Author Topic: What are you playing?  (Read 3680186 times)

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #33180 on: May 25, 2019, 06:07:49 PM »
Started on the Pillars of Eternity II: DLC Chapters, accidentally did the 2nd one first since there's no indicator of the order.

Seeker, Slayer, Survivor - I can see why this got critically panned since it's an entire DLC storyline wrapped around a bunch of arena battle fights. Also the inn is like a minute walk from the arena so you can't even just jump one battle to the next if you want to heal up between.

Not having played Pillars II since beating it at launch where I was playing on Veteran and it was way too easy, I don't remember jack shit about how to play the combat or the best spells/buffs, etc... and that + whatever combat balancing they've done through patches meant that I was getting my ass whooped like 3 battles in and had to basically drop down to easy to get through the DLC while slowly re-learning the combat.

Also when I loaded my PRE-ENDGAME save to go do these, within like 5 seconds one of my main party members permanently left the party because of my endgame choices, so whatever strategies/team build I was using a year ago isn't even gonna work since I lost my tank/healer.

Anyhow, despite the repetitive gameplay loop, the story was pretty interesting. Nobody writes like Obsidian and playing these DLCs now is kinda melancholy knowing these are the last Pillars stories and most likely the last old-school infinity engine style game from Obsidian now that MS bought them. The world and lore of Pillars is probably the videogame world closest to Game of Thrones/Song of Ice & Fire (and you can tell a bunch is sorta lifted from that series), and the concept of the gods and execution of them in Pillars is very original and interesting. I love how all the stories play with the gods and their involvement as well as smaller scale human politics. So much grey-area which is partly why it reminds me of SOIAF. Definitely going to miss it. Even in the endings for Seeker, Slayer, Survivor, there were a lot of options for a short tale and none of them were really a "good" ending, it's just what you want to do because it's very grey morality.

It's definitely a very story/combat focused DLC expansion. There's almost no sidequests or locations besides the arena. Now that I've got this one down, I'm looking forward to going into the more lore/exploration/dungeon-crawling expansions of The Beast of Winter and The Forgotten Sanctum.

One thing I do think if fucking lame, though I understand it was a budget issue, is that unlike Pillars I's White March 1 & 2 which increased the level cap by 2 levels each expansion an added a new level of abilities/skills for all jobs, Pillars II expansions do not raise level cap and do not add any new abilties. So since I've beat the game at max level 20, for all 3 DLC expansions there's no xp or anything, so they're literally just story crawls which is why I'm kinda ok keeping the difficulty down a bit just to blow through the combat since what's the point. Turned it back up to normal/classic once I got the hang of it by the end of the expansion and I'll probably just keep it there for the other 2 expansions.

There's a mod that uncaps the level cap and although it doesn't add new abilities, lets you level up to 33 and buy more abilities. I think I'll use that for the next 2 DLCs just because it's annoying playing an rpg with no xp despite lots of combat and some questing.

Also the other budget thing about the 3 DLC expansions for Pillars II is unlike White March which added 3 fully fleshed out companions to use throughout the game, Pillars II DLC doesn't really add a single companion. Just adds some "sidekicks" who have a voiced dialogue tree and comment on their expansion island if you have them in the party but otherwise don't have their own personal sidequest and don't interact in the rest of the game. It's not terrible, and I used the one guy Konstanten who went with the Seeker, Slayer, Survivor island DLC and I felt he added enough dialogue throughout to be worthwhile, but it is kinda lame they didn't just make these sidekicks into full companions. How hard is it to write 1 quest for each character?
« Last Edit: May 25, 2019, 06:11:50 PM by Bebpo »

Crash Dummy

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #33181 on: May 26, 2019, 04:19:58 AM »
finished yakuza 0 - enjoyment waned significantly by the end; the story was meh and dragged, and this draws attention to how mediocre at best the game mechanics are (yes there's variety but nothing is exceptional or noteworthy on its own). highlight is playing as majima, his combat style is so much fun but man his transformation is dumb as fuck.

just started deus ex mankind divided, and i keep going off to so side stuff instead of main objectives (don't even have my augs sorted out yet but can't get to the doctor).


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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #33182 on: May 26, 2019, 01:13:55 PM »
STALKER: Clear Sky only crashed a couple times so far! In a semi-predictable fashion, which was not so bad at all, really. This is with a fan-patch installed (which listed multiple save corruption fixes).

The faction system is intriguing and makes the zone feel more alive, but I'm already tired of helping people assault/defend bases. I had also hoped for a discount in stores upon reaching friendly status with a faction, but that is not the case. :I


  • Finish the Fight
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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #33183 on: May 26, 2019, 02:37:34 PM »
Picked up my RE2 claire run again.

Grenade launcher makes dealing with lickers way easier.

Don Rumata

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #33184 on: May 26, 2019, 03:24:24 PM »
Picked up my RE2 claire run again.

Grenade launcher makes dealing with lickers way easier.
I was going squirrel mode with ammo in this game, but after seeing a couple of playthroughs, i'm starting to think this game is rigged worse than RE4's dynamic difficulty mode.

It seems like some boss fights will just go down at X point in time, no matter the amount of lead you pump in them (within reason).
It make for great drama the first time around, but after that you start to smell something fishy.  :doge

2 examples:
spoiler (click to show/hide)
I had saved a TON of ammo for all my best weapons with Claire A, for Birkin, plus the minigun they give you, and still i got out of that fight with almost 0 ammo and like 30 seconds to spare, (i'm no Jesse James, but my accuracy was reasonably decent).
Similar story with Super Tyrant in Leon B, tons of ammo, i get the rocket launcher right at the end of the rope, despite unloading almost every shot in his heart/weak point.

Then i go online and i see a bunch of youtubers do the same fights, with very similar results (unload all their ammo, finish at the last second) but with wildly different amounts of ammo in their inventory. (all on Standard difficulty).
So i'm wondering if the game just lets you unload what you have, and as long as it is within reason, triggers the ending sequence regardless.

Next run around i'll be way more liberal with using other weapons on normal enemies.


  • Finish the Fight
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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #33185 on: May 26, 2019, 07:20:20 PM »
Picked up my RE2 claire run again.

Grenade launcher makes dealing with lickers way easier.
I was going squirrel mode with ammo in this game, but after seeing a couple of playthroughs, i'm starting to think this game is rigged worse than RE4's dynamic difficulty mode.

It seems like some boss fights will just go down at X point in time, no matter the amount of lead you pump in them (within reason).
It make for great drama the first time around, but after that you start to smell something fishy.  :doge

2 examples:
spoiler (click to show/hide)
I had saved a TON of ammo for all my best weapons with Claire A, for Birkin, plus the minigun they give you, and still i got out of that fight with almost 0 ammo and like 30 seconds to spare, (i'm no Jesse James, but my accuracy was reasonably decent).
Similar story with Super Tyrant in Leon B, tons of ammo, i get the rocket launcher right at the end of the rope, despite unloading almost every shot in his heart/weak point.

Then i go online and i see a bunch of youtubers do the same fights, with very similar results (unload all their ammo, finish at the last second) but with wildly different amounts of ammo in their inventory. (all on Standard difficulty).
So i'm wondering if the game just lets you unload what you have, and as long as it is within reason, triggers the ending sequence regardless.

Next run around i'll be way more liberal with using other weapons on normal enemies.
Hmm interesting point. I beat the first boss right after the police station Birkin's 1st form.
He went down pretty quickly with a submachine gun. However, I do get the feeling that counter weapons (grenade/knife) are especially strong against bosses.

Damage values seem all over the place in this game anyway. Sometimes a single Acid round kills a Zombie other times 2 or 3 won't even scratch them.
Same with hand gun damage. Anywhere from 1 to 6 shots works with the median seemingly set at 3. I wonder if there's some sort of HP randomizer at work.


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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #33186 on: May 26, 2019, 09:08:10 PM »
finished yakuza 0 - enjoyment waned significantly by the end; the story was meh and dragged, and this draws attention to how mediocre at best the game mechanics are (yes there's variety but nothing is exceptional or noteworthy on its own). highlight is playing as majima, his combat style is so much fun but man his transformation is dumb as fuck.

just started deus ex mankind divided, and i keep going off to so side stuff instead of main objectives (don't even have my augs sorted out yet but can't get to the doctor).

Dunno what your experience with the Yakuza series is but it’s basically best enjoyed as a big dumb soap opera.

I love 0 but it is too long of a game. Kiwami 2 is the perfect length for a Yakuza game.

Crash Dummy

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #33187 on: May 27, 2019, 02:41:31 AM »
finished yakuza 0 - enjoyment waned significantly by the end; the story was meh and dragged, and this draws attention to how mediocre at best the game mechanics are (yes there's variety but nothing is exceptional or noteworthy on its own). highlight is playing as majima, his combat style is so much fun but man his transformation is dumb as fuck.

just started deus ex mankind divided, and i keep going off to so side stuff instead of main objectives (don't even have my augs sorted out yet but can't get to the doctor).

Dunno what your experience with the Yakuza series is but it’s basically best enjoyed as a big dumb soap opera.

I love 0 but it is too long of a game. Kiwami 2 is the perfect length for a Yakuza game.
i loved 1-3, especially 2 then didn't play any until 0. i'll probably check out more in the series as and when they are heavily discounted.


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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #33188 on: May 27, 2019, 03:48:27 AM »
Pretty far into DLC expansion #1 for Pillars II - the beast of winter.

Pretty cool, feels more like a smaller scale White March. What’s most interesting to me is how when I played Pillars II it was like the game was the 3rd and final game in a trilogy, yet doing that in the second game felt a bit rushed. The DLCs go even more that direction and basically flesh out and wrap up every plotline in the Pillars universe.

It’s kinda nice. It really makes Pillars II feel like THE END. And in retrospect while a game between I & II to build up more mysteries and expand the lore and locations would’ve been nice, the truth is like Pillars II which sold like shit showed, that game would’ve killed the franchise and it’d be left with no conclusion to tons of stuff, so making Pillars II the series finale was the smart choice.

It is too bad Pillars II bombed because yeah I really feel like Pillars I & II are the best western fantasy crpgs I’ve ever played. Great world & characters, art & music, great Obsidian questing & player choice. I hope Outer Worlds is good because I don’t think we’re getting any more isometric games from them. Like Tyranny was a fun little game and all, but it’s got nothing on the world they created and 150 hours of content between the two games exploring it. I’d say regardless of genre I’d say Pillars I & II are my favorite IE games, but I’ve got a soft spot for Fallout 2 and still haven’t played Planescape.

Now that I’m back in the hang of the combat and back on veteran with just auto-pause after each attack is executed aka ATB battle system, yeah Pillars II combat is still kinda broken and easy compared to Pillars I. Infinite tenting everywhere makes every per rest skill a per battle skill and there’s no need to manage your skill/spell/item use like dungeon crawling in Pillars I. Definitely makes II more mainstream, which didn’t seem to help sales at all, but it’s still a good game with depth.

Don Rumata

  • Hard To Be A John
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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #33189 on: May 27, 2019, 09:10:32 AM »
Damage values seem all over the place in this game anyway. Sometimes a single Acid round kills a Zombie other times 2 or 3 won't even scratch them.
Same with hand gun damage. Anywhere from 1 to 6 shots works with the median seemingly set at 3. I wonder if there's some sort of HP randomizer at work.
The way i understand it, a head shot and a leg shot (or body shot or whatever), do the same amount of damage to the overall enemy HP, but they have different values in terms of critical chance.
I don't remember the exactr numbers, but say for a body shot you have 2% chance of critical, whereas a head shot has 30%, or something like that.

there's a mod that shows enemies' health bars on screen, so i should just install that and see whether i was imagining things or there's something going on for real.


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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #33190 on: May 27, 2019, 01:40:42 PM »
I really need to give BG another shot. I tried starting BG Enhanced Edition on an ipad on a 14 hour flight and after like 3-4 hours wasn't enjoying it much so bailed. A lot of stuff I didn't like was due to the older interface though, so on a pc with some mods probably enjoy it more.

Can I just skip BG1 and jump into BG2?


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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #33191 on: May 27, 2019, 04:50:10 PM »
STALKER: Clear Sky only crashed a couple times so far! In a semi-predictable fashion, which was not so bad at all, really. This is with a fan-patch installed (which listed multiple save corruption fixes).

The faction system is intriguing and makes the zone feel more alive, but I'm already tired of helping people assault/defend bases. I had also hoped for a discount in stores upon reaching friendly status with a faction, but that is not the case. :I
...the game switches gears about half-way through and turns into a corridor (outdooridor) shooter, just handing you valuable equipment you will dearly need in the silly encounters to come. There is one last opportunity to go back and do more chores for equipment, but there's also no point in doing so. What follows is one drawn out encounter after another (most of them 'ambushes') until the final assault, at which point it will happily teleport enemies in around you.

I knew it was bad, but I was still disappointed. At least I didn't have any more crashes.
« Last Edit: May 28, 2019, 11:39:55 AM by Rufus »


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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #33192 on: May 28, 2019, 01:52:59 AM »
I am quite taken by Area 51's design, but I'm slowly being driven mad by FPSes on the Dual Shock from just this and SOF. I still can't handle the sticks being next to each other, always preferred the Xbox offset sticks. All the other problems with consoles and FPS doesn't help. Kinda want to just download the PC version and complete it on that. :-\

I wasn't even going to play Project: Snowblind on the PS2 since I have it on Steam. I installed some other PS2-era FPSes I've got on Steam like Red Faction not because I got them from this sale but just when I was looking up some of these it was like "oh yeah, I remember that" which is stupid but classic benji. Installed Shadow Ops: Red Mercury, Men of Valor, and then cheated by doing Rune: Classic which while not a FPS did get a PS2 port and is from guys who split off from Raven during Soldier of Fortune and is basically one of those many third person games that were just FPSes with the camera pulled out that came out for a long time.

First though I'm going to finish off Justice League Heroes and then see if these Ubisoft Batman games are even playable. Batman: Vengeance and Batman: The Rise of Sun Tzu (68 and 63 MC) which were the last Batman games, aside from the Batman Begins game, until the Arkham series except for a game by Kemco of all people:
Initially announced in 2001 as a GameCube exclusive, Batman: Dark Tomorrow was envisioned as being an open-ended, faithful, and realistic approach to the Batman franchise, in a similar vein to the Batman: Arkham series years later. Dark Tomorrow was presented at E3 2001 as an exclusive to the Nintendo GameCube console. It was originally conceived as an open world oriented adaptation of the comic book iteration of Batman. Similar to Activision's Spider-Man 2, players would control Batman as he traveled around Gotham City, with the ability to patrol Gotham in the Batmobile, Batplane, and Batboat. Character A.I. and combat was very ambitious in order to allow an in-depth open world Batman experience. However, as development progressed, the game was scaled back and was reworked into a more linear and stealth-based game.
The game wound up being in development for just under four years and they cancelled the PS2 version even though it was coming out well after the PS2 dominated the market. It has a 29 on MetaCritic. The developer had never worked on anything except Game Boy Color games before!
Game Informer gave the GameCube version 0.75 out of 10 for gameplay that is "incomprehensible and littered with bugs"
It sounds beautiful.


  • Virgo. Live Music. The Office. Tacos. Fur mom. True crime junkie. INTJ.
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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #33193 on: May 28, 2019, 03:11:33 AM »
I haven’t played Vengeance or Sun Tzu since they came out, but I remember not liking them much at the time.

Vengeance was a linear 3D action game with puzzles and stuff I think. I barely played this one, but I remember it being confusing for my kid brain.

Sun Tzu is a top down 3D brawler. Pretty similar structure to something like Final Fight I think. I remember it got hard as shit at some point so I dropped it. Some shitty base defense section in the Bat Cave or something. At least it has local co-op, so that was nice.

They both have the TAS aesthetic if I’m not mistaken, though it takes the art direction of the 4th season  :yuck . Don’t remember if it had any of the original VAs though.

Begins I remember being pretty legit at the time actually. Doubt it holds up too well today since the Arkham games do everything it tries to do but better. Probably worth a look though.

Cerveza mas fina

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #33194 on: May 29, 2019, 06:20:45 AM »
Started Steamworld Heist, so far good stuff. Bit different tone then the Dig games.

 Its turn based strategy, but 2D with bullets able to ricochet of stuff. Also after u complete the objective you have to evacuate while baddies keep coming. Neat idea.


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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #33195 on: May 29, 2019, 10:12:57 AM »
Got Crystal Crisis for Switch from Nicalis yesterday.  It also came out on PS4, IIRC.  It's a Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo clone featuring various characters from games they've published, like Cave Story, Umihara Kawase, and Code Of Princess, plus some other guest characters like Johnny Turbo (lol) and Astro Boy.  For whatever reason, Optimus Prime himself, Peter Cullen, serves as the story narrator and announcer in matches.  :lol

That is way too serious for a cutesy puzzle game with chibi characters, lol.

It's a pretty fun little puzzle game and offers a few changes from Puzzle Fighter, mainly with each character have both defensive and offensive "super moves" to use, and if you move a set of crystals (in the horizontal position) to either side of the screen, they will split in two and allow you to place them as individual blocks on the far sides of the play play field.

My only concern about this game, after doing some CPU battles last night, is character balance (just like Puzzle Fighter, LOL).  Don't see anyone with bad crystal drop patterns or anything, but some of the super moves available seem way too good for some characters.  For example, Quote from Cave Story has a defensive move that lets him fire a rocket launcher at his own crystals, so you can clear out space.  Maybe this was a CPU thing, but in a battle, he kept doing this so many times that the match went on for a pretty long time.  Much worse was Akuji, a vampire character who has an attack that will swap his entire play field with the opponent's.  He was the arcade route boss for me and I was kicking his ass, with next to no crystals on my side and his screen about to fill up, then he did this move and I lost instantly. :dizzy

Fortunately, you can turn off super moves in the options if this is a problem.  Unsure how things work when playing online. 

Worth checking out if you like Puzzle Fighter!


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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #33196 on: May 29, 2019, 10:55:19 AM »
Started Steamworld Heist, so far good stuff. Bit different tone then the Dig games.

 Its turn based strategy, but 2D with bullets able to ricochet of stuff. Also after u complete the objective you have to evacuate while baddies keep coming. Neat idea.

Started this as well, about 5 hours in. It's good, but I starting to wonder if it can keep me interested. Doesn't feel like a lot changes regarding gameplay, story or scenarios.

Cerveza mas fina

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #33197 on: May 29, 2019, 11:02:18 AM »
Well u are halfway so I dunno.

Steamworld Dig is a bit like that, once everything starts to feel samey its over.


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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #33198 on: May 29, 2019, 12:38:21 PM »
I haven’t played Vengeance or Sun Tzu since they came out, but I remember not liking them much at the time. ...
Begins I remember being pretty legit at the time actually. Doubt it holds up too well today since the Arkham games do everything it tries to do but better. Probably worth a look though.
Yeah, this is what I've read about them. Vengeance seems to have driving sections and stuff, but then Sun Tzu just falls back into being a crappy brawler. Kinda reminds me of the TAS SNES game which actually tried to do various stuff, then like the Genesis and the film ones were just back to brawlers for ages. (Except And Robin on the PS1 which is a nutty open world thing with detective puzzles and crap along with horrific controls and an useless camera.)

And Begins really does sound a lot like a first shot at a lot of Arkham ideas, like you "scare" the enemies and take them down out of the shadows and everything. I bought it from GameStop for like $2 ages ago to check it out and never got around to it.

I'm also curious how much it has actual voicework or if it's someone doing Bale doing the bat voice. :lawd


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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #33199 on: May 29, 2019, 02:34:09 PM »
Just received my package of legit Pokemon games

I only spent 70 euro's for all 4  :lol what a fucking steal

 :lawd :leon :whoo :whew :miyamoto


  • Finish the Fight
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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #33200 on: May 29, 2019, 03:10:06 PM »
American prints in Yurop?

Those are bootlegs my friend.


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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #33201 on: May 29, 2019, 03:46:13 PM »
nah I did my research, they legit

Wasn't gonna be buying any chinese bootlegs fuck that

also came with all the booklets smelling like fresh from the store  :-[


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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #33202 on: May 29, 2019, 04:11:44 PM »
only superior NTSC copies of course. PAL has zero resale value anywhere. might as well use it for paperweights.


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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #33203 on: May 29, 2019, 05:13:27 PM »
Clear Sky put me in the mood to replay Shadow of Chernobyl. I completely forgot how simple it is to become powerful in this one. Knifed a random crate, only to find an expensive armour. Already have dozens of artifacts cause they are just lying around and am selling them to random Stalkers. Even the bandit scum can have valuable artifacts on them. Strelok's stash had a laser-accurate rifle that allowed me to just massacre the entire military outpost.


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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #33204 on: May 30, 2019, 03:31:08 AM »
Finished up the Pillars of Eternity II - DLC expansions. The first one Beast of Winter was pretty nice outside some annoyingly designed puzzles. I liked the characters and the lore and the combat was pretty fair outside the final boss which is kinda bullshit. The second one Seeker, Slayer, Survivor is an interesting short story with repetitive arena combat which isn't terrible but it gets old and you just wanna blow through it for the story. The third and final one The Forgotten Sanctum is basically a really hard endgame dungeon crawl with annoying enemy setups and bosses. The story is minimal and just ok imo, least interesting of the 3, but there's some fun character dialogue.

I feel like The White March was a better experience overall in Pillars I being basically a full location with a town and maps and dungeons and quests and fairly good pacing. The DLCs in II are tuned for different levels so the pacing between them and balance is all outta wack. Probably flows better during a game run and not going back after clearing the game like I was doing. I also miss having DLC companions like Pillars I did, and in general the companions in II are a lot less interesting and not as well written as Pillars I. But it's still a fun ride.

I tried starting a new game+ with the turn-based mode they added and it seems pretty neat and really changes up the combat but it's also much slower having 1 action at a time vs everyone acting at the same time so I'm not sure if I'd have the patience to play the whole game turn based.

Still a pretty great game, but like how I thought Pillars II wasn't quite as good as Pillars I when I finished the main game, now with the DLC included, yeah Pillars I is the better game but Pillars II is still a good game. I'd give Pillars I like a 9.5/10 and II an 8/10.


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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #33205 on: May 30, 2019, 07:26:31 AM »
The White March? They made a game about Charlottesville? :P


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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #33206 on: May 30, 2019, 04:57:28 PM »
Nioh 2 is cool, I think I'm definitely in - as long as they change a few things. It took a bit to get used to the game, since I came from Sekiro, but its combat and gameplay loop hooked me again shortly after. Really shows how different Sekiro from Souls is too. I like the long sword, which I think was only in the first game's DLC. Katana is fun too, little disappointed in the axes.

Then I got to the bosses and remembered why I didn't remember Nioh as fondly as Sekiro. Hot damn, can they be annoying. And they are again way above the stage's remaining difficulty level. The first one was alright, but I had to give up at the second. They better not have this unchanged in the final game or other combat scenarios similar to it. Having to fight with a wonky ass lock-on to defeat mandatory small mobs, which makes you lose 100% sight of the main boss and its questionable hit ratio - piss of with such shit.
« Last Edit: May 30, 2019, 05:03:35 PM by Spieler1 »


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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #33207 on: May 30, 2019, 05:10:16 PM »
Actually I wanna add why I didn't like DLC3 for Pillars II as much as the others. Being an endgame/postgame dungeon crawl, all the stat checks were tuned at like insanely high stat checks of like 15-18 for everything. And being that it was a magical wizard arc, almost all the checks are intelligence/arcana/history/metaphysics, etc... so as a physical MC with most stats in athletics and resolute, every dialogue scene was like 4 red choices I couldn't see and then 2 boring choices I could use. So it made the dialogue interactions much less interactive and interesting than the other parts of the game. If I was running a wizard MC it'd probably play a lot better.

Also the traps were bullshit, even in DLC1/2 as well. For DLC3 you need 19 PERCEPTION to even see the traps. Which unless you have a trapfinder character with every stat put into perception + perception gear + perception food, you can't see any traps and you just keep hitting them and losing lives and having to constantly rest and recover. Very annoying.

Cerveza mas fina

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #33208 on: May 30, 2019, 05:11:35 PM »
Bought Katana Zero on sale and tried it out, 5 min in and Im getting that sweet Hotline Miami feel.


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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #33209 on: June 02, 2019, 02:31:58 AM »
So I was talking about it in the VR thread, but I'm getting really into Five Nights at Freddy's 1 thanks to the VR remake. Went from having no idea how to play to making it to hard mode/final night just a bit ago. Some of these nights took me 30-60 mins of tries shaving off a few % battery saved more each run until finally have enough to just barely make it. It's pretty addictive since a lot of the routes each night seem mostly the same so you can actually improve each run. Almost like a speedrun game with some randomization. I kinda wish I had jumped on the train when these were coming out because they're fun games.

Initially thought it was gonna be pretty scary, especially in pitch dark VR, but the jump scares get old pretty quick and it's more just annoying "ok, I died, lemme skip this and restart already". I was playing Transference on VR the other night and that was way creepier. But even if it's not all that creepy/scary, it's super tense puzzler which I'm finding really fun and enjoying. Hopefully I can figure out how to beat the last night since I'd like to fully clear Freddy's 1 before moving into Freddy's 2. I took a peak at that one and it seems a lot more complex with 3 openings and no doors and a bear mask.


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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #33210 on: June 02, 2019, 02:46:25 AM »
Oh this is kinda lame. I looked up the final stage I'm at (Nightmare Mode) and it's RNG based lol What is the point of that in a game like this wtf.

Guess I'll start Freddy's 2 next time.

Hmm, one of the developers posted this yesterday in the comments; maybe just need to come back to this one later.

"GOOD news Scott said: We are working on a patch to fix a few issues that were brought up. Our goal is to have a patch in next week! We will post more details as we get closer to release.

We have tested the game on the Valve Index (which is awesome by the way!) and it works. We will eventually"


  • Finish the Fight
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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #33211 on: June 02, 2019, 06:29:22 AM »
The 4th survivor run with Hunk in RE2 is really some 'git gud' shit. Holy fuck.  :doge


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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #33212 on: June 03, 2019, 05:38:13 AM »
bought this last nite

on steam as well

Great Rumbler

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #33213 on: June 03, 2019, 09:25:30 AM »
Been playing Atelier Lulua this past week, the 20th entry in the main series and the 4th in the Arland sub-series. So, yeah, this series has been around for a long time and they keep making new games, pretty much one ever year [although there will eventually be three out this year]. This is accomplished in large part by not really shaking up their formula very much. Despite the passing of a full decade, Lulua is mostly the same as Rorona [the first PS3 entry]. Certainly there's something to be said for getting burned out, but at the very least you know exactly what you're going to get with the next entry in the series. So, if you like what you played and want more, they've got you covered. Ryza, coming out later this year, looks it could be a significant shakeup to the formula, though.


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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #33214 on: June 03, 2019, 06:29:51 PM »
Finished up the FFXV Royal Edition chapter 14 and was surprised how much more expanded upon it was than the original one. Still doesn't really redeem much of anything but whatever. I also did the FFXIV and Terra Wars crossover quests, they were OK. So at least I'm caught up with all the DLC and additions to the game...

Also put some time into the Xenoblade 2 Torna: The Golden Country prequel. I really like how it cut back on a lot of the issues I had with the main Xenoblade 2, and the smaller scope means it's not nearly as overwhelming... it allows you to get a better handle on the different systems like the affinity charts and the pouch items without having to constantly be mindful of your blade roster. I am at a point in the game where it basically stops and says you need to build your "Community" up to level 4 (which is done by taking part in side quests). Now, I've basically been doing side quests as they come along, but it seems weird for the game to make them required for plot progression.

Wandering around the new Torna titan is cool, the desert area is nice and fits the aesthetic of the original worlds quite well. The music seems to be much jazzier than the original Xenoblade 2, which I'm not personally a fan of. Storyline is pretty simple, it's basically you trying to track down the bad guy from Xenoblade 2 before he seizes control of the titan's power. With a bit more backstory on Jin and Lora added in. I hope the plot develops a touch more, since Xenoblade 2 was conceptually cool (though it did go off the rails toward the end of the game, like usual for an RPG).


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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #33215 on: June 03, 2019, 07:55:59 PM »
went back to sekiro ng3 while downloading some stuff on ps4. really feels different to nioh 2.


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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #33216 on: June 04, 2019, 04:12:20 AM »
Been playing Atelier Lulua this past week, the 20th entry in the main series and the 4th in the Arland sub-series. So, yeah, this series has been around for a long time and they keep making new games, pretty much one ever year [although there will eventually be three out this year]. This is accomplished in large part by not really shaking up their formula very much. Despite the passing of a full decade, Lulua is mostly the same as Rorona [the first PS3 entry]. Certainly there's something to be said for getting burned out, but at the very least you know exactly what you're going to get with the next entry in the series. So, if you like what you played and want more, they've got you covered. Ryza, coming out later this year, looks it could be a significant shakeup to the formula, though.

I can see it.  :drool

Cerveza mas fina

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #33217 on: June 04, 2019, 07:18:43 AM »
bought this last nite

on steam as well

How is this?

Cerveza mas fina

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #33218 on: June 04, 2019, 02:22:02 PM »
So far Katana Zero is better then Hotline Miami 2 but worse then 1.

Levels keep getting better the further you go in.


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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #33219 on: June 05, 2019, 02:20:15 AM »
Oh this is kinda lame. I looked up the final stage I'm at (Nightmare Mode) and it's RNG based lol What is the point of that in a game like this wtf.

Guess I'll start Freddy's 2 next time.

Hmm, one of the developers posted this yesterday in the comments; maybe just need to come back to this one later.

"GOOD news Scott said: We are working on a patch to fix a few issues that were brought up. Our goal is to have a patch in next week! We will post more details as we get closer to release.

We have tested the game on the Valve Index (which is awesome by the way!) and it works. We will eventually"

So the patch came out and they fixed this. That's good but I don't know what they were thinking making a basically unbeatable level in the game because there's heavy RNG involved. It wasn't in the original games and was something this VR team added for the hard/impossible mode which actually lived up to the latter. Now it sounds playable.


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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #33220 on: June 05, 2019, 10:48:30 AM »
bought this last nite

on steam as well

How is this?

Starts off pretty cute but have only played like five minutes. I'll see if I can get some time in tonight


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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #33221 on: June 06, 2019, 03:15:14 AM »
Borderlands GOTY Enhanced because why play things you haven't when you can play a slightly improved version of a game you've already been through two and a half times.



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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #33222 on: June 08, 2019, 12:54:43 AM »
so there's a bug in Borderlands GOTY Enhanced, in all versions, where anytime you bring up the menu and do something it creates a custom waypoint at the farthest top left spot on the map, I figured it was a wonky interaction with a gamepad or something but I looked it up and there's like hundreds of threads about it on every medium (Steam forums, Reddit, Gearbox forums, etc.) you can think of :lol

the real issue is that you can only set the FOV in the menu by marks of five, this version was supposed to let me do away with all my ini hacks in the original you frauds :maf


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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #33223 on: June 08, 2019, 03:48:26 AM »
Did you play OS2? Everyone keeps telling me to skip OS1 and play OS2 but that doesn’t make any sense to me as RPGs are all unique games.

Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #33224 on: June 08, 2019, 08:41:49 AM »
Despite having a few unopened games laying about, I've kinda been feeling I've ran out of games I'd want to play. But recently I got into a mood of playing some Yu-gi-oh and since the game on ps4 is an absolute piece of junk, I decided to whip out the PSP since Tag Force 5 is only available on physical. Anyway I take out the PSP from storage only to find the fucking battery had expanded and fucked the psp back case in the process. Now it's made me consider if I should be taking out the battery from my other handhelds before I store them away.

Anyway since I had an unusable console now, I decided to try out the PSP emulator and damn this thing is probably the smoothest and best emulator I've tried yet. It's also made me realise, PSP games on average generally suck. Weird since I remember it being my favourite handheld at the time.

Great Rumbler

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #33225 on: June 08, 2019, 10:08:13 AM »
OS1 is definitely a good game and worth playing if you're a fan of RPGs, but the narrative is kinda weak and it falls apart a bit at the end. Like, a strong 8. OS2 is better in virtually every respect, it's an all-time classic.


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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #33226 on: June 08, 2019, 10:53:00 AM »
Thx to all this crpg talk I had to go out and buy Original Sin 2.. thx guys for making me spend more money


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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #33227 on: June 10, 2019, 01:38:33 PM »
Canceled all my plans, weather isn't gonna be that great, and this week is set to kill me work-wise (since I'm lead architect on a project that's going live Thursday). Gonna need to just hibernate and lose myself in a long-ass rpg so I'm starting Cold Steel 2 this weekend.


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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #33228 on: June 10, 2019, 02:50:39 PM »
Nice, yeah I definitely under-use consumables in rpgs, especially crpgs where they're pretty useful.


  • Finish the Fight
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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #33229 on: June 12, 2019, 05:21:04 PM »
Binged through Hellblade Sensua's Sacrifice which I still had sitting on my Xbox from a previous sale.

I must say, this was an impressive game in a lot of areas. Both in terms of the "psychosis" theme (probably the best execution of such a thing since Eternal Darkness) as well as an action game itself.
The only flaw I think is the repetive combat mostly because of the limited enemy types (there are like 4 in total, not counting the bosses).
A shame because the combat feels pretty great.


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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #33230 on: June 12, 2019, 06:58:48 PM »
Divinity: Original Sin

Playing this game on Hard (Tactical?) and HOLY SHIT it is BRUTAL. Not challenging, not hard but straight up  B r u t a l.

I went with custom Paladin (lol) and custom Thief and the opening fights were terrible. I have 40 HP and the enemy attacks twice per round for 20 damage each. You do the math... Of course I am not using any FAQs so I guess I picked the wrong Skills/ Traits that put me at a huge disadvantage already not to mention the Hard mode on top of it!

Pillars of Eternity Hard mode is a joke compared to this...

I managed to reach LVL3 inside the city and got my teleporting Pyramids (it was present in Divine Divinity as well!). I am stealing/ pickpocketing everything and everyone and it takes hours to "clean" a city.

Cannot understand why every dialogue line is voiced, even random-ass peasants. That must have costed quite a bit.

How is the game? EXCELLENT Tons of sidequests, gazillion of items, options for combat, dialogues etc.

So I go West from the City and encounter LVL6 Orcs that kill me in 1 turn. I go East from the City and find LVL8 Fire Elementals. I go North from the City and encouter LVL3 Undead that are kind of killable but not yet...

I love this game. It puts up a motherfucking WALL with every single encounter and requires me to use *consumables* each fight which is unheard of in the non-WRPG world.

I’m playing Original Sin 2 on normal or one down from normal and have been surprised at how difficult that is for that difficulty level. There have been multiple fights where my party died and multiple parts where I had to do some dumb cheesing like it was 1995 and I was trying to kill a whole town in Fallout.

Cerveza mas fina

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #33231 on: June 13, 2019, 01:51:34 AM »
Got Hollow Knight at 50% off and wow what a game. So gorgeous. I'm not huge on Metroidvania but this so far is stunning. Just beat the first boss.

Should I be buying all these pins?

Started Steamworld Heist, so far good stuff. Bit different tone then the Dig games.

 Its turn based strategy, but 2D with bullets able to ricochet of stuff. Also after u complete the objective you have to evacuate while baddies keep coming. Neat idea.

Started this as well, about 5 hours in. It's good, but I starting to wonder if it can keep me interested. Doesn't feel like a lot changes regarding gameplay, story or scenarios.

Im in the second area now and put it on hold for now. Its nice but in small chunks. Think u were right.


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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #33232 on: June 13, 2019, 01:54:16 AM »
Got the Castlevania collection and beat CV1, 3 and SCV4 in one sitting. Working my way through Bloodlines and people weren't kidding when they said it was dope.



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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #33233 on: June 13, 2019, 02:43:27 AM »
Got Hollow Knight at 50% off and wow what a game. So gorgeous. I'm not huge on Metroidvania but this so far is stunning. Just beat the first boss.

Should I be buying all these pins?

Nah, eventually sure, but buy what you want or save up. If you're careful not to die the breakable heart/strength/money ones are all useful for most of the game.


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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #33234 on: June 13, 2019, 07:59:04 AM »
I’m playing on a much easier difficulty level, so I’m not sure my advice will help, but the cheese I’m talking about is more like being extremely picky about positioning so you only Aggro one or two enemies at a time.

I’ve found on normal, the path to easy’ish mode is just to do every side quest. Then you can keep up with the enemies. But if you start skipping them you fall behind and the fights get really tough


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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #33235 on: June 14, 2019, 12:24:40 PM »
Well you're the one who started on the highest difficulty right? :P

The Sceneman

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #33236 on: June 15, 2019, 12:05:20 AM »
Giving Doom 2016 a go as its on Game Pass. I thought this game was supposed to be good?


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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #33237 on: June 15, 2019, 12:15:23 AM »
Giving Doom 2016 a go as its on Game Pass. I thought this game was supposed to be good?

It is good!

tl;dr; it plays like an arcade game from the 90s on AAA graphics/animation. Don't expect a normal FPS story campaign, go for combo combo combo like you're playing an arcade game and putting quarters in.

The Sceneman

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #33238 on: June 15, 2019, 12:52:37 AM »
lol turns out tons of textures were missing because its still downloading. Gotta remember if the Xbone says its ready to play, it isnt, and wait for it to fully download. Blasting the imps feels good, and I like how the game gives you the radio voice talking to you (some doctor dude) and I was like *groan* I'm so sick of games with some asshole on the radio talking to you nonstop, then Doom guy just smashes the console haha. Great subversion of tropes and a good representation of that Doom attitude.


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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #33239 on: June 15, 2019, 12:49:36 PM »
Pulled Tekken 7 from the backlog pile.

I'm not much of a Tekken guy but this game is very good. Even the story mode is servicable with some really epic fights.