Author Topic: Pallando will return in "Never Say Never Again"  (Read 1255483 times)

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Re: RELATIONSHIPS: The thread of your life tied into a neat knot with the 'other'
« Reply #7740 on: February 28, 2015, 12:07:20 AM »
girlfriend is leaving for NYC early tomorrow morning. at work currently after leaving her place. not going to see her again until i visit at the end of march.

feeling quite shit right now.


  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
  • Senior Member
GL HF y'all!


  • Senior Member
Please, that dosen't take what you look like into account.


  • captain of my capsized ship
  • Senior Member
It also doesn't take into account my penchant to stare at her breasts while I'm talking to any woman.


  • Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside.
  • Senior Member
Because if there isn't must to stare at, there isn't much to say.  :cody


  • And I'm pretty sure fuck you (italics implied)
  • Senior Member
It also doesn't take into account my penchant to stare at her breasts while I'm talking to any woman.

I share this affliction.

Tit Anonymous meets at the Crazy Horse on Brook Park road every tuesday at 5pm   :noah


  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
  • Senior Member
Please, that dosen't take what you look like into account.

Not to seriously defend a joke post, but I think it's presumed people have a vague idea of their beauty "tier".

Either that or dey just play dat numbers game. :aah


  • 🤷‍♀️
  • Senior Member
Had so much sex this weekend :lawd


  • Member
is asking for a number on facebook (message, of course) lame? should i just wait a week to ask for their number in person?


  • Senior Member
ask in person

Positive Touch

  • Woo Papa
  • Senior Member
asking on fb is stalker-level desperate. it's embarrassing.


  • Banana Grabber
  • Senior Member
is asking for a number on facebook (message, of course) lame? should i just wait a week to ask for their number in person?

well how do you know this person?  have you hung out with them in person before around other people?


  • Nylonhilist
  • Senior Member
I just had the worst conversation ever. A woman from OKC who seems like the most mature and intelligent person I've pursued and who I've been talking to nearly every day for a month (usually over an hour each day) just told me that she just can't bring herself to find me attractive because of my deformed ear and uneven jawline after finally seeing it the one time we met. And she feels really guilty about it but she still wants to remain friends and still talk.

It's not even due to mutation, it's just a random mistake that can happen during pregnancy. If you get a kid with a similar unique imperfection just kill it, even with all the reconstructive surgeries available (over a dozen done on me) there's just no way to have a chance at a full life.

Edit: meant to say deformed ear, that was mainly what bothered her.
« Last Edit: March 10, 2015, 01:22:42 AM by am nintenho »


  • Banana Grabber
  • Senior Member
jesus christ, that girl is cold as hell


  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
  • Senior Member
AN, not gonna give you a hollow pep talk but
-Anyone on an online dating site :ufup somewhere along the way; I assume she has eyes bigger than her stomach given what you told me.
-She talked to you a lot and (giving the benefit of the doubt when I say this) tried to work past her hang up(s) to pursue something with you.
-Don't try and be friends (strictly imo). She wants to live a life like that, she can take the consequences of that.

Lick your wounds and then get back out there. Unless you want to spend your days smoking unfiltered cigarettes, drinking expensive overpriced liquor, and waiting for death. :bolo


  • Nylonhilist
  • Senior Member
I'm not hung up on her though and I don't think I'll talk to her again. I just am upset at her opinion and how common such a minimum standard must be now that I've finally discussed it with a girl.  She's more shallow than I expected (but totally honest) and I understand why I have so far one of the best personalities of any guy she's met in the last few years but I'm wondering how futile it is to keep trying when you're ultimately blocked directly by something you can never fix or work on.


  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
  • Senior Member
Only you can decide that one for yourself. I would trade a lot to not be hideous on the inside (which you aren't), to give you a different perspective.

(I'm not mac tier on the outside either, though I do acknowledge that I'm speaking from a certain level of privilege when I say that.)


  • Senior Member

Not to seriously defend a joke post, but I think it's presumed people have a vague idea of their beauty "tier".

I guess, too bad I don't want any of the chicks in my supposed tier. Time to just give up on women.


  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
  • Senior Member
So what you're saying is it's open season on hitting on you now. :phil


  • Senior Member
I'm not sure how I'm too picky or how anyone can be too picky. I'm not making "sharp knees" comments. I simply like what I like and it's dumb to tell someone "no stop that, be interested in things you have no interest in". Littearly no one I've ever known has dated someone for experience. They've only been with people they liked and were attracted to. People on thebore are the only people I've ever seen give this advice. Hell I can only stand to be around people I actually like for so much and I'm supposed to deal with people I'm using as a stepping stone? That's impossible and makes no sense. And improve what? I'm fine. It's everyone else who makes no sense. I can't explain or understand why girls have no intrest in me. It's honestly not my real life personality. Maybe it's my looks, well I can't help that. Nor can I help being "picky". Hey no wonder I'm bitter, itt's been like that my entire life. You'd be bitter too.

The bore's advice is stupid. It's essentially "waste time with things you don't like and profit somehow" as if that makes since. Yes waste time with things you have no attraction to for some sort of level up. As if people actually want to to deal and associate with people they'd have no interest in.

This game is very dumb.
« Last Edit: March 10, 2015, 10:21:46 AM by Rahxephon91 »


  • captain of my capsized ship
  • Senior Member
It's very sound advice though. You only improve in life by repeatingly doing something. Quite often, that 'something' is less than your ideal. For many months and maybe years. You can apply that truism to about anything in life.

But, there is nothing wrong with 'giving up'. If you can learn to quell your biological urges and the people that will try to make you feel guilty about not honoring them, you can live a content life. You just have to manage all that shit and make sure it doesn't manifest itself into depression.


  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
  • Senior Member
I don't think anyone is telling you to be Sean Bateman (though I can vouch for this if all you care about is sexual gratification and are able to look yourself in the mirror after engaging in ignoble behavior), rather acting on opportunities instead of rationalizing why you didn't.

I'm not unsympathetic to a lot of what you're saying, due to things I'd prefer not to discuss with someone I don't pay three figures an hour to, I am utterly revulsed by what I assume is the normal human need to bond over sharing everyday emotions. It's not interesting and it others me, again for reasons I care not to discuss. When I was on the second or third date with someone recently listening to them drone on about utterly inane #struggle, I realized that I'd rather die on a mountain solo than put up with this fucking bullshit. If I was missing a leg, no one would think it was reasonable for partners to expect me to do things an able person could do. It shouldn't be any different just because it's my mind that's maimed instead of an extremity.

The difference between us though is that I know this sad truth through the rigorous application of Bob Avakian's New Synthesis while you're living life a priori. Next time you have a decent conversation with a gal, ask her out. Literally the only thing you have to lose is your constructed universe.


  • I have the most sensible car on The Bore
  • Senior Member
My girlfriend insists that I continue playing games and watching anime from time to time if I enjoy it- my brain is just too crazy to fit it into a daily schedule that's actually quite normal for most people.

It's like I need to be able to catass something or I can't bring myself to do it :/


  • Hon. Mr. Tired
  • Senior Member
I'm not sure how I'm too picky or how anyone can be too picky. I'm not making "sharp knees" comments. I simply like what I like and it's dumb to tell someone "no stop that, be interested in things you have no interest in". Littearly no one I've ever known has dated someone for experience. They've only been with people they liked and were attracted to. People on thebore are the only people I've ever seen give this advice. Hell I can only stand to be around people I actually like for so much and I'm supposed to deal with people I'm using as a stepping stone? That's impossible and makes no sense. And improve what? I'm fine. It's everyone else who makes no sense. I can't explain or understand why girls have no intrest in me. It's honestly not my real life personality. Maybe it's my looks, well I can't help that. Nor can I help being "picky". Hey no wonder I'm bitter, itt's been like that my entire life. You'd be bitter too.

The bore's advice is stupid. It's essentially "waste time with things you don't like and profit somehow" as if that makes since. Yes waste time with things you have no attraction to for some sort of level up. As if people actually want to to deal and associate with people they'd have no interest in.

This game is very dumb.

Honest question: do you know many people?
Since I'm just dropping by without any knowledge of prior discussion and would also suggest just going out for the experience.

To me trying something as low stakes as going out with someone is a better option than doing nothing and losing by default.

My girlfriend insists that I continue playing games and watching anime from time to time if I enjoy it- my brain is just too crazy to fit it into a daily schedule that's actually quite normal for most people.

It's like I need to be able to catass something or I can't bring myself to do it :/

That's how I stopped gaming mostly, once I had to actually plan it I never got around to it.


  • I have the most sensible car on The Bore
  • Senior Member
My girlfriend insists that I continue playing games and watching anime from time to time if I enjoy it- my brain is just too crazy to fit it into a daily schedule that's actually quite normal for most people.

It's like I need to be able to catass something or I can't bring myself to do it :/

That's how I stopped gaming mostly, once I had to actually plan it I never got around to it.

I'm still able to watch some anime now and then since it's passive- but planning to play a game for an hour (or two at most) limits the kinds of games I can play to most levels of personal satisfaction. Hopefully i'll get to wherever I need to be mentally to make the jump.


  • 🤷‍♀️
  • Senior Member
Yeah, MAF, there is a solution though! Have a kid! Play videogames with it :lol


  • Member
ask in person
i'll ask them in person then


  • Senior Member

That's how I stopped gaming mostly, once I had to actually plan it I never got around to it.

i think you just explained it for me as well  :ohhh


  • Senior Member
you don't really know what you want or find attractive until you start dating and putting yourself out there more.

sometimes a person you may not immediately be attracted to will become more attractive based on other factors like personality and stuff.

there's no downside to meeting more people. being bored isn't a downside. every time you meet a new person you learn more about yourself and what you like. it all is a net positive in the game of life.

Olivia Wilde Homo

  • Proud Kinkshamer
  • Senior Member
Giving advice doesn't really work because in the end, a lot of these "woe is me" posts are looking for pity parties, not constructive advice.  If he wants to get laid, he will do so.  Right now, he's comfortable in his 700 GB porn collection rut.  He may not like it but it's more safe than taking a chance and getting rejected.  While he doesn't actually succeed, he doesn't really fail either and that is the most important thing to permavirgins.


  • Senior Member
Usually this is the case but sometimes a person will realize they were being dumb and suddenly will want to change and then will go back and reread all the old advise they were given.

source: me


  • Senior Member
IME when people say they are 'picky' about who they are attracted to it's usually shorthand for 'i've built up the idea of the perfect woman with xyz physical characteristics and xyz personality traits and i can't find anyone matching these criteria within 10 seconds of meeting them so eh why bother'. IME they also tend to get infatuated real quickly based on really superficial stuff (she likes video games! she has curly hair! she's perfect!). just based off of what iv'e seen from college and etc. it's all over gaf too.

like, i have a good friend of mine, nice guy, nothing wrong with him whatsoever, would make a good partner, but he had these totally bonkers arbitrary criteria like only wanting a girl who is 5'8" with brown hair and i told him he isn't a fucking supermodel ubermensch so cutting out 90%+ of the dating pool for no particular reason was fucking stupid and he should get over it.

lo and behold he did and wow look dates :bolo


  • relapsed dev
  • Senior Member
I'm not hung up on her though and I don't think I'll talk to her again. I just am upset at her opinion and how common such a minimum standard must be now that I've finally discussed it with a girl.  She's more shallow than I expected (but totally honest) and I understand why I have so far one of the best personalities of any guy she's met in the last few years but I'm wondering how futile it is to keep trying when you're ultimately blocked directly by something you can never fix or work on.
Vularai’s advice is sound.

You should also try and remember that there may be a lot of women out there who feel this way, but you don’t need A LOT OF WOMEN, you just need one. You only need to find one woman who isn’t superficial.

There are actually plenty of women out there who aren’t superficial. Percentage-wise, there are probably more of them than non-superficial men. But they’re probably not as well represented on online dating sites.


  • Senior Member
IME when people say they are 'picky' about who they are attracted to it's usually shorthand for 'i've built up the idea of the perfect woman with xyz physical characteristics and xyz personality traits and i can't find anyone matching these criteria within 10 seconds of meeting them so eh why bother'. IME they also tend to get infatuated real quickly based on really superficial stuff (she likes video games! she has curly hair! she's perfect!). just based off of what iv'e seen from college and etc. it's all over gaf too.

like, i have a good friend of mine, nice guy, nothing wrong with him whatsoever, would make a good partner, but he had these totally bonkers arbitrary criteria like only wanting a girl who is 5'8" with brown hair and i told him he isn't a fucking supermodel ubermensch so cutting out 90%+ of the dating pool for no particular reason was fucking stupid and he should get over it.

lo and behold he did and wow look dates :bolo
I'm a little drunk now because lo and behold I actually go out and sociolise and am not the sociol special fellow these posts paint me as and so I shall reply to them one by one.

This is complete horse shit. I don't have some xmas list that a girl needs to be in order for me to find her attarctive. I find many body types of women attractive. Except fatsos. Oh no I'm a monster because i don't find women who weigh more then double me attractive. Except I'm find with thiker women.

Oh noes I don't find black women attractive. I'm sorry if thats a nerd steortype, but I don't care. I don't find black women attractive. I'm not a raciest, I have mostly black friends. Talk with mostly black women. I simply dont find them sexually attractive, nor do I find thier ghetto personalities attractive. Sue me.

My problems have nothing to do with some sort of incredible standards of women looks. Why people keep throwing that at me I don't know. I can't help what I find attractive and it sure is'nt some sort of rigid checklist. Women simply don't apprach me and have no way to appraoch women.

Giving advice doesn't really work because in the end, a lot of these "woe is me" posts are looking for pity parties, not constructive advice.  If he wants to get laid, he will do so.  Right now, he's comfortable in his 700 GB porn collection rut.  He may not like it but it's more safe than taking a chance and getting rejected.  While he doesn't actually succeed, he doesn't really fail either and that is the most important thing to permavirgins.
Please I'm not a virgin. I'm just fucking tired of women and thier bullshit. Everytime I've taken a supposed risk it's blown up in my face and I'm the one thats been hurt. Enough of that bullshit. I'm tierd of playing the bullshit game of "is a girl intersted in me" because 100% of the time they arent. Never in my life has a girl displayed intrest in me and it;s incredibly disheartning. I'm sorry if I'm boarding on mysgonsit terrotyoty but it's hard not to when you feel you've been fucked and ingorend by the oppoasite sex for whatever reason. Meanwhile you watch everyone else seemingly have no problems. Plenty of friends have found partners without doing any of the bullshit you people talk about in this thread. Plenty of girls easily displayed interst in them. I don't know what I do that is so off putting. It's bad enough I;m extrmley self consious about the way I look, but even then I've seen uglier and less well kept dudes score chicks and they have douche personalites. Nor do I play yhr nice guy bs card, so I have no understanfing of anything. Of course I;m becmoing angry at the sutuation. Dosen't help it when you fegs treat me like shit(which bastars like human sornedo do do beyond even this topic) and put me in those fedora special fellow catogiroes. I'm not accepted anyhwere much less by women and it's extremly madding to feel disowned by every sociol group of humanity with the oppaisote sex's ignoring of you being the ultimate one. I'm 24 soon to be 25, I should have at least kissed a female and just in genearl done this shit. No experinced women is going to want such a late start case.

I honestly think it's disheartening that you even think that anyone not in your constructed lane of perfect woman is a waste of time. Like the only thing that matters to you is how they look, i guess.
I'm not sure whats disheartning about knowing what you find sexually attractive. Sexual attraction is important. Why would I want to have sex withsomeone I find revolting? I would'nt. Yes personalty is important, but I'm not looking for just a friend  here so there has to be a physical attraction with a mental one. Thats just being honest and realstic.
Like Karakand said,  you're welcome to be lonely and self-isolate if that's what you want. but do it for real. don't post in dating threads, just kiss it goodbye right?
Thats just the way it seems to be going. I simply cant find a women that I find attracive and actually finds me attractive. All women seem to ignore me and I cant help that. I'm not trying to self isolate, but it just seems easier then playing this sutpid game, because at this point I can't figure out whats wrong with me. It's really not my personality. I'm not a douche, I can be funny irl, I'm not an overbearing obnoxious nerd. Is it my looks. I have a big oily forehead and I've always just in general dislikeed the way I look, but I can't change these things. If this is what leads me to women I simply don't find attarctive, then what am I supposed to do, just settale and be unfullfiled and miserable? I can be those things on my own.
Like the only thing that matters to you is how they look, i guess.
Looks are always important. Is my dick supposed to get hard staring at women I am disgusted by?

You told us a while ago black girls find you cute, but you don't want to cause you only want to date white girls. I'm sure there's a pretty black girl out there who would go out with you, why not? And you tell me you aren't picky?
Because I don't fucking find Black women attractive. What is so fucking hard to understand about this. I don't like thier hair, the way thier faces look, just in general everything. it does nothing for me and is not my idea of hot. Why would I want to date them when i activley don't find them attractive. It is very madding knowing that my options are pretty much just black women which only find me atteactive for my ethnic meets white features anyway. I know what I can get and it sucks, so why even bother? Years have shown me nothing else why everyone else I know acheives with no work beyond simply being a person. It sucks.


  • Senior Member

Barry Egan

  • The neurotic is nailed to the cross of his fiction.
  • Senior Member
You are mentally ill and need therapy.  Please seek professional help for your own sake.  Nothing anyone says or does in this arena is going to make sense to you until you get some brain repair.  This is not a drill.


  • Senior Member
the declarative "i don't find *race* attractive" statement usually stems from a latent racist mentality. maybe from questionable upbringing. there isn't a single mold for all black women. unless you just simple are revolted by the appearance of black skin, it's impossible for you to find every black chick ugly. if the former is actually the case, then yeah, you're a racist.


  • Senior Member
yeah I saw that. definitely a racist.


  • And I'm pretty sure fuck you (italics implied)
  • Senior Member

I was on his side, now I would clearly warn any girl who's friends with me against him if I knew him.


  • Senior Member
"nor do I find thier ghetto personalities attractive. Sue me."

"I don't like thier hair"

You might be a piece of shit. Or just extremely ignorant. I'm not sure if there's a difference.


  • And I'm pretty sure fuck you (italics implied)
  • Senior Member
"nor do I find thier ghetto personalities attractive. Sue me."

"I don't like thier hair"

You might be a piece of shit. Or just extremely ignorant. I'm not sure if there's a difference.

I just want to know what the fuck a ghetto personality is :yeshrug


  • cooler than willco
  • Administrator
Is this how someone like Olimario thinks?


  • And I'm pretty sure fuck you (italics implied)
  • Senior Member
Is this how someone like Olimario thinks?



  • Senior Member
Rahx, I've seen a pic of you on here before. My forehead is bigger than yours and my hairline is kinda fucked. I'm darker than you. I don't have "white features" which seem to be really important to you. Yet I've managed to have girls of all races attracted to me (unfortunately I usually didn't notice until it was too late). You're too worried about your looks.

You are a scrawny fuck tho. :heh
« Last Edit: March 11, 2015, 11:45:06 AM by Beezy »


  • And I'm pretty sure fuck you (italics implied)
  • Senior Member
You know, he's old enough to know this but I'll post it anway:

How girls judge you in order of importance:

1) Are you mentally sane?
2) Are you witty/humorous?
3) Do you have a good social circle
4) Do you have money/are you settled (more important past age 25)
5) Do you work and have goals
6) Looks

Now I know as a man you think they are like us:

1) Tits
2) Ass (changeable)
3) Face
4) Normal? Meh who gives a fuck if 1-3 are popping

But they really aren't. Not saying you can't have sex just because you're good looking but those girls normally need to hit the bushes quick because you aren't the first dude they same day smanged no matter how many times they tell you that.


  • cooler than willco
  • Administrator
I dunno why you guys are just putting pressure on him. If he wants to dwell on this, leave him alone to dwell.

The most humorous part is Fistful acting sageful when not even a year ago he was in Rahx's same exact position. Fuck outta here with that condescending shit.


  • And I'm pretty sure fuck you (italics implied)
  • Senior Member

The most humorous part is Fistful acting sageful when not even a year ago he was in Rahx's same exact position. Fuck outta here.



  • 🤷‍♀️
  • Senior Member
Wife and I are considering having a baby.

The pros and cons basically spell out like

My stepson is already 9, we're like half way out of the woods
Obviously is expensive
Less free time
Babies are hard bro
Could end up with multiples, or birth defects etc


baby :uguu

spoiler (click to show/hide)
pretty sure we'll try

Edit: oh didn't mean to interrupt dude's meltdown. Don't fret so much guys, his inability to procreate is evolution in progress


  • And I'm pretty sure fuck you (italics implied)
  • Senior Member
Wife and I are considering having a baby.

The pros and cons basically spell out like

My stepson is already 9, we're like half way out of the woods
Obviously is expensive
Less free time
Babies are hard bro
Could end up with multiples, or birth defects etc


baby :uguu

spoiler (click to show/hide)
pretty sure we'll try

You want more kids?

God bless ya, I exceeded the 2.3 kids  by .7 and let me tell you, free time will not exist for the first 14 years.


  • 🤷‍♀️
  • Senior Member
Gotta contribute to that true American birth rate :usacry


  • And I'm pretty sure fuck you (italics implied)
  • Senior Member
Gotta contribute to that true American birth rate :usacry

Each kid is going to cost you about a million bucks nowadays. Just an FYI.

Man what I could be doing with 3 million extra dollars  :heh

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
  • Senior Member
I can't tell if Rahx is the dude or the chick in this


  • 🤷‍♀️
  • Senior Member



  • Senior Member
The most humorous part is Fistful acting sageful when not even a year ago he was in Rahx's same exact position. Fuck outta here with that condescending shit.

yeah and i managed to pull myself out of that and have some success in the areas he's struggling with. why wouldn't i want to help someone who's going through some of the same issues? scuse me for trying to help :yeshrug


  • Member
that drunken screed tho :kobeyuck

rahx you're gonna have to fix what's inside to get anywhere man. fucked up on so many levels that i actually hope this is just an elaborate, poorly executed troll.


  • Banana Grabber
  • Senior Member
christ, I thought I was mentally ill.  That last page  :stahp

I can at least say that I don't have problems getting dates.  I guess I just have a problem maintaining a girl's interest.  That's no one's fault but my own, I get a little too connected too quickly, as well.

I've started trying to focus more on work and working out/reading.  The more I dwell on my faults the more my anxiety about them crescendos, and it leads to insecurity and the need to always be in contact with a girl.  It's pretty pathetic.  So with me focusing my efforts on more "me" stuff, I hope to grow from it and get better at handling women.

But I still enjoy going on dates, they're fun.


  • Senior Member
I'm not mentally ill.


  • Senior Member
You have to be content with who you are on almost every level to build a relationship. Not many people want to start a relationship with somebody whose baggage leaks and explodes out.


  • I have the most sensible car on The Bore
  • Senior Member
Let's be real- almost everyone is a little off to some degree; no shame in seeing someone to help you talk through shit.

Madrun Badrun

  • twin-anused mascot
  • Senior Member
Nah, I'm perfect.