Author Topic: Pallando will return in "Never Say Never Again"  (Read 1255761 times)

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Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
  • Senior Member
Right now it's like if you aren't shorter than me (so 5'2" or smaller), pale, have tattoos, neat piercings or crazy hair, and would be down to marathon horror movies, go to live shows or play Suda51 games with me...I'm not going to be attracted.


please tell me this is real
It's in Bebpo's post, like 4 up.


  • 8 diagram pole rider
  • Senior Member
It's a bit long, but I want to say it's newsfeed material anyway.


  • 🙈🙉🙊
  • Senior Member
Are there any good ways to become less picky about your "type"?  I can't even watch porn anymore, 99% of the girls don't do anything for me :\


  • Senior Member
Why is it that every time I post something it becomes newsfeed :(

This is why I don't post in this thread!  :maf

Howard Alan Treesong

  • キング・メタル・ドラゴン
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my serious advice to you is you need to become a total manwhore

just start smanging the shit out of all sorts of girls

all races all sizes all tattoo levels

smang smang smang

even if you're not attracted, smang it up. grit your teeth and smang it.

after a 90-day crash course of total manslutgeddon your seventh chakra will be opened and you will no longer limit yourself to a certain type

As my man Benjamin Franklin famously said, "And as in the dark all Cats are grey, the Pleasure of corporal Enjoyment with a [girl who is taller than you (so 5'3" or larger), dark, no tattoos, boring piercings, normal hair, can't watch horror movies, disinterested in live music and prefers Matsuno to Suda51] is at least equal, and frequently superior, every Knack being by Practice capable of Improvement."

Steve Contra

  • Bought a lemon tree straight cash
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All Cats are Grey is my favorite Cure song :)

Seriously though you need to get out of your comfort zone pretty fast.  You've obviously created a girl in your head that isn't real and trust me, real girls are much more interesting.


  • Icon
Bebpo goes through hundreds of women on OKC and isn't attracted to a single one but he does notice all the great looking guys. In fact, he says there are more great looking guys everyday. Plus, he posts on The Bore. Its all adding up.

I don't have any real advice though.


  • Nylonhilist
  • Senior Member
If you suck a dick, maybe you will better understand how to satisfy your own?

Howard Alan Treesong

  • キング・メタル・ドラゴン
  • Icon
Maybe you should sleep with a guy (just to make sure you're not into it). I can get you some phone numbers.


  • Senior Member

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
  • Senior Member
we need a "women Bepbo would not date" thread. Starting with Lucy Lui

Howard Alan Treesong

  • キング・メタル・ドラゴン
  • Icon
we need a "women Bepbo would not date" thread. Starting with Lucy Lui

actually I never thought Lucy Lu was attractive for like 10 years. until, of all things, Lucky Number Slevin. then I was like :hnng

Freckles x Scarf = yum



  • 8 diagram pole rider
  • Senior Member
Lucy Liu in Payback



  • Senior MILF
  • Senior Member
Wow. I just. Wow.

Obviously everyone has some sort of "perfect" person in their mind, but that description is to the extreme. I generally like dudes with brown hair and dark eyes, but shit. I was more interested in finding someone with a great sense of humor and who was caring and who was enjoyable to talk to and who could hold a job so I didn't have to always support him.

When we reminisce about our first impressions of each other, my husband's never "Well you met my exact physical criteria of a suitable woman." It's always that I was intelligent and funny and was the only girl he had ever met who was paying for her own car, school, etc by working constantly while going to school full time at the ripe old age of 19.

Maybe we're less romantic and more practical? Not that we aren't romantic but we both make choices in a practical way rather than a romantic, whimsical way. And that was when we were a decade younger than you are now. We were both more focused on personality characteristics than looks, but even after 7 years, we can go to the damn grocery store, make each other laugh the entire time, and truly enjoy each other's company. I can't say that for any couples we know who got together solely based on looks and common hobbies.

Not trying to rail on you Beps but damn. Someday you're going to be old. Are you really going to care about tattoos and piercings? With expectations that high, you're just setting yourself up to fail, unless you want to fail for whatever reason.

Olivia Wilde Homo

  • Proud Kinkshamer
  • Senior Member
Bebpo is in his thirties.  At that age, it just seems kind of ridiculous.  I mean liking Suda51 games being any kind of factor :comeon


  • Senior Member
Maybe you should sleep with a guy (just to make sure you're not into it). I can get you some phone numbers.
Sadly, I kind of thought about this idea.


  • cooler than willco
  • Administrator
We know you are gay tho. Bebpo is kinda like - is he just foolin us?  Naw... Maybe?


  • Senior Member


  • cooler than willco
  • Administrator
U like weiners


  • Banana Grabber
  • Senior Member
Smanged a soccer player tonight  :whew

chick could pinch my dick off like a loaf


  • Senior Member
Maybe it's ZephyrFate that demi is thinking of? I've gotten you two completely mixed up.


  • Senior Member
Bebpo is in his thirties.  At that age, it just seems kind of ridiculous. I mean liking Suda51 games being any kind of factor :comeon

A lot of that wasn't literal :P

that line particularly just meant enjoyment of artsy stuff in general, since almost all the girls I've dated have been artists/musicians.  I dunno, I couldn't go out with someone who wasn't into art films for instance.  I take my friends to see stuff like Drive or Killing Them Softly or The Tree of Life and they leave wanting to kick the shit out of me for the money they wasted.  I'd want someone who I'm in a committed relationship with to actually enjoy going out and seeing those type of movies with me since seeing interesting films and discussing them are a big hobby of mine. 


  • Fastest selling shit
  • Senior Member
Right now it's like if you aren't shorter than me (so 5'2" or smaller), pale, have tattoos, neat piercings or crazy hair, and would be down to marathon horror movies, go to live shows or play Suda51 games with me...I'm not going to be attracted.

It's just like one of my Japanese anime!

Bebpo, people get married and fuck for eternity with barely any interest in between.

Do you want a life time partner, a fuck buddy or someone to play Sude51 games with you?

I'm a virgin, you can talk to me.


  • Nylonhilist
  • Senior Member
So if a girl is into Ryan Gosling movies, you're thinking that she might like Suda51 games?

I think I'm gonna have to overrule your objection.


  • Senior Member
Wow. I just. Wow.

Obviously everyone has some sort of "perfect" person in their mind, but that description is to the extreme. I generally like dudes with brown hair and dark eyes, but shit. I was more interested in finding someone with a great sense of humor and who was caring and who was enjoyable to talk to and who could hold a job so I didn't have to always support him.

When we reminisce about our first impressions of each other, my husband's never "Well you met my exact physical criteria of a suitable woman." It's always that I was intelligent and funny and was the only girl he had ever met who was paying for her own car, school, etc by working constantly while going to school full time at the ripe old age of 19.

Maybe we're less romantic and more practical? Not that we aren't romantic but we both make choices in a practical way rather than a romantic, whimsical way. And that was when we were a decade younger than you are now. We were both more focused on personality characteristics than looks, but even after 7 years, we can go to the damn grocery store, make each other laugh the entire time, and truly enjoy each other's company. I can't say that for any couples we know who got together solely based on looks and common hobbies.

Not trying to rail on you Beps but damn. Someday you're going to be old. Are you really going to care about tattoos and piercings? With expectations that high, you're just setting yourself up to fail, unless you want to fail for whatever reason.

Tattoos/piercings don't really matter, they just tend to be indicative of people more into art, which is what's important to me.  I've been holding off on a while for getting piercings and tattoos myself because of the job (it's why I don't dye my hair) and wanting to make 100% sure the tattoo design is what I want to live with my whole life; but I'll probably get at least my ears pierced pretty soon and maybe my sleeve tattoo by the end of the year. 

A lot of that stuff doesn't matter, but basically someone I get along with (which usually means they're into art since that's the main passion in my life).  I've dated a decent amount of people (couple dozen) and I've never been able to get along with someone who wasn't passionate about at least the general pursuit and appreciation of art.  I find people who just work, talk about work, and have one thing outside of work like sports/videogames/etc.. boring :\  If you want to excite me, you have to bring something to the world.  I'm busy as fuck with my day job and I watch movies, play games, etc... but I still have time to do photography, creative writing, baking, build cardboard robots, learn languages, run clubs, learn dances, stay fit, etc... I feel like I have a high criteria but I also feel like I'm mentally active and I don't want to be with someone who isn't as passionate about experiencing life as me.

So if a girl is into Ryan Gosling movies, you're thinking that she might like Suda51 games?

I think I'm gonna have to overrule your objection.

I don't even like Suda51 games anymore post Killer7/NMH1 (and even half his backlog is awful like Blood+, Champloo, etc...); was just an example.
« Last Edit: April 30, 2013, 02:22:19 AM by Bebpo »


  • Banana Grabber
  • Senior Member
I don't even like Suda51 games anymore post Killer7/NMH1 (and even half his backlog is awful like Blood+, Champloo, etc...); was just an example.

Bebpo, the correct answer is:

I don't even like Suda51 games anymore.


  • Senior Member
Maybe  :-*


  • Senior Member
Dude I play SRW, have Gundam/ZoE2 calendars and the only anime I really watch anymore are mecha shows.  I once dreamed of building a mecha museum divided into two halves with Real Robot statutes on one side, Super Robot statutes on the other.

I like mechs/robots :P  Some people like Cars, some people like Ponies, I like aesthetically pleasing robot designs that shoot rocket punches.


  • Nylonhilist
  • Senior Member
Well keep an open mind bebpo. "artistic" girls are like 95% of okc.

Tip: If you date a taller girl, your nose is less likely to go into their butthole during 69.


  • Senior Member
I once had a gf who drew robots on every card she made for me.  It was cute  :heart

Barry Egan

  • The neurotic is nailed to the cross of his fiction.
  • Senior Member
Well, it sounds like you tried your best with the dating scene and it's time to hand in the towel and accept solitude and the slow creep of death. 


  • Poster of the Forever
  • Senior Member
I say go for it!  If they gave you their numbers, they were at least interested enough to want to talk to you again.  Text them and see what happens.

My dilemma is this:  I'm trying to think of a place to take a girl for a first date in a small town.  I thought about taking this girl for coffee.  I just don't want to do the cliche dinner and a movie.

just show up with your Aeropress and some heated cups


  • Unofficial Bore Prude
  • Senior Member
I say go for it!  If they gave you their numbers, they were at least interested enough to want to talk to you again.  Text them and see what happens.

My dilemma is this:  I'm trying to think of a place to take a girl for a first date in a small town.  I thought about taking this girl for coffee.  I just don't want to do the cliche dinner and a movie.

just show up with your Aeropress and some heated cups

You're saying I should make her orgasm at first sight?  :smug


  • relapsed dev
  • Senior Member
Making a woman a cup of delicious coffee, especially if your town is short on such necessities, is an ace in the hole.


  • Icon
Okay you say you want something new brought to the table but you're applying hugely limiting requirements.  You've made your specifications so narrow that it's almost impossible and thus impossible for someone to bring something to the table.  Just go on dates with some of these people on OKC.  I can buy that you don't particularly find yourself attracted to any of them but on some level you MUST think "Yeah, I'd fuck her".  Go on a date with her and see if she does bring something exciting.  Maybe you'll find yourself in a new hobby with her.  It's not necessary about making someone be into your hobby.  You gotta be flexible.

Verdigris Murder

  • #metoo
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RELATIONSHIPS: The thread of your life tied into a neat knot with the 'other'
« Reply #3396 on: April 30, 2013, 09:58:05 AM »
I gave my fleshtube the worst sexual experience in her lifetime last night, I know this because she told me so.
Our 2 or 3 month old son was in the bed at the time, but I'm pretty sure that had nothing to do with it.

Anyway, the only way is up henceforth!

Howard Alan Treesong

  • キング・メタル・ドラゴン
  • Icon
Do your cardboard on money?


  • ルカルカ★ナイトフィーバー
  • Senior Member
Bebs, the easiest thing to do is just take a chance and go out with as many people as possible, even if their profiles make them sound boring/not your type... Looks wise, my favorite is of course the pale, Eastern European blondes but I have been on so many dates with all different girls - Jewish, Hispanic, Asian, Indian, (still no black girls... yet  :mynicca) - your typical Long Island types, your artsy hipster types, your geeky girls, your jock/outdoorsy types... skinny girls, chunky girls, girls 4'10", girls 6' (taller than me), you NEVER know who you will hit it off with and who you will be attracted to. I have certainly surprised myself!


  • ルカルカ★ナイトフィーバー
  • Senior Member
i took that bish to a gastropub

bishes love gastropubs

I took a hipster vegan (I did not know before the date that she was either vegan or hipster) to a gastropub filled with LI townies... one of the worst dates I've ever been on  :-\

Positive Touch

  • Woo Papa
  • Senior Member
if your starting criteria on what you are looking for in a partner is something like what console generation is their favorite, then you will be alone forever


  • Senior Member
Hey man. At this point ill take anything. If I failed with my own kind, can't really be picky?

Flannel Boy

  • classic millennial sex pickle
  • Icon
"I just didn't feel that spark."

Damn female Bebpo!

The Sceneman

  • Did my wife send you?
  • Senior Member
well, its official:

shit happened real fast, but after spending the weekend together and figuring out were on the same page about almost everything and we tick all of each others boxes, I just thought fuck it, lets do this
« Last Edit: April 30, 2013, 11:29:59 PM by The Sceneman »

Flannel Boy

  • classic millennial sex pickle
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Leper The Sceneman
Ban Malek

The Sceneman

  • Did my wife send you?
  • Senior Member
good thing about my girl is she interested in me showing her some sweet videogames, but doesnt really play any. All the girls I've met that game are like "ooooh I love Ass Creed and Skyrim. Skyrim is so beautiful lolz." Dumbasses. They don't know beauty until they've experienced Okami and Killer 7

Flannel Boy

  • classic millennial sex pickle
  • Icon
"I just didn't feel that spark."

Damn female Bebpo!

She was probably a Nintard anyway.

She doesn't care about vidya. 


  • ルカルカ★ナイトフィーバー
  • Senior Member
Hey man. At this point ill take anything. If I failed with my own kind, can't really be picky?

U call those girls from Sci Fi Speed Dating? Ir eally liked the girl I met.. till I find out she was LIBERTARIAN. seriosully, I can handle the Bioware stuff (I even metnioned when I met her that I was more of a fan of Japanese games than bioware) but whe she mentins libertarian, that she is supporting Rand in 2016... that is just too much. I'm acentrist libral type... and have enough dealings with peopel who are libertarian, read inforwars religiously... etc.

my dream would be a girl who doesn't like videogames at all... that way I don't have to waste time trolling... I like single-player games ... though I did have an ex of mine watch me play Wld Arms 3 not ever having played a video game before... and was into it I guess. (this was the hardcore evangelical... too bad I didn't get to show her some classic anti-xtian Jaanese RPGs like FFT, Xenogears, Breath of Fire 2, etc)... my last gf had a ds but didn't play ROcket Slime when I bought it for her :( :( (

Barry Egan

  • The neurotic is nailed to the cross of his fiction.
  • Senior Member
:bow drunkposting


  • Senior Member
good thing about my girl is she interested in me showing her some sweet videogames, but doesnt really play any. All the girls I've met that game are like "ooooh I love Ass Creed and Skyrim. Skyrim is so beautiful lolz." Dumbasses. They don't know beauty until they've experienced Okami and Killer 7




  • Senior Member
I think I'm going to go back to dating punk girls (2/3rds of my ex's).  I love punk music so much and the girls I meet at punk shows are just ARGHARGHARGH awesome.  Except for the smell, everyone fucking smells horrible at punk shows after a night of sweating in the pit.

Met a gorgeous girl tonight  :heartbeat

You know, at least where I am it's pretty hard to find punk girls on OKC or any online site.  It's annoying that like 3/4ths of the girls I'm into are the type of girls who don't use online dating.  Concerts are great for meeting people but there's not always a ton of concerts going on, especially in genre that are less active these days like punk or ska-punk or ska.


  • ルカルカ★ナイトフィーバー
  • Senior Member
Ever give raver girls a try, Bebpo?


  • Senior Member
People still listen to ska?


  • ルカルカ★ナイトフィーバー
  • Senior Member
:bow drunkposting

Yeah, I think that was the first time I drunk posted on a forum, ever. Seems I wasn't TOO bad, just rambled a bit about waifus and Eastern Euro chicks... (so basically... same thing I ramble on about when I'm sober) :P


  • QUIT
  • Ebola Carrier
how do i get my girl to stop texting me nonstop

Flannel Boy

  • classic millennial sex pickle
  • Icon
how do i get my girl to stop texting me nonstop

You can stop her from texting for at least an hour by asking for another handjob.


  • QUIT
  • Ebola Carrier
i laffed


  • Senior Member
WTF is ska?


  • Senior Member
Short music for short people


  • ルカルカ★ナイトフィーバー
  • Senior Member
WTF is ska?

Something it seemed every girl I liked in college was into...