Author Topic: Pallando will return in "Never Say Never Again"  (Read 1255372 times)

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  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
  • Senior Member
So. Now that I have some free-time I think I'm going to spend it by getting my fragile ego torn asunder at coffee shops, bars, and book stores.  It'll be good for me since I haven't asked anyone out/got a chick's number in a long ass time.  :tocry


Casual rejection. :aah


  • I love you just the way I am
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Life isn't black & white, it's complicated and so are the people in it.  I'm happy, we're happy, and we're finally where we're comfortable letting people know we're engaged.  My fiance got me a badass engagement ring and I'm wearing it with pride.  We spent our relationship anniversary building furniture, cleaning the house and redecorating because having a clean, organized nice place to live is important to me and my fiance wanted to do something that meant a lot to me.  It was a nice way to celebrate and now our house is a place we enjoy being at. 

Good times.

If you're happy that's the main thing. Congrats :)


  • Senior Member
I have a feeling he'll be paying child support for at least 15 years. Marry the first woman who lets you bang her brehs.

I...don't think this is true for bebpo.

Barry Egan

  • The neurotic is nailed to the cross of his fiction.
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I think it's far more likely that Bebpo confesses the truth of his situation to us during the periods when he can no longer ignore it, and then backtracks from what he's admitted whenever his situation allows him to return to comforting half-truths. That's just been my experience with people.

Congrats though, if I'm wrong.

Van Cruncheon

  • live mas or die trying
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Like I've mentioned here, I only tend to post relationship stuff when I run into problems, same problems that most couples run into over time.


yeaaaaaah, no. you are in crazy-ass denial, my friend. i've dated crazy as hell (plus i am also crazy as hell) and been married 17 years, and i ain't NEVAH run into anything like the stories and conflicts you've been describing.

ain't none of my business doe
« Last Edit: August 26, 2014, 04:52:50 PM by Van Cruncheon »

Steve Contra

  • Bought a lemon tree straight cash
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Yup, 10 years here and nothing like that.  People I know who've had problems like that though...they're all divorced.


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Hauntings are more common than you guys think.  In fact, more white americans believe in Ghost than racial inequality.  Or something.


  • Senior Member
I'm white and I don't see colored ghosts

and bebs ... don't know what to say... a friend of mine just separated last week from his wife of two years who was needlessly dramatic and, well, crazy, much in the way your fiancee seems to be. good luck?

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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  • Senior MILF
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Married 6 years, together 8. Many boyfriends before that. Never seen or dealt with these common issues all couples face.


  • Banana Grabber
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yeah neither have I

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still single, 25 years old, fml

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
  • Senior Member
Married 6 years, together 8. Many boyfriends before that. Never seen or dealt with these common issues all couples face.

did you ever have a black bf?


  • Senior MILF
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Married 6 years, together 8. Many boyfriends before that. Never seen or dealt with these common issues all couples face.

did you ever have a black bf?

Fuck, I wish. There was one black kid in my whole town. I had a huge crush on a family friend who was biracial. Other than that, I didn't meet any black kids my own age until I was in college and was already in long term relationships.


  • Unofficial Bore Prude
  • Senior Member
I honestly believe that all people bring a certain level of crazy to a relationship, but it's the way the person you're with reacts to your particular brand of crazy that makes or breaks the relationship.


  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
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I honestly believe that all people bring a certain level of crazy to a relationship, but it's the way the person you're with reacts to your particular brand of crazy that makes or breaks the relationship.



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I honestly believe that all people bring a certain level of crazy to a relationship, but it's the way the person you're with reacts to your particular brand of crazy that makes or breaks the relationship.
I agree, but I think everyone is talking about an extrapolation of that normal craziness.  We're not talking about "she boils hot dogs. wtf?" type of crazy here


  • Unofficial Bore Prude
  • Senior Member
I honestly believe that all people bring a certain level of crazy to a relationship, but it's the way the person you're with reacts to your particular brand of crazy that makes or breaks the relationship.
I agree, but I think everyone is talking about an extrapolation of that normal craziness.  We're not talking about "she boils hot dogs. wtf?" type of crazy here

Mups, I love how in some realm, boiling hotdogs is a deal-breaker for you.  :lol


  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
  • Senior Member
Bepbo's gf is a pretty nice girl.

Rusty said it after OC-Bore's meet up but he speaks very differently about her in person.

Wish him all the best. :D


  • Senior Member
I honestly believe that all people bring a certain level of crazy to a relationship, but it's the way the person you're with reacts to your particular brand of crazy that makes or breaks the relationship.
I agree, but I think everyone is talking about an extrapolation of that normal craziness.  We're not talking about "she boils hot dogs. wtf?" type of crazy here



  • Icon
I honestly believe that all people bring a certain level of crazy to a relationship, but it's the way the person you're with reacts to your particular brand of crazy that makes or breaks the relationship.
I agree, but I think everyone is talking about an extrapolation of that normal craziness.  We're not talking about "she boils hot dogs. wtf?" type of crazy here

Mups, I love how in some realm, boiling hotdogs is a deal-breaker for you.  :lol
It's a sin! I had to break my wife of that disgusting habit

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
  • Senior Member
fuck you, I don't even eat hot dogs.


  • 𝕩𝕩𝕩
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Yeah wtf. People think boiling hotdogs is weird?


  • 🧘‍♂️
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Anything is better than microwaving them.

Grilled - top tier
Boiled - medium tier
Microwaved- shit tier

Human Snorenado

  • Stay out of Malibu, Lebowski
  • Icon
I boil hotdogs. Less clean up required after. Grilling is better, tho.



  • 🧘‍♂️
  • Senior Member
Guilty pleasure: Microwaving a hot dog IN the bun for like 35-40 seconds. Instead of it getting all crackly and weird it has a nice steamed texture. Would recommend, eat again.

Hmm. Guess I should try that.

Especially since I'll be doing a lot of microwave cooking once I have my own place.  :larry


  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
  • Senior Member
West coast grilled hot dog bias in this post. Boiled hot dogs come out very juicy tbh.

Pretty sure they boil 'em at Pink's.

BTW I like how we're talking about sausage preferences in the relationship thread.


  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
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Heaping sauerkraut all over kielbasas at Dozynki every year. :lawd

Being isolated from my people because I'm a halfbreed who doesn't speak Polish at Dozynki every year.


  • 🙈🙉🙊
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Being isolated from my people because I'm a halfbreed who doesn't speak Polish at Dozynki every year. (Image removed from quote.)
Oh God, it feels so emasculating when you can understand casual conversation but not form a simple sentence to save your life. You're better off not knowing the language at all.


  • relapsed dev
  • Senior Member
My Korean-American friends who taught English in Korea, but didn't speak the language, got looked at like they were aliens.

Well, isn't that definitively correct?


  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
  • Senior Member
Oh God, it feels so emasculating when you can understand casual conversation but not form a simple sentence to save your life. You're better off not knowing the language at all.

The emigre community (at least the one I grew up with) is pretty shit, TBH. They all got thorough technical educations in the People's Republic, came here, made a bunch of money in tech or applied engineering with those educations, run around going but act like they're in Skierniewice or some shit still.

At least when my grandparent did the exact same thing it was because they were on an NKVD's most wanted list.

Human Snorenado

  • Stay out of Malibu, Lebowski
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This is really neither here nor there, but I'm a bit drunk and it's funny to me.

Last year for Thanksgiving, my friend had her Indian (as in the subcontinent) friend over, and I ostentatiously said "I'm really sorry about those small pox blankets."


  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
  • Senior Member
Really? You're No True Polacking us?


That appendage was more "at least they didn't run over your dog too" than "but THIS one was legit."

I didn't really want to rant about my grandparent doing the same shit as they do but doing it while profiteering off of government welfare (working in military aerospace during the Cold War) instead of in computer start-ups or nuclear energy.


  • Banana Grabber
  • Senior Member
leave it to you dipshits to turn the conversation in a relationship thread to weiners


  • 🤷‍♀️
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Have American ancestors with your last name from the 1800s, brehs  :aah

Be a descendant of Samuel Morse, brehs  :noah

My great great grandmother was Cherokee, my great great grandfather bought her.  :american


  • 𝕩𝕩𝕩
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  • Senior Member
microwave "cooking"
One of the lowest of cactivities. :what


  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
  • Senior Member
Girl asked for my number today. :jawalrus

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Because she doesn't understand corporate income tax and I do. :goty2


  • Unofficial Bore Prude
  • Senior Member
I've been talking to a girl for the last few weeks.  We're meeting for the first time on Saturday.  I'm nervous and excited about it.

Anyway, we're talking tonight and we get on the subject of pro-football.  She says she doesn't like it and apologizes because she knows that I'm a fan.  But I had never told her that.

That's when we revealed to each other that we had stalked one another's FB profiles a time or two.



  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
  • Senior Member
I've been talking to a girl for the last few weeks.  We're meeting for the first time on Saturday.  I'm nervous and excited about it.

Anyway, we're talking tonight and we get on the subject of pro-football.  She says she doesn't like it and apologizes because she knows that I'm a fan.  But I had never told her that.

That's when we revealed to each other that we had stalked one another's FB profiles a time or two.



  • Senior Member
Well, I got an interesting story to tell y'all.

So this morning I'm walking over to class and this very cute girl and I start walking along the same path. While I wanted to talk to her, I decided not to, both because I was in kind of a hurry, and cause I was too tired to go through the effort. 

So I start walking past her, and I notice that she was keeping up the same speed. I felt like that was odd, but I also thought it wasn't anything. A few minutes after following me, to my surprise, she taps me on the shoulder and starts talking to me. She starts off by asking if it was my first semester (I guess I still look pretty young), and where I transferred from. So we talk for a bit about my college history, and I'm feeling pretty good cause hey, this cute girl I wanted to talk to is talking to me on her own. Then the conversation takes an interesting turn.

Her: you live by yourself?
Me: No, there's one other person.
Her: Family or friend?
Me: Friend (actually, it's my mom, but I thought it'd be wise not to mention that)
Her: Oh that's good.
Me: Yeah, it's okay.
Her: Well, I was just wondering because as I was walking behind you, I noticed your shoes.
Me: My shoes?
Her: Yeah, they seem to be falling apart.
Me: Oh... Yeah, they've seen better days, haha.
Her: Right, and it's because of that, that I thought you might be in trouble or something.
Me: Uh..."trouble"?
Her: Yeah, you know...
Me:...Ohhhhhhhh. No, no it's not what you think!
Her: It's okay, I'm just saying..
Me: No, really I'm good!

So it went on like that for a few minutes where I tried to explain to her that I wasn't really poor, just that I (meaning my mom) bought some really cheap shoes that picked an awful week to break down.

So there I am feeling pretty embarrassed and depressed because now I'm thinking this chick was only talking to me cause she was feeling sorry for me.


It turns out that this story has a seemingly happy ending after all. Here's what happened next.

Her: Well, I just want you to know that if you do need help, you can call me.
Me: Thanks, I appreciate that...
Her: Here, let me give you my number.
Me: Uh...okay.
Her: Maybe we could even get coffee or something some time?
Me: (I'm slightly taken aback when she says that) Uh, yeah sure definitely.
Her: Okay, this was a really convoluted way to exchange numbers, but it works.

I honestly don't even remember what I told her after that I heard last line. What the hell, right?

Needless to say, I was feeling pretty good. This makes the second time I've ever had a girl directly ask me for my number. Fuck yes!


  • Senior Member
sounds like you need to buy a new pair of goddamn shoes breh. are them shits resoled in duct tape and caulk?


  • Senior Member
I'll definitely be getting a new pair this weekend. The heels have some fairly large holes in them.

Well, I got an interesting story to tell y'all.

So this morning I'm walking over to class and this very cute girl and I start walking along the same path. While I wanted to talk to her, I decided not to, both because I was in kind of a hurry, and cause I was too tired to go through the effort. 

So I start walking past her, and I notice that she was keeping up the same speed. I felt like that was odd, but I also thought it wasn't anything. A few minutes after following me, to my surprise, she taps me on the shoulder and starts talking to me. She starts off by asking if it was my first semester (I guess I still look pretty young), and where I transferred from. So we talk for a bit about my college history, and I'm feeling pretty good cause hey, this cute girl I wanted to talk to is talking to me on her own. Then the conversation takes an interesting turn.

Her: you live by yourself?
Me: No, there's one other person.
Her: Family or friend?
Me: Friend (actually, it's my mom, but I thought it'd be wise not to mention that)
Her: Oh that's good.
Me: Yeah, it's okay.
Her: Well, I was just wondering because as I was walking behind you, I noticed your shoes.
Me: My shoes?
Her: Yeah, they seem to be falling apart.
Me: Oh... Yeah, they've seen better days, haha.
Her: Right, and it's because of that, that I thought you might be in trouble or something.
Me: Uh..."trouble"?
Her: Yeah, you know...
Me:...Ohhhhhhhh. No, no it's not what you think!
Her: It's okay, I'm just saying..
Me: No, really I'm good!

So it went on like that for a few minutes where I tried to explain to her that I wasn't really poor, just that I (meaning my mom) bought some really cheap shoes that picked an awful week to break down.

So there I am feeling pretty embarrassed and depressed because now I'm thinking this chick was only talking to me cause she was feeling sorry for me.


It turns out that this story has a seemingly happy ending after all. Here's what happened next.

Her: Well, I just want you to know that if you do need help, you can call me.
Me: Thanks, I appreciate that...
Her: Here, let me give you my number.
Me: Uh...okay.
Her: Maybe we could even get coffee or something some time?
Me: (I'm slightly taken aback when she says that) Uh, yeah sure definitely.
Her: Okay, this was a really convoluted way to exchange numbers, but it works.

I honestly don't even remember what I told her after that I heard last line. What the hell, right?

Needless to say, I was feeling pretty good. This makes the second time I've ever had a girl directly ask me for my number. Fuck yes!

religiouuuuuus, giving you the soft selllllll

Barraco Barner

  • Junior Member
Yo, I think my 1.5 year relationship just ended?  :-\


  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
  • Senior Member
Yo, I think my 1.5 year relationship just ended?  :-\

Welcome to the 2014 Club breh.


  • Unofficial Bore Prude
  • Senior Member
Well, I got an interesting story to tell y'all.

So this morning I'm walking over to class and this very cute girl and I start walking along the same path. While I wanted to talk to her, I decided not to, both because I was in kind of a hurry, and cause I was too tired to go through the effort. 

So I start walking past her, and I notice that she was keeping up the same speed. I felt like that was odd, but I also thought it wasn't anything. A few minutes after following me, to my surprise, she taps me on the shoulder and starts talking to me. She starts off by asking if it was my first semester (I guess I still look pretty young), and where I transferred from. So we talk for a bit about my college history, and I'm feeling pretty good cause hey, this cute girl I wanted to talk to is talking to me on her own. Then the conversation takes an interesting turn.

Her: you live by yourself?
Me: No, there's one other person.
Her: Family or friend?
Me: Friend (actually, it's my mom, but I thought it'd be wise not to mention that)
Her: Oh that's good.
Me: Yeah, it's okay.
Her: Well, I was just wondering because as I was walking behind you, I noticed your shoes.
Me: My shoes?
Her: Yeah, they seem to be falling apart.
Me: Oh... Yeah, they've seen better days, haha.
Her: Right, and it's because of that, that I thought you might be in trouble or something.
Me: Uh..."trouble"?
Her: Yeah, you know...
Me:...Ohhhhhhhh. No, no it's not what you think!
Her: It's okay, I'm just saying..
Me: No, really I'm good!

So it went on like that for a few minutes where I tried to explain to her that I wasn't really poor, just that I (meaning my mom) bought some really cheap shoes that picked an awful week to break down.

So there I am feeling pretty embarrassed and depressed because now I'm thinking this chick was only talking to me cause she was feeling sorry for me.


It turns out that this story has a seemingly happy ending after all. Here's what happened next.

Her: Well, I just want you to know that if you do need help, you can call me.
Me: Thanks, I appreciate that...
Her: Here, let me give you my number.
Me: Uh...okay.
Her: Maybe we could even get coffee or something some time?
Me: (I'm slightly taken aback when she says that) Uh, yeah sure definitely.
Her: Okay, this was a really convoluted way to exchange numbers, but it works.

I honestly don't even remember what I told her after that I heard last line. What the hell, right?

Needless to say, I was feeling pretty good. This makes the second time I've ever had a girl directly ask me for my number. Fuck yes!

religiouuuuuus, giving you the soft selllllll

Yeah.  The church guy is going to have to agree here.  She was totally trying to save you, and not with her vagina.

I feel bad about posting that now. I don't want to rain on his parade. Who knows? Maybe he did get really lucky. Go get em bud!


  • 🧘‍♂️
  • Senior Member
Hey, you never know. Maybe she's apart of a Christian cult that has a sex sacrament.


"Correct sex" with yogurt as a lube. Oh lordy


  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
  • Senior Member
Long shot diaries, stardate 2014.212

Someone who works in translating Czech and Slovak, gets mad if you ask where in Russia Slovakia is, and explicitly says they're crazy in their profile. :lawd

Baby please let me tell you all I know about the Tatras. :noah


  • Senior Member
Okay, so I (probably unwisely) texted shoe girl the same day (though at night) and she doesn't get back to me for a whole day later. And she responds with a completely half assed "sorry, was busy" text. I say it's cool, and make a joke about our meeting, and it's been another day later and she hasn't responded. I'm honestly trying to give her the benefit of the doubt for her lack of replies because it's labor day weekend, but I dunno. If a girl goes through the effort of initiating a conversation and then asking you for your number, you'd think they'd be at least slightly more enthusiastic about responding to your texts. I'm not asking her to be waiting anxiously by her phone every waking minute, but one fricken text in the span of 3 days? Come on, son. The really weird thing is that the same thing happened with the last girl who asked me for my number (except in her case, she never responded at all).

Why do women have to be so weird? :punch


  • Icon
why did you text?  you should have called.  It looks nutless to be honest (at least for the first interaction post meeting).  Or at least it used to when I dated but who knows now with you kids


  • Senior Member
I dunno, I thought it'd be okay to keep things casual, no? It generally worked for most of the women I met, minus one or two.


  • Senior Member
you should have texted her "I have new shoes and now we can be seen in public together".


  • Senior Member
So should I move on or give her one more shot?


  • Senior Member
wait until monday and ask if anything is going on that night (party/bar event/whatever). that way if she legit actually wants to spend time with you she will be somewhat forced to respond in a fairly reasonable timeframe either giving you somewhere to be or leaving it to you (have something casual-public in mind), otherwise if she thinks your busted-shoe ass is wack she'll leave you high and dry and there is your answer.


  • Senior Member
oh yeah and it's quite likely she might be bored at like 9pm on monday and text you as a backup plan so then that is your opportunity to ignore her and establish dominance.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
  • Senior Member
So should I move on or give her one more shot?

jerk off, bust a nut, and then determine your next move with that post-nut clarity buff.


  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
  • Senior Member
O, you're fit as fuck, why do you put up with this shit?

Are you an emotional husk inside or something I should know about?