blown Centrists Within
« Reply #52306 on: January 12, 2019, 12:42:28 PM »
It’s funny to see how far people will go to avoid admitting they were wrong.

“Yeah well he didn’t vote in 2016 so he’s still a piece of shit”
Are you selectively choosing which posts you read and which you don’t? Let me repeat it for you directly. Buddy made a post gushing about MBS and referring to Rupert Murdoch of all people as a good friend of his. When people rightfully questioned why the Rock would allow himself to be used as part of MBS’ propaganda, he went and edited his post by adding things to it and removing parts of it as well. He then later replied to a reporter who brought up the original post, that the reporter was behaving in click bait journalism, and for the reporter to read what the Rock had actually wrote. Now keep in mind that the Rock has edited his post, and was telling the reporter lines that were never in the original post.

Yes, he’s a shitty person.

Can someone translate this?

Cauliflower Of Love

  • I found my bearings, they were in the race
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Re: Other Forums |OT| Book Reading, Free Speech, and Full-Blown Centrists Within
« Reply #52307 on: January 12, 2019, 12:49:59 PM »
It’s funny to see how far people will go to avoid admitting they were wrong.

“Yeah well he didn’t vote in 2016 so he’s still a piece of shit”
Are you selectively choosing which posts you read and which you don’t? Let me repeat it for you directly. Buddy made a post gushing about MBS and referring to Rupert Murdoch of all people as a good friend of his. When people rightfully questioned why the Rock would allow himself to be used as part of MBS’ propaganda, he went and edited his post by adding things to it and removing parts of it as well. He then later replied to a reporter who brought up the original post, that the reporter was behaving in click bait journalism, and for the reporter to read what the Rock had actually wrote. Now keep in mind that the Rock has edited his post, and was telling the reporter lines that were never in the original post.

Yes, he’s a shitty person.

Can someone translate this?

You can't clarify things.


I’ve seen this on social media, it happens occasionally, someone coined it ‘bandwagoning’

I’ve seen this on social media, it happens occasionally, someone coined it ‘bandwagoning


  • Finish the Fight
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Re: Other Forums |OT| Book Reading, Free Speech, and Full-Blown Centrists Within
« Reply #52308 on: January 12, 2019, 12:56:55 PM »
Yikes Dwayne the "Milkshake Duck" Johnson.

Oof he ain't fooling anybody.


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Re: Other Forums |OT| Book Reading, Free Speech, and Full-Blown Centrists Within
« Reply #52309 on: January 12, 2019, 01:27:41 PM »
for the record I haven't watched anime since I was a teen

The self hating anime fan is a tired trope here.

Not more than the eternally butthurt weeb


  • Nebuchadnezzar
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Re: Other Forums |OT| Book Reading, Free Speech, and Full-Blown Centrists Within
« Reply #52310 on: January 12, 2019, 01:39:30 PM »
I love anime and all of you can suck my dick 🤾


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Re: Other Forums |OT| Book Reading, Free Speech, and Full-Blown Centrists Within
« Reply #52311 on: January 12, 2019, 01:51:47 PM »
Just realized I could use uBlock Origin's element blocker to get rid of Typhon's avatar on RE.

Way better.


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Re: Other Forums |OT| Book Reading, Free Speech, and Full-Blown Centrists Within
« Reply #52312 on: January 12, 2019, 01:53:56 PM »


Cauliflower Of Love

  • I found my bearings, they were in the race
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Re: Other Forums |OT| Book Reading, Free Speech, and Full-Blown Centrists Within
« Reply #52314 on: January 12, 2019, 03:03:02 PM »
I like how many people were like wow that article is crazy, but only after some twitter dude excepted it:


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Re: Other Forums |OT| Book Reading, Free Speech, and Full-Blown Centrists Within
« Reply #52315 on: January 12, 2019, 04:28:57 PM »
Quote from: The Kree
18 posts in a year.

Remember to check.

Since he's the most prolific at looking at your social # value I wonder if they will just give him a warning.  They've had no problem banning others for weeks.


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Re: Other Forums |OT| Book Reading, Free Speech, and Full-Blown Centrists Within
« Reply #52316 on: January 12, 2019, 04:31:29 PM »
Quote from: The Kree
18 posts in a year.

Remember to check.

Since he's the most prolific at looking at your social # value I wonder if they will just give him a warning.  They've had no problem banning others for weeks.

It's not like the guy he's responding to is saying anything out of line, either.   

Cauliflower Of Love

  • I found my bearings, they were in the race
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Re: Other Forums |OT| Book Reading, Free Speech, and Full-Blown Centrists Within
« Reply #52317 on: January 12, 2019, 04:38:40 PM »
2084 posts

I see you


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Re: Other Forums |OT| Book Reading, Free Speech, and Full-Blown Centrists Within
« Reply #52318 on: January 12, 2019, 04:38:48 PM »
Quote from: The Kree
18 posts in a year.

Remember to check.

Since he's the most prolific at looking at your social # value I wonder if they will just give him a warning.  They've had no problem banning others for weeks.

It's not like the guy he's responding to is saying anything out of line, either.

But he has less than 18 posts?  How can it be anything but racist drivel?  18 posts!


  • Senior Member
Re: Other Forums |OT| Book Reading, Free Speech, and Full-Blown Centrists Within
« Reply #52319 on: January 12, 2019, 04:57:56 PM »

See yeah the difference to us versus Fox News watchers in being exposed to fake news, once the truth is out we can have some humility and apologize that we fell for it, Fox News watchers continue to ingest and ingest the shit
