Author Topic: Pallando will return in "Never Say Never Again"  (Read 1255302 times)

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  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
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Am I in any way whatsoever humble? :gurl


  • Senior Member
starting again.

realizing why i stopped in the first place (before i was contacted by her). Such an annoying process. blah.

in other news, I started talking to the ex finally.


  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
  • Senior Member
in other news, I started talking to the ex finally.

How's that going?


  • Senior Member
fine. it was just a bit of conversation last night when i was sitting at the drive in. i'll probably engage again later tonight to delve a bit into how things have been going in San An.



  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
  • Senior Member
Doesn't sound so bad. Good luck dealing with heavier shit if it comes up.

I don't think mine will ever contact me again as a friend, but I dread it happening pretty much every day.


  • Senior Member
the notification sound tinder makes when there's a match is one of the most terrifying fucking things i've ever heard. holy shit.

in other news, i have no idea what to do with this.


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  • Ebola Carrier


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fistful, just try to fuck them.  it's pretty simple


  • 𝕩𝕩𝕩
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  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
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At least he said no when you asked instead of asking you, you accepting, and then he went "lol nvm" down the road. :goty2

e: Preemptive "fuck you" to Esch for cornball emoticon replying to this post.


  • you might think that; I couldn't possibly comment
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wow i'm in pretty awful physical shape


  • Senior Member
been swapping messages with a chick today. got to a point where it felt right to ask her out. she seems to playing 'hard to get' with the whole 'maybeee' thing

so i'm being a bit playful back. but i dunno, should i ease off a bit? or maybe keep at it? i feel like i should easy off, casually change the subject and then swing back round to it tomorrow?


  • Senior Member
nope. OKC. I casually eased off a bit on this one. I'll probably try for her number tomorrow.

the tinder chick is moving away soon (my fucking luck right? HA HA) so i assume that IS what she's after but fuck i don't know how to play those cards. we'll see.


  • Ebola Carrier
"Hey, I'm around X o clock, want to hang?"

Pretty much code word for "Sex, y/n?"


  • I have the most sensible car on The Bore
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7 months in! #milestones


  • Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside.
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"I now pronounce you the Angryfaces. You may now snort derisively at the bride."

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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I'm not ready for a MrsAngryFace.


  • I have the most sensible car on The Bore
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all the faces

Steve Contra

  • Bought a lemon tree straight cash
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lil angry face :-[

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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man just imagine how boring TheBore will be when StonyMason Jr and LilMrAngryFace are having logic based conversations and weighing the positives/negatives of every issue.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
  • Senior Member
Wrathchild and PD's adopted son would be annoying enough to infuriate them into a frenzy. But hey, boys will be boys.

Especially when he starts bragging about enjoying "classics" like Carter IV and Drake albums.


  • Senior Member
re: tinder

so should you, like actually schedule a date with one of these chicks? or what? invite back to the place? already?


  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
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"I like to read a lot." *gets question about identifying the direct object in a sentence wrong* (Why this is even a question on a dating site?)

"Is it ever OK to lie?" Answer: No
"Have you ever lied to get out of a date?" Answer: Yes

#thedualities #theinternalcontradictions :lawd

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Still going to message. :fbm
spoiler (click to show/hide)
Still going to get rejected. :fbm :fbm
spoiler (click to show/hide)
Probably deserve to be. :fbm :fbm :fbm


  • Senior Member
pushed a bit to the OKC chick to go out again, but she went silent. not gonna assume the worst yet though.

the tinder chick, already swapped numbers and setup a thing for next week. gonna bring her over and make dinner so that's a thing. i gotta remember that she's not my long term interest. remember. gotta remember.


  • Icon
pushed a bit to the OKC chick to go out again, but she went silent. not gonna assume the worst yet though.

the tinder chick, already swapped numbers and setup a thing for next week. gonna bring her over and make dinner so that's a thing. i gotta remember that she's not my long term interest. remember. gotta remember.
it will probably be easy to remember when you're slipping the condom on


  • 𝕩𝕩𝕩
  • Senior Member
It'll be easiest to remember once he's a few strokes in and realizes he's basically just using her for masturbation. In that moment, you'll both be empty. I hope you get/enjoy that nut though  ;)
« Last Edit: July 29, 2014, 09:38:17 PM by toku »


  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
  • Senior Member
Emotionally vacuous sexual relationships. :aah


  • Icon
It will actually be hardest to remember then but we've all gotta make mistakes.
I need your validation in the fitness thread. Like right now!


  • Senior Member
the OKC girl is playing super hard to get.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
  • Senior Member
the OKC girl is playing super hard to get.

not after you eat her out


  • Senior Member
i mean... yeah. that's the plan. but getting her to finally fucking go out with me seems to be a challenge.


  • 🧘‍♂️
  • Senior Member
Just flat out tell her that you'll suck her clit like a vacuum cleaner.  :hitler


  • 𝕩𝕩𝕩
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"Girl I'm just trying to eat it, maybe beat it. Only hit me back if you bout that life. Deuces." - fistfulofmetal, 2014


  • Senior Member
Need some help.

My fiance's doesn't have many friends.  She had 3 close friends in the past 2 years, a girl and a guy and me.  The girl got a bf and stopped being available, my fiance and I got in a relationship, and the other guy who I could tell liked my fiance, kept being her only close friend out of the relationship.  She'd text with him and talk with him and hang out with him all the time.  Then when she got in her depression about 4 months ago she became distant from everyone. 

A couple of weeks ago she got out of her depression and has tried to get social with all her friends again.  Her and her guy close friend hit it off back again and were back to hanging out all the time (because he doesn't work and she doesn't work and I'm at work 5 days a week) and texting and calling and then finally he told her he loved her and has only loved her and hasn't got in a relationship with anyone for the past 2 years because she is the only girl out who challenges him and he gets along with so well.

And my fiance basically said let's talk about it and spent a day out talking with him all day.  She told him that she wasn't interested in a relationship and was happy in the relationship with me but she wanted to stay friends and tried to get him to move on.  He said he wouldn't move on, that he'd respect our relationship but he'd never give up on her until she's married and would wait for her.

Now in my mind, this is the point where you're like "uh, that makes me uncomfortable.  Goodbye".  But my fiance is so afraid of losing her only friend outside our relationship and was like "ok, cool.  Great!"  and since then they've been talking/texting like everyday while she tries to "cheer him up" because she felt bad he was depressed from the rejection and they've been hanging out in person and basically they're totally "best buddies".  It was always uncomfortable before since it was obvious to everyone that he liked her and all the times they would hang out together people would be like "who is this?  I thought you were in a relationship with bebpo" and they'd take lots of pictures together like couples.  They joke with each other and tease with each other all day through texts and calls and I'll be sitting in bed with my fiance and she'll be texting with him and I'm like "that's not cool".

But she doesn't get it.  She keeps insisting he's just a friend and she's only treating him like how she treats all her close friends, male or female.  She jokes and teases with them and talks and calls and hangs out with them.  I tell her it's different because he likes her a lot and sees her as more than a friend and it makes me really uncomfortable.  She's always hanging out or talking with him and I brought up "emotional cheating" but she says it's not because he's just a friend.  I go "hey, let's go see a movie tonight" and she's like "hey, can this guy come too?" and I'm like "no, that makes me uncomfortable" and then she gets mad at me like it's my fault.  I've been avoiding any sort of group thing where he'd be there because seeing them together makes me feel really bad, like it's seeing her with her "other boyfriend" even if there's no physical anything between them.

I'm not sure what to do.  Since she won't tell this guy to back off and since he's stated he won't move on, this is just going to keep happening.  It's been like this for about a week or two now and it's been putting our relationship through a rough spot.  I know she won't physically cheat on me as I trust her, but it hurts that she basically spends more time with him (through texting mainly) than with me and I feel like I'm missing the time/communication part of our relationship as she's going to him for it.  I've said this to her but she just sort of avoids it with "it's not like that, I love you" stuff.

I feel like the only way to get rid of this feeling is for either him to back off, or me and my fiance to break up so she can just go shack up with this guy already and I can move on with my life.  What are people supposed to do in situations like this?

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
  • Senior Member
Just break up with her. What's the point of dealing with nonstop drama and caring for someone if they're going to continue to do shit you're uncomfortable with? Now for me personally, I wouldn't have a problem with my girlfriend having male friends because I'm a confident guy, I'd trust my gf, etc. That's not the case with you (no offense), so the best course of action would be to make one last appeal about this, and when she continues to not listen/understand break her off.



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Homeboy isn't respecting your relationship. If he was he wouldn't be saying that to her and go on a spiel about how he wont give up.

if you really feel that strongly you two need to talk and come to some sort of consensus. Hamstringing your relationship because of this dude is basically what he would want. Communicate communicate communicate. And most importantly dont let this douche dictate the time you two spend together. Its not healthy and it will come to a head real quick.


  • Senior Member
Homeboy isn't respecting your relationship. If he was he wouldn't be saying that to her and go on a spiel about how he wont give up.

if you really feel that strongly you two need to talk and come to some sort of consensus. Hamstringing your relationship because of this dude is basically what he would want. Communicate communicate communicate. And most importantly dont let this douche dictate the time you two spend together. Its not healthy and it will come to a head real quick.

I try to talk to her about it to come to a consensus, but she never seems to throw out any ideas to meet halfway or even do something to reel it in a bit.  And she just gets upset and we fight whenever I try to suggest her backing off.

I was just talking with her and she excuses it by saying that he is being respectful because he's never made a physical pass at her and that I shouldn't be mad because she is the one who initiates contact with him the majority of the time (basically every day, all of the time).  Still feels like she's emotionally trying to get things elsewhere that she is unhappy with in our relationship instead of talking about it and figuring it out together.


  • the ex-XFE, now 3rd in-line for SFE
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I feel like the only way to get rid of this feeling is for either him to back off, or me and my fiance to break up so she can just go shack up with this guy already and I can move on with my life.  What are people supposed to do in situations like this?

you're making a jump here - it sounds like even if you weren't dating she wouldn't pursue a relationship with this guy anyways. From her perspective they are friends and that's it - the fact he's declared that he loves her is obviously going to cause you some anxiety but the fact is that unless your girlfriend is complicit then nothing is going to happen - she doesn't particularly sound like she's interested in the other guy in that way.

Ultimately though, hypocrit hat on here, my wife when we started dating had a whole massive slew of male friends who she spent a great deal of time with and i did have a huge amount of misgiving and problems with it and , whilst not in all cases, i actively looked to disuade her from seeing some of her male friends #shameface. In the best cases , people who had made it clear that they were interested in her are actually the easier to get over. Lol, a certain Japanese game industry guy (that you might now) punched me in the arm and called me a "complete bastard" because i was dating her as he had hoped he'd get there eventually even after many years of having her visit her house to play games until the dead of night. You know what helped? we became friends - the guy and I.

My biggest issue was her still meeting an ex. a couple of ex's actually. Due to an absolutely brutally honest and devastating reality check at the start of our relationship which let me know -exactly- where i stood at the early stages, it made trusting what she was saying so much easier. However, even years later it didn't stop the cogs from turning - eventually though she lost touch with most of her male friends - and this ... THIS is where it -will- bite you in the ass if you aren't careful.

You put too much pressure on her to not see someone and you are slipping a noose around your neck because, especially if that leaves here with basically no friends, she will one day resent the fact that you took that away from her. My advise is simply this : as difficult as it is - have him along, YOU suggest having him over, show a level of trust regardless of the situation and let things roll. Your girlfriend has given you all the details of everything that has happened - you have no reason to distrust her and whilst part of your brain is saying "yeah, but i don't trust him" that ultimately doesn't matter. The more he see's that she's happy with you, the more he gets to know you - the easier it'll be to accept the reality and the fact that he's holding out for something that's not going to happen.

showing you are above this will pay massive dividends in the future and, frankly, if you can trust your girlfriend to not shack up with anyone else then this is basically a zero risk proposition.



  • Senior Member
I feel like the only way to get rid of this feeling is for either him to back off, or me and my fiance to break up so she can just go shack up with this guy already and I can move on with my life.  What are people supposed to do in situations like this?

you're making a jump here - it sounds like even if you weren't dating she wouldn't pursue a relationship with this guy anyways. From her perspective they are friends and that's it - the fact he's declared that he loves her is obviously going to cause you some anxiety but the fact is that unless your girlfriend is complicit then nothing is going to happen - she doesn't particularly sound like she's interested in the other guy in that way.

Ultimately though, hypocrit hat on here, my wife when we started dating had a whole massive slew of male friends who she spent a great deal of time with and i did have a huge amount of misgiving and problems with it and , whilst not in all cases, i actively looked to disuade her from seeing some of her male friends. In the best cases , people who had made it clear that they were interested in her are actually the easier to get over. Lol, a certain Japanese game industry guy (that you might now) punched me in the arm and called me a "complete bastard" because i was dating her as he had hoped he'd get there eventually even after many years of having her visit her house to play games until the dead of night. You know what helped? we became friends - the guy and I.

My biggest issue was her still meeting an ex. a couple actually. Due to an absolutely brutally honest and devastating reality check at the start of our relationship which let me know -exactly- where i stood at the early stages, it made trusting what she was saying so much easier. However, it didn't stop the cogs from turning - eventually though she lost touch with most of her male friends - and this ... THIS is where it -will- bite you in the ass if you aren't careful.

You put too much pressure on her to not see someone and you are slipping a noose around your neck because, especially if that leaves here with basically no friends, she will one day resent the fact that you took that away from her. My advise is simply this : as difficult as it is - have him along, YOU suggest having him over, show a level of trust regardless of the situation and let things roll. Your girlfriend has given you all the details of everything that has happened - you have no reason to distrust her and whilst part of your brain is saying "yeah, but i don't trust him" that ultimately doesn't matter. The more he see's that she's happy with you, the more he gets to know you - the easier it'll be to accept the reality and the fact that he's holding out for something that's not going to happen.

showing you are above this will pay massive dividends in the future and, frankly, if you can trust your girlfriend to not shack up with anyone else then this is basically a zero risk proposition.

Thanks DC, yeah that sounds like a good idea. 

Human Snorenado

  • Stay out of Malibu, Lebowski
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Bebpo.  I love you.

Please break up with your fiance for good. It's for the best. I know you may not think so, but fuck man. You're too good for that.

Human Snorenado

  • Stay out of Malibu, Lebowski
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Also, I was having drinks with an old friend tonight, and one of her friends randomly came into the bar we were at and proceeded to basically ask me out. So, I'm still hot to late 40 somethings, I guess I've got that going for me.

Further also, I have decided that when women call me "adorable," that's code for "unfuckable." Just a hypothesis, but testing has born this out.

Shaka Khan

  • Leather Jihadist
  • Senior Member
Hold up, bebs— I'm way behind. You have a fiancé?

Shadow Mod

  • It was Tuesday
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I'm going to be completely honest here: the problems you consistently have with your gf (now fiancee) have led me to believe that you're just sticking around because you believe it to be a sure thing despite all of the red flags we notice.

That being said, I have male friends who have admitted feelings or been obvious about it, you either have to trust your SO or not. If you don't consider her trustworthy maybe you're not ready to date her let alone tie the knot.


  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
  • Senior Member
Further also, I have decided that when women call me "adorable," that's code for "unfuckable." Just a hypothesis, but testing has born this out.

I have been fucked by someone who called me adorable, but that label was not applied to me by them at the beginning of our interlude.


  • Hon. Mr. Tired
  • Senior Member
Further also, I have decided that when women call me "adorable," that's code for "unfuckable." Just a hypothesis, but testing has born this out.

I have been fucked by someone who called me adorable, but that label was not applied to me by them at the beginning of our interlude.

After she saw your penis, right?


  • 🙈🙉🙊
  • Senior Member
Further also, I have decided that when women call me "adorable," that's code for "unfuckable." Just a hypothesis, but testing has born this out.

I have been fucked by someone who called me adorable, but that label was not applied to me by them at the beginning of our interlude.

After she saw your penis, right?


  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
  • Senior Member
After she saw your penis, right?

We were lying on top of a bed in opposite directions (my feet were where her head was and hers at mine) one night and after a period of silence I said something sweet. I wish I could recall what it was that I said, but the specifics... elude my faculties.

Remember the particulars of guilt, remorse, debasement, minutiae, and obscurae in your life but not the circumstances of your happiness brehs.


  • Nylonhilist
  • Senior Member
Bebpo she sounds like she just isn't attracted to him and so would never date him for that reason but she doesn't realize how unfair it is to both guys to basically tell this dude that he can still sit on the bench as a backup.

What dcharlie said is correct, where if you cut off an SO's social circle or life progress in some way then they'll resent you years later. But I personally would not consider someone like this as a person I would want to marry since it sounds like she just doesn't understand how you feel despite how much it bothers you. It's one thing if she has a jealous friend who wished he had a chance but this guy sounds totally crazy. Ask yourself if you think she would be okay with the reverse situation.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
  • Senior Member
There are too many red flags bro. I think it would be best to break off things, and remember anything that happens afterwards isn't your fault. You've given everything to make it work, and while I disagree with your view on her male friend at the least your gf should respect or understand your view, and discuss it with you. If she can't recognize how serious it is to you, move on. Why would you marry someone that doesn't care about your feelings? Save yourself time and money.


  • Ebola Carrier
You're the one by her side, why not let her friend tag along occasionally so that he can see how strong the two of you are together?

That seems like the best way of changing his mind regarding trying to go after your SO, and she gets to keep a friend and won't develop resentment towards you over your jealousy.


  • Icon
bang her friend so that he realizes he's gay and no longer wants your gf.  Problem solved


  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
  • Senior Member
One of my shitfuck parents gave my cousin who I haven't talked to in 15 years and who has the same name as my ex as well as the same nationality (one of) my email addresses and I got this long rambling email from them this morning at the buttcrack of dawn that woke me up and could be summed up as "things will get better, just promise me that you'll take your meds."

She signed her fucking email the way my ex would too. [Name] xxxxxx

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I can understand why a romantic partner would only want to send kisses instead of hugs and kisses, but my cousin too? :goty2

Fuck my fucking shitfuck life. Fuck everyone in my fucking shitfuck life.

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Except y'all.


  • 🧘‍♂️
  • Senior Member

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Sorry. Just wanted an excuse to post this gif.


  • Icon
One of my shitfuck parents gave my cousin who I haven't talked to in 15 years and who has the same name as my ex as well as the same nationality (one of) my email addresses and I got this long rambling email from them this morning at the buttcrack of dawn that woke me up and could be summed up as "things will get better, just promise me that you'll take your meds."

She signed her fucking email the way my ex would too. [Name] xxxxxx

spoiler (click to show/hide)
I can understand why a romantic partner would only want to send kisses instead of hugs and kisses, but my cousin too? :goty2

Fuck my fucking shitfuck life. Fuck everyone in my fucking shitfuck life.

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Except y'all.
Fuck you.  This is like my dream fantasy. 


  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
  • Senior Member
I like how y'all focused on the incest angle instead of the triggering memories I'm trying to forget angle. :neogaf


  • Senior Member
As for the red flag posts...yeah, I know and I've known for a while unfortunately.  This year's been kind of a mess relationship-wise.  For now I've backed off a lot on serious commitment/marriage (before I wanted to get married in 2015, my fiance wanted 2017, now I'm siding with waiting a while to see if we really want to do this).  Our relationship is rocky and I'm seeing where it goes at this point.  It's a reason why this guy friend made me more uncomfortable, because we have problems with our relationship and it's sort of ugh to think there's a guy waiting to just swoop in if we take a break for a bit or split up and stay friends.  My SO wants us to go to couples counseling and I'm fine with that.  We both do really love & care about each other and we both want to make this work, but there's a lot of red flags/problems and we're either going to work through them (would like it to go that way) or we'll split.   

You're the one by her side, why not let her friend tag along occasionally so that he can see how strong the two of you are together?

That seems like the best way of changing his mind regarding trying to go after your SO, and she gets to keep a friend and won't develop resentment towards you over your jealousy.

Yeah, he's not even a fan of it either because it hurts him emotionally to see my and my fiance together.  I shouldn't let him bother me.  I read some tip on a google search that basically said in a situation like this "don't let a 3rd party dictate when you can spend time with your SO" and that really struck me as true.  I'm going to spend time with her and if this guy wants to tag along sometimes that's fine.  I'm not going to not spend time with my SO because I'm worried about being uncomfortable around a guy friend of hers who likes her.


  • Ebola Carrier
Good for you, sounds like all you needed was a pat on your back.

I don't see this drama ever going away. If it's not this, it will be something else, and then something else, and so on.

Van Cruncheon

  • live mas or die trying
  • Banned
it could turn into some sexy cuckold shit. is her friend black? pics plz