Author Topic: Sales Bore | Media Create And Other Sale Numbers |OT|  (Read 1197416 times)

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  • Senior Member
They can beat the PS2 in spirit
No one can beat the PS2, most of all in spirit.

Cerveza mas fina

  • I don't care for Islam tbqh
  • filler
The PS3 killed the old Sony that killed Sega (more of a sepuku), so now it's Zombie Ronin Sony which is cool again fighting against Spirit Sony and Fake Gaijn Sega Xbox

it all makes sense



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Human Snorenado

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Cerveza mas fina

  • I don't care for Islam tbqh
  • filler
I went full distinguished mentally-challenged fellow and still got more pootang then you  :yeshrug

Shaka Khan

  • Leather Jihadist
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Isn't that considered statutory rape?

Human Snorenado

  • Stay out of Malibu, Lebowski
  • Icon
Isn't that considered statutory rape?

Did someone say... RAPE???


Cerveza mas fina

  • I don't care for Islam tbqh
  • filler


  • Senior Member
I went full distinguished mentally-challenged fellow and still got more pootang then you  :yeshrug



  • relapsed dev
  • Senior Member
It was depressing yesterday, even as a non-fanboy for Sony, to realize the PS4 had been on sale as of Saturday, and it was basically not news anywhere. I've seen a total of two advertising spots for it, and I didn't see a single news segment on it. Japan's "news lite" programs feature product segments where reporters go on site at some company/studio and show off this amazing new thing they're working on -- it's usually some effort of the PR's company to help get word out about a new product.

It is just hard to believe that Sony is fumbling its own launch. There are probably people who would buy the PS4 if they knew it was available, but public awareness is at an astonishing low for this entry in the product line.


  • relapsed dev
  • Senior Member
Ps4 will do fine in Japan. It will be the only console there that will play the next Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts and Grand Theft Auto.

Holy crap. I had no idea just how little Third actually knows, and now I feel bad for pointing and laughing at him.

Cerveza mas fina

  • I don't care for Islam tbqh
  • filler
So realistically what can PS4 do in its lifetime in Japan, 5/7 million max?


  • Senior Member
Way too early to even guess.  I think it'll do better than the PS3 in the long run in every region, so at least 10 million lifetime in Japan I guess.

Ps4 will do fine in Japan. It will be the only console there that will play the next Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts and Grand Theft Auto.

Holy crap. I had no idea just how little Third actually knows, and now I feel bad for pointing and laughing at him.

Wait, what's wrong with that statement?  PS4 will do ok, it'll be like most systems these days and bob along at low sales and then have big spikes at FF, KH, GTA, etc... until there's finally enough of those types of games that it stabilizes at an ok amount.  GTA does 700k+ right now, that's like 2nd tier major seller in Japan (1st tier being DQ/MH/FF/Pokemon/Animal Crossing/Other Nintendo 1st party hits; 2nd tier being Tales of/MGS/SRW/etc...)

a slime appears

  • retro king
  • Senior Member
There's not even the smallest chance ps4 will top ps3 here.  This wasn't a particularly unsuccessful region for that console.  Pretty much anyone interested in a home console bought a PS3 at some point this gen.  And there's nothing on PS4 that wasn't also on PS3, aside from KH, which ain't what it used to be in Japan.

Best case scenario: PS4 sells only a bit less than PS3.  They'll manage this if they can pull in just about every teen to replace departing adults.  The birth rate means this will be lower in a best-case scenario, and they'll really need to get everyone, which seems unlikely.

Worst case scenario: WiiU.

Likely scenario: what Lager said, about 5-7 million lifetime.

You really think so? That's a pretty pessimistic forecast. :'(


  • relapsed dev
  • Senior Member
Way too early to even guess.  I think it'll do better than the PS3 in the long run in every region, so at least 10 million lifetime in Japan I guess.

Ps4 will do fine in Japan. It will be the only console there that will play the next Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts and Grand Theft Auto.

Holy crap. I had no idea just how little Third actually knows, and now I feel bad for pointing and laughing at him.

Wait, what's wrong with that statement?  PS4 will do ok, it'll be like most systems these days and bob along at low sales and then have big spikes at FF, KH, GTA, etc... until there's finally enough of those types of games that it stabilizes at an ok amount.  GTA does 700k+ right now, that's like 2nd tier major seller in Japan (1st tier being DQ/MH/FF/Pokemon/Animal Crossing/Other Nintendo 1st party hits; 2nd tier being Tales of/MGS/SRW/etc...)

I don't know what "2nd tier" means. "KH, which ain't what it used to be in Japan," and I suspect neither is FF. 700K units of GTA in japan probably doesn't pay for its localization, PR, and advert budget. Nothing is going to save PS4 in Japan. I wish something would though, because this version of the hardware seems more fiscally responsible and the publishing environment more in tune with the current market. It's exciting; if only more of them would be sold...


  • Murdered in the digital realm
  • Senior Member
home 2.0

a slime appears

  • retro king
  • Senior Member
I dunno, i feel like it's a bit optimistic.  Pessimistic was when i forecasted less than the gamecube for the wiiU.  5-7 million puts it squarely in the SEGA Saturn range, which I think is the best any traditionally-focused console can hope for in this day and age in Japan.  Shit's changed here.  We got smart dudes like Bebpo thinking the industry here still pivots around FF when it's not even yesterday's news anymore.  Sure, it'll sell well, I bet around 1.7-2 million, but it's not going to ignite a renewed interest in console gaming.  That shit sailed a long time ago, and barring a crazy phenomenon (Wii/DS style), it's never going to be that good again.

The question when you're trying to guess how a new system is going to sell is who is this going to appeal to?  Specifically, when we contrast it against the PS3, who is the PS4 going to appeal to that the PS3 didn't?  The Xbox 360 was a non-factor here, so that boost it's getting in America/UK from pushing out MS means nothing here.  The Wii audience isn't going to find anything on PS4.  The casuals are playing their smartphones happily, the kids are happy with their 3DSes and mobile devices, the Nintendo console die-hards certainly aren't about to move at this point, all 50k of them. 

PS4 will have Final Fantasy.  So did PS3.  PS4 will have KH.  PS3 didn't, but KH is probably selling to a very similar crowd to FF, so there isn't going to be a lot of hardware gain there.  PS4 will have GTA.  So did PS3.  PS4 will have RGG games.  So did PS3.  PS4 will probably have Tales games?  So did PS3.  What exactly is the PS4 doing that the PS3 didn't, with regards to Japan?  I can't think of anything positive for that crowd.  Like, charging for online play basically means nobody in Japan is going to be playing online, and that's just one thing.

Yeah, you're right. Japan is becoming more mobile centric day by day and when large publishers like Square are turning to online to make the bulk of their sales you know traditional Final Fantasy isn't that much of a landmark money maker anymore. I'm still holding out hope for better days. :'(

Still though only 5 - 7 million for the PS4's lifetime sales? I'm sure there's going to be another surprise hit like Monster Hunter around the corner. The Japanese indie scene is just starting to ramp up and there are a bunch of really smart guys out there going solo. Something is bound to click to spark some interest I would hope.

a slime appears

  • retro king
  • Senior Member
Oh I'm very familiar with P&D, GungHo, GREE as well. I was speaking a strictly console only hit or rather hoping for one! :D

With BitSummit around the corner the majority of the indie scene is most definitely focused on going mobile. Actually I'm trying to convince a friend of mine, who just left Bandai-Namco to strike it out on his own, to attend it. Although I expect a vast majority to be mobile focused I'm curious to see if anyone is actively going to engage the small console development studio mentality the West has seemingly embraced. It can work, especially given how much indie funding Sony is pouring into PS4 at the moment, but the question of course is will anyone bother?


  • Senior Member
Oscar, to answer your question at who will PS4 bring that PS3 didn't bring in?  I'd say some of the PSP/DS/3DS gamers who were content with their handhelds for core games instead of buying a PS3 because it was too expensive and didn't have enough games to play on it.  As handheld market moves to mobile, the upper tier of the handheld core games will probably move to consoles.  I don't think FF is going to save anything despite you're jab there, I don't think any one game will save the PS4, just like a single game didn't save the 3DS or PS3. 

It's all about letting a couple of years pass with big hit blips becoming more regular (starting at once a year, then every 6 months, then every 3 months, then every month) and eventually 3 years in when you have a steady stream of titles people want appearing on a monthly or quarterly basis, then the system has value to the Japanese consumer and the sales will stabilize. 

People who bought a PS3 will give up gaming and not bother with the PS4 this generation and new teenagers and kids will pick one up.  Yeah the low birthrate will make this be lopsided, but if Sony can pull some of the handheld marketshare back, they'll overall do better this gen.

Way too early to even guess.  I think it'll do better than the PS3 in the long run in every region, so at least 10 million lifetime in Japan I guess.

Ps4 will do fine in Japan. It will be the only console there that will play the next Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts and Grand Theft Auto.

Holy crap. I had no idea just how little Third actually knows, and now I feel bad for pointing and laughing at him.

Wait, what's wrong with that statement?  PS4 will do ok, it'll be like most systems these days and bob along at low sales and then have big spikes at FF, KH, GTA, etc... until there's finally enough of those types of games that it stabilizes at an ok amount.  GTA does 700k+ right now, that's like 2nd tier major seller in Japan (1st tier being DQ/MH/FF/Pokemon/Animal Crossing/Other Nintendo 1st party hits; 2nd tier being Tales of/MGS/SRW/etc...)

I don't know what "2nd tier" means. "KH, which ain't what it used to be in Japan," and I suspect neither is FF. 700K units of GTA in japan probably doesn't pay for its localization, PR, and advert budget. Nothing is going to save PS4 in Japan. I wish something would though, because this version of the hardware seems more fiscally responsible and the publishing environment more in tune with the current market. It's exciting; if only more of them would be sold...

Oh come on.  GTAV's sold 10x more than most games that get localized in Japan.   At 700k+ it's one of the top20-30 selling games of the last 10 years across all platforms in the country of Japan.  The game is a huge success in Japan and I'm sure Take Two is very happy with the sales.  In an industry where breaking a 100k units is "selling decent" and 200k+ is "good sales", 700k+ is a sales hit, especially for a game that's already recouped it's development costs elsewhere and is just paying for localization and marketing in Japan.  Don't even try to say that GTA as a brand doesn't matter in Japan.  GTA matters as much as Tales of, Kingdom Hearts, Ryu Ga Gotoku, Metal Gear Solid, etc... they're titles that sell well and when you have enough of them on a console it becomes appealing to a Japanese gamer.
« Last Edit: February 23, 2014, 10:28:05 PM by Bebpo »


  • relapsed dev
  • Senior Member

GTA is released by Capcom as part of the deal for Rockstar to take over Red Dead Revolver. Ongoing sales of R* games in Japan are the contractual obligation albums of this medium.
spoiler (click to show/hide)
I'm trollin', deuteronomy. Don't get mad!


  • Senior Member
Heh, anyhow it just feels like every time a system launches in Japan everyone's memories are erased.  The PSP didn't do very sell for a year or two and then it had a revision + Crisis Core and it started doing well and stabilized and was more than fine.  PS3 sold horribly for the first couple of years and everyone said it was a disaster and was doomed in Japan and would never get any support.  Well, a few years later with a price drop and some new colors it started selling ok, and stabilized and ended up doing fine.  3DS was doing pretty bad for the first year or so, so bad that they had to price cut and do the ambassador thing, but that price cut + MH and other software got it going with good sales and stabilized and it did well.

Systems in Japan post-PS2 generation sell pretty shitty for a while!  Japanese people aren't buying on hopes and dreams and promises.  They wait until the price comes down and there's a library of games they want.  That's why these systems all start doing ok a couple years in.

Even Vita is just starting to do a little better now in Japan and who knows, maybe in 5 years it'll have done ok.  Wii U...well, Nintendo console's have always had problems.

I don't see any reason why the PS4 won't do ok in the end just like the PS3, PSP, 3DS, maybe even Vita did/are doing.  It won't shatter sales records, but a couple years in, it should stabilize and sell ok.  It won't have any console competition thanks to the Wii U's death over there.


  • Senior Member
Oscar, I think games will come out faster than the PS3 because the tech jump from PS3->PS4 is incredibly small if you're not going to push anything graphic-wise (aka 99% of J-devs) and just do PS3-era visuals and render them at 1080p/60ps like Isshin.  Also western games will be coming faster and more frequent because the tech jump is a lot smaller as well and a lot of them will get localized.  Unlike the Wii U that has absolutely nothing for months between Nintendo 1st party releases, PS4 will have regular game schedules with a mix of western localizations and smaller Japanese titles.  At least it should a year from now.

That combined with the lower entry price, the worldwide success of the system giving it some sort of morale boost and international interest and hopefully the BIG Japanese games not taking 4-5 years to come out like the PS3 (MGSV will be PS4 only and should hit in 2015, maaaaaybe FFXV will be 2015 as well), I think the adoption rate will be a little better than PS3 and when they drop the price a year or two in I think it'll have a faster adoption rate than the PS3 post-price drop.

But in the end I agree with you that it's overall market cap is limited by its audience.  I'm not gonna fight you there, they'll need to do something to bring new people in.  But if it gets to its saturation point in the first 4 years instead of in 6 years, those healthier looking sales may spawn companies being motivated to produce more games for the system and thus have more software that appeals which could help expand the market.


  • GunOn™! Apply directly to forehead!
  • Senior Member
Like, charging for online play basically means nobody in Japan is going to be playing online, and that's just one thing.

Japan: The last true bastion of hope for console gaming, in a world where it doesn't want to console game anymore.  :'(

Wasn't the mobile market doing well in Japan and growing way before it did in the US? I'm thinking like back at the beginning of last gen, hell even before, SE and other japanese companies were announcing mobile games to big series much to the chagrin of traditional game fans. I remember the excuse was "no one wants to play games on cell phones" which I uttered myself, and I'm definitely eating crow on that one. It just seems like Japan might have been ahead of the curve on that one. And I'm not sure how much that parallels to the US, but it could be a sign of things to come. I know Europe used to have ads for mobile games when I used to watch their music video channels all the times, and that's dating back to the early 00's.

I still dislike iOS gaming myself, but the signs of a takeover were there for a long time. And I can't believe how much ignored, especially considering the big cell phone boom in the arab world around 2004-05.

Cellphones are gonna be niche in the west until proper control schemes for a majority of western-focused titles (read: FPS majorly) are tailored to fit that system. It's a mix of battery life, online play, and other things that are really holding mobile back for the "hardcore." Casuals will play things like Flappy Bird or Flappy Doge or whatever that game was, but the people that are still buying consoles are 50/50 on that fence. I'd estimate and probably be wrong that it's more 30/70 casual/"hardcore" split on that fence of what is holding the hardcore back.

Cerveza mas fina

  • I don't care for Islam tbqh
  • filler
Thing is cellphones and tablets are what kids grow up with now, not Mario or Crash.

So they are fine with the controls and they are the future.

The furure of gaming for us is like seeing Eddy Murphy start in Disney pictures, Mario on a touchscreen you will play with your kids :(


  • relapsed dev
  • Senior Member
Cellphones are gonna be niche in the west until proper control schemes for a majority of western-focused titles (read: FPS majorly) are tailored to fit that system. It's a mix of battery life, online play, and other things that are really holding mobile back for the "hardcore." Casuals will play things like Flappy Bird or Flappy Doge or whatever that game was, but the people that are still buying consoles are 50/50 on that fence. I'd estimate and probably be wrong that it's more 30/70 casual/"hardcore" split on that fence of what is holding the hardcore back.


  • Senior Member
Lots of people are still under the impression that FF is important.  Some of them run game companies.  It's all very tragic.


So what exactly sells in Japan if it is not FF or KH or DQ anymore? Resident Evil does not, Metal Gear does not.

Western games: CoD doesn't, BF4 doesn't, Skyrim doesn't, GTA (excluding 5) does not.

Even fucking Mario doesn't move units.

The only game that comes to mind is Monster Hunter :/

Monster Hunter, Puzzles & Dragons, Pokemon, Animal Crossing.  Basically all-ages family/kids stuff on handhelds/mobile.


  • Murdered in the digital realm
  • Senior Member
Oscar, I think games will come out faster than the PS3 because the tech jump from PS3->PS4 is incredibly small if you're not going to push anything graphic-wise (aka 99% of J-devs) and just do PS3-era visuals and render them at 1080p/60ps like Isshin.  Also western games will be coming faster and more frequent because the tech jump is a lot smaller as well and a lot of them will get localized.  Unlike the Wii U that has absolutely nothing for months between Nintendo 1st party releases, PS4 will have regular game schedules with a mix of western localizations and smaller Japanese titles.  At least it should a year from now.

That combined with the lower entry price, the worldwide success of the system giving it some sort of morale boost and international interest and hopefully the BIG Japanese games not taking 4-5 years to come out like the PS3 (MGSV will be PS4 only and should hit in 2015, maaaaaybe FFXV will be 2015 as well), I think the adoption rate will be a little better than PS3 and when they drop the price a year or two in I think it'll have a faster adoption rate than the PS3 post-price drop.

But in the end I agree with you that it's overall market cap is limited by its audience.  I'm not gonna fight you there, they'll need to do something to bring new people in.  But if it gets to its saturation point in the first 4 years instead of in 6 years, those healthier looking sales may spawn companies being motivated to produce more games for the system and thus have more software that appeals which could help expand the market.

I dunno man, the death of the B-list game and the struggles of AAA don't inspire me with confidence re: volume of non-indie games


  • GunOn™! Apply directly to forehead!
  • Senior Member
Cellphones are gonna be niche in the west until proper control schemes for a majority of western-focused titles (read: FPS majorly) are tailored to fit that system. It's a mix of battery life, online play, and other things that are really holding mobile back for the "hardcore." Casuals will play things like Flappy Bird or Flappy Doge or whatever that game was, but the people that are still buying consoles are 50/50 on that fence. I'd estimate and probably be wrong that it's more 30/70 casual/"hardcore" split on that fence of what is holding the hardcore back.

Am I wrong? How many people talk about FFT, GTA3-VC-SA ports on iPhone? Apple is coming out with a controller, good for them. But that's years late to the party on getting people on that.

Are people playing on cellphones? Sure, I don't discount that. But are people playing the experience that they can get on PC/Console? No, and that's an issue for some people. For others, they're fine with Candy Crush and Flappy Bird-level "crap."

When you can play Disgaea or FFT or GTA or Battlefield or whatever variant as a quick pick-up-and-go sleep-restore user experience? That's when mobile will be in the limelight in the west, IMO. That's when people will get hyped and mobile will move out of "niche." Until then it's basically doing the same thing as handhelds in "hype"-o-meter outside of exceptions of Candy Crush and Flappy Bird.
« Last Edit: February 24, 2014, 08:54:03 AM by thisismyusername »


  • Senior Member
Gotta love what SE has done to Final Fantasy.

a slime appears

  • retro king
  • Senior Member
Why measure success in terms of games and franchises we know? We sound like a bunch of grumpy mainframe programmers complaining that Space Invaders is all flash and no depth as we play Colossal Cave / Rogue then pretend the arcade is just a fad. Candy Crush and its ilk are like [insert recognizable smash hit] for a new market.

What you guys like isn't what the public is buying and that public is exponentially larger than you. Square Enix, Nintendo, and all the other major companies worth their salt know this. Hence why you see a dramatic shift towards mobile, merging with other markets such as toys, and creating a new console focused exclusively on non-gaming experiences. Some market shifts will not work but at least it's better than pretending the traditional console market will be around forever.


  • Fastest selling shit
  • Senior Member


  • Fastest selling shit
  • Senior Member
Gotta love what SE has done to Final Fantasy.
You should really play Lightning Returns, Himu.

While I hated it at first due to having time constantly chasing me out like an idiot in the game, I was surprised by some gameplay and even some story elements in the game that really nails the good old days of PS1 FF.

There is a scene in Yusnaan that really made me appreciate it more.


  • relapsed dev
  • Senior Member
Cellphones are gonna be niche in the west until proper control schemes for a majority of western-focused titles (read: FPS majorly) are tailored to fit that system. It's a mix of battery life, online play, and other things that are really holding mobile back for the "hardcore." Casuals will play things like Flappy Bird or Flappy Doge or whatever that game was, but the people that are still buying consoles are 50/50 on that fence. I'd estimate and probably be wrong that it's more 30/70 casual/"hardcore" split on that fence of what is holding the hardcore back.

Am I wrong? How many people talk about FFT, GTA3-VC-SA ports on iPhone? Apple is coming out with a controller, good for them. But that's years late to the party on getting people on that.

Are people playing on cellphones? Sure, I don't discount that. But are people playing the experience that they can get on PC/Console? No, and that's an issue for some people. For others, they're fine with Candy Crush and Flappy Bird-level "crap."

When you can play Disgaea or FFT or GTA or Battlefield or whatever variant as a quick pick-up-and-go sleep-restore user experience? That's when mobile will be in the limelight in the west, IMO. That's when people will get hyped and mobile will move out of "niche." Until then it's basically doing the same thing as handhelds in "hype"-o-meter outside of exceptions of Candy Crush and Flappy Bird.

You are correct in observing that no one is getting a AAA gaming experience on mobile.

I believe you are misusing the term "niche," which implies a narrowly defined, smaller, subset of the total market. In actuality, the number of people engaged in gaming on their cellphone likely outstrips any given console.  Hell, it may outstrip all of them put together at this point.


  • Senior Member
Gotta love what SE has done to Final Fantasy.
You should really play Lightning Returns, Himu.

While I hated it at first due to having time constantly chasing me out like an idiot in the game, I was surprised by some gameplay and even some story elements in the game that really nails the good old days of PS1 FF.

There is a scene in Yusnaan that really made me appreciate it more.

You don't have to sell me on it. I'm buying it. I'm just waiting for it to reach 40 dollars to make a statement. That should take two more weeks at the latest.


  • Senior Member
Gotta love what SE has done to Final Fantasy.
You should really play Lightning Returns, Himu.

While I hated it at first due to having time constantly chasing me out like an idiot in the game, I was surprised by some gameplay and even some story elements in the game that really nails the good old days of PS1 FF.

There is a scene in Yusnaan that really made me appreciate it more.

You don't have to sell me on it. I'm buying it. I'm just waiting for it to reach 40 dollars to make a statement. That should take two more weeks at the latest.

Yeah, that'll teach em. ::)


  • Senior Member
That game is not.going to do well. I have been sending a statement for five years. Haven't bought an FF rpg since FFXIII. LR demo is great so they deserve the money, but last generation of FF was shit, so I'm not buying full price. Sounds like a fair statement to me. 40 dollars is a good price point. Five years not supporting your products is a pretty good statement. Much better statement than having a cartoon profile picture on Facebook to combat child abuse. Now that's slacktivism. Video games are just toys. Who cares.
« Last Edit: February 24, 2014, 11:12:17 AM by Formerly Known As Himuro »


  • Senior Member
Gotta love what SE has done to Final Fantasy.
You should really play Lightning Returns, Himu.

While I hated it at first due to having time constantly chasing me out like an idiot in the game, I was surprised by some gameplay and even some story elements in the game that really nails the good old days of PS1 FF.

There is a scene in Yusnaan that really made me appreciate it more.

You don't have to sell me on it. I'm buying it. I'm just waiting for it to reach 40 dollars to make a statement. That should take two more weeks at the latest.

Yeah, that'll teach em. ::)

I dont think you have gotten the memo.

FFXIIILR did less than FFX HD in Japan. I bet it'll do the same here.


They've already been taught, you dork.


  • 8 diagram pole rider
  • Senior Member
unless u buckle the fuck up and go egg SE HQ I'm calling slacktivism


  • Senior Member
Call it what you like.


  • Senior Member
Like, weren't you bitching just yesterday about slacktivism?

Srsly yo.


  • Senior Member
let's compare buying video games to political activism brehs


  • 8 diagram pole rider
  • Senior Member
let's call waiting for a $20 price drop ''making a statement''



  • ルカルカ★ナイトフィーバー
  • Senior Member
Stuff that's fallen off badly in recent years: Gran Turismo, Wii _____, Mario RPGs, Mario Party, Kirby, DQ spin-offs, Brain Training, off-brand JRPGs, Winning Eleven, Dynasty Warriors, FF spin-offs with the FF brand on them.

And this is what's most depressing about the situation. Since non FF/DQ RPGs have been frequently responsible for my favorite games of all time.

Bebpo is remaining optimistic but I'm a pessimist by nature, when it comes to the game industry. PS4/Xbone/WiiU will have a few standout Japanese games but it will never be like the old days. I predict when all is said and done, PS4 will do 75% of PS3 there... it'll still get Tales games, it'll still get FF, RE, MGS, GT, Tales, and niche Idea Factory/Compile Heart kusoge. But it won't get a lot of those interesting experimental mid-range games that were the best part of last gen for me (i.e. Resonance of Fate, Vanquish, Lost Odyssey).

Oscar, I'm knowledgeable about the demographic decline in Japan, and how this is further helping to shrink the traditional market... but are there people in Japan who prefer playing on consoles as opposed to mobile/handheld (like many core gamers in the west)? And are casual/mobile gamers as fickle as their US counterparts? I hear that Puzzle and Dragons is primarily responsible for the huge boom in the Japanese mobile industry, but what are the chances that this (and all the clones) die down?


  • Senior Member
Sorry for the nerdy nitpicking but Lost Odyssey isn't really a mid-range game.  I'd say Lost Odyssey, Blue Dragon, FFXIII, and MGS4 are probably the most expensive games ever made in Japan post-Shenmue (maybe the Gran Turismos and The Last Guardian if you count dead games).  LO and BD had 25 million budgets each iirc. 

Stuff like Vanquish, Binary Domain, Resonance of Fate (Tri-ace games in general) are definitely fading out unfortunately :(  They didn't really make the move to handhelds, like all the shitty handheld stuff Tri-ace is working on that turns out kind of shitty instead of getting a really good PS2-era Tri-ace game on 3DS/PSP or Vita.


  • Junior Member

Stuff that's fallen off badly in recent years: Gran Turismo, Wii _____, Mario RPGs, Mario Party, Kirby, DQ spin-offs, Brain Training, off-brand JRPGs, Winning Eleven, Dynasty Warriors, FF spin-offs with the FF brand on them.

Don't forget Layton and Inazuma (is that off-brand?) Poor Level-5, their future is dependent on effing Yokai Watch.

The future for mid-tier on PS4 does look pretty bleak, I can't think of what might make it other than maybe some Falcom stuff and shitty Nippon Ichi games. And I'm not sure if the Wii U is even going to get a single third party game. Like did that system even get a single third party exclusive that wasn't a port? The Wii had like fifty, Gamecube probably had a bunch, Wii U's got uh.... Taiko?

Human Snorenado

  • Stay out of Malibu, Lebowski
  • Icon
There's for sure a lot of "well that isn't what *I* want to happen!" going on in this thread and among fans of console gaming in general. Just because the most likely path forward isn't one you like or can imagine doesn't matter.

Great Rumbler

  • Dab on the sinners
  • Global Moderator
Look at that, and realize how little your objections to smartphone gaming mean in the long run.  Look, and weep.

I guess I'll just keep playing games or something. :yeshrug


  • Senior Member
Yeah it sucks but I guess they'll be enough western games anyway to keep consoles going.


  • the ex-XFE, now 3rd in-line for SFE
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And I'm not sure if the Wii U is even going to get a single third party game. Like did that system even get a single third party exclusive that wasn't a port? The Wii had like fifty, Gamecube probably had a bunch, Wii U's got uh.... Taiko?

Whilst a few have "3DS versions" : Lego City Undercover, Taiko, TankTankTank, Monster Hunter 3U*, i assume Monster hunter 4U too?, Sonic Lost World, Rabbid Lands,

and of course Bayonetta 2 (yes, i know - but still it's platinum rather than Nintendo dev'ed)


Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
  • Administrator
Wii U's got that Sanic to keep it going strong.


  • Senior Member
(Image removed from quote.)

Look at that, and realize how little your objections to smartphone gaming mean in the long run.  Look, and weep.

That kid's hat is boss as fuck. I bet he has better taste than 95% of the Bore.


  • ルカルカ★ナイトフィーバー
  • Senior Member
What are Line games?


  • Senior Member
TBH though I don't get what Oscar's saying with that image.

The future is Nintendo? (lol)

Kids like SNES games? Kids don't like SNES games? (is touching the monitor with your thumb like the middle finger in Japan?)


  • ルカルカ★ナイトフィーバー
  • Senior Member
That's just cuz they're not old enough to know better :P

Touch screen works fine for some genres, most genres it sucks for. How many people actually managed to play those GTA mobile ports without a bluetooth controller? How was the experience? If we can some day get high-quality haptic touch screen technology that would be cool, but I highly doubt that's coming any time soon (and for cheaply).


  • Senior Member
I'm sure even with the mobile death force, there will have to be some area for non-mobile gaming. There has to be right? If it's not consoles then I guess PC? that would suck, but I already use STEAM a lot so whatever. Instead of buying consoles, I'll buy PCs.

What if this streaming stuff gets good? Can't non-mobile gaming live on like that? Streaming "console" games to your tv conveniently and easily?


  • Senior Member
Touching a screen to play a game is completely natural for today's kids, is the point.  They have no expectations of needing buttons to play and thus give zero fucks if they don't have them.


Well, it's not a bad argument, but kids are pretty dumb anyways.

Human Snorenado

  • Stay out of Malibu, Lebowski
  • Icon
Touching a screen to play a game is completely natural for today's kids, is the point.  They have no expectations of needing buttons to play and thus give zero fucks if they don't have them.


Well, it's not a bad argument, but kids are pretty dumb anyways.






  • Senior Member
...shit :lol

Touching a screen to play a game is completely natural for today's kids, is the point.  They have no expectations of needing buttons to play and thus give zero fucks if they don't have them.

Heh, yeah. My kid is two and I already have to deal with that a lot. I remember one time I was sitting at the computer checking out the Steam sale, and my son climbed on to my lap and starting trying to push the train icon on the computer (Train Simulator 2013) because he likes trains. And who can blame him? So many of the devices in the house right now have touch screen interfaces. Why wouldn't the monitor also be one?