Author Topic: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.  (Read 2098394 times)

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Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.
« Reply #13800 on: October 10, 2017, 03:01:57 PM »
You mentioned Covert Affairs. I don't know this show so how does it compare to PoI and Burn Notice?
Covert Affairs was the fifth show added to USA after they started their run of shows with Psych, Burn Notice, White Collar and Royal Pains....

Thanks for the write-up :like

Sounds interesting! So if I decided to watch it should I bother with the first two seasons or should I jump straightaway to season 3?
Um, watch like maybe the first two episodes as they setup the premise and introduce all the characters and also you get to experience the original intent of the show...season two isn't anywhere as bad as the first and in the middle of of it has some more fun and inventive spycraft episodes.  So maybe for the first two seasons read the synopsis on whatever or even wikipedia, maybe look at imdb scores, to try and pick out the few good ones or ones that sound like they could be interesting. There's not really much of any kind of grand arc to the first two seasons so skipping stuff doesn't really skip important plot points most of the time, maybe like a dude will show up or whatever and you don't know why everyone is all "he's a big deal."

Aside from that, the episodes with the Mossad agent, Eyal, probably have good fan ratings anyway but I always enjoyed his showing up since he's a fun/different character from most of the season one-two recurring ones. Also the one Peter Stormare guest stars in.

I'd probably consider the season two finale like the thematic finale of the first iteration of the show and the first part of season three's premiere.

Even though imdb mostly uses a 7-9 scoring scale for shows and the show has that dramatic jump after hanging near 7 in the graph and I've been talking it down, it's not like the first two seasons are bad bad, they're just like offensively average and a lot of it is really haphazard in any kind of planning to the plotting. And the original arc effectively makes the argument that she's incompetent and useless it's only her being ladyfriend of this dude that she and the show exists and then they cast off the dude except for a brief guest return because they realized how lame he was and how easily he could be written out by being sent back into deep cover.

Especially if you just wanted a show to stick on while doing other stuff, the first two seasons are fine to go through entirely, it's only 27 episodes combined. It's probably more interesting in retrospect as you can see them discarding parts and rewriting the show, especially in the second season, and trying to figure out what the hook is supposed to be. They really seem afraid of ditching the FUN AND GAMES AT THE CIA angle while at the same time trying to pretend THERE'S CONSEQUENCES ANNIE, when they treat her sister following her to work or finding out she's CIA or that someone is leaking stuff to the press with the same drama and danger as they eventually realize that a show based around real operations spycraft should be reserved for things like undercover operations where there's not really black and white characters and sometimes allies have to be sacrificed, sometimes bad dudes have to be your temporary ally, etc.

The whole show itself arguably learns and accepts that lesson harder than Annie or anyone else has to. :lol

desert punk

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Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.
« Reply #13801 on: October 10, 2017, 03:13:02 PM »
Considering my attention issues I don't really wanna waste time and precious concentration (lol) with mediocre stuff. So yeah, maybe I'll watch the pilot and then read up on the rest of those two seasons on wikipedia...


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Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.
« Reply #13802 on: October 11, 2017, 05:34:11 AM »
If you were to watch the first episode and maybe the second episode, then the season two finale (as the first half of the season three premiere) the explanations for stuff you've missed that you'd maybe need or I just want to mention for fun are basically:

1. Annie's never done a serious long-term op and is still really learning, but has an absurd nonsensically good success rate. She has a bit of a Kirk streak to her in that she doesn't believe in no-win scenarios. The show shifts this from an "OH YOU, NEXT TIME YOUNG LADY" vibe into a more serious taking to task during the second season, especially when she ditches handlers or whatever. But season three is the first time she truly begins longterm operations and legit spycraft.

2. The one dude is Jai's dad. Jai is forced into a bunch of plots because there's a dumb plot they setup that goes nowhere, but in the process Annie and everyone learn to trust him and appreciate him and he stops being a jerkass ladder climber. His dad is like former CIA head or something and in that second season finale he loses a bunch of privileges related to that.

3. The guy Annie thinks about a bunch in the pilot and second episode, especially on a beach, he comes back and nothing of importance happens, so they send him away again, he comes back for a guest spot and they send him away again. She moves on, he never comes back. Though I think it's in the first episode or at least first couple, the reason she's quickly promoted to active status is because of this sexy dude, they want him to come back and she's bait.

4. Annie's sister wants to find out what's up with Annie being weird and secretive, Annie eventually tells her she's CIA, sister kicks her out FOR KEEPING SECRETS FROM HER, then makes up with her immediately, the season two finale is the last time she ever appears. Her husband already "left" for a "seperation" because they had nothing for him to do on the show anymore. I think in the third season or maybe even in that finale they basically say "ANNIE'S SISTER HAD TO RETURN TO HER HOME PLANET HUSBAND" and she never comes back.

5. The Mossad dude is awesome.

6. Auggie gets temporarily promoted and the girl who is now tattooed on Blindspot and is Sif in Thor replaces him for like two episodes, and in one of them they meet Peter Stormare in the Polish mountains and he's a crazy Russian who kidnaps them. Because that's what Peter Stormare always does. Then she goes away. To be Sif probably.

7. Auggie meets a girl.

8. The first two seasons try to make Annie's original cover of working at the Smithsonian somehow work as legitimate for every single case, they realize this doesn't work somewhere in the second season and drop it, then in like one of the last episodes a guy kidnaps her because he thinks she actually works at the Smithsonian, FUN TWIST. Then in the third and fourth seasons they make references about how dumb this cover always was. I think at some point they do a real lampshade hang by mentioning how she's never actually at the Smithsonian or doing work there, maybe when her sister is trying to figure out why she's being secretive.

Sorry, I'm looking at the wikipedia page for the episodes and thinking back on the second season, and realizing with my much more future knowledge that there's a number of points where you can tell they were going "wtf were we thinking" and they start poking it apart. The third season doesn't start entirely fresh as all the main characters from the pilot are kept around in mostly their same relative roles but it's more like they take all those characters and transplant it into a new or fixed premise.

It coincided with Burn Notice pulling the whole MICHAEL HAS FOUND THE DUDES, NOW HE'S BACK IN THE CIA, OH WAIT THERE'S ANOTHER DUDE AND ANOTHER card yet again and again, so it felt extra good that this really mediocre show became a more serious and increasingly serialized spy show while Burn Notice was descending into product placement and endless reveals while dropping a lot of the voiceovers about going about spycraft and lots of terrible plots of the week with two minutes at the start and end of each episode dealing with the slowly degrading arc.

In a lot of ways, when Burn Notice had Michael "welcomed back into the CIA" just to ditch that after like five episodes to create a NEW BIGGER BADDER SECRET GUY BEHIND IT ALL AND YOUR BURNED AGAIN, Covert Affairs almost assuredly coincidentally stepped in with a show about CIA agents doing CIA stuff in deep or long term covers where things continued from episode to episode, that Burn Notice never allowed because it had to do client of the week every week and also have stuff for Sam/Fi plus now Jesse to do. Which Burn Notice never seemed to be able to get away from doing.

To bring it back around, Person of Interest didn't have that problem, much like Justified, in terms of throwing out the case of the week requirement it starts with once it finds a plot to dig into. Covert Affairs made that same change, it just took longer.

seagrams hotsauce

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Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.
« Reply #13803 on: October 11, 2017, 06:19:15 AM »
I hate to play keyboard doctor, but benji, after reading your posts here and in the book and trek threads, I think I can diagnose you with a medical condition

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carpal tunnel


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Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.
« Reply #13804 on: October 11, 2017, 06:28:24 AM »
i don't masturbate that fact i'd say that..oh, i see what you meant now


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Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.
« Reply #13805 on: October 11, 2017, 11:15:19 PM »
Even though Ted Danson is my new TV boyfriend, I still want Jughead’s dick in and around my mouth and asshole.


  • Laugh when you can, it’s cheap medicine -LB
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Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.
« Reply #13806 on: October 11, 2017, 11:35:52 PM »
Jesus, Archie’s arms are getting mega hot. He can be doing fisting vids.

Madrun Badrun

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Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.
« Reply #13807 on: October 11, 2017, 11:52:45 PM »
how are you watching season 2 now?


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Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.
« Reply #13808 on: October 11, 2017, 11:54:13 PM »
You mentioned Covert Affairs. I don't know this show so how does it compare to PoI and Burn Notice?
Covert Affairs was the fifth show added to USA after they started their run of shows with Psych, Burn Notice, White Collar and Royal Pains....

Thanks for the write-up :like

Sounds interesting! So if I decided to watch it should I bother with the first two seasons or should I jump straightaway to season 3?

I stopped watching around like... season 3 episode 10. After they shoot Lena. It's totally not worth it in the first two seasons. I dunno if the back-half of Season 3 gets better, but the only episode of the first two seasons worth watching is the one where Auggie does anger management with a therapist and exposes her to his disability to get her to "walk a mile in his shoes."

Otherwise, it was really corny and trying to shift the tone didn't really do anything for me since they never explained the "spy in the cold that Annie loves" thing within the first two seasons. They pulled the "Burn Notice" "But wait there's more!" on that and I just zoned out and went to Burn Notice, Psych, Suits, Mr. Robot instead.

Edit: Hah, the episode I stopped watching at is when the show starts to collapse in ratings hard.
« Last Edit: October 11, 2017, 11:58:16 PM by thisismyusername »


  • Laugh when you can, it’s cheap medicine -LB
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Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.
« Reply #13809 on: October 11, 2017, 11:56:09 PM »
how are you watching season 2 now?

Ep 1 is on right now, at least for pacific time. Will prob be up on the CW website tomorrow.

Cheryl is also mega hot this ep. i can see myself maybe getting DPed by Archie and Jughead while she straddles my head and pisses on my face while shoving a string of pig intestines down my gagging, puking throat, bubbles of vomit squeezing themselves free between the wall of my my throat and the surface of the intestines.


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Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.
« Reply #13810 on: October 12, 2017, 12:21:47 AM »
Huh. I was under the impression that the 10th season bombed critically and ratings-wise but I guess I was wrong. I didn't watch it so is it any good?

It collapsed a bit after the first episode, but it kept solid ratings. So yeah... season 11 is happening.

Outside of the terrible cliff-hanger they did (which they seem to be working to fix in 11), I enjoyed it. :yeshrug The Monster of the Week episode where
spoiler (click to show/hide)
one monster is just trying to be human
is the highlight of the season (Episode 3: Mulder and Scully Meet the Were-Monster). A lot of folks don't like the new agents, but I didn't mind them.

 :nsfw :nsfw :nsfw :nsfw
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Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.
« Reply #13811 on: October 12, 2017, 12:36:03 AM »
Were Monster was the only classic. Founder’s Mutation was like a decent old B grade episode. Mostly the same with Home Again, but that has Tim Armstrong in a fun role. Babylon is good enough to watch but it’s too uneven to be considered good. It does have probably the best individual sequence in the season.



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Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.
« Reply #13812 on: October 12, 2017, 12:40:08 AM »
Yeah, that Country scene with Mulder was a highlight as well.

The season is weirdly inconsistent. I mostly blame that on the mini-season. I am hoping that with this new season (I think it's getting a little longer/more episodes?) they know what works/didn't work in 10 and go from there. But over all, it's more X-files. If you enjoyed the series, I'm pretty sure you'll (mostly) enjoy Season 10.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.
« Reply #13813 on: October 12, 2017, 12:41:11 AM »
I stopped watching around like... season 3 episode 10. After they shoot Lena. It's totally not worth it in the first two seasons. I dunno if the back-half of Season 3 gets better, but the only episode of the first two seasons worth watching is the one where Auggie does anger management with a therapist and exposes her to his disability to get her to "walk a mile in his shoes."

Otherwise, it was really corny and trying to shift the tone didn't really do anything for me since they never explained the "spy in the cold that Annie loves" thing within the first two seasons. They pulled the "Burn Notice" "But wait there's more!" on that and I just zoned out and went to Burn Notice, Psych, Suits, Mr. Robot instead.
They did explain it in the first season, he's deep cover working for Arthur, temporarily went rogue but came back so it was all coo because they wanted to write him out, also Annie totally got over him so he went back into deep cover. Aka SHUTTTTTT UPPPPPPP. Also that plot sucked.

Back half of season three is adventures with Eyal! Lena a had bit of a backup plan which she knew Annie would fall into.

Fourth season is the dominant one and made the first two seasons worth it all, it's a single plotline and single villain for the entire season, Hill Harper joins the cast as a badass and shit get cray as Annie actually becomes a ruthless obsessed spy finally. Which combined with her pre-existing reluctance to follow advice let alone orders leads to situations where as a character points out to her (or should have if they had better writers) "that's not a plan, that's a goal!"

I'll spoil fifth season comments just for convenience:
spoiler (click to show/hide)
Fifth season starts to get corny again as they bring in love interests (and the original Pink Power Ranger!) and the main plot is semi-convoluted because they were putting some things in place for a sixth season that never happened, namely the CIA going to war with a Blackwater-type company being backed by the Russian FSB. It starts with Annie infiltrating it which results in her falling into a relationship with the top ops guy as they uncover that they're up to something as they get setup or something on a mission, which leads into a guy who is hunting down all of Auggie's old special forces unit, and this is all in the wake of a bombing on a CIA black HQ which has Joan out of her job temporarily.

Sixth season was pretty much setup to have Joan leading a secret unit that would probably consist of Annie and her new husband (guy from security firm) and I have to assume Auggie (he left to go be with new gf) into striking back at the FSB (who like totally killed a shit load of people in the fifth season to try and cover up the trail back to them from the company), while Arthur (who resigned from the CIA back in season four) runs for Senator since some dude came to him about covering up the real reasons he left the CIA or something, and Harper Hill probably has to clean up the mess of the CIA (while secretly helping them) that Annie has left it which is one reason Joan wasn't given her job back. :lol.

Edit: Hah, the episode I stopped watching at is when the show starts to collapse in ratings hard.
All of USA suffered that (and basic cable), it's part of why USA started ending everything and starting over. This is Suits for example:

Of all the shows of that era (Burn Notice, White Collar, Graceland, etc.) they only owned Royal Pains and Covert Affairs. Also, Covert Affairs constantly was shooting on location, so it cost too much to give it a send off season like they did Burn Notice and White Collar. (Both of which had already hit syndication, CA was not going to make it even with a sixth season.)

Suits shoots entirely in Toronto* and on sets which is partly why it's still around (and also it just hit 100 episodes) and it's their temporary anchor rather than cancelling literally every show every year like they've been doing. Complications probably would have done better with the new "dark" USA they're trying to sell off of Mr. Robot's success rather than CHARACTERS WELCOME.

*That's why it doesn't look even close to being NYC whenever they're on the street. :lol


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Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.
« Reply #13814 on: October 12, 2017, 12:47:30 AM »
All of USA suffered that (and basic cable), it's part of why USA started ending everything and starting over. This is Suits for example:
(Image removed from quote.)

Of all the shows of that era (Burn Notice, White Collar, Graceland, etc.) they only owned Royal Pains and Covert Affairs. Also, Covert Affairs constantly was shooting on location, so it cost too much to give it a send off season like they did Burn Notice and White Collar. (Both of which had already hit syndication, CA was not going to make it even with a sixth season.)

Suits shoots entirely in Toronto* and on sets which is partly why it's still around (and also it just hit 100 episodes) and it's their temporary anchor rather than cancelling literally every show every year like they've been doing. Complications probably would have done better with the new "dark" USA they're trying to sell off of Mr. Robot's success rather than CHARACTERS WELCOME.

*That's why it doesn't look even close to being NYC whenever they're on the street. :lol

Oh, I know all that. Patrick J. Adams' actually talks about the series' "success" and issues with Suits to GQ somewhere in the past few months.

Mr. Robot is about the only new "dark-USA" show that I'm interested in. I forget Complications. Is that the one with the undercover drug-dealer doctor? I never even watched the pilot because it was like "House did it." and ignored it.

Necessary Roughness I watched mostly for the hot personal trainer dude. :-[

Also that plot sucked.

Yes, but it was something they put in the pilot as a hook. Annie not being over him was the shitty part, him being Arthur's "ace-in-the-hole" should've expanded outwards and him being a regular, but they totally jettison'd it for "mission of the week" sorts-of-deals like Burn Notice.

Then Lena comes in, it kinda picks up and then they just... killed her off. At that point I was like "yeah, nothing here is keeping me going" so it's funny that they finally started to try to get it together but me (and many others) at that point already threw in the towel.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.
« Reply #13815 on: October 12, 2017, 12:51:19 AM »
I forget Complications. Is that the one with the undercover drug-dealer doctor? I never even watched the pilot because it was like "House did it." and ignored it.
He wasn't undercover or a drug dealing doctor, he got put under the thumb of a gang threatening to kill his family. Spirals into chaos from there.

Necessary Roughness I watched mostly for the hot personal trainer dude. :-[
His name's Riley and he works for the military! Buffy was right to dump him too!

Also, T.K. was the reason to watch that show. And the hilarious third season reboot, where the illegal fixer dude gets himself still employed wherever the doctor works.


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Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.
« Reply #13816 on: October 12, 2017, 12:54:14 AM »
His name's Riley and he works for the military! Buffy was right to dump him too!

Shhhhhhh, he's hot. Either way. :-[

Also, T.K. was the reason to watch that show. And the hilarious third season reboot, where the illegal fixer dude gets himself still employed wherever the doctor works.

What's funny is that they got John Stamos as a "big get" for the third season reboot and then USA just cancels it.

desert punk

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Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.
« Reply #13817 on: October 12, 2017, 05:19:06 AM »
Yeah, that Country scene with Mulder was a highlight as well.

The season is weirdly inconsistent. I mostly blame that on the mini-season. I am hoping that with this new season (I think it's getting a little longer/more episodes?) they know what works/didn't work in 10 and go from there. But over all, it's more X-files. If you enjoyed the series, I'm pretty sure you'll (mostly) enjoy Season 10.

Yeah well that's the thing. I really enjoyed the show up to season 5 or 6 or so but after that :larry


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Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.
« Reply #13818 on: October 12, 2017, 03:22:58 PM »
Watching the season premiere of Riverdale aka Jughead season 2. :-* :-* :heartbeat



  • Nebuchadnezzar
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Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.
« Reply #13819 on: October 13, 2017, 11:30:17 AM »
‘Roswell’ Series Reboot in Development at CW


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Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.
« Reply #13820 on: October 13, 2017, 12:14:41 PM »
Watching the season premiere of Riverdale aka Betty season 2. :-* :-* :heartbeat



seagrams hotsauce

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Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.
« Reply #13821 on: October 13, 2017, 01:36:32 PM »
Mindhunter is dope so far, three eps in. Starts out with a bang.

Nathan For You continues to cement itself as the best use of television as a medium in history. The montage in this weeks episode was incredible.


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Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.
« Reply #13823 on: October 13, 2017, 09:43:55 PM »
syfy proving once again it's the greatest television network has given mario van peebles a show, pilot up for free online:


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Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.
« Reply #13824 on: October 13, 2017, 10:59:09 PM »
Wow, with Inhumans, ABC managed to hit such lows I thought only their last failure Time After Time could hit. Yikes this is just bad


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Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.
« Reply #13825 on: October 13, 2017, 11:08:15 PM »
Wow, with Inhumans, ABC managed to hit such lows I thought only their last failure Time After Time could hit. Yikes this is just bad

Please tell me Time After Time isn’t based off the classic Malcolm McDowell movie.

Madrun Badrun

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Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.
« Reply #13826 on: October 13, 2017, 11:25:23 PM »
Veronica is to die for.  Damn

Madrun Badrun

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Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.
« Reply #13827 on: October 13, 2017, 11:28:09 PM »
cant remember who is banging who.  why want that in recap?

Madrun Badrun

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Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.
« Reply #13828 on: October 13, 2017, 11:29:32 PM »
Is archy showing with a cast.  That fool!

Madrun Badrun

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Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.
« Reply #13829 on: October 13, 2017, 11:30:35 PM »
O, now I rembeber who is banging who

Madrun Badrun

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Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.
« Reply #13830 on: October 13, 2017, 11:46:34 PM »
Betty is to die for.  Damn


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Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.
« Reply #13831 on: October 14, 2017, 12:36:19 AM »
Cheryl is easily the hottest chick on the show. She rocks that dress this week.


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Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.
« Reply #13832 on: October 14, 2017, 02:41:16 AM »
New episodes of Voltron are out on Netflix.

desert punk

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Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.
« Reply #13833 on: October 14, 2017, 06:45:52 PM »
Finished the first season of Halt and Catch Fire and it only took me two years.

Can't really say anything negative about it. It just didn't grab me until the last three episodes :idont


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Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.
« Reply #13834 on: October 15, 2017, 09:20:01 PM »
Watching Mindhunter and man I want Ed Kemper to fuck me.

Junpei the Tracer!

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Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.
« Reply #13835 on: October 15, 2017, 10:13:00 PM »
Yeah co-sign(I wish people would use this again, it was nice) on Mindhunter, it's good. It's also good to see Holt McCallany on a show, I really enjoyed Lights Outs years ago, so it's nice to see him co-staring on a new show.


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Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.
« Reply #13836 on: October 17, 2017, 11:21:57 PM »
The latest ep of American Horror Story was gleefully batshit. Lena Dunham as Valerie Solanas was some pretty inspired casting.

desert punk

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Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.
« Reply #13837 on: October 18, 2017, 11:28:43 AM »
I haven't seen it so far, so I wanna ask: Is Parks and Recreation actually funny?

The guy with the moustache and fat Chris Pratt seem like fun but I don't know about the rest...


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Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.
« Reply #13838 on: October 18, 2017, 12:08:12 PM »
Yes it is

desert punk

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Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.
« Reply #13839 on: October 18, 2017, 01:13:00 PM »
Okay, and how long until it turns to shit?

I mean almost every long-running sitcom I've seen, no matter how good in the beginning, invariably suffers the same fate. Except South Park perhaps...


  • Laugh when you can, it’s cheap medicine -LB
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Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.
« Reply #13840 on: October 18, 2017, 01:16:40 PM »
Okay, and how long until it turns to shit?

I mean almost every long-running sitcom I've seen, no matter how good in the beginning, invariably suffers the same fate. Except South Park perhaps...

It’s good throughout. The last season is a little too feel good in my opinion, but it’s still good.

Dickie Dee

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Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.
« Reply #13841 on: October 18, 2017, 01:54:52 PM »
Finished the first season of Halt and Catch Fire and it only took me two years.

Can't really say anything negative about it. It just didn't grab me until the last three episodes :idont

S2 is much better - it fully transitions into a character drama with 4 interesting main characters


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Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.
« Reply #13842 on: October 18, 2017, 02:02:23 PM »
The latest ep of American Horror Story was gleefully batshit. Lena Dunham as Valerie Solanas was some pretty inspired casting.

Yeah, surprising but on point.

Who the fuck is coming up with these batshit ideas though? :lol

seagrams hotsauce

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Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.
« Reply #13843 on: October 18, 2017, 02:02:52 PM »
Okay, and how long until it turns to shit?

I mean almost every long-running sitcom I've seen, no matter how good in the beginning, invariably suffers the same fate. Except South Park perhaps...

It’s good throughout. The last season is a little too feel good in my opinion, but it’s still good.

I agree that it's a little over the top but tbh part of the charm of Michael Schur shows is how earnest they are. Characters are usually treated with an empathy that a lot of modern sitcoms don't often apply as well. The Good Place is probably the biggest exception to this, but even for it's concept, the characters end up being sympathetic. Even a pessimistic dbag like myself will admit there's something heartwarming about his best material

Stoney Mason

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Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.
« Reply #13844 on: October 18, 2017, 02:03:48 PM »
Okay, and how long until it turns to shit?

I mean almost every long-running sitcom I've seen, no matter how good in the beginning, invariably suffers the same fate. Except South Park perhaps...

Parks and Rec from season 2 to 5 is excellent. For a stretch is was the best sitcom going imo.

Seasons 6 and 7 aren't up to those standards but still a funny show.

Parks and Rec is kind of amazing because its a show that starts off in the wrong direction but eventually finds itself. That's hard to do in the modern age of television. Some shows improve but few sort of are able to take the right step after an initial big mistep.

seagrams hotsauce

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Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.
« Reply #13845 on: October 18, 2017, 02:03:50 PM »
Should I watch AHS btw? I've never bothered with it before but I'm gay for Billy Eichner


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Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.
« Reply #13846 on: October 18, 2017, 06:39:27 PM »
The last season of Parks and Rec is totally fan service, but you'll be a fan by then ;)


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Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.
« Reply #13847 on: October 18, 2017, 08:38:46 PM »
Finished s3 of Person of Interest, started s4. At some weird point I may have tried to start PoI previously, because Finch telling Reese that the risks are too great, and that part of their life is over is a scene I've previously watched. At that time, my assumption was that they were all ex-spies, but had been A-Teaming it through saving domestic victims as some form of redemption. I wasn't that far off the mark.

s3 semi-spoilers:
spoiler (click to show/hide)
There was a guy working for Decima named Ian Bank, and considering where they're taking Old British Spy Greer's goals of a sentient AI which can benevolently rule humanity, I wondered if it was an intentional reference to Iain M. Banks Culture books, where that's what happens. Odd to see Finch on the Elon Musk side of things: fear of an alien intelligence deciding that humanity is irrelevant.

While I'm in s3 spoilers, holy shit, still surprised at how well they set up Carter's death. It completely looked like she'd die, then it looked like Fusco would be the one to bite it. Having that big sigh of relief come just a moment too soon was one of the most surprising moments in TV I've had.

Show has found a better way to make itself fun. Shaw is a great addition to the team - hilarious that their "blunt instrument" is a short cheerleader whose eyes can shoot daggers.


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Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.
« Reply #13848 on: October 18, 2017, 09:50:52 PM »
been had told yall show was good


  • Laugh when you can, it’s cheap medicine -LB
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Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.
« Reply #13849 on: October 18, 2017, 10:00:27 PM »
Should I watch AHS btw? I've never bothered with it before but I'm gay for Billy Eichner

I usually love it, but it might be the YMMViest show on TV.

Seasons normally start out strong and tend to peter out as they go along, although so far this season started out on iffy feet and is getting better as it goes along.

In general, the show is pretty unpredictable and tonally all over the place to the degree that you sometimes can’t tell what’s serious and what’s intentionally camp. It can feel like each season was written on a one night cocaine bender. There are a lot of returning cast members from season to season, and it’s a pretty great cast.

Billy has been a high point this season, btw.


  • Laugh when you can, it’s cheap medicine -LB
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Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.
« Reply #13850 on: October 18, 2017, 11:04:10 PM »
Jesus, Veronica’s dad is hawwwwwwwwwt

team filler

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Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.
« Reply #13851 on: October 18, 2017, 11:12:56 PM »
Jesus, Veronica’s dad is hawwwwwwwwwt


  • Laugh when you can, it’s cheap medicine -LB
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Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.
« Reply #13852 on: October 18, 2017, 11:14:11 PM »
Jesus Reggie is haaaawwwwwt


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Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.
« Reply #13853 on: October 19, 2017, 12:03:36 PM »


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Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.
« Reply #13854 on: October 19, 2017, 05:00:57 PM »
Finished the first season of Halt and Catch Fire and it only took me two years.

Can't really say anything negative about it. It just didn't grab me until the last three episodes :idont

The second season is good. But if you didn't like the first one, don't bother with the other three. It's very slow and doesn't focus on the Tech Sector like I thought it would. It's more a human drama. There's an article on Wired about the finale that hits it.

desert punk

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Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread
« Reply #13855 on: October 19, 2017, 05:31:55 PM »
I mean I didn't actually dislike the first season, it just never hooked me until the season finale. The characters were interesting and there is a lot of potential for development. And apparently that's excactly what's going to happen from season 2 onwards. So I'm willing to try out the next season, snail's pace be damned. The setting, interesting as it is, was never the main draw for me anyway.

And Mackenzie Davis is sooo hot on this show :noah


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Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread
« Reply #13856 on: October 19, 2017, 05:39:41 PM »
And Mackenzie Davis is sooo hot on this show :noah


desert punk

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Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.
« Reply #13857 on: October 20, 2017, 05:09:59 PM »
Carnivale is soo fucking great  :rejoice

Almost none of the characters are exactly how they first appear to be. Lodz for example seemed like such a charming Old World gentleman and larger-than-life character in the beginning. But then you get to episode 7 and damn... That ending with him and that bearded lady came out of nowhere  :shaq2


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Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.
« Reply #13858 on: October 21, 2017, 01:10:02 AM »
Carnivale was the first near-criminal abandonment HBO engaged in. I recall Deadwood may have been simultaneous or the second one. Pretty much everyone remembered how Sopranos had taken time to find its feet, and felt these beloved shows were safe. They were not.


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Re: The TV shows you've seen recently thread.
« Reply #13859 on: October 21, 2017, 07:16:37 AM »
mike judge's tales from the tour bus is my favourite new show.

bloke has a way of highlighting the extremes people go to while simultaneously rounding off their edges. modern mark twain.