Author Topic: Pallando will return in "Never Say Never Again"  (Read 1249794 times)

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  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
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I also think she's p. cute but I'm self-conscious about being an unwilling member of da patriarchy so I left that out of my post:-[

Since we're on the subject of dating ideologically however, I found this the other day. Please enjoy everyone.

Gareth the Trot posted on June 17th.  :drool :drool :drool

"but no Stalinists please"  :ussrcry Our love was never meant to be, Gareth.

Barry Egan

  • The neurotic is nailed to the cross of his fiction.
  • Senior Member
I went on a couple dates with an actress from rural Ohio recently.  She has a nice, playful energy and is really cute but she kept sharing the type of anecdotes that you almost exclusively here from bigoted people (recurring variations of "can you believe [this person of specific ethnicity] was offended when I said this!....") When I jokingly insinuated that she might be racist she responded, literally, with "No, I even have black friends"  :-\

Complete turn-off for me. I'm done.

Have a date with another girl lined up for tuesday.  She's an extremely quiet girl, and I'd say there's around a 30% chance that her silence isn't in fact an indication of inner depth and really just means has no personality at all.  Hoping for the best though.
« Last Edit: June 27, 2014, 05:39:09 PM by Barry Egan »


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Exchanged a flurry of messages with a driven, independent woman last night.  :jawalrus

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Now bring on the crushing rejection when she eventually realizes I'm a fucking piece of shit.  :aah

BTW, whenever I get asked "what's one thing you'd change about yourself?" on this site since apparently online dating is a fucking job interview, it always takes a colossal act of will on my part to just not write, "cease being a fucking piece of shit."

ooh, does dating these days involve coding at the whiteboard?  :drool


  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
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I remember I once interviewed for a position at a tech company and the owner went to the person I would be replacing and explained how they did job interviews in the tech industry (i.e. whiteboard coding bullshit) and that they wanted the person I would be replacing to do likewise with me and we both just looked at him like he was from Mars because you don't advance in accounting if you can't do things, and there's no fucking Perl-esque creativity bullshit in accounting--we follow the same rules that Pacioli wrote down hundreds of years ago fer chrissake.


  • you might think that; I couldn't possibly comment
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sounds like accounting could use some disruption tbqh


  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
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  • you might think that; I couldn't possibly comment
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wouldn't have happened if they'd used ruby or node.js

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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In college I interviewed for a book keeping job at a local bookstore. The owner asked me what my biggest strength was and I went on some sophomore level spiel about working hard - noting how I once spent a large amount of time trying to figure out a small error I made on an accounting class project blah blah blah. Then the owner said "that's dedication but we don't need all that. Small errors are going to happen, after all." He started laughing so I started laughing, thinking he was joking. But then I realized he was serious.

I turned down the job.


  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
  • Senior Member
Ah yes, good ol' material vs. immaterial errors. Miscellaneous expense adjustment entries ahoy!

On a tax return you have to reconcile a company's books to the tax return on a specific schedule because they will never agree with one another, if only because tax returns only measure in whole dollars. This makes some business owners livid for some reason, which I find amusing slightly.

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You made the right choice.


  • ルカルカ★ナイトフィーバー
  • Senior Member
wouldn't have happened if they'd used ruby or node.js

NPM :bow :bow :bow


  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
  • Senior Member
Christ, could people PLEASE edit their dating profiles. You don't like to read books about forbitten love, unless that's some new vampire word I'm unfamiliar with.


  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
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I run in very... out there circles that Boreans would  :heh in a nanosecond and one day I had to read someone drone on about how prescriptive grammar was tyrannical and blah blah blah and while I could empathize with their perspective to a certain extent, I wanted to point out to them that they were showing their "I'm a monoglot whose sole language happens to be the world's current lingua franca" privilege because if you've ever studied multiple languages you'll find that prescriptive grammar is :rejoice, even if it's full of fucking bullshit made up by hegemons and doesn't necessarily equip you to survive below a certain socio-economic level in places where that language is spoken.

But I held my tongue because the last time I called them out on their fucking bullshit Twitter spiraled so far out of control at me that the lead singer of the Mountain Goats tried to own me by unironically linking me to the etymology of words J.R.R. Tolkien made up. (I wish I was making this up, if I was I would have at least tried to make it passably funny.) :fbm


  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
  • Senior Member
Sure, the Bore is a chill zone. I think I made fun of Andrex for not knowing the word despair the other day, but I'm a fucking piece of shit.

But dating sites are a meat market, and you better be showing off that USDA Prime label shit in your profile imo.

I should just change my match settings on education, but I feel like I could be missing someone who sort of fell through the cracks like I did if I did do that. (NOT TO SAY THAT I'M SMART, ESCH.)
« Last Edit: June 30, 2014, 03:07:32 AM by Karakand »

Shadow Mod

  • It was Tuesday
  • Senior Member
If you're in LA you should really be utilizing Tinder anyway.


  • 🙈🙉🙊
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Prescriptive grammar, pff.
Any grammar is designed to be deficient, as you say. I don't usually see it brought up in regards to language learning, because you kinda have to be practical there and I hope most sane people agree. It's not a useful lens to view language through otherwise, especially when people and institutions try to slam their normative dick on the table.

That said there are a lot of things which stir the curmudgeon in me, too, like "gonna wanna do" and "with no". Or the wave of transcription fuck ups (which I feel comfortable calling mistakes) like "could of". I hope it's just orthography, anyway. I don't have to like the changes to accept change, but please not in that direction...
Other things just have my ears piqued, because I've learned them differently not too long ago, like "sneaked". Desperately awaiting the first "swimmed" from an adult.

Shadow Mod

  • It was Tuesday
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Just about the only thing that pushes my buttons via spelling/grammar anymore is if someone knows me a while and can't get my name right because of the implication of generally not giving a shit, that's about it.


  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
  • Senior Member
If you're in LA you should really be utilizing Tinder anyway.

From my understanding this is based on immediate proximity, right?

I'm not using that shit until I move out of where I currently live (too close to my clientele).

Shadow Mod

  • It was Tuesday
  • Senior Member
So what are you doing now, hitting on people in completely different geographical locations?

If you're that vexxed by it be sure to pay attention to how many miles away they are.


  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
  • Senior Member
Southland + San Diego. My new car has sick MPG, the world is my oyster.  :jawalrus

TBH I've only hit on 2 people, one deactivated their profile and / or blocked me and the other I talked about having a good back and forth with the other night, but I think she's blown me off now. :fbm I could have upgraded from working the mail room to being Mandark's PA at the Elders of Zion HQ if she'd given me a chance.  :tocry

I'm mainly fielding being hit on myself because I think being a white looking tax accountant who lives in OC probably makes me sound like more of a catch than I really am.

Barry Egan

  • The neurotic is nailed to the cross of his fiction.
  • Senior Member
I have a second date lined up.  She is soooo quiet though.  :-|  The lack of feedback can be disconcerting. 


  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
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The woman I was interested in messaged me back, I was wrong about being blown off. :rejoice

She'd just been moving. :whew

I also finally ended that 3 day, mostly late night, way-too-flirty-given-the-stakes text message conversation I had been having with that person I kind of work with last night.  :jawalrus

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The damage is already done on that front though, I think. :fbm

Unless she's just a huge flirt like I am. :ohhh


  • The Panty-Peeler
  • Senior Member
I just had a girl disappear on me after 2 really awesome dates! You know, If they just said they weren't interested, I wouldn't feel so shitty. The funny thing is, she lives right down the street from me, so how awkward.

Shaka Khan

  • Leather Jihadist
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Poop on her doorstep.

Preferably an arrow shape pointing to your direction.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
  • Senior Member
follow your moisturized heart


  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
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Brehs I used "Spanish West Indies milieu" in a communication. (:snoop)

I think I'm taking the el (:heh) on this one.


  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
  • Senior Member
fml I'm getting drunk texts from that person I kind of work with while they're still at the actual bar. I'm not taking the L on this one, I'm going to be fucking Elohim.

How is Virgin-GAF so bad at life? I haven't even been single for 2 months, am a fucking emotional, psychological and biological wreck, and even with all that I'm already embroiled in 2 fucking awkward things. (I haven't even talked about the other one here it's so ugh.)

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It's because I tell people what they want to hear instead of being myself. :shh
« Last Edit: July 05, 2014, 02:22:16 AM by Karakand »


  • 🙈🙉🙊
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You leave your house and talk to people. Boom.

My self-help book will be out soon.


  • Senior Member
Ugh. I thought I had a great first date yesterday, but apparently it wasn't. Girl I've been talking to on OKC on and off for like a week or two finally agrees to meet up for lunch. We go to Denny's and seems everything's going well. We're making great conversation, we have a few things in common, and the ones where we don't, she still seems interested at least. She tells me she had a good time and wants to meet up again and we kiss. Later that day I send her another message on OKC saying I enjoyed meeting up and that maybe next time we could see a movie or something.

She hasn't responded so far. And I know she saw my message cause I saw her last online status. Alas. She was really hot too.  :'( Much better than her pictures which were already nice.
« Last Edit: July 05, 2014, 05:10:46 AM by Oblivion »


  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
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Breh she kissed you don't stress out about it. Neuroses are red, psychoses are blue, etc. First date doesn't equal rapid response communication unless maybe you had really hot sex.

You leave your house and talk to people. Boom.

My self-help book will be out soon.

Nah, I'm not that good looking or funny (as I stopped casually drinking) anymore for this to work. You could make a killing doe, get dat ish out there.

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People love to talk about themselves and I don't like to talk about myself (which I'm sure none of you who post / lurk here believe, but I don't act the way irl that I do here) so I'm happy to direct a conversation around a person talking about him or herself, which makes it seem like I might be interested when that's not necessarily the case. So as to avoid any suspicions, I do share things about myself, but only things about myself that compliment what the person has told me during the directed conversation which builds a false sense of connection.

Still the same POS I was at 22. :snoop
« Last Edit: July 05, 2014, 11:39:47 AM by Karakand »


  • 🧘‍♂️
  • Senior Member
fml I'm getting drunk texts from that person I kind of work with while they're still at the actual bar. I'm not taking the L on this one, I'm going to be fucking Elohim.

How is Virgin-GAF so bad at life? I haven't even been single for 2 months, am a fucking emotional, psychological and biological wreck, and even with all that I'm already embroiled in 2 fucking awkward things. (I haven't even talked about the other one here it's so ugh.)

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It's because I tell people what they want to hear instead of being myself. :shh
Speaking from personal experience: Don't talk to people unless it's for practical reasons like work, food, school, etc. And if, out of the blue, someone expresses interest in you, romantically or sexually, recede into a state of emotional numbness and assure yourself that no one would ACTUALLY be that crazy or stupid to want to fuck you, or love you, or whatever.

Also, becoming a workaholic and a home body really helps. "Hey Atra, want to go to the bar after class?" "Nope. Sorry. Can't. I have to go home and get all these projects done before Friday." Then rinse and repeat until no one bothers asking you to go places with them anymore.
« Last Edit: July 05, 2014, 12:37:51 PM by Atramental »


  • kill me
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You leave your house and talk to people. Boom.

My self-help book will be out soon.

i always did this and it took me forever :'(

i also need to stop reading karakand posts because they are so depressingly relateable
« Last Edit: July 05, 2014, 01:05:43 PM by CajoleJuice »


  • Hon. Mr. Tired
  • Senior Member
When did this thread become dating-gaf?

Atramental has been steadily gaffing up this place for a while now.


  • you might think that; I couldn't possibly comment
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Atra gives excellent advice a few posts up tho


  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
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i also need to stop reading karakand posts because they are so depressingly relateable

"Like father, like son" isn't an adage for no reason. :goty2

@Atra those are all good tricks and I used them to great effect during the portions of my last relationship that were long distance but I have no reason to use them anymore. And to change careers I also need to be able to produce references that know me better than, "Oh yeah I worked with him for X years... he did good work but I can't tell you anything else about him sorry. I exploited the fuck out of that sucker, doe."

I felt repulsive, I pulled some old behaviors out of the toolbox of my young adulthood (with origins in my childhood) that are bad but effective. I now know I'm not repulsive again and it's time to put those old behaviors away because they just get me into trouble, hurt people, or both.


"So what books are you reading?"
"[Book 1 in a fantasy romance series], [Book 5 (!!!) in an urban fantasy series], and A Storm of Swords."

I should just go find a book club, do the ones single women attend (if such a book club even exists) read real books?
« Last Edit: July 05, 2014, 06:14:40 PM by Karakand »


  • 🙈🙉🙊
  • Senior Member
You leave your house and talk to people. Boom.

My self-help book will be out soon.

i always did this and it took me forever :'(
No guarantess, it's in the disclaimer.


  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
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Awkward thing #1: Resolved :rejoice
Awkward thing #2: Escalated horribly :fbm

(#1 is the work thing, #2 is the thing I didn't talk about here.)
« Last Edit: July 05, 2014, 08:44:31 PM by Karakand »


  • you might think that; I couldn't possibly comment
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ok, I took the extreme step of sending a facebook friend request to woman I'm super attracted to who tried to kiss me earlier. this feels kind of stalker-ish because we never talked about contact methods or facebook or anything, and she doesn't seem to have posted any facebook stuff since March and I suspect she barely uses facebook and has possibly turned anti-facebook finding it creepy in general. and she's been kind of cold towards me the last couple times we ran into each other, she sees me and gives me a hug but then we barely talk. (she might have a new boyfriend also)

but otoh, I don't know any other way to contact her, and it just feels ridiculous that we are two people who were at least at one moment in time mutually attracted to each other, and I just go places hoping she'll randomly show up, and I think she might actually do the same since she was asking me if I had a certain schedule for when I went to a place she goes to (answer: not really). unless my model of her feelings is completely delusional and she was asking for purposes of avoiding me, lol.
« Last Edit: July 06, 2014, 02:35:58 PM by recursivelyenumerable »


  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
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Keep us updated!

No fucking way lol. #2 is so bad brehs, it's like Zack Morris "I fucked up" tier. I didn't even get to have sex (and am definitely NOT going to have sex), which is at least how I used to console myself when I got into these situations as a lad. :goty2

I was honest too! (That's how I cleared up #1 as well, being honest is actually pretty rad brehs. It's up there with crying when you feel sad imo.) And instead I got, "I'm not looking for the perfect man anymore." :mindblown

I already hate dating people in my age group, the desperation is palpable. :comeon 


  • you might think that; I couldn't possibly comment
  • Senior Member
what is yr age group?


  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
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Late 20s.


  • you might think that; I couldn't possibly comment
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  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
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Shadow Mod

  • It was Tuesday
  • Senior Member
I should just go find a book club, do the ones single women attend (if such a book club even exists) read real books?

There are even clubs for specific genres. You gotta find 'em though.


  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
  • Senior Member
Damn... :ohhh

Oh wait it's Biz using that term. :neogaf

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Still something to consider, however. :larry

Meetup seemed like a wash for OC (which doesn't surprise me given its rampant philistinism), I'll try LA proper and maybe have some better luck.

Shadow Mod

  • It was Tuesday
  • Senior Member
Just join a bunch of clubs and try some volunteering. Don't hope you'll met a woman but it's inevitable once you start actually doing shit other than work and internet.


  • you might think that; I couldn't possibly comment
  • Senior Member
To me it's important to at least have some legit interest in the ostensible reason for the meetup. If I do that + have enough things going on at once that I don't need to have any particular expectation of meeting anyone at any individual event or group, I think I'm OK.

I do mentally tally/estimate the gender ratio everywhere I go tho, lol. creepy as fuck probably
« Last Edit: July 06, 2014, 03:27:26 PM by recursivelyenumerable »


  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
  • Senior Member
You, me, and TVC.  :noah

Just join a bunch of clubs and try some volunteering. Don't hope you'll met a woman but it's inevitable once you start actually doing shit other than work and internet.

Finding a volunteer organization has been on my to-do list for awhile (2-3 weeks). Gonna get a list together tonight and make some calls tomorrow... unfortunately it has to be weekend only.


  • The Panty-Peeler
  • Senior Member
I had a date cancel on me tonight, Soo...  video games? YUP!

Barry Egan

  • The neurotic is nailed to the cross of his fiction.
  • Senior Member
I was extremely nauseous before last nights date and vomited what seemed like a few days worth of food before we met (this probably had less to do with nerves and more to do with all the adderall I've been taking).  Despite feeling terrible, the date went really well.  Girl is legit, and really cute too. 

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The obscurity of her interests  :noah

Date 3 coming up  :whew

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
  • Senior Member
give us an example of this obscurity. I was talking to a friend who complained about this shit. He went on a OKC date with a chick whose profile mentioned she often makes obscure pop culture references. During the date she then proceeded to make references to minor Harry Potter characters multiple times - including Luna Lovegood who isn't even technically a "minor" Harry Potter character.


Human Snorenado

  • Stay out of Malibu, Lebowski
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Late 20s.

Pffft, that's fucking nothing. Wait until you're in your late 30's.

I fucked around with my profile yesterday, messaged a bunch of women, and got 2 numbers. Lunch date tomorrow with one and a potential date Friday with the other. We'll see. I am starting to suspect that I'm far better in print than in person, which is not good for me I think, cause I'm already not that charming and funny in print.

Barry Egan

  • The neurotic is nailed to the cross of his fiction.
  • Senior Member
The girl I saw a couple of times before this one worked at a bookstore but the only books she actually had interest in was Harry Potter :picard

Current girl is really in to avant-garde jazz (she spent a lot of time in undergrad working at a digital archive that wanted to preserve that sound) and I can't really remember the names of the authors she's big on, only that I'm sure I've never heard them come up in conversation before.  She doesn't sprinkle these things in to casual conversation, you'd really have to ask before she'd mention it.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
  • Senior Member
Harry Potter is like the female equivalent of dudes who parade their Christopher Nolan film appreciation (or Fight Club...). Sure it's cool or whatever, but if that's the height of your interest in the medium or a means of showing you like "good shit" then gtfo from me.

I made the mistake of having Harry Potter listed on my books list on OKC. I generally like the series, and while I recognize its flaws now tbh I haven't touched it since finished the last book. I'll re-read it one day, probably when I have kids or nephews.


  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
  • Senior Member
Pffft, that's fucking nothing. Wait until you're in your late 30's.

I'm extrapolating what this might be like from what it's like now and :stahp.


  • Nylonhilist
  • Senior Member
I met a girl on OKC who wrote that her music taste was "eclectic" and I thought it was cute and witty how she used that word ironically. Eventually I asked her after a few days to tell me about some of the eclectic bands she listens to because I'm the type that makes small talk during foreplay and she's telling me about Avenged Sevenfold, Linkin Park, etc. I'm far from a music snob but I lost a boner for a minute and had to pretend like she couldn't notice. 

Barry Egan

  • The neurotic is nailed to the cross of his fiction.
  • Senior Member
I met a girl on OKC who wrote that her music taste was "eclectic" and I thought it was cute and witty how she used that word ironically. Eventually I asked her after a few days to tell me about some of the eclectic bands she listens to because I'm the type that makes small talk during foreplay and she's telling me about Avenged Sevenfold, Linkin Park, etc. I'm far from a music snob but I lost a boner for a minute and had to pretend like she couldn't notice.



  • ルカルカ★ナイトフィーバー
  • Senior Member
Late 20s.

Pffft, that's fucking nothing. Wait until you're in your late 30's.

I fucked around with my profile yesterday, messaged a bunch of women, and got 2 numbers. Lunch date tomorrow with one and a potential date Friday with the other. We'll see. I am starting to suspect that I'm far better in print than in person, which is not good for me I think, cause I'm already not that charming and funny in print.

The fact that you have some semblance of command of the English language already puts you ahead of a significant portion of the OKC population.


  • 🧘‍♂️
  • Senior Member
Speaking of OKC. That site keeps on reminding me why I need to go to bars more.  :lol

Saw a chick that looked like my type but turns out she's a furry with Aspergers. 

God can be so cruel.  :shaq2


  • Ebola Carrier
You're not just limited to bars, matey.

Widen your friend circle, take part of hobbies and stuff that get you in contact with people, yadda-yadda.
But I know that feel, OKC is a bit of a crackshot.


  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
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While the site I use is kind of bizarre in its own ways, I am damn glad I'm not using OKC. :holeup

However after thinking a lot about myself thanks to that ACA discussion in the random talk thread, idk if I should even try and be meeting people for the time being. I don't think there's really a way to swords to plowshare not trusting partners who aren't exploitative in some respect while being utterly unable to trust anyone who isn't.