Author Topic: Pallando will return in "Never Say Never Again"  (Read 1255731 times)

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  • Senior Member
You need to be good to yourself right now. You did absolutely nothing wrong.

both them chose to be stupid; you did everything right. write both of them off for that b.s.

I don't know, a lot of younger girls do get stupidly infatuated really fast and maybe this girl is immature/feeling guilty or some shit? I would suggest giving them some space but still willing to be that girl's friend when this relationship fizzles and explodes in a month.

You need to be there to tell her you told her so (joking). But bebpo's story tells me that she's probably not really relationship-material but if he forgives her then at least he'll be able to salvage a strong friendship rather than get depressed and think about moving to a better part of California where this all might repeat again and then where can he go?

Yeah, this is happening for sure.  She's 20 and is extremely feelings driven so gets infatuated really quickly and really strongly and rejects all logical thinking to pursue those feelings.  But the dude's last relationship lasted 7 years and he's completely fallen for her and she's totally into him and her last relationship was 6 months and she wasn't anywhere near as into her last bf.  So for all I know they could end up getting married in a few years. 

You need to be good to yourself right now. You did absolutely nothing wrong.

both them chose to be stupid; you did everything right. write both of them off for that b.s.

Yeah man, pretty much this.  I'm sorry to hear that.  Take care of yourself, keep on keepin on.  DON'T LET HER BACK IN.  This may sound shitty, but she's proven she can't be trusted.

This is good advice, and I agree with it.  But it's going to be hard to take someone who I spent almost every other day talking to or hanging out with, going on road trips & vacations with, going to theme parks with, going to shopping for each other's clothes, going to cheap dinners at the beach, or fancy celebration meals, being there emotionally for each other;  It's hard to take someone like that out of my life and not feel incomplete. 

The problem is that we were really more than friends tbh, we were close to the point we basically were dating without doing anything for a year because she was in a relationship and I was friends with her bf as well and would never do anything to break them up or cheat.  I was happy having a really awesome female friend that we cared about each other so much and we'd help each other out with all our problems emotionally.  I never had to think about how I felt about her because I didn't need to take it to the next level.  I didn't need anything more out of our relationship than we already had.  I was still dating and looking for a gf for the romantic needs of life, and she'd even help me with that.

When I asked her following up on what happened asking if she was cutting me off, she said nooooo, that was not what she meant at all.  But when I asked her to meet up and clear things up she was making excuses (because it seemed like she had a date night with the guy).  So at this point the choice for me is to keep this long, important more-than-a-friendship with the understanding that now I'm the one being friendzone'd (it's so weird how just by responding to her confessing about her feelings, we switched from me friendzone'ing her to the opposite) and try to ignore the fact that she's seeing a douche that basically convinced her that she didn't really like me, and that a relationship with him is more important than what she had with me, or I leave my best friend completely, even though I know she needs friends because that is her personality and she doesn't have any other close friends she can depend on, and I'm missing a major part of what's become my normal life on a day-to-day basis for the last year.

Basically both choices suck and there's no good solution to this without feeling like shit. 
« Last Edit: June 22, 2013, 12:20:48 PM by Bebpo »

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
  • Senior Member
I agree with Triumph, cut her loose man. No point in dealing with such a manipulative person. And she's 20, she probably won't have a serious long term relationship anytime soon.


  • Member
I'm not sure if this was because I really liked her romantically or if I just really cared for her an incredible amount cause she's my best friend.  It's hard to differentiate, I've always cared about her a ton and she's cared about me a ton.

I don't know, man. It sounds like she really put herself out there for you, the above being your initial response to it. If you're hurt because you got played around with by a friend, it sounds raw, and I'm sorry, but you have to move along from it all asap, and you'll recover quickly, I promise, no matter how you work it out. But if you're hurt because you really love her, then you need to really fight for this girl.

Human Snorenado

  • Stay out of Malibu, Lebowski
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Here's the score- you can waffle, and let her stay in your life when she's proven she's already a destructive influence on your emotions.  If you do this, the hurt ain't gonna stop any time soon, man. 

Or, and this will be shitty... you can politely explain things to her, and move on with your life.  It will probably hurt more in the short term, but you're setting yourself up better to move on with your life.

I've been here, man.  Learn from my stupidity.


  • Senior Member
Fuck her dude, fuck her. Stop being stuck in the high school mentality, she isn't worth it. She chose a douche over you and played with your emotions to boot. There is no point now, it sucks but write her off completely cause she wrote you down as a guy on her hook if she doesn't stick with the asshole or find something better. She decided that you aren't worth the effort for her, so she's certainly not worth your pining.

You're a goddamn lawyer in California, fuck random bitches at bars instead. Keep dating, too. You'll be fine and dandy before you know it.

Here's the thing.  I know her better than you guys (no offense intended, it's just a fact), right now I'm actually pretty damn sure I know her better than herself.  We're extremely close and we know each other's mental patters in and out.  She's even TOLD me that she's confused right now and can't trust her feelings because she just got out of a 6 month relationship like 3 weeks ago.  Now manipulative guy turned that around saying part of that is why she was confused about her feelings towards me and was confusing her deep friendship feelings for love/relationship feelings.  But that's BS, she's liked me for 6-8 months straight, I know this because she's told me in the past and even tried to make out but I shut her down because she was in a relationship and that's goes against my values.  She's confused, irrational (she gets irrational when she gets emotional and she's a highly emotional person), and the douche is taking advantage of that and manipulating her to his benefit.  Basically she's choosing a post-breakup rebound super high crush over a long deep-rooted love she's built up over a year.

I'm not sure HOW to say that to her (at least that she's confused and I probably know her better than she knows herself right now) without coming off as a condescending asshole.  And being that's she extremely sensitive it'll just push her away.

Eventually yeah, maybe she'll figure it out for herself.  She's seen the facts that he's manipulative, she's seen him be controlling, she's seen him be a total asshole and act like a child emotionally when he's attacked on an emotional level, she knows that all of her friends disapprove of him.  When she's not being led around by her emotions (which like I said, unfortunately is 99% of the time because she's highly emotional [like me lol, which is why we connect so much]) she's actually really intelligent.  So yeah, one day I'd have to think she'll figure it all out.  Assholes don't just become great guys forever and ever after they act like an asshole and fuck everyone around them over to get their girl. 

I'm not sure if this was because I really liked her romantically or if I just really cared for her an incredible amount cause she's my best friend.  It's hard to differentiate, I've always cared about her a ton and she's cared about me a ton.

I don't know, man. It sounds like she really put herself out there for you, the above being your initial response to it. If you're hurt because you got played around with by a friend, it sounds raw, and I'm sorry, but you have to move along from it all asap, and you'll recover quickly, I promise, no matter how you work it out. But if you're hurt because you really love her, then you need to really fight for this girl.

As to this...I think it's great advice.  But I hate pussyfooting around this but I...don't know if I'm in love or just frustrated & upset that she's falling for this PUA who was my good friend (but cut me off 3 weeks ago, the minute this girl broke up with her bf and he saw me as an obstacle.  His sole objective for the last 3 weeks as been getting me out of the picture after the bf was out of the picture and then getting her to fall for him; I was really fucking naive and did not realize this until it was too late).

This is the first time I've ever questioned what love is? 

1.  Do I care about her well-being and want her to be healthy and happy and have the best life she can?  Yes
2.  Do I enjoy every minute I spend with her?  Yes
3. Do I always want to hang out with her?  Yes & No.  I like to hang out with her, but I don't want to spend every day, every minute with her.  Even texting I don't want to be texting constantly all day, every day.  I need my space and my life.
4.  Do I want to kiss her?  She's gorgeous for sure, and I like kissing girls, so I'd be up for it.
5.  Do I want to sleep with her?  This is where it's sort of interesting.  The thought of "sex" with her is completely unappealing to me.  She is not "sexy" to me even though she is a very attractive person.  I just don't see her that way.  But the thought of sharing a bed and holding each other closely and comforting each other is something that I would love.

[I'm pretty sure her answer to 1 & 2 would be the same, not sure about the rest]

Obviously I really like her a lot, but do I love her?  I don't know.  I want her to always be a part of my life and until this guy happened, I know she felt the same.  She even said after she slept with him and had been dating him for a week or two on the night she confessed to me that we would always be best friends no matter what happened with us or any other relationship and she said sleeping with him was a mistake and she regrets it, but I didn't judge her for that cause she's an adult and it happens. 

She's really confused and I think we both are because we both care immensely about each other and want to always be extremely close emotionally and physically (in a non-sexual way) but we both can't figure out if that means we're in love with each other or if that's just a deep close friendship.

I think after all this advice from everyone, which I appreciate.  I can't back off if I care about her this much.  Both for my sake and for her sake.  For my feelings and so she won't be hurt and used by this guy.  I'm not sure how I'm going to approach this, especially because she's at the honeymoon phase now where she's decided to really try to make a full relationship work with this guy, is totally infatuated, and like I said, becomes completely irrational and won't consider logic when her feelings are in control.  Knowing all that I don't see anyway she'll change anything no matter what I say right now.  So in the face of futility maybe it's best to leave her be for a while.  But knowing how feelings driven I am and how things are right now I'll probably still talk to her about a lot of this stuff soon, even if it won't do anything and might just push her away :|


  • Senior Member
Here's the score- you can waffle, and let her stay in your life when she's proven she's already a destructive influence on your emotions.  If you do this, the hurt ain't gonna stop any time soon, man. 

Or, and this will be shitty... you can politely explain things to her, and move on with your life.  It will probably hurt more in the short term, but you're setting yourself up better to move on with your life.

I've been here, man.  Learn from my stupidity.

I will do this, but I think I can't give up so fast.  That's exactly what the other guy wants.  When she talked to me and decided to break it off with the guy and she told him she just wanted to be friends, he didn't give up.  He came back as controlling/guilt-tripping asshole and it got her to change her mind again and go back to him even harder than she was before.  Now, that's not my style so I'm not gonna do it like that, but I think the point of not backing down/giving up is important if I really care about her, which I do.

Olivia Wilde Homo

  • Proud Kinkshamer
  • Senior Member
She's really confused and I think we both are because we both care immensely about each other and want to always be extremely close emotionally and physically (in a non-sexual way) but we both can't figure out if that means we're in love with each other or if that's just a deep close friendship.

How do you know she is confused?  Maybe she knows exactly what she wants and that is not you.

Injecting yourself further into this drama is going to make her resent you, not see you in the light that you want to be seen in.  You should just move on if you're smart.


  • Senior Member
Well, I was going by the fact that she said she was confused and has been saying she was confused and didn't trust herself or her feelings for the last couple of weeks since she broke up with her bf.

But you're right about the 2nd line, for sure.


  • Hello darkness my old friend I come to talk to you again
  • Senior Member
Here's the score- you can waffle, and let her stay in your life when she's proven she's already a destructive influence on your emotions.  If you do this, the hurt ain't gonna stop any time soon, man. 

Or, and this will be shitty... you can politely explain things to her, and move on with your life.  It will probably hurt more in the short term, but you're setting yourself up better to move on with your life.

I've been here, man.  Learn from my stupidity.

I will do this, but I think I can't give up so fast.  That's exactly what the other guy wants.  When she talked to me and decided to break it off with the guy and she told him she just wanted to be friends, he didn't give up.  He came back as controlling/guilt-tripping asshole and it got her to change her mind again and go back to him even harder than she was before.  Now, that's not my style so I'm not gonna do it like that, but I think the point of not backing down/giving up is important if I really care about her, which I do.

Dude won because he persisted. That's all it takes. At the end of the day if a woman is attracted to you in any way it might take a while but you'll get there eventually. I wouldn't give up so easily if I were you. They've been going out for what, 3 weeks?


  • Easy Victor
  • Senior Member

definitely have to keep your distance. it'll just be poisonous otherwise. take it as a learning experience, such wild swings in a short amount of time imply being unstable or flaky.

look on the bright side: you have a rare opportunity to attempt the fabled triple-reverse-friendzone if their thing fizzles out quickly and/or she reconsiders. 

*edit* fuck, thinking about it, this would be a double-reverse.  >:(
« Last Edit: June 22, 2013, 03:22:56 PM by Akala »


  • Senior Member
Here's the score- you can waffle, and let her stay in your life when she's proven she's already a destructive influence on your emotions.  If you do this, the hurt ain't gonna stop any time soon, man. 

Or, and this will be shitty... you can politely explain things to her, and move on with your life.  It will probably hurt more in the short term, but you're setting yourself up better to move on with your life.

I've been here, man.  Learn from my stupidity.

I will do this, but I think I can't give up so fast.  That's exactly what the other guy wants.  When she talked to me and decided to break it off with the guy and she told him she just wanted to be friends, he didn't give up.  He came back as controlling/guilt-tripping asshole and it got her to change her mind again and go back to him even harder than she was before.  Now, that's not my style so I'm not gonna do it like that, but I think the point of not backing down/giving up is important if I really care about her, which I do.

Dude won because he persisted. That's all it takes. At the end of the day if a woman is attracted to you in any way it might take a while but you'll get there eventually. I wouldn't give up so easily if I were you. They've been going out for what, 3 weeks?

I introduced the guy to her about 2 months ago and they hit it off as friends right away (he's an easy guy to be friends with, which is how I ended up being friends with him).  Things didn't get date-ish until about 3 weeks ago when he convinced her to break up with her bf when she was on the edge and not sure what to do (I told her to sleep on it and look at it logically the next day).  Since then he was gaming her while she was all alone for the first time in 6 months (I talked to her occasionally, but since I knew she had feelings for me, I didn't want to get too close; felt it was dick to jump in at that kind of time) saying to her that he wasn't interested in her but spending 24/7 with her on dates, flirting with her, paying for all her stuff for about 1-2 weeks, she got a huge crush on him, he confessed about a week and a half ago (after I saw him for the first time in weeks and confronted him on it, which he denied, and then he ran off into the parking lot and confessed to her because he was afraid everyone knew now and she confessed to him) and they've been dating since then. 

I not only introduced them to each other, but pushed them into dating, and then when she confessed her feelings to me, by responding to them and her attempting to break it off with the guy, I ended up pushing the two of them into a relationship now.  So yeah, basically everytime I've done anything it's pushed them both closer together and her away from me.  I THINK THERE IS A PATTERN THERE.

So it's like I can be persistent and not give up, but going by past experiences and stuff like The Experiment said there's a good chance it'll just push her closer to him and make her resent me.  Or walk away and never see her again when I may be in love with her.  It just seems so futile in every way. 

If I had jumped in at any time prior to the last 2 weeks and told her that I liked her, I'm 100% it would have worked and we would have been in a good relationship right now.  But if I had done that I would have lost a lot of mutual friends I care about a lot and gone against my values (prior to the break up - for cheating, directly after the break up - for taking advantage of someone being lonely, confused and vunerable right after a breakup). In the end, I would've done the same thing I did if I could have done it again.  It's really, really hard choosing friends and good morals over a potentially great long relationship with someone you care about, but I just can't do it.  Which is one of the reasons why I get fucked in relationships a lot of times, because I won't play dirty and the relationship isn't my highest priority in life.  My friends and my core values run even higher.


definitely have to keep your distance. it'll just be poisonous otherwise. take it as a learning experience, such wild swings in a short amount of time imply being unstable or flaky.

look on the bright side: you have a rare opportunity to attempt the fabled triple-reverse-friendzone if their thing fizzles out quickly and/or she reconsiders.

Yeah, this is what ideally I want to do.  How do you keep distance in something like this without cutting off completely?  Like do I still offer to hang out and still text and be friends but just not talk about her relationship stuff?  Right now we're kind of not talking.
« Last Edit: June 22, 2013, 02:33:21 PM by Bebpo »

Human Snorenado

  • Stay out of Malibu, Lebowski
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Here's the score- you can waffle, and let her stay in your life when she's proven she's already a destructive influence on your emotions.  If you do this, the hurt ain't gonna stop any time soon, man. 

Or, and this will be shitty... you can politely explain things to her, and move on with your life.  It will probably hurt more in the short term, but you're setting yourself up better to move on with your life.

I've been here, man.  Learn from my stupidity.

I will do this, but I think I can't give up so fast.  That's exactly what the other guy wants.  When she talked to me and decided to break it off with the guy and she told him she just wanted to be friends, he didn't give up.  He came back as controlling/guilt-tripping asshole and it got her to change her mind again and go back to him even harder than she was before.  Now, that's not my style so I'm not gonna do it like that, but I think the point of not backing down/giving up is important if I really care about her, which I do.

Dude won because he persisted. That's all it takes. At the end of the day if a woman is attracted to you in any way it might take a while but you'll get there eventually. I wouldn't give up so easily if I were you. They've been going out for what, 3 weeks?

If she's as easily swayed and influenced as bebpo has made her out to be (and just blindly judging from her age, I'd say she is) then is that someone you really want to be with?  If all someone has to do is just spit enough game at you and keep at it for long enough, are you a good match? 

If your goal is just to have some fun, sure.  Go for it.  If you're looking for an actual relationship, I'd look elsewhere.

Judging from bebpo's replies though, he seems hell bent on putting his heart in the blender, so I'm gonna just dip outta here.  I tried to help.

Human Snorenado

  • Stay out of Malibu, Lebowski
  • Icon
Oh Jesus fuck, I just read more.

This girl (and if she's 20, she's a girl, not a woman with life experiences to help her make sound decisions) apparently:

-was in a relationship with someone for a while but had a thing for you, and tried to hook up with you while in that relationship
-has easily fallen prey to a douchey PUA post break-up
-then apparently fell for you
-then fell for the PUA again

Dude.  For fucks fucking sakes.  I know feels make shit complicated, and considering that I'm currently sort of seeing a 21 year old this may come off as hypocritical:  THIS GIRL IS NOT FUCKING MATURE ENOUGH TO KNOW WHAT SHE WANTS AND YOUR HEART IS GOING TO GET SODOMIZED BECAUSE YOU'RE TOO STUPID TO MAKE THE RIGHT DECISION.

Now I'm fucking out of here.


  • Senior Member
And I already know she's unstable, flaky, irrational.  In fact even in the 2 days between her confessing to me and her rejecting me, the couple of friends I talked to pretty much said "Don't date her; she's crazy and incredibly unstable" but then they said "but you always like the crazy ones", I dunno; I recognize all of that but we also get along so well and I've never had a friend as close as her for as long (and she told me she's never had a friend as close as I am for so long; which is why we both kind of wanted it to last forever [we said this])

When my friend was dating her for the 6 months, they would fight all the time and she'd go crazy and I'd feel really sorry for him.  I'd always feel like "god, I wouldn't want to be in your shoes in any situation".

Actually writing that now and thinking about all those times I felt really really bad for my guy friend who was dating her for all the emotional tantrums she'd pull and how nuts she would actually go....I'm starting to feel a little more ok about this.  Those times I felt sorry for him and said I wouldn't want to date her...I wasn't bs-ing to consul, I really felt that way at those times and THOSE WERE A LOT OF TIMES, especially in the last 3 months of their relationship as it was falling apart. 

I'm stupid, I think I actually see the answer here.  There's a reason why I didn't feel anything strongly beyond a strong friendship for the last 8 months and why I fell in love with other girls along the timeframe.  There's a reason that it wasn't until she was getting game'd by this PUA guy that I started actually feeling burning in my chest and strong emotions about her.  The answer is pretty clear.  I was never in love with her, I just cared about her a lot as a friend and losing her and her friendship to an asshole got me riled up and incredibly emotional.  When she confessed it was so nice having someone that liked me even more than as a friend, and being so emotional at the timeframe, I went for it.  But it's not what I really want.

I...think writing this out helped a lot.  It was a lot of the little things everyone here said that kind of pulled me bit by bit back to reality from some ideal romance-world that I often get stuck in when being emotion-driven.  I know what I want, and it's not her romantically or relationship-y.

I still don't want to lose her as a friend though.  Especially if she wakes up and ditches this guy when she realizes what's going on.  The tough part will be going from how were are now to maintaining our friendship (as just friends) in the face of her dating a guy I really disapprove of.  Also clearing up with her how I feel.  This is going to be really really tough especially since she's so sensitive and unstable.  I think for now I need to just let it sit for a couple of days and then say hi and kind of start talking a little as friends, both apologizing for fighting and trying to clear things up.

Human Snorenado

  • Stay out of Malibu, Lebowski
  • Icon
then they said "but you always like the crazy ones"


Again, I'm yelling at you from the top of a mountain that is built on lots of epically collapsed, laughably horrible relationships with women that were crazeballs insane. 

Alright.  Let's hug it out.
« Last Edit: June 22, 2013, 02:49:45 PM by Creepy Old Guy »


  • Senior Member
We really need a hug emoticon here


  • Easy Victor
  • Senior Member
Yeah, this is what ideally I want to do.  How do you keep distance in something like this without cutting off completely?  Like do I still offer to hang out and still text and be friends but just not talk about her relationship stuff?  Right now we're kind of not talking.

if I was in your situation I wouldn't really initiate contact whatsoever. she will get in contact with you. if she tries to guilt trip you about 'cutting her off', you have a perfectly good reason and should tell her honestly.

to an extent it's up to you where it goes from there...although you really want to have to have your macro-level emotions about the whole thing fairly sorted.  if it amounts to friendship, cool, since you obviously seem to enjoy hanging out with her. just don't allow yourself to become an emotional crutch and become bitter about's a bad look. if things go nowhere, at least you tried. try not to overthink it and for the love of god avoid drunk dialing.

Triumph's advice is scorched earth, but it's honestly the method that will be guaranteed to work and stop pain the most quickly overall. it puts you back to square one, but likely saves you a ton of time and hassle to get there, just going by numbers. a finesse method best-case has a chance to be a bit complicated but good, worst-case will drag things out more far than necessary.

*edit* haha looks like you became rational as I was typing. good jon bebpu.

« Last Edit: June 22, 2013, 03:21:23 PM by Akala »


  • Icon
Yikes bebpo. She's young as hell too. People are dumb in relationships at that age and this has already proven to be emotionally immature. Bail out man. Who cares if that's what the other guy wants? Let him win. Its between them and the choices they make and will learn from. I'd bail out and keep her at arms length as a friend until she grows up.

but whatever you do I wish you the best. My wife and I were in a similar situation, although more complicated actually and I would have told myself to bail out. But after the dust settled im happy I made the decision I made. I can honestly say my marriage was worth the BS. So who knows? I'm rambling. Kinda drunk. Sorry. I'll shut up now. Good luck.


  • cooler than willco
  • Administrator
We really need a hug emoticon here

here u go



  • Member
Yeah, I mean I asked you about love before just to make sure you weren't in a pissing contest without realizing it (I seriously think guys get just as blind trying to beat other guys as falling in love with girls; fuck nature). Just try to do the right thing; I'm sure deep down you want someone better than her, so let him have her. If all else fails, the next time you masturbate think about being next to her immediately afterward and ask yourself if you'd be happy that way.


  • Senior Member
6 months after meeting her, I'm now officially dating a beautiful 16 year old!   :-*


  • Nylonhilist
  • Senior Member
I guess you'd be like the romantic opposite of T234.

spoiler (click to show/hide)
that's not legal is it?

Human Snorenado

  • Stay out of Malibu, Lebowski
  • Icon
I guess you'd be like the romantic opposite of T234.

spoiler (click to show/hide)
that's not legal is it?

If I remember correctly, FatalT is from South Carolina, and there's not much that's illegal there.


  • Senior Member
I guess you'd be like the romantic opposite of T234.

spoiler (click to show/hide)
that's not legal is it?

If I remember correctly, FatalT is from South Carolina, and there's not much that's illegal there.



Age of consent 16 (30): Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Connecticut, District of Columbia, Georgia, Hawaii, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Vermont, Washington, West Virginia

Age of consent 17 (9): Colorado, Illinois, Louisiana, Missouri, Nebraska, New Mexico, New York, Texas, Wyoming

Age of consent 18 (12): Arizona, California, Delaware, Florida, Idaho, North Dakota, Oregon, Tennessee, Utah, Virginia, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania
« Last Edit: June 22, 2013, 07:09:55 PM by FatalT »

Human Snorenado

  • Stay out of Malibu, Lebowski
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I feel way better about my involvement with a 21 year old now   :mynicca

spoiler (click to show/hide)
not really, the age difference in years in my case is so large it's really jarring  :-\

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
  • Senior Member
this nicca worrying about winning the lottery  :gurl

Human Snorenado

  • Stay out of Malibu, Lebowski
  • Icon
I'm worried about winning the lottery turning me into some sort of crazed deviant

spoiler (click to show/hide)
She *IS* super fine tho...


  • Icon


Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
  • Senior Member

she fine



  • Icon
We should settle this with paper, rock, scissors.

Flannel Boy

  • classic millennial sex pickle
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  • Senior Member
I actually have to say half of the pain from this is that I've lived in this naive happy world of decent/good people my whole life and I've never actually been backstabbed by a friend before.  I thought that only happened in movies.  But I got played so hard by someone I thought was a really good friend (we'd been hanging out for 3-4 months now and he'd be helping me with dating advice [though none of it ever ended up all]) and we'd hang out every other day and text every day and jokingly bro-flirt and crack jokes.  Then he found his target, saw me as an enemy, and threw me under the bus skillfully to fuck up my life.  I've never had something like that happen and I kind of blame myself for being naive and not seeing it.  There were plenty of signals that he was a creep, misogynist and a bad person, but I stupidly still led him straight into my naive, young, model best friend.  I know you can't blame yourself for the past and only learn from it, but the backstabbing still fucking hurts.

Flannel Boy

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She always spoke as if we had a future together, the restaurants we'd go to, the movies we'd see, the places we'd visit. She talked about how the distance between us, once she moved, would only make the relationship more interesting. That night she talked about bringing the Heineken over the next time.

God. Why.


  • 🙈🙉🙊
  • Senior Member
I actually have to say half of the pain from this is that I've lived in this naive happy world of decent/good people my whole life and I've never actually been backstabbed by a friend before.  I thought that only happened in movies.  But I got played so hard by someone I thought was a really good friend (we'd been hanging out for 3-4 months now and he'd be helping me with dating advice [though none of it ever ended up all]) and we'd hang out every other day and text every day and jokingly bro-flirt and crack jokes.  Then he found his target, saw me as an enemy, and threw me under the bus skillfully to fuck up my life.  I've never had something like that happen and I kind of blame myself for being naive and not seeing it.  There were plenty of signals that he was a creep, misogynist and a bad person, but I stupidly still led him straight into my naive, young, model best friend.  I know you can't blame yourself for the past and only learn from it, but the backstabbing still fucking hurts.
Sorry to hear, but at least you didn't have to wait years for him to show his true face/tell you what he really thinks of you. The years multiply the pain.

She always spoke as if we had a future together, the restaurants we'd go to, the movies we'd see, the places we'd visit. She talked about how the distance between us, once she moved, would only make the relationship more interesting. That night she talked about bringing the Heineken over the next time.

God. Why.
Woah, that's fucked up.
« Last Edit: June 22, 2013, 10:38:40 PM by Rufus »


  • Member
Feeling this thread plus the unrequited love thread so much right now.

Flannel Boy

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I knew it was a bad sign when she said I looked like Liev Schreiber.


  • Member
Well she said she'd think about the things I said and that she'd contact me tomorrow.

Things I shouldn't be doing right now:

- This
- Be awake in general
- Watch a documentary about Richard Ramirez


  • Icon
I knew it was a bad sign when she said I looked like Liev Schreiber.
but you do!


  • 🙈🙉🙊
  • Senior Member
Yeah, why is that a bad thing?

Flannel Boy

  • classic millennial sex pickle
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Yeah, why is that a bad thing?

She never said he was attractive--has any woman?


  • Senior Member
Of course he is!  He's a movie star!

Dickie Dee

  • It's not the band I hate, it's their fans.
  • Senior Member
Yeah, why is that a bad thing?

She never said he was attractive--has any woman?

 :lawd :aah :aah :noah :noah :lawd
« Last Edit: June 23, 2013, 02:18:28 PM by Mamacint »

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
  • Senior Member
I'm sorry but I lol'd

What do you sound like now?

Olivia Wilde Homo

  • Proud Kinkshamer
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Are you going to see if you can get lessons through a speech therapist?

If not, you might end up trying to sound like Tay Zonday or some shit and people are just going to laugh at you instead.

Flannel Boy

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Fuck--she also said she'd bring the measuring tape* next time.

Update: I sent her nothing today and only one text yesterday. Nevertheless, I still plan on delivering the hand-written letter to her tomorrow.

*To measure her height, you pervs.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
  • Senior Member

just stay home tomorrow bro. don't do this


  • 🧘‍♂️
  • Senior Member

Damnit, Malek.

Flannel Boy

  • classic millennial sex pickle
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Love is real. Real is love.
All you need is love.
The word is love.
It's real love.


  • The Smooth Canadian
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What I meant is--please use your gun.

We're still talking in metaphors, right, boo?   :-*

spoiler (click to show/hide)

Human Snorenado

  • Stay out of Malibu, Lebowski
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Boogie, is there a way you could detain Malek until he's ok?

Flannel Boy

  • classic millennial sex pickle
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Boogie, is there a way you could detain Malek until he's ok?

I don't think I deserve detention for life.

Barry Egan

  • The neurotic is nailed to the cross of his fiction.
  • Senior Member
Boogie, is there a way you could detain Malek until he's ok?

I don't think I deserve detention for life.

Flannel Boy

  • classic millennial sex pickle
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Boogie, is there a way you could detain Malek until he's ok?

I don't think I deserve detention for life.

That's it. I'm going to cut myself.

spoiler (click to show/hide)

Flannel Boy

  • classic millennial sex pickle
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I'm starting to get the suspicion that she's not coming back.

She's just a little air-born.

Flannel Boy

  • classic millennial sex pickle
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Fuck. Her hair color is about the same as Claudia Cardinale's in Once Upon a Time. I need a new avatar.  :'(

Positive Touch

  • Woo Papa
  • Senior Member
Love is real. Real is love.
All you need is love.
The word is love.
It's real love.

this aint love, its stalker shit. youre quickly diving into the lowest levels of fedora-wearing nice guy loserdom. you might not care, but she does. let it go and stop being a dick.


  • Senior Member
Malek, I'd like to give you some good advice but I have none. Feeling like you were used that way sucks. Eventually you'll find someone else, though! Don't worry.


  • ルカルカ★ナイトフィーバー
  • Senior Member
Who would you choose between Fit Girl and Flannel Girl, Malek?

Flannel Boy

  • classic millennial sex pickle
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Love is real. Real is love.
All you need is love.
The word is love.
It's real love.

this aint love, its stalker shit. youre quickly diving into the lowest levels of fedora-wearing nice guy loserdom. you might not care, but she does. let it go and stop being a dick.
It's five lines from Beatles/Lennon songs. Stop being a dick. I don't actually love her.

Flannel Boy

  • classic millennial sex pickle
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Who would you choose between Fit Girl and Flannel Girl, Malek?

Fit Girl. Warmer (not to me), cuter, better shape, better ass.