Author Topic: Pallando will return in "Never Say Never Again"  (Read 1255810 times)

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  • Senior Member
What was the excuse given.

Thesis. Which is a valid excuse. I know. But then I mentioned our visit on Sunday and she kinda was like "most likely" so I'm worried about that.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
  • Senior Member
I need to stop overthinking things. We planned to go see a movie tonight and I asked yesterday if she still wanted to go and she said yes. But she bailed on me today.

I just really hope this isn't a sign she's trying to push me away. It probably isn't. But right now I'm not fully with it in mind and body so it's easy to think things.

She's quite busy with school work right, plus the stress of moving. I'd give her some space, and just be supportive. Maybe cook her something.

Shadow Mod

  • It was Tuesday
  • Senior Member
PD's got the right idea. Even busy people gotta eat. You could always mention stealing her away for a break from the crazy.


  • Senior Member
Thanks guys. I just need to sleep right now because thinking about this right now is a bad idea.


  • relapsed dev
  • Senior Member
Thanks guys. I just need to sleep right now because thinking about this right now is a bad idea.
Yeah, don't overthink it. Just stop and hang out with yourself for awhile. Or other friends. Get outside yer brain.

I feel like this is an appropriate place to put this:

Some girl I know posted this on Facebook.  Now, most of it is pretty simple and duh-worthy.

But, is number one really necessary?  I've had plenty of women take that same action of not calling or texting me after a date after I've texted them, but I don't particularly find it cowardly...I'm man enough and intelligent enough now (after years of shitty trial and error) to just realize she's not interested.  I wouldn't say that's cowardly.  I'm I wrong for drawing a comparison here, or is it different for guys in this situation?  Genuinely curious.

edit: I meant the body of that entry, not the entry's title itself
BN, just be aware that you can't easily juxtapose the rules for women and men.  Women don't call back, usually, because confronting a man can lead to ugly, hate and vitriol, even violence filled confrontations. Men, generally, don't worry about those things from women so much.


  • Unofficial Bore Prude
  • Senior Member
So, I'm single again.  LOL

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
  • Senior Member
So, I'm single again.  LOL

She was your fiance right...? damn


  • 🤷‍♀️
  • Senior Member
Shitty dude, what happened  :(


  • Unofficial Bore Prude
  • Senior Member
We split up on Tuesday night.  We just weren't able to function as a couple.  We've actually been able to talk better with each other since we broke up than anytime before in the last couple of months.

She's (admitted it) got commitment issues and didn't like that the "honeymoon phase" of the relationship ended and we started holding each other accountable for our crap.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
  • Senior Member
Sucks to hear, but better now than after getting married.


  • Unofficial Bore Prude
  • Senior Member
True enough, and I am thankful for that. 

Of course, a little sex would have been nice, but beggers can't be choosers!

In all honesty, the only one I'm worried about right now is my kid.  He doesn't know yet that we've split.  He really loves her though, and had started to call her "mommy" recently.  I don't know how he's going to take it.  The good thing is, she is willing to work with me on talking to him about it.  She still loves him immensely, and I think one of the reasons we didn't split before now is that she didn't want to hurt him.  Granted, letting the relationship go on didn't help, but she's never been a parent, so I don't think she was fully thinking it through like that.


  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
  • Senior Member
Any other Boreans engaged atm? You better do it quick before you join the 2014 Club.

e: Sorry Groog, the kid thing is tough.


  • Icon
Sorry to here that groogrux. :( 


  • kill me
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I can't always be a wreck here, y'all'll ostracize me for being pathetic, but everywhere else online she also occupies with me (your lives kind of co-mingle a lot in 5 years) so I have to be a wreck in indirect ways to save face. (She's not going to give enough of a fuck about me right now to Google translate some Russian, and even if she did, his Russian doesn't really translate easily.)

man, i know this feel. twitter used to be my pathetic dumping ground, but i can't do that much anymore.

and sorry groo :(


  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
  • Senior Member
Today was the first time in forever that I answered "not applicable" to the question "on a scale of 1-10, 10 being the strongest, how has your romantic relationship been doing since your last visit?" when I was filling out my shrink's self-diagnosis questionnaire.  :stahp


  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
  • Senior Member
Ex is drunk tweeting, hope it's drunk in joy and not drunk in sadness--I should be the unhappy one, not her.  :-\

Shadow Mod

  • It was Tuesday
  • Senior Member
Ex is drunk tweeting, hope it's drunk in joy and not drunk in sadness--I should be the unhappy one, not her.  :-\


Where are you located anyway kara.


  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
  • Senior Member
I'm in OC, which is the worst place in the world to find yourself when you've suddenly got nothing. I was driving through a parking lot of Bentleys and Maseratis this morning ruminating on a very unsatisfactory but necessary therapy session, for example.

Portland was pretty swell when I was there a couple of years ago.  :aah

Human Snorenado

  • Stay out of Malibu, Lebowski
  • Icon
One thing I've noticed- being single sucks more and more the older you get. As people get older, they're more likely to pair off and get married or settle down. When I lived in Atlanta in my mid/late 20's, there were all sorts of group hang outs with people just chilling and shit. Now that sort of thing is basically non-existent as people have paired off, settled down, had kids, etc. I don't begrudge anyone their happiness and I'm not trying to get people to go out and get hammered with me on a random Wednesday, but man it sure does feel lonelier in a lot of ways since I've moved back.



  • 🤷‍♀️
  • Senior Member
I'm in OC, which is the worst place in the world to find yourself when you've suddenly got nothing. I was driving through a parking lot of Bentleys and Maseratis this morning ruminating on a very unsatisfactory but necessary therapy session, for example.

Portland was pretty swell when I was there a couple of years ago.  :aah

Come back! I can't help you with your problems, but I can get you high and listen to them!

Positive Touch

  • Woo Papa
  • Senior Member
Ex is drunk tweeting, hope it's drunk in joy and not drunk in sadness--I should be the unhappy one, not her.  :-\

bruh can you do me a favor and get the fuck ahold of yourself

Olivia Wilde Homo

  • Proud Kinkshamer
  • Senior Member
Edit: too gay of a post, even for me
« Last Edit: June 06, 2014, 10:08:30 PM by Mary Tyler Whore »


  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
  • Senior Member
Come back! I can't help you with your problems, but I can get you high and listen to them!

I'll crash at the Joyce Hotel, I've been morbidly curious about the horrors it contains inside ever since I stumbled by it on the way to Powell's I think it was?

bruh can you do me a favor and get the fuck ahold of yourself

Done, ripping out a late night tax return as we speak.  :punch

TY4TLC, coach.

Shadow Mod

  • It was Tuesday
  • Senior Member
Come back! I can't help you with your problems, but I can get you high and listen to them!

I'll crash at the Joyce Hotel, I've been morbidly curious about the horrors it contains inside ever since I stumbled by it on the way to Powell's I think it was?

An old-school hotel in downtown Portland - next to the seemingly-famous Powell's books.

The hotel features a very nice, positive staff and has private rooms as well as shared dormitory-style rooms. The prices range from 17$ to 42$ a night. If you stay at the hotel for more than a month, they will cut you a small deal on paying rent weekly. The rooms are of varying quality. In order to have a guest, you need to pay an additional 7.50$ a night.

The most notable characteristic of the Joyce Hotel is those that live there.

The hotel contains truly crazy people getting their bills paid by SSI, male and female prostitutes, bums, criminals, junkies, drug-dealers, COMPLETE losers in general, sex offenders that can't get a place anywhere else, and the occassional couple staying a night - it's not uncommon for a person to be more than one of these things.

The restrooms are trashed regularly, ranging from graffiti to a feces party.

The garbage receptacles are rummaged often for cans.

It's not uncommon to see the police

Two people have died from drug-overdose within the last thirty days of me being here - that I know of.

People you don't know will try to come into your room, and those same people will knock on your door and try to talk to you. If you're about to leave your room and someone can hear you, it's not uncommon for them to wait and see who is leaving said room. People will come and see if your door is unlocked as soon as you leave. If you leave your door open for a draft, or whatever - people WILL try to look into your room.

If you are going to stay at the Joyce Hotel for an extended period of time, I strongly recommend befriending NO ONE, and to not talk to anyone unless you absolutely have to. I promise if you talk to someone too many times you'll find them knocking on your door all the time.

Don't stay here if you are a single girl/woman.

I was date-raped by a neighbor I still have to see.

Don't stay here if you have kids.

I don't really recommend staying more than a night.

Don't buy weed from room 415 at the Joyce Hotel, and trust me - they'll probably still be there regardless of when you read this.



  • The baby...
  • Senior Member
feces party :lol


  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
  • Senior Member
The hotel contains truly crazy people getting their bills paid by SSI, male and female prostitutes, bums, criminals, junkies, drug-dealers, COMPLETE losers in general, sex offenders that can't get a place anywhere else, and the occassional couple staying a night - it's not uncommon for a person to be more than one of these things.

Finally a place I can call home.  :rejoice

Seriously doe, the place looks so seedy just from the outside, I can only imagine what it's like on the inside.  :holeup


  • stronger ties you have, more power you gain
  • Senior Member
Summer A needs to hurry up and end, can't handle this ghost town of a college.

Actually have to make small talk, date, talk on the phone, etc to get laid instead of just going to one of the bars. So annoying

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
  • Senior Member
Is she thick?


  • Senior Member
I went ahead and decided that I'm not going to follow her to Texas. At least I'm not going to on the outset.

She's going to go. Then if in a month or two we think it's an idea worth pursuing, we'll discuss it then.

But for now, we're going to enjoy this last month. We'll go on a short trip somewhere before she leaves.

And when Pax South rolls around I'll have a person to go with and a place to sleep.


  • Icon
whoa whoa whoa.  fistful we could have been so close!! 

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
  • Senior Member
At least she's not moving to Hungary.

« Last Edit: June 09, 2014, 01:45:06 PM by Phoenix Dark »


  • Icon
spoiler tags, mofo!


  • Ebola Carrier
Brehs, how many texts can you send someone in a row without it getting too weird?
Give me a number.


  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
  • Senior Member


  • Ebola Carrier
+/- 1, right?


  • relapsed dev
  • Senior Member


  • Ebola Carrier


  • Senior Member
depends on time spacing too.

three quick texts in a few minutes = a little unusual, but no biggie

three texts spanning a couple of days at random intervals = go away creep


  • Ebola Carrier
depends on time spacing too.

three quick texts in a few minutes = a little unusual, but no biggie

three texts spanning a couple of days at random intervals = go away creep

Yeah, it was within a few minutes, I have a writing style that trail over texts - bad twitter habit.


  • Senior Member
yeah i do that too. granted, not to potential dates :p


  • Senior Member
Also depends on context. If the discussion calls for it, go for it.


  • Ebola Carrier
Background: Talked to her for a day in OKC, she gave me her details and asked me to keep in touch but that she was going to go on a back packing trip for a couple of weeks and might not be able to respond depending on coverage/whatnot. I'm trying to keep talking even if only sporadically so I can make a move when she gets back, I think that sounds like a good idea at least since she seems to be into me.

I have no idea, I've never grabbed a date from OKC.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
  • Senior Member
2, and I'd feel awkward as fuck doing that myself. If I don't get a response I just assume the person has a life and is doing constructive shit - which makes me want to do constructive shit too. I'm more concerned when I get constant texts. Which is one of the problems with being involved with a younger chick, as they want to text all the fucking time and I'm like...why? If you want to talk so much why don't you come over and chill, fuck text messages.


  • Ebola Carrier
I'm absorbing all of your wise words and have come to the conclusion to put her out of my mind and just keep on trucking with my own life, and in the event she's still interested in me when she comes back - that's a win.


  • Unofficial Bore Prude
  • Senior Member
2, and I'd feel awkward as fuck doing that myself. If I don't get a response I just assume the person has a life and is doing constructive shit - which makes me want to do constructive shit too. I'm more concerned when I get constant texts. Which is one of the problems with being involved with a younger chick, as they want to text all the fucking time and I'm like...why? If you want to talk so much why don't you come over and chill, fuck text messages.

This.  And what happened to good old regular phone calls?  What needs to be said can be taken care of in less than 5 minutes on a phone call that might take 2-3 hours through text messages.  Drives me crazy.


  • Senior Member
it's like instant messaging. it allows a conversation that you can walk away from for a bit and return to. not everyone wants to engage in direct conversation that they're locked into.


  • Ebola Carrier
ITT: Old people. What does Chrono know about texting potential dates? When he got married flip phones weren't even invented.



  • Senior Member
Someone help me out here with a possibly stupid question. During E3 yesterday, I struck up a conversation with this cute Asian girl. She seemed pretty friendly and cool, and we spoke for like half an hour, which I figured was a good thing. Then, towards the end, she said that I reminded her of her ex. that supposed to be a good or bad thing? I really didn't know how to respond to that.
« Last Edit: June 13, 2014, 02:16:20 PM by Oblivion »


  • Senior Member
well she probably used to fuck her ex so

That's what I thought. But on the other hand it could also mean she's been there, done that, right? D:

Go to E3 to meet girls, brehs. Might as well go look for chicks on a Marine base.

Actually it just sorta happened. I was watching the Smash Bros. contest on Nintendo's huge T.V. in their booth, and and this chick sat down next to me and we just started shooting the shit.

And you joke, but surprisingly enough, E3 is full of smoking hot girls. And I'm not even talking about booth babes. :drool

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
  • Senior Member
Seems like escorts could make so much money going to E3 and hooking virgins with disposable income and no god damn common sense.


  • Senior Member
Pretty sure they already do that.

Olivia Wilde Homo

  • Proud Kinkshamer
  • Senior Member
Pretty sure they already do that.

They do.  There was a story back in the day when three or more Gamefan staffers fucked a hooker (one hooker total, not each) when they were at E3.  Since there were more dudes than holes, the odd man (men?) out played Yoshi's Island while they waited for their turn.


  • 🙈🙉🙊
  • Senior Member


  • Senior Member
« Reply #6233 on: June 14, 2014, 01:36:19 AM »


  • Nylonhilist
  • Senior Member
I always imagined that guys who Groupon a hooker would be really macho.


  • relapsed dev
  • Senior Member
Someone help me out here with a possibly stupid question. During E3 yesterday, I struck up a conversation with this cute Asian girl. She seemed pretty friendly and cool, and we spoke for like half an hour, which I figured was a good thing. Then, towards the end, she said that I reminded her of her ex. that supposed to be a good or bad thing? I really didn't know how to respond to that.
It's good and bad. She's interested, but for the wrong reasons.

And you joke, but surprisingly enough, E3 is full of smoking hot girls. And I'm not even talking about booth babes. :drool
Women in sales, marketing, and PR tend to be fairly attractive and outgoing.

ITT: Old people. What does Chrono know about texting potential dates? When he got married flip phones weren't even invented.
We did, we just had to send telegrams.


  • Unofficial Bore Prude
  • Senior Member
I think I'm going to lose it.  Everyone keeps on telling me, "If God wills it, maybe you two will get back together..."

I'm pretty sure her will is going to come before God's on this one.  In the meantime, I'm trying to find a reason to hate her and I can't.

[Edit] In other news, I reactivated my OKC account a couple of days ago for reasons I can't figure out.  Feeling pathetic, I deactivated it again tonight.
« Last Edit: June 15, 2014, 11:39:01 PM by Groogrux »


  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
  • Senior Member
[Edit] In other news, I reactivated my OKC account a couple of days ago for reasons I can't figure out.  Feeling pathetic, I deactivated it again tonight.

As a public-ish figure idek if I can really put up an online dating profile.  :shaq2

All I need is a client's kid spotting me and narcing me out to their 'rents.  :neogaf


  • ルカルカ★ナイトフィーバー
  • Senior Member
Seems like escorts could make so much money going to E3 and hooking virgins with disposable income and no god damn common sense.

When I went to E3 back in '06, people were handing out Spearmint Rhino (stripclub) coupons at the entrance to the Staples Center...


  • you might think that; I couldn't possibly comment
  • Senior Member
well I had basically written off this kind of thing for the foreseeable future of my life, was content putting my energy into math and arguing on the internet and stuff, but I randomly met a girlllllllll who I'm pretty into, and she likes me if I'm not delusional, and we will see each other again. now watch me spin up wild unmoored fantasies in my head to come crashing down