Author Topic: Pallando will return in "Never Say Never Again"  (Read 1255664 times)

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  • captain of my capsized ship
  • Senior Member
The point of being a couple is spending time together. Any time spent with a third party (doesn't matter who) is time being robbed from you.

Plus, any dude that is pathetic enough to try to wedge himself into a relationship via playing on the pity of a woman, is A person that you dont want in your life. They are capable of doing some crazy shit because they have such low self-esteem.

A some point, when you surround yourself with crazy and/or depressed, it infects your own mind and drags you into the well.


  • Senior Member
the ex and I had a talk

we've been having idle chat here and there. mostly me asking how things are and having her tell me about the city. etc. she then paused and basically told me she's worried I'm only having these idle chats because she doesn't think I'm ready for a casual friendship.

and she's mostly not wrong. really the reason I decided to reach out to her was because I felt the cold turkey approach wasn't working and only making things worse for me. I WANT to have her as a casual friend and the only way I felt that can happen is if i opened communication channels.

she doesn't think I'm over her.

and it's hard to come to terms if I really am? I think I'm over her enough. The relationship and the thoughts that used to plague my head are pretty much gone. They aren't relevant in my life anymore. I'm already talking to other girls and my motivations aren't isolated to just her. am I completely over her? Probably not. But I don't think cutting her off is going to help. I'll just end up thinking about her constantly. Having some kind of release - some kind of outlet - is helping me, long term.

is this all bullshit? maybe. but i feel better now.

i feel our current situation will tapper off. she'll start seeing someone, so will I. i'll be less motivated to talk to her about things. etc etc.

but the talk was good. it was something i needed to have because we never got to really do it. i felt so uncomfortable doing it and at the same time i didn't want to burden her with this during such a stressful time. so having the talk helped.


  • Senior Member
if you mean it's not a binary state then yes, i agree.


  • cooler than willco
  • Administrator
isnt she your first? probably why you are so hung up on her. its normal... to a certain point, then it gets just kinda weird and sad. you will find someone else to latch onto.


  • Senior Member
you're probably still attached to her, you relate a very significant thing (porking) to her and her only. I was the same way, got a little clingy. this is gonna sound cold but bone some rando and see if you still have that feeling. if not, problem solved.

and bebpo, this dude probably shittalks you nonstop when he's with your girl. sure she may not feel anything for him romantically, but it's kinda fucked that she doesn't see the problem with hanging with a guy who says 'i will love you until the end of time and will not rest until you are my betrothed'.


  • Icon
you're probably still attached to her, you relate a very significant thing (porking) to her and her only. I was the same way, got a little clingy. this is gonna sound cold but bone some rando and see if you still have that feeling. if not, problem solved.

and bebpo, this dude probably shittalks you nonstop when he's with your girl. sure she may not feel anything for him romantically, but it's kinda fucked that she doesn't see the problem with hanging with a guy who says 'i will love you until the end of time and will not rest until you are my betrothed'.
honestly if this is the case it's on her to shut that shit down.  If she doesn't, bebpo's got more problems than this guy trying to squeeze in.  That means she's unhappy on some level.

With that said Bebpo has already said they're having problems and he thinks she's unhappy and she doesn't seem to care about how he feels about the situation.

All in all, he's in a bad spot.  Relationship is already unstable, he thinks she's not being honest about how she feels and douche nozzle is horning in.

I'd honestly cut my losses with everything you've posted in the past and this current situation. 


  • Icon
Sorry, what I meant to post was:


  • Senior Member
oh i'm confident it happens, and while she may try to defend him or ignore it and play it off... he should bail out. maybe that guy technically 'wins' because he gets what he wants but who gives a fuck.


  • 🤷‍♀️
  • Senior Member
Bebsy wins when he gets his next SO and they're not a basket case clinging on to back up men.

Sorry to be callous, Bebpo, but it's time to cut her loose. You're not responsible for her, even if you feel like maybe you are. It's not honorable to trudge through a situation like that, it's self destructive

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
  • Senior Member
What does this He doesn't have a job so I guess he's in school, thus allowing him time to chill with your gf all the time?

Bail out, cut contact, don't let her guilt you into anything. Let her family (and her simp friend) deal with her and move on.


  • Icon
Big simpin'.  Smellin' like cheese.  He be big simpin playin' D&D.  It's that jobless chump white knightin' Bebpo's girl as he pleases. 

Arbys Roast Beef Sandwich

  • •••
  • Senior Member
Serious question, no trollin' -- how many times have ya'all been telling Bebs to dump this basketcase he's been saddled with? No offense, but it seems like anybody sane would have bailed out a long time ago. What's the underlying issue here that's causing you to still stick around, brother? Emotional attachment?


  • Ebola Carrier
Serious question, no trollin' -- how many times have ya'all been telling Bebs to dump this basketcase he's been saddled with? No offense, but it seems like anybody sane would have bailed out a long time ago. What's the underlying issue here that's causing you to still stick around, brother? Emotional attachment?

Pussy on tap is powerful.


  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
  • Senior Member
I don't think we even know how Bebs and his fiancée got back together? They broke up a little while back... then Bebs came back asking for relationship advice and indicating they were back together.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
  • Senior Member
You can't make someone love you, Bebs. If she acts like this about relatively small stuff, how are you going to handle bigger issues? Worse yet as others pointed out, this dude she's chilling with isn't exactly being passive about his pursuit of her - he's no doubt trying to convince her why he's better for her than you. Which means that more than likely he's talking shit about you, yet she continues to hang with him.

You brought her from the brink, paid for her healthcare, presumably spent money to help her pursue her education...I'm not saying you "own" her and don't want to give that impression. All I'm saying is that given the time and effort you've put in, you would expect her to at least give your concerns some honest, mature consideration. She not only blew you off, she then asked to bring this guy on a date with you - knowing that you guys have a limited among of "couple time" as is, and knowing she has ALL DAY to chill with this guy if she wants to.

Don't feel trapped out of fear that if you leave her it'll increase her emotional problems. If you're going to call things off, be firm and don't let pity or fear change your mind. After a breakup you are no longer responsible for her; hell, you aren't responsible for her now, but you took on that responsibility because you're a decent guy. Another woman will be able to sense that about you, and hopefully she'll care about you as much as you care about her. You won't be single for long breh.


  • Senior Member
We talked it out about this situation (which got diffused, I went out to a group thing and the guy was there and could tell it was way more uncomfortable for him, so I realized I was stupid for getting so worried about it) and things are better (we hadn't had a good chance to talk about our problems for a few weeks).  I'm still not committing for years and will see how this goes.  I'm with her because I care about her, have fun together with her, enjoy living together, enjoy conversations together, doing things together, eating meals together, I'm really close with the cats that are both technically hers (she got the younger one after were together).  She's got a great sense of humor, she's pretty, she tries to do nice things for me a lot and is very kind towards me and her friends, gives me space and let's me chill in my tv/computer room when I want.  She chips in for the mortgage which is helping both of us out financially.  I like her a lot, love her even though over time all the negative stuff is taking that feeling away and making it more like "like" than "love".

On the negatives she's messy and I spend the first 15 mins of waking up each day cleaning the mess up from the previous night (clothes on the floor, trash on the floor, plates and utensils still out), she's flaky and terrible at planning, she likes doing things that are a little dangerous because they're exciting (I do not like danger; for example her and a friend trailed cars picking up prostitutes just because it was something different and exciting; she prank called a KKK hotline from a fake number because it was "fun"; these things make me uncomfortable), she's a bit ditzy and doesn't think about how actions would affect me sometimes (she's working on it), we don't have a lot of hobbies in common (her hobby is reddit, science and gaming on her phone, I like movies [she does not like movies at all], game industry news and physical activity) but we do have some we like to do together (exploring/traveling, eating).

There's also logistics of her having just moved a ridiculous amount of stuff over, bought $1,000 worth of Ikea furniture which we built together and if she moved having to find a place, get movers to move it all out again, what to do about the cats, myself helping her out with her lawsuit which if I gave to another attorney there's a good chance she would flake and blow the lawsuit and not get her medical bills paid back and have to file bankruptcy. 

We're sort of at a point where we both say "hey this isn't working that great and we aren't super compatible in living together [things really got exponentially worse when she moved in], but we care a lot about each other and love each other and we want to make this relationship work and last for good, so let's communicate, identify problems and openly discuss how to minimize them and make each other enjoy our company together and let's find more hobbies we can do together and enjoy spending time together".  There's no negativity or anger between us.  She's open to breaking up, I'm open to breaking up, but we'd both would prefer to stay together and try to make this work.  I think we could probably stay as friends (not close) if we break up, and there's always the idea of taking a break for a few weeks to get some fresh air for both of us, but with some work on both sides, I think we could also have a better relationship and be happier.  We'll see.


  • Senior Member
I think the overall feel is just what everyone says and is expected of a relationship between an early 20s girl and early 30s guy.  People in their 20s can be fun, cool people, but they don't have their shit together, crack under pressure, and don't really know what they want.  Meanwhile early 30s people tend to know what they're doing, be responsible and not want "crazy" stuff in their life as they wanna relax and have a good responsible time.  So there's always some clashing. 

If this doesn't work out, the next time I date I'm only dating 35-40 year old women who have full time jobs and their life together and don't need wild and crazy excitement.

You sure it's not just freak nasty sex that you'd miss?

I'll take that as why you're still in a relationship

haha, ummm I haven't really wanted to say anything about that, but she's very shy/anxiety so sex life do I put this in a public space?  Satisfactory?  But I am not bragging at all to anyone and it is not what is keeping me in the relationship, but I wouldn't list it as a negative either.
« Last Edit: August 01, 2014, 08:44:58 PM by Bebpo »

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
  • Senior Member


  • Senior Member
you're both open to breaking up, and probably should, but are staying together because its comfortable. i mean this is bad enough for a dating relationship, but an engagement-to-be-married? no way.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife"


I think the overall feel is just what everyone says and is expected of a relationship between an early 20s girl and early 30s guy.  People in their 20s can be fun, cool people, but they don't have their shit together, crack under pressure, and don't really know what they want.  Meanwhile early 30s people tend to know what they're doing, be responsible and not want "crazy" stuff in their life as they wanna relax and have a good responsible time.  So there's always some clashing. 
lol don't buy into this nonsense. sure early 20s people may lack a clear direction in life but they sure as fuck aren't required to leave a scorched trail of drama everywhere they go.


  • relapsed dev
  • Senior Member
We talked it out about this situation (which got diffused, I went out to a group thing and the guy was there and could tell it was way more uncomfortable for him, so I realized I was stupid for getting so worried about it) and things are better (we hadn't had a good chance to talk about our problems for a few weeks).  I'm still not committing for years and will see how this goes.  I'm with her because I care about her, have fun together with her, enjoy living together, enjoy conversations together, doing things together, eating meals together, I'm really close with the cats that are both technically hers (she got the younger one after were together).  She's got a great sense of humor, she's pretty, she tries to do nice things for me a lot and is very kind towards me and her friends, gives me space and let's me chill in my tv/computer room when I want.  She chips in for the mortgage which is helping both of us out financially.  I like her a lot, love her even though over time all the negative stuff is taking that feeling away and making it more like "like" than "love".

On the negatives she's messy and I spend the first 15 mins of waking up each day cleaning the mess up from the previous night (clothes on the floor, trash on the floor, plates and utensils still out), she's flaky and terrible at planning, she likes doing things that are a little dangerous because they're exciting (I do not like danger; for example her and a friend trailed cars picking up prostitutes just because it was something different and exciting; she prank called a KKK hotline from a fake number because it was "fun"; these things make me uncomfortable), she's a bit ditzy and doesn't think about how actions would affect me sometimes (she's working on it), we don't have a lot of hobbies in common (her hobby is reddit, science and gaming on her phone, I like movies [she does not like movies at all], game industry news and physical activity) but we do have some we like to do together (exploring/traveling, eating).

There's also logistics of her having just moved a ridiculous amount of stuff over, bought $1,000 worth of Ikea furniture which we built together and if she moved having to find a place, get movers to move it all out again, what to do about the cats, myself helping her out with her lawsuit which if I gave to another attorney there's a good chance she would flake and blow the lawsuit and not get her medical bills paid back and have to file bankruptcy. 

We're sort of at a point where we both say "hey this isn't working that great and we aren't super compatible in living together [things really got exponentially worse when she moved in], but we care a lot about each other and love each other and we want to make this relationship work and last for good, so let's communicate, identify problems and openly discuss how to minimize them and make each other enjoy our company together and let's find more hobbies we can do together and enjoy spending time together".  There's no negativity or anger between us.  She's open to breaking up, I'm open to breaking up, but we'd both would prefer to stay together and try to make this work.  I think we could probably stay as friends (not close) if we break up, and there's always the idea of taking a break for a few weeks to get some fresh air for both of us, but with some work on both sides, I think we could also have a better relationship and be happier.  We'll see.


  • Senior Member
yeah, uh, tailing johns is a good way to get your ass beat or worse. honestly she sounds, from what I've read here, someone who craves drama above all else. you don't want that kind of person in your life, my friends have dated this kind of person and it gets old real fucking quick.

srs question, has she ever done or said something to you or around you knowing you don't like it, just to start a fight or conflict? I mean, aside from hanging out with a guy who is borderline obsessed with her.


  • Senior Member
yeah, uh, tailing johns is a good way to get your ass beat or worse. honestly she sounds, from what I've read here, someone who craves drama above all else. you don't want that kind of person in your life, my friends have dated this kind of person and it gets old real fucking quick.

Yeah, this is what I said, but she said she was in a car with a friend and they just U-turned and drove off when they thought they got spotted.  I'm like "yeah, that was a super bad idea" and my friends were all "wtf" when I told them and yet she says when she tells people about the experience (her friends and people from her school) they just laugh and tell her that's hilarious.  Age group difference?

There's definitely a lot of drama.  She says she doesn't want drama, and is sick of drama in her life, but every week there's something.

srs question, has she ever done or said something to you or around you knowing you don't like it, just to start a fight or conflict? I mean, aside from hanging out with a guy who is borderline obsessed with her.

Nah, not really.  She never really tries to do stuff intentionally to bother me.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
  • Senior Member
yea breh that might be normal behavior for Jaden Smith, but not most young people. I've certainly never heard younger people discuss the joys of tailing johns.


  • cooler than willco
  • Administrator
Ask if he's interested in any time shares


  • Senior Member
Yeah, this is what I said, but she said she was in a car with a friend and they just U-turned and drove off when they thought they got spotted.  I'm like "yeah, that was a super bad idea" and my friends were all "wtf" when I told them and yet she says when she tells people about the experience (her friends and people from her school) they just laugh and tell her that's hilarious.  Age group difference?


It also might be that she hangs out with weird people who are similar and find that stuff funny?  idk

The only other thing is if we do break up, I kind of don't want to date for a while (maybe a year).  Not because I'd be down on dating, but just because it'd be nice to get back to hanging with friends, seeing movies, getting more sleep, staying in shape, could travel more since it's now half the price!  etc... the things I like but didn't have time for in a relationship, especially after living with someone.

But then I worry about being in kind of those "prime" dating years at 28-32 and worried that if I wait until I'm 34-35 or something to get back to dating, it'll be really pain in the ass at that age.  Kind of worried about being old and single I guess.


  • Senior Member
Age group difference?

you're not allowed to chalk this stuff up to an 'age difference'. I met my wife when we were both 22-23; there was no drama, no chaos, no 'work', no fixing.

Kind of worried about being old and single I guess.
well, it explains why you are putting up with all of this.


  • Icon
It honestly sounds like the honeymoon is over and you guys rushed certain aspects of your relationship so instead of doing what most people would do and call it quits, you're both trying to salvage something only because you invested more than you should have and its not quite that simple anymore.

the longer you wait, the worse it will be. Everything you have said on this page is not indicative of a lasting relationship.


  • Senior Member
tldr; I'm sticking around because I care about her and like being with her and it'll be a pain in the ass to split up because of the logistics.

But I understand we should probably split and it'd be better for us in the long-term.  I know that, but just...reasons.


  • Icon
I think most people have been in a similar situation. Know its bad, stick around anyways. Its something most people have to learn by themselves.


  • kill me
  • Icon
tldr; I'm sticking around because I care about her and like being with her and it'll be a pain in the ass to split up because of the logistics.

But I understand we should probably split and it'd be better for us in the long-term.  I know that, but just...reasons.



  • Senior Member
tldr; I'm sticking around because I care about her and like being with her and it'll be a pain in the ass to split up because of the logistics.

But I understand we should probably split and it'd be better for us in the long-term.  I know that, but just...reasons.
everyone knows why you're doing it, we're just telling you not to

Shadow Mod

  • It was Tuesday
  • Senior Member
The only other thing is if we do break up, I kind of don't want to date for a while (maybe a year).  Not because I'd be down on dating, but just because it'd be nice to get back to hanging with friends, seeing movies, getting more sleep, staying in shape, could travel more since it's now half the price!  etc... the things I like but didn't have time for in a relationship, especially after living with someone.

Bro you should be able to do all of that in a relationship.


  • Senior Member
Also, fwiw this is the first time I've been in a long-term relationship.  All the ones in my 20s were < 3 months.  Also first time living with an SO.  Not sure how easy it'll be to adjust.  I know even with the 3 month relationships it felt kind of empty for a while and I'd debate about trying to get back together.

And considering that we don't have any antagonism towards each other, if we split there's a good chance we'll stay friends, especially since we don't have many friends besides each other.  But I think it'd be hard on her for us being friends because she really cares about me more than I care about her.  I'd like to be friends and hang out with the cats here and there, but don't want to hurt her. 

That's also another reason why I haven't broken up with her that I've never really brought up:  I don't want to hurt her.  I care about her a lot and we've been through a ton together.  She's had a shit life full of people treating her badly and people leaving her.  Don't want to put her through that :\

Shadow Mod

  • It was Tuesday
  • Senior Member
Beps, it's going to hurt more in the long run when everything we say finally hits you square in the face and the break up is ugly because of all that time and emotion invested rather than nipped in the bud.


  • Icon
Do it now while everything is just a slight annoyance and you don't resent each other. Give it enough time and it will sour.


  • 🤷‍♀️
  • Senior Member
Shit, no, Bebsy, no! Listen to the internet people on this one :( If the things that are stopping you are logistical, you definitely need to figure those logistics out and do it!

Human Snorenado

  • Stay out of Malibu, Lebowski
  • Icon
I'm just not going to talk to you until you come to your fucking senses and have been broken up with her for like six months.



  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
  • Senior Member
Kind of worried about being old and single I guess.

You will be when she dumps you in a few years after getting her shit together.


  • Senior Member
Well tonight was the worst fucking night of my life


Shadow Mod

  • It was Tuesday
  • Senior Member
Beps you seem like a genuinely nice guy, you're successful and good looking. Don't sell yourself short please.


  • Senior Member
welcome to the sad club, breh


  • Senior Member
Bebpo, I'm glad you're out of it. Please do not go back like after the last round.

Relish this:

you were NOT happy. You cannot force happiness. You cannot hope that happiness comes. Sometimes relationships have hills and valleys, but there's no perceivable way to have a lasting, healthy relationship with the person you described the past year. How would marriage even be like if you're taking care of her like she's a child? What happens when/if you have children? Is she suddenly going to grow up? Bebpo, you had no obligation for her to finally blossom. No one does in a relationship - especially an adult relationship.

Relish this and please do not go back. In fact, do not even contact her. It'll tempt you like a Siren's kiss. It always does. Don't throw yourself into the cycle or childish games. You an adult, and you want happiness, and you were not getting it.

On a better note, I'm positive you'll find a fantastic woman out there in orange county. Any woman would be dumb to not try to go for such a hard-working, good-looking, caring guy who tries to improve any and every situation he comes around to and thinks so positively no matter what is thrown at him. Bebpo, I say this as someone who has been talking to you for nearly 10 years online. We have never met, but I know you will find her.


  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
  • Senior Member
welcome to the sad club, breh

Y'all owe me membership dues BTW. :Mandark

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
  • Senior Member
Good for you bro, although I don't think your plan of just transitioning to being friends is going to work.


  • 🤷‍♀️
  • Senior Member
Well done, first long term relationship is hell to break but it's for the best

Sorry :(


  • Senior Member
Nope, went down like the Hindenburg.  Super fucked.

Having broken up with people before, I know I made the wrong decision on a rash moment without thinking it through.  I just hope i don't hate myself for the rest of my life for it.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
  • Senior Member
She lives with you right? So what's the plan in terms of separation? I assume she bailed shortly after the breakout, or is she still in the house; it's nearly midnight in Cali :-\


  • Senior Member
Bailed instantly for a few days (to the other guys house).  Already talking with her mom to get movers to move everything out.  She's going to move 2 hours away in with a friend.

The problem with taking advice from places like here is that I'm generally a fairly criticism-focused speaker.  When I review games or movies I spend the majority of the time talking about the flaws.  When things are good I don't post here, I only post when there are problems.  So without being "here" and knowing the people personally you can't get a really clear picture.

I know I made a mistake here.  I took her and our relationship for granted.  Yes it had its share of problems, but goddamn I loved her and she was the most devotedly in love person or even friend to me that I've ever met.  She was doing everything she could to respond to each and every problem I had with our relationship and for 75-85% of the days/time I was the happiest I've been in my life and so was she and felt great thinking that we'd be together forever.

We were best friends before we were lovers, and in a single 30 second gap, 2 years of everything was gone.  Just like that that.  I could tell from the second her eyes reacted that I'd called the shots wrong and said the wrong thing.  And by then it was too late, she was hurt, upset and threw me out of her life.  We'd just made love earlier for the first time in like a week and we're heading out on our first date night "aka, heading towards the right direction" in a week for dinner and guardians of the galaxy.  But this stuff was in the back of my mind and she asked me what was wrong and I said that I think we should break up so we can still be friends and not have this blow up in our face down the line and hate each other" and she said "I agree" and that was the end.

Nope, went down like the Hindenburg.  Super fucked.

Having broken up with people before, I know I made the wrong decision on a rash moment without thinking it through.  I just hope i don't hate myself for the rest of my life for it.

There's usually a period where things can still be fixed. If you feel you made the wrong decision, most times you can change things. This is a critical time for you. Think things through to the utmost.

I tried, dear god I tried, but she is very stubborn, does not like being hurt and runs away from all her problems.  She is through and left (and already getting ready to move out) and that's that.  I have a feeling there's no chance of this being fixed unfortunately.

The reason being, which is logical and understandable, is "If you can do this now like this, how can I trust you and know you won't do it again?" and there's really no good answer because you never know how a relationship will go down the line and break ups may happen.  She doesn't want to take the chance of being hurt again like this, and while it's understandable that also hurts that everything we have and getting married and being together forever isn't worth the chance of being broken up with by the person you love.  I mean this is the first time something like this has happened, while she's tried to push me away a half dozen times (but never directly saying to break up; she pushes the other person to make them break up with her).  I've been there and I've been hurt like that but it's better to love and lose than never love at all (still applies with getting back together imo).
« Last Edit: August 02, 2014, 02:52:07 AM by Bebpo »


  • Senior Member
What'd you say?

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
  • Senior Member
You say you mention the problems and not the good stuff which is the majority...but all the problems you mentioned were complete deal breakers. It's not like you were complaining that she kisses the cats on the mouth or likes bad TV shows - these were serious issues. Mental issues, acts childish, isn't self independent at all, has no problem making you feel uncomfortable by chilling with a male friend who is pursuing her....come on.

The fact that she bailed to the other guy's house should tell you everything, bro. Sucks that it happened but by your own admission yall had issues.


  • Senior Member
Try to explain it to her? Get on steam.


  • Senior Member
Also we were going to go on a trip to South Carolina, fully paid for ($2100) non-refundable all out of my pocket on Thursday which I booked weeks ago and have time scheduled off work for this next week.  I thought about holding off on bringing this up to her until post-trip but my dumbass self thought everything would go fine and I'd cancel it or we'd just go as friends.  Was thinking about cancelling it because of the weather and tropical storms and flooding anyhow, probably end up cancelling it and eating $1,100 for the non-refundable airline tickets (hotel part is refundable).  Or I can go by myself...but I don't think I'll be in the mood, especially if the weather sucks like that.


  • Senior Member
Also I kind of hate that all of her few friends would fucking bad mouth me.  Or at least that what'd she'd tell me.  Like once every 3 weeks I'd hit up one of her friends for nothing big, just like trying to figure out where my SO is because we were supposed to meet and she was last with them.  But somehow they'd take a half sentence out of context from one text and she'd throw it back at me like my friend X said you were talking to her and told her Y and I'm like wtf?

And then there'd be rumors in our social friend circle.  Like she'd come back from hanging with someone and say Z says that she heard you want a daughter (wtf, I have no idea where this could come from) or that you hate L and it's all 100% untrue stuff and I hardly ever even talk to any of these people.

It was so weird and man, nothing feels more uncomfortable than when people are talking shit about you and making up stuff you said behind your back.  Especially because I know these people she gets it from and they all seemed like nice people that I was on a friend basis with so it was so weird to here untrue rumors come from them (apparently, since it was my SO telling me she heard from them who heard from someone).

Shadow Mod

  • It was Tuesday
  • Senior Member
Dude she just thrives on drama.

You gotta find someone already working and past all that shit because they don't have time for bullshit.

She's young and it shows dude.


  • Senior Member
sorry it didn't break the way you wanted it to, but go on the trip, will be good for your soul.


  • Ebola Carrier
And go on your own.
Please do not bring her along.  :lol


  • Icon
I'm still not seeing how you it was the wrong decision bebpo. Everything you have said since your regret post has made it sound worse. Like others have said, the girl loves drama. Your sanity will thank you later


  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
  • Senior Member
Go on the trip breh. I wish so much I could have taken a vacation to get my head straight 2.5 months ago instead of going to work the immediate Monday, running a red light because I was still in shock and almost killing myself or someone else.


  • Senior Member
Go on the trip. Lay back and relax.


  • Icon
Come to Houston instead. Sheeeit. I'll make you forget all bout her